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Rabbis: Pre-Mishnaic (Zugot)
Avtalyon rabbinic sage in the early pre-Mishnaic era. convert to Judaism.
Ben Sira 2nd century BCE, Egypt, ethics and wisdom teacher - Apocryphal
Eliezer ben Jose (?-c.160), famous for Baraita of Thirty-Two mitzvoth.
Shemaya rabbinic sage in the early pre-Mishnaic era. A convert to Judaism.
Shimon ben Shetach (c.120-40 BCE) was a Pharisee scholar and Nasi of the Sanhedrin
Rabbis: Mishnaic (Tannaim)
Rabbi Akiva RWF Img 1st century Judea, central scholar in Mishnah
Hillel the Elder 1st century BCE, in Judea, considered the greatest sage of the Second Temple period. 31BCE-9CE
Judah haNasi 2nd century, Judah the Prince, in Judea, redactor (editor) of the Mishnah
Shammai 1st century BCE, in Judea, key scholar in Mishnah
Shimon bar Yochai RWN Img 1st century mystic, reputed author of the Zohar Rashbi
Yohanan ben Zakkai 1st century sage in Judea, key to the development of the Mishnah RWN
Rabbis: Talmudic (Amoraim) Amora
Abaye 3rd century Talmudist
Abba Arika known as ''Rav'', last ''Tanna'', first ''Amora''. Moved from Israel to Babylon, 3rd century.
Abbahu 4th century Talmudist
Eleazar Kalir early Talmudic liturgist and poet
Hamnuna Several rabbis in the Talmud had this name.
Hillel RWN son of Gamaliel III, 3rd century, in Judea, grandson of Judah ha-Nasi, and younger brother of Judah Nesiah
Hillel II 4th century creator of the Hebrew calendar, in Judea, son of Judah Nesiah, grandson of Gamaliel IV 320CE-365CE
Judah II 3rd century sage, sometimes called ''Judah Nesi'ah'' and ''Rebbi'' like his grandfather
Judah III 4th century scholar, son of Gamaliel IV, and grandson of Judah II
Rabbah bar Nahmani  
Rav Ashi 5th century Babylonian Talmudic sage - primary redactor of the Babylonian Talmud
Rav Nachman
Rav Papa
Rav Yosef
Rava important ''Amora''
Ravina primary aide to Rav Ashi in the redaction of the Babylonian Talmud 550
Resh Lakish  
Shmuel (Talmud) rabbi of Nehardea, physician
Yochanan primary author of the Jerusalem Talmud
Rav Jonah  
Rabbis: Middle Ages Rishonim
Abba Mari 13th century French Talmudist
Don Isaac Abravanel RWF HW Img 15th century philosopher and Torah commentator
Jacob Berab 15th-16th century proponent of Semichah (Ordination)
Abraham ibn Daud HW Img 12th century Spanish philosopher
Obadiah ben Abraham 15th century commentator on the Mishnah
Abraham ben David 1100s, France.
Abraham ibn Ezra RWF HW Img 12th century Spanish-North African biblical commentator, poet, philosopher
Amram Gaon 9th century organizer of the ''siddur''
Asher ben Jehiel 13th century German-Spanish Talmudist
Hai Gaon 11th century Babylonian Gaon
Bahya ibn Paquda 11th century Spanish philosopher, moralist,
Chananel Ben Chushiel 10th century Tunisian Talmudist 
Dunash ben Labrat RW5 10th century grammarian, poet,
Eliezer ben Nathan 12th century poet and pietist
Hasdai Crescas RWF Img Spanish talmudist, philosopher, statesman,
Rabbenu Gershom 11th century German Talmudist, legalist
Levi ben Gershon RWF HW Img 14th century French Talmudist, philosopher, Gersonides
Hillel ben Eliakim 12th century Talmudist and disciple of ''Rashi''
Isaac Alfasi RW5 12th century North African and Spanish Talmudist and Halakhist; author of "Sefer Ha-halachot".
Jacob ben Asher 14th century German-Spanish Halakhist
Joseph Albo 15th century Spain
Moses de Leon RW5 Img 13th century Spanish Rabbi and Kabalist,
Joseph ibn Migash 12th century Spanish Talmudist and Rosh Yeshiva; teacher of Maimon, father of Maimonides
Moses Maimonides RWF HW Img 13th century Spanish-North African Talmudist, philosopher, and law codifier Rambam, Moshe ben Maimon
Mordecai ben Hillel 13th century German Halakhist
Nahmanides RWF Img 13th century Spanish and Holy Land mystic, talmudist, Ramban, Nahmanides, Moshe ben Nahmaqn
Nissim Ben Jacob 10th century Tunisian Talmudist  Rav Nissim Gaon
Nissim of Gerona 14th century Halakhist and Talmudist 
Rashi RWE RWN 11th century Talmudist, the primary commentator of Talmud  (1040-1106) French-born Solomon ben Yizchak
Elazar Rokeach 12th century German rabbinic scholar
Saadia Gaon RWF HW 10th century Exilarch, leader of Babylonian Jewry, philosopher,
Ibn Tibbon a family of 12th and 13th century Spanish and French scholars, tranlators, and leaders
Samuel ben Judah ibn Tibbon RW5 12th-13th century French Maimonidean philosopher, translator,
Tosafists 11th, 12th and 13th century Talmudic scholars in France and Germany
Yehuda Halevi RWF HW Img 12th century Spanish philosopher, poet,
Rabbis: 16th - 18th centuries Achronim
Rabbis: 16th - 17th centuries
Jacob Abendana RW5 HW Img 17th century Sephardic rabbi in England
Isaac Aboab da Fonseca Img Portuguese-born  Dutch scholar and Kabbalist, first Rabbi in the Americas
Bezalel Ashkenazi 16th century Talmudist
Yair Bacharach 17th century German Talmudist
Moses ben Jacob Cordovero 16th century Holy Land Kabbalistic scholar
Hillel ben Naphtali Zevi 17th century Lithuanian scholar
Samuel Edels 16th century Talmudist
Kalonymus Haberkasten 16th century Polish rabbi; Rosh Yeshiva of many great Rishonim
David HaLevi Segal 16th century Halakhist, major commentatry on the Shulchan Aruch
Isaiah Horowitz 16th century Kabbalist and Author - Eastern Europe and Israel
Moses Isserles Img Polish-born 16th century Polish legal scholar, author of ''Ha-mappah'' 
Joseph ben Ephraim Karo RWF HW Img 16th century Spanish and Land of Israel legal codifier of the Shulchan Aruch - code of Torah Law Joseph Caro
Meir Lublin 16th century Posek and Talmudist
Isaac Luria RWF HW Img 16th century Holy Land mystic, founder of Lurianic Kabbalah
Solomon Luria RWF Img 16th century Posek and Talmudist
Menasseh Ben Israel Img 17th century Dutch rabbi and advocate of resettlement in England
Shalom Shachna RWE Img 16th century Polish Talmudist; Rosh Yeshiva of several great Rishonim
Judah Low ben Bezalel 16th century Prague mystic and Talmudist
Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno 16th century Italian scholar and rationalist
Sforno 15th, 16th, and 17th century family of Italian Torah scholars and philosophers
Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz 16th-17th century Torah commentator
Herschel ben Avram 16th century Torah and Talmud commentator
Hayyim ben Joseph Vital 16th Kabbalist
Mordecai Yoffe RW5 16th-17th century Polish rabbi, codifier of halakha Levush
Menahen Ben Elhanan Rizzolo 16th-17th century French rabbi, manuscript of Rizzolo containing halakic decisions
Rabbis: 18 century
Chaim Joseph David Azulai Sephardi rabbi, bibliographer,
Raphael Berdugo Img Moroccan rabbi in Meknes,
Haim Isaac Carigal Haim Isaac Carigal, rabbi in Newport, Rhode Island in 1773 who became great influence on Reverend Ezra Stiles, and therefore on Yale University
Dov Ber of Mezritch RWE Img 18th century Eastern European mystic, primary disciple of the ''Baal Shem Tov'' RWN Maggid
Vilna Gaon RWF HW Img 18th century Talmudist and mystic, Lithuanian leader of the ''Mitnagdim'',  RWN Elijah ben Solomon
Jacob Emden RWC rth Img 18th century German Talmudist, mystic,
Israel ben Eliezer RWF Img 18th century mystic, founder of Hasidic Judaism Baal Shem Tov
Aaron Hart Aaron Hart, Chief rabbi of United Kingdom
David Hassine David Hassine, Moroccan Jewish poet
Yechezkel Landau 18th century Posek and Talmudist Noda Bihudah
Moshe Chaim Luzzatto 18th century Italian ethicist, philosopher, and mystic. Ramchal
Hart Lyon Chief rabbi of United Kingdom
David Nieto Img Italian-born English rabbi,
Isaac Nieto English rabbi
Shneur Zalman of Liadi Img 18th century mystic and Talmudist, founder of Chabad Hasidism Alter Rebbe of Chabad
Akiva Eiger Akiva Eiger, 18th century Talmudist, and communal leader
Elimelech of Lizhensk (''Noam Elimelech'') 18th century Polish mystic and Hasid
Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev 18th century Polish Hassidic Leader Kedushas Leivi
Shalom Sharabi RWE Img Yemenite rabbi and Kabbalist
Orthodox Rabbis Ortodox Judaism
Orthodox Rabbis: 19th century
Barnett Abrahams Principal  of Jews' College
Nathan Marcus Adler Img Chief Rabbi of the British Empire
Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter Gerrer Rebbe Sfas Emes
Benjamin Artom Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews
Joshua Berdugo 19th century Rabbi in Meknes
Salomon Berdugo Salomon Berdugo 19th century Rabbi in Meknes
Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin 19th century head of Volozhin yeshiva in Lithuania Netziv, Ha'emek Davar
Avrohom Bornsztajn Sochatshover Rebbe Avnei Neizer
Zvi Hirsch Chajes RW5 Img Galician talmudic scholar, Maharatz Chayes
Ben Ish Hai Yosef Chayim, Iraqi halakhist and preacher
Yehoshua Leib Diskin Rabbi in Shklov, Brisk and Jerusalem 
Yechiel Michel Epstein 19th-20th century halakhist and ''posek'' (decisor) Aruch ha-Schulchan
Jacob Ettlinger 19th century German scholar and opponent of Reform
Jacob of Lissa Galician Halakhist
Azriel Hildesheimer 19th century German rabbi and philosopher
Samson Raphael Hirsch RWE HW Img 19th century German rabbi, founder of the ''Torah im Derech Eretz'' movement
Solomon Herschell 19th century British Chief rabbi
Zvi Hirsch Kalischer German rabbi, 
Chaim Zundl Maccoby the Kamenitzer Magid
Meir Lob Jehiel Michael 19th century Russian preacher and scholar The Malbim
Raphael Meldola RWC Sephardic rabbi in London,
Frederick de Sola Mendes Sephardic rabbi in London and America
Nachman of Breslav RWF HW Img 19th century Ukrainian Hasidic ''rebbe'' and mystic Reb Nachman
Yisrael Lipkin Salanter RW5 Img Lithuanian-born 19th century Lithuanian ethicist, moralist,
Dovber Schneuri 19th century Russian second ''Rebbe'' of Chabad
Menachem Mendel Schneersohn RWC HW Img 19th century Russian third ''Rebbe'' of Lubavitch Tzemach Tzedek
Shmuel Schneersohn 19th century Russian fourth ''Rebbe'' of Lubavitch
Yaakov Chaim Sofer Baghdadi rabbi, author of ''Kaf ha-Chaim''
Moses Sofer 19th century Hungarian rabbi Chatam Sofer
Chaim Soloveitchik 19th century Eastern European rabbi Brisker Rov
Orthodox Rabbis: 20th century
Haredi Rabbis
Yehezkel Abramsky RWF HW Img Belarusian-born British rabbi, Talmud scholar,
Yisrael Abuhatzeira RW5 20th century Kabbalist Baba Sali
Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler RW5 20th century religious philosopher and ethicist
Yosef Sholom Eliashiv 20th century Haredi leader in Israel
Baruch Epstein 20th century Lithuanian Torah commentator
Moshe Mordechai Epstein 20th century Talmudist and co-head of Slabodka Yehiva
Moshe Feinstein Img 20th century Russian-American legal scholar and Talmudist
Tzvi Hirsch Ferber 20th century author, leader and renowned scholar
Nosson Tzvi Finkel early 20th century founder of Slabodka Yeshiva, Lithuania,
Rogatchover Gaon Talmudist and Hasidic leader Rav Yosef Rozen
Boruch Greenfeld 20th century Hasidic mystic and scholar, author of ''Ohel Boruch''  Reb Boruch Hermenshtater
Yitzchok Hutner 20th century European-born, American and Israeli Rosh Yeshiva Pachad Yitzchok
Yisrael Meir Kagan 20th century Polish legalist and moralist Chofetz Chaim
Aryeh Kaplan Img American 20th century writer, mystic,
Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz RWF HW Img 20th century Haredi leader in Israel Chazon Ish
Nissim Karelitz Img 20th century Haredi leader in Israel
Aharon Kotler 20th century Lithuanian scholar, founder of Lakewood Yeshiva in US
Chaim Kreiswirth Img Polish-born Chief Rabbi of Antwerpen (Belgium),
Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz
Isser Zalman Meltzer renowned Lithuanian Rosh Yeshiva
Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz Img Hungarian-born American head of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in the US
Shulem Moshkovitz Shotzer Rebbe, Hasidic rebbe in London
Chanoch Dov Padwa Img rabbinical head of UOHC, London
Elazar Shach Img Lithuanian-born 20th century Haredi leader in Israel,
Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Img Polish-born American dean of Torah Ohr Yeshiva, Jerusalem
Sholom Dovber Schneersohn 20th century Russian fifth ''Rebbe'' of Lubavitch
Joseph Isaac Schneersohn 20th century sixth ''Rebbe'' of Lubavitch
Menachem Mendel Schneersohn RWC HW Img 20th century Hasidic mystic and scholar, seventh Chabad ''Rebbe'' Lubavicher Rebbe
Joseph ben Yehuda Leib Shapotshnick 20th century British rabbi
Shimon Shkop famed Rosh Yeshiva in Telz and Grodno
Aharon Leib Shteinman Img Belarusian-born Israeli haredi rabbi, posek,
Meir Simcha of Dvinsk Lithuanian-Latvian Talmudist and communal leader
Joel Teitelbaum 20th century Hasidic Hungarian-American ''rebbe'' known for anti-Zionism Satmar Rebbe
Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl 20th century European scholar involved in rescue efforts during the Holocaust
Modern and Zionist Leaders
Hermann Adler Img Chief Rabbi of the British Empire
Meir Berlin 20th century religious Zionist leader Bar Ilan
Sir Israel Brodie Img Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth
Isidore Epstein Img Lithuanian-born Principal of Jews' College, London,
Moses Gaster RWF HW Img Romanian-born ''Haham'' of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Britain,
Sir Hermann Gollancz Img British rabbi, scholar,
Joseph H. Hertz Chief Rabbi of the British Empire
Shmuel Yitzchak Hillman British rabbi and dayan
Moses Hyamson British rabbi
Binyamin Kahane HW Img American-born Israeli leader of ''Kahane Chai'' party
Meir Kahane RWC HW Img 20th century founder of the American ''Jewish Defense League'' and the Israeli ''Kach'' party
Abraham Isaac Kook RWC Img 20th century philosopher and mystic, first chief rabbi of Palestine
Baron Immanuel Jakobovits RW5 Img German-born Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and Commonwealth 1967-91
Chalom Messas chief Rabbi of Morocco and Jerusalem
David Messas chief Rabbi of Paris.
Baron Jonathan Sacks RW5 Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth
David Silverman Outreach Rabbi with the Atlanta Scholars Kollel
Simeon Singer RW5 Img editor of the United Synagogue prayer book
Joseph Soloveitchik RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born American religious philosopher,
Selig Starr Img American rabbi of Chicago,
Orthodox Rabbis: Contemporary
Haredi Rabbis
Gerrer Rebbes Ger (Hasidic dynasty) Polish Hasidic dynasty now in Israel, followers also in the US and UK
Vizhnitzer Rebbes Vizhnitz Romanian dynasty of Hasidic ''rebbes'' in Israel and the US
Shlomo Amar HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli Sefardi Chief Rabbi of Israel 2003-13,
Avrohom Blumenkrantz posek and kashrut authority
Meir Brandsdorfer member of the Badatz (rabbinical court) of the Edah HaChareidis
Yosef Shalom Eliashiv Israeli rabbi and ''de facto'' rabbinical leader of the chareidi world
Menachem Genack Orthodox Union|OU
Yitzchak Kadouri Img leading 20th century Kabbalist (deceased)
Yaakov Kamenetsky rabbinical leader and educationalist
Nissim Karelitz Img respected Israeli chareidi leader
Israel Kirzner RWF British-born South African American economist, rabbi,
Yona Metzger RWC Img Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel 2003-13,
Israel Meir Lau RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli Ashkenazi Chieff Rabbi 1993-2003,
Chanoch Dov Padwa Img rabbinical head of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations |UOHC, London
Yissachar Dov Rokeach (II) Belzer Rebbe
Moshe Sacks Satmar posek.
Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Img Polish-born American dean of Torah Ohr Yeshiva, Jerusalem
Adin Steinsaltz RWF Img 21st century Israeli Talmud scholar, philosopher, translator,
Moshe Teitelbaum Satmar Rebbe (deceased)
Avraham Yitzchak Ulman member of the Badatz (rabbinical court) of the Edah HaChareidis
Ovadia Yosef RWF HW Img Iraqi-Israeli former Israel Sephardic Chief Rabbi, legal scholar, "de facto" authority of Sephardic Jewry
Amnon Yitzhak leading 'baal teshuva Rabbi' in Israel
Avigdor Nevenzahl Chief Rabbi of the old city of Jerusalem
Modern Orthodox Modern Ortodox
David Bigman Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Maale Gilboa
Levi Brackman British-born rabbi
David Bar Hayim founder of Machon Ben Yishai, Proponent of Nusach Eretz Yisrael []
Mordechai Breuer RW5 HW Img Israeli rabbi, descendant of Samson Raphael Hirsch
Barry Freundel rabbi of Kesher Israel congregation in Washingon DC.
James Kennard Img British Australian educationalist,
Norman Lamm Img 20th century American modern Orthodox thinker, head of Yeshiva University
Aharon Lichtenstein RW5 HW Img French-born Israeli jewish studies scholar, rabbi,
Yosef Mendelevitch RWE Img former Soviet "Refusenik" and Zionist activist
Shlomo Riskin Img American-born Israel rabbi,
Shalom Rosner Rav, Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok     
Hershel Schachter leading posek for the modern orthodox community.
Andrew Shaw British rabbi and youth leader
Joseph Telushkin author.
Moshe David Tendler Img son-in-law of Moshe Feinstein, and noted bioethist.
Mordechai Willig Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University, prominent Posek for the Modern Orthodox community.
Avi Weiss activist and founder of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
Dov Zakheim RWC HW Img non-practicing modern Orthodox rabbi, economic, political leader in US government
Conservative Rabbis Consevative Judaism
Conservative Rabbis: 19th century
Zecharias Frankel 19th century critical historian, founder of the "Positive Historical" school, the progenitor of Conservative Judaism.
Nachman Krochmal RWF HW Img 19th century Austrian philosopher, historian
Yosef Guttmann 19th century Polish rabbi
Conservative Rabbis: 20th century
Louis Finkelstein 20th century Conservative Talmud scholar
Louis Ginzberg RW5 HW Img Lithuanian-born American rabbi, talmudist,
Robert Gordis RW5 Img 20th century leader in Conservative Judaism
Abraham Joshua Heschel Img 20th century Conservative Judaism philosopher and scholar of Hasidism
Isaac Klein Img Hungarian-born American Conservative rabbi, scholar
Saul Lieberman RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli scholar of Talmudic literature,
Marshall Meyer 20th century American Conservative rabbi and human rights activist, founded a Rabbinical school and synagogue in Argentina
Solomon Schechter RWF Img Moldovan-born 20th century scholar and a founder of Conservative Judaism
Conservative Rabbis: Contemporary
Menachem Creditor Conservative rabbi, activist, and founder of the Shefa Network
Elliot N. Dorff Conservative rabbi and bioethicist
Neil Gillman Conservative philosopher and theologian
David Golinkin Masorti rabbi and halakhist
Jules Harlow 20th century Conservative Judaism liturgist
Louis Jacobs Founder of the Masorti movement in the United Kingdom, theologian
William E. Kaufman Advocate of process theology
Harold Kushner Img 21st century American Conservative rabbi, theologian, and popular writer
William H. Lebeau Conservative rabbi and Dean of Rabbinical School at Jewish Theological Seminary
Aaron L. Mackler Conservative rabbi and bioethicist
Jason A. Miller Conservative rabbi of [ Congregation Agudas Achim] in Columbus, Ohio
Jacob Neusner RWF Img Conservative trained scholar, prolific writer,    
Daniel Nevins Conservative rabbi and author of inclusive teshuvah on homosexuality in Judaism.
Joel Roth Conservative scholar and rabbi
Ismar Schorsch Img Conservative educator, leader,
Alan Silverstein Conservative rabbi of Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, New Jersey and former President of the Rabbinical Assembly
Arnold Stiebel Conservative rabbi, author,
Gordon Tucker Conservative rabbi and leader
Stewart Vogel Conservative rabbi of Temple Aliyah, Woodland Hills, CA
David Wolpe Conservative rabbi of Temple Sinai in Los Angeles, California
Conservative rabbinical organizations
Rabbinical Assembly
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Committee on Jewish Law and Standards
Union of Traditional Judaism
David Weiss Halivni RWF HW Img Czech/Ukrainian-born Israeli talmudic scholar, Union for Traditional Judaism (UTJ)
Reform Rabbis Reform Judaism
Reform Rabbis: 19th century
Samuel Adler 19th century German-American rabbi of Temple Emanu-El of New York|Temple Emanu-El
Emil Hirsch RW5 Img Luxembourgian-born 19th century American Reform rabbi, scholar,
David Einhorn Img 19th century American Reform rabbi 
Samuel Hirsch Img German-born American Reform judaism philosopher,
Abraham Geiger RWF HW Img German-born  Reform ideologist, orientalist,
Samuel Holdheim HW Img 19th century German rabbi and founder of classic German Reform Judaism
Leopold Zunz RWE HW Img 19th century German scholar, founded ''Science of Judaism'' school
Isaac Mayer Wise RW5 HW Img American Reform rabbi,
Reform Rabbis: 20th century
Paula Ackerman 20th century Reform rabbi (first woman to perform rabbinical functions, not ordained)
Leo Baeck RWF HW Img 20th century Reform rabbi
Lionel Blue RW5 HW Img British rabbi, writer, broadcaster,
Arthur Lelyveld Img American rabbi, president of American Zionist Organization 1944-
Baroness Julia Neuberger RWF Img British Reform rabbi,
Sally Priesand RW5 Img 20th century Reform rabbi, first ordained female rabbi in the United States
Abba Hillel Silver HW Img Lithuanian-born American president of Zionist Organisation of America,
Gabriel Farhi 20th century French Reform rabbi and broadcaster.
Stephen S. Wise 20th century Reform rabbi and Zionist activist 
Arnold Stiebel 20th century rabbi and author
Benjamin Constine 20th century Reform rabbi
Gerald J. Klein 20th century Reform rabbi
Laszlo Berkowitz 20th century Reform rabbi, Temple Rodef Shalom
Gunther Plaut RW5 Img German-born 20th century Reform rabbi and author, Holy Blossom Temple
Maurice Davis 20th century Reform rabbi, past Chairman, President's Commission on Equal Opportunity
Reform rabbinical organizations
Union for Reform Judaism
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Movement for Reform Judaism (UK)]
Reconstructionist Rabbis Reconstructionist Judaism
Reconstructionist Rabbis: 20th century
Mordecai Kaplan RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born founder of the Reconstructionist movement in America,
Reconstructionist Rabbis: contemporary
Carol Harris-Shapiro modern author
Other Rabbis Jewish Renewal Humanistic Judaism'
Karen Berg co-founder of Kabbalah Centre
Philip Berg Img head of worldwide Kabbalah Centre
Michael Lerner founder/editor of Tikkun magazine
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi RW5 Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American leader of the ''Jewish Renewal'' movement
Sherwin Wine Img American founder of ''Society for Humanistic Judaism''
Saul ben Anan Karaite leader,
Aaron ben Moses ben Asher Karaite scholar
Elijah Bashyazi Karaite Haham
David ben Boaz Karaite exilarch
Anan ben David RW5 founder of Karaite movement
Daniel Al-Kumisi prominent scholar of Karaite Judaism
Hasdai ben Hezekiah Karaite exilarch
Boaz ben Jehoshaphat Karaite leader
Benjamin Nahawandi karaite scholar,
Avraham Qanai American karaite rabbi,
Solomon Karaite exilarch
Solomon ben Hasdai Karaite exilarch 10th
Other Religious Figures (not Judaism)   //religionNJudFig
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Img American-born lama, (Jewish mother)
Ya'acov Al-Kirkisani Karaite rabbi,
Jose de Anchieta Img Spanish missionary, writer, poet,
Pedro de Aranda Spanish bishop, (converso)
Tony Alamo Img American preacher, singer entrepreneur,
Michael Alexander HW Img first Anglican bishop of Jerusalem
Mirra Alfassa RW5 Img French-born spirutual partner of Sri Aurobingo, Sri Aurobindo
Anacletus II RWC Img Pope 1130-38 Pietro Pierleoni
Angelus of Jerusalem Img Holy Land sainr, martyr,
Aviel Barclay
Alfonso of Burgos Spanish archbishop, 1435-56,
Paul of Burgos Img Spanish archbishop, lord chancellor, (converso)
Hildegard Burjan Img Austrian founder of Catholic religious congregation for women, politician,
Alfonso de Cartagena Img Spanish bishop, diplomat, historian, (converso)
Leopold Cohn American founder, president of Chosen People Ministries
Ray Comfort Img New Zealand-born christian minister, evangelist, (Jewish mother)
John of the Cross Spanish saint, priest,
Surya Das American spiritual writer,
Urmila Devi Dasi Img American Hari Krishnas,  
Ram Dass Img American contemporary spiritual teacher, psychologist,
Juan Davila Spanish bishop of Sergovia,
Diego Deza Img Spanish-born theologian, Grand Inquisitor of Spain 1499-1506, (Jewish maternal descent)
Mose Durst Img president of Unification Church in United States
Hans Ehrenberg RW5 Img German theologian, co-founder of Confessing Church,
Alfred Edersheim RW5 Img Austrian-born German British historian of the ancient world, biblical scholar,
Sigismund Ernuszt Hungarian bishop, (Jewish father)
Abu-l-Faradg RWE Syrian writer, bishop,
Dan Fefferman Img American church leader, religious freedom activist,
Siegmund Feniger German scholar, author, buddhist monk RWJ
Eve Frank RWF Img Bulgarian-born daughter of Jacob Frank,
Baron Jacob Frank RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born self-proclaimed messiah, RWN
Bishop Vilmos Fraknoi RWF Img Chief Secretary of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, historian
Hans Frei Img German-born American theologian,
Arnold Fruchtenbaum Img Russian-born American theologian,
Tetsugen Glassman Img American buddhist,  co-founder of Zen Peacemakers,
Clifford Goldstein Seventh-Day Adventist author, editor,
Isaac Hellmuth RW5 Img Polish-born Canadian bishop of the Diocese of Huron,
Ridley Herschell RW5 Img Polish-born British minister,
Jesus Christ RWF HW Img founder of Christianity
John the Baptist RWF HW Img  1th century preacher, ascetic, prophet of Christianity,
Judas Iscariot RWF Img one of the twelve apostles, who betrayed Jesus 
Paul Johnson American scholar, pastor,
Yakov Krotov Img Russian journalist, historian, priest, radio host,
Georg Lasson RW5 Img German protestant theologian,
Anton LaVey American founder & High Priest of the Church of Satan (partially Jewish)
Diego Laynez Img Spanish Jesuit priest, theologian, (father converso) Superior General of Society of Jesus Superior General of the Society of Jesus
Laszlo Lekai Hungarian cardinal, archbishop of Estzergom 1976-86
Francis Libermann Img French-born founder of Congregation of the Holy Heart,
Jean-Marie Lustiger RWF HW Img French cardinal,
Mark the Evangelist Img founder of church of Alexandria
Virgin Mary HW Img mother of Jesus Christus
Mary Magdalene Img follower of Jesus Christus
David Margoliouth RWC Img British orientalist, priest in Church of England
Alexander Men RWF Img Russian philospher, christian priest, (Jewish father) RWN
Hugh Montefiore RW5 Img British Bishop of Birmingham 1977-87,
Paulus Moritz German catholic cleric, 
August Neander RWC Img German theologian, church historian,    Church History
Cardinal archbishop John Joseph O'Connor RWC Img American archbishop of New York, (Jewish mother)
John Oesterreicher Austrian/Czech-born American Catholic priest,
St. John of the Cross Img Spanish mystic, saint, friar, priest,
Laszlo Paskai Img Hungarian cardinal, archbishop of Estzergom 1987-2002
Saint Andrew RWF Img Christian Apostle
Saint Angelus Img Jerusalem-born saint, martyr,
Saint Barnabas RW5 Img Cyprus-born early Christian,
Saint Bartholomew RWF Img Christian Apostle Nathaniel
Saint Daniel of Padua Img Italian first bishop of Padua,
Saint James Img Christian Apostle
Saint James Img Christian Apostle James the Just
Saint John Img Christian Apostle
Saint John of Avila Img Spanish mistic, preacher, saint,
Saint John of the Cross Img Spanish mistic, friar, priest, (converso)
Judas Iscariot RWF Img Christian Apostle
Saint Jude Img Christian Apostle
Saint Manahen teacher of the Chirch of Antioch
Saint Matthew RWF Img Christian Apostle
Leo II Mung Vyzantine archbishop of Orhid, 1108-20,
Saint Paul RWF HW Img Christian Apostle Saul of Tarsus
Saint Peter RWF HW Img first Pope   "Simon of Galilee" Saul
Saint Philip RWF Img Christian Apostle
Skipp Porteous Img Evangelical christian minister,
Saint Simon the Zealot Img Christian Apostle
Saint Stephen Img Christian Apostle, martyr,
Saint Teresa of Avila RWF Img Spain philosopher, (Jewish father),
Saint Thomas RWF Img Christian Apostle
Saint Timothy Img Turkish-born Christian Bishop of Ephesus,
Saint Julian of Toledo Img Spanish archbishop of Toledo 642-690,
Saint Veronica Img Roman catholic saint,
Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne RWE HW Img French priest,
Marie Theodor Ratisbonne RWE Img French priest,
Martin Rhonheimer Img Swiss-born academic philosopher, priest,   
Moishe Rosen HW Img American founder, executive director of Jews for Jesus,
Elias Rubinstein German occultist,
Sabbatai Zevi RWF HW Img Turkish-born mystic, pseudo-messiah, RWN
Epiphanius of Salamis RW5 Img Bishop of Salamis, Cyprus
Pablo Garcia de Santa Maria HW Spanish Bishop of Burgos,
Paul Schenck Catholic priest,
Samuel Schereschewsky RW5 Img Lithuanian-born bishop of Shanghai, China 1877-84
Ruy Lopez de Segura Img Spanish priest, bishop in Segura,
Sixtus of Siena Italian theologian,
Alponso de Spina Spanish bishop, preacher, writer, (converso)
Edith Stein RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German philosopher, martyr,
Henry Stern Img German-born anglican missionary in Ethiopia,
Juan de Torquemada Img Spanish cardinal, (Jewish descent/grandson of converso)
Tomas de Torquemada Img Grand Inquisitor in Spain 1483-98, (Jewish descent/nephew of Juan de Torquemada)
Twelve Apostles
Johann Veith RWC Img Czech-born Austrian catholic priest,
Justin Welby Img British archbishop of Canterbury, (Jewish paternal grandfather)
Richard Wurmbrand RW5 Img Romanian evangelical christian minister,