Jews By Countries (Wikipedia)  -  JewProm //country
Algeria C Greece C Panama C Home
Antigua & Barbuda C Guatemala C Peru C Search
Argentina C Guyana C Poland C
Australia C Honduras C Portugal C
Austria C Hungary C Romania C
Azerbaijan C Iceland C Russia/Soviet Union C C
Belarus C India C Serbia and Montenegro C
Belgium C Indonesia C Singapore C
Bolivia C Iran   Slovakia  
Bosnia-Herzegovina C Iraq C Slovenia C
Brazil C Ireland C South Africa C
Bulgaria C Israel C Spain C
Cameroon   Italy C Sri Lanka C
Canada C Jamaica C Sudan C
Chile C Japan C Sweden C
China C Kazakhstan C Switzerland C
Colombia C Kyrgyzstan C Syria C
Croatia C Latvia C Tajikistan C
Cuba C Lebanon C Trinidad and Tobago C
Cyprus C Lithuania C Tunisia C
Czech Republic C Luxembourgian C Turkey C
Denmark C Macedonia C Ukraine C
Democratic Republic of Congo C Mexico   United Kingdom C
Egypt C Moldova C United States C
El Salvador   Monaco C Uruguay C
Estonia C Morocco C Uzbekistan C
Ethiopia C Mozambique C Venezuela C
Finland C Myanmar (Burma)   Virgin Islands ) C
France C Netherlands   Virgin Islands US) C
French Polynesia   New Zealand C Yemen C
Georgia C Norway C Zambia C
Germany C Pakistan C Zimbabwe C
Gibraltar C C C