                     This Site contains Lists of 51o00 Prominent Jews classified by several hundred Categories
Inclusion Criteria:  
       Jewishness means both adherence to the religion of  Judaism and membership in the ethnic group "Jews".
People of both groups listed here. This site don't differentiate among denominations of Judaism. Individuals listed may be 
only partly of Jewish descent (though that is noted). They may never practised Judaism, may be secular or openly atheist,
may be even adapted another faith. This site takes the widest view  to include most individuals who might be considered
Jewish, but attempts to note such issues in order that more restrictive definitions may be applied by the visitor, based on
their own opinions and interpretations of the issue.  
Famous Jews Nobel Prize Winners Academicians
Natural Sciences Applied Sciences Social Sciences, Law, Economics
Letters, Historians, Philosophers Journalists, Broadcasters Visual Arts & Architecture
Movies, Theater, Opera Entertainers Musicians
Business People Politicians Military, Secrete Service
Women Sportsmen, Sports Figures General Honors & Awards
Families Interfaith Families LGBT Jews
Religion/Faith Jews by Jewish Denominations Jews by Religions (not Judaism)
Religious Figures Ancient Israel & Judah History of the Jews
Countries Exibitions (video) Criminals
Miscellaneous Surnames by Alphabetical Order Sources
Index Search (JewProm)  
An Availabale Personal Articles are presented in Three Languages:   
  English  - English Wikipedia  
  Russian - Russian Wikipedia (RWF)
  Hebrew - Hebrew Wikipedia (HW)  
American Academy of Arts and Letters
National Academy of Design
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
National Academy of Engineering  (United States)
National Academy of Sciences (United States)
National Academy of Medicine (United States)
European Academies
The Royal Society - UK
British Academies/Societies
Institut de France
Other Academies
Jewish Academicians by Surname, Academy
   Israeli members of Foreign Academies
Heads of Academies, Institutes of Higher Education
Natural Sciences
Physicists Astronomers Nuclear physicists
String Theory theorists
Earth scientists
Mathematicians Statisticians
Applied Sciences
Computer scientists
Movies, Theater, Opera
Actors Movies by actors
Film/television/theater directors
Film/television/theatrical producers Series producers
Documentary filmmakers
Screenwriters, television writers Series/Shows creators
Film score composers Opera/operetta/ballet composers  Musicals  composers 
Lyricists (musicals, operas, operettas)
Film/Theater/Balet cricics
American Film Insitute
Songwriters Singers English Songs by Songwriters & Singers
Songwriters (lyrics)    The RS 500 Greatest Songs of All Times   (Rolling Stone Journal)
Russian/Soviet Songs by Songwriters/Singers
Composers Hebrew Songs by Songwriters/Singers
Yiddish Songs by Songwriters/Singers
Conductors, bandleaders Ladino Songs by Songwriters/Singers
French Songs by Songwriters/Singers
Rock/jazz/blues performers Band Musicians
Musical performers    Bands by Musicians
Music cricics/journalists, musicologists
Record producers
Grammy Award
Business People
Billionaires by Rank Billionaires by Surname Billionaires by Country
Conglomerate's Entrepreneurs, Executives
Big Companies Executives
Entertainment Industry  Entrepreneurs, Executives
Broadcasting Entrepreneurs, Executives
Publishers, Editors
Retail chains entrepreneurs
Food entrepreneurs
Fashion entrepreneurs
Real estate enterpreneurs
Resort enterpreneurs
Hi-tech entrepreneurs, executives
Internet developers enterpreneurs, executives Internet Hall of Fame
Bio-tech enterpreneurs, executives
General Honors & Awards //GeneralAw
Recipients of National and Presidential Medals in USA
Israeli Awards
Soviet/Russian Awards
General Awards
Inductees of Halls of Fame
Time/Forbes Celebrities/Influential People
Sources //source
Russian Wikipedia   RWF
Cyclowiki.Org cyklowiki
Jewish Encyclopedia/Wikipedia  (Russian language) RWE ejwiki 4346
Jewish military RMM
Jewish Memorial.Narod RWN
Hebrew Wikipedia  HW
Russian Jewish Encyclopedia 1995
Russian Jewish Encyclopedia (Surnames) 1995 RJE
Jewish Encyclopedia 1904 JE
Lists of prominent Jewish scientific & cultural figures (Jinfo.Org) Jinfo
Jewish Virtual Library JVL
Jewish Women's Archive JWA
Lists of Jews (Wikipedia) Wiki
FamousJews/Adherents Adherents
Hebrew History Federation HHF
InterfaithFamily IFF
The YIVO Encyclopedia YIVO
JewProm Editor: Lazar Kromberg