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European Academy of Sciences   elected bo-de
Anatole Abragam RWF HW Img Latvian-born French physicist, NMR, 1914-2011
Emanuel Adler Israeli political scientist,
Shlomo Alexander RWC HW Img German-born Israeli physicist, 1989 1930-98
Zhores Alferov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2000), (Jewish mother) 1930-2019
Vladimir Arlazarov RWC Img Russian computer scientist, 1939-
Vladimir Arnold RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born, Russian American mathematician, (Jewish mother) 1937-2010
David Awschalom RW5 Img American experimental physicist, ??? 1956-
Etienne-Emile Baulieu RW5 Img French endocrinologist, biochemist, inventor, 1926-
Seymour Benzer RWF Img American  physicist, biologist, geneticist, 1921-2007
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry, 1926-
Simon Berkovich American computer scientist, ??? 2003
Yehudith Birk RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli agricaltural biochemist, 2004 1926-2013
Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan RWF Img Russian astrophysicist, ??? 2002 1941-
David Blumenthal Img American health care policy expert, National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, 1948- ExLink
Sol Bodner Israeli scientist, engineering,
Pierre Braunstein RW5 Img French chemist, ??? 1947-
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South African-born British American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002), 1927-
Ronald Breslow RWF Img American chemist, 1931-
Edward Burstein Russian biomedical scientist, ???
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, Nobel Prize (2007) (Jewish maternal grangfather) 2003 1937-
Catherine Cesarsky RWC Img French-born astronomer, 1943-
Ilan Chet RWC HW Img Israeli microbiologist, 1939-
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry, 1947-
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji RWF HW Img Algerian-born French physicist, Nobel Prize (1997) 1933-
Isaac Daniel 2009
Gideon Dreyfuss RWB Img American biochemist, molecular biologist, 2004 1948-
Richard Durst   ??? 2002
Thomas Eisner RWF Img German-born American ecologist, entomologist, evolutionary biologist, (Jewish father) 1929-2011
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1992), (Jewish father) 1920-
Israel Gelfand RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, 2003 1913-2009
Michael Gelfond Russian American computer scientist,  
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2003),  1004 1916-2009
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985) in Medicine, 2009 1940-2017
Robert Goldstein RWF Img Russian Soviet engineering scholar, 2010 1940-2017
Howard Green RWF Img Canadian-born American developmental biologist, 2007 1925-2015
Baroness Susan Greenfield RWF Img British biologist, broadcaster, writer, (Jewish father) 2004 1950-
David Gross RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2004), quarks 2007 1941-
Menachem Gutman Israeli biochemist, biophysicist,
Elazar Gutmanas Img Israeli material science physicist,  1939- ExLink
Serge Haroche RWF HW Img Moroccan-born French theoretical physicist, quantum engineering, Nobel Prize (2012), 2010 1944-
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1981), 2007 1937-
Robert Horvitz RWF HW Img American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002), 2005 1947-
Yoseph Imry RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, 2003 1939-
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli American psychologist, Nobel Prize in Economy (1902) 2004 1934-
Richard Karp RWF HW Img American computer scientist, computational complexity theory, 1935-
Ephraim Katzir RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli biophysicist, fourth President of Israel, 2004 1916-2009
Arie Kaufman Img Israeli-born American computer scientist, 2003
David Kazhdan RWF HW Img Russian-born Israeli American mathematician, algebra, 2003 1946-
Zvi Kedem HW Israeli computer scientist, 2003
Isaak Khalatnikov RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian physicist,   1919-
Patrick Kirschbaum French engineering scholar, ???
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born  American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors 2007 1909-2012
Rudolph Marcus RWF HW Img Canadian-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1992), 1923-
Grigory Margulis RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, Fields Medal (1978) 2004 1946-
Paul Marks RWB Img American cancer researcher, geneticist, 1926-
Tobin Marks RWF Img American chemist, founder of nonequilibrium thermodinamics, 2019 1944-
David Milstein RWC HW Img German-born Israeli chemist, 2019 1947-
Walter Munk RWF Img Austrian-born American geophysicist, 2007 1917-
Yuval Ne'eman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, politician, 1925-2006
Walter Neumann RWB Img British mathematician, (Jewish father) 2003 1946-
Louis Nirenberg RWF Img Canadian-born American mathematician, 1925-
George Olah RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1994), 2004 1927-
Jean-Claude Pecker Img French astronomer, astrophysicist, 1923-2020
Gordon Plotkin RW5 Img British computer scientist, 2011 1946-
Amir Pnueli RWF HW Img Israeli American computer scientist, 1941-2009
John Polanyi RWF HW Img German-born British Canadian chemist Nobel Prize (1986), (Jewish father) 1929-
Hugh Politzer RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2004), quarks 1949-
Viscount Ilya Prigogine RWF HW Img Russian-born Belgian physicist & chemist, Nobel Prize (1977) in chemistry 2003 1917-2003
Joseph Schlessinger RWF HW Img Croatian-born Israeli American biochemist, 2004 1945- ExLink
Jonathan Sessler RW5 Img American chemist, ??? 2018 1956-
Shlomo Sternberg RW5 Img American mathematician, 2003 1936-
Yevgeny Sverdlov RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian biochemist,  2003 1938-
Robert Tarjan RWF HW Img American computer scientist, 2003 1948-
Moshe Vardi RWF HW Img Israeli American computer scientist, 2000 1954-
Geza Vermes RWF Img Hungarian-born British scholar, historian, (convert to Judism) 1924-2013
Meir Wilchek RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, 1935-
Yevgeny Yasin RWC Img htinht 1934-
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist, Nobel Prize (2009) in chemistry, 2004 1939-
Lotfi Zadeh RWF Img Azerbaijani-born Iranian American mathematician, (Jewish mother) 2005 1921-
Richard Zare RWF Img American physicist, lazer chemistry 2004 1939-
Efim Zelmanov RWF HW Img Russian-born American mathematician, Fields medal (1994), group theory 2004 1955-
founded in 1988
Academia Europaea elected bo-de
Anatole Abragam RWF HW Img Latvian-born French physicist, NMR, 1914-2011
Samson Abramsky RW5 Img British professor of computer science, 1993 1953-
David Abulafia RWC HW Img British historian, 1949-
Michael Aizenman RWF HW Img Russian-born American mathematical physicist,
Bruce Alberts RWF Img American biochemist, molecular biology, president of NAS 1993-2005 1938-
Shlomo Alexander RWC HW Img German-born Israeli physicist, 1930-98
Noga Alon RWF HW Img Israeli computer scientist, 2008 1956-
Vladimir Arnold RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born, Russian American mathematician, (Jewish mother) 2010 1937-2010
Simha Arom RWB Img French-Israeli etnomusicologist, 1930-
David Avnir RWC Img German-born Israeli chemist, 2009 1947-
Jerzy Axer RWF Img Polish filologist, (Jewish father) 1946-
Zvi Ben-Avraham RWC HW Img Israeli geophysicist, marine geophysics 1941-
John Bahcall RWF Img American astrophysicist, President of American Astronomical Society 1978-81 1990-92 1934-2005
Bernard Bailyn RWF HW Img American historian, 1922-
David Baltimore RWF Img American biochemist, retroviruses, Nobel Prize (1975) 1938-
Grigory Barenblatt RWF Img Russian mathematician, 1927-
Alexander Beilinson RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, 1957-
Rene Bensasson French biophysicist, ???
Sir Walter Bodmer RWF Img British geneticist, 1936-
Vladimir Braginsky RWF Img Russian physicist, 1995 1931-
Pierre Braunstein RW5 Img French chemist,  ??? 1947-
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South African-born British American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002), 1927-
Edouard Brezin RW5 Img French physicist, 1938-
Haim Brezis RWF HW Img French mathematician, nonlinear analysis, 1988 1944-
Sarah Broadie Img British philosopher, 2006 1941-
Michael Bronstein RWC Img Israeli computer scientist, enterpreneur,  2020 1980-
Victor Brumberg RWF Img Russian astronomer, space research,  1933-
Sir Arnold Burgen RW5 Img British pharmacologist, President of Academia Europaea 1988-94 1922-
Peter Burke RWF Img British cultural historian, medievalist, (Jewish mother) 1937-
Sir Roy Calne RW5 Img German-born British surgeon, liver transplatation, 1930-
Brian Cantor RWB HW Img British Vice-Cnancellor of the University of York 2002-13, 1948-
Howard Cedar RWF HW Img American-born Israeli biochemist, geneticist, 1943-
Catherine Cesarsky RWC Img French-born astronomer, 1999 1943-
Ilan Chet RWC HW Img Israeli microbiologist, 1939-
Noam Chomsky RWF HW Img American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, political writer, 1928-
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry, 1947-
Enrico Coen RWF Img British plant biologist,  ??? 1998 1957- ExLink uk
Sir Philip Cohen RWF Img British biochemist, diabetes insulin 1990 1945-
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji RWF HW Img Algerian-born French physicist, 1933-
Sir David Cox RW5 Img British statistician, 1924-
Michael Daniel Img Russian linguist, 1972-
Carl Djerassi RWF Img Austrian-born American organic chemist, oral contraceptive, novelist, playwright, 1923-2015
Roland Dobrushin RWF Img Russian mathematician, 1929-95
Sidney Drell RWF Img American particle physicist, 1926-
Dmitry Dyakonov RWC Img Russian physicist, (Jewish mother) 1949-2012
Beno Eckmann RWF Img Swiss mathematician, 1917-2008
Jean-Pierre Eckmann RW5 Img Swiss mathematical physicist, 2001 1944-
Thomas Eisner RWF Img German-born American ecologist, entomologist, evolutionary biologist, (Jewish father) 1929-2011
Anne Ephrussi RWF Img French developmental biologist, 2010 1955-
Sir Anthony Epstein RWF Img British biologist, Epstein-Barr virus, 1921-
Zsuzsa Ferge Img Hungariah sociologist, 1993 1931-
Sir Alan Fersht RW5 Img British chemist, protein folding, 1943-
Anthony Finkelstein RW5 Img British software engineer, 1959-
Alain Fischer RW5 Img French pediatric immunologist, gene therapy, 2009 1949-
Daan Frenkel RWF Img Dutch computational physicist, 1948-
Mikhail Gelfand RWF Img Russian bioinformation scientist, 1963-
Bronislaw Geremek RWF HW Img Polish politician, Foreign Affairs Minister 1997-2000 1932-2008
Hersch Gerschenfeld neuroscience, ???
Carlo Ginzburg RWF HW Img Italian American historian,  1939-
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2003),  1916-2009
Eduard Girsh RWF Img Russian mathematician, 1973-
Roy Glauber RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2005), quantum theory of optical conhearance, 1932-
Ian Glynn RW5 Img British biologist,  1928-
Vitaly Goldansky RWF Img Belarusian-born Russian physical chemist, 1923-2001
Richard Gombrich Img British indologist, 1937-
Mikhael Gromov RWF Img Russian-born French American mathematician, differential geometry, (Jewish mother) 1943-
Orna Grumberg RWC Img Israeli computer scientist, 2013 1952-
Aron Gurevich RWF Img Russian historian, 1924-2006
Yuri Gurevich RW5 Img Russian-born American computer scientist,
Gregory Gutin RWC Img Israeli mathematician,                              2017 1957-
Menachem Gutman Israeli biomedical scientist,
Frank Hahn RWF Img German-born British economist, 1925-2013
David Harel RWC HW Img British-born Israeli computer scientist, 2006 1950-
Istvan Hargittai Img Hungarian physical chemist, historian of science, 1994
Magdolna Hargittai Img Hungarian chemist, ???,
Michael Harris Img American mathematician, 2016 1954-
Sergiu Hart RWC HW Img Romanian-born Israeli mathematician, economist, 2012 1949-
Michael Hassell RW5 Img Israeli-born British biologist, entomologist, 1942-
Eduard Hirsch RWC Img Russian mathematician, 1973-
Sir Peter Hirsch RWF Img German-born British physicist,material science, 1925-
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American chemist, electronic structures, Nobel Prize (1981), 1937-
Herbert Huppert RW5 Img Australian-born British geophysicist, 1987 1943-
Anthony Hyman RWC Img Israeli-born British biologist, 2014 1962-
Allain Israel cell biology, ???
Jonathan Israel RWF Img British historian, 1946-
Mikhail Itkis RWF Img Russian nuclear physicist, 1972-
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1990 1920-2013
Joshua Jortner RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli physical chemist, 1933-
Aleksandr Kabanov RWF Img Russian American chemist, Corr (Jewish maternal grandmother) 2013 1962-
Viktor Kabanov RWF Img Russian/Soviet-born chemist, (Jewish mother) 1987 1934-2006
Yuri Kagan RWF Img Russian physicist, astronomer, 1928-
Gilles Kahn RWF Img French computer scientist,  ??? 2006 1946-2006
Gil Kalai RWC HW Img Israeli American mathematician, 1955-
Nikolai Kardashev RWC Img Soviet astronomer, 1932-
Robert Kates RW5 Img American geographer, 1929-
Mikhail Katsnelson RWF Img Russian-born Dutch physicist, 1957-
Vladimir Keilis-Borok RWF Img Russian-born geophysicist, 1999 1921-2013
Andrew Keller RW5 Img Hungarian-born British polymer scientist, 1994 1925-99
Olga Kennard RWF HW Img British crystallographer, 1924-
Viktor Khain RWF Img Azerbajani-born Russian geophysicist, 1914-2009
Andrej Kibrik RWC Img Russian linguist, 2013 1963-
Adi Kimchi RWC HW Img Israeli molecular geneticist, 2008 1947-
Marc Kirschner RW5 Img American cell biologist, 1945-
Lev Kiselev RWF Img Soviet/Russian molecular biologist, 2000 1936-2008
George Klein RWF Img Hungarian-born Swedish cancer researcher, Head of Karolinka Institute 1925-
Jacob Klein RWC Img Israeli chemist, 1949-
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist Nobel Prize (1982), 1926-
Maurice Kogan UK     education, ???
Sir Ralph Kohn RW5 Img German-born British businessman, singer,  1927-
Maxim Kontsevich RWF HW Img Russian-born German French mathematician, Fields Medal (1998), (Jewish mother) 1964-
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1959) in medicine, 2007 1918-2007
Sir Hans Kornberg RWF Img German-born British biochemist, 1928-
Ronnie Kosloff RW5 Img American-born Israeli chemist 1948-
Sarit Kraus RWC HW Img Israeli computer scientist, 2012 1960-
Baron John Krebs RWF Img British zoologist, 1945-
Sir Harold Kroto RWF HW Img British chemist, Nobel Prize (1996), (Jewish father) 1992 1939-
Orna Kupferman RWC Img Israeli computer scientist, 1916
Sir Peter Lachmann Img German-born British immunologist, 1992 1931-
Ofer Lahav RWC Img Israeli-born British cosmologist, 1959-
David Landes RWF HW Img American economic historian, 1924-2013
Salomon Langer RW5 Img Argentine-born American pharmocologist,
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1973) (Jewish mother) 1993 1906-99
Raphael Levine RWC HW Img Egyptian-born Israeli chemical physicist, 1938-
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1986) in medicine, 1909-2012
Alexander Levitzki RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist,   1940-
Elon Lindenstrauss RWF HW Img Israeli mathematician, Fields Medal (2010), 1970-
Yuri Manin RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian mathematician, (Jewish mother) 1937-
Robert K Merton RWF HW Img American sociologist, historian of science, 1910-2003
Tova Milo RWC Img Israeli computer scientist, 2014 1964-
Ilya Moiseev RWF Img Soviet/Russian chemist, 1994 1929-
Dan Meyerstein RW5 HW Img Israeli chemist, 1938-
Sir Salvador Moncada RWF Img Honduran-born British pharmacologist, (Jewish mother) 1944-
Anna Morpurgo Davies RW5 Img Italian-born British  philologist, 1989 1937-2014
Vladimir Naishtetik RWF Ukrainian-born Russian pharmocologist, 1954-
Artem Oganov RWC Img Ukrainian-born Russian cristallographer, (Jewish mother) 1975-
Lev Okun RWF Img Russian nuclear physicist, 1929-
Moshe Oren RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, cancer researcher, 1948-
Artem Organov RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet cristallographer, chemist, (Jewish mother) 1975-
Mikhail Ostrovsky RWC Img Russian physiologist, 1994 1935-
Rafail Ostrovsky Img American computer schiencist, cryptographer, 1219
Laurence Pearl Img British biochemist, structual biologist, 2012 1956-
Jean-Claude Pecker Img French astronomer, astrophysicist, 1923-2020
Yakov Pesin RWC Img Russian-born American mathematician, 2019 1946-
Joseph Pedlosky RW5 Img American physical oceanographer, ??? 1938-
Grigori Perelman RWF HW Img Russian-born mathematician, Fields Medal (2006), 2008 1966-
Gordon Plotkin RW5 Img British computer scientist, 1946-
Sir Martyn Poliakoff RWF HW Img British chemist, 2012 1947-
Victor Polterovich RWF Img Russian economist, 1992 1937-
Tom Rapoport RW5 Img German American cell biologist, 1947-
Julius Rebek, Jr RWF Img Hungarian/Ukrainian-born American chemist, research administrator, ??? 2005 1944-
Nicholas Rescher RW5 Img German-born American philosopher, (Jewish descent) 1928-
Susan Rothstein Img British-born Israeli linguist, 2013 1958-2019
Grzegorz Rozenberg RW5 Img Polish-born Dutch American scientist, molecular computing 1942-
Leo Sachs RWC HW Img German-born Israeli molecular biologist, cancer researcher, 1924-2013
Peter Sarnak RWF HW Img South African-born American mathematician, 1953-
Evry Schatzman RW5 Img Romanian-born French astrophysicist, 1920-2010
Maxime Seligmann immunology, ??? 1989
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, Nobel Prize (1994) (Jewish father) 1990 1930-
Adi Shamir RWF HW Img Israeli cryptographer, 1952-
Nathan Sharon RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Israeli biochemist,    1925-2011
Dan Shechtman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, materials engineering, Nobel Prize (2011) in chemistry, 1941-
Saharon Shelah RWF HW Img Israeli American mathematician, 1945-
Victor Shnirelmann RWC Img Russian cultural anthropologist, 1949-
Bernard Silverman RW5 Img Brirish statistician, 1952-
Yakov Sinai RWF HW Img Russian-born American mathematician, 2008 1935-
Vladimir Skulachev RWC Img Russian Soviet biochemist, (Jewish mother) 1935-
Piotr Slonimski RWF Img Polish French geneticist, administrator, 1922-2009
Susan Solomon RWF HW Img American geophysicist,  1999 1956-
Jan Solovej Img Danish mathematician, mathematical physicist, 2020 1961-
Vera Sos Img Hungarian mathematician, 2013 1930-
Edward Stolper RWF Img American geologist, 2010 1952-
Yevgeny Sverdlov RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian biochemist,  2002 1938-
Barry Supple RW5 Img British-born American  economic historian, 1930-
Reshef Tenne RWC HW Img Israeli chemist, nanotechnologist, 2012 1944-
Boris Upensky RWC Img Russian linguist, philologist, semiotican, 1937-
Moshe Vardi RWF HW Img Israeli American computer scientist, 1954-
Alexander Varshavsky RWF Img Russian-born American biochemist, 1946-
Anatoly Vershik RWF Img Russian mathematician, 1933-
Mark Volpin RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian chemist,  1923-96
Lawrence Weiskrantz RW5 Img British psychologist, 1990 1926-
Charles Weissmann RWC Img Hungarian-born Swiss British molecular biologist, 1931-
Wendelin Werner RWF Img German-born French mathematician, Fields Medal (2006), 1968-
Pierre Wolper RW5 Img Belgian computer scientist,  
Lewis Wolpert RWF Img South African-born British developmental biologist, broadcaster, author, 1929-
Menahem Yaari RWF HW Img Israeli economist, administrator, 1935-
Moshe Yaniv Img Israeli-born French molecular biologist, 1938-
Theodore Zeldin RW5 Img Israeli-born British philosopher, historian, sociologist, writer, 1999 1933-
European Academy of Sciences and Arts   elected bo-de
Yakir Aharonov RWF HW Img Israeli American physicist, 1932-
Bruce Alberts RWF Img American biochemist, molecular biology, president of NAS 1993-2005 1938- 4 1
Zhores Alferov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2000), (Jewish mother) 1930-2019 4 2
Ruth Arnon RWF HW Img Israel biochemist, Copaxone, 1933- 4 3
Shlomo Avineri RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli political scientist, 1933- 1 4
Leslie Banks-Sills Img Israeli engineering scholar, 2012 6 5
Menachem Ben-Sasson RWF HW Img Israeli politician, historian, administrator, 1951- 5 6
Yehudith Birk RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli agricaltural biochemist, 1926-2013 4 7
Gerald Blidstein RWC HW Img American-born Israeli scholar, jewish law/ethics, 1938- 5
Avishay Braverman RWF HW Img Israeli economist, politician, 1948- 5
Leslie Brent RW5 Img German/Polish-born British immunologist, 1925- 2
Rivka Carmi RWC HW Img Israeli pediatrician, geneticist,    1948- 2
Ilan Chet RWC HW Img Israeli microbiologist, 1939- 4
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry, 1947- 4
Baroness Ruth Deech Img British educator, 1943- 2
Yehezkel Dror RW5 Img Austrian-born Israeli political science scholar, 1928- 5
Jack Dunitz RWC Img British-born Swiss chemical crystallographer, 1923- 4
Victor Dzau RWC Img Chinese-born American doctor, academic, 1945-
Paul Ehrlich RWF Img American entomologist, 1932- 4
Isaac Elishakoff RW5 HW Img Georgian-born American engineering scholar, 6
Marko Feingold RWF Img Slovak-born Austrian 2014 1913- 7
Harvey Fineberg RW5 HW Img American physician, epidemiologist, president of Institute of Medicine 2002-14, 1945- 2
Gerald Fischbach RW5 Img American neurobiologist, 1991 1938- 2
Frank Gehry RWF HW Img Canadian-American architect, art museum designer 1929- 3
Stanley Gershoff Img American neutrition scientist, ??? 4
Ferenc Glatz RWC Img Hungarian politician, Minister o Education 1989-90 1941- 1
Andre Glucksmann RWF HW Img French philosopher, 1937- 1
Roland Goetschel Img French-born Israeli scholar, kabala, 1930- 7
Richard Goldstein Img mechanical engineering, ??? 6
Robert Goldstein RWF Img Russian Soviet engineering scholar, 1940-2017 6
Lazar Greenfield Img American surgeon, ??? 1934- 2
Shlomo Grossman Img Israeli biochemist,    4
Yitzhak Hadar Img Israeli microbiologist,  4
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img Kyrgizian-born Israeli American economist, 1946- 5
Walter Homolka RW5 Img German rabbi, 1964- 7
Yoseph Imry RWF HW Img Israeli physicist,  1994 1939- 4
Walter Jacob RWB Img American reform rabbi, 1930- 7
Joyce Jacobson Kaufman RWC Img American chemist, 1981 1929- 4
Ilya Kabakov RWF Img Ukrainian-born American conceptual artist, 1933- 3
Asa Kasher RW5 HW Img Israeli philosopher, linguist, 1940- 1
Joyce Kaufman RWC Img American chemist, 1981 1929- 4 Corr
Pierre Kletz Img 5
Janos Kornai RWF Img Hungarian economist, 1990 1928- 5
Saul Kripke RWF HW Img American philosopher, logician, 1940- 1
Thomas Kuhn RWF Img American philosopher of science, historian, 1922-96 1
Rolf Landauer RWC Img German-born American physicist, 1927-99 4
Thomas Levy RW5 Img American archaeologist, 1
Gyorgy Ligeti RWF HW Img Romanian-born Hungarian composer, 1923-2006 3
Paul Lustgarten Img Venezuelan president of National Academy of Physical, Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Lorin Maazel RWF HW Img French-born American conductor, composer, violinist, 1930-2014 3
Ilya Moiseev RWF Img Soviet/Russian chemist, 1996 1929-
Serge Moscovici RWF Img Romanian-born French psychologist, 1925-2014 5
Thomas Nagel RWF Img Serbian-born American philosopher, 1937- 1
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1968) medicine, breaking of genetic code, 1927-2010 2
Amos Oz RWF HW Img Israeli writer, journalist, intellectual, 1939- 1
Isidore Pelc Img Belgian psychologist, 2
John Polanyi RWF HW Img German-born British Canadian chemist Nobel Prize (1986), (Jewish father) 1929- 4
Frank Press RWF Img American geophysicist,  1924- 4
Hilary Putnam RWF HW Img American mathematician, philosopher, 1926- 1
Ilya Raskin Img American plant biologist, ??? 4
Daniel Rosenfeld Img Israeli metereologist, 1952- 4
Sir Norman Rosenthal RWB Img British curator, art historian, 1944- 3
Ariel Rubinstein RWF HW Img Israeli economist, game theory, 1951- 5
Andras Schiff RWF HW Img Hungarian-born British classical pianist, conductor, 1953- 3
Michael Sela RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli immunologist, 1924- 2
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, Nobel Prize (1994) (Jewish father) 1930- 4
Richard Serra RWF Img American pop art sculptor, (Jewish mother) 1939- 3
Gershon Shaked RWC HW Img Austrian-born Israeli scholar, literary critic,    1929-2006 1
Harold Tafler Shapiro RWF Img Canadian-born American president of Prinston 1988-01, 1935- 2
Carla Shatz RWF Img American neuroscientist, 1947- 2
Dan Shechtman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, materials engineering, Nobel Prize (2011) in chemistry, 1941- 6
Alexander Sheindlin RWF Img Russian physicist, 1916-2017 4
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001), 1943- 5
Sarah Stroumsa RWF Img Israeli literary scholar, 1
Sam Vanni RW5 Img Finnish painter, 1908-92 3
Anatoly Vershik RWF Img Russian mathematician, 2015 1933-
Baron George Weidenfeld RW5 Img Austrian-born British publisher, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1919-
Nancy Wexler RWB Img American neuroscientist, geneticist, research administrator, 1945- 2
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1986) for Peace, 1928-2016 1
Meir Wilchek RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, 1935- 4
Itamar Willner RWC HW Img Romanian-born Israeli chemistry researcher, 1947- 4
Michael Wolffsohn RW5 Img Israeli-born German historian, 1947- 1
Menahem Yaari RWF HW Img Israeli economist, administrator, 1935- 5
Zvi Yavetz RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli historian, 1925-2013 1
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist, Nobel Prize (2009) in chemistry, 1939- 4
Jacob Ziv RWF HW Img Israeli American computer scientist, engineer, 1931- 6