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1.Fellows A-K elected bo-de
Daniel Aaron RW5 Img American writer, literary critic, 1973 1912-
Henry Aaron American economist, ??? 1993 1996-
Robert Abeles Img Austrian-born American chemist, 1973 1926-2000
Robert Abelson RWF Img American psychologist, political scientist, ??? 1978 1928-2005 ExLink
Walter Abish RWF Img Austrian-born American  writer, 1998 1931-
Kenneth Abraham American law scholar, ??? 2009 1946-
Elihu Abrahams RW5 Img American physicist, 1999 1927-
Shirley Abrahamson HW Img American jurist, lawer, 1997 1933-
Morris Abram RW5 HW Img American lawyer, educator, US Permanent  Representative to UN 1989-2000 1969 1918-2000
Moses Abramovitz RWF Img American economist, 1960 1912-2000
Morton Abramowitz Img American ambassador to Thailand 1978-81, Turkey 1989-91, 1995 1933- ExLink
Floyd Abrams RW5 Img American legal scholar, 2006 1936-
Leroy Abrams RWF Img American botanist, 1930 1874-1956
Meyer Abrams RWF Img American literary historian, literary scholar, 1963 1912-2012
Jill Abramson RWF HW Img American journalist, managing editor "New York Times", 2001 1954-
Bruce Ackerman HW Img American lawyer, author, ??? 1986 1943-
Diane Ackerman RWF Img American poet, essayist, naturalist, 2016 1948-
James Ackerman RW5 Img American archtectural historian, art historian, 1963 1919-
Ruth Adams American arms control advisor, ??? 1985 1923-2005 ExLink
Edward Adelberg Img American molecular geneticist, 1964 1920-2009
Eric Adelberger Img American nuclear physicist, 1998 1938-
Irma Adelman RWF Img Romanian-born American economist, 1974 1930- jinfo
Morris Adelman Img American economist,  1956 1917-2014 jinfo
Edward Adelson RWB Img American psychologist, ??? 2010 1954-
Leonard Adleman RWF HW Img American computer scientist, DNA computing, 2006 1945-
Julius Adler RWC Img German-born American biochemist, 1976 1930-
Nancy Adler RWB Img American health psychologist, ??? 2009 1946-
Roy Adler Img American mathematician, 1998 1931-2016 ExLink
Stephen Adler RWF Img American physicist, 1974 1939-
Philippe Aghion RWF Img French economist, 2009 1956-
Joanna Aizenberg RWF Img American chemist, 2014 1960-
Michael Aizenman RWF HW Img Russian-born American mathematical physicist, 2017 1945-
George Akerlof RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001), (Jewish mother) 1985 1940-
Adrian Albert RWF Img American mathematician, 1968 1905-72 ExLink
Bruce Alberts RWF Img American biochemist, molecular biology, president of NAS 1993-2005 1978 1938-
Madeleine Albright RWF HW Img American Secretary of State 1997-2001, 2001 1937-
Berni Alder RWF Img German-born Swiss American physicist, computational physics 2008 1925-
David Aldous RW5 Img British American mathematician, statistician, 2004 1952-
Ben Alexander electrical engineer ??? 1972 1919-77
Joel Allen RWF Img American zoologist, ornithologist, ??? 1871 1838-1921
Paul Allen RWF HW Img American businessman, co-founder of Microsoft, ??? 2011 1953-
Woody Allen RWF HW Img American director, writer, actor, comedian, 2001 1935-
Nathaniel Allison physicist ??? 1925 1876-1932
Gabriel Almond RWF HW Img American political scientist, 1961 1911-2002 ExLink
Paul Alpers American literature scholar, English 1996 1932-2013
Svetlana Alpers RWF Img American art historian, 1991 1936- ExLink
Ralph Alpher RWF HW Img American physicist, background radiation, astrophysicist, 1986 1921-2007
Robert Alter RW5 Img American biblical scholar, translator, literary critic, 1986 1935-
Drew Altman language and literary ??? 2003 1951- ExLink
Sidney Altman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American biologist, Nobel Prize (1989), 1988 1939-
Alexander Altmann HW Img Hundarian-born scholar, clergy member, philosopher, 1967 1906-87
Alan Altshuler Img American political scientist,  ??? 1997 1936-
Boris Altshuler RWC Img Russian-born American physicist, quantum mechanics, 1996 1955-
David Altshuler Img American endoctinologist, geneticist, 2013 1964-
Isadore Amdur American physical chemist, ??? 1944 1910-70
Bruce Ames RWF Img American biochemist, 1970 1928-
Edward Anders RWB Latvian-born American chemist, 1926-
Herbert Anderson RWF Img American nuclear physicist, 1978 1914-88 ExLink
Christian Anfinsen RWF HW Img American chemist, Nobel Prize (1972) (convert to Judaism) 1958 1916-95
Joshua Angrist RWC Img American-born Israeli  American economist, Nobel Prize (2021) 2006 1960-
Leonore Annenberg RW5 Img American art patron, 2004 1918-2009
Walter Annenberg RWC HW Img American publisher, art patron, 1995 1908-2002
Polly Apfelbaum Img American visual artist, 2002 1955-
James Arnold RWF Img American geophysicist, ??? 1969 1923-2012
Barbara Aronstein Black RWB Img American legal scholar, legal historian, administrator, 1989 1933- ExLink1
Hannah Arendt RWF HW Img German-born American political scientist, economist, philosopher, 1962 1906-75
David Arnett RW5 Img American astrophysicist,  ??? 1988 1940-
Rudolf Arnheim RWF Img German-born American perceptional psychologist, film theorist, 1976 1904-2007
Mark Aronoff Img Canadian-born American morphologist,  2013 1949-
Daniel Arnon RWF Img Polish-born American biochemist, vegetal physiologist, 1962 1910-94 ExLink
Elliot Aronson RWF Img American social psychologist, 1992 1932- ExLink
Peter Aronson Img American molecular biologist, ??? 2009 1947-
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1972), 1959 1921-
Michael Artin RWF Img German-born American mathematician, (Jewish maternal grandfather) 1969 1934-
Solomon Asch RWF HW Img Polish-born American social psychologist, gestaldt psychologist, 1965 1907-96
Orley Ashenfelter RWF Img American economist, ??? 1993 1942-
Isaac Asimov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American science fiction writer, biochemist, 1965 1920-92
Alan Auerbach Img American economist, ??? 1999 1951-
Carl Auerbach American lawyer, educator ??? 1974 1915-2016 ExLink
Maurice Auslander RW5 Img American mathematician,  1971 1926-94 ExLink
Paul Auster RWF HW Img American detective writer, filmmaker, poet, translator, 2003 1947-
Richard Avedon RWF HW Img American fashion photographer, 2001 1923-2004
David Awschalom RW5 Img American experimental physicist, ??? 2006 1956-
Emanuel Ax RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American pianist, 2007 1949-
Richard Axel RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004), 1983 1946-
Daniel Axelrod RWF Img American botanist, geologist, paleoecologist, 1981 1910-98 ExLink
Julius Axelrod RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1970) in physiology/medicine, 1981 1912-2004
Robert Axelrod RW5 HW Img American economist, political scientist, 1985 1943-
Irving Babbitt Img American literary critic, writer, ??? 1921 1865-1933
Milton Babbitt RWF HW Img American composer, 1974 1916-2011
Lawrence Bacow RWB Img American academic administrator, 2003 1951-
Ruth Bader Ginsburg RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 1993- 1982 1933-
Ernst Badian RWF Img Austrian-born American historian, 1974 1925-2011 ExLink
John Bahcall RWF Img American astrophysicist, President of American Astronomical Society 1978-81 1990-92 1976 1934-2005
Neta Bahcall RWF Img Israeli-born American astronomer, Vice President of AAAS 2014 1942-
Kurt Baier RWB Img Austrian-born American moral philosopher, (Jewish paternal descent) 1974 1917-2010
Bernard Bailyn RWF HW Img American historian, 1963 1922-
Ruzena Bajcsy RWF Img Slovak-born American computer scientist, 1933-
David Baker Img American biochemist, computational biologist,  Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2024) 2009
David Baltimore RWF Img American biologist, retroviruses, Nobel Prize (1975), 1988 1938-
Paul Baran RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born American co-inventor of digital packet switching, 2003 1926-2011 ExLink
Leonard Barkan RWB Img American literary scholar, 1994
Ruth Barcan Marcus RWC Img American philosopher, logician, 1977 1921-2012
Allen Bard RWF Img American electrochemist, 1990 1933-
Valentine Bargmann RWF Img German-born American physicist, mathematician, 1968 1908-1989
Hans Baron RWF Img German-born American historian, 1964 1900-88
Martin Baron RWB Img American journalist, editor-in-chief of The Washington Post, 2012 1954-
Salo Baron RW5 HW Img Polish Austrian historian, 1964 1895-1989
Samuel Barondes Img American neurobiologist, 2010 1933- ExLink
Jeremiah Barondess Img American physician, 2000 1924-
Barry Barish RWF HW Img American experimental physicist, Nobel Prize (2017) 1936-
Robert Barro RWF Img American economist, 1988 1944-
Henry Barschall RW5 Img German-born American nuclear physicist, (one not Jewish grandparent) 1987 1915-97
Jacqueline Barton RWF HW Img American chemist, 1991 1952-
Omer Bartov RWF HW Img Israeli-born American historian, 2005 1954-
Jordan Baruch Img American electrical engineer, 1963 1923-2011 ExLink
Allan Basbaum RW5 Img American neuroscientist,  2003 1947- ExLink
Isaac Bashevis Singer RWF HW Img Polish-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1978), 1969 1902-91
Leonard Baskin RW5 Img American sculptor, graphic artist, 1966 1922-2000
Hyman Bass RWC Img American mathematician, 1981 1932- ExLink
Bonnie Bassler RW5 Img American molecular biologist, (Jewish father) 2007 1962-
Roy Baumeister RW5 Img American psychologist, ??? 2015 1953-
William Baumol RWF Img American economist, 1971 1922-
Herbert Bayer RWF Img Austrian American graphic designer, painter, photographer,sculptor, architect, 1979 1900-85
Gordon Baym RW5 Img American theoretical physicist, 1981 1935-
David Bazelon RW5 Img American appeals judge, 1970 1909-93
Emily Bazelon RW5 Img American journalist,    2019 1971-
Mark Bear neuroscientist ??? 2004 1957-
Richard Bear biophysicist, molecular biologist, ??? 1954 1908-94
Lucian Bebchuk RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American legal scholar,  2000 1955-
Aaron Beck RWF HW Img American psychiatrist, cognitive therapy, perception psychologist, 2007 1921-
Nathaniel Beck American political scientist  ??? 2006 1947-
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1992), 1972 1930-2014
Howard Becker RW5 Img American sociologist, 1993 1928-
Jon Beckwith RWC Img American microbiologist, geneticist, 1986 1935-
Marlene Behrmann Cohen Img South African-born American psychologist, 2019 1959-
Samuel Behrman RW5 Img American playwright, screenwriter, novelist, 1959 1893-1973
Alexander Beilinson RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, 2008 1957-
Daniel Bell RWF HW Img American sociologist, journalist, author, 1964 1919-2011
Richard Bellman RWF HW Img American mathematician, dynamic programming, 1975 1920-84
Saul Bellow RWF HW Img Canadian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1976), 1969 1915-2005
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-born American biologist,transplant immunology, Nobel Prize (1980), 1971 1920-2011
Paul Benacerraf RWF HW Img French-born American philosopher, 1998 1931-
Reinhard Bendix RWF HW Img German-born American sociologist, 1969 1916-91
Jonathan Bendor American political scientist,  ??? 2004 1950-
George Benedek RW5 Img American physicist, 1984 1928-
Manson Benedict RWC Img American nuclear engineer, chemist 1952 1907-2006
Seyla Benhabib RW5 HW Img Turkish-born American philosopher, 1995 1950-
Paul Benichou RWF Img Algerian-born French writer, intellectual, critic, literary historian, 1976 1908-2011
Hugo Benioff RWF HW Img American seismologist, (Jewish father) 1958 1899-1968
Edward Benz, Jr American hematologist, geneticist, ??? 2004 1946-
Seymour Benzer RWF Img American  physicist, biologist, geneticist, 1959 1921-2007
Sacvan Bercovitch RWF Img Canadian-born American literary/cultural critic, 1986 1933-2014 ExLink
Bernard Berelson American sociologist,  ??? 1962 1912-79
May Berenbaum RWF Img American evolutionary biologist, entomologist,   1996 1953- ExLink
Howard Berg Img American biologist, biophysicist, computational biology ??? 1985 1934-
Jeremy Berg RW5 Img American biochemist, administrator, ??? 2017 1958-
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry,  1966 1926-
Joy Bergelson Img American evolutionary biologist, 2020 1962-
Arthur Berger RW5 Img American composer, 1971 1912-2003
Bonnie Berger RWF Img American applied mathematician, computer scientist, 2012 1961-
Marsha Berger RW5 Img American computer scientist, 2000 1953-
Peter Berger RWF Img Austrian-born American sociologist, 1982 1929-
Suzanne Berger RW5 Img American political scientist,  ??? 1978 1939-
Robert Bergman RW5 Img American chemist, 1984 1942-
Stefan Bergman RW5 Img Polish-born German American mathematician, 1951 1895-1997
Abram Bergson RWF Img American economist, 1963 1914-2003
Arnold Berk American microbiologist,  ??? 1998 1949-
Stephan Berko Romanian-born American physicist, 1977 1924-91 ExLink
Leonard Berkowitz RW5 Img American psychologist, 1993 1926-2016 ExLink
Adolf Berle, Jr RWF Img American lawyer, economist, ??? 1944 1895-1971
Ira Berlin RWB HW Img American historian, 2004 1941-
Paul Berliner American musicologist,  ??? 2004 1946-
Robert Berliner Img American physiologist  ??? 1961 1915-2002
Harold Berman Img American legal scholar, ??? 1997 1918-2007
Howard Bern Img Canadian-born American endocrinologist, 1985 1920-2012
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14, 2001 1953-
Bruce Berne Img American physical chemist, dynamics and structure of liquids, 1995 1940-
Robert Berne Img American cardiologist, 1995 1918-2001
Douglas Bernheim RW5 American economist, ??? 1997 1958-
Charles Bernstein RWF Img American poet, critic, educator,  2006 1950- ExLink
Jane Bernstein American musicologist,  ??? 2005 1947-
Leonard Bernstein RWF HW Img American conductor, composer, author, music lecturer, pianist, 1951 1918-90
Marver Bernstein Img American political scientist, 1970 1919-90 ExLink
Michael Bernstein Img American medical historian, ??? 1995 1947-2011
Richard Bernstein RW5 Img American physical chemist, 1970 1923-90
Lipman Bers RWF Img Latvian-born Czech American mathematician, 1961 1914-93
Richard Bersohn Img American chemist, 1962 1925-2003
Jerome Berson Img American chemist, 1971 1924-
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img German-born British American physicist, Nobel Prize (1967), (Jewish mother) 1947 1906-2005
Bruno Bettelheim RWF HW Img Austrian-born American developmental child psychologist, psychiatrist, 1971 1903-90
Bruce Beutler RWF HW Img American immunologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (2011), 2013 1957-
Ernest Beutler RWC Img German-born American hematologist, biomedical scientist, 1975 1928-2008 ExLink
Michael Bever materials scientist  ??? 1956 1911-92 ExLink
Alexander Bickel RWF Img Romanian-born American lawyer,  1971 1924-74
Peter Bickel RWF Img Romanian-born American statistician,  1986 1940- Nancy
Elias Bickerman RWF HW Img Moldovan-born American historian, Ancient History, 1974 1897-1981 ExLink1
Margarete Bieber RWC Img German/Polish-born Ameican archaeologist, art historian, 1971 1879-1978
Henry Bienen RWB Img American academic administrator,  1998 1939-
Rosina Bierbaum RWF Img American ecologist,  ??? 2007 1952-
Jacob Bigeleisen RW5 Img American chemist, isotope chemistry, 1968 1919-2010
Malcolm Bilson RWF Img American pianist, piano scholar, 1994 1935-
Gordon Binder Img American administrator, chairman, CEO of Amgen, 2001 1935-
Leonard Binder American political scientist, 2002 1927- ExLink1
Sarah Binder Img American political scientist, 2015 1964-
Peter Bing American physician, businessman, 1996 1934-
Joan Birman RW5 Img American mathematician, 1927-
Henrik Birnbaum RW5 Img German-born American language/literary scholar,  1992 1925-2002 ExLink
Howard Birnbaum RW5 Img American physicist, mettallurgist, 1996 1932-2005
Joel Birnbaum RWC Img Senior Vice President for R & D, HP 2002 1937-
Boris Bittker Img American legal scholar, ??? 1978 1916-2005 ExLink
Max Black RWF Img Azerbaijani-born British American mathematician, linguistic philosopher, 1963 1909-88
Samuel Black statistician ??? 1949 1909-68
Michael Blackwood American documentary fimmaker, 2010 1934-
David Blackbourn British historian, ??? 2007 1949-
Kenneth Blackfan RWB Img American pediatrician, ??? 1927 1883-1941
Judith Blake American sociologist, educator,  ??? 1990 1926-93 ExLink
Rebecca Blank RWC Img American economist, educator, 2005 1955-
Martin Blaser RW5 Img American pathologist, physician, 2013 1948-
Helen Blau RWF Img British-born American cell biologist, 1996 1948-
Alan Blinder RWF Img American economist,  1991 1945-
Bernard Bloch RWB Img American linguist, 1948 1907-65
Erich Bloch RWF Img German-born American electrical engineer, administrator,  2006 1925-
Felix Bloch RWF HW Img Swiss-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1952), NMR, 1957 1905-83
Herbert Bloch RW5 Img German-born American historian, archaeologist, 1950 1911-2006
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1964) in medicine, 1955 1912-2000
Howard Bloch language and literary ??? 1993 1943-
Spencer Bloch RW5 Img American mathematician, (Jewish father) 2009 1944- ExLink
Gene Block Img chancellor of University of California 2007- 2010 1948-
Herbert Block RWB HW Img American editional cartoonist, author, 1959 1909-2001
James Block president of Block Drug Company 2003 1937-
Ned Block Img American philosopher of mind, 2004 1942-
Barry Bloom RW5 Img American immunologist, 1990 1937- ExLink
David Bloom RWB Img American economist, demographer ??? 2005 1955-
Floyd Bloom RW5 Img American neuroscientist, 1978 1936- ExLink
Harold Bloom RWF Img American literary/cultural critic, 1979 1930-
Hyman Bloom RW5 Img Latvian-born American painter, 1960 1913-2009
Kerry Bloom Img American biologist, educator, ??? 2013 1953-
Nicholas Bloom RWB Img British-born American economist, educator, ??? 2013 1973-
Michael Bloomberg RWF HW Img American businessman, Mayor of New York 2002-13, 2007 1942-
Clara Bloomfield RWB Img American cancer researcher, ??? 2011 1942-2000
Maurice Bloomfield RWF Img Polish/Austrian-born American linguist, 1914 1855-1928
Morton Bloomfield RWF American language/literary scholar,  1963 1913-87
Elkan Blout RWF Img American biochemist, 1955 1919-2006
Jerome Blum Img American historian, administrator, 1976 1913-93
John Blum American historian, ??? 1960 1921-2011
Lenore Blum RWF Img American computer scientist, 2024 1942-
Manuel Blum RWF HW Img Venezuelan-born American computer scientist, computational complexity theory 1995 1938-
Walter Blum American lawyer, ??? 1979 1918-94 ExLink
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1976), 1990 1925-2011
Martin Blume American physicist, research administrator ??? 1993 1932- ExLink
Thomas Blumenthal American biologist, ??? 2010 1943-
Sheila Blumstein RW5 Img American linguist, educator,academic administrator ??? 1993 1944- ExLink
Jeffrey Bluestone RWB Img American immunologist, 1954-
Franz Boas RWF HW Img German-born American anthropologist, father of modern anthropology, 1912 1858-1942
Marie Boas Hall RW5 American historian, educator, 1955 1919-2009 Brandeis
Mel Bochner RW5 Img American conceptual artist,    2008 1940- ExLink
David Bodian RWB Img American neuropathologist, vaccinologist, 1968 1910-92
Samuel Bodman RWF Img American Secretary of Energy 2004-,   Bush 1988 1938-
Lawrence Bogorad RWE Img Uzbek-born American biologist, botanist, 1968 1921-2003
Philip Bohlman RWB Img American ethnomusicologist, 2011 1952-
Lee Bollinger RWB Img Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2010- , president of Columbia University 2002- 1992 1946-
Daniel Boorstin RWF Img American historian, 1969 1914-2004
Edwin Borchard RWB Img American lawyer, ??? 1933 1884-1951
Robert Boruch social science & policy researcher ??? 2002 1942- ExLink
David Botstein RWF Img Swiss-born American biologist, geneticist, 1985 1942-
Leon Botstein RW5 HW Img Swiss-born American conductor, 1993 1946-
Raoul Bott RWF Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, (Jewish mother) 1959 1923-2005
Daniel Boyarin RWF HW Img American historian of religion, philosopher, 2005 1946-
Michael Bratman RWB Img American philosopher, ??? 2012 1945-
Leo Braudy RWB Img American writer, literature critic, ??? 2010 1941-
Richard Brauer RWF Img German-born American mathematician, model representation theory 1954 1901-77
John Brauman RW5 Img American chemist, 1976 1937- ExLink1
Eugene Braunwald RW5 Img Austrian-born American cardiologist, writer, 1973 1929- ExLink
Leo Breiman RWF Img American statistican, 1999 1928-2005 ExLink
Gregory Breit RWF Img Ukrainian-born American nuclear physicist, 1951 1899-1981
Donald Bren RWB Img American chairman of Irvine Company, (Jewish father) 2007 1932-
Barry Brenner Img American physician, physiologist, administrator, ??? 2003 1937-
Howard Brenner Img American engineering scientist,  1999 1929-2014
Robert Brenner RW5 Img American historian, writer, ??? 2010 1943-
Greorge Breslauer Img American political scientist, ??? 2014 1946-
Ronald Breslow RWF Img American chemist, 1967 1931-
Paul Brest RWB Img American legal scholar,  1982 1940-
Marcel Breuer RWF Img Hungarian-born British American architect, furniture designer, 1966 1902-81
Leo Brewer RWF Img American physical chemist, high temperature chemistry, 1979 1919-2005 ExLink
Stephen Breyer RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 1994- 1982 1938-
Roberta Brilmayer lawyer ??? 1994 1950-
Sergey Brin RWF HW Img Russian-born American co-founder of Google search engine 2005 1973-
Frank Brink, Jr American biophysicist, ??? 1961 1910-2007
Kenneth Brinkhous RWB Img American pathologist,  ??? 1973 1908-2000
John Brinkman American historian, educator, ??? 1991 1938-
William Brinkman RWB Img American applied physicist, 1992 1934-
Edythe Broad RWB Img American philanthropist, art collector, 2016 1933-
Eli Broad RW5 HW Img American businessman, home building financial services Kaufman & Broad 2001 1933-
Sarah Broadie Img British philosopher, 1991 1941-
David Broder RW5 Img American columnist, 1990 1929-2011
Bernard Brodie RW5 Img American political scientist, national defense expert, 1975 1907-89 ExLink
Joseph Brodsky RWF HW Img Russian-born Soviet poet, essayist, Nobel Prize (1987) 1976 1940-96
Victor Brombert RW5 Img German-born American literary critic, 1974 1923-
David Bromwich RWB Img American language/literary scholar, ??? 1998 1951-
Martin Bronfenbrenner RWF Img American economist, 1977 1914-97
Urie Bronfenbrenner RWF Img Russian-born American psychologist, 1978 1917-2005
Edgar Bronfman, Sr RW5 HW Img American businessman, Seagram Co.,Time-Warner,MCA,Universal Studios 2001 1929-2013
David Brooks RW5 Img American columnist, 2010 1961-
Harvey Brooks RW5 Img Ameican physicist, ??? 1915-2004
Felix Browder RWF Img American mathematician, President of AMS 99-01 (Jewish mother) 1959 1927-
William Browder RWF Img American mathematician, President of AMS (Jewish mother) 1984 1934-
Reuven Brower language/literary scholar ??? 1958 1908-75
Donald Brown Img American embryologist, 1931-2023
Edgar Brown American mathematician, ??? 1974 1916-2007 Brandeis
Gene Brown biochemist ??? 1979 1926-
Harold Brown RWF Img American physicist, Secretary of Defense 1977-81 Carter 1969 1927-
Herbert Brown RWF HW Img British-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1979), 1966 1912-2004
Howard Brown musicologist  ??? 1980 1930-93
Jonathan Brown American art historian, ??? 1996 1939- ExLink
Michael Brown RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985), 1981 1941-
Baron John Browne RW5 Img German-born British politician, businessman, science writer, (Jewish mother) 1948-
Gene Brucker historian ??? 1979 1924-
Jerome Bruner RWF HW Img American psychologist, cognitive psychology, 1954 1915-2016
Louis Brus RWF Img American chemist, ??? 1998 1943- ExLink
Robert Brustein RW5 Img American educator, literary/theater critic, author, 1986 1927-
David Buchsbaum RW5 Img American mathematician,  1995 1929- ExLink
Solomon Buchsbaum RWF Img Polish-born Canadian American physicist, plasma physics 1973 1929-93
Stephen Buchwald RWF Img American chemist, 2000 1955-
Philip Bucksbaum RWB HW Img American physicist, ??? 2012 1953-
Bernard Budiansky RWF Img American physicist, applied mechanics, mechanical engineer, 1958 1925-99
Jeremy Bulow American economist, ??? 2004 1954-
Gordon Bunshaft RWF HW Img American architect,  1969 1909-90
Maurice Burg Img American physiologist, pharmacologist, 2001 1931-
Richard Burgin RWF Img Polish-born American violinist, conductor, 1947 1892-1981
Arthur Burns RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve 1970-78 1955 1904-87
Judith Butler RWF HW Img American sociologist, philosopher, queer theorist, literary critic, 2019
Paul Buttenwieser Img American psychiatrist, 2013 1938-
Richard Buxbaum American law scholar, ??? 2001 1930-
Elizabeth Cabraser American lawyer, ??? 2011 1952-
John Cahn RWC Img German-born American engineer, 1975 1928-
Walter Cahn RW5 Img German-born American historian, 2014 1933-
Norman Cahners founder of Cahners Publishing 1974 1914-86
Hortense Calisher RW5 Img American fiction writer, 1977 1911-2007
Melvin Calvin RWF HW Img American biochemist, photosynthesis, Nobel Prize (1961), 1958 1911-97
David Cane American biological chemist, ??? 2013 1944-
Mark Cane RW5 Img American climatologist,  ??? 2002 1944-
Charles Cantor RW5 Img American biophysicist, molecular geneticist, 1988 1942-
Harvey Cantor Img American pathologist,  ??? 2010 1942-
Nancy Cantor RWB HW Img American psychologist, Chancellor of Siracuse University 2000 1952-
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, Nobel Prize (2007) (Jewish maternal grangfather) 2009 1937-
Benjamin Cardozo RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 1932-1938. 1933 1870-1938
Robert Caro HW Img American writer, biographer, 2009 1935-
David Carrasco RWB Img American historian, anthropologist, educator, 2003 1947-
Emily Carter RWF Img American computational chemist, 2008 1960-
Donald Caspar RW5 Img American biophysicist, structual biologist, 1972 1927- ExLink
Benjamin Castleman American pathologist, hospital administrator, ??? 1960 1906-82
Stanley Cavell RW5 Img American professor of aesthetics, 1978 1926-
Vinton Cerf RWF HW Img American internet pioneer, (3/4 Jewish father) 1995 1943-
Michael Chabon RWF HW Img American writer, 2009 1963-
Paul Chaikin RWF Img American physicist,  ??? 2003 1945-
Martin Chalfie RWF HW Img American neurobiologist, Nobel Prize (2008) in chemistry , 2003 1947-
Bruce Chalmers Img American physicist, metallurgist, (Jewish mother) 1955 1907-90
David Chandler RW5 Img American chemist, 1995 1944-
Erwin Chargaff RWF Img Austrian-born American biochemist, 1961 1905-2002
Jule Charney RWF Img American meteorologist, father of numeric meteorology, 1957 1917-81
Eric Charnov RW5 Img American evolutionary ecologist, 2009 1947-
Abram Chayes RW5 Img American legal scholar, international law, 1962 1922-2000
Erwin Chemerinsky RW5 Img American legal scholar, lawyer, 2016 1953-
Andrew Cherlin Img American sociologist, 2016 1948-
Herman Chernoff RWC Img American mathematician, statistician & physicist, 1974 1923-
Marvin Chodorow RWC Img American applied physicist, engineer, 1972 1913-2005 ExLink
Noam Chomsky RWF HW Img American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, political writer, 1963 1928-
Alexandre Chorin RWC Img Polish-born Israeli American mathematician, 1991 1938-
Milton Clauser aueronautical engineer ??? 1959 1913-80
Ralph Cleland botanist ??? 1946 1892-1971
Harold Clurman RW5 Img American theater director, drama critic, 1965 1901-80
George Coffman language/literary scholar ??? 1946 1880-1958
David Cogan American physician, research administrator ??? 1949 1908-93
John Cogan, Jr lawyer ??? 2005 1963-
Bernard Cohen RWF Img American historian, 1952 1914-2003
Carolyn Cohen RW5 Img American biophysicist, 1980 1929- ExLink
David Cohen American educator,   2013 1935-
Fred Cohen   ??? 2008 1956-
Jerome Cohen Img American legal scholar, 1969 1930-
Joel Cohen RW5 Img American mathematical biologist, 1989 1944-
Joshua Cohen Img American political scientist, ??? 2002 1951- ExLink
Leslie Cohen Berlowitz Img President of American Academy of Arts and Sciences -2013 2004 1944-
Lizabeth Cohen RW5 Img American historian, 2012 1952-
Marshall Cohen Img American astronomer, ??? 1992 1926-
Marvin Cohen RWF Img Canadian-born American physycist, leader of nanotechnology, co-founder of Nanomix 1993 1935-
Morris Cohen RWF HW Img American engineer, inventor, metallurgist 1950 1911-2005
Paul Cohen RWF HW Img American mathematician, Fields Medal (1966) 1964 1934-2007
Ralph Cohen Img American language/literary scholar, ??? 1984 1917-2016 ExLink
Cohen Robert American chemical engineer, 2015 1947-
Saul Cohen American chemist, educator, 1956 1916-2010 ExLink
Seymour Cohen RWB Img American biochemist, 1963 1917-
Stanley Cohen RWF HW Img American neurologist, biophysicist,  Nobel Prize (1986) in medicine 1984 1922-
Stanley N. Cohen RWF HW Img American genetisist, genetical engineering, insulin 1978 1935-
Bernard Cohn RWF Img American anthropologist,  ??? 1968 1928-2003
Dorrit Cohn RW5 Img Austrian-born American language/literary scholar, ??? 2000 1924-2012
Edwin Cohn RWF Img American biochemist, 1926 1892-1953
Marjorie Cohn RW5 Img American art historian, ??? 1994 1939-
Melvin Cohn molecular biologist ??? 1980 1922-
Mildred Cohn RW5 Img American biochemist, 1968 1913-2009
Waldo Cohn Img American nuclear scientist, biochemist, 1962 1910-99
Jared Cohon RW5 Img president of Carnegie Mellon University 1997- 2012 1947-
Ronald Coifman RW5 Img Israeli American mathematician, 1994 1941-
Jonathan Cole J. American ecologist, ??? 2010 1953- ExLink
Jonathan Cole Richard Americ acardemic administrator, educator, 1992 1942-
Julian Cole RW5 Img American applied mathematician, 1975 1925-99
Michael Cole American psychologist, ??? 1981 1938-
James Coleman RW5 Img American sociologist, ??? 1966 1926-95
Sidney Coleman RWF Img American theoretical physicist, 1975 1937-2007
Joel Colton RW5 Img American historian, ??? 1979 1918-2011
Esther Conwell RWF Img American physicist, 1992 1922-2014
Leon Cooper RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1972) 1974 1930-
Aaron Copland RWF HW Img American composer, conductor, 1951 1900-90
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physilogist, Nobel Prize (1947) 1953 1896-1957
Stanley Corngold American literary scholar, 2011 1934- ExLink
Lewis Coser RWF Img German-born American sociologist, 1982 1913-2003
George Cowan RW5 Img American physical chemist, businessman, philantropist, 1997 1920-2012 ExLink
Scott Cowen RWB Img president of Tulane University 1998- 2010 1946-
Jerry Coyne RWF Img American biologist, activist, 2007 1949-
Benjamin Cravatt III RW5 Img American chemist, (Jewish mother) 2016 1970-
Lawrence Cremin RW5 Img American historian, administrator, 1972 1925-90 ExLink1
Lee Cronbach RWF Img American educational psychologist, (Jewish father) 1964 1916-2001
James Crown HW Img president of Henry Crown and Company 1954 2009-
Lester Crown RWC Img Material Service Corp., General Dynamics(weapons) 1999 1925-
Lewis Cullman RW5 Img American company executive, 2003 1919- ExLink
Merle Curti RWB Img American historian, ??? 1949 1897-1996
David Cutler RW5 Img American economy scholar, ??? 2007 1965-
Elliott Cutler American surgeon ??? 1932 1888-1947 ExLink
Roy D'Andrade Img American anthropologist, cognitive anthropology,   ??? 1990 1931-
Jacob DaCosta physician ??? 1881 1833-1900
William Dameshek HW Img American physician, hematologist, 1963 1900-69
David Damrosch 2017
Leopold Damrosch, Jr RW5 Img American literature scholar, ??? 2007 1941-
Samuel Danishefsky RWF Img American biochemist, 1984 1936-
Arthur Danto RW5 HW Img American philosopher, art critic, 1924-2013
George Dantzig RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, linear programming 1975 1914-2005
Sheldon Danziger Img American economist, ??? 2002 1948-
David Daube RW5 Img German-born British legal scholar, 1971 1909-1999
Mario Davidovsky RW5 Img Argentine-born American composer, 2004 1934-
Gordon Davidson RWB HW Img American stage/film director, producer, 1998 1933- ExLink
Norman Davidson RW5 Img American molecular biologist, 1984 1916-2002
Richard Davidson RWF Img American psychologist, neurobiologist, 2004 1951-
Bernard Davis RW5 Img American biologist, microbiologist, 1958 1916-94
David Brion Davis RWF Img American historian, (convert to Judaism) 1976 1927-
Marc Davis RW5 Img American astronomer, ??? 1992 1947-
Martin Davis RW5 Img American computer scientist, 1982 1928-
Natalie Zemon Davis RWF HW Img American historian of France, 1979 1928-
Igor Dawid Img Romanian/Ukrainian-born molecular biologist, ??? 1989 1935- ExLink
Sir Daniel Day-Lewis RWF HW Img British actor, (Jewish mother) 2011 1957-
Pablo Debenedetti Img Argentine-born American chemical engineer, biologist, 2008 1953-
Percy Deift RW5 Img South African-born American mathematician, 2003 1945-
Eddie Dekel American  economist, 2008 1958-
Michael Dell RWF HW Img American businessman,  2008 1965-
Harold Demsetz RWF Img American economist, 1997 1930-
Morton Denn Img American rheologist, chemical engineer, 1939-
Stanley Deser RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American particle physicist, 1979 1931-
David DeRosier Img American biologist, educator, 2001 1939- ExLink
Susan Desmond-Hellmann Img Chancellor of University of California, San Francisco 2009-14 2010 1957-
John Deutch RWF Img Belgian-born American chemist, civil cervant, Director of CIA 1978 1938-
Helene Deutsch RWC Img Austrian-born American psychologist, psychoanalyst, 1975 1884-1982
Benjamin DeWitt physician, minerologist ??? 1800 1774-1819
Bryce DeWitt RWF Img American theoretical physicist, (Jewish father) 2002 1923-2004
David DeWitt Img American computer scientist,  engineering, ??? 2007 1948-
Aaron Dexter physician, chemist ??? 1784 1750-1829
Persi Diaconis RWF Img American mathematician, probability statistics combinatorics (Jewish mother) 1989 1945-
Betty Diamond RW5 Img American rheumatologist, immunologist, 2006
Douglas Diamond RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father),Nobel Prize in Economics (2022) 2001 1953-
Irene Diamond RW5 Img American editor, philantropist,  2001 1910-2003 ExLink
Jared Diamond RWF HW Img American evolutionary biologist, biogeographer 1973 1937-
Louis Diamont RWC Img American pediatrician, hematologist, 1964 1902-99
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2010) 1978 1940-
Herbert Dieckmann language/literary scholar ??? 1956 1906-86
Elizabeth Diller RW5 Img American architect, 2008 1954-
Douglas Dillon RWF Img Secretary of Treasury 1961-65 John Kennedy (Jewish father) 1960 1909-2003
Carl Djerassi RWF Img Austrian-born American organic chemist, oral contraceptive, novelist, playwright, 1968 1923-2015
Edgar Doctorow RWF Img American writer, 1991 1931- RWJ
Evsey Domar RWF Img Polish-born Russian American economist, 1962 1914-97
Joseph Doob RWF Img American mathematician, 1965 1910-2004
Leonard Doob RWB HW Img American social psychologist, 1966 1909-2000 ExLink
Jonathan Dorfan South African-born American physicist, research administrator, ??? 2000 1947- ExLink
Albert Dorfman RW5 Img American biochemist, chairman, founder of AECOM, 1964 1916-82
Ariel Dorfman RWB Img Argentine Chilean novelist, essayist, human rights activist, 2001 1942-
Ralph Dorfman RWB Img American biochemist, 1953 1911-85
Robert Dorfman RWF Img American economist, 1972 1916-2002
Jesse Douglas RWF Img American mathematician, Fields Medal (1936) 1933 1897-1965
Theodore Draper RWF Img American historian, political writer, 1975 1912-2006
Persis Drell RW5 Img American physicist, 2007 1955-
Sidney Drell RWF Img American particle physicist, 1971 1926-
Mildred Dresselhaus RWF HW Img American physicist, 1974 1930-
Hubert Dreyfus RWF Img American philosopher, artifical intelligence, 2001 1929-
Gideon Dreyfuss RWB Img American biochemist, molecular biologist, 2005 1948-
David Drubin Img American geneticist, ??? 2010 1958-
Daniel Drucker RWF Img American structual engineer, stress analysis 1955 1918-2001
Johanna Drucker RWF Img American art historian/critic, curator, artist, 2014 1952-
Peter Drucker RWF HW Img Austrian-born American management expert, 1983 1909-2005
Brian Druker RWF Img American oncologist, hematologist, 2012 1955-
Hugh Dryden RWC Img American NASA Deputy Administrator 1958- , aeronautical scientist,  (Jewish discent) 1898-1965
David Dubinsky RW5 Img Belarusian-born American labour leader, 1952 1892-1982
Carol Dweck RWF Img American psychologist, 2002 1946-
Cynthia Dwork RWC Img American computer scientist, 2008 1958-
Ronald Dworkin RWF HW Img American philosopher, legal scholar, 1979 1931-2013
Martin Dworkin American microbiologist, 1997 1927-2014 ExLink
Bob Dylan RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, Nobel Prize (2016) in Literature, 2011 1941-
Eugene Dynkin RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, probabilist, 1978 1924-2014
Victor Dzau RWC Img Chinese-born American doctor, academic, 1945-
Harry Eagle RWF Img American microbiologist, cell biology 1960 1905-92
Joseph Ecker HW Img American plant biologist, Arabidopsis Genome plant biology, ??? 2015 1956-
Harry Eckstein American political scientist, 1970 1924-99 ExLink1
Otto Eckstein RWF Img German-born American economist, 1967 1927-84
Leon Edel RWF Img American language/literary scholar, 1959 1907-97
Elazer Edelman RWB Img American health sciences and technology scholar, cardiologist, 2014 1956-
Gerald Edelman RWF HW Img American biologist, embyologist, immunologist, neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (1972) 1968 1929-2014
Isidore Edelman Img American biochemist, 1980 1920-2004
Herbert Edelsbrunner Austrian-born American computer scientist, ??? 2005 1958- ExLink
Tilly Edinger RWC Img German-born American paleontologist, 1953 1897-1967
Irwin Edman RW5 Img American philosopher, 1952 1896-1954
Bradley Efron RWF Img American statistician, 1983 1938-
Irvin Ehrenpreis American language/literary scholar, ??? 1980 1920-85
Henry Ehrenpreis physicist ??? 1970 1928-2008
Anne Ehrlich Img American biologist, ??? 1995 1933-
Paul Ehrlich RWF Img American entomologist, 1982 1932-
Thomas Ehrlich RW5 Img American president of Indiana University 1987-94, 1996 1934-
Martin Eichenbaum RWB Img American economist, ??? 2013 1954-
Barry Eichengreen RWF Img American economist, 1997 1952-
Samuel Eilenberg RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, topology, 1974 1913-98
Herman Eisen Img American microbiologist, immunology 1965 1918-2014
Judith Eisen Img American neuroscientist, ??? 2024 1951-
David Eisenberg RW5 Img American biochemist, biophysicist,   1991 1939-
Deborah Eisenberg RWB HW Img American short-story writer, actress, teacher,   1945-
Leon Eisenberg RWB Img American psychiatrist, 1968 1922-2009
Melvin Eisenberg American lawyer, ??? 1984 1934- ExLink
Richard Eisenberg Img American chemist, ??? 2009 1943-
Theodore Eisenberg American lawyer, ??? 2010 1947-2014
David Eisenbud RW5 Img American mathematician, 2006 1947-
George Eisenman American academic administrator ??? 1982 1929-2013
Peter Eisenman RWF HW Img American founder of Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in New York, 2000 1932-
Robert Eisenman RWB Img American molecular biologist, geneticist, ??? 2003 1943-
Elizabeth Eisenstein RWF Img American historian, educator, 1981 1923-2016
Robert Eisner RWF American economist, 1975 1922-98
Thomas Eisner RWF Img German-born American ecologist, entomologist, evolutionary biologist, (Jewish father) 1969 1929-2011
Rolf Eliassen Img American company executive, research administrator, ??? 1961 1911-97
Ernest Eliel RWF Img German-born American chemist, 1980 1921-2008
Gertrude Elion RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Price (1988), zovirax, 1991 1918-99
Joel Elkes American psychiatrist, 1963 1913-2015 ExLink1
Jonathan Ellman Img American chemist, pharmacologist, educator, ??? 2015 1962-
Richard Ellmann RWF Img American literary critic, biographer, 1969 1918-87
Jeffrey Elman RWB Img American cognitive scientist, (Jewish father) 2016 1948-
Michael Elowitz RWF Img American molecular biologist, ??? 2015 1970-
Walter Elsasser RWF Img German-born American physicist, systems biologist, 1973 1904-91
Lewis Engel biochemist ??? 1956 1909-78
Donald Engelman RW5 Img American biochemist, ??? 2004 1941-
Laura Engelstein Img American historian, 2012 1946-
Stanley Engerman RWF Img American economist, economic historian, 1985 1936-
Solomon Englander American biochemist, 2006 1930-
David Epel RW5 Img American cell biologist,    ???
Charles Epstein RW5 American physician, geneticist,  2004 1933-2011 ExLink
Jonathan Epstein ??? 2011 1961-
Larry Epstein RWB Img Canadian economist,  2013 1947-
Lee Epstein American political scientist, lawyer, ??? 2006 1958- ExLink
Leon Epstein RW5 Img American political theorist, ??? 1981 1919-2006 ExLink
Richard Allen Epstein RW5 Img American legal scholar, 1985 1943-
Samuel Epstein RWB Img Polish/Belarusian-born Canadian American geochemist, 1977 1919-2001 ExLink
Erik Erikson RWF HW Img German-born American psychoanalyst, (Jewish mother), 1959 1902-94
Alex Eskin RWC Img Russian-born American mathematician, 2015 1965-
Deborah Estrin RWC Img American computer scientist,  2007 1959-
Richard Ettinghausen RW5 Img German-born American art historian, 1974 1906-79
Eli Evans Img American historian, writer,  2001 1936-
Harold Irving Evans American physicist, radio astronomer, company exeutive, ??? 1957 1922-2015
1.Fellows F-J elected deceased
Solomon Fabricant RWF Img American economist, 1966 1906-89
Anne Fadiman RWB Img American author, editor, teacher, 2015 1953-
Ronald Fagin RWF Img American computer scientist, 2014 1945-
Merle Fainsod RWB Img American academic administrator, ??? 1950 1907-72
Charles Fairman political scientist ??? 1956 1897-1988
Stanley Falkow RWF Img American microbiologist, immunologist, 1988 1934-
Paul Falkowski RWF Img American biological oceanographer, 2003 1951-
Robert Fano RWF Img Italian-born American computer scientist, convolutional codes 1958 1917-2016
Ugo Fano RWF Img Italian-born American physicist, 1976 1912-2001
Jonathan Fanton RWB Img American President  of AAAS, 2014- ,???  1999 1943-
Daniel Farber RWB HW Img American lawyer, academic administrator, 1999 1950- ExLink
Sidney Farber RWF Img American physician, cancer researcher, pathologist,   1949 1903-73
Gerald Fasman Img American biochemist, 1995 1925-2003
Joseph Faull Canadian botanist, mycologist, ??? 1929 1870-1961
Michael Fayer RW5 Img American chemical physicist, 1999 1947-
David Featherman American social scientist, ??? 1991 1943-
Herbert Federer RWF Img Austrian-born American mathematician, 1962 1920-2010
Solomon Feferman RWF Img American mathematician, philosopher, 1990 1928-
Charles Fefferman RWF Img American mathematician, Fields Medal (1978) 1972 1949-
Robert Fefferman American mathematician, 2009 1951-
George Feher RW5 Img Slovenian-born American physicist, Bell Labs magnetic resonance 1977 1924-
Don Fehrenbacher American historian, ??? 1980 1920-97 ExLink
Jules Feiffer RW5 Img American cartoonist, author, 2014 1929-
Edward Feigenbaum RWF Img American scientist, artificial intelligence 1991 1936-
Mitchell Feigenbaum RWF Img American mathematical physicist, chaos theory, 1987 1944-
Herbert Feigl RW5 HW Img Austrian-born American philosopher, 1971 1902-88
Andrew Feinberg Img American molecular biologist, research scientist, administrator, ??? 2009 1952-
Joel Feinberg RW5 Img American philosopher, 1976 1926-2004 ExLink
Herbert Feis RWF Img American economist, historian, 1960 1893-1972
Walter Feit RWF Img Austrian-born American mathematician 1978 1930-2004
Bernard Feld RW5 Img American nuclear physicist, 1956 1919-93 ExLink
Steven Feld Img American anthropologist, ethnomusicologist, linguist, ??? 1994 1949- ExLink
Gary Feldman American physicist, ??? 1994 1942- ExLink
Marcus Feldman RWF HW Img Australian-born American mathematical biologist, 1987 1942-
Martha Feldman Img American ethnomusicologist, ??? 2012 1954-
Noah Feldman RW5 Img American author, legal scholar, 2015 1970-
Martin Feldstein RWF HW Img American economist, 1977 1939-
William Feller RWF Img Croatian-born German American mathematician, probability theory, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1958 1906-70
Shoshana Felman RWF Img American academic, ??? 2010 1952- ExLink
William Fellner RWF Img Hungarian-born American economist,
Gary Felsenfeld Img American molecular biologist, 1981 1929-
Joseph Felsenstein RWF Img American evolutionary biologist, 1992 1942-
John Felstiner RW5 Img American literary scholar, translator, poet, 2005 1936-
Richard Fenno, Jr Img American political scientist, ??? 1974 1926-
Herman Feshbach RWF Img American nuclear physicist, 1954 1917-2000
Leon Festinger RWF HW Img American cognitive social psychologist, cognitive dissonance, 1959 1919-89
Albert Feuerwerker RW5 Img American sinologist, ??? 1980 1927-2013
Bernard Fields RW5 Img American micrrobiologist, virologist, 1990 1938-95
Stephen Fienberg RW5 Img Canadian-born American apllied mathematician, 2007 1942- ExLink
Jacob Fine American surgeon, hospital administrator, ??? 1953 1900-80
Morris Fine RWC Img American metalurgist, materials scientist, 2003 1918-2015 ExLink
Harvey Fineberg RW5 HW Img American physician, epidemiologist, president of Institute of Medicine 2002-14, 1994 1945- ExLink
Gerald Fink RWF Img American geneticist, 1984 1940-
Alan Finkelstein American biophysicist, ??? 1999 1935-
Amy Finkelstein RWF Img American economist, 2012 1973-
Louis Finkelstein American academic administrator,  1954 1895-1991
Maxwell Finland RWF Img Ukrainian-born American scientist, 1944 1902-87
Sir Moses Finley RWF HW Img American-born British historian,  1912-86
Andrew Fire RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (2006), 2004 1959-
Gerald Fischbach RW5 Img American neurobiologist, 1988 1938- ExLink
David Fischer RW5 Img American economic historian,  1995 1935- Brandeis
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1992), (Jewish father) 1972 1920-
Stanley Fischer RWF HW Img Zambian-born American Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2005-13 1981 1943-
Eric Fischl RWF Img American painter, sculptor, printmaker, 2003 1948-
Lawrence Fish American chairman, CEO of Citizens Financial Group, ??? 2007 1944-
Stanley Fish RW5 Img American literary theorist, legal scholar, 1985 1938-
Michael Fishbane RWB HW Img American biblical scholar, theologian, 2013 1943-
Avery Fisher RWF Img American inventor, sound reproduction, 1991 1906-94
Daniel Fisher Img British-born American physicist, (Jewish father) 1999 1956- ExLink
Franklin Fisher RWF Img American economist, 1969 1934-
Michael Fisher RWF Img British American physicist, chemist, mathematician, 1979 1931- ExLink
James Fishkin RWF Img American political scientist, educator, ??? 2014 1948-
Alfred Fishman Img American medical scholar, 1996 1918-2010
Mark Fishman RW5 Img American cardiologist, 2002 1951- ExLink
Zachary Fisk Img American applied physicist,  ??? 1995 1941-
Marshall Fixman RW5 Img American physical chemist, 1970 1930-
Leon Fleisher RWF HW Img American pianist, conductor, 1992 1928-
Robert Fleischer Img American physicist, geophysicist, ??? 1981 1930-2011
Joel Fleishman  Img American political scientist, academic administrator,  2003 1934- ExLink
George Fletcher RWB Img American lawyer, ??? 2004 1939-
Louis Flexner RW5 Img American biochemist, 1966 1902-96 ExLink
Simon Flexner RWC Img American pathologist, bacteriologist, administrator,  1911 1863-1946
Neil Fligstein RWB Img American sociologist, ??? 2010 1951-
Joseph Flom RW5 Img American lawyer, corporate attorney, 2006 1923-2011
Jerry Fodor RWF HW Img American cognitive scientist, philosopher, 1987 1935-
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1993) 1972 1926-2013
Judah Folkman RWF Img American cancer researcher, 1986 1933-2008 ExLink
Eric Foner RWF Img American marxist historian, 1989 1943-
Nancy Foner Img American sociologist, educator, 2011 1945-
Milos Forman RWF Img Czech-born American director, (Jewish father) 2008 1932-
Lukas Foss RWF HW Img German-born American conductor, composer, pianist, 1963 1922-2009
Maurice Fox Img American geneticist, molecular biologist, 1995 1924-
Evelyn Fox Keller RW5 Img American physicist, author, feminist, philosopher of science,    2007 1936-
Eduardo Fradkin RWB Img Argentine-born American physisist, ??? 2009 1950-
Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat RWF Img German/Polish-born British American biochemist, 1974 1910-99
Nathaniel Frank physicist ??? 1949 1903-84
Max Frankel RW5 Img German-born American journalist, executive editor,  1971 1930-
Helen Frankenthaler RWF HW Img American abstract artist, 1991 1928-2011
Harry Frankfurt RWB Img American philosopher, ??? 1995 1929-
Felix Frankfurter RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 1939-1962, 1932 1882-1965
Jonathan Franzen RWF Img American novelist, essyist, 2012 1959-
Paula Fredriksen RWC HW Img American historian, (convert to Judaism) 2013 1951-
Jack H. Freed RW5 Img American chemist, 1994 1938-
David Freedberg South African-born art historian,  1997 1948- ExLink
Sydney Freedberg RW5 Img American art historian, curator, 1965 1914-97 ExLink
Daniel Freedman RWB American psychiatrist, ??? 1979 1921-93
Daniel Freedman RWF Img American physicist, mathematicain, supergravity, 1986 1939-
David Freedman Img American statistician, ??? 1991 1938-2008 ExLink
James Freedman HW Img American President  of AAAS, 1998 1935-2006
Michael Freedman RWF Img American mathematician, Fields Medal (1986), poincare conjecture, (Jewish father) 1985 1951-
Paul Freedman RWF Img American historian, ??? 2010 1949-
Ronald Freedman RW5 Img American sociologist, demography, 1973 1917-2007
Stuart Freedman RW5 Img American nuclear physicist,  2006 1943-2012 ExLink
Wendy Freedman RWF Img Canadian American astronomer, cosmologist, 2000 1957-
Kenneth French RWF Img American economist, 2007 1954-
Julio Frenk RWC Img Mexican Secretary of Health 2000-2006, 2011 1953-
Edward Frenkel RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, 2014 1968-
Igor Frenkel RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician,  2015 1952-
L.B. Freund American material scientist, ??? 1993 1942- ExLink
Paul Freund RW5 Img American jurist, legal scholar, 1957 1908-92 ExLink1
Irwin Fridovich RW5 Img American biochemist,  1979 1929- ExLink
Charles Fried RW5 Img Czech-born American legal scholar, jurist, educator, 1997 1935-
Josef Fried RW5 Img Polish-born German American chemist, inventor, 1981 1914-2001
Michael Fried RW5 Img American art historian/critic, 1985 1939-
Daniel Friedan RW5 Img American theoretical physicist, 2014 1948-
Carl Frieden Img American biochemist, ??? 2004 1928-
Morris Friedkin Img American biochemist, 1963 1918-2002 ExLink
Eric Friedlander American mathematician, ??? 2005 1944-
Gerhart Friedlander RWB Img German-born American nuclear chemist, 1974 1916-2001
Lee Friedlander RW5 HW Img American photographer, artist, 1999 1934-
Saul Friedlander RWF HW Img Czech-born French-Israeli American historian of the Holocaust, 2000 1932-
Avner Friedman RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American mathematician, 1987 1932-
Benjamin Friedman RWF Img American political economist, futurist, 2009 1944-
Francis Friedman RWB Img American physicist, educator, ??? 1955 1918-62
Herbert Friedman RWF Img American physicist, solar x-rays, 1960 1916-2000
Jeffrey Friedman RWF Img American molecular geneticist, leptin, 2013 1954-
Jerome Friedman RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1990), linear accelerator quarks 1980 1930-
Jerome Friedman Img American statistician, 2005 1939-
Lawrence Friedman RWB Img American law scholar, legal historian, 1977 1930-
Michael Friedman RWB Img American philosopher, historian ??? 1997 1947-
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1976), 1959 1912-2006
Thomas Friedman RWF HW Img American journalist, columnist, author, 1995 1953-
Wolfgang Friedmann Img German-born American lawyer, 1961 1907-72
Joshua Frieman Img American astrophysicist, ??? 2016 1959-
Richard Friesner Img Amercan theretical chemist, ??? 2008 1952-
David Frisch RW5 Img American physicist, ??? 1954 1918-91
Rose Frisch RW5 American biologist, 1918-2015
Victoria Fromkin RWF Img American linguist, 1995 1923-2000
Joseph Fruton RWC Img Polish-born American biochemist, historian of science, 1953 1912-2007
Judith Frydman Img American biochemist, 2018
Sergio Fubini RWF Img Italian physicist, 1969 1928-2005
Elaine Fuchs RWF Img American cell biologist, 1994 1950-
Henry Fuchs RWC Img Hungarian-born American computer scientist, biomedical engineering, 1997 1948-
Drew Fudenberg RWF Img American economist, ??? 1998 1957-
Jed Fuhrman Img American biologist, 2013 1956-
Robert Furchgott RWF Img American pharmacologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1998)  2000 1916-2009
Frank Furstenberg, Jr Img American sociologist, 1994 1940- ExLink
Harold Furth Img Austrian American physicist, educator, ??? 1989 1930-2002
Jacob Furth Hungarian-born pathologist, educator, 1957 1896-1979 ExLink
Ellen Futter Img president of American Museum of Natural History, 1994 1949-
David Gabai RW5 Img American mathematician,  2014 1954-
Naum Gabo RWF Img Belarusian-born British sculptor, 1969 1890-1977 RWN
Susan Gal American antropologist, ??? 2007 1949-
Marc Galanter American lawyer, 1993 1931-
Jonathan Galassi RWB Img American company executive, writer, editor, ??? 2002 1947- Academy of American Poets
David Gale RWF Img American mathematician, economist, 1978 1921-2008
Zvi Galil  RW5 HW Img Israeli-born Israeli American computer scientist, mathematician, 2005 1947-
Charles Gallistel RW5 Img American psychologist, neuroscientist, 2001 1941- ExLink
Arthur Galston RW5 Img American botanist, plant physiologist, bioethicist, 1979 1920-2008
William Galston RWB Img American political scientist, philosopher, 2004 1946-
Herbert Gans RWB German-born American sociologist, 1982 1927-
Daniel Garber RWF Img American philosopher, 2011 1949-
Eugene Garfield RWF Img American library/information scientist, 2005 1925-
Norman Garmezy American psychologist, 1987 1918-2009 ExLink
Richard Garwin RWF Img American physicist, 1969 1928- ExLink
Theodore Geballe RW5 Img American applied physicist, 1978 1920-
Frank Gehry RWF HW Img Canadian-American architect, art museum designer, 1991 1929-
Karl Geiringer RW5 Img Austrian-born American musicologist, educator, biographer of composers, 1959 1899-1989
Arthur Gelb American systems/electrical engineer, ??? 2000 1937-
Ignace Gelb RWF Img Polish-born American archaeologist, historian, assyriologist, 1968 1907-85
Leslie Gelb RWB Img American journalist, 1992 1937-
Michele Gelfand RWB HW Img American psychologist, 2019
William Gelbart RWB Img American physical chemist, 2009 1946-
Margaret Geller RWF Img American astronomer, 1990 1947-
Samuel Gellman Img American chemist, 2010 1959-
Murray Gell-Mann RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1969), quarks, 1964 1929-
Rochel Gelman RW5 Img Canadian-born American psychologist, 1999 1942-
Susan Gelman RW5 Img American psychologist, ??? 2008 1960-
Alan Gerber Img American political scientist, 2009 1964-
Elisabeth Gerber Img American public policy scholar, educator, ??? 2012 1964-
Kenneth Germeshausen American electrical engineer, inventor, executive, ??? 1969 1907-90
Alexander Gerschenkron RWF Img Russian-born American economic historian, (Jewish father) 1963 1904-78
Leo Gershoy RW5 Img American historian,  1965 1897-1975
Mark Gertler RWF Img American economist, 2010 1951-
Norman Geschwind RWB Img American neurologist, psychologist, linguist, 1978 1926-84
Alan Gewirth RW5 Img American philosopher, 1975 1912-2004 ExLink
Michael Geyer American historian, 2008 1947-
Martin Gibbs Img American biochemist, ???  Brandeis 1972 1922-2006 ExLink
Creighton Gilbert American art historian, ??? 1964 1924-2011 Brandeis
Lawrence Gilbert Img American zoologist, biochemist, ??? 1990 1929-
Walter Gilbert RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry, 1968 1932-
Alfred Gilman RWF Img American pharmacologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1994) 1988 1941-
Sander Gilman RW5 Img American cultural, literary historian, 2016 1944-
Sid Gilman American physician, neurobiologist, 2001
Alfred Gilman, Sr RW5 Img American pharmacologist, 1971 1908-84 ExLink
Michael Gimbrone Img physiology, metabolism,   ??? 1999 1943-
Allen Ginsberg RWF HW Img American poet,  1992 1926-97
David Ginsburg Img American geneticist, ??? 2005 1952- ExLink
Jane Ginsburg RWF Img American legal scholar,     2015 1955-
Tom Ginsburg RWB Img American legal scholar,  educator, 2013 1967-
Eli Ginzberg RWB Img American economist,  1977 1911-2002
Edward Glaeser RWF Img American economist,  ??? 1971 1967-
Robert Glaeser Img American biophysicist, structual biologist, ??? 2016 1940-
Donald Glaser RWF HW Img American physicist, neurobiologist, Nobel Prize (1960), bubble chamber, 2003 1926-2013 bubble chamber
Robert Glaser Img American physician, administrator, 1965 1918-2012 ExLink
Sheldon Glashow RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1979), 1974 1932-
Philip Glass RWF HW Img American composer, pianist, 1994 1937-
Nahum Glatzer RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American historian, literary scholar, 1976 1903-90
Gary Glatzmaier Img American geophysicist, educator, ??? 2010 1949-
Roy Glauber RWF HW Img American physicist, quantum theory of optical conhearance, Nobel Prize (2005), 1961 1932-
Alexander Glazer Img American molecular biologist, ??? 1996 1935-
Nathan Glazer RW5 HW Img American sociologist, American Judaism, 1969 1923-
Lila Gleitman RW5 Img American psychologist, linguist, 1999 1929-
Laurie Glimcher RWF Img American immunologist, physician, 1996 1951-
Melvin Glimcher RW5 Img American orthopedic surgeon, 1962 1925-2014 ExLink
Sharon Glotzer Img American chemical engineer, physicist, ??? 2011 1964-
Carol Gluck RWB Img American historian, japanologist, 1991 1941- ExLink
Louise Gluck RWF Img American poet, (Jewish father) 1993 1943-
Eleanor Glueck Img American social worker, criminologist, research administrator, 1960 1898-1972 ExLink
Nelson Glueck RWE HW Img American archaeologist, theologian, administrator, 1966 1900-71
Sheldon Glueck Polish-born American criminologist, lawyer, 1933 1896-1980
Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch RWC Img German-born American geneticist, co-founder of developmental genetics, 1980 1907-2007
Maria Goeppert-Mayer RWF HW Img Polish-born German American physicist, Nobel Prize (1963), (Jewish grandparent) 1962 1906-72
William Goetzmann RW5 Img American historian, ??? Pulitzer 2000 1930-2010
Erving Goffman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American sociologist, anthropologist, linguist, writer, 1969 1922-82
Larry Gold American geneticist, hemotology ??? 1993 1941- ExLink
Thomas Gold RWF Img Austrian-born British physicist, astronomer, (Jewish father) 1957 1920-2004
Alfred Goldberg American cell biologist, ??? 2005 1942-
Arthur Goldberg RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Judge 1962-1965, US Secretary of Labour 1961-62 1964 1908-90
Avram Goldberg Company executive, Stop and Shop Companies 1977 1970- ExLink
Irving Goldberg Img American physician, educator, ??? 1977 1926-
Leo Goldberg RWF Img American astronomer, administrator, 1956 1913-87 ExLink
Michael Goldberg Img American physician, neurobiologist, ??? 2006 1941-
Arthur Goldberger RW5 Img American economist, econometrics statistics, 1977 1930-2009
Marvin Goldberger RWF Img American physicist, 1965 1922-2014
Sidney Golden American chemist, ??? 1962 1917-2003 Brandeis
Nigel Goldenfeld Img American physicist, 2010 1957-
Dorian Goldfeld RW5 Img German-born American mathematician, 2009 1947-
Gerson Goldhaber RW5 HW Img Austrian-born Israeli American nuclear particle physicist, cosmic physics, 1991 1924-2010
Maurice Goldhaber RWF Img Austrian-born American physicist, 1965 1911-2011
Claudia Goldin RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2023) 1992 1946- jinfo
Judah Goldin American language/literary scholar, 1979 1914-98 ExLink
Susan Goldin-Meadow Img American psychologist, ??? 2005 1949-
Allen Goldman Img American physicist, superconductivity, 1982 1937- ???
Alvin Goldman RW5 Img American philosopher of mind, 2004 1938-
Francisco Goldman 2017
Hetty Goldman RWC Img American archaeologist, 1950 1881-1972
Marshall Goldman RWF American expert of Russian economy, 1991 1930- ExLink
Robert Goldman American language/literary scholar, historian, ??? 1996 1942- ExLink
Patricia Goldman-Rakic RWC Img American neurobiologist, 1991 1937-2003 ExLink
Peter Goldmark RWC Img Hungarian-born American engineer, inventor, long playing record, 1972 1906-77 vinyl record
Peter Goldmark, Jr Img American government official,   1993 1940- ExLink
Boris Goldovsky RWF Img Russian-born American pianist, conductor, opera populizer, 1961 1908-2001
Peter Goldreich RWF Img American astrophysicist, 1973 1939-
Andrea Goldsmith RW5 Img American electrical engineer, 2017
Barbara Goldsmith HW Img American writer, historian, 2000 1931-2016 ExLink1
Jack Goldsmith Img American law scholar, ??? 2010 1962-
John Goldsmith American linguist, ???, 2007 1951-
Julian Goldsmith Img geochemist, academic administrator, ??? 1963 1918-99 ExLink
Abraham Goldstein RW5 Img American legal scholar, dean of Yale Law School 1970-75 1975 1925-2005
Arthur Goldstein Img American chemical engineering, CEO of Ionics, 2010 1935- ExLink
Avram Goldstein RW5 Img American molecular pharmacologist, 1995 1919-2012 ExLink
David Goldstein Img American geneticist, 2013  ???
Jan Goldstein RWF Img American historian, 2010 1946-
Joseph Goldstein American lawyer, 1976 1923-2000
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985) in Medicine, 1981 1940-
Joshua Goldstein 2017
Judith Goldstein American author, historian, human rights leader, 2019
Kurt Goldstein RWF HW Img Polish-born German American neurologist, psychiatrist, 1959 1878-1965
Lawrence Goldstein Img American cell biologist, ??? 2008 1956-
Matthew Goldstein RWB Img American Chancellor of City University of New York 1999- 2006 1941-
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein RWF Img American writer, philosopher, educator, 2005 1950-
Sydney Goldstein RWF Img British American mathematician, 1956 1903-89
Herman Goldstine RWF Img American matematician, computer scientist, administrator, 1983 1913-2004
Eli Goldston lawyer, industrialist, company executive ??? 1967 1920-74
Jeffrey Goldstone RWF Img British-born American theoretical physicist,  1977 1933-
Robert Goldstone Img American cognitive psychologist,  ??? 2016 1964-
Eugene Goldwasser RW5 Img American biochemist, 1991 1922-2010
Shafrira Goldwasser RWF HW Img American-born Israeli computer scientist, cryptographist, 2001 1958-
Solomon Golomb RWF HW Img American mathematician, engineer, inventor, pentaminoes, 2003 1932-
Jerry Gollub Img American applied physicist, 1992 1944- ExLink
Gene Golub RWC Img American mathematician, computer scientist, 1994 1932-2007
Leon Golub RWF Img American political painter, 1996 1922-2004
Martin Golubitsky RW5 Img American applied mathematician, 2005 1945-
Ralph Gomory RWF Img American mathematician, 1973 1929-
I.J. Good RWF Img British-born American cryptographer, developer of Colossus 1985 1916-2009
Mary Good chemist, educator, research administrator, ??? 1999 1931-
Michael Goodchild RWB Img British American  geographer, ??? 2006 1944-
Corey Goodman Img American neurobiologist, 1993 1951- ExLink
Joseph Goodman Img American engineer, physicist, ??? 1996 1936- ExLink
Leo Goodman RW5 Img American sociologist, statistician, 1973 1928- ExLink
Morris Goodman RW5 Img American anthropologist, immunolgist, 1996 1925-2010 ExLink
Nelson Goodman RW5 Img American philosopher, (Jewish father) 1959 1906-98
Carter Goodrich American economist, ??? 1950 1897-1971
Herbert Goodrich RWF American jurist, administrator ??? 1939 1889-1962
Alison Gopnik RW5 Img American cognitive scientist, 2013 1955-
Bernard Gordon RWF Img American inventor, founder of Analogic Corporation. 2007 1927-
Cyrus Gordon RW5 Img American language/literary scholar, archaeologist, 1968 1908-2001
Edmund Gordon 2017
Jeffrey Gordon RWF Img American physiologist, metabolism, 2004 1947-
Linda Gordon RWF Img American historian,  2002 1940- ExLink1
Robert A. Gordon RWF Img American economist, 1972 1908-78
Robert Gordon RWF Img American economist, 1997 1940- ExLink
Daniel Gorenstein RW5 Img American mathematician, 1987 1923-92
Irving Gottesman RW5 Img American psychiatric geneticist, 1930-
Maxwell Gottesman RW5 American biochemist, molecular biophysicist, ??? 2011 1935-
Michael Gottesman American biologist, unconformed 2010 1946-
Susan Gottesman Img American molecular biologist, geneticist, ??? 1999 1945-
Kurt Gottfried Img Austrian-born Canadian American particle theorist,    1982 1929-
David Gottlieb RW5 Img Israeli-born American mathematician, 2008 1944-2008
Robert Gottlieb RW5 Img American writer, editor, dance critic,    2016 1931-
Carl Gottschalk Img American physiologist, kidney failure, ??? 1970 1922-
Louis Gottschalk RWF Img American historian, academic administrator, 1950 1899-1975
Daniel Gottschling Img American cell biologist, ??? 2010 1955-
Samuel Goudsmit RWF Img Dutch-born American physicist, discovery of electron spin 1964 1902-78
Stephen Jay Gould RWF HW Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science, 1983 1941-2002
Peter Gourevitch American political scientist, administrator, ??? 1995 1943-
Norman Graebner American historian, ??? 1990 1915-2010 ExLink
Anthony Grafton RWF Img American historian,    1950-
Donald Graham RW5 Img American publisher, chairman of Washington Post, (Jewish maternal grandfather) 2005 1945- The Washington Post
Katharine Graham RW5 Img The Washington Post publisher, (Jewish father) 1988 1917-2001 The Washington Post
Sam Granick RW5 Img American biochemist, ??? 1970 1909-77
Mark Granovetter RWF HW Img American sociologist, 2008 1943-
Albert Grass American electronics engineer, executive, ??? 1991 1910-92
Hanna Holborn Gray RWC Img American historian, president of University of Chicago 1977-78 1973 1930- Jewish mother
Louis Gray American orientalist, ??? 1916 1875-1955
Morris Gray lawyer, arts patron, ??? 1918 1856-1931
David Green RWF Img American biochemist, 1960 1910-83
David Marvin Green American psychologist, educator, ??? 1985 1932-
Rowena Green Matthews RWC Img British-born American biochemist, (Jewish father) 2005 1938-
Edward Greenbaum Img American lawyer, Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst 1959 1890-1970
Peter Greenberg RWF Img American microbiologist, 2002 1948-
Jack Greenberg RW5 Img American attorney, legal scholar, administrator, 1998 1924-
Joseph Greenberg RWF Img American anthropologist, linguist, 1973 1915-2001
Michael Greenberg Img American neuroloscientist, 2003 1954-
Moshe Greenberg RW5 HW Img American-born Israeli biblical studies scholar, translator, 1987 1928-2010
Stephen Greenblatt RWF Img American language/literary scholar, literary critic, 1987 1943-
Leslie Greengard RWC Img British-born American mathematician, 2016 1956-
Paul Greengard RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000), 1978 1925-
Linda Greenhouse RW5 Img American journalist, 1994 1947-
Harvey Greenspan American applied mathematician,  1968 1933-
Fred Greenstein RW5 Img American political scientist,  1976 1930- ExLink
Jesse Greenstein RWF Img American astronomer, 1954 1909-2002
Robert Greenstein RWB Img American public policy specialist, 2002 1946- ExLink
Michael Greenstone Img Ameican economist, 1968-
Anthony Greenwald RWB Img American psychologist, educator, 2007 1939-
Iva Greenwald Img American genetisist, cell biologist, ??? 2005 1956-
Avner Greif RWF Img Israeli American economist, 2004 1955-
Irene Greif RWC Img American computer scienist, 2012 1948-
Zvi Griliches RWF Img Lithuanian-born American statistician, economist, 1965 1930-99
Clifford Grobstein RW5 Img American biologist, 1960 1916-98
Bernard Grofman RWB American political scientist, ??? 2001 1944-
Jerome Groopman RWB Img American medical scholar, author, journalist, oncologist, 2008 1947-
Benedict Gross RW5 HW Img American mathematician, 1992 1950-
Carol Gross RWB Img American microbiologist, geneticist ??? 1992 1942-
Charles Gross American historian, ??? 1905 1857-1909
David Gross RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2004), quarks, 1985 1941-
Jerome Gross American developmental biologist, ??? 1966 1917-2014
Leo Gross Img Austrian-born American political scientist, legal scholar, 1958 1903-90
Leonard Gross RW5 Img American mathematician ??? 2004 1931-
Paul Gross American developmental biologist, author, administrator, ??? 1982 1928-
Robert Gross RW5 Img American surgeon, cardiologist, 1949 1905-88 ExLink
Alan Grossman Img American biologist, ??? 2008 1953-
Allen Grossman RWB Img American poet, language/literary scholar,  1993 1932-2014 ExLink
Edith Grossman RWB Img American translator, 2009 1936- ExLink
Gene Grossman RWF Img American economist, 1997 1955- jinfo
Lawrence Grossman Img American geophysicist, 2014 1946-
Morton Grossman American gastroenterologist, administrator, ??? 1979 1919-81 ExLink
Pamela Grossman 2017
Sanford Grossman RWF Img American statistican, economics of information, 1988 1953-
Barbara Grosz RWB HW Img American computer scientist, 2004 1948- ExLink
Andrew Grove RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American co-founder, chairman of Intel corporation,   1994 1936-
David Grove American archaeologist, anthropologist, ??? 2004 1935- ExLink
Jonathan Gruber RW5 Img American economist, 2008 1965-
Erich Gruen RWB Img Austrian-born American classisist, ancient historian,   1986 1935-
Melvin Grumbach RWB Img American physician, pediatrician, 1995 1925-
Adolf Grunbaum RWF HW Img German-born American  philosopher, historian, 1976 1923-
Sol Gruner Img Ameican physicist, ??? 2011 1950-
Michael Grunstein RWF Img Romanian-born American molecular biologist, 2001 1946-
Ernest Grunwald RW5 Img German-born American physical-organic chemist, 1967 1923-2002
John Guckenheimer RW5 Img American mathematician, 1945-
Agnes Gund RW5 Img American philanthropist,   1995 1938-
Werner Gundersheimer American historian, library executive, 2004 1937- ExLink
Irwin Gunsalus RW5 Img American biochemist, ??? 1967 1912-2008
Beno Gutenberg RWF Img German-born American seismologist, geophysisist, 1950 1889-1960
Hans Guterbock RWC Img German-born American language scholar, 1975 1908-2000 ExLink
Alan Guth RWF HW Img American physicist, cosmologist, cosmic inflation, 1987 1947-
Herbert Gutman Img American historian, 1979 1928-85
Amy Gutmann RWC Img American political scientist, administrator, 1997 1949-
Alan Guttmacher RWB Img American obsterician/gynecologist, eugenist, 1971 1898-1974 ExLink
Ernst Haas RW5 Img German-born American political scientist, 1962 1924-2003
Mary Haas RWF Img American linguist, 1974 1910-96
Robert Haas Img American businessman, chairman Levi Strauss & Co., 2011 1942-
Daniel Haber Img American geneticist, oncologist, ??? 2011 1957-
Jacob Hacker 2017
James Haber Img American geneticist, administrator, ??? 2009 1943- Brandeis
Norman Hackerman RW5 Img American chemist, model of transistor, 1978 1912-2007
Rachel Hadas American language/literary scholar, poet, 1995 1948- ExLink
Erwin Hahn RWF Img American physicist, nuclear spin echoes NMR 1971 1921-
Frank Hahn RWF Img German-born British economist, 1974 1925-2013
David Halivni literary & religious scholar 1993 1928-
Morris Halle RWF Img Latvian-born American linguist, 1963 1923-
Bertrand Halperin RW5 Img American physicist, 1981 1941-
Jack Halpern RW5 Img Polish-born Canadian American chemist, 1967 1925-
Lawrence Halprin RWF Img American lanscape architect 1978 1916-2009
David Hamburg RW5 Img American psychiatrist, administrator, 1969 1925- ExLink
Jeffrey Hamburger RW5 Img American art historian, 2009 1957-
Philip Hamburger RWB Img American legal scholar, ??? 2015 1957-
Philip Hamburger American writer, journalist, ??? 2000 1914-2004 ExLink
Viktor Hamburger RWF Img Polish-born German American biologist, embryologist, 1959 1900-2001
Alexander Hamilton RWF HW Img American Secretary of Treasury 1789-95 Washington (Jewish mother) 1791 1757-1804
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer HW Img American physical chemist 2012 1966-
Jo Handelsman Img American microbiologist, ??? 1959-
Joel Handler American law professor, 2004 1932-
Philip Handler RW5 Img American biochemicist, President of NAS 1969-1981 1966 1917-81
Oscar Handlin RW5 Img American historian, 1954 1915-2011
Arnold Harberger RWF Img American economist, ??? 1972 1924-
Gilbert Harman RW5 Img American philosopher, 2005 1938-
Sidney Harman RW5 Img American businessman, preisdential advicer Roosevelt, Undersecretary of Commerce Carter  2003 1918-2011
Irving Harris American company executive,  1989 1910-2004 ExLink
Joseph Harris mathematician ??? 2002 1951-
Louis Harris American physical chemist, ??? 1935 1897-1985
Michael Harris Img American mathematician, 2019 1954-
Neil Harris American historian, ??? 1993 1938- ExLink
Seymour Harris economist ??? 1945 1897-1974
Zellig Harris RWF Img Ukrainian-born American linquist, methodolosist of science, 1965 1909-92
Stephen Harrison RWF Img American biophysicist, 1989 1943-
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1994), game theorist, 1984 1920-2000
Benjamin Harshav RWC HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli American literature scholar,   1995 1928-2015
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2006) 1988 1948-
Louis Hartz RWF Img American political scientist, 1957 1919-86
Jeffrey Harvey Img American physicist, ??? 2014 1955-
Robert Hass RW5 Img American poet, 2005 1941-
William Hassid RWC Img Israeli-born Ukrainian American biochemist, 1969 1899-1974
Felix Haurowitz Img Czech-born Turkish American chemist, 1970 1896-1987
Philip Hauser Img American sociologist,  1972 1909-94
Rita Hauser RWB Img American international lawyer,     2012 1934-
Stephen Hauser American physician, neurologist, ??? 1997 1949-
David Haussler RW5 Img American biomedical researcher, ??? 2006 1953-
Joseph Hayman, Jr physician, administrator, ??? 1956 1896-1986
Daniel Heartz RW5 misicologist, ??? 1988 1928-
Anthony Hecht RWF Img American poet, 1975 1923-2004
Michael Hechter sociologist, ??? 2004 1943-
Oscar Hechter American physiologist, ??? 1956 1916-2002
Michael Heidelberger RWC Img American scientist, immunochemistry 1972 1888-1991
John Heilbron RWF Img American science historian, ???    1988 1934-
Benjamin Heineman, Jr Img American lawyer, government official, 2006 1945-
Benjamin Heineman, Sr American railroad executive, 1975 1914-2012
Stephen Heinemann Img American neurobiologist, administrator, ??? 1997 1945-
Maurice Heins American mathematician, ??? 1956 1915-2015
Joseph Heitman Img American mycologist, ???
Julius Held RW5 Img German-born American art historian,  1994 1905-2002 ExLink
Richard Held Img American psychologist, 1967 1922- ExLink
Adam Heller RWF Img Romanian-born Israeli American scientist, bioengineering, 2009 1933-
Elinor Heller American administrator, ??? 1974 1904-87
Erich Heller Img Czech-born British American language/literary scholar, 1971 1911-90
Lillian Hellman RWF HW Img American playwright, librettist, 1960 1905-84 RWN
Warren Hellman RW5 Img American businessman, 2005 1934-2011
Edith Helman Img American language/literary scholar, ??? 1956 1905-94
Louis Henkin RW5 Img Belarusian-born American lawyer,  1974 1970-2011
Tina Henkin Img American microbiologist, ??? 2009 1956-
Deborah Hensler Img American legal scholar, social/political scientist, 2009 1942-
Robert Herbert American art historian, educator, ??? 1978 1929- ExLink
Barbara Herman RWB Img American philosopher, 1995 1945-
Richard Herman Img American mathematician, administrator, 2008 1941- ExLink
Robert Herman RWC HW Img American astronomer, cosmologist, transportsation science, 1979 1914-97
Richard Herrnstein RW5 Img American psychologist, quantitative analysis of behavior,   1977 1930-94
Barbara Herrnstein Smith Img American literary critic, 1999 1932-
Ira Herskowitz RWF Img American genetisist, 1988 1946-2003
Karl Herzfeld RWB Img Austrian-born American physicist, 1958 1892-1978
Michael Herzberg anthropologist, administrator, ??? 1997 1947-
Abraham Heschel RWF HW Img Polish-born German American philosopher, theologian, 1970 1907-72
Michael Heyman RW5 Img American lawyer, administrator,  1995 1930-2011
Arnold Hiatt American company executive, ???   Stride Rite Corporation 1993 1927- ExLink
Howard Hiatt Img American physician, administrator, 1964 1925- ExLink
John Hildebrand Img American neurobiologist,  ??? 2001 1942-
Raul Hilberg RWF HW Img Austrian-born American Holocaust historian, political scientist,  2005 1926-2007
Gertrude Himmelfarb RW5 HW Img American historian, Victorian era, 1973 1922-
E.D. Hirsch, Jr Img American educator, literary critic, founder of Core Knowlege Foundation 1986 1977 1928-
Marianne Hirsch HW Img Romanian-born American literary scholar, educator, 2016 1925-
Marc Hirschmann Img American earth, environment sciences, geologist, ???
Jane Hirshfield RWB Img American poet, essayist, translator, ??? 2019 1953-
Joseph Hirschfelder RWF Img American chemist, physicist, 1959 1911-90 ExLink
Albert Hirschman RWF Img German-born American economist, 1965 1915-2012 ExLink
Charles Hirschman American sociologist, ??? 1998 1943-
Ralph Hirschmann RW5 Img German-born American chemist, 1981 1922-2009
Jack Hirshleifer RW5 Img American economist, 1975 1925-2005
Julian Hochberg RW5 Img American psychologist, 1988 1923-
Adam Hochschild Img American historian, journalist, publisher, Mother Jones, 2014 1942-
Gerhard Hochschild RW5 Img German-born American mathematician, 1979 1915-2010
Jennifer Hochschild Img American political scientist, educator, ??? 1996 1950-
Melvin Hochster RWF Img American mathematician, comulative algebra, 1992 1943-
Susan Hockfield RWF Img American neuroscientist, ??? President of MIT 2004- , 2004 1951-
Henry Hoenigswald RW5 Img Geman/Polish-born linguist, educator, 1974 1915-2003
Alan Hoffman RW5 Img American mathematician, 1987 1924-
Dustin Hoffman RWF HW Img American actor, director, producer, 2009 1937-
Joseph Hoffman American physiologist, pharmacologist  ??? 1984 1925-
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American chemist, electronic structures, Nobel Prize (1981), 1971 1937-
Stanley Hoffmann RW5 Img Austrian-born American political scientist,   1964 1928-2015
Douglas Hofstadter RWF HW Img American computer scientist, philosopher of mind, artificial intelligence, 2009 1945-
Richard Hofstadter RW5 Img American historian, (Jewish father). 1956 1916-70
Robert Hofstadter RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1961), 1970 1915-90
Pierre Hohenberg RWF Img American theoretical physicist, administrator, 1985 1934-
Richard Holbrooke RWF HW Img American diplomat, magazine edotor, author, 2004 1941-2010
Alexander Hollaender Img American biophysisist, biologist, radiation, 1960 1898-1986 ExLink
Heinrich Holland RW5 Img German-born American geologist, 1974 1927-2012
Theodore Holstein RW5 Img American physicist, 1976 1915-85
Gerald Holton RWF HW Img German-born American physicist, 1956 1922-
Jenny Holzer RWF Img American conceptual artist, ??? 2011 1950-
Philip Holzman RW5 Img American psychologist,  1982 1922-2004 ExLink
Barry Honig Img American biochemist, 2007 1941-
Sidney Hook RWF Img American philosopher, 1965 1902-89
Bernard Horecker Img American biochemist, 1962 1914-2010 ExLink
Donald Horowitz RWF Img American legal scholar, political scientist, 1993 1939-
Frances Horowitz RWB Img American psychologist, academic administrator, educator, 2002 1932-
Gary Horowitz RWB Img American physicist, ??? 2013 1955-
Mark Horowitz Img American electrical engineering scholar, ??? 2008 1957-
Norman Horowitz RWF Img Russian-born American genetisist, space biologist, 1970 1915-2005 RWJ
Eric Horvitz RWF Img American computer scientist, ??? 2011 1958-
Robert Horvitz RWF HW Img American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002), 1994 1947-
Morton Horwitz Img American legal historian, law scholar,   1993 1938- ExLink
Susan Horwitz RWC Img American biochemist,molecular pharmacologist,  1994 1937- ExLink
Peter Hotez RW5 HW Img American scientist, pediatrician,  2018 1958-
Theodore Houser company executive ??? 1960 1892-1963
Michael Hout RWB Img American sociologist, educator, ??? 1997 1950-
Hendrik Houthakker RWF Img Dutch-born American economist, 1968 1924-2008 ExLink
Irving Howe RWF Img American historian, literary/social critic, 1973 1920-93
Ehud Hrushovski RWC HW Img Israeli mathematical logician, 2007 1959-
Ruth Hubbard HW Img Austrian-born American biochemist,  1973 1928- ExLink1
Jerome Hunsaker Img American aerospace engineer, inventor, ??? 1934 1886-1984
Witold Hurewicz RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, 1949 1904-56
Leo Hurvich RWB Img American psychologist, 1976 1910-2009
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2007) 1965 1917-2008
Jerard Hurwitz RW5 Img American biochemist, molecular biologist, 1968 1928-
Herbert Hyman American sociologist,  1977 1918-85 ExLink
Libbie Hyman RWC Img American zoologist,  1960 1888-1969
Steven Hyman RW5 Img American neuroscientist,    2004 1952-
James Ibers Img American chemist, (Jewish mother) 1930-2021
Robert Iger RWF Img Chairman, CEO 2005- of Walt Disney Company, 2012 1951-
Martin Indyk  RW5 HW Img American ambassador to Israel 1995-97 2000-  , 2014 1951-
Franz Ingelfinger German-born American gastroentereologist, editor, ??? 1954 1910-80 ExLink
Alex Inkeles Img American sociologist, 1962 1920-2010 ExLink
Stanley Insler Img American language/literary scholar, ??? 2001 1937- ExLink
Judith Irvine Img American anthropologist, linguist, 2006 1945-
Allen Isaacman Img American historian, academic administrator, educator, ??? 2005 1942-
Nathan Isaacs American lawyer, ??? 1931 1886-1941
Walter Isaacson RWF HW Img American executive, biographer, 2016 1952-
Franklin David Israel American architect, 1996 1945-96
Robert Israel American costume designer, ??? 1997 1939- ExLink
Samuel Issacharoff Img American legal scholar, 2003 1954-
Kurt Isselbacher Img German-born American gastroenterologist, administrator, 1967 1925-
Ray Jackendoff HW Img Russian-born American cognitive scientist, linguist, philosopher, 2000 1945-
Abraham Jacobi RW5 Img German-born American physician, pediatrician, 1904 1830-1919
Irwin Jacobs RWF Img American scientist, businessman, co-founder of Qualcomm, 2001 1933-
Paul Jacobs RW5 Img American CEO 2005-, chairman  of Qualcomm, 2017 1962-
Eric Jacobsen RWF American chemist, ??? 2004 1960-
Gary Jacobson American political scientist, ??? 1991 1944-
Harold Jacobson American political scientist, ??? 1990 1929-2001 ExLink
Leon Jacobson Img American physician, hematologist, radiologist, medical researcher, ??? 1967 1901-92
Nathan Jacobson RWF HW Img Polish-born American mathematician, 1960 1910-99
Roman Jakobson RWF HW Img Russian-born American linquist, literary critic, 1950 1896-1982
Arthur Jaffe RW5 Img American mathematical physycist, 1937 1937-
Elaine Jaffe RWF Img American pathologist, 1943-
Louis Jaffe American law scholar, ??? 1960 1905-96 ExLink
Robert Jaffe Img American theoretical physicist, academic/research administrator, 2013 0
Dorothea Jameson RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, ??? 1976 1920-98 ExLink
Irving Janis Img American psychologist, 1974 1918-90
Morris Janowitz RW5 Img American sociologist, political scientist, philosopher, 1968 1919-88
Jay Jasanoff RW5 Img American linguist, 2011 1942-
David Jerison American mathematician, 1999 1953- ExLink
E. Morton Jellinek RW5 Img American biostatistician, physiologist, alcohol researcher, 1938 1890-1963 ExLink
Thomas Jessell RWF Img British-born American biochemist, (one not Jewish paternal grandparent) 1992 1951-
Svetlana Jitomirskaya RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American mathematician, 2018 1966-
Amos Joel, Jr RWF Img American engineer, mobile communication system, 1993 1918-2008
Melvin Johnson lawyer, ??? 1938 1871-1957 ExLink
Jacqueline Jones American historian, ??? 2002 1948- ExLink
Michael I. Jordan Img American intelligence/learning researcher, ??? 2011 1956- Irwin
Brian Joseph American linguist, ??? 2004 1951- ExLink
Daniel Joseph Img American mechanical engineer, ??? 1993 1929-2011 ExLink
Leemor Joshua-Tor RWC Img Israeli-born American molecular biologist, 2017 1961-
Paul Joskow Img American economist, 1991 1947-
Kenneth Judd American computational economist, ??? 2003 1953- ExLink
Tony Judt RWF HW Img British historian, author, 1996 1948-2010
David Julius RWF Img American sense physiologist, Nobel Prize (2021) 2005 1955-
Ronald Kaback Img American biochemist, research administrator,  1986 1936-
Elvin Kabat RWF Img American biochemist, immunologist, founder of immunochemistry, 1966 1914-2000
Mark Kac RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born German American mathematician, 1959 1914-84
Victor Kac RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, 2007 1943-
Leo Kadanoff RWF Img American physicist, 1982 1937-2015
Sanford Kadish RW5 Img American lawyer, ??? 1975 1921-2014
Elena Kagan RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 2011- 2005 1960-
Jerome Kagan RWB Img American developmental psychologist, 1968 0
Robert A. Kagan Img American lawyer, political scientist,  1994 1938-
Robert Kagan RWF HW Img Greek-born American historian, political scientist, journalist, 1994 1958-
Shelly Kagan Img American moral philosopher,  2016 1956-
Dan Kahan Img American legal scholar, psychologist, ??? 2013 1963-
Marcel Kahan Img American legal scholar, 2011 1962-
William Kahan RWF Img Canadian-born American computer scientist, 2003 1933-
Henry Kahane RW5 Img American linguist, 1989 1902-92
Alfred Kahn Img American economist, chairman of Civil Aueronautics Board 1978 1917-2010
Barbara Kahn Img American endocrinologist, 2017
Carl Kahn American endocrinologist, research administrator, ??? 1991
Charles Kahn RW5 Img American philosopher, historian, 2000 1928-
Louis Kahn RWF HW Img Estonian-born American architect,  1968 1901-74
Robert Kahn RWF HW Img American co-inventor of Internet, TCP/IP, 1994 1938-
Robert Kahn American psychologist, research administrator, ??? 1991 1918-
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img French-born Israeli American cognitive psychologist, Nobel Prize (2002) in economics 1993 1934-
Edgar Kaiser American industrialist, ??? Kaiser Industries 1970 1908-81
Emil Kaiser RW5 Img Hungarian-born American biochemist, 1986 1938-88
Ehud Kalai Img Israeli-born American economist, 2012 1942-
Marvin Kalb RWF Img American journalist, 1990 1930-
Herman Kalckar RW5 Img Danish-born American biochemist, 1961 1908-91
Rudolf Kalman RW5 Img Hungarian-born American electrical engineer, mathematician, 1930-2016
Martin Kamen RWC Img Canadian-born American biochemist, carbon -14, 1958 1913-2002
Ilya Kaminsky Img Ukrainian-born American poet, critic,  2023 1977-
Marc Kamionkowski RWF Img American theoretical physicist, ??? 2013 1965-
Michael Kammen RW5 Img American historian. 1979 1936-2013
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000), 1976 1929-
Peter Kann RWF Img CEO, chairman The Wall Street Journal 1992 1942-
Ernst Kantorowicz RWF Img Polish-born German American historian,  1958 1895-1963
Arthur Kantrowitz RWC Img American physicist, engineer,  inventor 1957 1913-2008
Aharon Kapitulnik RW5 Img Israeli-born American physicist, 1953-
Alice Kaplan Img American historian, 2009 0
Benjamin Kaplan Img American copyright scholar, jurist, 1958 1911-2010
David Kaplan RW5 Img American philosopher, 1983 1933-
David Kaplan RW5 Img American physicist, ??? 2015 1958-
Helene Kaplan lawyer, institution leader, ??? 1990 1933-
Henry Kaplan RW5 Img American radiologist, physician, 1968 1918-84
Irving Kaplan American nuclear scientist, administrator,  1960 1913-97
John Kaplan Img American lawyer, ??? 1984 1929-89
Justin Kaplan RW5 Img American writer, editor, biographer, 1981 1925-2014
Mark Kaplan American lawyer, ??? 2010 1930-
Nathan Kaplan RWB Img American biochemist, 1958 1917-86
Irving Kaplansky RWF Img Canadian-born American mathematician, 1965 1917-2006
Louis Kaplow Img American lawyer, economist,  2003 1956-
Pamela Karlan Img American legal scholar, 2007 1959-
Anna Karlin RWF Img American computer scientist, 2016 1960-
Arthur Karlin Img American biochemist, ??? 1994 1936-
Samuel Karlin RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, 1970 1924-2007
Theodore von Karman RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German American physicist, engineer, 1948 1881-1963
Manfred Karnovsky South African-born American biochemist,  1962 1918-99
Morris Karnovsky Img South African-born American pathologist, 1969 1926-
Richard Karp RWF HW Img American computer scientist, computational complexity theory, 1985 1935-
Martin Karplus RWF HW Img Austrian-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (2013) 1966 1930-
Michael Karpovich American historian, language/literary scholar, ??? 1950 1888-1959
Harvey Karten Img American neuroscientist, ??? 2008 1935-
Michael Kasha RWF Img American chemical physicist, ??? 1963 1920-2013
Victoria Kaspi RWC Img American-born Canadian astrophysicist, 1967-
Jerome Kassirer RWB Img American medical scholar, editor, 1999 1932-
Marc Kastner RW5 Img Canadian-born American physicist, single electron transistor, 2008 1945-
Robert Kates RW5 Img American geographer, 1976 1929-
Anatole Katok RWF Img American-born Soviet American mathematician, 2004 1944-
Daniel Katz American social psychologist, 1989 1903-98
Elihu Katz RW5 Img American Israeli sociologist,  1999 1926-
Friedrich Katz RW5 Img Austrian-born historian, anthropologist, 2003 1926-2010
Jonathan Katz social sciences and statistics scholar, ??? 2011 1968-
Lawrence Katz RW5 Img American economist, 2001 1959-
Milton Katz Img American lawyer, ambassador, architect of Marshall Plan 1954 1907-95
Nick Katz RWF HW Img American mathematician, 2003 1943-
Randy Katz RWC Img American computer scientist, 2002 1955-
Stanley Nider Katz RW5 Img American historian,       1991 1934-
Thomas Katz RW5 chemist, ??? 2003 1936-
Nicholas Katzenbach power, company executive, ??? 1988 1922-2012
Benita Katzenellenbogen Img American physiologist, ??? 1993 1945-
John Katzenellenbogen RW5 Img American chemist, educator, ??? 1992 1944-
Peter Katzenstein German-born American political scientist, ??? 1987 1945-
Robert Katzmann RW5 Img American appeals judge, 2003 1953-
Ira Katznelson Img American political scientist, historian,  2000 1944-
Boris Kaufman RWF Img Polish-born American cinematographer, 1979 1906-80
Henry Kaufman RWB Img German-born American economist,  2010 1927-
Herbert Kaufman American political scientist, ??? 1987 1922-
Seymour Kaufman Img American biochemist, 1987 1924-2009
Thomas Kaufman American zoologist, ??? 1999 1944-
Kenneth Kaushansky Img Canadian-born American biochemist, hematologist, interrnist, 2006 1953-
Joseph Kaye physical chemist, research administrator, ??? 1955 1912-61
Judith Kaye Img American lawyer, judge, 1999 1938-
Carl Kaysen RW5 Img American economist, administrator, 1954 1920-2010
David Kazhdan RWF HW Img Russian-born Israeli American mathematician, algebra, 2008 1946-
Alfred Kazin RWF HW Img American author, playwright, literary critic, 1960 1915-98
Gerson Kegeles American biochemist, 1962 1917-2004
Gershon Kekst Img American head of Kekst and Company, 2006 1934-
Carl Keller accoutant, company executive, ??? 1948 1872-1955
Evelyn Keller RWB Img American science/gender theorist, physicist, 2006 1936-
Herbert Keller RW5 Img American mathematician, 1976 1925-2008
Joseph Keller RWF Img American mathematician, 1969 1923-2016
Michael Keller Img American publisher, library director, ??? 2010 1945-
Morton Keller Img American historian, 1980 1929-
Kenneth Kellermann RW5 Img American astronomer, 1976 1937-
Arthur Kelman Img American plant pathologist, ??? 1977 1918-2009
Mark Kelman Img American legal scholar, ??? 2008 1951-
John Kemeny RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, co-inventor of Basic, 1968 1926-92
Carlos Kenig RW5 Img Argentine-born American mathematician, 2002 1953-
Mark Kenoyer RWF Img Indian-born American archaeologist, ??? 2011 1952-
Robert Keohane RW5 Img American  academic & international relations theorist, ??? 1983 1941-
Linda Kerber RW5 Img American historian, 1977 1940-
Arthur Kerman Img Canadian-born American physicist,  research administrator, ??? 1972 1929-
Joseph Kerman RW5 Img American musicologist, critic, 1973 1924-2014
David Kertzer RWB HW Img American anthropologist, historian, 2005 1948-
David Kessler RWC Img American physician, administrator,  2002 1951-
Herbert Kessler RW5 Img American art historian,  1995 1941-
Harry Kesten RW5 Img German-born American mathematician, 1999 1931-
Seymour Kety RW5 Img American neuroscientist, 1960 1915-2000
Daniel Kevles RW5 Img American historian of science, ??? 1990 1939-
Nathan Keyfitz Img Canadian-born American sociologist, demographer, 1971 1913-2010
Judith Kimble American developmental biologist, ??? 1995 1949-
Charles Kimmel Img American developmental biologist, ??? 1995 1940-
Sidney Kimmel RW5 Img American businessman, Jones Apparel Group,Nine West shoe stores 2017
Jamaica Kincaid RWF Img Antiguan-born American novelist, (convert to Judaism) 2009 1949-
Donald Kinder American political scientist, ??? 1993 1947-
Joel Kingsolver American evolutionary biologist, ??? 2016 1953-
David Kipnis Img American physiologist, diabetes, metabolism, 1974 1927-2014
Leon Kirchner RW5 Img American classical composer, 1962 1919-2009
Marc Kirschner RW5 Img American cell biologist, 1989 1945-
Ruth Kirschstein RWC Img American phathologist, research administrator,  1992 1926-2009
Joseph Kirschvink biologist, geologist, ??? 2003 1953-
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett RWC Img Canadian folklorist, wtiter, curator, ethnographer, 2017
Robert Kirshner RWF Img American astronomer, 1992 1949-
Leslie Kish RWB Img Hungarian-born American sociologist, research administrator, ??? 1978 1910-2000
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img German-born American Secretary of State (1973-77), Nobel Prize (1973) for Peace 1959 1923-
Ronald Kitaj RW5 Img American-born British painter, graphic artist, (Jewish mother) 1998 1932-2007
Herbert Kitschelt RW5 Img American political scientist, ??? 2002 1955-
Ernst Kitzinger RWF HW Img German-born American art historian, 1961 1912-2003
Margaret Kivelson RWC Img American space physicist, planetary scientist, 1998 1928-
Steven Kivelson RW5 Img American theoretical physicist, 2001 1954-
Sergiu Klainerman RWF Img Romanian-born American mathematician, 1996 1950-
Michael Klarman RWB Img American legal scholar, legal historian,  2009 1959-
Richard Klausner  Img American cell biologist, biotechnologist, Director of NCI 1995 1955 1951-
Seymour Klebanoff Img American medical scientist, ??? 1998 1927-2016
Igor Klebanov RW5 Img Russian-born American theoretical physicist,  2012 1962-
Nancy Kleckner RW5 Img American molecular biologist, ??? 1991 1947-
Lawrence Klein RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1980), 1962 1920-2013
Martin Klein RWF Img American physicist, science historian, ??? 1979 1924-2009
Michael Klein Img British-born American computetional chemist, 2003 1940-
Richard Klein RWF Img American anthropologist, 1991 1941-
Jon Kleinberg RWF Img American computer scientist, 2007 1971-
David Kleinfeld Img American neurophysicist, ??? 2015 1954-
Arthur Kleinman RWB Img American psychiatrist, medical anthropologist, 1992 1941-
Leonard Kleinrock RWF Img American co-inventor of Internet, 2003 1934-
Daniel Kleitman RWB Img American mathematician, 1973 1934-
William Klemperer Img American physical chemist, 1963 1927-
Daniel Kleppner RWF Img American physicist, atomic research, 1986 1932-
Judith Klinman RWC Img American biochemist, 1993 1941-
James Kloppenberg Img American historian, academic administrator, ??? 2015 1951-
Irving Klotz Img American physical biochemist,  ??? 1968 1916-2005
Samuel Kneeland, Jr American naturalist, physician, zoologist, ??? 1852 1821-88
Alfred Knopf, Sr RW5 Img American founder 1915, president Alfred A Knopf, 1976 1892-1984
Leon Knopoff RW5 Img American geophysicist, musicologist, 1965 1925-2011
Kenneth Koch RWF Img American poet, playwright, 1994 1925-2002
Joseph Koerner RWF Img American art historian,  1995 1958-
Kurt Koffka RWF Img German-born American psychologist, gestalt psychology, 1934 1886-1941
Jerome Kohlberg, Jr RW5 Img American businessman, 2006 1925-
David Kohlstedt Img American geologist, geophysicist, ??? 2000 1943-
Joseph Kohn RW5 Img Czech-born American mathematician, complex function theory, 1966 1932-
Melvin Kohn American sociologist, administrator, ??? 1979 1928-
Walter Kohn RWF HW Img Austrian-born Canadian American physicist, Nobel Prize (1998) in chemistry, 1963 1923-
Ellis Kolchin American mathematician, 1976 1916-91
Daphne Koller RWC HW Img Israeli-born American computer scientist, artificial intelligence, roboticist, 2014 1968-
Richard Kolodner RW5 Img American geneticist, 2008 1951-
Izaak Kolthoff RWF Img Dutch-born American chemist, father of modern analytical chemistry, 1960 1894-1993
Rudolf Kompfner RWF Img Austrian-born British American physicist, inventor of traveling wave tube, 1974 1909-77
Melvin Konner RWB Img American anthropologist, psychiatrist, 2016 1946-
Milton Konvitz RW5 Img Israeli-born American lawyer,  1982 1908-2003
Nancy Kopell RWC Img American mathematician, neuroscientist, 1996 1942-
Hilary Koprowski RWF Img Polish-born American virologist, immunologist, 1974 1916-2013
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1959) in medicine, 1961 1918-2007
Roger Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2006), 1999 1947-
Thomas Kornberg RWC Img American biochemist, 2001 1948-
Sally Kornbluth RWB HW Img American cell biologist, 1960-
Stuart Kornfeld RW5 Img American biochemist, molecular biologist, 1988 1936-
Lewis Kornhauser Img American legal scholar, ??? 2015 1950-
Daniel Koshland, Jr RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1967 1920-2007
Douglas Koshland RW5 Img American biochemist, geneticist, 2000 1953-
Stephen Kosslyn Img American psychologist, neuroscientist, 1995 1948-
Bertram Kostant RW5 Img American mathematician, Lie Groups 1962 1928-
Michael Kosterlitz RWF Img British-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (2016) 2007 1942-
Gabriel Kotliar Img Argentine-born American physicist, 2022 1957-
Laurence Kotlikoff RWF Img American economist, 2005 1951-
Robert Kottwitz RWB Img American mathematician, ??? 2010 1950-
Bruce Kovner RWF Img American founder chairman of Caxon Associates, LLC, 2012 1945-
Bryna Kra RW5 Img American mathematician, 2016 1966-
Robert Kraft RWC HW Img chairman, founder, CEO of Kraft Group, 2011 1941-
Robert Kraft RW5 Img American astronomer ??? 1974 1927-2015
Adrian Krainer RW5 Img Uruguayan-born American biochemist, molecular geneticist, 2016
Gerald Kramer political scientist, economist, ??? 1978 1938-
Richard Kramer American musicologist, ??? 2001 1938-
Samuel Kramer RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American historian, archaeologist, assyriologist, 1971 1897-1990
Isaac Kramnick RW5 Img American political scientist, historian,  1997 1938-
Stephen Krasner RWF Img American political scientist, ??? 1991 1942-
Robert Krauss American psychologist, ??? 2000 1931-
Rosalind Krauss RWF Img American art critic, theorist, 1994 1941-
Richard Krautheimer RWF Img German-born American baroque scholar, archirectural historian, 1958 1897-1994
Irving Kravis RW5 Img American economist, 1978 1916-92
Marie-Josee Kravis 2017
Edward Kravitz RW5 Img American nerobiologist, 1976 1932-
Robert Kreidler government executive, ??? 1974 1929-92
Martin Kreitman RW5 Img American geneticist, ??? 2010 1959-
Michael Kremer RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2019) in Economics, 2003 1964-
David Kreps RWF Img American economist, 1992 1950-
Leonard Krieger RW5 Img American historian,  1966 1918-90
Murray Krieger RW5 Img American language/literary scholar, 1983 1923-2000
Saul Kripke RWF HW Img American philosopher, logician, 1978 1940-
Paul Kristeller RW5 Img German-born American Italian Renaissance historian, philosopher, 1955 1905-99
Irving Kristol RWF HW Img American journalist, co-founder of neoconservatism, 1972 1920-2009
Louis Kronenberger RW5 Img American writer, drama critic, 1966 1904-80
Anthony Kronman RWB HW Img American legal scholar, administrator, (convert from Judaism) 1994 1945-
Max Krook American applied mathematician, astrophysicist, ??? 1959 1913-85
Alan Krueger RWF Img American economist, 2002 1960-
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, Nobel Prize (2008)  1992 1953-
Saul Krugman RWF Img American pediatrician, medical researcher, vaccinologist, 1977 1911-95
Robert Krumlauf Img American developmental biologist, research administrator, ??? 2003 1948-
Martin Kruskal RWF Img American mathematician, physicist, 1983 1925-2006
William Kruskal RWF Img American mathematician, statistician, 1973 1919-2005
Harold Kuhn RWF Img American mathematician, economist, ??? 1992 1925-2014
Philip Kuhn RW5 Img British-born American historian, ??? 1977 1933-2016
Thomas Kuhn RWF Img American philosopher of science, historian, 1963 1922-96
Madeleine Kunin RWC HW Img Swiss-born American governor, 1985-91, 1994 1933-
Tony Kushner RWF HW Img American playwright, screenwriter, 2005 1956-
Raymond Kurzweil RWF Img American engineer, inventor, Reading Machine, 2009 1948-
Stephan Kuttner RWF Img German-born American law historian, research administrator,  1962 1907-96
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1971) 1955 1901-85
Fellows L-Z elected deceased
Jeri Laber RWB Img American activist, memoirist, co-founder of Human Rights Watch, 2003 1931-
William Labov RWF Img American linguist, 1976 1927-
David Laibson RWF Img American economist, 2011 1966-
Alan Lambowitz American molecular biologist, geneticist, ??? 1995 1947-
Leslie Lamport RWF Img American computer scientist, developer of LaTex, 2014 1941-
Edwin Land RWF Img American inventor, polaroid camera, 1943 1909-91
Barbara Landau Img American developmental psychologist, cognitive science, ??? 2009 1949-
Ralph Landau RWF Img American chemist, founder of Scientific Design Incorporated 1980 1916-2004
Rolf Landauer RWC Img German-born American physicist, 1992 1927-99
Walter Landauer German-born zoologist, animal geneticist, 1953 1896-1980
Eric Lander RWF HW Img American mathematician, biologist, Genome Project, 1999 1957-
David Landes RWF HW Img American economic historian, 1967 1924-2013
William Landes American legal scholar, ??? 2008 1939-
Hans Landsberg German-born American economist, research administrator, ??? 1974 1913-2001
Helmut Landsberg RW5 Img German-born meteorologist, father of modern climatology, 1958 1906-85
Mabel Lang RW5 Img American archaeologist & classisist, ??? 1981 1917-2010
James Langer RW5 Img German-born American theoretical physicist, Vice President of NAS 1983 1934-
Robert Langer RWF Img American biotechnologist, 1994 1948-
Lewis Lanier Img American cancer researcher, 2011 1953-
Sherry Lansing RWF Img American chairman/CEO of Paramaunt Pictures, film producer, actress, 2014 1944-
Leonard Lauder RW5 HW Img American businessman, CEO of Estee Lauder 2002 1933-
Douglas Lauffenburger Img American bioengineer, chemical engineer, ??? 2001 1953-
Irving Lavin RW5 Img American art historian, 1978 1927-
Benjamin Lax RW5 Img Hungarian-born American physicist, 1962 1915-2015
Melvin Lax RW5 Img American physicist, quantum optics lazers, 2000 1922-2002
Peter Lax RWF Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, Abel Prize (2005), 1966 1926-
Paul Lazarsfeld RWF HW Img Austrian-born American sociologist, mathematical sociology 1951 1901-76
Robert Lazarsfeld RW5 Img American mathematician,  2006 1953-
Maurice Lazarus American company executive, 1988 1915-2004
Edward Lazear RWF Img American economist, 2000 1948-
Alexander Leaf RWB Img Japan-born American physician, research scientist, ??? 1966 1920-2012
Judith Walzer Leavitt RW5 Img American medical historian, 1999 1940-
Philip Leder RWF Img American geneticist, 1981 1934-
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1958), 1959 1925-2008
Leon Lederman RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1988), 1970 1922-
David Lee RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1996), superfluidity, 1990 1931-
David Leebron Img American legal scholar, president of Rice University 2004- , 2016 1955-
Susan Leeman RWC Img American endocrinologist, phisiologist, pharmocologist, 1987 1930-
Robert Lefkowitz RWF HW Img American physiologist, Nobel Prize (2012) in chemistry, 1988 1943-
Israel Lehman American biochemist, ??? 1973 1924-
Erich Lehmann RWB Img German-born American statistician,  1975 1917-2009
Phyllis Lehmann Williams Img American archaeologist, ??? 1979 1912-2004
Ruth Lehmann RWF Img American cell biologist, ??? 1998 1955-
Eugene Lehner RWB Img Hungarian-born American violinist, ??? 1964 1906-97
Daniel Lehrman RW5 Img American animal psychologist, ornithologist, 1971 1919-72
Sidney Leibovich Img American mechanical engineer, ??? 1992 1939-
Martin Leibowitz American finance specialist, company executive, ??? 2003 1936-
Erich Leinsdorf RWF HW Img Austrian-born American conductor, 1962 1912-93
Richard Lempert American sociologist, ??? 1993 1942-
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1973), (Jewish mother) 1942 1906-99
Mark Lepper American psychologist, ??? 2004 1944-
Leonard Lerman RWB Img American molecular biolgist, geneticist, 1991 1925-2012
Aaron Lerner RW5 Img American medical researcher, physiology and metabolism, 1991 1920-2007
Abba Lerner RWF HW Img Moldovan-born British American economist, 1971 1903-82
Gerda Lerner RW5 Img Austrian-born American historian, author, teacher, 1998 1920-2013
Michael Lerner RW5 Img Russian American geneticist, evolutionary biologist, 1963 1910-77
Richard Lerner RW5 Img American research chemist, 2000 1938-
Alan Leshner RWB HW Img American psychologist, Publisher of Science 2005 1944-
Wolf Leslau RWF HW Img Polish-born American semitologist, 1952 1906-2006
Robert Letsinger RW5 Img American chemist,  ??? 1988 1921-2014
Jerome Lettvin RW5 Img American neurologist, neuroscientist, 1966 1920-2011
Norman Leventhal RW5 Img American developer, co-founder of Beacon Companies,  2007 1917-2015
David Levi RW5 Img American lawyer, judge, 2007 1951-
Edward Levi RWF HW Img American Attorney General 1975-77 1962 1911-2000
Isaac Levi RW5 Img American philosopher,  1986 1930-
Margaret Levi RWF Img American political scientist,  2001 1947-
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1986) in medicine, 1966 1909-2012
Bruce Levin Img American evolutionary microbiologist, geneticist, ??? 2004 1940-
Harry Levin RW5 Img American literary critic, 1950 1912-94
Jonathan Levin RW5 Img American economist, 2014 1972-
Leo Levin American lawyer, research administrator,  1979 1919-2015
Leonid Levin RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, computational complexity theory, 2014 1948-
Michael Levin Img American cellurar/developmental biologist, 1996 1958-
Richard Levin Img American economist, administrator,  1998 1947-
Robert Levin RW5 HW Img American pianist, composer, musicologist, 2000 1947-
Simon Levin RWF HW Img American evolutionary biologist, ecology, 1992 1941-
Arthur Levine president of Teachers College, 2006 1948-
Herbert Levine American physicist, ??? 2012 1955-
James Levine RWF HW Img American conductor, pianist, 1994 1943-
Lawrence Levine American biochemist, ??? 1968 1924-2009
Lawrence Levine Img American historian, 1985 1933-2006
Neil Levine American art/architecture historian,  2010 1941-
Philip Levine RW5 Img American anarchist poet, 2002 1928-2015
Rachmiel Levine Img Polish-born American scientist, diabetes 1971 1910-98
Robert LeVine American anthropologist, ??? 1989 1932-
Samuel Levine physician, ??? 1942 1891-1966
Richards Levins biomathematician, ??? 1970 1930-2016
Arthur Levinson RWF Img American CEO/chairman of Genentech, Apple, 2008 1950-
Daryl Levinson Img American legal scholar, 2012 1968-
Norman Levinson RW5 Img American mathematician, 1945 1912-75
Sanford Levinson RWB Img American legal scholar, 2001 1941-
Cyrus Levinthal RW5 Img American molecular biologist, geneticist, modeling molecules on computers, 1958 1922-90
Arthur Levitt, Jr Img American economist, chairman of Security and Exchange Commission 1993-2001, 2003 1931-
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British American biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry, 2010 1947-
Steven Levitt RWF Img American economist, 2002 1967-
William Levitt RWF Img American real estate developer, president Levitt & Sons, 1907-94 ???
Saul Levmore RWB HW Img American legal scholar, administrator, 2000 1953-
Donald Levy RW5 Img American physicist, supersonic jet cooling, ??? 1987 1939-
Jay Levy Img American AIDS researcher, 2004 1938-
Reynold Levy Img American musical organisation administrator,  2012 1945-
Robert Levy RW5 American psychiatrist, anthropologist, 1996 1924-2003
Thomas Levy RW5 Img American archaeologist, 2008 1953-
Barbara Lewalski RWF Img American language/literart scholar, ??? 1980 1931-
Judy Lewent Ececutive VP, CFO in Merck & Co., ??? 2003 1949-
David Lewin American musicologist, composer, ??? 1984 1933-2003
Anthony Lewis HW Img American journalist, columnist, 1991 1927-2013
Bernard Lewis RW5 HW Img British-born American  historian, history of Islam 2002 1916-
Harold Lewis American economist, ??? 1986 1914-92
Jennifer Lewis RWF Img American material scientist, inventor, 2012 1964-
Leo Lewis composer, inventor, ??? 1933 1865-1945
Oscar Lewis RW5 Img American anthropologist, 1967 1914-70
Richard Lewontin RWF Img American geneticist, evolutinary biologist, 1965 1929-
Hans Lewy RWF Img German/Polish-born American mathematician, 1985 1904-88
Albert Libchaber RW5 Img French-born American physicist, chaos theorist, 1986 1934-
Alvin Liberman RW5 Img American psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist, 1976 1917-2000
Fred Licht art historian, ??? 2003 1928-
Michael Lichten Img American microbiologist, ??? 2016 1954-
Roy Lichtenstein RWF HW Img American popular art painter, 1971 1923-97
Elliott Lieb RWF Img American mathematical physicist, 1994 1932-
Charles Lieber RWF Img American chemist, nanotechnologist, inventor, 2002 1959-
Judith Lieberman American pediatrician, Aids researcher, 2008 1947-
Saul Lieberman RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli scholar of Talmudic literature, 1963 1898-1983
Peter Lieberson RWF Img American composer, (Jewish father) 1946-2011
Stanley Lieberson RW5 Img Canadian-born American sociologist, 1983 1933-
Hans Liepmann RWF Img American aueronautical engineer, 1960 1914-2009
Richard Lifton RW5 Img American biochemist, 2012 1953-
Robert Lifton RWF Img American psychiatrist, author,    1970 1926-
Alan Lightman RWF Img American astrophysict, wrirter,  1996 1948-
David Lilienthal Img American lawyer, First chairman of AEC 1947-49 1948 1899-1981
Edward Linde RW5 Img American founder, CEO, president of Boston Properties 2009 1941-2010
Hans Linde RWB Img German-born American Associate Justice, 1924-
Ronald Linde Img American material scientist, research institution administrator, ??? 2016 1939-
Erich Lindemann American psychiatrist, ??? 1954 1900-74
Herbert Lindenberger RWF American literary scholar, ??? 2008 1929-
Richard Lindzen RW5 Img American atmospheric physicist, meteorologist,  1977 1940-
Sol Linowitz RW5 Img co-founder/chairman of Xerox Corp, ambassador, 1968 1913-2005
Henry Linschitz American chemist, 1967 1919-2014
Jacques Lipchitz RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born French American cubist, 1960 1891-1973
David Lipman Img American biologist, 2008 1954-
Jacob Lipman Img Latvian-born American chemist, biochemist, bacteriologist, 1921 1874-1939
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1962),  1949 1899-1986
Stephen Lippard RWF Img American inorganic chemist, 1986 1940-
Walter Lippmann RWF HW Img American journalist, writer, political commentator, 1949 1899-1974
Seymour Lipset RWF HW Img American political sociologist, political scientist, 1962 1922-2006
Leon Lipson Img American lawyer,  1970 1921-96
Deborah Lipstadt RW5 HW Img American historian, 2024 1947-
Martin Lipton RWB Img American leading business lawer, corporate merges 2000 1931-
Barbara Liskov RWF HW Img American computer scientist, 1992 1939-
Joseph Littman immunologist, ???, 2003 1952-
Leon Litwack RW5 Img American historian, 1987 1929-
Harvey Lodish RW5 Img American cell biologist, 1999 1941-
Abraham Loeb RWB Img Israeli-born American physicist, cosmologist, 2012 1962-
Jacques Loeb RWF HW Img German-born American physiologist, biologist, 1914 1859-1924
Lawrence Loeb Img American biochemist, pathologist, ??? 2016 1936-
Robert Loeb Img American physician, 1949 1895-1973
Gerhard Loewenberg Img German-born American political scientist, 2005 1928-
George Loewenstein RWF Img American economist, 2008 1955-
Otto Loewi RWF HW Img German-born Austrian American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1936), 1959 1873-1961
Elizabeth Loftus RWF HW Img American psychologist, 2003 1944-
Larissa Lomnitz RWF Img French-born Mexican social anthropologist, 2010 1932-2019
Irving London RWB Img American physician, medical scientist,  1963 1918-
Richard Losick RWF Img American molecular biologist, 1996 1943-
Louis Loss Img American legal scholar, modern securities law, 1968 1914-97
Francis Low RW5 Img American theoretical physicist, 1958 1921-2007
Frank Low RW5 Img American astronomer, ??? 1991 1933-2009
George Low RWC Img American NASA Administrator 1970-71 (acting, Deputy) Administrator 1969-76 1983 1926-84
Elias Avery Lowe RWF Img American palaeographer, (great maternal grandfather of Boris Johnson) 1944 1879-1969
Scott Lowe Img American cancer biologist, ???
Heinz Lowenstam RWC HW Img German/Polish-born American paleoecologist, 1980 1912-93
Theodore Lowi RW5 Img American political scientist, 1972 1931-
Edward Lowinsky RWF Img German-born American musicologist,  1973 1908-85
Bernard Lown RWF Img Lithuanian-born American founder of IPPNW, 1987 1921-
David Luban Img American legal scholar, philosopher, 2014 1949-
Kenneth Ludmerer RWB Img American physician, medical historian,  2002 1947-
Robert Lumiansky Img American language/literary scholar, ??? 1975 1913-87
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1969), 1959 1912-91
Alison Lurie RW5 Img American novelist, academic, 2005 1926-
Ann Lurie Img American philanthropist, 2015 1945-
George Lusztig RWF HW Img Romanian-born American mathematician, 1991 1946-
Michael Lynch RWB Img American geneticist, 2002 1951-
David Lyon American language/literary scholar, ??? 1887 1852-1935
Mary MacCarthy RWF Img American author, critic, political activist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1912-89 ???
Mark Machina American economist, company executive, ??? 2002 1954-
Fritz Machlup RWF Img Austrian-born American economist, 1961 1902-83
Tod Machover RWB Img American composer, 2024 1953-
Boris Magasanik RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American microbiologist, biochemist, 1960 1919-2013
Charles Maier American historian,  1991 1939-
Norman Mailer RWF HW Img American novelist, social critic, 1970 1923-2007
David Malament American philosopher, ??? 1992 1947-
Bernard Malamud RWF Img American writer, 1967 1914-86
William Malamud psychiatrist, hospital administrator, ??? 1944 1896-1982
Yakov Malkiel RWF Ukrainian-born American linguist, etymologist,   1971 1914-98
Gail Mandel scientist,  ??? 2007 1950-
Leonard Mandel RW5 Img German-born British physicist, quantum optics, 1996 1927-2001
Morton Mandel RW5 Img American chairman/CEO of Premier Industries, 2011 1921-
Maurice Mandelbaum RWB Img American philosopher, 1973 1908-87
Benoit Mandelbrot RWF HW Img Polish-born French American mathematician, 1982 1924-2010
Stanley Mandelstam RWF Img South African-born British American theoretical physicist, 1992 1928-
George Mandler Img Austrian-born American psychologist,  1991 1924-2016
Yuri Manin RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, research administrator, 2004 1937-
Michael Mann RWF American historical sociologist, 2015 1941-
Robert Mann RWF Img American violinist, composer, conductor, 1996 1920-
Alan Manne American economist, educator, ??? 1986 1925-2005
Charles Manski RWF Img American economist, 1994 1948-
Frank Manuel RWB Img American historian, 1964 1910-2003 JVL
Joyce Marcus RWF Img American anthropologist, epigrapher, ??? 1997 1948-
Rudolph Marcus RWF HW Img Canadian-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1998), 1973 1923-
Ruth Barcan Marcus RWC Img American philosopher, logician, 1977 1921-2012
Patricia Marx RW5 American psychologist, 2014 1940-
Steven Marcus RW5 Img American literary critic, 1974 1928-
Gail Martin RW5 Img American developmental biologist, 1991 1944-
Eve Marder RW5 Img American neuroscientist, 2001 1948-
Emanuel Margoliash RWB Img Egyptian-born American biochemist, molecular biologist, 1970 1920-2008
Maxine Margolis American anthropologist, 2009 1942-
Lynn Margulis RWF HW Img American microbiologist, 1998 1938-2011
Herman Mark RWF HW Img Austrian-born German American chemist, polymer science, (Jewish father) 1956 1895-1992
Ellen Markman RWB Img American developmental psychologist,     2003 1947-
Harry Markowitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1990) 1987 1927-
Lionel Marks American mechanical engineer, ??? 1912 1871-1955
Paul Marks RWB Img American cancer researcher, geneticist, 1972 1926-
Tobin Marks RWF Img American chemist, founder of nonequilibrium thermodinamics, 1993 1944-
Hazel Markus RWB Img British-born American psychologist, (Jewish father) 1994 1949-
Jacob Marschak RWF Img Ukrainian-born British American economist, 1961 1898-1977
Robert Marshak RWF Img American physicist, 1961 1916-92
Louis Martz Img American language/literary scholar, ??? 1968 1913-2001
Anthony Marx Img American academic administrator,physicist, 2012 1959-
Leo Marx RW5 Img American scholar, historian 1972 1919-
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img Amerian economist, Nobel Prize (2007) 1994 1950-
Bernd Matthias RW5 Img German-born Swiss American physicist, superconductivity, (not Jewish maternal grandparent) 1965 1918-80
Rosa Matzkin Img American economist, 2018
Arno Mayer RW5 Img Luxembourgian-born American historian, 1979 1926-
Daniel Mazia RW5 HW Img American cell biologist, 1954 1912-96
Bruce Mazlish HW Img American historian, 1967 1923-
Mark Mazower Img British American historian, 2011 1958-
Barry Mazur RWF HW Img American mathematician, algebraic geometry, number theory, 1978 1937-
John McCarthy RWF HW Img American computer scientist, artificial intelligence, LISP, (Jewish mother) 1974 1927-2011
Mary McCarthy RWF Img American novelist, critic, political activist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1973 1912-89
David Mechanic American social scientist, academic administrator, ??? 1993 1936-
Paul Meier RW5 Img American statistician, ??? 1980 1924-2011
Richard Meier RWF HW Img American architect, 1995 1934-
Jerrold Meinwald RWC Img American organical chemist, 1970 1927-
Herman Meissner chemical engineer, ??? 1955 1907-90
Alton Meister RW5 Img American molecular biologist, 1958 1922-95
Ira Mellman RWB Img American cell biologist, 2001 1951-
Bernard Meltzer Img American lawyer, 1973 1914-2007
Daniel Meltzer Img American law scholar, 2004 1951-
Andrew Meltzoff RWB Img American cognitive-developmental psychologist, 2009 1950-
Michael Menaker American physiologist, neurobiologist, ??? 1999 1934-
Arthur Mendel RW5 American musicologist, ??? 1973 1905-79
Daniel Mendelsohn RWF HW Img American author, journalist, critic, 2012 1960-
Edward Mendelson RWF Img American literary scholar, 2015 1946-
Everett Mendelsohn historian, ??? 1970 1931-
Charles Mendenhall American physicist, academic administrator, ??? 1935 1872-1935
Paul Mendes-Flohr HW Img Israeli historian, philosopher of Judaism, 2012 1941-
Baron Yehudi Menuhin RWF HW Img American-British violinist, conductor, 1971 1916-99
David Mermin RWF Img American physicist, condensed matter physics, 1988 1935-
Theodor Meron Img Polish-born president of International Criminal Tribunal for the Yugoslavia, 2009 1930-
Robert Merton RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1997), (Jewish father) 1986 1944-
Robert K Merton RWF HW Img American sociologist, historian of science, 1950 1910-2003
Matthew Meselson RWF Img American geneticist, molecular biologist, 1962 1930-
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita RWB Img American political scientist, 1992 1946-
Albert Meyer RW5 Img American computer scientist, ??? 1987 1941-
Karl Meyer RW5 Img German-born American biochemist, 1965 1899-1990
Leonard Meyer RW5 Img American musicologist, ??? 1974 1918-2007
Elliot Meyerowitz RWF Img American plant biologist, 1991 1951-
Martin Meyerson Img president of University of Pennsylvania 1970-81 1965 1922-2007
Morton Meyerson American chairman/CEO of 2M Companies, 2007 1938-
Frank Michelman RWB Img American legal scholar, ??? 1986 1936-
Albert Michelson RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1907), optical precision instruments, 1885 1852-1931
Peter Michelson Img American astrophysicist, ??? 2013 1952-
Josef Michl Img Czech-born American chemist,  ??? 1999 1939-
Abner Mikva RWC Img American legal scholar, appeals judge, 2000 1926-2016
Stanley Milgram RWF HW Img American social psychologist, 1983 1933-84
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  Nobel Prize (1990) 1992 1948-
Darius Milhaud RWF HW Img French American composer, conductor, 1959 1892-1974
Agnes de Mille RWF Img American dancer, choreographer, (Jewish paternal grandmother) 1982 1905-93
Arthur Miller RWF HW Img American playwright, essayist, 1979 1915-2005
George Miller Img American mathematician, ??? 1919 1863-1951
Steven Millhauser RWF Img American novelist, 1998 1943-
Ira Millstein American lawyer, 1995 1926-
Jacob Mincer RWF Img Polish-born American economist, 1974 1922-2006
Raymond Mindlin RWF Img American applied physicist, 1959 1906-87
Martha Minow Img American legal scholar, administrator, 1992 1954-
Marvin Minsky RWF HW Img American cognetive scientist, artificial intelligence, neural nets, 1968 1927-2016
Grigori Mints RWF Img Russian-born American philosopher, mathematician, ??? 2010 1939-2014
Beatrice Mintz RWF Img American embryologist, 1982 1921-
Sidney Mintz RWF Img American anthropologist, 1990 1922-2015
Chad Mirkin RWF Img American chemist, 2011 1963-
Boris Mirkine-Guetzevitch RWF Img Ukrainian-born American political scientist, administrator, 1953 1895-1950
Alfred Mirsky RW5 Img American molecular biolgist, 1966 1900-74
Walter Mischel RWF Img Austrian-born American psychologist, 1991 1930-
Ludwig von Mises RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian economist, philosopher, 1956 1881-1973
Richard von Mises RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian American mathematician, 1944 1883-1953
Mortimer Mishkin RW5 Img American neuroscientist, 1989 1926-
Paul Mishkin American lawyer, ??? 1975 1927-2009
Kurt Mislow RW5 Img American chemist, stereochemistry, 1974 1923-
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1985), 1960 1918-2003
Joel Mokyr RWF Img Dutch-born American Israeli economic historian,  1996 1946-
Meredith Monk RWF Img American vocalist, composer, dancer, choreographer, 2006 1942-
Elliott Montroll RW5 Img British-born American mathematician, 1972 1916-83
Oskar Morgenstern RWF Img German-born Austrian economist, ??? 1976 1902-77
Hans Morgenthau RWF HW Img German-born American political scientist, 1958 1904-80
Alan Moritz American pathologist, administrator, ??? 1941 1899-1986
Errol Morris RWF HW Img American documentory film director,     2007 1948-
Mark Morris RWF American dancer, choreographer, company executive, ??? 2005 1956-
Philip Morrison RWF Img American theoretical physicist, 1961 1915-2005
Joel Moses RWC Img Israeli-born Ameican  mathematician, administrator, 1987 1941-
George Mosse RWF HW Img German-born American social/cultural historian, 1985 1918-99
George Mostow RWF HW Img American mathematician, 1978 1923-
Roy Mottahedeh American historian, ??? 1989 1940-
Benjamin Mottelson RWF HW Img American-born Danish physicist, Nobel Prize (1975), 1971 1926-
Arno Motulsky Img German/Russian-born American genomic studies scientist, 1978 1923-
Anthony Movshon Img American neuroscientist, (Jewish father) 2009 1950-
Shaul Mukamel RWB HW Img Iraqi-born American chemist, physicist, 2013 1948-
Herbert Muller language/literary scholar, ??? 1963 1950-80
Hermann Muller RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1946), (Jewish mother) 1942 1890-1967
Lewis Mumford RWF Img American historian of technology & science, (Jewish father) 1947 1895-1990
Barry Munitz Img chancellor of California State University 1991-98 1981 1941-
Walter Munk RWF Img Austrian-born American geophysicist, 1957 1917-
Hugo Munsterberg RWF Img German-born American psychologist, philosopher, 1902 1863-1916
Roger Myerson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2007) 1993 1951-
David Nachmansohn RWF Img Ukrainian-born German American biochemist, 1964 1899-1983
Carol Nadelson Img American psychiatrist, 2010 1936-
Ernest Nagel RWF Img Slovak-born American philosopher of science, 1954 1901-85
Sidney Nagel RW5 Img American physicist,  1997 1948-
Thomas Nagel RWF Img Serbian-born American philosopher, 1981 1937-
Jerome Namias RWB Img American geophysicist, research administrator, 1983 1910-97
Carl Nathan Img American microbiologist, ??? 1946-
David Nathan RW5 Img American pediatrician, hematologist, 1983 1929-
Daniel Nathans RWF HW Img American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1978), first genetic map of DNA 1977 1928-99
Jeremy Nathans RW5 Img American microbiologist, geneticist, 1977 1958-
Ira Nathanson American surgeon, ??? 1950 1904-54
Nathaniel Nathanson American lawyer, ??? 1975 1908-83
Victor Navasky RW5 Img American editor, publisher, 2006 1932-
Alan Needleman RW5 Img American scholar, mechanical engineering, 2007 1944-
Philip Needleman RW5 Img American pharmacologist, 2015 1939-
Alexander Nehamas Img Greek-born American philosopher, (Jewish father) 1994 1946-
Aryeh Neier Img German-born American president of Open Society Institute,  2007 1937-
Ulric Neisser RWF Img German-born American cognitive psychologist, (Jewish father), 1989 1928-2012
Howard Nemerov RW5 HW Img American poet, author, editor, 1965 1920-91
Marc Nerlove RWF Img American economist, econometrics, 1971 1933-
Joseph Neubauer RW5 Img Israeli-born American CEO/chairman of Alamark Corporation, 2015 1941-
Elizabeth Neufeld RW5 HW Img American geneticist, 1977 1928-
Bernice Neugarten Img American psychologist, 1980 1916-2001
Gerry Neugebauer RWF Img German-born American astronomer, 1975 1932-2014
Otto Neugebauer RWF Img Austrian-born American mathematician, historian of science, 1946 1899-1990
Sigmund Neumann RWB Img German politicak scientist, sociologist, 1960 1904-62
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science, 1944 1903-57
Daniel Neumark RWB Img American chemist, 2000 1955-
Hans Neurath RWF Img Austrian-born American biochemist, 1960 1909-2002
Norman Neureiter American  science policy advicer, ??? 2007 1932-
Louise Nevelson RWF Img Ukrainian-born American sculptor, 1973 1899-1988 RWN
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein RWF HW Img American writer, philosopher,  2005 1950-
Joseph Newhouse Img American economist, health policy scholar, 1992 1942-
Charles Newman Img American mathematician, physicist, 2006 1946-
Nathan Newmark RW5 Img American engineer, civil engineering,  1962 1910-81
Joseph Nevins American geneticist, molecular biologist, ??? 2004 1947-
Carl Niemann American chemist, ??? 1952 1908-64
William Nierenberg RW5 Img American physicist, oceanographer, administrator, 1965 1919-2000
David Nirenberg RWB Img American historian, 2016 1964-
Louis Nirenberg RWF Img Canadian-born American mathematician,  1965 1925-
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1968) medicine, breaking of genetic code, 1965 1927-2010
Linda Nochlin RWF HW Img American art historian, 1992 1931-
Kenneth Noland RWF Img American abstract painter,  1991 1924-2010
William Nordhaus RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2018) (Jewish father) 1941-
Nancy Nossal Img American biochemist, molecular biologist, ??? 2005 1937-2006
Frank Notestein RWF Img American demographer, ??? 1963 1902-83
Robert Nozick RWF HW Img American political philosopher, libertarianism 1984 1938-2002
Yevgeny Nudler 2017
Martha Nussbaum RWF HW Img American philosopher, lawyer, (convert to Judaism) 1988 1947-
Robert Nussbaum Img American geneticist,  hereditary disorders, 1215 1949-
Andre Nussenzweig Img American molecular biologist, 2023 1960-
Michel Nussenzweig RW5 Img American immuniologist, 2007 1955-
Ruth Nussenzweig RW5 Img Austran-born American parasitologist, 1992 1928-
Victor Nussenzweig Img Austrian-born Brazilian American biomedical scientist, 2002 1928-
Joseph Nye, Jr RWF Img American political scientist, administrator, 1984 1937-
Maurice Obstfeld RWF Img American economist, 2004 1952-
Elinor Ochs RWB Img American anthropologist, ??? 1998 1943-
Arthur Okun RWF Img American economist, 1969 1928-80
George Olah RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1994), 2002 1927-
Jules Olitski RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American painter, sculptor, 1991 1922-2007
Irwin Oppenheim Img American chemist, 1970 1929-2014
Michael Oppenheimer RW5 Img American geophysicist, 2010 1946-
Robert Oppenheimer RWF HW Img American physicist, administrator, atomic bomb, 1940 1904-67
Jane Oppenheimer RW5 Img American embyologist, historian, ??? 1992 1911-96
Leslie Orgel RWF Img British chemist, 1985 1927-2007
Stephen Orgel American language/literary scholar, ??? 1994 1933-
Stuart Orkin RWF Img American geneticist, pedeartician, 1993 1946-
Donald Ornstein RW5 Img American mathematician, differential geometry, complex analysis, 1991 1934-
Norman Ornstein RW5 Img American political scientist, columnist, 2004 1948-
Egon Orowan RWF Img Hungarian-born British American physicist, 1951 1902-89
Sherry Ortner Img American cultural anthropologist, 1992 1941-
Bernard Osher RW5 Img American businessman, co-owner of Golden West Financial, 2009 1927-
Stanley Osher RWC Img American mathematician, 2009 1942-
Douglas Osheroff RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1996),superfluidity in Hellium-3, (Jewish father) 1982 1945-
Donald Osterbrock RW5 Img American astronomer, ??? 1968 1924-2007
Simon Ostrach RWB Img American mechanical/aerospace engineer,  2001 1923-
Eve Ostriker Img American astrophysicist, 2020
Jeremiah Ostriker RWF Img American astrophysicist, 1975 1937-
Elinor Ostrom RWF HW Img American political scientist, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences (2009), (Jewish father) 1991 1933-2012
Martin Ostwald RWC Img German-born American classical scholar, 1991 1922-2010
Cynthia Ozick RWF Img American writer, 1986 1928-
Norman Pace RW5 Img American biochemist, 1991 1957-
Larry Page RWF HW Img American co-founder, CEO of Google, (Jewish mother) 2005 1973-
Nell Irvin Painter historian ??? 2007 1942-
Abraham Pais RWF Img Dutch-born American physicist, science historian, 1972 1918-2000
Ariel Pakes RWF Img Canadian-born American economist, 2002 1949-
Charles Palache RW5 Img American mineralogist,  crystallographer, 1869-1954
Erwin Panofsky RWF Img German-born American art historian, 1948 1892-1968
Wolfgang Panofsky RWF Img German-born American physicist, particle physics 1962 1919-2007
Joseph Papp RW5 Img American producer, director, 1987 1921-91
Alwin Pappenheimer, Jr RW5 Img American biochemist, immunologist, 1957 1908-95
John Pappenheimer Img American physiologist, pharmacologist, 1954 1915-2007
Herb Pardes RWB Img American psychiatrist, administrator,  2002 1932-
Moin Parviz Iranian-born American engineering scholar, ??? 2010 1952- ???
Ira Pastan RWB HW Img American medical researcher, 1992 1931-
William Paul RWC Img American immunologist, 1993 1936-2015
Judea Pearl RWF HW Img Israeli-born American scientist, philosopher, artifical intelligence, 2012 1936-
Philip Pearlstein RW5 Img American contemporary realist painter, 1998 1924-
Norman Pearlstine RW5 Img American journalist, editor, 1997 1942-
Joseph Pechman Img American economist,  administrator, 1973 1918-89
Joseph Pedlosky RW5 Img American physical oceanographer, ??? 1996 1938-
Sheldon Penman American cell biologist, physicist, 1975 1930-
Arno Penzias RWF HW Img German-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1978) 1975 1933-
Murray Perahia RWF HW Img American British pianist, conductor, 2015 1947-
Alan Perelson American mathematician, biologist, ??? 1999 1947-
Martin Perl RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1995), Tau Lepton, 1997 1927-2014
George Perle RW5 Img American composer, musicologist, 1985 1915-2009
Alan Perlis RWF HW Img American computer scientist, mathematician, 1974 1922-90
Isadore Perlman RWF Img American nuclear chemist, 1969 1915-91
Itzhak Perlman RWF HW Img Israeli American violinist, conductor, 2002 1945-
David Perlmutter RW5 Img President of Linguistic Society of America, 2000, ??? 2013 1938-
Roger Perlmutter RWA Img American molecular biologist, immunologist, research administrator, 2000 1952-
Saul Perlmutter RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2011), 2007 1959-
Harvey Perloff Img American economist, urban planning specialist, 1969 1915-83
Marjorie Perloff RWF Img Austrian-born American literary critic, 1997 1931-
Charles Peskin RW5 Img American mathematician, neural science 1994 1946-
Michael Peskin RWF Img American physicist, 2000 1951-
Gregory Petsko RW5 Img Ameican biochemist, research administrator, 2002 1948-
Ralph Phillips RW5 Img American mathematician, 1971 1913-98
Gregory Pincus RWF Img American biologist, inventor of the birth-control pill 1939 1903-67
Aron Pinczuk Img American physicist, ??? 2009 1939-
Alexander Pines RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American chemist, MRI NMR 1999 1945-
David Pines RWF Img American physicist, 1980 1924-
Steven Pinker RWF HW Img Canadian-born  American cognitive evolutionary psychologist, 1998 1954-
Robert Pinsky RWF HW Img American poet, essayist, literary critic, translator, 1993 1940-
Emanuel Piore RW5 Img Lithuanian-born American scientist, manager of industrial research, 1908-2000
Richard Pipes RWF HW Img Polish-born American historian of Russia, 1965 1923-
Hanna Pitkin RWF Img German-born American political theorist, 1980 1931-
Hugh Politzer RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2004), quarks, 2011 1949-
Louis Pollak Img American lawyer, district judge, 1972 1922-2012
Robert Pollak RWB Img American economist, 1999 1938-
George Polya RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swiss American mathematician, combinatorics, 1974 1887-1985
Alexander Polyakov RWF Img Russian American nuclear physicist, 1991 1945-
Kenneth Pomeranz RWF Img American historian, 2006 1958-
Hans Popper RWF Img Austrian-born American pathologist, hepatologist, administrator,  1967 1903-88
Eric Posner Img American legal scholar, 2010 1965-
Jerome Posner RWB Img American neurologist, physician,  2003 1932-
Michael Posner RW5 Img American cognitive scientist, cognitive neuroscientist, 1986 1936-
Richard Posner RWF HW Img American lawyer, appeals judge, 1982 1939-
Robert Pozen RWB Img American financial executive, 1946-
William Prager RWF Img German-born American applied mathematician, 1903-
Bela Pratt RW5 Img American sculptor, ???, 1913 1867-1917
John Prausnitz RW5 Img German-born American  physical chemist, chemical engineering, 1988 1928-
Frank Press RWF Img American geophysicist,  1966 1924-
William Press RWF Img American computional scientist, theoretical physicist, 1993 1948-
Menahem Pressler RW5 HW Img German-born American pianist, 2000 1923-
Andre Previn RWF HW Img German-born American pianist, conductor, composer, 2012 1929-
Karl Pribram RWF Img Austrian-born American cognitive scientist, 1956 1919-2015
Henry Primakoff RWF Img Ukrainian-born American theoretical physicist, (not Jewish paternal grandfather) 1976 1914-83
Penny Pritzker RWF Img American business executive, 2012 1959-
Thomas Pritzker RW5 Img Hyatt hotels, Marmon Group, Global Hyatt Corporation, 2014 1950-
Ronald Probstein RW5 Img American mechanical engineer, 1961 1928-
Samuel Proger American physician, administrator, ??? 1950 1906-84
Stanley Prusiner RWF HW Img American neurologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1997), 1993 1942-
Mark Ptashne RWF Img American molecular biologist, violinist, 1977 1940-
Theodore Puck RW5 Img American genetisict, 1967 1916-2005
Emily Pulitzer Img American curator, collector, arts patron, 2013 1933-
Frank Putnam RW5 Img American biochemist, ??? 1976 1917-
Hilary Putnam RWF HW Img American mathematician, philosopher, 1966 1926-
Robert Putnam RWF HW Img American political scientist, (convert to Judaism) 1980 1941-
Jennifer Raab Img American president of Hunter College, City University of New York 2001- , 2016 1956-
Irving Rabb Img American founder of Stop and Shop chain 1979 1913-2011
Sidney Rabb Img company executive, Stop and Shop chain 1963 1900-85
Isidor Rabi RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1944), nuclear magnetic resonance, 1941 1898-1988
Matthew Rabin RWF HW Img American economist, 2002 1963-
Tal Rabin RWC Img American-born cryptographer, 2016 1962-
Benton Rabinovitch RWF Img American chemist, 1979 1919-2014
Eugene Rabinowitch RWF Img Russian-born American biophysicist, 1953 1901-73
Paul Rabinowitz RW5 Img American mathematician, 1987 1939-
Seymour Rabinovitch RWF Img Canadian chemist, 1979 1919-2014
Victor Rabinowitch American administrator, executive, 1987 1934-
Mitchell Rabkin Img American physician, hospital administrator, 1998 1930-
Efraim Racker RWF Img Polish-born Austrian American biochemist, 1962 1913-91
Margaret Radin Img American legal scholar, (Jewish descent ???) 2008 1941-
Roy Radner RW5 Img American economist, 1970 1927-
Rudolf Raff RWF Img Canadian-born American biologist, 1941-2019
Philip Rahv RWB Img Ukrainian-born American journalist, literary critic, essayist, 1972 1908-73
Marcus Raichle RW5 Img American neurologist, physiologist, 1998 1937-
Howard Raiffa RW5 Img American economist, 1968 1924-2016
Yvonne Rainer RWF Img American dancer, choreographer, filmmaker, (Jewish mother) 2007 1934-
Jed Rakoff RW5 Img American federal judge, district of New York, 2013 1933-
Jack Rakove RW5 Img American historian, author, 1999 1947-
Simon Ramo RWF HW Img American physicist, engineer, businessman, 1964 1913-2016
Shulamit Ran RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American composer, 1992 1949-
Samuel Rapaport   medicine ??? 2008 1921-2011
Anatol Rapoport RWF Img Ukrainian-born American mathematical psychologist, game theorist,   1961 1911-2007
Judith Rapoport HW Img American psychiatrist, 2000 1933-
Tom Rapoport RW5 Img German American cell biologist, 2005 1947-
Roy Rappaport RW5 Img American anthropologist, 1991 1925-97
Leonard Ratner RW5 Img American composer, musicologist, violinist, ??? 1998 1916-2011
Marina Ratner RWF HW Img Russian-born Israeli American mathematician, 1992 1938-
Mark Ratner RW5 Img American physical chemist,  2001 1942-
Sarah Ratner RWC HW Img American biochemist, 1974 1903-99
Isidor Ravdin American surgeon, research administrator, company executive,  1959 1894-1972
Jeffrey Ravetch RWF Img American immunologist, 2008 1951-
Diane Ravitch RW5 Img American historian of education, 1985 1938-
Simon Rawidowicz HW Img Polish-born American language/literary scholar, philosopher, 1953 1896-1957
Julius Rebek, Jr RWF Img Hungarian/Ukrainian-born American chemist, research administrator, ??? 1993 1944-
Alfred Redfield Img American biochemist, 1983 1929-
Frederick Redlich RWB Img Austrian-born American psychiatrist, academic administrator, 1968 1910-2004
Edward Reich  American biochemist, ??? 1975 1927-
Robert Reich RW5 Img Secretary of Labor 1993-97 Clinton 2014 1946-
Steve Reich RWF HW Img American composer, 2007 1936-
Hans Reichenbach RWF Img German-born American philosopher, (Jewish father) 1948 1891-1953
Seymour Reichlin biochemist, physiologist, physician, 1992 1924-
Rafael Reif RWC Img Venezuelan-born American electric engineer, administrator, 2012 1950-
Danny Reinberg Img Chilean-born American biochemist, ??? 2012 1954-
Erica Reiner RW5 Img Hungarian-born American assyriologist, 1976 1924-2005
Frederick Reines RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1995), detection of the neutrino, 1966 1918-98
Jehuda Reinharz RWB HW Img American historian, 1995 1944-
Eric Reissner RWF Img German-born American engineer, applied mahematician, 1950 1913-96
Arnold Relman RWB HW Img American physician, editor, ??? 1965 1923-2014
David Remnick RWF Img American journalist, writer, magazine editor,  2006 1958-
Nicholas Rescher RW5 Img German-born American philosopher, (Jewish descent) 1928-
Barbara Reskin RW5 Img American sociologist, ??? 2001 1945-
Lauren Resnick Img American educational psychologist, 2013 1936-
Judith Resnik Img American legal scholar, ??? 2001 1950-
Richard Revesz Img Argentine-born American legal scholar, administrator,  2007 1958-
William Reznikoff Img American molecular biologist, geneticist,  ??? 2001 1941-
David Reznick American biologist, 2011 1955-
Max Rheinstein RW5 Img German-born American legal scholar, 1968 1899-1977
Kenneth Ribet RW5 Img American mathematician, 1997 1948-
Stuart Rice RWF Img American physical chemist, 1967 1932-
Adrienne Rich RWF HW Img American feminist, poet, writer, (Jewish father) 1991 1929-2012
Alexander Rich RWF Img American molecular biologist, biophysicist, 1991 1924-2015
Burton Richter RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1976), 1989 1931-
Loren Rieseberg RW5 Img Canadian American botanist, ??? 2004 1961-
Stefan Riesenfeld Img American legal scholar, (Jewish grandparent) 1976 1908-99
David Riesman RWF Img American sociologist, attorney, educator, 1955 1909-2002
Adam Riess RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2011), 2008 1969-
Joseph Rishel American art historian, ??? 2002 1940-
David Rittenberg RW5 Img American biochemist, 1964 1906-70
Alice Rivlin RWF HW Img American economist, economic adviser under Clinton,  1973 1931-
Ronald Rivlin RWF Img British-born American mathematician, physicist, research administrator, 1958 1915-2005
Joseph Roach Img American artist, educator, ??? 2012 1947-
Eugene Roberts Img Russian-born American biochemist ,neuroscientist, 1995 1920-
Herbert Robbins RWF Img American mathematician, statistician, 1975 1915-2001
Jerome Robbins RWF HW Img American dancer, choreographer, director, 1993 1918-98
Abraham Robinson RWF HW Img German-born Israeli American mathematician, nonstandard analysis, 1972 1918-74
Gene Robinson RWF Img American entomologist, 2004 1955-
George Rochberg RW5 HW Img American composer, 1986 1918-2005
Arthur Rock RW5 Img American venture capitalist, 2007 1926-
Martin Rodbell RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1994) in medicine, 1993 1925-98
Judith Rodin RW5 Img American psychologist, President of University of Pensylvania 1994-2004, 1990 1944-
Kenneth Rogoff RWF Img American economist, chess grandmaster, 2001 1953-
Felix Rohatyn RWB Img Austrian-born American investment banker, 1991 1928-
Bernard Roizman RWF Img Moldovan-born American virologist, microbial biologist, 1991 1929-
Vladimir Rokhlin RWF Img Azerbaijani-born Russian/Soviet mathematician, 2016 1919-84
Herschel Roman HW Img Polish-born American geneticist, 1969 1914-89
David Romer RWF Img American economist, 2006 1958-
Martin Andre Rosanoff RWF Img Ukrainian-born American chemist, academic administrator, 1914 1874-1951
Michael Rosbash RWF Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (2017) in medicine, 1997 1944-
Daniel Rose RW5 chairman of Rose Associates, 2012 1929-
Elihu Rose RW5 American company executive, Rose Associates, 1999 1933-
Irwin Rose RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry, 1977 1926-2015
Joanna Semel Rose Img American philanthropist, 2012 1930-
Marshall Rose American company executive, real estate developer, ??? 1996 1937-
Saul Roseman Img American biologist, 1971 1921-2011
Bruce Rosen RWB Img American physicist, functional neuroimiging, ??? 2016 1955-
Charles Rosen RW5 Img American pianist, musicologist, author, 1974 1927-2012
Fred Rosen RW5 American pediatrician, immunologist, 1995 1930-2005
Sherwin Rosen RWF Img American labor economist, 1984 1938-2001
Milton Rosenau RWF Img American epidemiologist, 1911 1869-1946
Thomas Felix Rosenbaum Img American physicist, ??? 2010 1955-
Charles Rosenberg RW5 Img American scholar of history of science/medicine, 1986 1936-
Harold Rosenberg RWF Img American writer, educator & art critic, 1975 1906-78
Jacob Rosenberg American art historian,  1954 1893-1980
James Rosenberg American president/director of Capiral Research and Management Co. 2015 1946-
Leon Rosenberg RWB Img American geneticist, ??? 1976 1933-
Maurice Rosenberg Img American legal scholar,   1972 1909-50
Nathan Rosenberg RW5 Img American economist,  1981 1927-
Tina Rosenberg RWB Img American journalist, author, 2002 1960-
Richard Rosenberg Img American banker, BankAmerica Corporation, 2013 1930-
Walter Rosenblith RW5 Img Austrian-born American biophysicist, administrator, 1955 1913-2002
Arturo Rosenblueth RWC Img Mexican-born American neurophysiologist, research administrator, (Jewish father) 1939 1900-70
Mendel Rosenblum RWC Img American computer scientist, co-founder of  VMWare, 2014 1962-
Nancy Rosenblum American political scientist, ??? 2004 1947-
Robert Rosenblum RWB Img American art historian, curator, 1984 1927-2006
Frances Rozenbluth Img American political scientist, ??? 2007 1958-
Marshall Rosenbluth RWF Img American nuclear physicist, 1966 1927-2003
Gerald Rosenfeld Img American company executive, investment banker, 2004 1946-
Michael Rosenfeld Img American physiologist, metabolism,  1991 1944-
Allan Rosenfield American physician, academic administrator,  ??? 2007 1933-2008
John Rosenfield RW5 American art historian, ??? 1971 1924-2013
Barbara Rosenkrantz Img American historian, history of science, 1982 1923-2014
Thomas Rosenmeyer RWF Img German-born American language/literary scholar, ??? 1987 1920-2007
Paul Rosenstein-Rodan RWF Img Polish-born Austrian economist, 1961 1902-85
Steven Rosenstone American political scientist, administrator, ??? 1997 1952-
Albert Rosenthal Img American legal scholar, 1983 1910-2010
Franz Rosenthal RWF Img German-born American language/literary scholar, orientalist, 1971 1914-2003
Howard Rosenthal American political scientist, 1992 1939-
Lee Rosenthal RW5 Img American federal judge, district of Texas, 2014 1952-
Robert Rosenthal RW5 Img German-born American social psychologist, 2009 1933-
Sanford Rosenthal American pharmacologist, research administrator, 1979 1897-1989
John Rosenwald, Jr American company executive, Bear Stearns Companies, Inc, Vice Chairman 2001 1933-
Amy Rosenzweig Img American biochemist, ??? 2014 1967-
Mark Rosenzweig RW5 Img American development economist, ??? 2013 1947-
Robert Rosenzweig American executive, administrator, Association of American Universities, ??? 1995 1931-
David Roskies RW5 Img American jewish literature scholar, 2012 1948-
Robert Rosner American astrophysicist, ??? 2001 1947-
Henry Rosovsky RWF Img Polish-born American economist, administrator,    1969 1927-
Arthur Ross Img American company executive,  2002 1910-2007
Lee Ross RWF Img American social cognition psychologist, 1993 1942-
Bruno Rossi RWF HW Img Italian-born American physicist, space physics, 1948 1905-93
Michael Rossmann RWF Img German-born British American microbiologist, crystallographer, (Jewish mother) 1978 1930-
Eugene Rostow RWF Img American Undersecretary of State for political matters, 1956 1913-2002
Walt Whitman Rostow RWF HW Img American economist, political theorist, 1957 1916-2003
Robert Rotberg RW5 American historian, political scientist, administrator, ??? 2005 1935-
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2012), 1998 1951-
Jesse Roth RWB Img American diabetes researcher, 1982 1934-
Philip Roth RWF Img American novelist, 1972 1933-
James Rothenberg RWB Img American businessman, Capital Research and Management Co. 2015 1946-2015
Mark Rothko RWF HW Img Latvian-born American abstract expressionist painter, 1965 1903-70
James Rothman RWF HW Img American biochemist, biophysicist, research administrator, Nobel Prize (2013) in medicine, 1994 1950-
Linda Rothschild American mathematician, ??? 2005 1943-
Michael Rothschild RWF Img American economist, 1994 1942-
Edward Rothstein Img American musicologist, music critic,    2013 1951-
Rodney Rothstein Img American geneticist, ??? 2011 1947-
Irving Rouse Img American anthropologist,  1968 1913-2006
Paul Rozin RWB Img American psychologist, ??? 2000 1936-
Arthur Rubenstein South African-born American endocrinologist, administrator, ??? 1983 1937-
David Rubenstein RWF Img American businessman, co-founder of The Carlyle Group, 2013 1949-
John Rubenstein Img American psychologist, molecular biologist, 2016 1955-
Alvin Rubin RW5 Img American lawyer, jurist, appeals judge, 1989 1920-91
Donald Rubin RW5 Img American psychologist, statistician, ??? 1993 1943-
Gerald Rubin RW5 Img American geneticist, 1992 1950-
Harry Rubin Img American molecular biologist, 1974 1926-
Robert Rubin RWF HW Img Secretary of Treasury 1995-99 Clinton 2001 1938-
Vera Rubin RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 1982 1928-
William Rubin Img American curator, art historian, administrator, curator,  1985 1927-2006
Daniel Rubinfeld American economist, law scholar, ??? 2001 1945-
Ronitt Rubinfeld Img American computer scientist, mathematician, 2020 1964-
Ira Rubinoff Img American zoologist, marine biologist, research administrator, ??? 1996 1938-
Eli Ruckenstein RW5 Img Romanian-born American physical chemist,  2012 1925-
Reinhold Rudenberg RWC Img German-born American inventor, electrical engineer, 1941 1883-1961
Alexander Rudensky RW5 Img Russian-born American immunologist, 2015 1956-
Angelica Rudenstine American art historian, ??? 1994 1937-
Neil Rudenstine RWB Img American ecucator, literary scholar, (Jewish father) 1991 1935-
Joan Ruderman RWB Img American molecular biologist, embryologist, ??? 1991 1947-
Malvin Ruderman RW5 Img American physicist, 1974 1927-
Warren Rudman RWC Img American lawyer, politician, senator, 2002 1930-2012
Roberta Rudnick RWF Img American geologist, ??? 2011 1958-
David Rutstein American physician, ??? 1963 1909-86
Gary Ruvkun RWF Img American molecular biologist,  geneticist, Nobel Prize 2024, 2009 1952-
Albert Sabin RWF HW Img Polish-born American medical researcher, oral polio vaccine, 1955 1906-93
Jeremy Sabloff Img American anthropologist, 1999 1944-
Abram Sachar RWB HW Img American historian, administrator, 1951 1899-1993
Jeffrey Sachs RWF Img American economist, economic shock therapy, 1996 1954-
Paul Sachs RW5 Img American curator, art critic, banker, 1922 1878-1965
Robert Sachs RW5 Img American physicist, 1967 1916-99
Robert Sack American geographer, ??? 2006 1944-
Albert Sacks Img American lawyer, administrator,  1963 1920-91
Oliver Sacks RWF HW Img British-American neurologist, author, 2002 1933-2015
Moshe Safdie RWF HW Img Canadian-Israeli architect, urban designer, 1996 1938-
William Safire RWF Img American writer, journalist, presidential speechwriter, 1993 1929-2009
Philip Saffman RW5 Img British-born  American applied mathematician, 1978 1931-2008
Jenny Saffran RW5 HW Img American developmental psychologist, 2015 1964-
Ivan Sag RWF Img American linguist, cognitive scientist, 2007 1949-2013
Carl Sagan RWF HW Img American astronomer, educator, 1978 1934-96
Paul Sagan RWB Img American businessman, executive,  2008 1959-
Ruth Sager RW5 Img American geneticist, 1979 1918-97
Marshall Sahlins RWF HW Img American anthropologist, 1976 1930-
Raphael Salem RWF Img Greek-born French American mathematician, 1952 1898-1963
Jonas Salk RWF HW Img American physician, medical researcher, dead virus vaccine for polio, 1966 1914-95
Peter Salovey RWF Img American psychologist, 2013 1958-
Edwin Salpeter RWF Img Austrian-born Australian American astronomer, 1967 1924-2008
Steven Salzberg RW5 Img American biologist, computer scientist, 2018 1960-
Henry Samueli RWC Img American engineer, co-founder/CEO of Broadcom, 2002 1954-
Richard Samuels American political scientist, ??? 2005 1951-
Larry Samuelson Img American economist, ??? 2011 1953-
Pamela Samuelson RWF Img American legal scholar, 2013 1948-
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1970), 1942 1915-2009
Allan Sandage RWF Img American astronomer, (convert to Christianity) 1962 1926-2010
Michael Sandel RW5 HW Img American philosopher, communitarism 2003 1953-
Herbert Sandler RW5 Img American businessman, co-owner of Golden West Finantial, 2013 1931-
Joshua Sanes American biologist, ??? 2007 1949-
Maurice Sanford Fox Img American geneticist, molecular biologist, 1995 1924-2020
Edward Sapir RWF Img German/Polish-born American linguist, anthropologist, 1933 1884-1939
Virginia Sapiro Img American political scientist, 2002 1951-
Myriam Sarachik RWF Img Belgian-born American physicist, 1999 1933-
Jonathan Sarna American Jewish history scholar, 2009 1955-
Peter Sarnak RWF HW Img South African-born American mathematician, 1991 1953-
Maxine L. Savitz Img industrial, manifacturing & operational systems, ??? 2013 1937-
David Saxon RW5 Img American physicist, Chairman of MIT Corporation 1983-90 1983 1920-2005
Michael Scammell RWB Img American biographer, translator, 2011 1935-
Herbert Scarf RW5 HW Img American economist, mathematician, 1971 1930-2015
Howard Schachman RW5 Img American biochemist, 1966 1918-2016
Henry Schacht Img American company executive, ??? 1996 1934-
Oscar Schachter RWB Img American legal scholar,  1981 1915-2003
Stanley Schachter RWF Img American social psychologist, 1976 1922-97
Daniel Schacter RW5 Img American psychologist, cognitive scientist, 1996 1952-
Simon Schama RW5 Img British American historian, television presenter, 1988 1945-
Meyer Schapiro RWF Img Lithuanian-born American art historian, 1952 1904-96
Morton Schapiro RW5 HW Img American economist, administrator, 2010 1953-
Matthew Scharff Img American cell biologist,  1984 1932-
Berta Scharrer RW5 Img German-born American endocrinologist, 1906-95
David Schatz RWF Img American molecular biologist, ??? 2014 1958-
Frederick Schauer RWB Img American legal scholar, ??? 1993 1946-
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1981) co-inventor of laser 1970 1921-99
Israel Scheffler RW5 HW Img American philosopher, 1971 1923-2014
Samuel Schaeffer philosopher, ethitist, ??? 2002 1951-
Paul Schechter RW5 Img American astrophysicist, cosmologist, 1948-
Arnold Scheibel American psychiatrist, ??? 1981 1923-
Harry Scheiber RW5 Img American historian, legal scholar, academic administrator, ??? 2003 1935-
Israel Scheinberg American medical scientist, ??? 1973 1919-2009
Jose Scheinkman Img Brazilian-born  American economist, 1992 1948-
Randy Schekman RWF HW Img American cell biologist, geneticist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (2013) in medicine, 2000 1948-
Harold Scheraga RW5 Img American physical chemist, protein folding 1967 1921-
Jerome Schiff American botanist, administrator, ??? 1966 1931-95
Leonard Schiff RW5 Img American physicist, 1969 1915-71
Menahem Schiffer RW5 Img German-born Israeli American mathematician,  1963 1911-97
Michael Schill Img American legal scholar, administrator, 2011 1958-
Paul Schimmel RW5 Img American biophysical chemist, transplantional medicine pioneer, ??? 1987 1940-
Robert Schlaifer Img American management specialist, statistician, ??? 1971 1914-94
William Schlesinger Img American biogeochemist, ecologist, ??? 1995 1950-
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr RWF Img American historian, social critic, special assistant to the president, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1955 1917-2007
Arthur Schlesinger, Sr RWB Img American historian, (Jewish father) 1928 1888-1965
Frank Schlesinger RWF Img American astronomer,  1921 1871-1943
Joseph Schlessinger RWF HW Img Croatian-born Israeli American biochemist, 2001 1945-
Mark Schlissel RW5 Img American biochemist, academic administrator, 2015 1957-
Harold Schlosberg RWB Img American psychologist, ??? 1956 1904-64
Kay Schlozman political scientist, ??? 2003 1946-
Carl Schmidt Img Latvian-born American biochemist, (Jewish father) ??? 1955 1893-1988
David Schneider RW5 Img American cultural anthropologist, 1970 1918-95
Fred Schneider RW5 Img American computer scientist, 2017 1953-
Heinrich Schneider Ameican language/literary scholar, ??? 1953 1889-1972
Herbert Schneider American philosopher, ??? 1950 1892-1984
Howard Schneiderman Img American developmental biologist, 1975 1927-90
Gerald Schoenfeld RWB Img American lawyer, company executive,  2004 1924-2008
Myron Scholes RWF HW Img Canadian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1997) 2010 1941-
Naomi Schor RWB Img American language/literary scholar,  1997 1943-2001
Mark Schorer Img American writer, novelist, critic,  1962 1908-77
Daniel Schorr RW5 Img American journalist, senior news analyst, 2002 1916-2010
David Schramm RW5 Img American astrophysicist, (Jewish father) 1994 1945-97
Liev Schreiber RWF HW Img American stage/film actor, director, screenwriter, (Jewish mother) 2010 1967-
Robert Schreiber RWF Img American immunologist, ??? 2010 1946-
Michael Schudson Img American sociologist,  ??? 1946-
Brenda Schulman RWB Img American stractual biologist, ??? 2012 1967-
Howard Schuman American sociologist, ??? 1993 1928-
Sara Lee Schupf RWF Img American businesman, advocate for women in science, New York Academy of science, 2002 1941-
Alan Schwartz Img American legal scholar, ??? 1995 1940-
Anna Schwartz RWF Img American economist, 2007 1915-2012
Benjamin Schwartz RW5 Img American historian, political scientist, 1963 1916-99
Jacob Schwartz RWC Img American mathematician, computer and information sciences 1984 1930-2009
John Schwarz RWF Img American theoretical physicist, theory of superstrings, 2007 1941-
Lynne Sharon Schwartz Img American writer, 2008 1941-
Neena Schwartz RWB Img American endocrinologist,  1992 1926-
Norbert Schwartz American psychologist, ??? 2004 1953-
Martin Schwarzschild RWF Img German-born American astronomer, (Jewish father) 1954 1912-97
Silvan Schweber RWF Img American physicist, historian of science, 1991 1928-
Erwin Schwenk American chemist, research administrator, ??? 1953 1887-1976
Julian Schwinger RWF HW Img American theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1948 1918-94
Dennis Sciama RWF HW Img British physicist, 1982 1926-99
Edward Scolnick RW5 Img American scientist, president of Merck Research Laboratories 1993 1940-
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick RWF Img American author, essayist, poet, literary critic, social theorist, 2005 1950-2009
Charles Segal American classicist,  1992 1936-2002
George Segal RWF HW Img American sculptor, 1979 1924-2000
Irving Segal RW5 Img American mathematical physicist, 1961 1918-98
Jeffrey Segal American political scientist, ??? 2012 1956-
Lore Segal RW5 Img Austrian-born American novelist, translator, 2006 1928-
Rachel Segalman Img American chemical engineer, ??? 1975-
Arthur Segel Img American company founder, philanthropist, 2016 1951-
Emilio Segre RWF HW Img Italian-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1959),discovery of antiproton, 1973 1905-89
Julie Segre RW5 Img American geneticist, biologist,
Nathan Seiberg RWF HW Img Israeli American physicist, string theory, 2001 1956-
Teddy Seidenfeld Img American philosopher, statistician, ??? 2001 1948-
Ilya Segal American economist, 2017
Christine Seidman RW5 Img American physician, geneticist, ??? 1999 1952-
David Seidman Img American materials scientist, ??? 2010 1938-
Jonathan Seidman RW5 Img American geneticist, ??? 1999 1950-
Louis Seidman American legal scholar, ??? 2011 1947-
Shari Seidman Diamond Img American law scholar, ??? 2012 1947-
John Seinfeld RWB Img chemical engineering, ??? 1991 1942-
Eduard Sekler Img Austrian-born American architectual historian, ??? 1968 1920-
Benjamin Selekman American business expert, ??? 1943 1893-1962
Arnold Seligman American surgeon, ??? 1952 1912-76
Joel Seligman HW Img American legal scholar, administrator, 2016 1950-
Irving Selikoff RW5 Img American medical researcher, 1978 1915-
Eric Selker Img American biologist,  ??? 2011 1953-
Philip Selznick RW5 HW Img American sociologist, lawyer, 1961 1919-2010
Richard Sennett Img British sociologist, 1996 1943-
Rudolf Serkin RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian American pianist, 1960 1903-91
Richard Serra RWF Img American pop art sculptor, (Jewish mother) 1993 1939-
Richard Setlow Img American biophysicist, radiation biophysics DNA repair 1975 1921-2015
Kenneth Setton RWF Img American historian, ??? 1960 1914-95
Eldar Shafir RWF Img American psychologist, 2017
Ben Shahn RW5 Img Lithuanian-born American artist, 1959 1898-1969
Albert Shanker Img American educator, president of American Federation of Teachers 1974-97 1996 1928-97
Alan Shapiro Img American poet, literary scholar, 2003 1952-
Ascher Shapiro RW5 Img American biomedical engineering pioneer,  1952 1916-2004
Eli Shapiro American economist, ??? 1955 1916-2010
Harold Tafler Shapiro RWF Img Canadian-born American president of Prinston 1988-01, 1990 1935-
Harry Shapiro RWB Img American anthropologist, eugenist, 1964 1902-90
Ian Shapiro RWF Img South African-born American legal scholar, political scientist, 2000 1959-
Irving Shapiro RWB Img American lawyer, company executive, DuPont 1978 1916-2001
Irwin Shapiro RWF Img American astrophysicist, 1969 1929-
James Shapiro RW5 Img American literary scholar, 2011 1955-
Judith Shapiro Img American anthropologist,  2007 1942-
Karl Shapiro RW5 HW Img American poet, author, editor, 1969 1913-2000
Larry Shapiro American geneticist, pediatrician, 1995 1946-
Lucy Shapiro RWC Img American molecular biologist, 1992 1940-
Martin Shapiro American political scientist, ??? 1974 1933-
Robert Shapiro RWB Img American lawyer, company executive, CEO of Monsanto, 1996 1938-
Aaron Shatkin Img American biochemist, 1997 1934-2012
Carla Shatz RWF Img American neuroscientist, 1992 1947-
David Shaw Img American computer scientist, computational biochemist, money manager, 2007 1951-
Stephen Shechtman Img American astronomer, research administrator, ??? 1997 1949-
David Shemin Img American biochemist, 1961 1911-91 ExLink
Scott Shenker RWC Img American computer scientist,    1956-
Martin Sherwin RW5 Img American historian,  2007 1937-
Richard Shiffrin RW5 HW Img American psychologist, 1996 1942-
Edward Shils RWF HW Img American sociologist, 1968 1910-95
Abner Shimony Img American physicist, philosopher of science, 1985 1928-2015
Kenneth Shine Img American cardiologist, ??? 1996 1935-
Judith Shklar RW5 HW Img Latvian-born American political theorist, 1970 1928-92
Andrei Shleifer RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, 2000 1961-
Melvyn Shochet Img American physicist, 2005 1944-
Peter Shor RW5 Img American mathematician, quantum information scientist, 2011 1959-
Martin Shubik RW5 Img American Canadian economist, 1985 1926-
Neil Shubin RWF Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, 2009 1960-
Michael Shuler Img American biochemical engineer, ??? 1996 1947-
David Dean Shulman RWC Img Israeli indologist, 2015 1949-
Marshall Shulman political scientist, administrator, ??? 1963 1916-2007
George Shuster literary scholar, editor, administrator, ??? 1950 1894-1977
Richard Sidman Img American neuroscientist, ??? 1973 1928-
Reva Siegel Img American legal scholar, ??? 2008 1956-
Steven Siegelbaum American neuroscientist, ??? 2012 1952-
Harold Siegelman American plant biochemist, research administrator, ??? 1972 1920-93
Philip Siekevitz Img American cell biologist, 1978 1918-2009
Paul Sigler RW5 Img American molecular biologist, biochemist, biophysicist, 1992 1934-2000
Abraham Silberschatz RW5 Img Israeli-born American computer scientist,
Robert Silbey Img American chemist, 1991 1940-2011
Beverly Sills RWF HW Img American opera singer, soprano, 1998 1929-2007 RWN
Joseph Silk RWF Img Brirish-born American astrophysicist, 2007 1942-
Paul Silver American seismologist, ??? 2007 1948-2009
Deborah Silverman American historian, art historian, ??? 2008 1954-
Kenneth Silverman Img American language/literary scholar,  biographer, 2002 1936-
Richard Silverman RW5 Img American chemist, 2014 1946-
Robert Silvers RWF Img American publisher, editor, The New York Review of Books, 1996 1929-
Joseph Silverstein RWF Img American violinist, conductor, 1965 1932-
Michael Silverstein RW5 Img American linguist, anthropologist, 1991 1945-
Robert Silverstein Img American animal scientist, ??? 2007 ???
Samuel Silverstein American cell biologist, immunologist, ??? 2003 1947-
Daniel Simberloff RWF Img American ecologist, evolutionary biologist,  1993 1942-
Barry Simon RWF Img American mathematical physicist, 2005 1946-
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American psychologist, Nobel Prize (1978) in Economics (not Jewish maternal grandmother) 1959 1916-2001
Leon Simon RW5 Img Australian-born American mathematician, 1994 1945-
Leslie Simon American engineer, statistician, ??? 1956 1900-83
Melvin Simon Img American molecular biologist, ??? 1987 1937-
Paul Simon RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, composer, lyricist, actor, 2011 1941-
James Simons RWF HW Img American mathematician,  mathematical physicist, cryptoanalyst, 2008 1938-
Christopher Sims RWF HW Img American econometrician, macroeconomist, Nobel Prize (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1988 1942-
Isadore Singer RWF Img American mathematician, Abel Prize (2004), 1959 1924-
Marcus Singer American zoologist, administrator, 1958 1914-94
Maxine Singer RWF Img American biochemist, DNA chip, 1978 1931-
Milton Singer American anthropologist, ??? 1972 1912-94
Jonathan Singer RW5 Img American cell biologist, 1971 1924-
Robert Singer Img American cell biologist, 2009 1945-
Robert Sinsheimer Img American molecular biologist, initiator of Human Genome Project 1985, 1965 1920-
Michael Sipser RW5 Img American mathematician, complexity theory, 2009 1954-
Elaine Sisman Img American musicologist, ??? 2014 1952-
Nathan Sivin RW5 Img American historian, author, scholar, ??? 1977 1931-
Irwin Sizer American physiologist, biochemist, ??? 1952 1910-2000
Theodore Sizer American educationist, administrator, ??? 1995 1932-2009
Lawrence Sklar Img American philosopher of science, ??? 1996 1938-
Eugene Skolnikoff Img American political scientist, ??? 1971 1928-
Leonard Slatkin RWF HW Img American music director, conductor, 1992 1944-
David Slepian RWF Img American mathematician, algebraic coding theory, 1990 1923-2007
Yuri Slezkine RWF HW Img Russian-born American historian, writer, translator, (Jewish mother) 2008 1956-
Seymour Slive RW5 Img American art historian, museum administrator, 1964 1920-2014
Dan Slobin RWF Img American cognitive psychologist, linguist, 2009 1939-
Marc Slobin American ethnomusicologist, 2017
Lawrence Slobodkin RW5 Img American ecologist, 1970 1928-2009
Richard Slotkin American cultural critic, historian, ??? 2010 1942-
Joseph Smagorinsky RW5 Img American metereologist,   1986 1924-2005
Neil Smelser RWF Img American sociologist, 1968 1930-
Jonathan Smith American historian of religions, ??? 2000 1938-
Morton Smith RWF Img American ancient historian, ??? 1973 1915-91
Roman Smoluchowski RW5 Img Polish-born American physicist, astrophysicist, Corr, 1962 1910-96
Louis Smullin Img electronics engineering, 1960 1916-2009
Paul Sniderman RW5 Amereican political scientist, ??? 1997 1941-
A. Cecil Snyder RW5 Img American lawyer, Chief Justice of Puetro Rico 1953-57 1956 1907-59
Benson Snyder American psychiatrist, ??? 1973 1923-2012
Carl Snyder American economist, statistician, ??? 1932 1869-1946
Jack Snyder American political scientist, ??? 1999 1951-
John Snyder bacteriologist, ??? 1950 1910-2002
Joseph Snyder American administrator, company executive, ??? 1961 1907-95
Michael Snyder Img American geneticist, 2015 1955-
Solomon Snyder RWF Img American neuroscientist, endorphins 1979 1938-
Ralph Snyderman RWB Img American administrator, immunologist, 2003 1940-
Joel Sobel American economist, 2010 1954-
Elliott Sober RWB Img American philosopher, biologist, ??? 1999 1948-
Herbert Sober American biochemist, administrator, ??? 1973 1918-74
Robert Sokal RWC Img Austrian-born biostatistician, entomologist, 1986 1926-2012
Walter Sokel Img Austrian-born American language/literary scholar, 1981 1917-2014
Kenneth Sokoloff Img American economist, historian, 2003 1953-2007
Louis Sokoloff RW5 Img American physiologist, research administrator, 1982 1921-2015
Arthur Solomon American biophysicist, ??? 1956 1912-2002
Edward Solomon Img American chemist, ??? 1998 1946-
Harry Solomon American neuopsychiatrist, hospital administrator, 1952 1889-1982
Richard Solomon Img American psychologist, ??? 1958 1918-95
Susan Solomon RWF HW Img American geophysicist,  1993 1956-
Robert Solovay RWF Img American mathematician, 1994 1938-
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1987), 1956 1924-
Gabor Somorjai RWF Img Hungarian-born American father of modern surface chemistry 1983 1935-
Stephen Sondheim RWF HW Img American composer, lyricist, songwriter, 2001 1930-
Tracy Sonneborn RWF Img American biologist, microbiologist, protistologist, 1946 1905-81
Hugo Sonnenschein RWF Img American economist, 1984 1940-
Susan Sontag RWF HW Img American novelist, essayist, literary theorist, film director, 1993 1933-2004
Alexander Soper American art historian, ??? 1979 1904-93
Michael Sorkin RW5 Img American architectual critic, urban theorist, 2009 1948-
George Soros RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American financier, 1998 1930-
Merrill Sosman Img American radiologist, ??? 1947 1890-1959
Michael Sovern RWB Img American legal scholar,     1974 1931-
Debora Spar HW Img American president of Barnard College 2008-  2011 1963-
Alfred Spector RWB Img American computer scientist, research manager, ??? 2009 1954-
David Spector Img American molecular biologist, ??? 2014 1952-
Eugene Speicher RW5 Img American painter, 1934 1883-1962
Elizabeth Spelke RWF Img American psychologist, 1997 1949-
David Spergel RWF Img American astrophysicist, 2012 1961-
George Sperling RW5 Img American cognitive scientist, ??? 1992 1934-
Jerry Speyer RW5 Img American CEO/president of Tishman Speyer Properties, (Jewish father) 2014 1940-
Gabrielle Spiegel RWF Img American history scholar,    2011 1943-
Shalom Spiegel American theologian,  1983 1899-1984
Art Spiegelman RWF HW Img Swedish-American cartoonist, comix writer, Maus, 2005 1948-
Bruce Spiegelman Img American cell biologist, ??? 2002 1952-
Sol Spiegelman RWF Img American microbiologist, 1966 1914-83
Steven Spielberg RWF HW Img American film director, producer, movies mogul, 1999 1947-
Leslie Spier Img American anthropologist, 1953 1893-1961
Lewis Stadler RWB Img American geneticist, (Jewis mother, father ?) 1949 1896-1954
Elvin Stakman RW5 Img American mycologist, research administrator, ??? 1923 1885-1979
Richard Stallman RWF HW Img American developer of GNU,  president of Free Software Foundation, 2003 1953-
Susan Stamberg RW5 Img American radio journalist, 2009 1938-
Richard Stanley RW5 Img American mathematician, 1988 1944-
Peter Stansky Img American historian, 1988 1932-
Harold Stark HW Img American mathematician, ??? 1983 1939-
Janos Starker RWF HW Img Hungarian American cellist, 1999 1924-2013
Joel Stebbins RWF Img American astronomer, ??? 1921 1878-1966
Theodore Stebbins, Jr Img American art historian, curator, ??? 1997 1938-
Elias Stein RWF Img Belgian-born, American mathemattician, 1930 1931-
Herbert Stein RW5 Img American economist, 1983 1916-99
Howard Stein American philosopher, ??? 1989 1929-
Jeremy Stein RW5 Img American economist, 2008 1960-
Richard Stein RWF Img Amercan polymer physical chemistry, 1991 1925-
William Stein RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1972), 1960 1911-80
Henry Steinbach zoologist, physiologist, research administrator, ??? 1962 1905-81
Daniel Steinberg Img American researcher, medicine heart ??? 1986 1922-2015
Laurence Steinberg RWB Img American developmental psychologist, ??? 2013 1952-
Leo Steinberg RWF Img Russian-born American art historian, art critic, 1978 1920-2011
Saul Steinberg RWF HW Img Romanian-born American cartoonist, illustrator,  1978 1914-99
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize (1988), 1969 1921-
John Steinbruner Img American political scientist, 1992 1941-2005
Alan Steinert American company executive, ??? 1966 1901-69
Arnold Steinhardt RW5 HW Img American violinist, 2010 1937-
Charles Steinmetz RWF Img German/Polish-born American mathematician, electrical engineer, 1911 1865-1923
Eliot Stellar Img American physiological psychologist, ??? 1972 1919-93
Curt Stern RWF Img German-born American geneticist, 1959 1902-81
Fritz Stern RWF Img German/Polish-born American historian, 1969 1926-
Herbert Stern American cell biologist,  1969 1918-98
Isaac Stern RWF HW Img Ukrainian/Polish-born American violinist, conductor, 1970 1920-2001
Melvin Stern RW5 Img American oceanographer, 1975 1929-2010
Richard Stern RW5 Img American writer,  1995 1928-2012
Robert Stern RWF Img American architect, 2007 1939-
Eli Sternberg RW5 Img Austrian-born American mechanical engineer, applied mathematician, 1959 1917-88
Paul Sternberg RWB Img American biologist, molecular geneticist, ??? 2000 1956-
Robert Sternberg RWF Img American psychologist, intelligence, creativity, 1995 1949-
Shlomo Sternberg RW5 Img American mathematician, 1969 1936-
Theodore Sterne American astrophysicist, administrator, ??? 1957 1907-90
Julius Stieglitz RW5 Img American organic chemist, 1914 1867-1937
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1979), 1983 1943-
Edward Stolper RWF Img American geologist, 1991 1952-
Richard Stoltzman RWF Img American clarinetist,  2013 1942-
Howard Stone Img Americabn mechanical aerospace engineer, 2011 1960-
Gilbert Stork RWF Img Belgian-born American organic chemist, 1962 1921-
Thomas Stossel RW5 Img American hematologist, 1996 1941-
Mark Strand RW5 HW Img Canadian-born American poet, essayist, translator, 1995 1934-2014
Paul Strand RWF Img American photographer, filmmaker, 1973 1890-1976
Roger Straus, Jr Img American co-founder of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997 1917-2004
David Strauss American lawyer, jurist, ??? 2002 1952-
Leo Strauss RWF HW Img German-born American political scientist, philosopher, 1968 1899-1973
Peter Strauss American legal scholar, ??? 2010 1940-
Sharon Strauss Img American evolutionary ecologist, 2015 1956-
Walter Strauss RW5 Img American mathematician, ??? 2013 1937-
Steven Strogatz RWF Img American mathematician, chaos theory, 2012 1959-
Andrew Strominger RWF Img American physicist, string theory, (Jewish father) 2001 1955-
Jack Strominger RW5 Img American biochemist immunologist, 1967 1925-
Daniel Stroock RW5 Img American mathematician, 1991 1940-
Lubert Stryer RW5 Img Chinese-born American biochemist, 1975 1938-
Samuel Stupp RWB Img Costa-Rican-born American chemist, 1998 1951-
Hans Suess RWF Img Austrian physical chemist, nuclear physicist, (Jewish descent) 1972 1909-93
Arthur Hays Sulzberger RW5 Img publisher of New York Times 1950 1891-1968
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger RW5 Img American publisher of New York Times, 1988 1926-2012
Lawrence Summers RWF HW Img American economist, Secretary of Treasury 1999-2001, 1987 1954-
Cass Sunstein RWF Img American legal scholar, blogger, 1992 1954-
Leonard Susskind RWF HW Img American physicist, string theory, (Jewish father) 1994 1940-
Gerald Jay Sussman RWF Img American scientist, artificial intelligence ,  1996 1947-
Norman Sutin Img American chemist, ??? 1990 1928-
Hanns Swarzenski Img German-born American art historian, museum curator, 1959 1903-85,
Ann Swidler RWB Img American sociologist, 2013 1945-
Gabor Szego RW5 Img Hungarian-born German American mathematician, 1976 1895-1985
George Szell RWF HW Img Hungarian American conductor, composer, 1967 1897-1970
Leo Szilard RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German American physicist, nuclear fission reactor, 1954 1898-1964
Herbert Tabor Img American biochemist, research administrator, ??? 1971 1918-
Irene Taeuber American demographer, sociologist, ??? 1972 1906-74
Philip Taft Img American economist, labor historian, ??? 1949 1902-76
Nathan Talbot American pediatrician, ??? 1951 1909-94
Jacob Tamarkin RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, 1928 1888-1945
Morris Tanenbaum Img American company executive, research administrator, ??? 1990 1928-
Michael Tanenhaus RW5 Img American psycholinguist, cognitive scientist, 2011 1951-
Charles Tanford RWF Img German-born American biochemist, 1968 1921-2009
Eva Tardos RWF Img Hungarian mathematician, computer scientist, 1998 1957-
Robert Tarjan RWF HW Img American computer scientist, 1985 1948-
Alfred Tarski RWF HW Img Polish-born American mathematician, logician, 1948 1901-83
David Tatel RWB Img American appeals judge, 2015 1941-
Abraham Taub RW5 Img American mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, research administrator, ??? 1972 1911-99
Clifford Taubes RWF Img American mathematician, topologist, 1995 1954-
Frank Taussig RWF Img American economist, historian, sociologist, (Jewish father) 1889 1859-1940
Helen Taussig RWF HW Img American paediatric cardiologist, (Jewish paternal grandfather, mother ?)  1957 1898-1986
Valentine Telegdi RWF Img Hungarian-born Swiss American physicist, 1970 1922-2006
Edward Teller RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, hydroghen bomb,  1954 1908-2003
Howard Temin RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1975) in medicine, retroviruses, 1973 1934-94
Peter Temin RW5 HW Img American economist, economic historian,   1986 1937-
Owsei Temkin RW5 HW Img Belarusian-born American historian of medicine, research administrator, 1958 1902-2002
Saul Teukolsky RW5 Img South African-born American theoretical astrophysicist, 1996 1947-
Samuel Thier Img American physician, administrator, 1988 1937-
Judith Thomson RWF Img American philosopher, (Jewish father) 1989 1929-
James Tisch RW5 HW Img American president/CEO, Loews Corporation, 2012 1953-
Laurence Tisch RWC Img American company executive, Loews Corporation 2003 1923-2003
Robert Tisch RW5 Img co-chairman of Loews Corporation; CBS 2004 1926-2005
Wilma Tisch RWB Img American co-chairman of Loews Corporation, 2006 1927-
Max Tishler RWF Img American biochemist, poultry desease antibiotic sythesizing of B2 1965 1906-89
Laszlo Tisza RWF Img Hungarian-born American physicist, 1950 1907-2009
Gordon Tomkins Img American biochemist, administrator,    1973 1926-75
Stephen Toulmin RW5 Img British-born American philosopher, historian, ??? 1989 1922-2009
Alan Trachtenberg RW5 Img American language/literary scholar, 2008 1933-
Marvin Trachtenberg Img American fine arts scholar, 2012 1939-
Stephen Trachtenberg Img American administrator, president of George Washington University, 2002 1937-
Sam Treiman RWF Img American physicist, particle physics, 1973 1925-99
Leo Treitler RW5 Img German-born American musicologist,   1994 1931-
Laurence Tribe RWB Img Chinese-born American legal scholar,  1980 1941-
Diana Trilling RW5 Img American author, literary critic, 1976 1905-96
George Trilling RWF Img Polish-born American physicist, 1993 1930-
Lionel Trilling RWF Img American literary/social critic, author, teacher, 1952 1905-75
Charles Trinkaus Img American historian, ??? 1976 1911-99
Barry Trost RW5 Img American chemist, 1982 1941-
Barbara Tuchman RWF HW Img American historian, author, journalist, 1978 1912-89
Herbert Tucker American literary scholar, ??? 2011 1949-
Mark Tushnet Img American legal scholar, 2002 1945-
Amos Tversky RWF HW Img Israeli American psychologist, Prospect Theory, 1980 1937-96
Isadore Twersky HW Img American literary scholar, philosopher,  1975 1929-97
Sidney Udenfriend RWB Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, 1974 1918-2001
Jonathan Uhr Img American oncologist, 1993 1927-
Stanislaw Ulam RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American mathematician, physicist, hydrogen bomb, 1958 1909-84
Berthold Ullman Img American classical scholar, 1948 1882-1965
Jeffrey Ullman RWF Img American computer scientist, compilers, 2012 1942-
Richard Ullman Img American political scientist, 1974 1933-2014
Leslie Ungerleider RWB Img American neuroscientist, psychologist, ??? 2000 1946-
Ronald Vale RW5 Img American biochemist, 2002 1959-
Moshe Vardi RWF HW Img Israeli American computer scientist, 2010 1954-
Harold Varmus RWF Img American microbiologist, virologist, Nobel Prize (1989) in Medicine, 1988 1939-
Joseph Varner American plant physiologist, ??? 1986 1921-95
Alexander Varshavsky RWF Img Russian-born American biochemist, 1987 1946-
Sidney Verba RWF President of American Political Science Association, 1994-95, ??? 1968 1932-
Jacob Viner RWF Img Canadian-born American economist, 1934 1892-1970
Jerome Vinograd RW5 Img American biochemist, research scientist, ??? 1969 1913-76
Maurice Visscher Img American physiologist, ??? 1964 1901-83
Andrew Viterbi RWF HW Img Italian-born American scientist, co-founder of Qualcomm 2001 1935-
Ezra Vogel RWB Img American sociologist, author, 1974 1930-
Paula Vogel RWF Img American playwright,  (Jewish father) 2006 1951-
Bert Vogelstein RWF Img American cancer researcher, 1992 1949-
Paul Volcker RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board 1979-87 1992 1927-
Mark Volpe 2017
James Vorenberg Img American legal scholar, 1965 1928-2000
Paul Waggoner Img American plant pathologist, research administrator, ??? 1977 1923-
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1952) in medicine, streptomycin, 1979 1888-1973
George Wald RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1967) in medicine, 1948 1906-97
Robert Wald RWC Img American physicist, 2000 1947-
Thomas Waldmann RWF Img American immunologist, ??? 1989 1930-
Kenneth Wallach Img American chairman/CEO Central National-Gottesman, 2007 1946-
Immanuel Wallerstein RWF HW Img American sociologist, 1998 1930-
Michael Wallerstein Img American political scientist, 2005 1951-2006
Michael Walzer RW5 HW Img American political philosopher,  1971 1935-
Brian Wandell Img American perception psychologist, neuroscientist, 2011 1953-
Gerald Wasserburg RW5 Img American geochemist, 1967 1927-2016
Harry Wasserman RWC Img American chemist,
Sandra Waxman Img American cognitive/developmental psychologist, ??? 2011 1954-
Seth Waxman RWB Img American Solicitor General  1997-2001 2006 1951-
Eugen Weber RWF Img Romanian-born British American historian, Modern European History, 1977 1925-2007
Herbert Wechsler Img American legal scholar, 1964 1909-2000
Julia Weertman RW5 Img American materials engineering scientist, ??? 1926-2018
Murray Weidenbaum RWF Img American economist, chairman of Council of Economic Advisers 1983-89 2007 1927-2014
Joseph Weiler Img South African-born American legal scholar, 1999 1951-
Sanford Weill RW5 Img American CEO/chairman of Citygroup, 2012 1933-
Sheldon Weinbaum RWB Img American bioengineering scientist, 1937-
Alvin Weinberg RWF Img American nuclear physicist, 1960 1915-2006
Bernard Weinberg American language/literary scholar, ??? 1971 1909-73
Robert Weinberg RWF Img American molecular biologist, 1st oncogen, 1989 1942-
Saul Weinberg American archaeologist, ??? 1975 1911-92
Sidney Weinberg, Jr RWF Img American company executive, Goldman Sachs Group 2005 1891-1969
Steven Weinberg RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel prize (1979), electroweak force 1968 1933-
Shmuel Weinberger RW5 Img American mathematician, topologist, 2013 1963-
Myron Weiner RW5 Img American political scientist, 1967 1931-99
Barry Weingast Img American political scientist, 1996 1954-
Alan Weinstein RWF American mathematician, ??? 1992 1943-
Barbara Weinstein RWB Img American history scholar, 2011 1952-
David Weinstein American company executive, lawyer, ???   Fidelity Investments 2005 1951-
I.Bernard Weinstein Img American oncologist, 1995 1930-2008
Jack Weinstein RW5 Img American lawyer, jurist, judge, 1990 1921-
Louis Weinstein American physician, ??? 1961 1909-2000
Harold Weintraub HW Img American geneticist,  1988 1945-95
David Weisbach Img American legal scholar,   2012 1963-
Harry Weiser American chemist, administrator, ??? 1941 1887-1950
Arthur Weiss RW5 Img American immunologist, ???, 2003 1952-
Herbert Weiss American electrical engineer, research administrator, ??? 1965 1918-
Paul Weiss RW5 Img Austrian-born American biologist, 1954 1898-1989
Paul Weiss RWB Img American nanoscientist, ??? 2014 1959-
Rainer Weiss RWF Img German-born American astrophysicist, founder of LIGO project, (Jewish father) Nobel Prize (2017) 1998 1932-
Samuel Weiss RWB Img Canadian neurobiologist, biochemist, 1979 1926-97
Arnold Weissberger American chemist, research administrator, ??? Kodak Research Laboratories 1964 1898-1984
Victor Weisskopf RWF Img Austrian-born American physicist, director of CERN, 1948 1908-2002
Drew Weissman RWF Img American physician-scientist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (2023) (Jewish father) 2022 1959-
Irving Weissman RWC Img American biologist, embrionic stem cells, 1990 1939-
Samuel Weissman Img American physical chemist, spectroscopist, 1963 1912-2007
Gerald Weissmann RW5 Img Austrian-born American rheumotologist,
Weitz David Img American physicist, 2010 1951-
Martin Weitzman RWF Img American economist, 1986 1942-
Zena Werb RWF Img German-born Canadian cell biologist, 2003 1945-
Janet Werker RW5 Img Canadian developmental psychologist, language scholar, 2014 1951-
Gerald Wertheimer Img German-born Australian neuroscientist, optometrist, 1994 1924-
Lawrence Weschler Img American non-fiction writer, journalist, 2001 1952-
Susan Wessler RWC Img American plant molecular biologist, geneticist, 2007 1953-
Frank Westheimer RWF Img American chemist, photosynthesis, 1954 1912-2007
Charles Westoff Img American demographer, ??? 1978 1927-
Harry Wexler RW5 Img American meteorologist, 1956 1911-62
Nancy Wexler RWB Img American neuroscientist, geneticist, research administrator, 2005 1945-
Leslie Wexner RW5 Img American co-founder of Limited Brands, 2006 1937-
Ray Weymann RW5 Img American astronomer, physicist, ??? 1983 1934-
Abraham White American biochemist, research administrator, ??? 1968 1908-80
Morton White Img American philosophy historian, 1956 1917-
Theodore White Img American political journalist, historan, novelist, 1966 1915-86
Meg Whitman RWF HW Img American CEO of Ebay, Hewlett-Pacard Company, ??? 2008 1956-
Marina von Neumann Whitman RWF Img American economist, company executive, 1988 1935-
William Wickner Img American biohemist,    2003 1946-
Benjamin Widom RW5 Img American physical chemist, statistical mechanics of fluids, 1979 1932-
Harold Widom RW5 Img American mathematician, 2006 1932-
Jennifer Widom RW5 Img American computer scientist, 2009 1960-
Norbert Wiener RWF HW Img American mathematical logician, founder of cybernetics, 1926 1894-1964
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1986) for Peace, 1986 1928-2016
Jerome Wiesner RWF Img American electrical engineer, scientist, president of MIT 1953 1915-94
Avi Wigderson RWF HW Img Israeli American computer scientist, mathematician,   2011 1956-
Michael Wigler HW Img American geneticist, first human oncogen, research institution administrator, 1999 1947-
Eugene Wigner RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1969), founder of nuclear engineering 1950 1902-95
Frank Wilczek RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2004)  (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1993 1951-
Aaron Wildavsky RW5 Img American political scientist, administrator, 1973 1930-93
Harold Wilensky RWF Img American political scientist, sociologist, 1987 1923-2011
Shmuel Winograd RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American computer scientist, 1983 1936-
Bruce Winstein Img American physicist, cosmologist, ??? 2007 1943-2011
Saul Winstein RW5 Img Canadian-born American chemist, 1966 1912-69
Mark Wise RW5 Img Canadian-born  American theoretical physicist, ??? 2002 1953-
Norton Wise American historian of science, ??? 2001 1940-
Frederick Wiseman RWF Img American documentary filmmaker, 1991 1930-
Evelyn Witkin RWF Img American geneticist, 1978 1921-
Edward Witten RWF HW Img American mathematician, physicist, Fields Medal (1990), 1984 1951-
Rudolf Wittkower RW5 Img German-born art/architectual historian, 1959 1901-71
Irving Wladawsky-Berger Cuban-born American computer scientist, IBM - Vice President 2002 1945-
Simeon Wolbach American pathologist, ??? 1912 1880-1954
Eric Wolf RWF HW Img Austrian-born American anthropologist, 1986 1923-99
Jack Wolf RW5 Img American computer scientist, 2005 1935-2011
Susan Wolf RWF American philosopher, ethicist, ??? 1999 1952-
Arthur Wolfe RW5 American astrophysicist, ??? 1995 1939-2014
Bertram Wolfe RW5 Img American scholar, historian, (Jewish father) 1975 1896-1977
Ralph Wolfe RW5 Img American microbiologist, ??? 1981 1921-
James Wolfensohn RWF HW Img Australian-born American President of World Bank, 1994 1933-
Tobias Wolff RW5 HW Img American writer, (Jewish father) 2009 1945-
Marvin Wolfgang RW5 Img American sociologist, criminologist, 1976 1924-98
Jacob Wolfowitz RW5 Img Polish-born American statistican, economist, information theory, 1970 1910-81
Elliot Wolfson RWF HW Img American historian, scholar, Hebrew and Judaic Studies, 2008 1956-
Sheldon Wolin RW5 Img American political scientist,  1966 1955-2015
Asher Wolinsky Img American economist, 2013 1951-
Richard Wollheim RW5 Img British philosopher, 1986 1923-2003
Leo Wolman RW5 Img American economist, 1934 1890-1961
Gordon Wolman RW5 Img American enviromental engineer, geologist, geographer 1981 1924-2010
Harry Woolf RWB Img American historian of science,  1983 1923-2003
Carl Wunsch RWB Img American oceonographist, 1979 1941-
Robert Wurtz RWF Img American neuroscientist, ??? 1990 1936-
Yehudi Wyner RW5 Img American composer, pianist, conductor, 2008 1929-
Edith Wyschogrod RWB Img American philosopher, 1999 1930-2009
Eli Yablonovitch RWF Img American physicist, 2012 1946-
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American medical physicist, Nobel Prize (1977) in medicine, 1978 1921-2011
Daniel Yankelovich RWB Img American public opinion analyst, 1999 1924-
Charles Yanofsky RWF Img American geneticist,  1964 1925-
Amnon Yariv RWF HW Img Israeli-born American physicist, 1982 1930-
Adam Yarmolinsky RW5 Img American special assistant to the Secretary of Defense 1961-64, 1967 1922-2000
Janet Yellen RWF HW Img American economist, chairman of Federal Reserv System 2013- 2001 1946-
Yosef Yerushalmi RWB HW Img American historian, Jewish History, Culture & Society 1986 1932-2009
Mark Yudof Img American law scholar, administrator, president of University of California 2008- 2001 1944-
Jerrold Zacharias RWB HW Img American physicist, 1949 1905-86
Perez Zagorin RW5 Img American-born British historian, 1976 1920-2009
Daniel Zajfman RW5 HW Img Belgian-born Israeli physicist, president  of Weitzmann Institute of Science, 2006- , 2019 1959-
Mayer Zald RWB Img American sociologist, 1994 1931-2012
Richard Zare RWF Img American chemical physicist, lazer chemistry, 1976 1939-
Oscar Zariski RWF Img Belarusian-born American mathematician, 1948 1899-1986
Hans Zeisel RWB Img Czech-born American sociologist, legal scholar, 1985 1905-92
Froma Zeitlin RWF American language/literary scholar, 2001 1903-
Marvin Zelen RWB Img American statistician, 1991 1927-2014
Israel Zelitch Img American biochemist, plant physiologist, research administrator, ??? 1980 1924-
Arnold Zellner RWF Img American economist, statistician,  1979 1927-2010
Efim Zelmanov RWF HW Img Russian-born American mathematician, Fields medal (1994), group theory 1996 1955-
Edward Zigler RWB Img American psychologist, 2003 1930-
Robert Zimmer RWB Img President of University of Chicago 2006- 2007 1947-
Norton Zinder RWB Img American microbiologist, virologist,   1968 1928-2012
Theodore Ziolkowski RWF Img American language/literary scholar, ??? 1982 1932-
Steven Zipperstein Img American historian,  2023 1950-
Leo Zippin RW5 HW Img American mathematician, 1970 1905-95
Lawrence Zipursky RW5 Img Canadian-born American biochemist, 1998 1955-
Paul Zoll RW5 Img American cardiologist, inventor, 1981 1911-99
Dorothea Zucker-Franklin Img German-born American physician, hemotologist,  2001 1929-2015
Charles Zuker RWB Img Chilian-born American molecular biologist, neurobiologist, 2001 1957-
Paul Zukofsky RWB HW Img American conductor, violinist, 1995 1943-
Robert Zwanzig RWB Img American chemical physicist, ??? 1974 1928-2014
George Zweig RWF Img Russian-born American physicist, discovery of quarks, neurobiologist, 1999 1937-
Edgar Zwilling American developmental biologist, 1969 1913-71
Foreign Honorable Members   elected deceased
Rosalie Abella RWF Img German-born Canadian lawyer, Supreme Court Judge of Canada 1973-84 2007 1946-
Anatole Abragam RWF HW Img Latvian-born French physicist, NMR, 1974 1914-2011
Alexei Abrikosov RWF HW Img Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2003), (Jewish mother) 1991 1928-
Larissa Adler Lomnitz RW5 Img French-born Chileam Mexican anthropologist, 2010 1932-
Amnon Aharony RWC HW Img Israeli physicist, 2002 1943-
Yehuda Amichai RWF HW Img German-born Israeli poet,    1991 1924-2000
Yitzhak Apeloig RWC HW Img Uzbek-born Israeli chemist, president  of Technion 2001-09, 2010 1944-
Aharon Appelfeld RWF HW Img Moldovan/Ukrainian-born Israeli novelist, poet, 1997 1932-
Vladimir Arnold RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born, Russian American mathematician, (Jewish mother) 1987 1937-2010
Ruth Arnon RWF HW Img Israel biochemist, Copaxone, 2017 1933-
Raymond Aron RWF HW Img French sociologist, political scientist, philosopher, 1960 1905-83
Lev Artsimovich RWF HW Img Russian/Soviet physicist, (Jewish mother) 1966 1909-73
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born American Israeli mathematician, game theory, Nobel Prize 1974 1930-
Sir Alfred Ayer RWF HW Img British philosopher, populariser of logical positivism, (Jewish mother) 1963 1910-89
Robert Badinter RWC Img French Minister of Justice 1981-86, 2006 1928-
Adolf von Baeyer RWF HW Img German chemist, Nobel Prize (1905) (Jewish mother) 1884 1835-1917
Aharon Barak RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born President of Supreme Court of Israel, 1995-2006, 1987 1936-
Grigory Barenblatt RWF Img Russian mathematician, 1975 1927-
Daniel Barenboim RWF HW Img Argentine-born Israeli pianist, conductor, 2005 1942-
Nahum Barnea RWF HW Img Leading Israeli columnist, 2015 1944-
Solomon Benatar South African physician, bioethisist,  ??? 1996 1942-
Joseph Ben-David RWC HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli sociologist, 1971 1920-86
Jonathan Bennett Img New Zealand-born British philosopher, 1985 1930-
Bernard Berenson RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American art historian, 1958 1865-1959
Henri Berestycki Img French mathematician, 2013 1951-
Henri Bergson RWF HW Img French philosopher, Nobel Prize (1927) in Literature 1928 1859-1941
Sir Isaiah Berlin RWF HW Img Latvian-born British philosopher, historian of ideas, 1959 1909-97
Sir Walter Bodmer RWF Img British geneticist, 1972 1936-
Aage Bohr RWF Img Danish physicist, Nobel Prize (1975), (Jewish paternal grandmother) 1965 1922-2009
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, Nobel Prize (1922 ), (Jewish mother) 1945 1885-1962
Max Born RWF HW Img German-born British physicist, Nobel prize (1954) 1959 1882-1970
Vladimir Braginsky RWF Img Russian physicist, 2004 1931-
Georg Brandes RWF HW Img Danish literary critic, author, 1897 1842-1927
Alexander Braunstein RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian biochemist 1961 1902-86
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South African-born British American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002), 1966 1927-
Edouard Brezin RW5 Img French physicist, 2002 1938-
Haim Brezis RWF HW Img French mathematician, nonlinear analysis, 1994 1944-
Jacob Bronowski RWF HW Img Polish-born British mathematician, broadcaster, 1960 1908-74
Sir Peter Brook RWF HW Img British theater/film director/producer, 1986 1925-
Michael Bruno RWF HW Img German-born Israeli economist, 1982 1932-96
Martin Buber RWF HW Img Austrian-born German Israeli philosopher, 1961 1878-1965
Sir Anthony Caro RWF Img British sculptor, 1988 1924-2013
Jorge Castaneda Gutman RWC Img Mexican secretary of Foreign Affairs 2000-03, (Jewish mother) 2008 1953-
Arthur Chaskalson RWC Img Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa 2008 1931-2012
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry, 2008 1947-
Georges Cohen French molecular biologist, 1987 1920-
Leonard Cohen RWF HW Img Canadian poet, novelist, singer/songwriter, 2011 1934-2016
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji RWF HW Img Algerian-born French physicist, Nobel Prize (1997), 1992 1933-
Sir Zelman Cowen RWF HW Img Governor-general of Australia 1977-82, 1965 1919-2011
Luigi Cremona RWF Img Italian mathematician, politician, Minister of Education, 1902 1830-1903
Hillel Daleski RWC HW Img South African-born Israeli language/literary scholar, 1999 1926-2011
Robert Debre RWF Img French pediatrician,   1972 1882-1978
Jacques Derrida RWF HW Img Algerian-born French philosopher, literary scholar, 1985 1930-2004
Amos de-Shalit RWC HW Img Israeli nuclear physicist, administrator, 1969 1926-69
Friedrich Delizsch RWC Img German sociologist, (Jewish biological father) ??? 1855-1922
Roland Dobrushin RWF Img Rissian-American mathematician, 1982 1929-95
Vladimir Drinfeld RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian mathematician, Fields Medal (1990) 2008 1954-
Jack Dunitz RWC Img British-born Swiss chemical crystallographer, 1997 1923-
Aryeh Dvoretzky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli mathematician, 1976 1916-2008
Igor Dzyaloshinsky RWF Img Russian-born American physicist, administrator, (Jewish father) 1991 1931-
Abba Eban RWF HW Img South African-born Israeli diplomat, politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs   , 1960 1915-2002
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist, Nobel Prize (1921), 1924 1879-1955
Shmuel Eisenstadt RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli sociologist, 1968 1923-2010
Boris Ephrussi RWF Img Russian-born French geneticist, 1958 1901-79
Paul Erdos RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American Israeli mathematician, 1974 1913-96
Lars Ernster RW5 Img Hungarian-born Swedish biochemist, 1986 1920-98
Sir Alan Fersht RW5 Img British chemist, protein folding, 1988 1943-
Tamar Flash Img Israeli computetional neuroscientist, 2016 1949-
Meyer Fortes RWF Img South African-born British social anthropologist, 1964 1906-83
James Franck RWF HW Img German-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1925) 1929 1882-1964
Daan Frenkel RWF Img Dutch computational physicist, 2008 1948-
Jacob Frenkel RWF Img Israeli American economist, Governor of Bank of Israel, 1996 1943-
Anna Freud RWF HW Img Austrian-born British psychoanalyst, 1969 1895-1982
Lucian Freud RW5 HW Img German-born British painter, 2004 1922-2011
Karl von Frisch RWF HW Img Austrian ethologist, (1973), Nobel Prize (1973) (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1952 1886-1982
Alexander Frumkin RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian chemist, electrochemistry, 1970 1895-1976
Hillel Furstenberg RWC HW Img German-born American Israeli mathematician, 1995 1935-
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, Nobel Prize (1971), hollogram, 1972 1900-79
Israel Gelfand RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, 1964 1913-2009
Ernest Gellner RWF HW Img French-born Czech British philosopher, social anthropologist, 1998 1925-95
Benny Gerber HW Img Turkmenian-born Israeli chemist, 2016 1944-
Carlo Ginzburg RWF HW Img Italian American historian,  1986 1939-
Natalia Ginzburg RWF HW Img Italian writer, (Jewish father) 1991 1916-91
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2003), 1971 1916-2009
David Glass RW5 Img British sociologist, demographer, 1971 1911-78
Ian Glynn RW5 Img British biologist,  1984 1928-
Max Gluckman RWF HW Img South African-born British anthropologist, 1970 1911-75
Vitaly Goldansky RWF Img Belarusian-born Russian physical chemist, 1987 1923-2001
Aleksei Goldenveizer RWF Img Russian/Soviet mechanician, applied mathematician, 1970 1911-2003
Simon Goldhill Img British literary scholar, 2009 1957-
Victor Goldschmidt RWF Img Swiss-born Norwegian mineralogist, geochemist, art collector, 1914 1853-1933
Richard Goldstone RWF Img South African judge, international war crimes prosecutor, 1999 1938-
Sir Ernst Gombrich RWF HW Img Austrian-born British art historian, 1964 1909-2001
Nadine Gordimer RWF HW Img South-African writer Nobel Prize (1991) in literature, 1972 1923-2014
Jean Gottmann RWF Img Ukrainian-born French British geographer, 1972 1915-94
Jonas Greenfield RWC Img American-born Israeli scholar of semitic languages, 1995 1926-95
Vladimir Gribov RWF Img Russian particle physicist, 1973 1930-97
Mikhael Gromov RWF Img Russian-born French American mathematician, differential geometry, (Jewish mother) 1989 1943-
David Grossman RWF HW Img Israeli author, 2017
Alexander Grothendieck RWF HW Img German-born French mathematician, Fields Medal (1966), (Jewish father) 1965 1927-
Louis Guttman RW5 HW Img American-born Israeli mathematician, sociologist, 1975 1916-87
Fritz Haber RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German chemist, ammonia, Nobel Prize (1918), 1914 1868-1934
Jacques Hadamard RWF HW Img French mathematician, functional analysis, 1920 1865-1963
Haim Harari RWF HW Img chairman of Weitzmann Institute of Science, Israel 1988-2001 2010 1940-
David Harel RWC HW Img British-born Israeli computer scientist, 2014 1950-
Serge Haroche RWF HW Img Moroccan-born French theoretical physicist, quantum engineering, Nobel Prize (2012), 2013 1944-
Don Harran Img American-born Israeli musicologist, 2005 1936-
Herbert Hart RWF HW Img British legal philosopher, administrator, 1966 1907-92
Sergiu Hart RWC HW Img Romanian-born Israeli mathematician, economist, 2016 1949-
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img Kyrgizian-born Israeli American economist, 1993 1946-
Sir John Herschel RWF HW Img British mathematician, astronomer, chemist, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1832 1792-1871
Sir William Herschel RWF HW Img German-born British astronomer, composer, (Jewish father) 1788 1738-1822
Avram Hershko RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli biologist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry, 2007 1937-
George de Hevesy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swedish chemist Nobel Prize (1943), 1950 1885-1966
Baroness Rosalyn Higgins RWF HW Img British president 2006-09 of Internatonal Court of Justice, 2001 1937-
Sir Peter Hirsch RWF Img German-born British physicist,material science, 2005 1925-
Eric Hobsbawm RWF HW Img Egyptian-born British marxist historian, author, 1971 1917-2012
Heinz Hopf RWF Img German-born Swiss mathematician, algebraic topology, (Jewish father) 1961 1894-1971
Noel Hush Australian American theoretical chemist, 1999 1924-
Edmund Husserl RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian German philosopher, phenomenology, 1928 1859-1938
Abram Ioffe RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian/Soviet physicist,    1929 1880-1960
Eugene Ionesco RWF HW Img Romanian-born French playwright, (Jewish mother), 1969 1909-94
Marquess Rufus Isaacs RWC HW Img Governor-General of India 1921-26 Foreign Secretary 1931 1929 1860-1935
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1964 1920-2013
Carl Jacobi RWF HW Img German mathematician, elliptic functons 1850 1804-51
Andrew Jaffe American art historian, curator, ??? 1990 1923-97
Marie Jahoda RWF Img Austrian-born British sociologist, 1992 1907-2001
Joshua Jortner RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli physical chemist, 1991 1933-
Sir Brian Josephson RWF HW Img British physicist, Nobel Prize (1973), 1974 1940-
Baron Nicholas Kaldor RWF Img Hungarian-born British economist, 1977 1908-86
Leonid Kantorovich RWF HW Img Russian-born mathematician, Nobel Prize (1975) in economics, 1969 1912-86
Sir Bernard Katz RWF HW Img German-born British biophysicist, Nobel Prize (1970) in medicine, 1969 1911-2003
Jacob Katz RW5 HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli historian, educator, history of the Jewish people, 1974 1904-98
Aharon Katzir RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, biophysicist, 1964 1914-72
Ephraim Katzir RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli biophysicist, fourth President of Israel, 1966 1916-2009
David Keilin RWC Img Russian-born British entomologist, 1959 1887-1963
Vladimir Keilis-Borok RWF Img Russian-born geophysicist, 1969 1921-2013
Hans Kelsen RWF Img Czech-born Austrian Swiss American jurist, legal philosopher, 1933 1881-1973
William Kentridge RW5 HW Img South African artist, animator, 2012 1955-
Peter Kirstein RWC Img German-born British computer scientist, 2002 1933-
Joseph Klafter RWC HW Img Israeli president of Tel-Aviv University, 2011 1945-
Joseph Klausner RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli literature scholar, linguist, historian, 1947 1874-1958
George Klein RWF Img Hungarian-born Swedish cancer researcher, Head of Karolinka Institute 1967 1925-
Paul Klemperer RWF Img British economist,  2005 1956-
Raymond Klibansky RW5 Img French-born Canadian philosopher, historian, 1987 1905-2005
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born, South African British scientist, Nobel Prize (1982) in chemistry,  1969 1926-
Janos Kornai RWF Img Hungarian economist, 1972 1928-
Sir Hans Kornberg RWF Img German-born British biochemist, 1987 1928-
Serge Koussevitzky RWF HW Img Russian-born American conductor, composer, 1934 1874-1951
Leonid Koval
Alexandre Koyre RWF Img Russian-born French philosopher, historian of science, 1956 1892-1964
Sir Hans Krebs RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, Nobel Prize (1953) in Medicine, 1957 1900-81
Baron John Krebs RWF Img British zoologist, 2000 1945-
Mark Krein RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet mathematician,  1970 1907-89
Hugo Kronecker RWF Img German physiologist, 1901 1839-1914
Gyorgy Kurtag RWF HW Img Romanian-born Hungarian contemporary music composer, 2001 1926-
Nicholas Kurti RWF Img Hungarian-born British physicist, low-temperature, 1968 1908-98
Phillis Lambert RW5 Canadian architect, 1995 1927-
Lev Landau RWF HW Img Azerbaijani-born Ukrainian Russian theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize (1962), 1960 1908-68
Philip Larkin RWF Img British poet, novelist, jazz critic, ??? 1975 1922-85
F.R. Leavis RW5 Img British literary critic, 1963 1895-1978
Sir Sidney Lee RW5 Img British biographer, critic, historian,    1914 1859-1926
Arthur Lehman Goodhart RW5 Img American-born British jurist, lawer, 1938 1891-1978
Mike Leigh RWF HW Img British film/theater director, screenwriter, playwright, 2010 1943-
Sylvain Levi RWC Img French historian, indologist, linguist, 1931 1863-1935
Tullio Levi-Civita RWF Img Italian physicist, mathematician,    1917 1873-1941
Claude Levi-Strauss RWF HW Img Belgian-born French anthropologist, philosopher, sociologist, 1964 1908-2009
Raphael Levine RWC HW Img Egyptian-born Israeli chemical physicist, 1995 1938-
Maurice Levy RWF Img French engineer, mathematician, 1893 1838-1910
Raimundo Lida Img Argentine philologist, philosopher, literary critic, 1970 1908-79
Baron Justus von Liebig RWF Img German chemist,  (Jewish mother) ??? 1843 1803-73
Gyorgy Ligeti RWF HW Img Romanian-born Hungarian composer, 1995 1923-2006
Michael Loewe RWF Img British historian, sinologist, 2002 1922-
Richard Lowenthal RW5 Img German journalist, political scientist, 1974 1908-91
Karl Lowith RW5 Img German philosopher, 1967 1897-1973
Ron Luft Img Sweden endocrinologist, 1988 1914-2007
Alexander Luria RWF Img Russian neuropsychologist, developmental psychologist, 1966 1902-77
Alexander Lubotzky RWC HW Img Israeli mathematician, 2005 1956-
Andre Lwoff RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965), 1958 1902-94
Menachem Magidor RW5 HW Img Israeli mathematician, president of Hebrew University, 1997-2009, 2016 1946-
Julius Makarewicz Polish lawyer, jurist, ??? 1933 1872-1955
Golo Mann RWF HW Img German-born American historian, essayist , writer, (Jewish mother) 1810 1909-94
Grigory Margulis RWF Img Russian-born American mathematician, Fields Medal (1978) 1992 1946-
Lise Meitner RWF HW Img Austrian German Swedish physicist, co-discoverer of nuclear fission, 1960 1878-1968
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1908), (Jewish mother) 1898 1845-1916
Viktor Meyer RWF Img German organic chemist, inventor, vapour densities, 1882 1848-97
Sir Jonathan Miller RW5 Img British theater/opera director, television presenter, author, medical doctor, 1993 1934-
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, Nobel Prize (1984) in medicine, 1983 1927-2002
Felix Mitelman RWF Img Polish-born Swedish geneticist, ??? 2002 1940-
Arnaldo Momigliano RWF HW Img Italian-born British historian, 1971 1908-87
Alberto Moravia RWF HW Img Italian author, journalist, (Jewish father) 1967 1907-90
Anna Morpurgo Davies RW5 Img Italian-born British  philologist, 1986 1937-2014
Marcos Moshinsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Mexican physicist, 1989 1921-2009
Sir Lewis Namier RWF Img Polish-born British historian, 1960 1888-1960
Yuval Ne'eman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, politician, 1970 1925-2006
Albert Neuberger RW5 Img German-born British biochemist, 1972 1908-96
Oscar Niemeyer RWF HW Img Brazilian architect, 1949 1907-2012
Abraham Nitzan RWF HW Img Israeli physical chemist, 2006 1944-
Sir Gustav Nossal RWF Img Austrian-born Australian biologist, (Jewish father) 1974 1931-
David Oistrakh RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Soviet violinist, conductor, 1961 1908-74
Marcel Ophuls RW5 HW Img German-born French documentary filmmaker, 1993 1927-
Moshe Oren RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, cancer researcher, 2007 1948-
Guy Ourisson RW5 Img French chemist, (Jewish father) 1993 1926-2006
Amos Oz RWF HW Img Israeli writer, journalist, intellectual, 2007 1939-
Sir Francis Palgrave RWF Img British historian, critic, poet, 1834 1788-1861
Friedrich Paneth RWF Img Austrian British chemist, 1933 1887-1958
Don Patinkin RWF HW Img American-born Israeli economist, 1969 1922-55
Wolfgang Pauli RWF Img Austrian-born American Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize (1945), (not Jewish maternal grandmother) 1950 1900-58
Sir Rudolf Peierls RWF Img German-born American British physicist, 1962 1907-95
Chaim Pekeris RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American Israeli meteorologist, geophysicist, 1971 1908-93
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Ausrtian-born British molecular biolgist,  1963 1914-2002
Sir Nikolaus Pevsner RWF Img German-born British art historian, 1962 1902-83
Harold Pinter RWF HW Img British American playwright, theater director, actor, Nobel Prize (2005) 1985 1930-2008
John Polanyi RWF HW Img German-born British Canadian chemist Nobel Prize (1986), (Jewish father) 1976 1929-
Michael Polanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British chemist, philosopher, polymath, 1962 1891-1976
Adam Politzer RWF Img Hungarian-born Austrian otologist, 1913 1835-1920
Guido Pontecorvo RWF Img Italian-born British  geneticist, 1958 1907-99
Sir Karl Popper RWF HW Img Austrian-born British philosopher of science, 1966 1902-94
Sir Michael Postan RWF HW Img Moldovan-born British historian, 1972 1899-1981
Viscount Ilya Prigogine RWF HW Img Russian-born Belgian physicist & chemist Nobel Prize (1977), 1960 1917-2003
Michael Rabin RWF HW Img German/Polish-born Israeli American mathematician, nondermenistic algorithm, 1975 1931-
Itamar Rabinovich RWC HW Img Israeli ambassador to United States 1993-96, 2009 1942-
Giulio Racah RWC HW Img Italian-born Israeli mathematician, physicist, 1963 1909-65
Sir Leon Radzinowicz RWF Img Polish-born British criminologist, 1973 1906-99
Lisa Randall RWF Img American theoretical physicist, particle physics, cosmology, 2004 1962-
William Rankine RWF Img British engineer, physicist, mathematician, ??? 1866 1820-72
Joseph Raz RWC HW Img Israeli-born American legal/moral/political philosopher, 1992 1939-
Josef Redlich RWC Img Austrian politician, Minister of Finance 1931, 1869-
Tadeus Reichstein RWF HW Img Polish-born Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize (1950) in medicine, 1957 1897-1996
Jacqueline de Romilly RWF Img French philologist, scholar, writer, 1988 1913-2010
Richard Rose RW5 Img British political scientist, ??? 1994 1933-
Pierre Rosenberg RWF Img French art historian, essayist, curator, 1995 1936-
Emilio Rosenblueth RW5 Img Mexican-born seismic engineer,  1976 1926-94
Baron Max Rosenheim Img British physician, administrator, 1961 1908-72
Mstislav Rostropovich RWF HW Img Azebarjani-born Soviet American cellist, conductor, (Jewish mother) 1972 1927-2007
Sir Joseph Rotblat RWF HW Img Polish-born British physicist, Nobel Prize (1995) for Peace, 1972 1908-2005
Klaus Roth RWF Img German-born British mathematician, 1966 1925-2015
Baron Jacob Rothschild RWF Img British banker, philantropist, son of Victor,  2017 1936-
David Rene de Rothschild RWF Img French co-founder 1987 Rothschild & Cie Banque 2011 1942-
Dame Miriam Rothschild RWF Img British entomologist, zoologist, 1973 1908-2005
Ariel Rubinstein RWF HW Img Israeli economist, game theory 1994 1951-
Julius von Sachs RWF Img German botanist, founder of experemental plant physiology,    1882 1832-97
Baron David Sainsbury RW5 Img British businessman, politician, 2003 1940-
Leonard Schapiro RW5 Img British historian, political studies, translator, 1967 1908-83
David Schmeidler RWC Img Israeli mathematician, economist,  2010 1941-
Helmut Schmidt RWF Img West Germany Chancellor 1974-82 (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1996 1918-
Gershom Scholem RWF HW Img German-born Israeli philosopher, historian, Jewish misticism, 1970 1897-1982
Eduard Schonfeld RWC Img German astronomer, 1884 1828-91
Michael Sela RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli immunologist, 1971 1924-
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, Nobel Prize (1994) (Jewish father) 1992 1930-
Sir Nicholas Serota RW5 Img British art curator, director of  Tate Gallery, 2016 1946-
Peter Schaefer RWF Img German scholar of ancient religious studies, 2017 1943-
Grigory Shajn RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian astronomer, 1947 1892-1956
Dan Shechtman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, materials engineering, Nobel Prize (2011) in chemistry, 2014 1941-
Leonid Sedov RWF Img Russian Soviet physicist, mathematician, (Jewish mother) 1907-99
Saharon Shelah RWF HW Img Israeli American mathematician, 1991 1945-
Eytan Sheshinski HW Img Israeli economist, 1984 1937-
Iosif Shklovsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet astrophysicist, 1967 1916-85
David Shoenberg RWF Img British physicist, 1982 1911-2004
Otto von Simson Img Gernan-born American ar historian, (Jewish descent) 1973 1912-93
Yakov Sinai RWF HW Img Russian-born American mathematician, 1983 1935-
Piotr Slonimski RWF Img Polish French geneticist, administrator, 1995 1922-2009
Haim Sompolinsky RW5 HW Img Danish-born Israeli physicist, neiroscientist, 2008 1949-
Nahum Sonenberg RWF HW Img German-born Israeli Canadian microbiologist, biochemist, 2006 1946-
Dan Sperber RW5 Img French anthropologist, linguist, cognitive scientist, 2007 1940-
Jean Starobinski RWF Img Swiss-born  literary critic, psychiatrist, 1974 1920-
Sir Aurel Stein RWC Img Hungarian-born British archaeologist, geographer, 1930 1862-1943
Janice Stein RW5 Img Canadian political scientist,  2005 1943-
George Steiner RWF HW Img French-born American literary critic, essayist, philosopher, novelist, educator, 1989 1929-
Baron Nicholas Stern RWF Img British economist, Chief Economist of the World Bank 2000-03, 1998 1946-
Zeev Sternhell RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli historian, political scientist,   2016 1935-
Sir Tom Stoppard RWF HW Img Czech-born British screenwriter, playwright, 1986 1937-
James Sylvester RWF HW Img British mathematician, poet, translator, 1873 1814-97
Igor Tamm RWF HW Img Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (1958), 1961 1895-1971
Emanuel Tov RWC HW Img Dutch-born Israeli biblical scholar,     2017 1941-
Shimon Ullman RWC Img Israeli computer scientist, 2016 1948-
Sir John Vane RWF Img British pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1982) in medicine (Jewish father) 1982 1927-2004
Ernest Vinberg RWF Img Russian mathematician, ??? 2010 1937-
Gunther Uhlmann RW5 Img Chilean-born mathematician, 1921-2012
Mark Vishik RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born mathematician, 1990 1921-2012
Eric Weil Img French philosopher, ??? 1970 1904-77
Benjamin Weiss RWC HW Img American-born Israeli mathematician, 2000 1941-
David Weiss Halivni RWF HW Img Czech/Ukrainian-born Israeli talmudic scholar, 1993 1927-
Charles Weissmann RWC Img Hungarian-born Swiss British molecular biologist, 1985 1931-
Chaim Weizmann RWF HW Img Belarusian-born British Israeli chemist, synthetic acetone, President of Israel 1949-52 1949 1874-1952
Gerald Westheimer RW5 Img German-born Australian physicist, optometrist, 1994 1924-
Richard Willstatter RWF HW Img German-born Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize (1915), 1934 1872-1942
Menahem Yaari RWF HW Img Israeli economist, administrator, 1987 1935-
Moshe Yaniv Img Israeli-born French molecular biologist, 2000 1938-
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist, Nobel Prize (2009) in chemistry, 2005 1939-
Daniel Zajfman RW5 HW Img Belgian-born Israeli physicist, president  of Weitzmann Institute of Science, 2006- , 2019 1959-
Ofer Zeitouni RWC Img Israeli matematician, 1960-
Yakov Zeldovich RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, astronomer 1975 1914-87
Sir Alfred Zimmern Img British historian, classical scholar, political scientist, 1949 1879-1957
Jacob Ziv RWF HW Img Israeli American computer scientist, engineer, 1998 1931-
Baron Solly Zuckerman RWF Img South African-born British anatomist, zoologist, operational research pioneer, 1970 1904-93