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Jewish Recipients of National Medal of Science  (USA)
Yakir Aharonov RWF HW Img Israeli American physicist, 2009
Fay Ajzenberg-Selove RWC Img German-born American nuclear physicist,   2007
Bruce Alberts RWF Img American biochemist, molecular biology, president of NAS 1993-2005 2012
Berni Alder RWF Img German-born Swiss American physicist, computational physics, 2008
Ralph Alpher RWF HW Img American physicist, background radiation astrophysicist, 2005
Bruce Ames RWF Img American  biochemist,    1998
Daniel Arnon RWF Img Polish-born American biochemist, vegetal physiologist, 1973 ExLink
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1972), 2004
Michael Artin RWF Img German-born American mathematician, (Jewish maternal grandfather) 2013
Robert Axelrod RW5 HW Img American economist, political scientist, 2012
Howard Bachrach RW5 Img American  biochemist,    1983 ExLink
John Bahcall RWF Img American astrophysicist, President of AAS 1978-81 1990-92 1998
David Baltimore RWF Img American biologist, retroviruses, Nobel Prize (1975) 1999
Allen Bard RWF Img American electrochemist, 2011
Barry Barish RWF HW Img American experimental physicist, Nobel Prize (2017) 2023
Jacqueline Barton RWF HW Img American chemist, 2010
Hyman Bass RWC Img American mathematician, 2006
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American  economist Nobel Prize (1992) 2000
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-born American biologist,transplant immunology, Nobel Prize (1980), 1990
Manson Benedict RWC Img American nuclear engineer, chemist, 1975
Seymour Benzer RWF Img American  physicist, biologist, geneticist, 1982
May Berenbaum RWF Img American evolutionary biologist, entomologist,   2014
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry, 1983
Richard Bernstein RW5 Img American physical chemist, 1989
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img German-born British American physicist, Nobel Prize (1967) (Jewish mother) 1975
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1964) in medicine, 1975
Elkan Blout RWF Img American biochemist, 1990
Raoul Bott RWF Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, (Jewish mother) 1987
Richard Brauer RWF Img German-born American mathematician, model representation theory, 1970
John Brauman RW5 Img American chemist,  2002 ExLink
Gregory Breit RWF Img Ukrainian-born American nuclear physicist, 1967
Ronald Breslow RWF Img American chemist, 1991 ExLink
Bernard Brodie RW5 Img British American biologist, biochemical pharmocology, 1968
Felix Browder RWF Img American mathematician President of AMS 99-01 (Jewish mother) 1999
Herbert Brown RWF HW Img British-born American  chemist Nobel Prize (1979)  1969
Michael Brown RWF HW Img American genetisist, Nobel Prize (1985), 1988
Solomon Buchsbaum RWF Img Polish-born Canadian American  plasma physicist, 1986
John Cahn RWC Img German-born American physicist, material science, 1988
Melvin Calvin RWF HW Img American biochemist, photosynthesis, Nobel Prize (1961), 1989
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, Nobel Prize (2007) (Jewish maternal grangfather)
Erwin Chargaff RWF Img Austrian-born American biochemist, 1974
Alexandre Chorin RWC Img Polish-born Israeli American mathematician, 2012
Marvin Cohen RWF Img Canadian-born American physycist, leader of nanotechnology,  2001
Morris Cohen RWF HW Img American engineer, inventor, metallurgist 1967
Paul Cohen RWF HW Img American mathematician, Fields Medal (1966) 1967
Stanley Cohen RWF HW Img American neurologist , Nobel Prize (1986),  1986
Stanley N. Cohen RWF HW Img American genetisist, genetical engineering, insulin, 1988
Mildred Cohn RW5 Img American biochemist, 1982 ExLink
Ronald Coifman RW5 Img Israeli American mathematician, 1999
Esther Conwell RWF Img American physicist, 2009
George Dantzig RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, linear programming, 1975
Norman Davidson RW5 Img American molecular biologist, 1996
Jared Diamond RWF HW Img American evolutionary biologist, biogeographer 1999
Carl Djerassi RWF Img Austrian-born American organic chemist, oral contraceptive, novelist, playwright, 1973
Joseph Doob RWF Img American mathematician, 1979
Sidney Drell RWF Img American particle physicist, 2011
Mildred Dresselhaus RWF HW Img American physicist, 1990
Daniel Drucker RWF Img American structual engineer, stress analysis, 1988
Hugh Dryden RWC Img American NASA Deputy Administrator 1958- , aeronautical scientist,  (Jewish discent)
Harry Eagle RWF Img American microbiologist, cell biologist, 1987
Bradley Efron RWF Img American statistician, 2005
Thomas Eisner RWF Img German-born American ecologist, entomologist, evolutionary biologist, (Jewish father) 1994
Gertrude Elion RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Price (1988), zovirax, 1991
Walter Elsasser RWF Img German-born American physicist, systems biologist, 1987
Stanley Falkow RWF Img American microbiologist, immunologist, 2013
William Feller RWF Img Croatian-born German American mathematician, probability theory, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1969
Herman Feshbach RWF Img American nuclear physicist, President of the Academy of Arts and Science 1986
Richard Feynman RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1979
Michael Freedman RWF Img American mathematician, poincare conjecture, Fields medal (1986)  (Jewish father) 1987
Herbert Friedman RWF Img American physicist, solar x-rays, 1968
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American Economist, Nobel Prize (1976), 1988
Elaine Fuchs RWF Img American cell biologist, 2008
Richard Garwin RWF Img American physicist, 2002 ExLink
Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch RWC Img German-born American geneticist, co-founder of developmental genetics, 1993
Maurice Goldhaber RWF Img Austrian-born American physicist, 1983
Peter Goldmark RWC Img Hungarian-born American engineer, inventor, long playing record, 1983
Peter Goldreich RWF Img American astrophysicist, 1995
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985) in Medicine, 1988
Herman Goldstine RWF Img American matematician, computer scientist, administrator, 1983
Solomon Golomb RWF HW Img American mathematician, engineer, inventor, pentaminoes, 2011
Ralph Gomory RWF Img American mathematician, 1988 ExLink
Samuel Goudsmit RWF Img Dutch-born American physicist, discovery of electron spin, 1976
Paul Gyorgy RW5 Img Hungarian-born Americam microbiologist, biochemist, 1975
Norman Hackerman RW5 Img American chemist, model of transistor, 1993
Viktor Hamburger RWF Img Polish-born German American biologist, embryologist, 1998 ExLink
Philip Handler RW5 Img American biochemicist, 1981 ExLink
Harry Harlow RWF Img American psychologist, 1967
Michael Heidelberger RWC Img American immunologist, 1967
Joseph Hirschfelder RWF Img American chemist, physicist, 1975 ExLink
Ralph Hirschmann RW5 Img German-born American chemist, 2000 ExLink
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American chemist, electronic structures, Nobel Prize (1981), 1983
Robert Hofstadter RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1961), 1986
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2007) 1990
Elvin Kabat RWF Img American biochemist, immunologist, founder of immunochemistry, 1991 ExLink
Leo Kadanoff RWF Img American physicist, 1999
Rudolf Kalman RW5 Img Hungarian-born American electrical engineer, mathematician, 2008
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psyhiatrist, neuroscientist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2000), 1988
Samuel Karlin RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician,  1989
Theodore von Karman RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German American physicist, engineer, 1962
Richard Karp RWF HW Img American computer scientist, computational complexity theory, 1996
Robert Kates RW5 Img American geographer, 1991
Donald Katz RW5 Img Americal chemist, chemical engineering, 1982
Joseph Keller RWF Img American mathematician, 1988
Leonard Kleinrock RWF Img American co-inventor of Internet, 2007
Daniel Kleppner RWF Img American physicist, atomic research, 2006
Judith Klinman RWF Img American biochemist,chemist, 2014
Walter Kohn RWF HW Img Austrian-born Canadian American physicist, Nobel Prize (1998) in chemistry 1988
Rudolf Kompfner RWF Img Austrian-born British American physicist, traveling wave tube, 1974
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1959) in medicine, 1979
Daniel Koshland, Jr RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1990 ExLink
Martin Kruskal RWF Img American mathematician, physicist, 1993
Edwin Land RWF Img American inventor, polaroid camera, 1967
Helmut Landsberg RW5 Img German-born meteorologist, father of modern climatology, 1983
Robert Langer RWF Img American biotechnologist, 2006
Peter Lax RWF Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, Abel Prize (2005) 1986
Philip Leder RWF Img American geneticist,  1989 ExLink
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1958), 1989
Leon Lederman RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1988), 1965
Robert Lefkowitz RWF HW Img American physiologist, Nobel Prize (2012) in chemistry, 2007
Solomon Lefschetz RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, topology 1964
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born American neurologist, Nobel Prize (1986) , 1987
Simon Levin RWF HW Img American evolutionary biologist, ecologist, 2014
Hans Liepmann RWF Img American aueronautical engineer, 1986
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1953)  1966
Stephen Lippard RWF Img American inorganic chemist, 2004 1940-
George Low RWC Img American NASA Administrator 1970-71 (acting, Deputy) Administrator 1969-76 1983
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1969), 1991
Rudolph Marcus RWF HW Img Canadian-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1992), 1989
Eve Marder RW5 Img American neuroscientist, 2023
Lynn Margulis RWF HW Img American microbiologist, 1999
Herman Mark RWF HW Img Austrian-born German American chemist, polymer science, (Jewish father) 1979 ExLink
Paul Marks RWB Img American cancer researcher, geneticist, 1991
Tobin Marks RWF Img American chemist, founder of nonequilibrium thermodinamics, 2005
Barry Mazur RWF HW Img American mathematician, algebraic geometry number theory,    2011
John McCarthy RWF HW Img American computer scientist, Inventor of "Lisp", artificial intelligence (Jewish mother) 1990
Jerrold Meinwald RWC Img American organical chemist, 2012
Robert K Merton RWF HW Img American sociologist, historian of science, 1994
Raymond Mindlin RWF Img American applied physicist, 1979
Mortimer Mishkin RW5 Img American neuroscientist, 2009
Walter Munk RWF Img Austrian-born American geophysicist, 1983
David Nathan RW5 Img American pediatrician, hematologist, 1990
Daniel Nathans RWF HW Img American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1978), first genetic map of DNA, 1993
Elizabeth Neufeld RW5 HW Img American geneticist, 1994
Nathan Newmark RW5 Img American engineer, civil engineering,  1968
Louis Nirenberg RWF Img Canadian-born American mathematician, 1995
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1968) medicine, breaking of genetic code, 1964
Jeremiah Ostriker RWF Img American astrophysicist, 2000
Wolfgang Panofsky RWF Img German-born American physicist, particle physics 1969
Michael Posner RW5 Img American cognitive scientist, neuroscientist, 2008
John Prausnitz RW5 Img German-born American  physical chemist, chemical engineering, 2003
Frank Press RWF Img American geophysicist,  1994
Stanley Prusiner RWF HW Img American neurologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1997), 2009
Efraim Racker RWF Img Polish-born Austrian American biochemist, 1976 ExLink
Simon Ramo RWF HW Img American physicist, engineer, businessman, 1979
Frederick Reines RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1995), detection of the neutrino, 1983
Stuart Rice RWF Img American physical chemist, 1999
Alexander Rich RWF Img American molecular biologist, biophysicist, 1995 Exlink
Burton Richter RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1976), 2014
Marshall Rosenbluth RWF Img American nuclear physicist, 1997
John Ross RW5 Img Austrian-born American physical chemist, 1999
Bruno Rossi RWF HW Img Italian-born American physicist, space physics, 1983
Vera Rubin RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 1993
Eli Ruckenstein RW5 Img Romanian-born American physical chemist,  1998
Albert Sabin RWF HW Img Polish-born American medical researcher, oral polio vaccine, 1970
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1970)  1996
Allan Sandage RWF Img American astronomer, (convert to Christianity) 1970 ExLink
Myriam Sarachik RWF Img Belgian-born American physicist, 2023
Lewis Sarett RW5 Img American organic chemist, (Jewish father) 1975 jinfo
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img Canadian American physicist, Nobel Prize (1981), co-inventor of laser, (Jewish father) 1991
Martin Schwarzschild RWF Img German-born American astronomer, (Jewish father) 1997
Julian Schwinger RWF HW Img American theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1964
Lucy Shapiro RWC Img American developmental biologist, 2011
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American psychologist, Nobel Prize (1978) in Economics (not Jewish maternal grandmother) 1986
Isadore Singer RWF Img American mathematician, Abel Prize (2004), 1983
Maxine Singer RWF Img American biochemist, DNA chip, 1992 ExLink
Solomon Snyder RWF Img American neuroscientist, endorphins, 2003 ExLink
Susan Solomon RWF HW Img American geophysicist,  1999 ExLink
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1987) 1999
Gabor Somorjai RWF Img Hungarian-born American father of modern surface chemistry, 2001
Elias Stein RWF Img Belgian-born American mathematician, 2001
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize (1988), 1988
Gilbert Stork RWF Img Belgian-born American organic chemist, 1982 ExLink
Lubert Stryer RW5 Img Chinese-born American biochemist, 2006
Edward Teller RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, hydroghen bomb,  1982
Howard Temin RWF HW Img American geneticist, retroviruses, Nobel Prize (1975) in medicine 1992
Max Tishler RWF Img American biochemist, poultry desease antibiotic sythesizing of B2, 1975 ExLink
Harold Varmus RWF Img American microbiologist, virologist, Nobel Prize (1989) in Medicine 2001
Andrew Viterbi RWF HW Img Italian-born American computer scientist, co-founder of Quallcom 2007
Sheldon Weinbaum RWB Img American bioengineering scientist, 2023
Robert Weinberg RWF Img American molecular biologist, 1st oncogen, 1997 ExLink
Steven Weinberg RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel prize (1979), electroweak force, 1991
Paul Weiss RW5 Img Austrian-born American biologist, 1979
Victor Weisskopf RWF Img Austrian-born American physicist, director of CERN 1979
Frank Westheimer RWF Img American chemist, photosynthesis, 1986 ExLink
Norbert Wiener RWF HW Img American mathematical logician, founder of cybernetics, 1963
Eugene Wigner RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1969), founder of nuclear engineering 1968
Saul Winstein RW5 Img Canadian-born American chemist, 1970 ExLink
Evelyn Witkin RWF Img American geneticist, 2002
Edward Witten RWF HW Img American mathematician, physicist, Fields Medal (1990)   2002
Abel Wolman RWF Img American engineer, environmental engineering, 1974
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American medical physicist, Nobel Prize (1977) in medicine, 1988
Charles Yanofsky RWF Img American geneticist,  2003
Amnon Yariv RWF HW Img Israeli-born American physicist, co-founder of Ortel Corp 2009
Richard Zare RWF Img American physicist, lazer chemistry, 1983 ExLink
Oscar Zariski RWF Img Belarusian-born Italian American mathematician, 1965
National Medal of Science (USA)/jinfo
List of_National Medal of Science winners/wiki
Jewish Recipients of National Medal of Technology & Innovation  (USA)
Ralph Baer RWF Img German-born American inventor, video games console, 2004
Paul Baran RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American co-inventor of digital packet switching, 2007
Erich Bloch RWF Img German-born American electrical engineer, administrator,  1985
Marvin Camras RWF Img American electrical engineer, inventor, magnetic recording 1990 ExLink
Vinton Cerf RWF HW Img American internet pioneer, (3/4 Jewish father) 1997
Stanley N. Cohen RWF HW Img American genetisist, genetical engineering, insulin 1989
David Cutler, Jr RWF Img American software engineer, ??? 2007
Carl Djerassi RWF Img Austrian-born American organic chemist, oral contraceptive, novelist, playwright, 1991
Joel Engel RWF Img American engineer, cellular network, 1994 ExLink
Armand Feigenbaum RWF Img American quality control expert, 2007 ExLink1 ExLink2
Robert Fischell RWC Img American physicist, inventor, bioengineer, 2015
Richard Frenkiel RWF Img American engineer, cellular phone, 1994
Joseph Gerber RWF Img Austrian-born American inventor, phottoplotter, phottocatter, 1994
Bernard Gordon RWF Img American engineer, inventor, 1986
Eli Harari RWF Img American founder 1988/CEO/president of Sandisk, 2012
Adam Heller RWF Img Romanian-born Israeli American scientist, bioengineering, 2007 ExLink
Irwin Jacobs RWF Img Innovation and leadership in the field of digital wireless communications 1994
Amos Joel, Jr RWF Img American engineer, mobile communication system, 1993
Joseph Juran RWF Img Romanian-born American industrial engineer, quality of products 1992 ExList1 ExList2 ExList3 ExList4
Robert Kahn RWF HW Img American co-inventor of Internet TCP/IP, 1997
Dean Kamen RWF HW Img American engineer, inventor, (AutoSyringe Segway), 2000 ExLink
Paul Kaminski RWF Img American technologist, chairman of Defense Science Board 2009- , ??? 2006
Charles Kelman RWF Img American ophthalmologist, cataract surgery 1992
George Kozmetsky RWF Img American businessman, technology innovator, 1993
Raymond Kurzweil RWF Img American engineer, inventor, Reading Machine, 1999
Irwin Lachman RWF Img American inventor, catalytic conventer, 2003
Edwin Land RWF Img American inventor, polaroid camera, 1988
Ralph Landau RWF Img American chemist, founder of Scientific Design Incorporated 1985
Robert Langer RWF Img American biotechnologist, 2013
Arthur Levinson RWF Img American CEO/chairman of Genentech, Apple, 2012
Hans Liepmann RWF Img American aueronautical engineer, 1993
Douglas Lowy RWF Img American medical investigator, oncologist, ??? 2012
Stanley Mazor RWF Img American engineer, co-inventor of the microprocessor, 2009
David Pall Img American chemist, filter for transfusions, 1990
Sidney Pestka RW5 Img Polish-born American biochemist, geneticist, 2001 ExLink
Peter Rose semiconductor manufactering Krytek Corporation 1996
Harold Rosen RWF Img American engineer, communication sattellite technology, 1985
Steven Rosenberg RWC Img American cancer researcher, surgeon,    2023
Arthur Rosenfeld RWF Img American particle physicist, 2011
Jonathan Rothberg RW5 Img American founder of CuraGen Corporation, 2016
Neil Siegel RW5 Img American computer scientist, systems engineer,  2023
Jan Vilcek Img Slovak-born American biomedical scientist, inventor, philanthropist, 2013
Paul B. Weisz RW5 Img Chech-born American bioengineering,  1992
Norman Woodland RWC Img American inventor, 1992
NationalMedalofTechnology (USA)
Jewish Recipients of National Medal of Arts  (USA)
Maurice Abravanel RW5 HW Img Greek-born Swiss American music director, conductor, 1991
Herb Alpert RWF Img American trampeter, singer, 2012
Leonore Annenberg RW5 Img American art patron, 1993
Walter Annenberg RWC HW Img American publisher, art patron, 1993
Lin Arison Img American philanthropist, 2012
Will Barnet RWF Img American painter, teacher, critic,   2011
Saul Bellow RWF HW Img Canadian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1976) 1988
Mel Brooks RWF HW Img American actor, screenwriter, director, producer, composer, lyricist, 2015
Robert Brustein RW5 Img American educator, literary/theater critic, author, 2010
Iris Cantor RWB Img American philanthropist, model, 1995
Gerald Cantor RW5 Img American founder/chairman of Cantor Fitzerland, bond brokerage, 1995 ExLink
Kitty Carlisle RWF HW Img American stage actress, singer, spokeswoman, 1991
Aaron Copland RWF HW Img American composer, conductor, 1986
David Diamond RWF Img American classical composer, 1995
Irene Diamond RW5 Img American editor, philantropist, 1999 ExLink
Kirk Douglas RWF HW Img American actor, film producer, 2001
Bob Dylan RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, Nobel Prize (2016) in Literature, 2009
Alfred Eisenstaedt RWF HW Img German-born American photographer, "Father of photojournalism" 1989
Ramblin' Jack Elliott Img American folk singer, 1998
Zelda Fichandler RW5 Img American founder/director of theater, Arena Stage,          1997
Catherine Filene Shouse RW5 Img American researcher, philanthropist,
J.W. Fisher Img American arts patron, 1987 ExLink
Helen Frankenthaler RWF HW Img American abstract artist, 2001 ExLink
James Ingo Freed RWF Img German-born American architect, 1995
Sydney Freedberg RW5 Img American art historian, curator, 1988 ExLink
Leonard Garment RW5 Img American arts advocate/patron, 2005
Frank Gehry RWF HW Img Canadian-American architect, art museum designer, 1998
Milton Glaser RWF Img American graphic designer, illustrator, 2009
Philip Glass RWF HW Img American composer, 2015
Agnes Gund RW5 Img American philanthropist,   1999 ExLink
Lawrence Halprin RWF Img American lanscape architect, 2002
Armand Hammer RWF Img American industrialist, arts patron, 1987
Anthony Hecht RWF Img American poet, 2004
Al Hirschfeld RWF Img American caricaturist, 2002
Vladimir Horowitz RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American pianist, 1989
John Kander RWF HW Img American film scores/musicals composer, songwriter:composer, 2013
Jeffrey Katzenberg RWF HW Img American producer,  (Paramount Pictures; DreamWorks SKG) 2013
Moises Kaufman RW5 Img Venezuelan-born American playwright, director, 2016
Lincoln Kirstein RWF Img American arts patron, dance impresario, 1985
Stanley Kunitz RWF HW Img American poet, educator, translator, 1993
Tony Kushner RWF HW Img American playwright, screenwriter, 2012
Norman Lear RWF Img American director, producer, screenwriter, 1999  
Stan Lee RWF HW Img American comic book writer, producer, actor, 2008
James Levine RWF HW Img American conductor, pianist, 1997
Sydney Lewis RW5 Img Img American busunessman, arts patron, 1987 ExLink Frances
Bella Lewitzky RW5 Img American dancer, choreographer, teacher, 1996
Harvey Lichtenstein Img American arts administrator, impresario, 1999
Roy Lichtenstein RWF HW Img American popular art painter, 1995
Lewis Manilow RWF Img American arts patron, real estate developer, attorney, 2000 Susan
Elaine May RWC Img American stage/film actress, film director, screenwriter, 2012
Albert Maysles RW5 Img American documentary filmmaker, 2013
Robert Merrill RWF HW Img American opera singer, bariton, actor, 1993
Agnes de Mille RWF Img American dancer, choreographer, (Jewish paternal grandmother) 1986
Arthur Miller RWF HW Img American playwright, essayist, 1993
Meredith Monk RWF Img American vocalist, composer, dancer, choreographer, 2015
Rita Moreno RWF HW Img Puetro Rico-born singer, dancer, actress, (Jewish descent ???) 2009
Lewis Mumford RWF Img American historian of technology/science, (Jewish father) 1986
Howard Nemerov RW5 HW Img American poet, author, editor, 1987
Roy Neuberger RW5 Img Anmerican financier, art collector, arts patron, 2007
Louise Nevelson RWF Img Ukrainian-born American sculptor, 1985 ExLink
Mike Nichols RWF HW Img German-born American film director, producer, writer, actor, comedian, 2001
Itzhak Perlman RWF HW Img Israeli American violinist, conductor, 2000
Roberta Peters RWF Img America opera singer, 1998
Harold Prince RW5 Img American theatrical producer, theater director, 2000
Emily Rauh Pulitzer American contemporary art patron, philanthropist, 2011
Jerome Robbins RWF HW Img American dancer, choreographer, director, 1988
Philip Roth RWF Img American writer, 1998
William Schuman RWF HW Img American composer, music administrator, 1987
George Segal RWF HW Img American sculptor, 1999
Maurice Sendak RWF HW Img American writer, illustrator, designer, 1996
Rudolf Serkin RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian American pianist, 1988
Richard Sherman RWF Img American songwriter, composer, lyricist, 2008
Robert Sherman RWF Img American songwriter, composer, lyricist, painter, 2008
Beverly Sills RWF HW Img American opera singer, soprano, 1990
Leonard Slatkin RWF HW Img American conductor, 2003
Stephen Sondheim RWF HW Img American composer, lyricist, songwriter, 1996
Isaac Stern RWF HW Img Ukrainian/Polish-born American violinist, conductor, 1991
Barbara Streisand RWF HW Img American singer, film/television actress, composer, director, producer, 2000
Michael Tilson Thomas RWF HW Img American conductor, pianist, composer, 2009
Billy Wilder RWF HW Img Austrian-born American movie director, screenwriter, producer, 1993
Robert Wise RWF Img American film producer, director, 1992
Tobias Wolff RW5 HW Img American writer, (Jewish father) 2014
Pinchas Zukerman RWF HW Img Israeli-born American violinist, conductor, 1983
Jewish Recipients of National Humanities Medal (USA)
Daniel Aaron RW5 Img American writer, literary critic, 2010
Meyer Abrams RWF Img American literary historian, literary scholar, 2013
Mortimer Adler RWF HW Img American philosopher, author, 1990
Bernard Bailyn RWF HW Img American historian, 2010
Stephen Balch Img American scholar, president of National Association of Scholars, 2007
Allan Bloom RW5 HW Img American philosopher, essayist, 1992
Daniel Boorstin RWF Img American historian,       1989
Gabor Boritt Img American historian,       2008
Eva Brann Img German-born American author, educator, 2005
Richard Brookhiser Img American journalist,historian, biographer, 2008
Robert Caro HW Img American writer, biographer, 2009
Ron Chernow RWF Img American writer, journalist, historian, biographer, 2015
Robert Coles Img American author, developmental psychologist, (half-Jewish father) 2001
Judy Crichton HW Img American documentary filmmaker, television producer, writer, 2000
Midge Decter RWF Img American neoconcervative journalist, author, 2003
Edgar Doctorow RWF Img American writer, 1998
Joseph Epstein RW5 Img American writer, editor, 2003 ExLink
William Ferris RW5 Img American author, scholar, 1997
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese RWF Img American historian, feminist, (Jewish mother) 2003
Russell Freedman Img American biographer, author, 2007
Joan Ganz Cooney RW5 Img American television producer, (Jewish father) 2003
Richard Gilder RW5 Img American historian, co-founder Gilder Lehrman Institute of American history 2005
Louise Gluck RWF Img American poet, (Jewish father) 2015
Hanna Holborn Gray RWC Img American historian, president of University of Chicago 1978-93 (Jewish mother) 1993 Jewish mother
Terry Gross RW5 Img American journalist, radio reporter, 2015
Roger Hertog Img American businessman, financier, philanthropist, 2007 Jewish mother
Harold Holzer Img American historian,       2008
Gertrude Himmelfarb RW5 HW Img American historian of Victorian era, 2004
Donald Kagan RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American historian of ancient greek, journalist, 2002
Stanley Nider Katz RW5 Img American historian,       2010
Hilton Kramer RWF Img American cultural critic, commentator, art historian, 2004
Edith Kurzweil Img Austrian-born American author, editor, 2003
Mary Lefkowitz Img American classical scholar, author, 2006
Lewis Lehrman Img American co-founder Gilder Lehrman Institute of American history, 2005
Bernard Lewis RW5 HW Img British-born American  historian, history of Islam 2006
Albert Marrin Img American historian, 2008
Judith Martin RW5 Img American journalist, author, 2005
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein RWF HW Img American novelist, philosopher, 2014
Cynthia Ozick RWF Img American writer, 2007
Americo Paredes Img Mexican/American author, journalist, 1989
Richard Pipes RWF HW Img Polish-born American historian of Russia, 2007
Robert Putnam RWF HW Img American political scientist, (convert to Judaism) 2012
Charles Rosen RW5 Img American pianist, musicologist, author, 2012
Milton Rosenberg RW5 Img American social psychologist, radio personality, 2008
Philip Roth RWF Img American writer, 2010
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr RWF Img American historian, social critic, special assistant to the president, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1998
Robert Silvers RWF Img American publisher, editor,
Albert Small Img American real estate developer, philanthropist, 2009
Robert Smith Img American chairman of Sharles E. Smith Corporation, 2008
Ted Sorensen Img special counsel, presidential adviser  Kennedy (Jewish mother) 2009
Steven Spielberg RWF HW Img American film director, producer, movies mogul, 1999
Studs Terkel RWF Img American author, historian, broadcaster, 1997
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1986) for Peace, 2009
Ruth Wisse RW5 HW Img Romanian/Ukrainian-born American literature scholar, linguist,  2007
Natalie Zemon Davis RWF HW Img American historian of France, 2012
Jewish Recipients of Presidential Medal of Freedom (USA)
Jose Aboulker RWC Img Algerian-born member of anti-nazi resistance,
Madeleine Albright RWF HW Img American Secretary of State 1997-2001, 2012
Walter Annenberg RWC HW Img American publisher, art patron, 1986
Arnold Aronson Img American civil rights activist, advocate 1998
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1992) 2007
Irving Berlin RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American composer, songwriter, 1977
Herbert Block RWB HW Img American editional cartoonist, author, 1994
Nancy Brinker RWB Img American ambassador to Hungary 2001-03 Bush 2009
Edgar Bronfman, Sr RW5 HW Img American businessman, Seagram Co.,Time-Warner,MCA,Universal Studios 1999
Harold Brown RWF Img American physicist, Secretary of Defense 1977-81 Carter 1981
Alexander Calder RW5 Img American sculptor, 1977
Vinton Cerf RWF HW Img American internet pioneer, (3/4 Jewish father) 2005
Peggy Charren RWB Img Ameican founder of Action of Children's Television, 1995 ExLink
Leo Cherne RW5 Img American economist, public servant, commentator, 1984
Morris Childs RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American FBI spy in US Communist Party,   1987
Wesley Clark RWF Img American supreme allied commander of NATO, general of army, (Jewish father) 2000
Robert Coles Img American author, developmental psychologist, (half-Jewish father) 1998
Aaron Copland RWF HW Img American composer, conductor, 1964
Douglas Dillon RWF Img Secretary of Treasury 1961-65 John Kennedy (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1989
Kirk Douglas RWF HW Img American actor, film producer, 1981
Mildred Dresselhaus RWF HW Img American physicist, 2014
Peter Drucker RWF HW Img Austrian-born American management expert, 2002
David Dubinsky RW5 Img Belarusian-born American labour leader, 1969
Evelyn Dubrow Img American labour leader, 1999
Ariel Durant RWF Img Ukrainian-born American historian, 1977
Bob Dylan RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, Nobel Prize (2016) in Literature, 2012
Catherine Filene Shouse RW5 Img American researcher, philanthropist,
Zachary Fisher RW5 Img Russian American real estate developer, philantropist, 1998 ExLink
Felix Frankfurter RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 1939-1962 1963
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1976), 1999
Henry Friendly Img American appeals judge, 1977
Joan Ganz Cooney RW5 Img American television producer, (Jewish father) 1995
Frank Gehry RWF HW Img Canadian-American architect, art museum designer, 2016
Arthur Goldberg RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Judge 1962-1965, US Secretary of Labour 1961-62 1978
Barry Goldwater RWF Img Republican candidate for the Presidency 1964, major general, (Jewish father) 1986
Samuel Goldwyn RWF HW Img Polish-born American producer, co-founder of MGM, 1971
Samuel Goudsmit RWF Img Dutch-born American physicist, discovery of electron spin, 1946
Katharine Graham RW5 Img The Washington Post publisher, (Jewish father) 2002
Gordon Gray RWF Img Secretary of the Army 1949-50, (Jewish mother) 1961
Alan Greenspan RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board 1988-2005 2005
David Hamburg RW5 Img American psychiatrist, administrator, 1996 ExLink
Eric Hoffer RWF Img American social writer, psycholodist, philosopher, 1983
Paul Hoffman Img American president of Studebaker Corporation, Marshal Aid Plan administrator, ??? 1974
Hanna Holborn Gray RWC Img American historian, president of University of Chicago 1978-93 (Jewish mother) 1991
Sidney Hook RWF Img American philosopher, 1985
Vladimir Horowitz RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American pianist,
Jacob Javits RW5 HW Img American politician, Senator 1957-81 1983
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli-born Israeli American psychologist, Nobel Prize (2002) in Economics 2013
Robert Kahn RWF HW Img American co-inventor of Internet TCP/IP 2005
Max Kampelman RW5 Img American arms-control expert, 1999
Irving Kaufman RW5 Img American appeals judge, 1987
Danny Kaye RWF HW Img American actor, dancer, singer, comedian, 1987
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img German-born American Secretary of State (1973-77), Nobel Prize (1973) for Peace 1977
Gerda Klein Img Polish-born American writer, human rights activist, 1911
Mathilde Krim RWC Img Founder and Head of American Fund  For Aids Research (convert to Judaism) 2000
Irving Kristol RWF HW Img American founder of neoconservative movement,  2002
Arthur Krock RW5 Img American journalist, 1970
Edwin Land RWF Img American inventor, polaroid camera, 1963
Eugene Lang Img Hungarian-born American philantropist, 1996
Thomas Lantos RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American representative, 2008
Mary Lasker RWF HW Img American health activist, 1969
Estee Lauder RWF HW Img founder of  Estee Lauder Companies, cosmetics, 2004
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1958), 2006
Herbert Lehman RWF Img American Governor, Senator 1963
Morris Leibman American lawyer, 1981 ExLink
Lyman Lemnitzer RWC Img American Supreme Allied Commander of Nato 1963-69, lieutenant general, 1987
Sol Linowitz RW5 Img co-founder, chairman of Xerox Corp 1998
Walter Lippmann RWF HW Img American journalist, writer, political commentator,
George Low RWC Img American NASA Administrator 1970-71 (acting, Deputy) Administrator 1969-76 1985
Lewis Mumford RWF Img American historian of technology & science, (Jewish father)
Lorne Michaels RW5 Img Canadian-born American writer, producer, comedian, actor,
Abner Mikva RWC Img American legal scholar, appeals judge, 2014
Harvey Milk RWF HW Img American gay rights activist, 2009
Rita Moreno RWF HW Img Puetro Rico-born singer, dancer, actress, (Jewish descent ???) 2004
Lewis Mumford RWF Img American historian of technology/science, (Jewish father) 1964
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science, 1956
Eugene Ormandy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American conductor, violinist, 1970
Arnall Patz RW5 Img Georgian-born American ophthamologist, 2004
Itzhak Perlman RWF HW Img Israeli American violinist, conductor, 2015
Shimon Peres RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Prime Minister of Israel  1986-88 1995-96 President 2007- 2012
Norman Podhoretz RWF HW Img American author, critic, journalist, 2004
Simon Ramo RWF HW Img American physicist, engineer, businessman, 1983
Hyman Rickover RWF HW Img Polish-born American admiral, father of nuclear navy  1980
Anna Rosenberg Img Hungarian-born American Assistant Secretary of Defense 1945 ExLink
Abe Rosenthal RW5 HW Img NY Times executive editor, columnist, 2002
Walt Whitman Rostow RWF HW Img American economist, political theorist, 1969
Mstislav Rostropovich RWF HW Img Azebarjani-born Russian People's Commissar for Armaments 1939-41, colonel general, 1987 ExLink1 ExLink2
Albert Sabin RWF HW Img Polish-born American medical researcher, oral polio vaccine, 1986
William Safire RWF Img American writer, journalist, presidential speechwriter, 2006
Ginetta Sagan Img Italian-born human rights activist, (Jewish mother) 1996 ExLink
Jonas Salk RWF HW Img American physician, medical researcher, dead virus vaccine for polio, 1977
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson RWF Img American religious philosopher,
Michael Schwerner Img American civil rights activist,
Rudolf Serkin RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian American pianist, 1964
Albert Shanker Img American educator, president of American Federation of Teachers 1974-97 1998
Natan Sharansky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli politician, 2006
Laurence Silberman RW5 Img American appeals judge, Deputy Attorney General 1974-75, 2008
Beverly Sills RWF HW Img American opera singer, soprano, 1980
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1987), 2014
Stephen Sondheim RWF HW Img American composer, lyricist, songwriter, 2014
Helmut Sonnenfeldt Img German-born American foreign policy expert, National Security Advicer,  ??
Steven Spielberg RWF HW Img American film director, producer, movies mogul, 2015
Gloria Steinem RWF HW Img American writer, journalist, feminist, (Jewish father) 2013
Isaac Stern RWF HW Img Ukrainian/Polish-born American violinist, conductor, 1992
Lewis Strauss RWC HW Img Secretary of Commerce 1958-59 (interim apointee) 1958
Robert Strauss RWF HW Img American lawyer, politician, businessman, 1981
Barbara Streisand RWF HW Img American singer, film/television actress, composer, director, producer, 2015
Helen Taussig RWF HW Img American paediatric cardiologist, (Jewish paternal grandfather, mother ?)  1966
Edward Teller RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, hydroghen bomb,  2003
Lew Wasserman RWC Img American media executive, MCA , 1995
Caspar Weinberger RWF HW Img American Secretary of Defense Reagan  81-87 (Jewish father) 1987
Gerda Weissmann Klein Img Polish-born American writer, human rights activist, 2010
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1986) for Peace, 1986
Simon Wiesenthal RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Austrian Nazi-hunter, 2000 RWN
Albert Wohlsletter Img American political scientist, (Jewish father) 1985
Volodymyr Zelensky RWC Img Ukrainian politician, comedian, president of Ukraine 2019- ,
Elmo Zumwalt, Jr RWF Img American military, Admiral, (Jewish mother)
Presidential Medal of Freedom/wiki
List of Presidential Medal  of Freedom recipients/wiki
Jewish Recipients of Presidential Medal for Merit (USA)
Irving Berlin RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American composer, songwriter, 1945
William Friedman RWF Img Moldovan-born American cryptologist, 1946
Al Jolson RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American singer, actor, comedian, composer, lyricist, 1950
Theodore von Karman RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German American physicist, engineer, 1946
Raymond Mindlin RWF Img American applied physicist, 1946
Henry Morgenthau, Jr RWF HW Img Secretary of Treasury 1933-45 Roosevelt 1945
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science, 1947
David Niles Img Presidential aide Roosevelt Truman 1947
Robert Oppenheimer RWF HW Img American physicist, administrator, atomic bomb, 1946
Isidor Rabi RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1944), nuclear magnetic resonance, 1948
Anna Rosenberg Img Assistant Secretary of Defense 1947
Samuel Rosenman RWF Img advicer to Franklin Roosevelt & Harry Truman 1946
Sidney Weinberg RW5 Img American company executive, Goldman Sachs Group 1946
Presidential Medal of Merit/wiki
Jewish Recipients of Congressional  Gold Medal of Honor (USA)
Irving Berlin RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American composer, songwriter, 1954
Harry Chapin RWF HW Img American folk musician, ??? 1986
Aaron Copland RWF HW Img American composer, conductor, 1986
Benjamin Ferencz Img Romanian-born American lawyer,
George Gershwin RWF HW Img American songwriter, composer, jazz pianist, 1985
Ira Gershwin RWF HW Img American lyricist, librettist, songwriter:lyricist, 1985
Robert Goddard RWF HW Img American pysicist, scientist, inventor, ??? 1959 RWN
Mary Lasker RWF HW Img American health activist, 1987
Shimon Peres RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Prime Minister of Israel  1986-88 1995-96 President 2007-14, 2014
Hyman Rickover RWF HW Img Polish-born American admiral, father of nuclear navy  1982
Anna Rosenberg Img Hungarian-born American Assistant Secretary of Defense 1946 ExLink
Jonas Salk RWF HW Img American physician, medical researcher, dead virus vaccine for polio, 1955
Natan Sharansky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli politician, 1986
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson RWF Img American religious philosopher, 1994
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1986) for Peace, 1984
Simon Wiesenthal RWF Img Ukrainian-born Austrian Nazi-hunter, 1980
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