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Sheldon Adelson RWF HW Img American billionaire, Las Vegas Sands Corporation, Paradise Development Co., 1933- Search
Robert Adler RWF Img Austrian-born American engineer, remote control, 1913-2007
Theodor Adorno RWF HW Img German American sociologist, philosopher, musicologist, composer (Jewish father) 1903-69 RWN
Paul Allen RWF HW Img American businessman, co-founder of Microsoft, ??? 1953-2018
Woody Allen RWF HW Img American director, writer, actor, comedian, 1935-
Yuri Andropov RWF HW Img General Secretary of Communist Party of Soviet Union 1982-84 1914-84
Vladimir Arnold RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, (Jewish mother) 1937-2010
Fred Astaire RWF HW Img American actor, dancer, singer, (Jewish father) 1899-1927
Israel Baal Shem Tov RWF HW Img 18th century mystic, founder of Hasidic Judaism 1698-1720 Israel ben Eliezer
Lauren Bacall RWF HW Img American film/stage actress, model, 1924-2014
Steven Ballmer RWF HW Img American businessman, CEO of Microsoft, (Jewish mother) 1956-
John the Baptist RWF HW Img  1th century preacher, ascetic, prophet of Christianity,  -31/36AD
Paul Baran RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born American co-inventor of digital packet switching, internet, 1926-2011
Menachem Begin RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Israeli Prime Minister 1977-83,   1913-92
Richard Bellman RWF HW Img American mathematician, dynamic programming, 1920-84
David Ben-Gurion RWF HW Img Polish-born founder of State of Israel, first Prime Minister of Israel, 1886-1973
Bernard Berenson RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American art historian, 1865-1959
Henri Bergson RWF HW Img French philosopher, Nobel Prize (1927) in Literature 1859-1941
Irving Berlin RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American composer, songwriter, 1888-1989
Sir Isaiah Berlin RWF HW Img Latvian-born British philosopher, historian of ideas, 1909-97
Emile Berliner RWF HW Img German-born American inventor of grammophone, microphone, 1851-1929
Sarah Bernhardt RWF Img French film/stage actress, (Jewish mother) 1844-1923
Eduard Bernstein RWF HW Img German economist, founder of theoretical revisionism, MP 1912-18 1850-1932
Leonard Bernstein RWF HW Img American conductor, composer, author, music lecturer, pianist, 1918-90
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img French/German-born British American physicist, Nobel Prize (1967), (Jewish mother) 1906-2005
Michael Bloomberg RWF HW Img American businessman, Mayor of New York 2002-13, 1942-
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1976), 1925-2011
Franz Boas RWF HW Img German-born American father of modern anthropology, 1858-1942
Leon Bourgeois RWF HW Img Prime Minister of France 1895-96, Nobel Prize of Peace 1920, 1851-1925
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, Nobel Prize (1922 ), (Jewish mother) 1885-1962
Mikhail Botvinnik RWF HW Img Soviet World chess champion, 1948-57 1958-60 1961-63, 1911-95
Sergey Brin RWF HW Img Russian-born American co-founder of Google search engine, 1973-
Mel Brooks RWF HW Img American actor, screenwriter, director, producer, composer, lyricist, 1926-
Lenny Bruce RWF HW Img American stand-up comedian, satirist, writer, social critic, 1925-66
Georg Cantor RWF HW Img Russian-born German mathematicain, logician, philosopher, 1845-1918
Vinton Cerf RWF HW Img American internet pioneer, (3/4 Jewish father) 1943-
Miguel de Cervantes RWF Img Spanish novelist, poet, playwright, 1547-1616
Sir Ernst Chain RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, Nobel Prize (1945) in medicine for work on penicillin, 1906-79
Marc Chagall RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian-French painter, stained glass artist, 1887-1985
Noam Chomsky RWF HW Img American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, political writer, 1928-
Jesus Christ RWF HW Img founder of Christianity 7/2BC-30/33AD
Andre Citroen RWF Img French founder 1919 of Citroen, 1878-1935
Leonard Cohen RWF HW Img Canadian poet, novelist, singer/songwriter, 1934-2016
Harry Cohn RWC HW Img American film producer, co-founder of Columbia Pictures, 1891-1958
Aaron Copland RWF HW Img American composer, conductor, 1990-90
Simon Cowell RWF HW Img British music executive, television producer, entrepreneur, (Jewish father) 1959-
George Dantzig RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, linear programming, 1914-2005
David RWF HW Img Second Jewish King of the United Kingdom Israel and Judah, 1010-970BCE
Michael Dell RWF HW Img American businessman, founder, owner of Dell, inc, 1965-
Jacques Derrida RWF HW Img Algerian-born French philosopher, literary scholar, 1930-2004
Earl Benjamin Disraeli RWF HW Img British writer, prime minister of United Kingdom 1868 1874-1880 1804-81
Carl Djerassi RWF Img Austrian-born American organic chemist, oral contraceptive, novelist, playwright, 1923-2015
Kirk Douglas RWF HW Img American actor, film producer, 1916-
Alfred Dreyfus RWN HW Img French army officer, falsely convicted of treason, 1859-1935
Isaak Dunayevsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Soviet songwriter, composer, conductor, 1900-55
Emile Durkheim RWF HW Img French sociologist, philosopher, anthropologist, 1858-1917
Bob Dylan RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, Nobel Prize (2016) in Literature, 1941-
Paul Ehrlich RWF HW Img German-born physician, immunologist, hematologist, Nobel Prize (1908) in medicine, 1854-1915
Alfred Einhorn RWF Img German biochemist, inventor of novocaine, anesthesia, 1856-1917
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist, Nobel Prize (1921), 1879-1955
John Elkann RWF Img Italian industrialist, chairman of Fiat, (Jewish father) 1976-
Larry Ellison RWF HW Img American businessman, Oracle Corporation, (Jewish mother) 1944-
Erik Erikson RWF HW Img German-born American psychoanalyst, (Jewish mother), 1902-94
Douglas Fairbanks, Sr RWF Img American actor, screenwriter, director, producer, (Jewish father) 1883-1989
Sidney Farber RWF Img American physician, cancer researcher, pathologist,   1903-73
Leon Festinger RWF HW Img American social psychologist, cognitive dissonance, 1919-89
Richard Feynman RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1918-88
Mark Fields RWF Img American president/CEO of Ford Motor Company 2014- , 1961-
Bobby Fischer RWF HW Img American chess grandmaster, World Champion WC 72-75 1943-2008
Eddie Fisher RWF Img American singer, entertainer, actor, 1928-2010
Josephus Flavius RWF HW Img Ancient Jewish historian, 37-100
William Fox RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American film producer, moovie mogul, 1879-1952
Jacob Frank RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born self-proclaimed messiah, 1726-91
Rosalind Franklin RWF HW Img British biophysicist, stractual viorology, DNA 1920-58
Sigmund Freud RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis, 1856-1939
Betty Friedan RWF HW Img first president of National Organisation for Women 1966- 1921-2006
Casimir Funk RWF Img Polish-born American biochemist, discovery of vitamins, 1884-1967
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, Nobel Prize (1971), hollogram, 1900-79
Zsa Zsa Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born actress, socialite,  1917-2016
Frank Gehry RWF HW Img Canadian-American architect, art museum designer, 1929-
Israel Gelfand RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, 1913-2009
George Gershwin RWF HW Img American songwriter, composer, jazz pianist, 1898-1937
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2003), hydrogen bomb, 1916-2009
Robert Goddard RWF HW Img American physicist, schientist, inventor, ??? 1882-1945 RWN
Emma Goldman RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born anarchist feminist, philosoper, 1869-1940
Benny Goodman RWF HW Img American clarinetist, "The King of Swing" 1909-86 RWN
Kurt Goldstein RWF HW Img Polish-born German American neurologist, psychiatrist, 1878-1965
Samuel Goldwyn RWF HW Img Polish-born American producer, co-founder of MGM, 1879-1974
Sir Ernst Gombrich RWF HW Img Austrian-born British art historian, 1909-2001
Gordon Gould RWF Img American physicist, inventor of laser, 1920-2005
Cary Grant RWF HW Img British-born American film actor,  (Jewish father) ??? 1904-86 H/Haaretz
Andrew Grove RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American co-founder, chairman of Intel corporation,   1936-
Mikhail Gurevich RWF HW Img Russian/Soviet aircraft designer, MIG aircraft bureau, 1893-1976
Fritz Haber RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German chemist, ammonia, Nobel Prize (1918), 1868-1934
Waldemar Haffkine RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born French Indian bacteriologist, 1860-1930
Yehuda Halevi RWF HW Img Spanish philosopher, poet, physician, 1075-1141
Alexander Hamilton RWF HW Img American Secretary of Treasury 1789-95 Washington (Jewish mother) ??? 1755-1804 JVL
Marvin Hamlisch RWF HW Img American composer, playwright, songwriter:composer, conductor, 1944-2012
Oscar Hammerstein II RWF HW Img German-born American producer, lyricist, librettist, songwriter:lyricist, theater director, (Jewish father) 1895-1960
Ruth Handler RWN HW Img American busunesswomen, co-founder of Mattel, Barbie doll, 1916-2002
Herbert Hart RWF HW Img British legal philosopher, administrator, 1907-92
Rita Hayworth RWF HW Img American actress, dancer, (Jewish father) ??? 1918-87
Jascha Heifetz RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American violinist,    1901-87
Herod the Great RWF HW Img King of Judea 74 BCE - 4 BCE (convert to Judaism) 74-4 BCE RWN
Sir William Herschel RWF HW Img German-born British astronomer, composer, (Jewish father) 1738-1822
Theodor Herzl RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Austrian founder of Zionism, playwright, journalist, 1860-1904
Heinrich Heine RWF HW Img German poet, journalist, essayist, literary critic, 1797-1856
Baroness Rosalyn Higgins RWF HW Img British president 2006-09 of Internatonal Court of Justice, 1937-
Fritz Hoffman-La Roche RWF Img Swiss founder of Hoffmann-La Roche, 1868-1920
Harry Houdini RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American magician, escapologist, actor, 1874-1926 RWN
Edmund Husserl RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian German philosopher, phenomenology, 1859-1938
Marquess Rufus Isaacs RWC HW Img Governor-General of India 1921-26 Foreign Secretary 1931 1860-1935
Zeev Jabotinsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Revizionist Zionist leader, writer, journalist, orator, translator, 1880-1940
Carl Jacobi RWF HW Img German mathematician, elliptic functons, 1804-51
Philo Judaeus RWF HW Img Egyptian philosopher, Alexandria 25BCE-50CE
Franz Kafka RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian writer, 1883-1924
Louis Kahn RWF HW Img Estonian-born American architect,  1901-74
Robert Kahn RWF HW Img American co-inventor of Internet TCP/IP, 1938-
Emmerich Kalman RWF HW Img Hungarian operettas composer, 1882-1953
Lev Kamenev RWF HW Img Soviet politician, member of Central Committee, (Jewish father) 1883-1936
Theodore von Karman RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German American physicist, engineer, 1881-1963
Joseph ben Ephraim Karo RWF Img Spanish-born Ottoman rabbi, kabalist, legal codifier of jewish law, Shulchan Aruch, 1488-1575
Garry Kasparov RWF HW Img Russian World chess  champion 1885-2000, political activist, (Jewish father) 1963-
Danny Kaye RWF HW Img American actor, dancer, singer, comedian, 1913-87
Hans Kelsen RWF Img Czech-born Austrian Swiss American jurist, legal philosopher, 1881-1973
Jerome Kern RWF HW Img American musicals composer, songwriter:composer, 1885-1945
Yulii Khariton RWF HW Img Russian nuclear physicist, atomic bomb, 1904-96
Carole King RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, pianist, 1942-
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img German-born American Secretary of State (1973-77), Nobel Prize (1973) for Peace 1923-
Calvin Klein RWF HW Img American fashion designer,  1942-
Leonard Kleinrock RWF Img American co-inventor of Internet, 1934-
Kurt Koffka RWF Img German-born American psychologist, gestalt psychology, 1886-1941
Sandy Koufax RWF Img American baseball player, 1935-
Jan Koum RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American internet entrepreneur, co-founder/CEO of WhatsApp, 1976- WhatsApp
Bruno Kreisky RWF HW Img Chancellor of Austria  1970-83 1911-90
Saul Kripke RWF HW Img American philosopher, logician,    1940-
Leopold Kronecker RWF HW Img German mathematician, 1823-91
Stanley Kubrick RWF HW Img American film director, film producer, screenwriter, 1928-99
Carl Laemmle RWF HW Img American founder 1915, Universal Studios, 1867-1939
Hedy Lamarr RWF HW Img Austrian-born American actress, inventor, spread spectrum radio technology, 1914-2000
Karl Landsteiner RWF HW Img Austrian-born American bacteriologist, immunologist, Nobel Prize (1930) in medicine, 1868-1943
Robert Langer RWF Img American biotechnologist, 1948-
Meyer Lansky RWN HW Img Belarusian-born American gangster, 1902-83
Emanuel Lasker RWF HW Img World chess chamiopn 1894-1921, 1868-1941
Ferdinand Lassalle RWF HW Img German/Polish-born founder of Social Democratic Party, 1825-64
Estee Lauder RWF HW Img Ameican founder of  Estee Lauder Cos cosmetics concern, 1906-2004
Ralph Lauren RWF HW Img American fashion  designer, 1939-
Claude Levi-Strauss RWF HW Img Belgian-born French anthropologist, philosopher, sociologist, 1908-2009
William Levitt RWF Img American real estate developer, president Levitt & Sons, 1907-94
Kurt Lewin RWF Img German-born American cognitive theorist, psychologist, 1890-1947
Gyorgy Ligeti RWF HW Img Romanian-born Hungarian composer, 1923-2006
Baron Justus von Liebig RWF Img German chemist,  (Jewish mother) ??? 1803-73
Marcus Loew RWF HW Img American founder of MGM, Loew's Theaters, 1870-1927
Isaac Luria RWF HW Img Ottoman Syria-born  Egyptian founder of Kabbalah, 1534-72
Rosa Luxembourg RWF HW Img Polish-born German communist leader, philosopher, economist, 1871-1919
Bernard Madoff RWF HW Img American businessman, stockbroker, financier, criminal, 1938-
Gustav Mahler RWF HW Img Austrian/Czech-born Austrian composer,conductor, 1860-1911
Theodore Maiman RWF HW Img American physicist, first operable laser, 1927-2007
Moses Maimonides RWF HW Img Spanish physicain, philosopher, rabbi, (Ben-Maimon Moshe Rambam) 1135-1204 RMC
Karl Mannheim RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British philosopher, sociologist, 1947-
Marcel Marceau RWF HW Img French actor, mime, 1923-2007 RWN
Karl Marx RWF HW Img German-born philosopher, political economist, historian, sociologist, 1818-83
Virgin Mary RWF HW Img mother of Jesus Christus, 18BC-41AD
Abraham Maslow RWF HW Img American psychologist, humanistic psychology, 1908-70 RWN
Marcello Mastroianni RWF HW Img Italian film actor, (Jewish mother) 1924-96 RWN
Louis Mayer RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American producer, movies mogul, 1884-1957
Richard Meier RWF HW Img American architect, 1934-
Lise Meitner RWF HW Img Austrian German Swedish physicist, co-discoverer of nuclear fission, 1878-1968
Moses Mendelssohn RWF HW Img German philosopher, translator, 1729-86
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy RWF HW Img German romantic composer, conductor, songwriter, 1809-47
Baron Yehudi Menuhin RWF HW Img American-British violinist, conductor, 1916-99
Giacomo Meyerbeer RWF HW Img German opera composer, 1791-1864
Adam Mickiewicz RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born poet, (Jewish mother)  1798-1855 RWN
Harvey Milk RWF HW Img American gay rights activist, 1930-78
Arthur Miller RWF HW Img American playwright, essayist, 1915-2005
Amedeo Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born French painter, sculptor, 1884-1920
Igor Moiseyev RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian dancer, choreographer, (Jewish mother) 1906-2007 RWN
Marilyn Monroe RWF HW Img American actress, singer, model, (convert to Judaism) 1926-62
Michel de Montaigne RWF HW Img French father of the essay, philosopher, (Jewish mother) 1533-92
Yves Montand RWF Img Italian-born French singer, actor, (Jewish father) 1921-91 RWN
Moses RWF Img adopted by Pharaoh's daughter in Egypt, leader of the Exodus from Egypt received the Torah, Mosaic Law BC 1525-1405
Nachman of Breslav RWF HW Img Ukrainian Hasidic ''rebbe'' and mystic, founder of Breslov hasidic movement, 1772-1810 RWN
Benjamin Netanyahu RWF HW Img Israeli prime minister of Israel 1996-99 2009- 1949-
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science, 1903-57
Oscar Niemeyer RWF HW Img Brazilian architect, 1907-2012
Alfred Newman RWF HW Img American film score composer, conductor, 1900-70
Mike Nichols RWF HW Img German-born American film director, producer, writer, actor, comedian, 1931-2014
Emmy Noether RWF HW Img German mathematician, high algebra, 1882-1935
Michel Nostradamus RWF Img French physician, astrologer, seer of the Future, 1503-66
Jacques Offenbach RWF HW Img German-born French composer, cellist, 1819-80
David Oistrakh RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Soviet violinist, conductor, 1908-74
Robert Oppenheimer RWF HW Img American physicist, administrator, atomic bomb, 1904-67
Larry Page RWF HW Img American co-founder, CEO of Google, (Jewish mother) 1973-
William Paley RWF HW Img American radio/television executive, founder of CBS network, 1901-90
Shimon Peres RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Prime Minister of Israel  1986-88 1995-96 President 2007-14, 1923-2016
Gregory Pincus RWF Img American biologist, birth-control pill, 1903-67
Camille Pissarro RWF HW Img Danish French painter, (Jewish father) 1830-1903
Maya Plisetskaya RWF HW Img Russian/Soviet prima balerina, Bolshoi theater, 1925-
Judit Polgar RWF HW Img Hungarian chess player, 8th ranked player in the World 1976-
Sir Karl Popper RWF HW Img Austrian-born British philosopher of science, sociologist, 1902-94
Andre Previn RWF HW Img German-born American pianist, conductor, composer, 1929-
Marcel Proust RWF HW Img French writer, (Jewish mother) 1871-1922
Joseph Pulitzer RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American journalist, founder of Pulitzer Publishing,    1847-1911
Yitzhak Rabin RWF HW Img Israeli politician, general, Prime Minister 1974-77 1992-95, Nobel Prize 1922-95
Ayn Rand RWF HW Img Russian-born American novelist, philosopher, playwright, screenwriter, objectivism, 1905-82
David Ricardo RWF HW Img British co-founder of political economy, MP 1819-23 1832-33 1772-1823
Hyman Rickover RWF HW Img Polish-born American admiral, nuclear submarine, 1900-86
Jerome Robbins RWF HW Img American dancer, choreographer, director, 1918-98
Richard Rodgers RWF HW Img American composer, songwriter, 1902-79
Mstislav Rostropovich RWF HW Img Azebarjani-born Soviet American cellist, conductor, (Jewish mother) 1927-2007
Mayer Amschel Rothschild RWF HW Img German-born patriarch of Rothschild Family, 1744-1812
Andy Rubin RWC Img American senior VP of Google, co-founder of Android, 1963- Android
Helena Rubinstein RWF HW Img Polish-born American founder of Helena Rubinstein Inc, cosmetics, 1870-1965
Albert Sabin RWF HW Img Polish-born American medical researcher, oral polio vaccine, 1906-93
Saint Paul RWF HW Img Christian Apostole  5-64/67CE
Saint Peter RWF HW Img Christiane Apostole, first Pope "Simon of Galilee" Saul  ?-67CE
Camille Saint-Saens RWF HW Img French composer, organist, conductor, pianist, (Jewish mother ???) 1835-1921 RWN
Jonas Salk RWF HW Img American physician, medical researcher, dead virus vaccine for polio, 1914-95
Edward Sapir RWF Img German/Polish-born American linguist, anthropologist, 1884-1939
David Sarnoff RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American broadcasing industry executive, founder of  NBC network 1891-1971
Saul RWF HW Img First Jewish King of the United Kingdom Israel and Judah, 1030-1010BCE
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img American-born Canadian American physicist, Nobel Prize (1981), (Jewish father) 1921-99
Menachem Mendel Schneersohn RWC HW Img Last Lubavitcher Rebbe, leader of Chabad Lubavitch Dynasty, 1902-94
Arnold Schoenberg RWF HW Img Austrian American composer,   1922-97
Julian Schwinger RWF HW Img American theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1918-94
Jerry Seinfeld RWF HW Img American comedian, actor, screenwriter, producer, 1954-
David Selznick RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American producer, studio executive, 1902-65
Ariel Sharon RWF HW Img Israeli prime minister of Israel 2001-05, 1928-2014
Sholem Aleichem RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American playwright, author, 1859-1916
Georg Simmel RWF HW Img German-born sociologist, philosopher, 1858-1918
Efim Slavsky RWC Img Soviet/Russian People's Commissar for Medium Machine Industry, (Jewish father) 1898-1991
Solomon RWF HW Img Third Jewish King of the United Kingdom Israel and Judah, 1010-927BCE RWN
Joseph Soloveitchik RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born American religious philosopher, 1903-93
Stephen Sondheim RWF HW Img American composer, lyricist, songwriter, 1930-
George Soros RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American financier, 1930-
Steven Spielberg RWF HW Img American film director, producer, movies mogul, 1946-
Baruch Spinoza RWF HW Img Dutch philosopher,  1632-77 RM1
Mark Spitz RWC HW Img American swimmer, Olympic champion (7 medals), 1950-
Richard Stallman RWF HW Img American scientist, founder of GNU project, Free Software, 1953-
Charles Steinmetz RWF Img German/Polish-born American mathematician, electrical engineer, 1865-1923
Wilhelm Steinitz RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian chess player, First world chess champion 1866-1894, 1836-1900
Howard Stern RWF HW Img American television/radio humorist, author, actor, 1954-
Isaac Stern RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American violinist, conductor, 1920-2001
Jon Stewart RWF HW Img American actor, comedian, writer, producer, presenter, 1962-
Levi Strauss RWF HW Img American inventor, businessman, jeans, 1829-1902
Barbara Streisand RWF HW Img American singer, film/television actress, composer, director, producer, 1942-
Eduard Suess RWF Img British-born Austrian geologist, paleontologist, (Jewish mother) 1831-1914
Yakov Sverdlov RWF HW Img Russian-born First President of USSR, 1885-1919
Leo Szilard RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German American physicist, nuclear fission reactor, 1898-1964
James Sylvester RWF HW Img British mathematician, poet, translator, 1814-97
Alfred Tarski RWF HW Img Polish-born American mathematician, logician,  1901-83
Dame Elizabeth Taylor RWF HW Img British-born American actress, (convert to Judaism) 1932-2011
Edward Teller RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, hydroghen bomb,  1908-2003
Irving Thalberg RWF HW Img American film producer, screenwriter, executive, 1899-1932
Leon Trotsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born First Minister of Defense of USSR, 1879-1940 JVL
Boris Vannikov RWF Img Azebarjani-born Russian People's Commissar for Armaments 1939-41, colonel general, 1897-1962
Diego Velazquez RWF HW Img Spanish painter, (Jewish father) 1599-1660 RWC
Vilna Gaon RWF HW Img 18th century Talmudist and mystic, Lithuanian leader of the ''Mitnagdim'',  1720-97
Sir Vito Volterra RWF HW Img Italian-born mathematician, physicist, mathematical biology, 1860-1940
Vladimir Vysotsky RWF HW Img Russian singer/songwriter, poet, film/theater actor, (Jewish father) 1938-80
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1952) in medicine, streptomycin, 1888-1973
Barbara Walters RWF HW Img American media personality, news anchor, 1929-
Albert Warner RWC HW Img Polish-born American co-founder 1918 of Warner Bros., 1884-1967
Harry Warner RWC HW Img Polish-born co-founder 1918 of Warner Brothers, 1881-1958
Jack Warner RWF HW Img Canadian-born American producer, movies mogul, 1892-1978
Sam Warner RWC HW Img Polish-born American co-founder 1918 of Warner Bros., 1887-1927
Max Wertheimer RWF Img Czech-born American co-founder of Gestalt Psychology, 1880-1943
Norbert Wiener RWF HW Img American mathematical logician, founder of cybernetics, 1894-1964
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1986) for Peace, 1928-2016
Eugene Wigner RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1963), founder of Nuclear Engineering, 1902-95
Billy Wilder RWF HW Img French-born American director, producer, screenwriter, 1906-2002
William Wyler RWF HW Img French-born American director, producer, 1902-81
Edward Witten RWF HW Img American mathematician, physicist, Fields Medal (1990), 1951-
Ludwig Wittgenstein RWF HW Img Austrian-born British philosopher, (not Jewish maternal grandmother) 1889-1951
Ludwig Zamenhof RWF HW Img Polish ophthamologist, linguist, inventor of Esperanto,  1859-1917
Yakov Zeldovich RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, astronomer, atomic bomb, 1914-87
Volodymyr Zelensky RWC Img Ukrainian politician, comedian, president of Ukraine 2019- , 1978-
Sabbatai Zevi RWF HW Img Turkish-born mystic, pseudo-messiah, 1626-76 RWC
Grigory Zinoviev RWF HW Img Soviet Secrete Police Secretary, President of Communist International, 1883-1936
Mark Zuckerberg RWF HW Img American founder, CEO of Facebook, 1984-
Adolph Zukor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American founder/president of Paramount Pictures, 1873-1976
Weapon designers
Yevrei-constructor YevreyReligion
civil servant
European Nobilities/wiki5.ru
Awards/wiki5.ru Nagrada
Awards/wiki5.ru NagradaScience
Jstor prominentJews
Jewish scientists
Damien Egan Img British politician, MP 2024- (convert to Judaism)
Sir Harry Djanogly Img British textile manufactorer,
Jonathan Djanogly Img Conservative MP 2021-24
Matthew Patrick Img Brirtish Labour politician, MP 2024-
Georgia Gould Img British Labour MP 2024- ,
Sarah Sackman Img British Labour politician, MP 224- 
Ben Coleman Img Labour MP 2024- ,
Josh Simons Img British Labour MP 2024- ,
Peter Prinsley Img British Labour MP 2024- ,
Asaf Rapoport Img Israeli co-founder/CEO of WIZ,
Roy Reznik Israeli co-founder/CEO of WIZ,
Ami Littwak Israeli co-founder/CEO of WIZ,
Fedor Sverdlov RWN Img Soviet military historian,
Yan Cherniak Img Ukrainian-born Soviet military intelligence officer, (Jewish father)
Alexander Zirlin RWN Soviet commander, colonel-general, engineeing,
Venjamin  Zuckerman RWN Img Belarusian-born Soviet physicist,
Abram Abkin RWF Img Russian/Soviet physical chemist,
Jose Bowen Img president of Goucher College 2014-19
Eli Adashi Img Israeli-born physician, Dean of Medicine and Biological Sciences of Brown University,
Jonathan Boyarin Img American anthropologist,
Hertha Meyer Img German-born Brazilian cell biologist, parasitologist,
Alysa Stanton Img American reform rabbi, (convert to Judaism)
Caldwell Esselstyn Img American rower,   
Edward Felsenthal Img American journalist,
George Barrie Img American CEO of Faberge Inc,
Marvin Garbis Img American district court judge, district of Maryland,
Norton Juster Img American architect, writer,
Wolf Zuelzer Img German-born American pediatric pathologist,
Zoe de Toledo Img British rowing cox,
Joanna Richardson Img British biographer, translator,
Patricia Selinger Img American computer engineer,
Samira Rafaela Img Dutch politician, (Jewish mother) 2019-24
Abraham Hijmans van den Bergh Img Dutch physician,
David Lega Img Swedish politician, MEP 2019-23,
Helle Virkner Img Danish wife of Danish Prime Minister 1959-73
Iraci Hassler Img Chilian mayor of Santiago, 1921- ,
Alexandra Benado Img  Chilean Minister of Sport
Adnan Khashoggi Img Saudian Arabian entrepreneur, (Jewish grandfather)
Amit Elor Img American wrestler,
Noemie Fox Img French-born Austalian canoeist, (Jewish mother) O2024 gold
Sienna Green Img Australian water polo olimpian,
Nick Itkin Img American fencer,
Sharon Kantor Img Israeli windsurfer,
Inbar Lanir Img Israeli judoka,
Sarah Levy Img American rugby sevens player,
Jemima Montag Img Australin racewalker,
Peter Paltchik Img Ukrainian-born Israeli judoka,
Tom Reuveny Img Israeli sailor
Ofir Shaham Img Israeli rythmic gymnast,
Diana Svertsov Img Israeli rythmic gymnast,
Adar Friedmann Img Israeli rythmic gymnast,
Shani Bakanov Img Israeli rythmic gymnast,
Romi Paritzki Img Israeli rythmic gymnast,
Claire Weinstein Img American swimmer,
Maia Weintraub Img American fencer,
Jackie Dubrovich Img American fencer,
Raz Hershko Img Israeli judoka,
Carlos Frenk Img Mexican British cosmologist, (Jewish father)
Joachim Lambek Img Canadian mathematician, 1922-2014
Ralph Koltai Img German-born British stage designer, sculptor,
Hermann Gutzmann Img German physician, founder of poniatrics,
Moritz Horschetzky Chech-born Austrian physician, writer, translator,
Jean-Claude Pecker Img French astronomer, astrophysicist,
Andreas Duckstein Img Hungarian-born Austrian chess grandmaster,
Charles Gonda Img Hungarian American architect,
Bela Horovitz Img Hungarian-born British publisher, Phaidon Press,
Peter Demetz Img Czech-born American literary scholar, translator,
Fritz Weigert Img German-born British physical chemist,
Maglosia Fitzmaurice Img Polish-born British international lawyer,
Ludwika Wujec Img Polish physicist, teacher, politician,
Krystyna Zywulska Img Polish writer, columnist, songwriter, graphic designer,
Jan Rachinsky Img Russian human rights activist, programmer, mathematician,
Arseny Roginsky Img Russian historian, co-founder of Memorial,
Olga Hankin HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli land purschaser,
Michael Billig Img British social pychologist,
Baron Simon Brown Img Brirtish Justice of Supreme Court of the United Kingdom,
Stanley Dorfman Img South African-born British music television director, producer, painter,
David Freeshman British actor, broadcaster, theater director,
Edmund Fryde Img Polish-born British historian,
Victor Keats Img British chess historian,
Baron Dennis Lyons Img British public relations consultant,
Frederick Mann Img German-born British jurist,
Tony Murray Img French-born British chairman of Andrews Sykes Group, Andrews Sykes Group
Bernard Pears Img Austrian-born British founder of William Pears Group,
Jack Pole Img British historian,
Tessa Ross Img British film producer, executive,
Barnett Salmon Img British co-founder of Salmon &  Gluckstein, Salmon & Gluckstein
Geoffrey Salmon Img British chairman of J. Lyons and Co.,
Isidore Gluckstein Img British co-foundr of J. Lyons and Co.
Samuel Gluckstein Img German-born British founder of Salmon & Gluckstein tobacco merchants,
Montague Gluckstein Img British founder of J. Lyons and Co.
Collin Callender Img British television, film, theater producer,
Daniel Aukin Img British theater director,
Jacques Azagury Img British fashion designer,
Baron Erran Cohen Img British composer, trumpet player,
David Bean Img British judge of Court of Appeal England and Wales,
Peter Cummings Img Belarusian-born British architect,
Eliot de Pass Img British merchant,
Tali Golegant Img Israeli-born Luxembourgish singer/songwriter, actress,
Mikel Herzog Img Spanish singer/songwriter, 16
Marko Kon Img Serbian pop singer, (Jewish father)
Mae Miller Img British singer, 25
Ortal Malka Img Israeli-born French singer, 23
Jetty Paerl Img Dutch singer, 
Barbara Pravi Img French singer/songwriter, 2 
Walter Andreas Schwartz Img German singer, songwriter, (Jewish father)
David Crystal Img British linguist,
Miranda Kaufmann Img British historian, journalist, educator,
Luisa Porritt Img British politician, 2019-20,
Walter Sydney Lazarus-Barlow British physician, pathologist,
Jonathan Penrose Img British chess grandmaster, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Oliver Penrose Img British theoretical physicist, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Shirley Hodgson Img Bitish geneticist, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Baroness Caroline Michell Img British literary agent,
Baroness Nicola Mendelsohn Img British advertsing executive,
Ann McPherson Img British general practitioner,
Daniel Lorer Img Bulgarian politician, Minister of Innovation and Growth 2021-22,
Anatoliy Beliy Img Ukrainian-born Russian Israeli actor,
Alexander Lubotsky Img Russian-born Dutch linguist, indologost,
Baroness Cherry Hambro Img British journalist,
Marchioness Nicola Shulman Img British biographer, model,
Donald Zec Img British journalist, biographer,
Giuliano Ferrara Img Italian politician, journalist, editor, talk show host, Minister Berlusconi
Franz Ullstein son of Leopold Ullstein
Israel Brekhman Img Russian pharmacologist,
Mike Portnoy Img American musician, Dream Theater,
Messod Azulay RWC Img Brazilian federal judge, Minister,  2022-,
Katharine Ross Img American actress,
Melinda Simmons Img British Ambassador to Ukraine 2019-23,
Alexander Kofman RWC Img Ukrainian-born Minister of Foreign Affairs DNR 2014-16,
Avraam Zelensky RWC Ukrainian-born mayor of Poltava 1850,
Gilbert Grandval RWC Img French minister of Labour,
Remi Dassault Img French businessman, politician
Cynthia Grossman Fleishman Img Mexican billlionaire, Arca Continental
Kevin Glazer Img American billionaire, Glazer Properties,
Darcie Glazer Kassewitz Img American billionaire, Glazer Properties,
Edward Glazer Img American billionaire, Glazer Properties,
Ron Mann Img Israeli billionaire,
Nir Zuk Img Israeli-born American Chief Technology Officer, Palo Alto Networks
Ami Luttwak Img Israeli co-founder of WIZ,
Assaf Rapoport Israeli co-founder of WIZ, WIZ
Yinon Costica Israeli co-founder/VP of WIZ,
Evgeny Zanan Img Russian-born Israeli ches grandmaster,
Noam Shazeer Img American computer scientist, enterpreneur,
Eliezer Yudkowsky Img American artifical intelligence researcher,
David Baker Img American biochemist, computational biologist,  Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2024)
Norah Weinstein Img American businesswoman,
Joel Habener Img Ameican endocrinologist,
Donald Steiner Img American biochemist,
Jose-Alain Sahel Img Algerian-born French opthalmologist, scientist,