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Jews by Religions/Faith  
David Aaronovitch RW5 Img British journalist, broadcaster, author, atheist
Scott Aaronson RWC Img American computer scientist,   atheist
Jacob Abendana RW5 HW Img 17th century Sephardic rabbi in England orthodox
Abner of Burgos Spanish philosopher, catholic
Harold Abrahams RWN HW Img British athlete, 100-meter sprint catholic
Jack Abramoff  RWC Img American film producer, political lobbist, orthodox
Mikhail Abramovich RWF Belarusian-born Russian poet, translator, easternorthodox
Irwin Abrams Img American historian, quaker
Yehezkel Abramsky RWF HW Img Belarusian-born British rabbi, Talmud scholar, orthodox
Abraham Abramson RW5 Img German coiner, medallist,   christian
Aharon Abuhatzira RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, Minister of Religions/Absorbtion/Labor and Social Walfare, haredi
Alexander Abusch RWC HW Img Polish-born German journalist, author, politician, atheist
Liliane Ackermann RW5 Img French community leader, writer, microbiologist, orthodox
Don Adams RWF Img American actor, comedian, (Jewish father) catholic
Paul Adelstein RWF HW Img American film/television actor, reform
Felix Aderca HW Img Romanian novelist, playwright, poet, journalist, critic, christian
Aderet RWC HW Img Israeli singer, yotzimBaSheela
Alfred Adler RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psychoanalyst, individual psychology, christian
Hermann Adler Img Chief Rabbi of the British Empire orthodox
Larry Adler RW5 HW Img American British composer, harmonica player,   atheist
Mortimer Adler RWF HW Img American philosopher, author, catholic, anglican
Nathan Adler Img German-born Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1845-90 orthodox
Victor Adler RWF HW Img Czech-born co-founder of Social Democratic Party, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs christian
Robert Adley Img Conservative MP 1970-74 1974-83 1983-93 anglican
Theodor Adorno RWF HW Img German American philosopher, sociologist, music critic, (Jewish father) atheist, agnostic
Joseph Agassi Img Israeli philosopher, atheist
Shmuel Agnon RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli writer, Nobel Prize (1966) orthodox
Shmuel Agnon RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli writer, Nobel Prize (1966), yotzimBaSheela
Marquis Alejandro Aguado RWC Img Spanish banker, catholic
Ron Aharoni RWC HW Img Israeli mathematician, atheist
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Img American-born lama, (Jewish mother) buddhist
Bruno Ahrends RWF Img German-born architect, christian
Ihene Aiko Img American singer/songwriter, (Jewish paternal descent) christian
Susan Alamo American religious figure, protestant
Tony Alamo Img American preacher, singer entrepreneur, protestant
Baron Alan Sugar RWF Img British businessman,    atheist
Dov Albaum HW Img Israeli writer, editor, journalist, television presenter, yotzimBaSheela
Madeleine Albright RWF HW Img American Secretary of State 1997-2001, anglican
Eugene Alcan RWC French literary scholar, painter, poet,  catholic
Tivadar Alconiere RW5 HW Img Hungarian-born Austrian painter, catholic
Geoffrey Alderman RW5 Img British historian, orthodox
Leslie Alexander RW5 Img American stock trader, owner of Houston Rockets, agnostic
Michael Alexander HW Img first Anglican bishop of Jerusalem anglican
Count Alexandre du Chaila French nobleman, easternorthodox
Mirra Alfassa RW5 Img French-born spirutual partner of Sri Aurobingo, hinduist
Zhores Alferov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2000), (Jewish mother) atheist
Al-Hiti Iraqi historian, Karaite karaite
Saul Alinsky Img American community organizer, agnostic
Amy Alkon RW5 HW Img American advice columnist,   atheist
George Allen RWC Img American politician, governor, senator, (Jewish mother) christian
Woody Allen RWF HW Img American director, writer, actor, comedian, atheist
Salvador Allende RWF Img President of Chile 1970-73 (Jewish mother) atheist
June Allyson RWF HW Img American film/television actress, singer, dancer, ??? catholic
Shulamit Aloni RWF HW Img Israeli politician, former leader of Meretz Party atheist
Ralph Alpher RWF HW Img American physicist, background radiation, astrophysicist, agnostic, humanist
Petrus Alphonsi RWC Img Spanish writer, astronomer, physician of King Alfonso VI of Castile, catholic
Roni Alsheikh RWC HW Img inspector general of the Israeli Police, 2015- , orthodox
Alexander Altmann HW Img Hundarian-born scholar, clergy member, philosopher, orthodox
Juan Alvarez Mendizabal RWC Img Spanish economist, politician, Minister of the Treasury 1835, Minister of Finance 1843 (converso) catholic
Pablo Alvaro Spanish knight, catholic
Mathieu Amalric RWF HW Img French film/television actor, film director, (Jewish mother) atheist
Yakov Amidror RWC` Img Israeli National Security Advicer, major general, orthodox
Baron Amschel Mayer Rothschild RWF Img German-born banker, eldest son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild orthodox
Mayer Amschel Rothschild RWF HW Img German-born founder of Rothshild Family, orthodox
Saul ben Anan Karaite leader, karaite
Yuri Andropov RWF HW Img General Secretary of Communist Party of Soviet Union 1982-84 atheist
Christian Anfinsen RWF HW Img American chemist, Nobel Prize (1972) (convert to Judaism) orthodox
Leonore Annenberg RW5 Img American art patron, christian
Philip Anschutz RW5 Img American billionaire, Union Pacific Corporation, ??? presbyterian
Mike Appel Img American music industry manager, record ptoducer, (Jewish granparent) christian
Jacob Appelbaum RWC Img American journalist, hacker, computer security researcher, atheist
Herbert Aptheker RWF Img American marxist historian, political activist, atheist
Lajos Aranyi Img Hungarian pathologist, christian
Mikhail Ardov RWF Img Russian writer, priest, (Jewish father) easternorthodox
Hannah Arendt RWF HW Img German-born American political scientist, economist, philosopher, agnostic
Otto Arendt Img German journalist, poitician, MP 1885-1918 1898-1918 christian
Gino Arias Img Italian economist, politician, catholic
Uri Ariel RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Housing 2013- , Minister of Agriculture 2015- , orthodox
Hadley Arkes Img American political scientist, catholic
Raymond Aron RWF HW Img French sociologist, political scientist, philosopher, agnostic
Muhammad Asad RWF Img Austrian/Ukrainian-born journalist, writer, social critic, linguist, diplomat, translator, muslim
Robert Asch Img British writer, scholar, literary critic, catholic
Ilse Maria Aschner RWB Img Austrian journalist, protestant
Asadollah Asgaroladi RWC Img Iranian business magnate, (Jewish descent) muslim
Habibollah Asgaroladi RWC Img Iranian politician, (Jewish descent) muslim
Ya'akov Asher RWF HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Leon Ashkenazi HW Img French-born Israeli  philosopher, educator, kabbalist, orthodox
Isaac Asimov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American science fiction writer, biochemist, atheist
David Assing German physician, poet, publisher, ND
Adele Astaire RWF Img American actor, dancer, (Jewish father) anglican
Fred Astaire RWF Img American actor, dancer, singer, (Jewish father) anglican, catholic
Sean Astin RWC Img American actor, film director/producer, (Jewish biological father Michael Tell) christian
Ariel Atias RWF Img Israeli politician, Minister of Communication 2006-09/Housing and Construction 2009-, haredi
Emilia Attias RWC HW Img Argentine model, actress, dancer, singer, TV host, catholic
Leopold Auer RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Russian  violinist, conductor, composer, easternorthodox
Lovisa Augusti RW5 Img Swedish opera singer, actress, lutheran
Leopold Augustus Leo Polish ophthalmologist, protestant
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born Israeli American mathematician, Nobel Prize (2005) in Economics orthodox
Max Auschnitt RW5 HW Img Romanian industialist, catholic
Heinrich Auspitz RWF Img Czech-born Austrian dermatologist,    christian
Leopold Auspitz RWC Austrian military, writer, major general, catholic
Lawrence Auster Img American blogger, essayist, anglican
Eric Avery RWF Img American bass player, atheist
Yehuda Avner RWC HW Img British-born Israeli ambassador to Australia 1992-95, United Kingdom/Ireland 1983-88, orthodox
Uri Avnery RWF HW Img German-born Israeli writer, politician, editor, atheist
Robert Avrech Img American screenwriter,   orthodox
Eliezer Avtabi RWC HW Img Iranian-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Julius Axelrod RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1970) in physiology/medicine, atheist
Sir Alfred Ayer RWF HW Img British philosopher, populariser of logical positivism, (Jewish mother) atheist
Hertha Ayrton Img British engineer, mathematician, inventor, agnostic
Hans Eysenck RWF Img German-born British psychologist, (Jewish mother) atheist
Yosef Azran RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician,   haredi
David Azulai RWF HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician,  Minister of Religion 2015- , haredi
Isaac Babel RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian journalist, playwright, screenwriter, writer, atheist
Daniel Friedrich Bach RWF Img German painter, christian
Burt Bacharach RWF HW Img American composer, songwriter, pianist,  agnostic
Stefan Baciu Img Romanian-born Brazilian poet, christian
David Baddiel RW5 HW Img British comedian, novelist, televison presenter, atheist
Juan Alfonso de Baena Spanish poet, (converso) christian
Joel Baer Falkovich Ukrainian-born Yiddish playwright, (karaite) karaite
Adolf von Baeyer RWF HW Img German chemist, Nobel Prize (1905) (Jewish mother) lutheran
Emilia Baeyertz Img British missionery, anglican
Yosef Ba-Gad HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
Benyamin Bahadori RWC Img Iranian singer/songwriter, composer, (Jewish descent) muslim
Mazor Bahaina RWC HW Img Ethiopian-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Tom Baker RW5 Img British actor, (Jewish father) catholic
Aleksei Bach RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet biochemist, revolutionary, eastern orthodox
Michael Balint RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British psychoanalyst, biochemist, unitarian
Mor Ballagi RWF Img Hungarian Bible translator, linguist, MP  lutheran
Ehud Banai RWF Img Israeli singer/songwriter,   orthodox
Eviatar Banai RWF HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter, musician,    orthodox
Moshe Bar-Asher RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli linguist, semitolog, orthodox
Meir Bar-Ilan RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born leader of Religious Zionism, orthodox
Yehuda Barkan RW5 HW Img Israeli actor, film producer/director, screenwriter, orthodox
Reuven Barkat RWC HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli politician,   yotzimBaSheela
Ellen Barkin RWF HW Img American actress, atheist
Saint Barnabas RW5 Img Cyprus-born early christian, christian
Binnie Barnes RWF Img British American actress, (Jewish father) catholic
Gary Barnett RW5 HW Img American president of Extell Development, haredi
David Baron Img British evangelist, christian
Justin Bartha RWF HW Img American film/television actor, producer, director, reform
Jakob Salomon Bartholdy RWC Img German diplomat, art patron, lutheran
Hans Baruch RWC Img German-born American physiologist, inventor, atheist
Jay Baruchel RWF HW Img Canadian actor, (Jewish paternal grandfather)   agnostic
Marla Barugel American cantor, conservative
Ilker Basbug RWC Img Turkish general, lieutenant general, donmeh, muslim
Karl von Basch RWC Img Czech-born Austrian pathologist, christian
George Basevi RWB Img British architect, christian
Baptista Bassano British royal musician, disputed catholic
Mirav Batito HW Img Israeli journalist, yotzimBaSheela
Giovanni Battista Palestinian-born Polish politician, diplomat, catholic
Shai Bazak HW Israeli diplomat, businessman, yotzimBaSheela
Boris Becker Img German tennis player, (Jewish mother) catholic
David Beckham RW5 Img British footballer, (Jewish maternal grandfather) christian
Julius Beer Img German-born British businessman, banker, newsparer owner, The Observer, anglican
Rachel Beer RW5 Img Indian-born British editor-in-chief of The Obserbver, The Sunday Times, anglican
Yossi Beilin RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Leader of Meretz Party, Minister of Justice/Religious Services, agnostic
Peter Beinart RW5 HW Img American journalist, political writer, orthodox
Bo Belinsky RW5 Img American baseball player, (Jewish mother) christian
Daniel Bell RWF HW Img American sociologist, journalist, author, atheist
Joshua Bell RWF HW Img American violinist, (Jewish mother) atheist
Richard Bellman RWF HW Img American mathematician, dynamic programming, agnostic, atheist
August Belmont RWC Img German-born American founder of August Belmont & Co., anglican
Richard Belzer RWF Img American actor, comedian,    agnostic
Richard Belzer RWF Img American actor, comedian,    atheist
Shmuel Ben Artzi HW Img Polish-born Israeli writer, poet, educator, yotzimBaSheela
Alorando Ben Bakar Portuguese military governor of Algrave, catholic
Mordechai Ben David RWF HW Img American singer, orthodox
Yitzhak Ben-Aharon RWF HW Img Romanian-born Israeli socialist politician, atheist
Michael Ben-Ari RWF HW Img Israeli politician, historian, orthodox
Eli Ben-Dahan RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Eduard Bendemann RWC Img German painter, catholic
Sir Julius Benedict RWF HW Img German-born British conductor, composer, songwriter, (Jewish father) christian
Leo de Benedicto Christiano Italian medieval financier, catholic
Peter Benenson RWF HW Img British founder/president  of Amnesty International, catholic
Theodor Benfey RWF Img German linguist, Sanskrit (Jewish father) christian
David Ben-Gurion RWF HW Img Polish-born founder of State of Israel, first Prime Minister of Israel, atheist
Shlomo Benizri RWC HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Health , Labor and Social Walfare, haredi
Jon Benjamin Img British ambassador to Chile, 2009- , atheist
Michael Bennett RW5 Img American musical theather director, choreographer, dancer, (Jewish mother) catholic
Naftali Bennett RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Leader of Jewish Home party, orthodox
Tal Ben-Shahar Img Israeli writer, teacher, agnostic
Shimon Ben-Shlomo HW Img Yemenite-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Shmaryahu Ben-Tzur RWC HW Img Yemenite-born Israeli politician,   orthodox
Yoav Ben-Tzur RWC HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Zalman Ben-Yaakov RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician,    haredi
Yaakov Ben-Yezri RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician,  Minister of Health, haredi
Yishai Ber RWC Israeli miltary commander, major general, orthodox
Bernard Berenson RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American art historian, catholic
Boris Berezovsky RWF HW Img Russian-born British businessman, mathematician, easternorthodox
Lev Berg RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian geographer, biologist, lutheran
Raissa Berg RW5 Img Russian geneticist, evolutionary biologist, lutheran
Douglas Bergeron Img American CEO/president of VeriFone, Opus Global Holdings, catholic
Mary Kay Bergman HW Img American film/television voice actress, catholic
Sergio Bergman RWC Img Argentine politician, Minister of Environment 2015- , conservative
Henri Bergson RWF HW Img French philosopher, Nobel Prize (1927) in Literature atheist
Christian Berkel RW5 Img German actor, (Jewish mother) christian
Alexander Berkman RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born Russian anarchist, feminist, atheist
Eliezer Berkovits HW Img Romanian-born German American rabbi, theologian, educator, orthodox
David Berkowitz  ''Son of Sam'', serial killer (Jewish mother, adapted by Jewish parents) christian
Irving Berlin RWF HW Img Russian-born American composer, songwriter, agnostic
Emile Berliner RWF HW Img German-born American inventor of grammophone, microphone, agnostic
David Berlinski Img American writer, mathematician, historian of science, philosopher, agnostic
Herman Berlinski RW5 Img German-born American composer, choir conductor, musicologist, orthodox
Steve Berman RW5 Img American editor, novelist, short story author, agnostic
Yitzhak Berman RWC HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli politician, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure 1981-82 yotzimBaSheela
John Bernal RWF HW Img Irish-born British physicist, historian of science, (Jewish father) atheist
Back Bernat Hungarian businessman, politician, art collector, catholic
Michael Bernays German literary scholar, christian
Mark Bernes RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian actor/singer, atheist
Sarah Bernhardt RWF Img French film/stage actress, (Jewish mother) atheist
Gottfried Bernhardy RWC Img German philologist, literary critic, historian, christian
Gilles Bernheim Img French philosopher, rabbi, orthodox
Andrew Bernstein Img American philosopher, atheist
Caron Bernstein RWF Img South African-born actress, model, singer/songwriter, (Jewish father) atheist
Mathilda Berwald RW5 Img Finnish/Swedish concert singer,   protestant
Abram Besicovitch RWF Img Ukrainian-born British mathematician, (karaite) easternorthodox
Matt Besser Img American film/television actor, stand-up comedian, writer, (Jewish father) atheist
Marianne Beth Img Austrian lawyer, feminist, protestant
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img French/German-born British American physicist, Nobel Prize (1967), (Jewish mother) atheist
Hugo Bettauer RWF Img Austrian writer, journalist, evangelist
Mayim Bialik RWF HW Img American film/television actress, neuroscientist,   reform
Yigal Bibi RWE HW Img Israeli politician,    orthodox
Count Julius Bielski von Olbrachcice Austrian catholic
Craig Bierko RW5 Img American film/television actor, singer, (Jewish mother) catholic
Alexander Bihari Img Hungarian painter, christian
Uri Bin Nun Img Israeli inventor, CEO of Israel Electric Corporaration 2006- , orthodox
Harry Binswanger Img American philosopher, writer, atheist
Cevik Bir RWC Img Turkish army general, lieutenant general, donmeh, muslim
Sue Bird Img American basketball player, (Jewish father) christian
Clara Birnberg RW5 Img British artist, sculptor, illustrator, portraitist, quaker
David Bistricer RW5 Img Belgian-born American real estate developer, Clipper Equity, orthodox
Isaac Bitton RWB Img Moroccan-born French rock band drummer, orthodox
Jack Black RWF HW Img American actor, comedian, singer, musician, atheist
Leon Black RWC Img American founder, head of Appolo Management, reform
Michael Ian Black RW5 Img American actor, comedian, comedy writer, director, atheist
Alexander Blank Img maternal grandfather of Vladimir Lenin, easternorthodox
Simcha Blass RWC HW Img Israeli water engineer, inventor, orthodox
Tina Blau Img Austrian landscape painter, lutheran
Andy Bloch Img American professional poker player, atheist
Ernst Bloch RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American philosopher, author, sociologist, atheist
Marc Bloch RWC HW Img French historian of medieval France, economic historian,    atheist
Moritz Bloch protestant
Walter Block RW5 Img American economist, atheist
Gloria Blondell RW5 Img American film/radio/television/voice actress, (Jewish father) protestant
Joan Blondell RWF HW Img American film/stage actress, model, (Jewish father) christian
Nikki Blonsky RWF HW Img American actress, singer, dancer, (Jewish father) catholic
Brian Bloom RW5 Img American actor, voice actor, screenwriter, catholic
Howard Bloom Img American author, scientific thinker, publicist, atheist
John Bloom Img British film editor, orthodox
Orlando Bloom RWF Img British actor, (not Jewish; Jewish step-father) buddist
Paul Bloom RW5 Img American psychologist, atheist
Michael Bloomberg RWF HW Img American businessman, Mayor of New York 2002-13, reform
Alfred Bloomingdale RW5 Img chairman 1964 of Diners Club, hair of Bloomingdale's department stores catholic
Charles Bluhdorn Img Austrian-born American owner of Paramount Pictures, Golf + Western, christian
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1976), orthodox
Otto Blumenthal RWF Img German mathematician, protestant
Jonah Bobo RWF Img American child actor, orthodox
Cecilia Bobrovskaya Img Russian revolutionery, memoirist, atheist
Salomon Bochner RWF Img Polish-born German American mathematician, harmonic analysis orthodox
Nikolai Bogoraz RWF Img Soviet surgeon, ND
Vladimir Bogoraz RWF Img Russian revolutionary, anthropologist, ethnographer, chukchi ND
David Bohm RWF HW Img American British quantum physicist, philosopher of science, agnostic
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, Nobel Prize (1922 ), (Jewish mother) agnostic, atheist
Daniel Bomberg publisher of Rabbinical Bibles christian
Helena Bonham Carter RWF HW Img British actress, (3/4 Jewish mother) catholic
Murray Bookchin RWF HW Img American political/social philosopher, historian, founder of social ecology, anarchist, atheist
Max Born RWF HW Img German-born British physicist, Nobel prize (1954) lutheran
Ludwig Borne RWF HW Img German political writer,satirist, protestant
Ber Borochov RWF Img Ukrainian-born  zionist, Yiddish language linguist, atheist
Eugene Borowitz Img American theologian, philosopher, rabbi, reform
Marek Borowski RWC Img Polish politician, former speaker of the Sejm, Minister of Finance 1993-94 atheist
Lili Bosse Img American mayor of Beverly Hills, California 2014- , reform
Mikhail Botvinnik RWF HW Img Soviet World chess champion, 1948-57 1958-60 1961-63, atheist
Anthony Bourdain RWF Img American chef, author, television personality, (Jewish mother) atheist
Margaret Bourke-White RWF HW Img American photographer, photojournalist, (Jewish father) christian
Daniel Boyarin RWF HW Img American historian of religion, philosopher, orthodox
Gert Boyle RW5 Img German-born American businesswoman, catholic
Timothy Boyle RW5 Img American businessman, president/CEO of Columbia Sportswear, (Jewish mother) catholic
Tara Brach American psychologist, buddhist
Benjamin Brafman RW5 Img American criminal defense attorney, orthodox
Jacob Brafman RWC Belarusian-born  journalist,  orthodox
Brannon Braga RWF Img American television writer/producer, director, ??? atheist
John Braham RWF Img British opera singer, composer, christian
Sir Edward Brampton RWC Img British Governor of Guernsey, knight, adventurer, ship commander, christian
Lotte Brand Philip Img German art historian, christian
Louis Brandeis RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 1916-1939. atheist
Barbara Branden Canadian-born writer, editor, biographer, atheist
Edvard Brandes RWC Img Danish Minister of Finance 1909-10 1913-20 twice leader of Liberal Party Foreign  atheist
Yochi Brandes HW Img Israeli writer,  yotzimBaSheela
Roman Brandstaetter RW5 Img Polish writer, playwright, poet, journalist, translator, catholic
Terry Branstad RWC Img American governor of Iowa 1983-99 2011-  (Jewish mother) catholic
Felix Braun RWF Img Austrian art historian, playwright, literary critic, journalist,   catholic
Georg Bredig RWC Img German physical chemist, protestant
Moritz Breidenbach Img German jurist,    protestant
Andrew Breitbart RWF HW Img American journalist, author, blogger, (Jewish adoptive parents)
Donald Bren RWB Img American chairman of Irvine Company, (Jewish father) anglican
Amy Brenneman RWF HW Img American actress, (Jewish mother) anglican
Lenni Brenner Img American historian, atheist
Leslie Brent RW5 Img German/Polish-born British immunologist, agnostic
Mordechai Breuer RW5 HW Img German historian, writer, orthodox
Haim Brezis RWF HW Img French mathematician, nonlinear analysis, orthodox
Sir Brian Leveson Img British judge, president of Queen Bench Division, orthodox
Larry Brilliant RW5 Img American epidemiologist, director of Google, hinduist
Roni Brizon HW Img Israeli politician,    yotzimBaSheela
Hermann Broch RWF HW Img Austrian writer, catholic
Henryk Broder RW5 Img Polish-born German journalist, author, atheist
Adam Brody RWF HW Img American actor, film producer, drummer, atheist
Jacob Bronowski RWF HW Img Polish-born British mathematician, broadcaster, agnostic
Yaron Brook RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American expert of Objectevist philosophy, atheist
Mel Brooks RWF HW Img American actor, screenwriter, director, producer, composer, lyricist, atheist
Michael Broyde Img American legal scholar, rabbi, orthodox
Pascal Bruckner Img French writer, agnostic
David Brudnoy RWB Img American talk radio host, journalist, film critic, agnostic
Valeriy Brumel HW Img Russian/Soviet jumper, protestant
Julia Brystiger RWC Img Ukrainian-born Polish communist activist, catholic
Martin Buber RWF HW Img Austrian-born German Israeli philosopher, yotzimBaSheela
Gedaliah Bublick Img Belarusian-born polish Yiddish writer, zionist leader, orthodox
Sandor Buchler Img Hungarian rabbi, educator, orthodox
Charlotte Buhler RWF HW Img German-born American psychologist, (Jewish father) protestant
Irving Bunim Img Lithuanian-born American businessman, philanthropist, orthodox
Avraham Burg RWF HW Img Israeli politician,    orthodox
Avraham Burg RWF HW Img Israeli politician,    yotzimBaSheela
Eugen Burg RWF Img German film actor,  protestant
Yosef Burg RWF HW Img Leader of Mafdal - National Religious Party orthodox
Hildegard Burjan Img Austrian founder of Catholic religious congregation for women, politician, catholic
Lawrence Bush Img American author, magazine editor, atheist
Ferruccio Busoni RWF Img Italian composer, pianist, conductor, musicolosist, (Jewish mother) atheist
Yasar Buyukanit RWC Img Turkish general, lieutenant general, donmeh, muslim
Rolan Bykov RWF Img Ukrainian-Born Russian actor, director, screenwriter, (Jewish mother) atheist
Amanda Bynes RWF HW Img American actress, fashion designer, (Jewish mother) agnostic
Elina Bystritskaya RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian actress,  atheist
Louis C.K. RWF Img American stand-up comedian, actor, screenwriter, producer, director, (Jewish paternal grandfather) agnostic
Bonafos Caballeria RW5 Img Spanish writer, catholic
Judith Cabaud Img American-born French writer, musicologist, catholic
Eitan Cabel RWF HW Img Israeli politician,   yotzimBaSheela
Diego Garcia de Caceres RWC Img Spanish conquistador, catholic
Dean Cameron Img American television/film actor, atheist
Mario Camis Italian physiologist, priest, catholic
Beatrice de Camondo RW5 Img French socialite, catholic
Lady Colin Campbell Img Jamaican-born British writer, biographer, novelist, (Jewish maternal great grandmother) christian
Neve Campbell RWF HW Img Canadian actress, (Jewish mother), catholic
Cuico Canseco Img American poitician, US representative, businesman, attorney, (Jewish mother) catholic
Leslie Cannold HW Img American-born Australian author, columnist, activist, public intellectual, philosopher, atheist
Dyan Cannon RWF Img American actress, director, producer, screenwriter, (Jewish mother) christian
Eric Cantor RW5 HW Img American representative, 2001-14, orthodox
Georg Cantor RWF HW Img Russian-born German mathematicain, logician, philosopher, lutheran
Joshua dei Cantori Italian theologist, catholic
Abraham Capadose Img Dutch physician, protestant
Bryan Caplan Img American economist, (Jewish farther) atheist
Lizzy Caplan RWF HW Img American film/television actress, reform
Albert Caraco Img Turkish-born French Uruguayan philosopher, writer, essayist, atheist
Victor von Carben German priest, catholic
Ben Cardin RWF HW Img American senator, 2006- orthodox
Benjamin Cardozo RWF HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 1932-1938. agnostic
Gabe Carimi RW5 Img American football player, reform
Azriel Carlebach HW Img German-born Israeli journalist, founder, first editor of Maariv, yotzimBaSheela
Vanessa Carlton RWF Img American pop singer/songwriter, pianist, (Jewish mother) atheist
Otto Carpeaux RW5 Img Austrian-born Brazilian literary/musical critic, journalist,historian, (Jewish father) catholic
Ludovicus Carretus French-born Italian physician, christian
Alfonso de Cartagena Img Spanish bishop, diplomat, historian, (converso) catholic
Carl Caspari RW5 Img German-born Norwegian theologian, lutheran
Sir Ernest Cassel RWN Img German-born British banker, merchant, catholic
Paulus Cassel Img German writer, orator, politician, missinary, lutheran
Heinz Cassirer Img German philosopher, Bible translator, anglican
Umberto Cassuto RWF HW Img Italian-born biblical scholar, orientalist, orthodox
Elisabeth Cassutto Img Dutch Holocaust survivior, protestant
Ernest Cassutto Img Dutch Holocaust survivior, protestant
Cristobal Garcia del Castillo RWC Spanish conquistador,  catholic
Cristian Castro RWF Img Mexican pop singer, (convert to Judaism) (convert to Catholisism) catholic
Phoebe Cates RWF HW Img American actress, (Jewish father, Jewish maternal grandmother) catholic
Joseph Cedar RWF Img American-born Israeli film director, screenwriter, orthodox
Ismail Cem Ipekci RWC Img Turkish politician, journalist, Minister of Foreign Affairs 1997-2002, Culture 1995, muslim
Karl Cerf Img German theater manager,   christian
Morris Cerullo Img American pentecostal televangelist, protestant
Miguel de Cervantes RWF Img Spanish novelist, poet, playwright, christian
Giacobbe Cervetto RW5 Img Italian-born British cellist, composer, anglican
Jason Chaffetz RW5 Img American representitive, 2009- , (Jewish father) mormon
Marc Chagall RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian-French painter, stained glass artist, atheist
Joel Chasnoff RW5 Img American comedian, writer, conservative
Noah Chazzman Img Canadian American psychologist, cognitive scientist, atheist
Ronda Chervin Img American author, international speaker, philosopher, catholic
Yoni Chetboun RWC HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Joseph Chetrit RWC Img Moroccan-born American real estate investor, orthodox
Thubten Chodron Img American tibetian buddhist, buddhist
Hanania Cholk HW Img Israeli-born founder of "Ezer leZion"' haredi
Noam Chomsky RWF HW Img American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, political writer, atheist
Emmanuelle Chriqui  RWC HW Img Canadian teen film/television actress, orthodox
Pablo Christiani RWC HW Dominican friar, catholic
Jacob Christmann Img German orientalist, astronomer,    protestant
Daniel Chwolson RWF HW Img Polish/Lithuanian-born Russian orientalist, historian, linguist, Corr, christian
Alex Clare RW5 Img British singer/songwriter, orthodox
Mark Clark RWC Img American military commander, general of army, (Jewish mother) anglican
Wesley Clark RWF Img American supreme allied commander of NATO, general of army, (Jewish father) catholic
Tony Cliff RW5 HW Img Palestinian-born British trotskyist, atheist
Martin Cohan RW5 Img American television producer/writer, conservative
Amnon Cohen RWF HW Img Uzbek-born Israeli politician,    haredi
Aviad Cohen Img Israeli-born American singer/songwriter, christian
Chapman Cohen RW5 Img British writer, atheist
Gustave Cohen RWC Belgian-born French historian, catholic
Haim Cohn RWF HW Img German-born Vice President of Supreme Court of Israel 1980-81 atheist
Hermann Cohen Img German pianist, friar, priest, catholic
Job Cohen RWC HW Img Dutch Secretary of Justice, mayor of Amsterdam 2001-10, atheist
John Cohen Img American senator 1932-33, episcopalian
Jossi Cohen Img Israeli Head of Mossad  2015- , orthodox
Jundo Cohen buddhist writer, buddhist
Leonard Cohen RWF HW Img Canadian poet, novelist, singer/songwriter, buddhist
Nick Cohen RW5 Img British journalist, author, political commentator, blogger, (Jewish father) atheist
Reuben Cohen RW5 Img chancellor of Dalhousie University (third) Canada orthodox
Samuel Cohen RWF Img American physicist, developer of neutron bomb 1958 atheist
William Cohen RWC HW Img American Secretary of Defense 1997-2001 (Jewish father) catholic
Ya'akov Cohen HW Img Israeli politician, rabbi, haredi
Yitzhak Cohen RWF HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Yoram Cohen RWF HW Img Afganistan-born Israeli Head of the Shin Bet 2011-16, orthodox
Louis Cohn Polish lawyer, socialist activist, calvinist
Julius Cohnheim RWC Img German histologist, pathologist, christian
Rod Colbin RW5 Img American character actor, christian
Ray Comfort Img New Zealand-born christian minister, evangelist, (Jewish mother) christian
Jennifer Connelly RWF HW Img American actress, model, (Jewish mother) atheist
Harry Connick, Jr RW5 HW Img American actor, singer/songwriter, composer, pianist,  (Jewish mother) catholic
Marjorie Content Img American photographer, christian
Rama Coomaraswamy Img Indian-born cardiac surgeon, priest, (Jewish mother) catholic
Alan Cooper RWF Img American lead singer, biblical scholar, conservative
Jean-Francois Cope RWC Img French Minister of the Budget 2005-07, atheist
Aaron Copland RWF HW Img American composer, conductor, agnostic
John Corbett RWF Img American actor, country music singer, (Jewish maternnal grandmother) christian
Michael Coren RW5 Img British-born Canadian columnist, radio host, (Jewish father) catholic
Haim Corfu RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Transportsation 1981-88, yotzimBaSheela
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physilogist, Nobel Prize (1947) catholic
Roger Corman RWF HW Img American producer, director, (Jewish father) catholic
Augustine Coronel-Chakon Court jew, Charles II of England christian
Paul Nikolaus Cossmann Img German journalist, catholic
Isaac da Costa Img Dutch poet, protestant
Paulo Costanzo HW Img Canadian-born American television actor, (Jewish mother) catholic
Katie Couric RWF HW Img American media personality, television show host, (Jewish mother) anglican
Eva Cox RWB Img Austrian-born Australian writer, feminist, sociologist,  atheist
Jerry Coyne RWF Img American biologist, activist, atheist
Peter Coyote RW5 HW Img American actor, author, director, screenwriter,   buddhist
Theodor Creizenach Img German poet, literary historian, christian
Abraham Cresques RW5 Img Spanish cartographer, christian
Jehuda Cresques RWC Img Spanish cartographer, catholic
David Cronenberg RWF HW Img Canadian film director, screenwriter, actor, atheist
David Cross RWF Img American actor, comedian, writer, atheist
Jan Crouch co founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network, christian
Veronica De La Cruz RWF Img American television news anchor, (Jewish father) catholic
Karoly Csemegi RWC Img Hungarian judge, president of Hungarian Supreme Court, drafted first criminal Code of Hungary, christian
Terez Csillag Img Hungarian stage actress,   christian
Julia Culp HW Img Dutch opera singer, mezzo-soprano, catholic
Elias von Cyon RWF Img Lithuanian-born Russian French physiologist, avanturist, journalist, catholic
Lorenzo da Ponte RWF Img Italian poet, librettist, (3 librettos of Mozart operas) catholic
Anatoly D'Actil RWF Img Russian/Soviet singer/songwriter, playwright, translator, catholic
Nissim Dahan RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, Minister of Health 2001-03,   haredi
Theodore Dalrymple Img British writer, psychiatrist, (Jewish mother) atheist
Frank Damrosch, Jr American Episcopal priest, author, (Jewish great paternal grandfather) christian
Shabtai Daniel RWC HW Img Latvian-born Israeli politician, journalist, orthodox
Daniel of Padua Img Italion bishop of Padua, martyr, catholic
David Danino RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Yohanan Danino RWC HW Img inspector general of the Israeli Police, 2011- , yotzimBaSheela
Surya Das American spiritual writer, buddhist
Marcel Dassault RWF Img French aitcraft industrialist, founder/owner of Dassault Aviation SA catholic
Serge Dassault RWF Img French entrepreneur, catholic
Nathan Datner HW Img Israeli actor, presenter, comedian, director/producer, yotzimBaSheela
David Daube RW5 Img German-born British legal scholar, orthodox
Hanoch Daum HW Img Israeli journalist, orthodox
Menachem Daum Img German-born American documentary filmmaker, orthodox
Ferdinand David RWF Img German virtuoso violinist, composer, christian
Larry David RWF HW Img American screenwriter, actor, comedian, film producer, director, atheist
Joy Davidman Img American poet, writer, anglican
Magnus Davidsohn Img German cantor, opera singer, orthodox
Avram Davidson HW Img American fantasy/science/crime fiction writer,  orthodox
Pierre David-Weill RW5 Img French businessman, chairman of Lazard Freres, catholic
Diego Arias Davila RWC Img Spanish Minister of Finance, catholic
Juan Davila Spanish bishop of Sergovia, christian
Bernard Davis RW5 Img American biologist, microbiologist, atheist
Karen Davis Img American-born Israeli singer, christian
Uri Davis HW Img Israeli activist, muslim
Dani Dayan HW Img Argentine-born Israeli right political leader, chairman of Yesha Counsil 2007-13, atheist
Moshe Dayan RWF HW Img Israeli military leader, politician, Defence  Minister 1967-  , Foreign Minister 1977-79, atheist
Shlomo Dayan RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, haredi
Sir Daniel Day-Lewis RWF HW Img British actor, (Jewish mother) anglican, agnostic
Alain de Botton RWF HW Img Swiss-born British writer, philosopher, television presenter, atheist
Gilbert de Botton RW5 Img Egyptian-born founder of Global Asset Management, atheist
Miguel de Cervantes RWF Img Spanish novelist, poet, playwright, catholic
Gilles de Robien Img French politician, Minister of National Education 2005-07, atheist
Fernando de Rojas RWF Img Spanish writer, (convert to Christianity) christian
Abram Deborin RWF Img Lithuanian-born Russian philosopher, sociologist, atheist
Michel Debre RWF HW Img prime minister 1959-62 Minister of Defence Foreign Minister (Jewish father) catholic
Eddie Deezen Img American actor, comedian,  scientologist
Gustave d'Eichthal Img French writer, ublicist, hellenist, catholic
Fernando del Valle Img American operetic tenor, (Jewish descent) catholic
Giorgio Del Vecchio Img Italian legal philosopher, catholic
Cecil DeMille RWF Img British-born American director, producer, (Jewish mother) anglican
William DeMille RWF Img American screenwriter, film director, producer, (Jewish mother) christian
Jack Dempsey Img American boxer, (Jewish grandmother) christian
Aryeh Deri RWF HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, Leader of Shas Party, Minister of Internal Affairs, Economy 2015- , haredi
Bernhard Dernburg Img German financier, public official,  colonial secretary,  Vice Chansellor of Germany 1919, (Jewish father) lutheran
Friedrich Dernburg Img German journalist, politician, lutheran
Heinrich Dernburg RWC Img German legal scholar, politician, christian
Jacques Derrida RWF HW Img Algerian-born French philosopher, literary scholar, atheist
Alan Dershowitz RWF HW Img American criminal lawyer, legal scholar, political commentator,  agnostic
Ludwig Dessoir RWF Img German stage actor,  christian
Avraham Deutsch RWC HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli politician,   haredi
David Deutsch RWF Img Israeli-born British quantum computing physicist, atheist
Lea Deutsch RWF Img Croatian child actress, catholic
Isaac Deutscher RWF HW Img Polish-born British historian, journalist, biographer, atheist
George Devereux RWF HW Img Hungarian/Romanian-born American French psychoanalyst, ethnologist, christian
Urmila Devi Dasi Img American Hari Krishnas,   hinduist
Diego Deza Img Spanish-born theologian, Grand Inquisitor of Spain 1499-1506, (Jewish maternal descent) christian
Ani DiFranco RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, (Jewish mother ???) atheist
Semyon Dimanstein RWF HW Img Soviet Commissar of Nationalities, head of Yevsektsiya, atheist
Mendel Diness RW5 HW Img Ukrainian-born photographer, christian
Ben-Zion Dinur RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli historian, politician,  yotzimBaSheela
Zora Dirnbach Img Croatian journalist, writer, (Jewish father) atheist
Earl Benjamin Disraeli RWF HW Img British writer, prime minister of United Kingdom 1868 1874-1880 anglican
Leopold von Dittel RWF Img Czech-born Austrian urologist, surgeon, ND
Diwon Img American DJ, producer, songwriter, orthodox
Alfred Doblin RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German novelist, catholic
Moses Dobruska Czech-born Austrian alchemist, freemason, writer, poet, catholic
Ernst Dohm RW5 Img German editor, actor, translator, christian
Hedwig Dohm RW5 Img German actress, feminist, author, christian
Larisa Dolina RWF HW Img Azerbaijani-born Russian pop/jazz singer, actress,   easternorthodox
Cyril Domb RW5 HW Img British Israeli physicist, orthodox
Princess Dominique-France Picard Img French-born ex-wife of Fuad II, King of Egypt and the Sudan, (Jewish father)  muslim
Stanley Donen RWF Img American film director, choreographer, actor, atheist
Nicholas Donin HW French convert, critic of Judaism, catholic
Ariel Dorfman RWB Img Argentine Chilean novelist, essayist, human rights activist, agnostic
Ludwik Dorn Img Polish deputy prime minister,     2005-07, catholic
Kirk Douglas RWF HW Img American actor, film producer, conservative
Michael Douglas RWF HW Img American actor, producer,  (Jewish father) atheist
Sir Dove-Myer Robinson RWC Img Australian mayor of Auckland 1959-65 68-80, atheist
Robert Downey, Jr RWF HW Img American film director, producer, (Jewish paternal grandfather 37.5%) buddhist
David Dragunsky RWF HW Img Soviet military, twice a hero of USSR, colonel general, atheist
Rachel Dratch RWC Img American actress, comedian,  producer, writer, reform
Julius Dreschfeld Img German-born British pathologist, physician, anglican
Auguste Dreyfus Img French businessman, catholic
Count Edouard Dreyfus Gonzalez French businessman, lawyer, painter, writer, (Jewish father) catholic
Richard Dreyfuss RWF HW Img American actor, agnostic
Tatyana Drubich RWF Img Russian film acress, (Jewish father) agnostic
Haim Drukman RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Israeli politician, Rabbi, orthodox
Ann Druyan RWF Img American screenwriter, producer, atheist
Mordehai Dubin HW Img Latvian politician MP 1919-34, haredi
Maksim Dunayevsky RWF HW Img Soviet/Russian film composer, (Jewish father) agnostic
Emile Durkheim RWF HW Img French sociologist, philosopher, anthropologist, agnostic
Jelena Durovic RW5 Img Serbian journalist, writer, political activist, (Jewish mother) atheist
Charlotte Dusensy catholic
Adam Dutkiewicz RW5 Img American guitarist, backup vocalist, ??? christian
David Dvir HW Img Israeli dancer, atheist
Bob Dylan RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, Nobel Prize (2016) in Literature, christian
Petr Eben RW5 HW Img Czech composer, pianist, (Jewish father) catholic
Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro RWC Img Italian dancer, dancing master, catholic
Fanny Edelman RWC Img Argentine politician, president of Communist Party of Argentina, atheist
Marek Edelman RWF HW Img Polish Warshaw Ghetto uprising leader, MP 1989-93 atheist
Yuli-Yoel Edelstein RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born  Israeli politician, orthodox
Dawn Eden HW Img American author, journalist, catholic
Alfred Edersheim RW5 Img Austrian-born German British historian of the ancient world, biblical scholar, protestant
Paul Edwards RW5 Img Austrian-born American moral philosopher, atheist
Zac Efron RWF HW Img American actor, singer, (Jewish paternal grandfather) agnostic
Hans Ehrenberg RW5 Img German theologian, co-founder of Confessing Church, protestant
Paul Ehrenfest RWF Img Austrian-born Russian Dutch physicist, mathematician, atheist
John Ehrlichman RW5 Img assistant to president for Domestic Affairs, (Jewish father) Nixon christian
Fritz Eichenberg RWF Img German-born American illustrator, engraver, quaker
Yisrael Eichler RWF HW Img Israeli politician, editor, haredi
Marc Eidlitz RW5 Img Czech-born American builder, catholic
David Eigenberg Img American actor, (Jewish father) protestant
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist, Nobel Prize (1921), atheist
Josy Eisenberg RW5 Img French television producer, animator, orthodox
Ferdinand Eisenstein RWF Img German mathematician, protestant
Mikhail Eisenstein RWB HW Img Russian-born Latvian  architect, civil engineer,  (Jewish father) easternorthodox
Sergei Eisenstein RWF Img Latvian-born Soviet director, screenwriter, (Jewish paternal grandfather) atheist
Effi Eitam RWC HW Img Leader of Mafdal - National Religious Party orthodox
Shlomo Eitan Img Israeli linguist, rabbi, orthodox
Kent Ekeroth Img Swedish politician, MP 2010- (Jewish mother) atheist
Beni Elbaz RWC Img Israeli singer, haredi
Gad Elbaz RWC HW Img Israeli singer, haredi
Ovadia Eli RWC HW Img Iraqi-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Mordechai Eliash HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli ambassador to Unired Kingdom orthodox
Abraham Elimelech Firer RW5 HW Img Israeli rabbi, contribution to society, haredi
Ginerva Elkann RW5 Img Italian apprentice film director, (Jewish father) catholic
John Elkann RWF Img Italian industrialist, chairman of Fiat, (Jewish father) catholic
Ze'ev Elkin RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born  Israeli politician, Minister of Absorbtion 2015- , orthodox
David Ellenson Img American president of Hebrew Union College 2002- , reform
Albert Ellis RWF HW Img American psychologist, cognitive-behavioral therapist, atheist
Harlan Ellison RWF HW Img American fantasy writer, screenwriter, literary critic, atheist
Daniel Ellsberg RW5 Img American military analyst, anti-Vietnam War activist, christian
Robert Ellsberg Img American editor, publisher, (Jewish father) catholic
Avraham Elmalih HW Img Israeli politician, journalist, orthodox
Ari Elon Img Israeli writer, biblical scholar, educator, atheist
Binyamin Elon RWC HW Img Israeli politician, Leader of National Union Party, Minister of Tourism, orthodox
Emuna Elon Img Israeli author, journalist, woman, rights activist, orthodox
Menachem Elon RWF HW Img German-born Vice President of Supreme Court of Israel 1988-93 orthodox
Fritz Elsas RWN Img German politician, resistance fighter, mayor of Berlin 1931, christian
Eduardo Elsztain HW Img Argentine businessman, haredi
Ben Elton RW5 HW Img British-born Australian  comedian, playwright, actor, director, (Jewish father) atheist
Cary Elwes RWF Img British actor, (Jewish maternal descent) christian
David Emanuel RWC HW Img American governor, 1801- , presbyterian
Rahm Emanuel RWF Img White House Chieff of Staff 2008-10 Obama orthodox
David van Embden Img Dutch politician, MP protestant
Peter Engel RWB Img American television producer, christian
Charles Engelhard, Jr RW5 Img American industrialist, catholic
Jane Engelhard RW5 Img Chinese-born American philanthropist, (Jewish father) christian
Eve Ensler RWF Img American playwright, (Jewish father), buddhist
Alex Epstein Img American author, energy theorist, atheist
Greg Epstein Img American humanist, atheist
Jan Epstein Polish banker, entrepreneur, philanthropist, calvinist
Theo Epstein RW5 Img American General Manager of Boston Red Sox, agnostic
Gilad Erdan RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Enviromental Protection, yotzimBaSheela
Paul Erdos RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American Israeli mathematician, agnostic, atheist
Renee Erdos Img Hungarian writer, poet, catholic
Werner Erhard Img American critical thinker, (Jewish father) christian, episcopian,
John I Ernuszt RWC Img Ban of Slovenia 1476-73, catholic
Anthony Ervin RW5 HW Img American swimmer, (Jewish mother) buddhist
John I Erniszt catholic
John II Ernuszt RWC Img Ban of Slovenia, Croatia 1507-10, catholic
Countess Maria Anna von Eskeles catholic
Mieczyslaw Ettinger Polish lawyer, calvinist
Robert Ettinger Img American cryonics pioneer, atheist
Vladimir Etush RWF Img Russian-born Soviet actor,   agnostic
Ernst Eulenburg HW Img German music publisher, christian
Deborah Evelyn RWF Img Brazilian film/television actress, agnostic
Ephraim Evron RWC HW Img Israeli ambassador to United States 1979-82, Sweden 1969-71, Canada 1969-71,  atheist
Laurent Fabius RWF HW Img prime minister of France 1984 President Of National Assembly catholic
Rachel Factor RWC Img American singer, dancer, actress, (convert to Judaism) orthodox
Benjamin Fain RWC Img Ukrainian-born Russian Israeli physicist, orthodox
Marianne Faithfull RWF Img British singer/songwriter, actress, (Jewish maternal grandmother)) catholic
Miksa Falk RWN Img Hungarian publicist, chief editor, christian
Gino Fanno RW5 Img Italian mechanical engineer, catholic
Semyon Farada RWC Img Russian stage/film actor,   agnostic
Hans Feibusch RWB Img German-born British  painter, sculptor, christian
Moshe Feiglin RWF HW Img Israeli politician,   orthodox
Maria Fein HW Img Austrian stage/film actress, catholic
Charles Feinberg Img American biblical scholar, christian
Carl Feit Img American medical research scientist, orthodox
Chai Feldblum Img American legal scholar, activist, orthodox
Avigdor Feldman HW Img Israeli lawyer, yotzimBaSheela
Ferdinand Feldman Img Polish stage actor, catholic
Krystyna Feldman RWF Img Ukrainian-born Polish stage/film/television actress, (Jewish father) christian
Mike Feldman Img Toronto deputy mayor 2003-06 conservative
Noah Feldman RW5 Img American author, legal scholar, orthodox
Reuven Feldman RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician,   orthodox
Iacob Felix RWF HW Img Czech-born Romanian physician,  christian
Rachel Felix RWF Img French stage actress, christian
Hillel Fendel Img Israeli journalist, author, editor, rabbi, orthodox
Miksa Fenyo RWC Img Hungarian Minister of Trade and Commerce 1918, agnostic
Ludmila Ferber RW5 Img Brazilian singer/songwriter, worship pastor, writer, christian
Philip Ferdinand RW5 Img Polish-born British hebraist, protestant
Baron Ferdinand Eckstein Img Danish philosopher, playwright, catholic
Gustav Ferdinand Hertz RWF Img German jurist, senator, lutheran
August Ferdinand Wolff Polish doctor, calvinist
Pero Ferrus Spanish medieval poet, (converso) catholic
Leon Festinger RWF HW Img American social psychologist, cognitive dissonance, atheist
Richard Feynman RWF HW Img American quantum physicist, Nobel Prize (1965), atheist
Andy Fickman RWF Img American film/television/stage director, screenwriter, conservative
Doug Fieger RW5 Img American singer/songwriter, (Jewish father) buddhist
Harvey Fierstein RWF HW Img American actor, comedian, playwright, librettist, screenwriter, atheist
Henrik Lajos Finalyi de Kend Img Hungarian philologist, christian
Gila Finkelstein RWC HW Img Israeli politician,   orthodox
Menahem Finkelstein RWC Img Israeli military jurist, major general, orthodox
Norman Finkelstein RWF HW Img American historian, political scientist, author, atheist
Alain Finkielkraut RWF HW Img French essayist, philosopher, atheist
Aldo Finzi RWC Img Italian undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Mussolini MP  -1928 catholic
Gerald Finzi RW5 Img British composer,   agnostic
Abraham Firkovich RWN Img Ukrainian-born leader of Crimean Karaites, karaite
Harry Fischel Img American businessman, philanthropist, orthodox
Zoketsu Norman Fischer Img buddhist writer, priest, buddhist
Carrie Fisher RWF HW Img American actress, screenwriter, novelist (Jewish father), agnostic
Dudu Fisher RW5 HW Img Israeli American cantor, singer, orthodox
Ossip Flechtheim Img Ukrainian-born German jurist, politican scientist, author, humanist, atheist
Barthold Fles RW5 Img Dutch-born American literary agent, author, translator, editor, publisher, atheist
Louis Fles RW5 Img Dutch businessman, author, activist, atheist
Samson Flexor RWF Img Moldovan-born French Brazilian artist, catholic
John Florio RWF Img Italiam linguist, translator, (Jewish father) protestant
Michelangelo Florio Italian-born pastor, protestant
David Flusser RWF HW Img Austrian-born Israeli scholar, religious studies, orthodox
Arnoldo Foa RW5 Img Italian film actor, director, painter, sculptor, atheist
Carlo Foa Italian physiologist, pathologist, endocrinologist, catholic
Jerry Fodor RWF HW Img American cognitive scientist, philosopher, atheist
Dominique Folloroux-Quattara wife of president of Ivory Coast  2011- catholic
Ilya Fondaminsky RWF Img Russian politician, author, leader of SR Party, easternorthodox
Shelby Foote, Jr Img American novelist, historian, (Jewish maternal grandfather) christian
Michael Forbes Img American representative 1995-2001, (Jewish paternal grandmother) catholic
Harrison Ford RWF HW Img American actor, (Jewish mother) agnostic, atheist
Shuki Forer HW Img Israeli politician, mayor of Rehovot, orthodox
Antonia Forest Img British children's author, catholic
Count Maurice de Forest RW5 HW Img French-born British politician, motor racing driver, catholic
Mohammad Ali Foroughi RWC Img Iranian Prime Minister, 1925-26 1933-35 1941-42,  (Jewish descent), muslim
Nicholas Forstmann founder of Forstmann Little & Company catholic
Theodore Forstmann Img American chairman/CEO of International Management Group, catholic
Alessandro Fortis RWF HW Img prime minister of Italy 1905-06 catholic
Achille Fould RWF Img Minister of Finance 1849-51, 1851-52 1861-67 Minister of Culture 1852-61 protestant
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese RWF Img American historian, feminist, (Jewish mother) catholic
Aviezri Fraenkel RWC HW Img German-born Israeli mathematician, scholar, orthodox
Robert Frager RWB Img American social psychologist, muslim
Bishop Vilmos Fraknoi RWF Img Hungarian historian, christian
Baroness Afdera Franchetti Img Italian-born American aristocrat, catholic
Bob Francis Img Egyptian-born Australian talk radio host, radio personality, atheist
James Franck RWF HW Img German-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1925) agnostic
Malcolm Frager Img American piano virtoso artist, christian scientist
James Franck RWF HW Img German-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1925) atheist
Barney Frank RW5 HW Img American representative, agnostic
Eve Frank RWF Img Bulgarian-born daughter of Jacob Frank, catholic
Baron Jacob Frank RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born self-proclaimed messiah, catholic
Josip Frank RW5 Img Croatian lawyer, politician, MP catholic
Semyon Frank RWF Img Russian religious philosopher, easternorthodox
Ya'akov Frank HW Img Israeli politician,   yotzimBaSheela
Gilbert Frankau RW5 Img British novelist, anglican
Leopold Antony Frankel Polish  ND
John Frankenheimer RWF Img American director, (Jewish father) catholic
Wilhelm Frankl RWC Img German fighter ace, christian
Hugh Franklin Img British politician, suffragist, agnostic
Rosalind Franklin RWF HW Img British biophysicist, stractual viorology, DNA agnostic
Ursula Franklin RW5 Img German-born Canadian metallurgist, research physicist, (Jewish mother) quaker
Baron Franz Anton von Sonnenfels Austrian philanthropist, catholic
Clara Fraser Img American co-founder of Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Woman, atheist
Etty Fraser Img Brazilian actress, catholic
Julius Frauenstadt Img Polish-born German philosopher, christian
Benjamin Freedman RWC Img American anti-communist, anti-zionist, businessman, catholic
David Noel Freedman Img American biblical scholar, author, editor, archaeologist, protestant
Ferdinand Frensdorff Img German lawyer, legal historian,   christian
Benzion Freshwater RW5 Img British businessman, founder 1976 of Freshwater Group, haredi
Sir Clement Freud RWF Img British broadcaster, politician, anglican
Ernst Freud RWB Img Austrian-born German architect, atheist
Sigmund Freud RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis, atheist
Jonathan Frid catholic
Avraham Fried RWB Img American singer/songwriter, entertainer, orthodox
Betty Friedan RWF HW Img American writer, feminist, social activist, agnostic
Heinrich von Friedberg RWC Img Prussian minister of Justice 1879-89 lutheran
Robert Friedberg Img German politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Prussia, protestant
Egon Friedell RWF Img Austrian philosopher, historian, journalist, writer, theater critic, actor, protestant
Karl Rudolf Friedenthal RWC Img Polish/German-born German minister of agriculture MP 1867- , lutheran
William Friedkin RWF HW Img American film/television director, producer, screenwriter, agnostic
Albert Friedlander Img German-born British rabbi, reform
Israel Friedlander HW Img Polish-born American rabbi, translator, orientalist, educator, orthodox
Julius Friedlander RWC Img German numismatist, curator, christian
Ludwig Friedlander RW5 Img German linguist, philologist, christian
Fritz von Friedlander-Fuld Img German industrialist, coal magnate, protestant
David Friedman RWF Img American writer, economist, physicist, legal scholar, atheist
David Friedman RWC Img American ambassador to Israel 2017- , orthodox
Jerome Friedman RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1990), linear accelerator quarks, atheist
Michel Friedman RW5 Img German politician, talk show host, president of European Jewish Congress 2001-03, atheist
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1976), agnostic
Simcha Friedman HW Img Czech-born Israeli politician, rabbi, orthodox
Daniel Friedmann Img Chilean-born Canadian engineering physicist, orthodox
Erich Fromm RWF HW Img German-born Austrian social psychologist, humanistic philosopher, atheist
Andre Frossard RWC Img French journalist, essayist, (Jewish paternal grandmother) catholic
Arnold Fruchtenbaum Img Russian-born American theologian, christian
Stephen Fry RWF HW Img British actor, comedian, fim director, screenwriter, (Jewish mother), atheist
Maurice Frydman Img Polish-born Indian engineer, humanitarian, activist, hinduist
Ernst Fuchs RWF Img Austrian artist, (Jewish father), catholic
Radovan Fuchs RWC Img Croatian scientist, Minister of Science, catholic
Michael Fumento Img American author, investigative journalist, (Jewish mother) catholic
Amos Funkenstein HW Israeli historian, philosopher, yotzimBaSheela
Frank Furedi RW5 Img Hungarian-born British sociologist, atheist
Prince Alexander von Furstenberg RW5 Img American socialite, philanthropist, (Jewish mother) catholic
Princess Talita von Furstenberg Img American socialite, fashion model, (Jewish paternal grandmather) catholic
Hans Furth Img Austrian-born American developmental psychologist, catholic
Eliyahu Gabai RWC HW Img Iraqi-born Israeli politician,   orthodox
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, Nobel Prize (1971), hollogram, protestant, agnostic
Eva Gabor RWF Img Hungarian-born actress, socialite, catholic
Zsa Zsa Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born actress, socialite,  catholic
Gary Gach Img American author, poet, translator, buddhist
Moshe Gafni RWF HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
Valentin Gaft RWF HW Img Russian stage/film actor,    easternorthodox, agnostic
Yitzhak Gagula HW Img Georgian-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Neil Gaiman HW Img British fantasy writer, screenwriter, agnostic
William Gaines RW5 Img American comics artist, publisher,    atheist
Serge Gainsbourg RWF HW Img French singer/songwriter, actor, composer, screenwriter, agnostic
Riki Gal RWC HW Img Israeli singer, yotzimBaSheela
Alexander Galich RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian poet, screenwriter, playwright, singer/songwriter, eastern orthodox
Maxim Galkin RWF Img Russian comedian, singer, television host, (Jewish mother) atheist
Aryeh Gamliel RWC HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
Eliyahu-Moshe Ganhovsky RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician,   orthodox
Danny Gans RW5 Img American singer, comedian, vocal impressionist, christian
Eduard Gans Img German jurist, historian, christian
Emil Ganz Img German-born American mayor of Phoenix, Arizona 1885-86 1899-1901  atheist
Raymond Garlick RW5 Img British poet, editor, catholic
Gaspar da Gama RW5 Img Polish-born traveler, interpreter, christian
Karl Geiringer RW5 Img Austrian-born American musicologist, educator, biographer of composers, catholic
Bob Geldof RWF HW Img Irish singer/songwriter, political activist, (Jewish paternal grandmother) atheist
Peaches Geldof RWF Img British journalist, television presenter, model, (Jewish paternal great-grandmother) scientologist
Martha Gellhorn RW5 HW Img American journalist, novelist, travel writer, (not Jewish maternal grandmother) atheist
Murray Gell-Mann RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1969), quarks, agnostic
Norman Geras RWF Img Zimbabwean-born British political scientist,  atheist
Steve Gerber HW Img American comic books writer, atheist
Zinovy Gerdt RWF Img Russian/Soviet stage/film actor, agnostic
Bronislaw Geremek RWF HW Img Polish politician, Foreign Affairs Minister 1997-2000, atheist
Gyula Germanus RW5 Img Hungarian writer, orientalist, MP (Jewish father) muslim
Erno Gero RWC Img prime minister of Hungary 1956- Secretary of Central Committee atheist
Douglas Gersham RWF Img British film producer, biograper, (Jewish mother) christian
Michael Gerson RWB HW Img American columnist, speechwriter for George Bush 2001-06, (Jewish paternal grandfather) christian
Dan Gertler RWF HW Img Israeli businessman, founder/president of DGI Group, haredi
Mendi/Moises Gertner Img British property businessmen, orthodox
Jami Gertz RWF Img American film/television actress, conservative
Iosif Gessen RWF Img Ukrainian-born lawyer, politician,   easternorthodox
Gabrielle Giffords RWF HW Img American politician, representitive, (Jewish father) reform
Yaakov Gil RWF HW Img Israeli politician, rabbi, orthodox
Yehuda Gilad HW Img Brazilian-born Israeli politician, rabbi, orthodox
Avraham Gileadi Img Dutch-born American religious historian, mormon
Ganzali Gimines de Quesada RWC Img Spanish explorer, conquistador, catholic
Allen Ginsberg RWF HW Img American poet,  buddhist
Christian David Ginsburg Img Polish-born British biblical scholar, christian
Sofia Ginsburg RWF Russian revolutionery, easternorthodox
Louis Ginzberg RW5 HW Img Lithuanian-born American rabbi, talmudist, conservative
Natalia Ginzburg RWF HW Img Italian writer, (Jewish father) catholic
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2003) atheist
Yehuda Glantz RWB Img Argentine-born Israeli singer/songwriter, musician composer, record producer, orthodox
Julius Glaser RWC Img Czech-born Secretary of Justice,  1871-79 MP christian
David Glass HW Img Israeli politician,   orthodox
Ira Glass RW5 Img American presenter of This American Live, atheist
Philip Glass RWF Img American composer, buddhist
Todd Glass RW5 Img American stand-up comedian, actor, atheist
Tetsugen Glassman Img American buddhist,  co-founder of Zen Peacemakers, buddhist
Roy Glauber RWF HW Img American physicist, quantum theory of optical conhearance, Nobel Prize (2005), agnostic, atheist
Andy Glazer Img American poker player, writer, lawyer, agnostic
Marcelo Gleiser RW5 HW Img Brazilan physicist, astronomer, author, filmmaker, agnostic, atheist
Shimon Glick Img American-born Israeli physician, orthodox
Yehuda Glick RWC Img American-born Israeli politician, rabbi, orthodox
Naftali Gliksberg HW Img Israeli film director/producer, yotzimBaSheela
Alma Gluck RWF HW Img Romanian-born American soprano singer, anglican
Nelson Glueck RWE HW Img American president of Hebrew Union College 1947-71, reform
Paulette Goddard RWF HW Img American actress, (Jewish father) anglican
Ben Goertzel RWC Img Brazilian-born American computer scientist, artifical intelligence researcher, agnostic
Zion Golan RWC HW Img Israeli singer, orthodox
Ari Gold RW5 Img American singer/songwriter, orthodox
Mike Gold RW5 Img American literary critic, columnist,   atheist
Wolf Gold HW Img Polish-born American Israeli rabbi, politician, orthodox
Adam Goldberg RWF HW Img American actor, director, producer, (Jewish father) catholic
Avraham Goldberg RW5 HW Img American-born Israeli Talmud scholar, orthodox
Elkhonon Goldberg Img Latvian-born American neuropsychologist, cognitive neuroscientst, atheist
Natalie Goldberg Img American writer, creative writing teacher, buddhist
Ari Goldman RW5 Img American journalist, scholar, orthodox
Emma Goldman RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born anarchist feminist, philosoper, atheist
Lipa Goldman Img Hungarian-born American publisher, orthodox
Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt Img German French writer, essayist, translator, lutheran
Hermann Goldschmidt RWF Img German astronomer, painter, christian
Theodor Goldschmidt RWF Img German chemist, founder 1847 of Th.Goldschmidt AG protestant
Jemima Goldsmith RW5 Img British socialite, (Jewish paternal grandfather) muslim
Clifford Goldstein Seventh-Day Adventist author, editor, protestant
David Goldstein British-born apologist, anti-communist, catholic
Herbert Goldstein Img American physicist, orthodox
Ivo Goldstein HW Img Croatian historian,    agnostic
Joseph Goldstein American writer, buddhist
Marvin Goldstein Img American pianist, (convert to LDS Church) mormon
Vida Goldstein Img Australian feminist politician, christian
Dan Goldstick Img Canadian philosopher, political activist, atheist
Barry Goldwater RWF Img Republican candidate for the Presidency 1964, (Jewish father) anglican
Ian Gomez RWF Img American film/television actor, (half Jewish) easternorthodox
Shmuel Gonen RWC HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli military, major general,   yotzimBaSheela
Meagan Good RWF Img American film/television actress, (Jewish maternal grandmother) christian
Alice Goodman Img American poet, opera librettist, anglican
Paul Goodman Img British politician, Conservative MP 2001- catholic
Alfred Gootschalk Img American president of Hebrew Union College 1971-96, reform
Nadine Gordimer RWF HW Img South-African writer Nobel Prize (1991) in literature, atheist
Keith Gordon RWF Img American actor, film/television director, atheist
Mary Gordon Img American writer, literary critic, (Jewish father) catholic
Nehemia Gordon American-born Israeli religious leader, karaite
Shep Gordon RWB Img American manager of Alice Cooper, film agent, producer, buddhist
Gershom Gorenberg Img American-born Israeli historian, journalist, blogger, orthodox
1st Viscount  George Goschen Img Chancellor of Exchecquer 1887-92, MP 1863-1900,  ambassador to Turkey,      christian
2nd Viscount George Joachim Goschen Img MP 1896-1906 (Jewish father) christian
Jan Gotlib Bloch Img Polish banker, railway financier, calvinist
Rudolf Gottlieb Img German physician, pharmacologist, protestant
John Gottman RWB Img American psychologist, conservative
Alfred Gottschalk Img German biochemist,  catholic
Jean-Baptiste Gourion Img Algerian-born French monk. catholic
Ilene Graff RWB Img American film/television/stage actress, singer, atheist
Randy Graff RWB Img American film/television actress, atheist
Todd Graff RW5 Img American actor, writer, director, atheist
Dan Graur RWB Img Israeli-born American evolutionary biologist, atheist
Brian Grazer RWF Img American television producer, (Jewish mother) christian
Eva Green RWF HW Img French actress, model, (Jewish mother) atheist
Keith Green Img American gospel singer, songwriter, christian
Seth Green RWF HW Img American actor, comedian, television producer, atheist
Aharon-Ya'akov Greenberg RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician,   orthodox
Alan Greenberg RW5 Img American chairman CEO of Bear, Stearns, reform
Bryan Greenberg RWF HW Img American film/television actor, conservative
Moshe Greenberg RW5 HW Img American-born Israeli biblical studies scholar, translator, orthodox
Simon Greenberg Russian-born American conservative rabbi, conservative
Uri Zvi Greenberg RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Israeli poet, journalist, politician,   orthodox
Jason Greenblatt RWC Img American lawyer, advicer to Donald Trump, orthodox
Robert Greenblatt RW5 Img American chairman of NBC Entertainment 2011- , catholic
Brian Greene RWF HW Img American physicist, mthematician, string theorist, agnostic
Tzvia Greenfield RWC HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
Paul Greengard RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000), christian, episcopalian
Alex Greenwald RWC Img American singer, actor, model, agnostic
Glenn Greenwald RWF Img American political/legal blogger, columnist, author,   atheist
Tamsin Greig RW5 Img British stage/film actress, (Jewish mother) anglican
Douglas Gresham RWF Img American-born British vocce/stage actor, biographer, film/record producer, (Jewish mother) christian
Iosif Grigulevich RWE Img Lithuanian-born Argentine Soviet agent, (karaite) karaite
Josh Groban RWE HW Img American singer/songwriter, (Jewish father) anglican
Franz Groedel Img German-born American cardiologist, (Jewish mother) catholic
Jerome Groopman RWB Img American medical scholar, author, journalist, oncologist, orthodox
David Gross RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2004), quarks, agnostic
Dick Gross Img Australian mayor of Port Phillip atheist
Shlomo-Yaakov Gross RWC HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Alfred Grosser Img German-born French writer, sociologist, political scientist, atheist
Mikhail Grulev RWM Img Belarusian-born Russian military commander, general lieutenant, eastern orthodox
Leonard Grunstein RW5 Img American finance executive, lawyer, philanthropist, orthodox
Henry Grunwald Img Austrian-born journalist, diplomat, Editor-in-chief of Time, Inc orthodox
Albert Gubay RW5 Img British businessman, Kwik Safe, Property & Fitness, (Jewish father) catholic
Vera Guerin RW5 Img American philanthropist, musical theater producer, reform
Dor Guez RWB Img Israeli video/photography artist, (Jewish father) eastern orthodox
Morris Guggenheim American politician, mayor of Charleston, anglican
Nicky Gumbel Img British priest, vicar, author, anglican
Ludwig Gumplowicz RWF Img Polish-born Austrian sociologist, jurist, political scientist,   calvinist
Wladislaw Gumplowicz Polish activist, publicist, geographer, calvinist
Dominicus Gundissalinus Img Spanish archdeacon of Segovia, philosopher, translator, catholic
Waldemar Gurian Img Russian-born German American political scientist, catholic
David Gustav Hertz German businessman, lutheran
Baron Gustave Eichthal Img French writer, publicist, hellenist, catholic
Greg Gutfeld RW5 Img American television personality, author, editor, blogger, (Jewish paternal grandfather) agnostic
Alan Guth RWF HW Img American physicist, cosmologist, cosmic inflation, atheist
Arlo Guthrie RWF Img American composer, lyricist, folk singer, (Jewish mother) catholic
Max von Gutmann Austrian engineer, industrialist, catholic
Joseph Gutnick RW5 HW Img Australian owner of Western Mining Corporation, orthodox
Jacob de Haas RWF HW Img British zionist, journalist, author, orthodox
Rhoda Haas Goldman Img American philanthropist, Levi Strauss & Co. , reform
Hans Habe Img Hungarian-born Austrian writer, newspaper publisher, protestant
Fritz Haber RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German chemist, ammonia, Nobel Prize (1918), protestant
Seth Haberman Img American developer of television advertizing, atheist
Aviad Hacohen Img Israeli legal scholar, attorney, orthodox
Menachem Hacohen HW Img Israeli politician,   orthodox
Jacques Hadamard RWF HW Img French mathematician, functional analysis, atheist
Yehudah Hadasi 12th century philosopher, rabbi, scholar, karaite
Fabrice Hadjadj Img French philosopher, writer,   catholic
Elyakim Haetzni RWF HW Img German-born Israeli lawyer, politician, orthodox
Waldemar Haffkine RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born French Indian bacteriologist, orthodox
Louis Hagen German banker of A. Levy & Co., catholic
Nina Hagen RWF Img German singer/songwriter, actress, (Jewish paternal grandfather) protestant
Albert Hague RW5 Img German-born American songwriter, composer, actor, lutheran
Hans Hahn RWF HW Img Austrian mathematician, philosopher, agnostic
Kurt Hahn RW5 Img German-born British educator, protestant
Jonathan Haidt RWF Img American social psychologist, atheist
Yosef Haim Brenner RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli writer, translator, atheist, yotzimBaSheela
Andre Hajdu RW5 HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli music researcher, composer,    orthodox
Alfred Hajos RW5 HW Img Hungarian swimmer, christian
Moshe Halbertal RWC HW Img Uruguayan-born Israeli philosopher,  orthodox
Herzli Halevi RWF HW Img Israeli Head of A'man  2014- , orthodox
Daniel Halevy RW5 Img French historian, (Jewish father) protestant
Ephraim HaLevy RWC HW Img British-born Head of Mossad   1998-2002 orthodox
Ilan Hall Img American chef, atheist
Rafael Halperin HW Img Israeli businessman, author, proffesional wrestler, orthodox
Shmuel Halpert RWF HW Img Romanian-born Israeli politician, rabbi, haredi
Rashid-al-Din Hamadani RWC Img Iranian physician, historian, vizier, muslim
Leonid Hambro RWF Img American pianist, composer, atheist
Arthur Hamerschlag Img president of Carnegie Mellon University 1903-22 anglican
Alexander Hamilton RWF HW Img American Secretary of Treasury 1789-95 Washington (Jewish mother) anglican
Michael Hammer American philanthropist, businessman, christian
Zevulun Hammer RWF HW Img Leader of Mafdal - National Religious Party orthodox
Oscar Hammerstein II RWF HW Img German-born American producer, lyricist, librettist, songwriter:lyricist, theater director, (Jewish father) atheist
Daniel Handler RWF HW Img American author, screenwriter, accordionist, atheist
Kathleen Hanna RWF Img American singer/songwriter, atheist
Shalom Hanoch RWF HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter, lyricist, atheist
Bernard Hantke Polish industrialist, founder of Huta Czestochowa, calvinist
Yip  Harburg RW5 HW Img American songwriter:lyricist, playwright, lyricist, librettist, atheist
Maximilian Harden RWC Img German journalist, editor, protestant
Shulamith Hareven RW5 Img Polish-born Israeli author, essayist, atheist
Sir Harold Kroto RWF HW Img British chemist, Nobel Prize (1996), (Jewish father) atheist
Sam Harris RWF Img American author, neuriscientist, (Jewish mother) atheist
David Harsanyi Img American columnist,   atheist
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1994), game theorist, catholic
Samuel Hart American merchant, politician, anglican
Solomon Hart RWC Img British painter, engraver, illustrator, orthodox
Nina Hartley RW5 Img American porn actress, (Jewish mother) atheist
Blanche Hartman Img American Zen buddhist, buddhist
David Hartman Img American-born Israeli rabbi, philosopher, orthodox
Ludo Hartmann RW5 Img German-born Austrian historian, statesman, ND
Moritz Hartmann RWF Img Czech-born Austrian literature scholar, politician, MP christian
Ya'akov-Michael Hasani RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, rabbi, Minister of Walfare 1970-73 orthodox
Baron Ferenc Hatvany RW5 Img Hungarian writer, critic, literary historian, newspaper owner, christian
Baron Lajos Hatvany Img Hungarian writer, critic, literary historian,   christian
Baroness Lili Hatvany Img Hungarian playwright, christian
Baroness Antonia Hatvany-Deutsch Hungarian political writer, christian
Herbert Hauptman RWF HW Img American mathematician, Nobel Prize (1985) in chemistry, atheist
Goldie Hawn RWF HW Img American actress, director, producer, (Jewish mother) buddhist
Rita Hayworth RWF HW Img American actress, dancer, (Jewish father) ??? catholic
Baron Samu Hazai RWC Img Hungarian military officer, politician, Minister of Defence 1910-17 christian
Edith Head RWF Img American costume designer, catholic
Andrija Hebrang RWC Img Croatian physician, politician, Minister of Health 1990-92 1993-98 2003-05, (Jewish mother/paternal grandmother)) catholic
Moritz Heckscher RWC Img German politician, protestant
Konrad Heiden Img German-born journalist, historian, (Jewish mother) lutheran
Martin Heidenhain RWF German anatomist, (Jewish father) ND
Rudolf Heidenhain RWF Img German physiologist, histologist, christian
Anthony Heilbut Img American record producer, biographer, atheist
Princess Alice Heine RWF Img American-born wife of Prince I of Monaco, catholic
Heinrich Heine RWF HW Img German poet, journalist, essayist, literary critic, protestant, atheist
Isaac Heinemann RW5 HW Img German-born Israeli rabbinical scholar, literary scholar, orthodox
Anna Held RWC Img Polish-born American stage actress, singer, dancer, catholic
Richard Hell RWF Img American rock singer/songwriter, bassist, poet, (Jewish father) atheist
Joseph Heller HW Img American novelist, playwright, agnostic, atheist
Stephen Heller RWF Img Hungarian composer, pianist,   ND
Isaac Hellmuth RW5 Img Polish-born Canadian bishop of the Diocese of Huron, anglican
Yoaz Hendel RWC HW Img Israeli military historian, journalist, television presenter, orthodox
Zvi Hendel RWC HW Img Romanian-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Baron Alfred von Henikstein RWC Img Austrian Chief of Staff, 1864- christian
Louis Henkin RW5 Img Belarusian-born American lawyer, legal scholar, orthodox
Jakob Henle Img German anatomist, pathologist, ND
Moritz Henle HW Img German composer, cantor, reform
Gregory Henriquez RW5 Img Canadian architect, agnostic
August Henschel German/Polish-born German medical historian, botanist, christian
Nat Hentoff RW5 HW Img American historian, jazz critic, columnist, atheist
Sir Hermann Bondi RWF HW Img Austrian-born British cosmologist, atheist
Pedro de Herrera Gibraltarian jewish leader, (converso) catholic
Rudolf Herrnstadt RWF Img German journalist, politician, atheist
Ridley Herschell RW5 Img Polish-born British minister, protestant
Daniel Hershkovitz RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Leader of The Jewish Home 2009- orthodox
Pavlo Herstyk Ukrainian Cossak, easternorthodox
Gustav Hertz RWF HW Img German physicist, Nobel Prize (1925), (Jewish paternal grandfather) lutheran
Heinrich Hertz RWF HW Img German physicist, electro magnetic waves, (Jewish father) lutheran
Henriette Herz RWC HW Img German salon holder, author, protestant
Mikhail Herzenstein RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian economist, politician, public figure, MP 1905- 1st Duma easternorthodox
Avraham Herzfeld RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli activist, politician, yotzimBaSheela
Theodor Herzl RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Austrian founder of Zionism, playwright, journalist, atheist
Baron Mor Lipot Herzog Img Hungarian art colector, christian
Abraham Heschel RWF HW Img Polish-born German American philosopher, theologian, conservative
Sir William Herschel RWF HW Img German-born British astronomer, composer, (Jewish father) lutheran
George de Hevesy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swedish chemist Nobel Prize (1943), catholic
John Heyman Img German-born British film producer, talent agent, agnostic
Vania Heymann RW5 HW Img Israeli film director, yotzimBaSheela
Paul von Heyse RWF HW Img German author, poet, translator, playwright, Nobel Prize (1910) (Jewish mother), protestant
Raul Hilberg RWF HW Img Austrian-born American Holocaust historian, political scientist,  atheist
Franz Hildebrandt Img German-born theologian, pastor, (Jewish mother) lutheran
Abba Hillel Silver HW Img Lithuanian-born American president of Zionist Organisation of America, reform
Ferdinand Hiller RWF HW Img German composer, conductor, writer, protestant
John Hilliard American composer, (Jewish maternal discent), buddhist
Francesca Hilton RWF Img American actress, photographer, comedian, (Jewish mother) catholic
Peter Himmelman RW5 Img American singer/songwriter,  orthodox
Hinko Hinkovic Img Croatian lawyer, publisher, politician, catholic
Alan Hirsch Img American neurologist, psychiatrist, christian
Samuel Hirsch Img German-born American Reform judaism philosopher, reform
Siegfried Hirsch German historian,   christian
Theodor Hirsch German historian,   christian
Ernst Hirsch Ballin RWC Img Dutch minister of Justice/Interior, (Jewish father) catholic
Otto Hirschfeld christian
Ludwik Hirszfeld RWF Img Polish physicin, microbiologist, serologist, immunologist, catholic
Hanna Hirszfeldowa Polish pediatrician, catholic
Christopher Hitchens RWF HW Img British-born American author, journalist, literary critic, (Jewish mother) atheist
Peter Hitchens RWF Img British journalist, author, broadcaster,  (Jewish mother) anglican
Uzi Hitman RW5 HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter, televison personality, atheist
Friedrich Hitzig RWF Img German architect, President of the Academy Of Art lutheran
Julius Eduard Hitzig RWF Img German author, civil cervant, christian
Rick Hodes American physician, orthodox
Malcolm Hoenlein Img chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organisations, orthodox
Abbie Hoffman RWF Img American social/political activist, atheist
Harold Hoffman RWC Img American politician, Governor of New Jersey 1935-38, (Jewish descent), christian
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1981), atheist
Hugo von Hofmannsthal RWF Img Austrian poet, dramatist, novelist, librettist, (Jewish paternal grandfather/convert to catholicism) catholic
Stanislaus Hoga Polish-born translator, christian
Samuel Holdheim HW Img 19th century German rabbi and founder of classic German Reform Judaism reform
Itshak Holtz RW5 HW Img Polish-born Israeli American painter, orthodox
Walter Homolka RW5 Img German rabbi, reform
Sidney Hook RWF Img American philosopher, agnostic
Heinz Hopf RWF Img German-born Swiss mathematician, algebraic topology, (Jewish father) protestant
David Horowitz RWF HW Img American neoconservative writer, historian, social activist, agnostic
Mieczyslaw Horszowski RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American pianist, catholic
Maksymilian Horwitz Img Polish communist leader, theoretican, atheist
Dawood Hosni Img Egyptian composer, musician, karaite
Robert Hossein RWF Img French actor, director, writer, (Jewish mother) catholic
Tzipi Hotovely RWF HW Img Israeli journalist, politician, orthodox
Kenny Hotz RW5 Img Canadian actor, producer, director, journalist, writer, television personality, atheist
Juan Huarte de San Juan Img Spanish physician, psychologist, (converso) christian
Kate Hudson RWF HW Img American actress, (Jewish maternal grandmother) buddhist
Ofer Hugi HW Img Israeli politician,  orthodox
Friedensreich Hundertwasser RWE HW Img Austrian archirect, painter, sculptor, (Jewish mother), catholic
Herbert Hupka Img Sri Lanka born German journalist, politician, MP 1969-87 (Jewish mother) christian
Bruno Hussar Img Egyptian-born priest, catholic
Edmund Husserl RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian German philosopher, phenomenology, lutheran
Safiyya bint Huyayy wife of Muhammad muslim
Walter Hyman RW5 Img German-born British mathematician, (Jewish anchesty) christian
Marcela Iacub Img Argentine-born French writer, jurist, atheist
Yaqub ibn Killis RWC Img Iraqi-born Egyptian vizier 979-91, muslim
Carl Icahn RWF Img American businessman, Icahn Partners, atheist
Enrique Iglesias RWF Img Spanish pop music singer/songwriter, (Jewish parernal grandmother), catholic
Julio Iglesias RWF HW Img Spanish-born singer, (Jewish mother), catholic
Ignotus Img Hungarian editor, writer, poet, catholic
Leo II Mung Vyzantine archbishop of Orhid, 1108-20, easternorthodox
Tova Ilan RWC HW Img Austrian-born Israeli politician, educator, orthodox
Ivan Illich RWF Img Austrian philosopher, social critic, (Jewish mother) catholic
Clara Immerwahr HW Img German chemist, protestant
Abram Ioffe RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian/Soviet physicist,    lutheran
Jim Irsay RWC Img American owner of Indinapolis Colts (Jewish father) catholic
Amy Irving RWF HW Img American actress, (Jewish father) christian
Abrahm Isaac Kook RW5 Img Latvian-born ashkenazi chief rabbi, 1921-35, orthodox
Jorge Isaacs RW5 Img Colombian writer, poet, politician, soldier, (Jewish father) christian
Sir Isaiah Berlin RWF HW Img Latvian-born British philosopher, historian of ideas, agnostic
Judas Iscariot RWF Img one of the twelve apostles, who betrayed Jesus  christian
Ivan Ivanovic Img Croatian-born industrialist, politician, MP 1908-18, MP 1921-41, catholic
Zeev Jabotinsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Revizionist Zionist leader, writer, journalist, orator, translator, atheist
Amnon Jackont Img Israeli thrillers' author, historian, literary editor,   atheist
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965), atheist
Max Jacob RWF Img French poet, painter, writer, critic, catholic
Maxime Jacob French composer, organist, catholic
Carl Jacobi RWF HW Img German mathematician, elliptic functons, protestant
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi RWF Img German philosopher,   protestant
Johann Georg Jacobi RWF Img German poet, protestant
Jolande Jacobi Img Hungarian-born Swiss psychologist, catholic
Simcha Jacobovici RW5 HW Img Canadian film director, producer, journalist, writer, orthodox
A.J. Jacobs Img American journalist, author, agnostic
Felix Jacoby RWF HW Img German classicist, philologist, protestant
Heinrich Jacoby German educator, christian
Susan Jacoby Img American journalist, writer, (Jewish father) atheist
Philipp Jaffe Img German historian, philologist, ND
Janet Jagan RWF HW Img American-born President of Guyana 1997-99 , atheist
Roman Jakobson RWF HW Img Russian-born American linquist, literary critic, eastern orthodox
Wojciech Jakubowski RWC Img Polish-born French Field Marshall, diplomat, poet, translator, catholic
Maryam Jameelah Img American author, muslim
Esther Janeckova Img Czech television actress, television/radio presenter, catholic
Lisa Jardine RWC Img British historian, atheist
Bruno Jasienski RWF Img Polish-born Russian author, poet, playwright, (Jewish father) atheist
Marcus Jastrow Img Polish-born American talmudic scholar, lexicographer, orthodox
Robert Jastrow RWB Img American astronomer, physicist, cosmologist, agnostic
Oszkar Jaszi RWC Img Hungarian social scientist, historian, politician, Minister of Nationalities 1918-19, protestant
Stephen Jay Gould RWF HW Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science, agnostic
Bernard Jean Bettelheim Img Slovak-born christian missionery, protestant
Georg Jellinek RWF Img German legal philosopher, christian
Victor Jerome Polish-born American writer, editor, communist, atheist
Wojciech Jerzy Has RWF Img Polish film director,  screenwriter, film producer, (Jewish father) agnostic
Leon Jessel RWF Img Polish-born German composer of operettas, christian
Jesus Christ RWF HW Img founder of Christianity christian
Antoni Jezioranski RWC Img Polish military commander, general, catholic
Ferdinand Joachimsthal RW5 Img German mathematician, christian
Alejandro Jodorowsky RW5 Img Chilean director, producer, composer, mime, atheist
Billy Joel RWF HW Img American composer, singer/songwriter, catholic, atheist
Adolph Joffe RWF Img Ukrainian-born Peoiple's Commissar for Foreign Affairs (karaite), karaite, atheist
Roland Joffe RWF Img British-born French film director, producer, agnostic
John of Capua Italian translator, christian
St. John of the Cross Img Spanish mystic, saint, friar, priest, catholic
John the Baptist RWF HW Img  1th century preacher, ascetic,  christian
John VII Palaiogolos Img Vyzantine Emperor christian
Paul Johnson American scholar, pastor, protestant
Sir Jonathan Miller RW5 Img British theater/opera director, television presenter, author, medical doctor, atheist
Micha Josef Berdiczewsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born writer, journalist, scholar, yotzimBaSheela
Sir Joseph Rotblat RWF HW Img Polish-born British physicist, Nobel Prize (1995) for Peace, agnostic
Jacob Josephsohn ND
Juan de Valladolid Spanish poet, (converso) catholic
Baroness Julia Neuberger Img British reform rabbi, reform
Ted Kaczynski Img American mathematician, social critic, anarchist, atheist
Menachem Kaddari HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli linguist, orthodox
Bruno Kafka RW5 Img Czech politician, christian
Franz Kafka RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian writer, agnostic, atheist
Elena Kagan HW Img American Supreme Court Justice 2011- conservative
Shelly Kagan Img American moral philosopher,  atheist
Lazar Kaganovich RWM HW Img Ukrainian-born Commissar for heavy industry, Deputy Prime Minister, major general, atheist
Kalman Kahana RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli politician, journalist, orthodox
Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane Img American-born Israeli rabbi,   orthodox
Meir Kahane RWC HW Img American-born Israeli politician, rabbi, orthodox
Herman Kahn RWF Img American nuclear physicist, military strategist, futurist, atheist
Zvulun Kalfa RWC HW Img Israeli politician,   orthodox
David Kalisch RWF Img German playwright, humorist, christian
Ita Kalish HW Img Polish-born Israeli writer,  yotzimBaSheela
Alexander Kalyagin RWF Img Soviet/Russian actor, director, (Jewish mother) atheist
Bekir Kalyoncu RWC Img Turkish army general, lieutenant general, donmeh,  muslim
Lev Kamenev RWF HW Img Soviet politician, member of Central Committee, (Jewish father) atheist
Frank Kameny RW5 Img American astronomer, LGBT rights activist, atheist
Krzystof Kamil Baczynski RW5 Img Polish poet, (Jewish mother) catholic
Wendy Kaminer Img American writer, lawyer, atheist
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psyhiatrist, neuroscientist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2000), orthodox
August Kanitz RWF Img Romanian-born Hungarian botanist, mycologist, historian of science, christian
Felix Kanitz RWF Img Austrian socialist, journalist, educator, catholic
Yoram Kaniuk RWF HW Img Israeli writer, painter, journalist, atheist
Gaetano Kanizsa RWB Img Italian psychologist, (Jewish father) christian
Myq Kaplan RWB Img American stand-up comedian, atheist
Moritz Kaposi RWF Img Hungarian-born Austrian dermatologist, catholic
David Karger RW5 Img American computer scientist, orthodox
Yitzhak Kariv RWC HW Img Russian-born Israeli mayor of Jerusalem 1952-55, orthodox
Sir Karl Popper RWF HW Img Austrian-born British philosopher of science, agnostic
Jerome Karle RWF HW Img American physical chemist, Nobel Prize (1985), atheist
Miriam Karlin RW5 Img British stage/film/television actress, atheist
Samuel Karlin RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, atheist
Boris Karloff RWF HW Img British actor, anglican
Maria Karnilova Img American stage/film actress, lutheran
Georg Karo Italian-born German classical archaeoloist, protestant
Jean-Rodolphe Kars Img Indian-born French pianist, catholic
Asa Kasher RW5 HW Img Israeli philosopher, linguist, yotzimBaSheela
Garry Kasparov RWF HW Img Russian World chess  champion 1885-2000, political activist, (Jewish father) agnostic
Ronnie Kasrils RWC HW Img South African minister for Intelligence Services 2004-08, atheist
Moshe Katsav RWF HW Img  8th President of Israel 2000-07  orthodox
Ya'akov Katz RWF HW Img Israeli politician,    orthodox
Ya'akov Katz RWC HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Israeli politician,    orthodox
Yisrael Katz RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Transportsation, yotzimBaSheela
Stuart Kauffman HW Img American biologist, biophysicist, atheist
Franz Kaufmann Img German jurist, holocaust victim, protestant
Oskar Kaufmann RWF Img Hungarian architect, christian
Bruno Franz Kaulbach Img Austrian lawyer, catholic
Moshe Kaveh RW5 HW Img Israeli president of Bar-Ilan University 1996-2013, orthodox
David Kazhdan RWF HW Img Russian-born Israeli American mathematician, algebra, haredi
Faye Kellerman Img American mystery writer,    orthodox
Jesse Kellerman RWF Img American novelist, playwright, orthodox
Jonathan Kellerman RWB HW Img American mystery writer, psychologist, orthodox
Max Kellerman RW5 Img American sports talk radio host, rapper, atheist
Hans Kelsen RWF Img Czech-born Austrian Swiss American jurist, legal philosopher, lutheran
Johan Kemper Polish kabalist, sabbatean, translator, lutheran
Leon Kengo Img Congolese politician, first state commisioner, Prime Minister of Zaire 1982-86 1988-90 (Jewish descent) catholic
Kera Tamara Bulgarian wife of Ottoman Sultan Murad I, 1370- , (Jewish mother) christian
Keratsa-Maria Img Byzantine Empress consort 1376-79, (Jewish mother) christian
Etgar Keret RWF HW Img Israeli writer, screenwriter, playwright, atheist
Jerome Kern RWF HW Img American musicals composer, songwriter:composer, atheist
Alfred Kerr RW5 Img German theater critic, essayist, atheist
John Kerry RWF Img Secretary of State 2013- Obama  (Jewish father) catholic
Richard Kerry Img American foreign service officer, diplomat, catholic
Lawrence Kestenbaum Img American creator 1996 of Political Graveyard, reform
John Key RW5 HW Img Prime Minister of New Zealand 2008-, (Jewish mother) agnostic
Ayya Khema Img German-born buddhist teacher, buddhist
Dov Khenin RWF HW Img Israeli politician,    atheist
Vladislav Khodasevich RWF Img Russian poet, literary critic, translator, (Jewish mother) catholic
Ephraim Kholmyansky Img Russian/Soviet dissident, orthodox
Jamie Kilstein HW Img American writer, stand-up comedian, radio host, (Jewish father) atheist
Larry King RW5 HW Img American broadcaster, host of Larry King Life, atheist
Eliezer Kirschbaum Ukrainian-born Austrian physician, writer, christian
Matt Kirshen RW5 Img British comedian,    atheist
Lincoln Kirstein RWF Img American arts patron, dance impresario, catholic
Israel Kirzner RWF Img British-born South African American economist, rabbi, orthodox
Egon Kisch RWF Img Czech-born Austrian writer, journalist, atheist
Tawny Kitaen RWF Img American film/television actress, media personality, (Jewish father) christian
Julian Klaczko RWF Img Polish/Lithuanian-born Polish politician, author, MP 1870-71, christian
Andrew Klavan Img American screenwriter, author,   protestant
Kate Kleefeld RWF Img wife of German Chancellor, Foreign Secretary 1923-29 , Nobel Peace Prize 1926 protestant
Chris Klein RWF HW Img American film/television actor, ??? christian
Ezra Klein RW5 Img American blogger, political writer, agnostic
Helle Klein RW5 Img Swedish journalist, political commentator, lutheran
Isaac Klein Img Hungarian-born American Conservative rabbi, scholar conservative
Jacob Klein HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli assyriologist, orthodox
Naomi Klein RWF HW Img Canadian journalist, author, activist, atheist
Victor Klemperer RWF HW Img Polish-born German philologist, literary theorist, protestant
Gustav Klemperer von Klemenau RW5 Img German babker, chairman of Drezdner Bank, protestant
Kevin Kline RWF HW Img American actor, (Jewish father) catholic
Halina Kobeckaite Img Lithuanian philosopher, jornalist, ambassador to Estonia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Finland, (karaite) karaite
Joseph Kobzon RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian crooner, agnostic
Erich Koch-Weser RWC Img German lawyer, politician, Vice Chansellor of Germany 1920) (Jewish mother) protestant
Boris Kodjoe RWF Img Austrian-born American actor, fashion model, (Jewish mother) methodist
Jacob Kogan RWF Img American film/television actor,     atheist
Theodor Kohn RWC Img Czech-born archepiscop, (Jewish descent) catholic
Adam Kokesh RWF Img American liberitarian, talk show host, activist, author, atheist
Aurel Kolnai Img Hungarian-born philosopher, political theorist,   catholic
Anna Komorowska RW5 Img Polish philologist, (Jewish mother), First Lady of Poland 2010- , catholic
Feliks Kon RWF Img Polish-born revolutionary, ethnograph, piblicist, Secretary of Central Committee of Ukraine 1921, atheist
Gyula Konig RWC Img Hungarian mathematician, christian 1889
Yefim Kopelyan RW5 Img Belarusian-born Russian/Soviet film/stage actor, atheist
Marcuise Alicia Koplowitz RW5 Img Spanish businesswoman, Omega Capital, (Jewish father) catholic
Marcuise Esther Koplowitz Img Spanish businesswoman, Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas  (Jewish father) catholic
Moshe Koppel Img American Istaeli computer scientist, talmudic scholar, orthodox
Brian Koppelman RWF Img American filmmaker, screenwriter, music executive, record producer, agnostic
Baron Sandor Koranyi Img Hungarian physiologist, physician, nephrologist, catholic
Baron Frigyes Koranyi, Jr RWC Img Hungarian politician, Minister of Finance 1919-20 1924 1931-32 (Jewish father) catholic
Baron Frigyes Koranyi, Sr Img Hungarian medicine scholar, catholic
Josef Korbel RW5 Img Czech ambassador to Yugoslavia, catholic
Janusz Korczak RWF HW Img Polish author, pediatrician, child pedagogue, agnostic
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1959) in medicine, orthodox
Jack Kornfield Img buddhist monk, buddhist
Kyle Kosier RW5 Img American football player, (Jewish mother) atheist
David Kossoff RW5 HW Img British stage/television actor, christian
Shneur Kotler Img American haredi rabbi, haredi
Moshe Koussevitzky RWE Img Belarusian-born cantor, singer,    orthodox
Serge Koussevitzky RWF HW Img Russian-born American conductor, composer, christian
Bruce Kovner RWF Img American founder chairman of Caxon Associates, LLC, agnostic
Mikhail Kozakov RWF Img Soviet/Russian Israeli director, film/stage actor, (Jewish father) agnostic
Baruch Kra HW Img Israeli journalist, legal affairs commentator, orthodox
Fritz Kraemer Img German-born American military advicer, educator, lutheran
Saveliy Kramarov RWF Img Russian American actor, comedian, orthodox
Michael Krasny RWB HW Img American editor, talk show host, agnostic
Karl Kraus RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian author, journalist, playwright, satirist, catholic
Lili Kraus RW5 Img Hungarian British pianist, catholic
Oskar Kraus Img Czech-born British  philosopher, jurist,    protestant
Sarit Kraus RWC HW Img Israeli computer scientist, orthodox
Lawrence Krauss RWF Img American-born Canadian theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, atheist
Lenny Kravitz RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, producer, guitarist, (Jewish father) christian
Zoe Kravitz RWF HW Img American actress, model, (Jewish paternal grandfather/maternal grandmother) atheist
Mark Krein RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet mathematician,  ND
Bruno Kreisky RWF HW Img Chancellor of Austria  1970-83 agnostic
Fritz Kreisler RWF HW Img Austrian-born American  violinist, composer, (Jewish father) christian
Yakov Kreizer RWF HW Img Field Army Commander, general of the Army, atheist
Aya Kremerman HW Img Israeli model, co-star of comedy show, haredi
Samuel Kress American founder 1896 of Samuel H.Kress & Co., ??? lutheran
Saul Kripke RWF HW Img American philosopher, logician, orthodox
Josef Krips RWF HW Img Austrian conductor, violinist, (Jewish father) catholic
Leslie Kritzer RW5 Img American stage actress, (Jewish father) catholic
Nachman Krochmal RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Austrian philosopher, theologian, historian, orthodox
Jonathan Krohn RW5 Img American journalist, writer, (Jewish mother) christian
Leopold Kronecker RWF HW Img German mathematician, christian
Baron Leopold Kronenberg RW5 Img Polish banker, railway tycoon, calvinist
Baron Leopold Kronenberg RW5 Img Polish banker, Bank of Commerce, bank Handlowy, Warshaw Kredit Union, catholic
Baron Leopold Julian Kronenberg RW5 Img Polish banker, Bank of Commerce, bank Handlowy, Warshaw Kredit Union, catholic
Stanislaw Kronenberg RW5 Img Polish financier, Bank of Commerce, calvinist
Stanislaw Leopold Kronenberg RW5 Polish banker, calvinist
Wladyslaw Edward Kronenberg calvinist
Richard Kroner Img Polish-born German philosopher, christian
Solomon Krym Img Crimean karaite politician, karaite
Stella Kubler Img German Nazi collobarator, christian
Stanley Kubrick RWF HW Img American film director, film producer, screenwriter, agnostic, atheist
Ronald Kuby RWB Img American civil defence lawyer, radio show talk host, atheist
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski RWF Img Peruvian prime minister 2005-06, President 2016- , (Jewish father) catholic
Lawrence Kudlow RWC HW Img American economic commentator, journalist,  catholic
James Kugel RWB HW Img Israeli hebraist, orthodox
Thomas Kuhn RWF Img American philosopher of science, historian, agnostic
Bela Kun RWF Img prime minister of Hungary 1919 (Jewish father) atheist
Paul Kurtz Img American philosopher, skeptic, secular humanist, atheist
Raymond Kurzweil RWF Img American engineer, inventor, Reading Machine, agnostic
Jared Kushner RWF Img American businessman, publisher of New York Observer, orthodox
Yechezkel Kutscher RW5 HW Img Slovak-born Israeli philologist, hebrew linguist, orthodox
Stephan Kuttner RWF Img German-born American law historian, research administrator,  catholic
Igor Kvasha RWF Img Russian stage/film actor, agnostic
Martin L.C. Feldman RW5 Img American district court judge, catholic
Shia LaBeouf RWF HW Img American actor, producer, (Jewish mother) christian
Rudolf Ladenburg RWF Img German-born American atomic physicist, atheist
Cathy Ladman RW5 Img American stand-up comedian, television writer, actress, atheist
Fiorello LaGuardia RWF HW Img New York mayor 1934-45, (Jewish mother) catholic
Baron Lajos Doczi Img Hungarian playwright, poet, journalist, translator, librettist, christian
Hedy Lamarr RWF HW Img Austrian-born American actress, inventor, spread spectrum radio technology, catholic
Gyula Lanczy Img Hungarian economic historian, politician, christian
Leo Lanczy RW5 Img Hungarian president, founder 1841 of Hungarian Commercial Bank christian
David Landau Img British-born Israeli journalist, newspaper editor, orthodox
Lev Landau RWF HW Img Azerbaijani-born Ukrainian Russian theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize (1962), atheist
Bernard Lander Img American president/founder of Touro College, orthodox
Eric Lander RWF HW Img American mathematician, biologist, Genome Project, reform
Aaron Landes RWC Img American military rabbi, Rear Admiral, conservative
John Landis RWF HW Img American director, actor, screenwriter, producer, atheist
Michael Landon RWF HW Img American actor, producer, director, (Jewish father) catholic
Michael Landon, Jr HW Img American actor, director, writer, producer, (Jewish paternal grandfather) christian
Wanda Landowska RWF HW Img Polish-born harpsicordist, ND
Paul Landsberg RWF Img German-born philosopher, catholic
Karl Landsteiner RWF HW Img Austrian-born American bacteriologist, immunologist, Nobel Prize (1930) in medicine, catholic
Fritz Lang RWF HW Img Austrian American director, (Jewish mother) catholic
Antoni Lange RWF  Img Polish poet, writer, philosopher, polyglot, reporter, translator, buddhist
Nicholas de Lange RW5 Img British historian, author, translator, reform
Nahum Langental HW Img Israeli politician, lawyer,   orthodox
Jaron Lanier RWC Img American computer scientist, virtual reality, buddhist
Isaac Lankershim Img German-born American landowner, christian
Thomas Lantos RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American representative, atheist
Yosef Lapid RWF HW Img Serbian-born Israeli television presenter, journalist, politician, atheist
Harold Laski RWF Img British economist, atheist
Marghanita Laski RW5 Img British journalist, novelist, atheist
Adolf Lasson RW5 Img German philosopher, christian
Georg Lasson RW5 Img German protestant theologian, protestant
Jakob Laub Austrian-born German physicist, catholic
Matt Lauer RWF Img American television journalist, news anchor, (Jewish father) atheist
Arthur Laurents RWC Img American playwright, novelist, screenwriter, libbretist, theater director, atheist
Aliza Lavie RWF HW Img Israeli politician, writer, television presenter, orthodox
Blackie Lawless RWF Img American lead singer/songwriter, guitarist, christian
Nigella Lawson RW5 Img British journalist, writer, television cook, atheist
Diego Laynez Img Spanish Jesuit priest, theologian, (father converso) Superior General of Society of Jesus catholic
Martin Leach-Cross Feldman Img American district judge, catholic
Norman Lear RWF Img American director, producer, screenwriter, atheist
Hermann Lebert Img German physician, pathologist, christian
Laura Lederer Img American anti-human trafficing activist, (Jewish father) christian
Leon Lederman RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (1988), atheist
Geddy Lee RW5 Img Canadian singer/songwriter, keyboardist, bassist, atheist
Ruta Lee Img Canadian actress, dancer, ??? atheist
Stan Lee RWF HW Img American comic book writer, producer, actor, agnostic
Kathie Lee Gifford RWF Img French-born American singer/songwriter, actress, television host, (Jewish paternal grandfather) christian
Jay Lefkowitz Img American Special Envoy for human rights in North Korea, orthodox
Joseph Leftwich RW5 Img British critic, translator, orthodox
Herbert Lehman RWF Img American Governor, Senator reform
Irving Lehman Img Chief Justice of the New York State Court of Appeals 1940-45 reform
Mayer Lehman RW5 Img German-born American co-founder of Lehman Brothers, reform
Karl Lehmann American art historian, lutheran
Tom Lehrer RW5 HW Img American singer/songwriter, pianist, satirist, mathematician, agnostic, atheist
Karl Lehrs Img German classical scholar, christian
Yehuda Leib Maimon RWF HW Img Moldovan-born Israeli politician,  orthodox
Nechama Leibowitz RW5 Img Latvian-born Israeli biblical scholar, commentator, orthodox
Yeshayahu Leibowitz RWF HW Img Latvian-born Israeli philosopher, scientist,    orthodox
Avraham Leizerson HW Img Israeli politician, rabbi,   haredi
Stanislaw Lem RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian author, futurist, philosopher, screenwriter, atheist
Vladimir Lenin RWF HW Img Head of Soviet State, (Jewish maternal grandfather) atheist
Tom Leopold RWB Img American comedy writer, comedian, television personality, television actor, catholic
Osip Lerner Russian intellectual, lawyer, easternorthodox
Wolf Leslau RWF HW Img Polish-born American semitologist, orthodox
Daniel Lessmann German historian, poet, christian
Richard Lester RWF HW Img American-born British film director, atheist
Sir Oliver Letwin RWF Img British politician, Minister of State for Government Policy, atheist
Ze'ev Lev RWC Img Austrian-born Israeli physicist,   orthodox
Avraham Levenbraun Img Romanian-born Israeli politician,   atheist
Grigory Levenfish RWE HW Img Polish-born Russian chess grandmaster, easternorthodox
Denise Levertov RWF Img British-born American poet, (Jewish father) catholic
Leone Levi RW5 Img Italian-born British statistician, jurist,    presbyterian
Primo Levi RWF HW Img Italian novelist, chemist, translator, atheist
Steve Levicoff Img American legal writer, educator, ND
Lev Leviev RWF HW Img Uzbek-born Israeli British owner of Africa-Israel Investments, haredi
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1986) in medicine, agnostic, atheist
Hanoch Levin RWF HW Img Israeli author, poet, playwritht, theater director, yotzimBaSheela
Shalom Levin HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli politician,   yotzimBaSheela
Yitzhak-Meir Levin RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, Minister of Welfare, haredi
Emmanuel Levinas RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born French philosopher, Talmudic commentator, orthodox
Adam Levine RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, (Jewish father/maternal grandmother), atheist
Amy-Jill Levine RW5 Img American biblical scholar, orthodox
Ken Levine RWC Img American video game designer, atheist
Frants Levinson-Lessing RWF Img Russian geologist, mineorogist,   ND
Claude Levi-Strauss RWF HW Img Belgian-born French anthropologist, philosopher, atheist
Amnon Levy HW Img Israeli journalist, television presenter, atheist
Benny Levy RW5 Img Egypt-born French philosopher, orthodox
Carl Edvard Marius Levy Img Danish medical scholar, christian
Daniel-Yitzhak Levy RWC Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Edmund Levy RWC HW Img Iraqi-born Israeli Supreme Court Justice,  orthodox
Jackie Levy RWC HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Paul Levy RW5 Img Belgian scholar, journalist, (Jewish descent) catholic
William Levy RW5 HW Img Cuban actor, model, (Jewish maternal grandfather) catholic
Yair Levy HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
Yitzhak Levy RWF HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, rabbi, Minister of Transportsation/Energy and Infrastructure/Religious Affairs orthodox
Waldemar Levy Cardoso RWC Img Brazilian Field Marshall, catholic
David Levy Yulee RWC Img American senator,1845-51 1855-61 christian
Jack Lew RWF HW Img Secretary of Treasury 2013- Obama orthodox
Fanny Lewald RW5 HW Img German author,    christian
Nathan Lewin RW5 Img Polish-born American Deputy Assistant Attorney General, orthodox
David Lewis Img American philosopher, agnostic, atheist
Jenny Lewis RWF Img American actress, singer, musician,  atheist
Joseph Lewis Img American non-fiction writer, atheist, atheist
Martin Lewis HW Img British journalist, television presenter, website creator, author, orthodox
Samuel Lewis Img Assistant Secretary of International Organisation Affairs 1975-77 anglican
Samuel Lewis Img American muslim pacifist, muslim, buddhist
Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier Img Polish-born British historian, anglican
Ludwig Lewisohn RW5 Img German-born American novelist, literary critic, translator, orthodox
Bernhard Lewkovitch Img Danish composer, catholic
Joe Lhota Img American politician, businessman, deputy mayor of New York, (Jewish maternal grandmother) christian
Liviu Librescu RWF Img Romanian-born Israeli American aerospace engineer, orthodox
Meir Lichtenstein Img American mayor of Lakewood Township, New Jersey haredi
David Lidington RWF Img Conservative MP 1992- Minister of State for Europe christian
Nancy Lieberman RW5 HW Img American basketball player, analyst, coach, christian
Saul Lieberman RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli scholar of Talmudic literature, orthodox
Steve Lieberman Img American punk rock singer, orthodox
Todd Lieberman RW5 Img American film/television producer, conservative
Francis Libermann Img French priest, missionary, catholic
Mikhail Lifshitz RWF Img Soviet literary critic, philosopher of art, atheist
Gyorgy Ligeti RWF HW Img Romanian-born Hungarian composer, atheist
Bela Linder RWC Img Hungarian Minister of Defense 1918 (Jewish father) catholic
Kate Linder RWF Img American actress, atheist
Frederic Lindstrom RWB Img American sociologist, demographer, agnostic
Alexander Lion Img German-born co-founder of German Scout Movement, catholic
Dov Lipman RWF HW Img American-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Lori Lipman Brown Img American politician, atheist
Daniel Lipsic RWC Img Slovak politician, Minister of Justice 2002-06, catholic
James Lipton RW5 HW Img American writer, poet, television writer, actor, atheist
Beni Liss HW Img Israeli journalist, reporter, orthodox
Ignatius Lissner Img French-born American catholic priest, missionery, (Jewish father) catholic
Yaakov Litzman RWF HW Img German-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Benedikt Livshits RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian poet, writer, translator, easternorthodox
Menachem Loberbaum Img Israeli scholar, academic, historian, orthodox
Henry Loeb RW5 Img American politician, mayor of Memphis, anglican
Solomon Loeb RW5 Img co-founder 1867 Kuhn, Loeb and Co. bank, reform
Adolf Loewe Polish architect, calvinist
Kazimierz Loewe Polish architect, engineer, builder, calvinist
Alfred Loewenstein RW5 Img Belgian financier, catholic
Antony Loewenstein RW5 Img Australian journalist, author, blogger, atheist
Meir-David Loewenstein HW Img Danish-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Rudolf Loewenstein Img German author, protestant
Prince Rupert Loewenstein RWF Img Spanish-born German aristocrat, financial advicer of Rolling Stones, (Jewish descent) christian
Baron Leon Loewnstein Polish entrepreneur, manufacturer, calvinist
Baron Seweryn Loewnstein Polish entrepreneur, manufacturer, calvinist
Raymond Loewy Img French-born American industrial designer, (Jewish father) catholic
Cesare Lombroso RWC HW Img Italian criminologist, pellagra, atheist
Lauren London RWC Img American film/television actress, model, (Jewish father) christian
Yaron London HW Img Israeli journalist, songwriter:lyricist, television personality, atheist
Sir Manasseh Lopes Img British politician, Conservative MP 1802-08 1812-29 christian
Sir Massey Lopes Img Conservative MP 1857-85  anglican
Sir Ralph Lopes Img Conservative MP 1814-19  1831-37 1841-47 1849-54 anglican
Rodrigo Lopez RWC HW Img Portuguese-born court physician of Queen Elizabeth I of England christian
Shlomo Lorincz RWC HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Joshua Lorki RW5 HW physician of pope Benedict XIII ND
Fernao de Loronha RWC Img Portuguese merchant, explorer, catholic
Julia Louis-Dreyfus RWF HW Img American actress, comedian, (Jewish paternal grandfather) protestant
Robert Louis-Dreyfus RW5 Img French CEO of Adidas-Salomon Company, (Jewish father) agnostic
Arthur Lourie RWF Img Belarusian-born American composer, catholic
Courtney Love RWF HW Img American lead singer, actress, (Jewish maternal grandmother) buddhist
Isaak Low Hofmann von Hofmannsthal RW5 Img Austrian businessman, catholic
Johann Lowenthal RW5 Img Hungarian chess player, catholic
Mina Loy Img British artist, poet, playwright, novelist, futurist, actress, (Jewish father) christian
Otto Lubarsch RWC Img German pathologist, protestant
Alexander Lubotzky RWC HW Img Israeli mathematician, orthodox
Matt Lucas RWC HW Img British comedian, screenwriter, actor, television presenter, atheist
Lorna Luft RWC Img American film/television/stage actress, singer, (Jewish father) anglican
Gyorgy Lukacs RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Austrian Russian philosopher, literary critic, lutheran
John Lukacs RW5 Img Hungarian-born American historian, (Jewish mother) christian
Sir Harry Luke HW Img High Commisioner of Palestine 1928, Gubernator of Fiji ND
Jonathan Lunine RWC Img American physicist, planetary scientist, catholic
Uri Lupolianski RWF HW Img Israeli-born mayor of Jerusalem 2003-08, haredi
Branko Lustig RWF HW Img Croatian-born American film director, producer, actor, atheist
Jean-Marie Lustiger RWF HW Img French cardinal, catholic
Boris Lutsky RWC Img Ukrainian-born German automobile engineer, inventor, christian
Rosa Luxembourg RWF HW Img Polish-born German communist leader, philosopher, economist, atheist
Natasha Lyonne RWF HW Img American film/television actress, orthodox
Dora Maar RWF HW Img French photographer, painter, poet, lover of Pablo Picasso, (Jewish father) catholic
Norm Macdonald RW5 HW Img Canadian comedian, author, writer, producer, actor, television anchor, (Jewish maternal grandfather) christian
David Macht Img Russian-born American pharmacolgist, orthodox
Rachel Maddow RWF HW Img American television host, political commentator, author, (Jewish paternal grandmother) catholic
Nicolas Maduro RWC Img president of Venezuela 2013, (Jewish father) catholic
Mary Magdalene Img follower of Jesus Christus christian
Eduard Magnus RW5 Img German painter, ND
Heinrich Magnus RWF Img German chemist, physicist,    christian
Ludwig Magnus RW5 Img German mathematician, christian
Philip Magnus RW5 Img British educational reformer, politician, reform
Bill Maher RWF HW Img American producer, comedian, writer, actor, (Jewish mother) agnostic
Gustav Mahler RWF HW Img Austrian/Czech-born Austrian composer,conductor, catholic, agnostic
Naser Makarem Shirazi RWC Img Iranian ayatollah, (Jewish descent), muslim
Andrey Makarevich RWF HW Img Russian Belarusian singer, composer, poet, writer, producer, (Jewish mother) christian
Sari Makeover-Belikov HW Img Israeli journalist, yotzimBaSheela
Uri Maklev RWF HW Img Israeli politician, rabbi, haredi
Bernard Malamud RWF Img American writer, agnostic
Rodion Malinovsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian Minister for Defense, Marshall of the Soviet Union, (karaite father) karaite
Yaakov Malkin Img Israeli educator, writer, literary critic,  atheist
Rahamim Malul RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, mayor of Rehovot, haredi
David Mamet RWF HW Img American playwright, screenwriter, director, producer, poet, novelist, orthodox
Ernest Mandel RW5 HW Img German-born Belgian marxist economist, atheist
Avichay Mandelblit RWC Img Israeli Attorney General 2016- , major general, orthodox
Osip Mandelstam RWF HW Img Polish-born Russian poet, novelist, translator, critic, protestant
Barry Manilow RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, arranger, producer, conductor, actor, (not Jewish paternal grandfather) atheist
Daniele Manin RWF Img President of Venetian republic (1848) (Jewish father) protestant
Katharina Pringsheim RW5 Img German-born wife of Thomas Mann, lutheran
Fritz Mannheimer RW5 Img German banker, art collector, atheist
Baruch Maoz Israeli author, christian
Josie Maran RWC Img American model, actress, (Jewish father) agnostic
Gabriel Marcel RWF Img French philosopher, playwright, music critic, (Jewish mother), catholic
Louis Marcoussis RWF Img Polish French painter, engraver, catholic
Herbert Marcuse RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American philosopher, sociologist, political scientist, atheist
Aaron Margalita Polish rabbi, protestant
Anton Margaritha RWF German hebraist, protestant
Ya'akov Margi RWF HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, Minister of Religious Services 2009-, haredi
Faranak Margolese RWB Img British-born American Israeli writer, orthodox
David Margoliouth RWC Img British orientalist, translator, christian
Moses Margoliouth Polish-born British priest, anglican
Anna Maria Goldsmid RW5 Img British translator, philanthropist, orthodox
Raissa Maritain RWC Img Ukrainian-born French philosopher, poet, catholic
Bob Marley RWF HW Img Jamaican singer/sonqwriter, guitarist, (Jewish paternal grandmother) christian
Marc Maron RW5 Img American comedian, radio host, actor, director, producer, atheist
Geza Maroti RW5 Img Hungarian architect, sculptor, painter, catholic
Jason Marquis RW5 Img American basketball pitcher, conservative
Louis Marshall RW5 HW Img American corporate/constitutional lawyer, public figure, reform
Mary of Jesus of Agreda Img Spanish Fraciscan abbess, (converso) catholic
Adolf Bernhard Marx RWF Img German composer, musical theorist, critic, atheist
Heinrich Marx RWF German lawyer, father of Karl Marx, protestant
Karl Marx RWF HW Img German-born philosopher, political economist, historian, sociologist, atheist
Patricia Marx Ellsberg Img American activist, anti-nuclear weapons, buddhist
Baruch Marzel RWC Img American-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Moshe Marzouk RW5 Img Israeli spy against Egypt,  karaite
Abraham Maslow RWF HW Img American psychologist, humanistic psychology, atheist
Fritzi Massary RWF Img Austrian operetta singer, actress, protestant
Chiara Mastroianni RWF Img French-born Italian actress, (Jewish paternal grandmother) catholic
Savas Matsas RWC Img Greek philosopher, politician, writer, atheist
Jehoshua Matza RWC HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Health,    orthodox
Boaz Mauda RWF HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter, orthodox
Moshe Maya HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Milton Mayer RW5 Img American journalist,    reform
Paul Mayer Img German-born American peace activist, catholic
Isaac Mayer Wise RW5 HW Img Czech-born American president of Hebrew Union College 1875- , reform
Samuel Maykapar RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian composer, pianist, music critic, (karaite) karaite
Eliyahu Mazor HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Paul Mazursky RWF HW Img American actor, film director, screenwriter, atheist
Menachem Mazuz RW5 HW Img Tunisian-born Israeli jurist, Attorney General 2004-10 yotzimBaSheela
John McCarthy RWF HW Img American computer scientist, Inventor of "Lisp", artificial intelligence (Jewish mother) atheist
Stella McCartney RWF HW Img British fashion designer, (Jewish mother) catholic
Frank Mccourt Img American businessman, McCourt Group, catholic
Claudia McNeil Img American actress, catholic
Anne Meara RWF Img American actress, comedian, (convert to Judaism) orthodox, reform
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1908), (Jewish mother) atheist
Vladimir Medem RWF HW Img Latvian-born Russian politician, easternorthodox
Michael Medved RW5 Img American radio talk show host, film critic, author, orthodox
Moritz Meier German classical scholar, ND
Elchanan Meir HW Img Israeli psychologist, orthodox
Golda Meir RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli 4th Prime Minister 1969-74 atheist
Yehuda Meir Abramowicz HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Israel Meir Lau RWE HW Img Polish-born Israeli Ashkenazi Chieff Rabbi 1993-2003, orthodox
Mordecai Meisel RW5 Img Czech philantropist & community leader 1528-1601
Lise Meitner RWF HW Img Austrian German Swedish physicist, co-discoverer of nuclear fission, lutheran
Avraham Melamed HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Martin Melcher RWB Img American film producer, christian
Michael Melchior RWC HW Img Danish-born Israeli politician, Minister of Social & Diaspara Affairs, orthodox
Alexander Men RWF Img Russian philospher, christian priest, (Jewish father) easternorthodox
Alexander Menaker RWF Img Russian/Soviet comedian, actor, atheist
Jean de Menasce Img French catholic priest, iranologist, catholic
Yosef Mendelevitch RWE Img Latvian-born Russian/Soviet refusenik, orthodox
Henriette Mendelssohn RWC German pedagogue, catholic
Moses Mendelssohn RWF HW Img German philosopher, translator, orthodox
Abraham Mendelssohn Bartholdy HW Img German banker, lutheran
Rebecka Mendelssohn Bartholdy Img younger sister of Felix/Fanny Mendelssohn protestant
Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel RWF HW Img German pianist, composer, singer, lutheran
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy RWF HW Img German romantic composer, conductor, songwriter, lutheran
Pierre Mendes France RWF HW Img prime minister of France 1954-55 atheist
Mike Mendoza RW5 Img British radio presenter, atheist
Maya Menglet RWF Img Russian actress, (Jewish father) atheist
Anton Raphael Mengs RWF Img Czech-born German painter, catholic
Solomon Menken American attorney, founder of National Security Leage, christian
Efrim Menuck RW5 Img Canadian musician, atheist
Moshe Menuhin Img Belarusian-born American anti-zionist, orthodox
Juliano Mer-Khamis RWF Img Israeli-born Israeli/Palestinian actor, director, filmmaker, (Jewish mother) easternorthodox
Hermann Merkin RW5 Img German-born American businessman, philanthropist, orthodox
Ivan Merz RW5 Img Croatian catholic activist, (Jewish mother) catholic
Dennis Merzel Img American Zen buddhist teacher, buddhist
John Meshullam Israeli settler, anglican
Alfred Messel RWF Img German architect, protestant
Arthur Meyer RWF Img French journalist, catholic
Frank Meyer Img American political philosopher, magazine editor, catholic
Giacomo Meyerbeer RWF HW Img German opera composer, ND
Vsevolod Meyerhold RWF HW Img Russian-born Soviet theater director, actor, pedagogue, (Jewish father) easternorthodox
Sami Michael HW Img Iraqi-born Israeli author, atheist
Avraham Michaeli RWF HW Img Georgian-born Israeli politician, haredi
Lea Michele RWF HW Img American stage/television actress, singer, (Jewish father) catholic
Albert Michelson RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1907), optical precision instruments agnostic
Joseph Mielziner Img French-born American scenic/lighting designer, (Jewish father) catholic
Moses Mielziner Img Polish-born American reform rabbi, author, reform
Fat Mike RWF Img American singer/songwriter, bassist, atheist
David Miliband RWF HW Img Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs 2007-10 atheist
Ed Miliband RWF HW Img British Chairman of Treasury's Council of Economic Advisers atheist
Ralph Miliband RW5 Img Belgian-born British political theorist, atheist
Arthur Miller RWF HW Img American playwright, essayist, agnostic
Benzion Miller Img German-born American cantor,   orthodox
Hilary Minc RWF Img Polish politician, Vice-Premier for Economic Affairs, atheist
Hermann Minkowski RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born German mathematical physicist, ND
Oskar Minkowski RWC Img Lithuanian-born German scientist, diabetes insulin? christan
Ludwig Minkus RWF Img Austrian composer, violinist, conductor, ballet music,    catholic
Marvin Minsky RWF HW Img American cognetive scientist, artificial intelligence, neural nets, atheist
Nikolai Minsky RWF Img Belarusian-born poet, writer, ND
Binyamin Mintz RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, Minister of Postal Services, orthodox
Dame Miriam Rothschild RWF Img British entomologist, zoologist, atheist
Maria Mironova RWF Img Russian/Soviet actress, (Jewish paternal grandfather) agnostic
Aharon Mirski HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli literary critic, orthodox
Ludwig von Mises RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian economist, philosopher, agnostic
Richard von Mises RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian American mathematician, catholic
Zelda Mishkovsky (Zelda) RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli poet,  orthodox
Tsvi Misinai Img Israeli anthropologist, historian,  computer scientist,  atheist
Flavius Mithridates Italian translator, scholar, catholic
Samuel Mitja Rapoport RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American physician, biochemist, atheist
Eliezer Mizrahi RWC HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Ya'akov Mizrahi RWC HW Img Yemenite-born Israeli politician, haredi
Frederick Mocatta RW5 Img British businessman, Mocatta & Goldsmid, orthodox
Mendel Mocher yotzimBaSheela
Mendele Mocher Sforim RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Yiddish novelist, playwright, atheist
Lisette Model RWF Img Austrian-born American photographer, (Jewish father), catholic
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy RW5 HW Img Hungarian painter, photographer, calvinist
Bettina Moissi Img German stage/film actress, catholic
Anna Molka Ahmed RW5 Img British-born Pakistani artist, muslim
Albert Moll RWB Img German psychiatrist, sexologist, ND
Chava Mond RW5 HW Img Israeli-born British model,   orthodox
Judah Monis RW5 Img Italian-born author of the first Hebrew language textbook published in North America protestant
Marilyn Monroe RWF HW Img American actress, singer, model, (convert to Judaism) christian
Michel de Montaigne RWF HW Img French father of the essay, philosopher, (Jewish mother) catholic
Lily Montagu Img British rabbi, reform
Elijah Montalto RW5 HW French private physician to Queen Marie de Medici, Duke Frederick christian
Hugh Montefiore RW5 Img British Bishop of Birmingham 1977-87, anglican
Lydia Montefiore aunt if Sir Moses Montefiore ND
Diego de Montemayor RWC Img Spanish-born second governor of Nuevo Leon 1588-1610, founder of Monterrey, (converso descent) christian
Mandy Moore RWF HW Img American actress, singer, fashion designer, (Jewish maternal grandfather) catholic
Erin Moran RWF Img American child/film/television actress, ??? catholic
Alberto Moravia RWF HW Img Italian author, (Jewish father) catholic
Rita Moreno RWF HW Img Puetro Rico-born singer, dancer, actress, (Jewish descent ???) catholic
Robin Morgan RW5 Img American child actress, activist, radical feminist, atheist
Henry Morgentaler RW5 Img Polish-born Canadian physician, abortion activist, atheist
Matt Morginsky RWB Img American lead vocalist, composer, songwriter, (Jewish father)  christian
Baron Moric Kornfeld Img Hungarian industrialist, politician, catholic
Paulus Moritz German catholic cleric,  catholic
Baron Moritz Wodianer Hungarian co-founder of Hungarian Commercial Bank,   catholic
Andrzej Morozowski RW5 Img Polish journalist, television personality, writer, atheist
Dick Morris RW5 Img American political author, newspaper columnist, commentator, catholic
Edgardo Mortara RW5 Img Italian catholic priest, catholic
Robert Mosbacher, Sr RWF HW Img Secretary of Commerce 1989-92 George Bush protestant
Ignaz Moscheles RWF HW Img Czech composer, piano virtuozo, conductor, christian
Hannah Moscovitch RW5 Img Canadian playwright, (Jewish father) atheist
Eliezer Moses RWF HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
Rick Moses Img American film actor, singer/songwriter, guitarist, (convert to Judaism) orthodox
Robert Moses RW5 HW Img American urban planner, christian
Yehuda Moses HW Img atheist
Sir Moses Montefiore RWF HW Img Italian-born British financier, philantropist, orthodox
Henry Moskowitz American real estate investor, orthodox
Irving Moskowitz HW Img American physician businessman, philanthropist, orthodox
Leila Mourad RWF HW Img Egyptian singer, actress, muslim
Mounir Mourad RW5 HW Img Egyptian singer, artist, composer, muslim
Shuli Mualem RWC HW Img Israeli politician,  MP 2013-14, 2015- orthodox
Hatice Muazzez Sultan RWF Img Polish-born spouce of Ottoman Sultan Ibrahim, mother of Sultan Ahmed II, muslim
Jochanan Muffs American biblical scholar, conservative
Otto Mugdan Img German politician, pediatrician, MP 1912-20, protestant
Michael Mukasey RWF HW Img American lawyer, Attorney General of the United States, 2007-09, orthodox
Alexander Muller RWF HW Img Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize (1987), (Jewish mother) protestant
Alfred Muller Croatian entrepreneur, catholic
Hermann Muller RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1946), (Jewish mother) atheist
Leo Muller Img Croatian industialist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, catholic
Stephen Muss RW5 Img American president of Alexander Muss & Sons, Beach Hotels, conservative
Dave Mustaine RWF Img American guitarist, singer/songwriter, (Jewish mother) christian
Sir Sidney Myer RW5 Img Belarusian-born Australian founder of Coles Myer, anglican
Sir Gerald Nabarro Img Conservative MP 1950-64 1966-73 anglican
Hayyim Nachman Bialik RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli poet, playwright, translator, atheist, yotzimBaSheela
Reggie Nadelson RW5 Img American novelist,   atheist
Semyon Nadson RWE Img Russian poet, (Jewish paternal grandfather) christian
Ernest Nagel RWF Img Slovak-born American philosopher of science, atheist
Meshulam Nahari RWF HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
David Nalin RWB Img American physiologist, agnostic
Sir Lewis Namier RWF Img Polish-born British historian, anglican
Lea Nass RWF HW Img Israeli politician,   orthodox
Mark Natanson RWF Img Lithuanian-born founder of Land and Liberty, easternorthodox
Ernesto Nathan RW5 HW Img British-born Italian mayor of Rome, 1907-13, atheist
Bernard Nathanson RWC Img American medical doctor, yotzimBaSheela
Dan Naveh RWC HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Health,    yotzimBaSheela
Ruthi Navon RWC HW Img Israeli singer, actress,  orthodox
Angela Nazarian conservative
David Nazarian conservative
Sharon Nazarian conservative
Younes Nazarian conservative
August Neander RWC Img German theologian, church historian,    protestant
Yaakov Neeman RWF HW Img Israeli lawyer, Justice Minister 1996 2009-13, Minister of Finance 1997-98, orthodox
Yuval Ne'eman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, politician, atheist
Pola Negri RWF HW Img Polish actress, (Jewish descent) catholic
Benjamin Nehemiah Solomon Polish-born British translator, christian
Andre Neher RWF HW Img French scholar, philosopher, orthodox
Alexander Neibaur Img American dentist, mormon
Irene Nemirovsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born French novelist, biographer, catholic
Marty Nemko Img American career coach, author, columnist, atheist
Boris Nemtsov RWF HW Img Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, (Jewish mother) eastern orthodox
Moshe-Zvi Neria RW5 HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, educator, founder/head of Bnei Akiva movement, orthodox
Benjamin Netanyahu RWF HW Img Israeli prime minister of Israel 1996-99 2009- atheist
Franz Neumann RWF Img Polish/German-born German American political scientist,  atheist
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science, catholic, agnostic
Karl Neumann RWC Img German historian, orientalist, translator, protestant
Michael Neumann RW5 Img Canadian philosopher, atheist
Lob Nevakhovich RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian writer, educator, translator, lutheran
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein HW Img American novelist, philosopher, atheist
Michael Newdow Img American attorney, emergency medicine physician, atheist
Randy Newman RWF HW Img American film composer, singer/songwriter, atheist
Olivia Newton-John RWF Img British born Australian actress, singer, (Jewish mother) christian
Richard Nibley Img American violinist, composer, educator, (Jewish descent) christian
Oscar Niemeyer RWF HW Img Brazilian architect, atheist
Roy Nikisch RWC Img Argentine Governor of Chaco 2003- , catholic
Shlomo Nitzan HW Img Israeli actor, broadcaster, entertainer, yotzimBaSheela
David Noble RW5 Img Canadian historian of technology, atheist
Max Nordau RWF HW Img Hungarian-born co founder of World Zionist Organisation, agnostic
Eduard Norden RWF HW Img German linguist, hisorian of religion, protestant
Matthew Norman Img atheist
Fernao de Noronho Portuguese explorer, catholic
Sir Gustav Nossal RWF Img Austrian-born Australian biologist, (Jewish father) christian
Michel Nostradamus RWF Img French physician, astrologer, seer of the Future, catholic
Nicolas Notovich Img Russian aristocrat, spy, journalist, eastern orthodox
Robert Novak RW5 Img American journalist, television commentator, catholic
Seva Novgorodsev RW5 Img Russian-born British radio presenter,    easternorthodox
Jim Novy Img Polish-born American businessman, entrepreneur, philanthropist, orthodox
Robert Nozick RWF HW Img American political philosopher, libertarianism, agnostic
Sherwin Nuland Img American surgeon, writer, agnostic
Pedro Nunes RWF HW Img Portuguese mathematician, cartographer, catholic
Mordechai Nurock RWF HW Img Latvian-born Israeli politician, Minister of Postal Services, orthodox
Lev Nussimbaum RWF Img Ukrainian-born writer, journalist, orientalist, muslim
Bill Nye RWF Img American comedian, television host, science educator, engineer, agnostic
Adolph Ochs RW5 HW Img American pulisher, reform
Cardinal archbishop John Joseph O'Connor RWC Img American archbishop of New York, (Jewish mother) catholic
John Oderfeld Polish mathematician, lutheran
John Oesterreicher Austrian/Czech-born American Catholic priest, catholic
Paul Oestreicher Img British CEO of British section of Amnesty International, (Jewish father) quaker
Paul of Burgos Img Spanish archbishop, lord chancellor, (converso) catholic
Jacques Offenbach RWF HW Img German-born French composer, cellist, catholic
Teodor Oizerman RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian philosopher,   atheist
George Olah RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American chemist, Nobel Prize (1994), agnostic, atheist
Marvin Olasky RWB Img American journalist, madazine editor, political writer, protestant
Edward Olmos RWF Img American actor, (Jewish paternal grandparent) catholic
Albert Oppenheim German son of Salomon Oppenheim, Jr, catholic
Eduard Oppenheim German banker, protestant
Sir Ernest Oppenheimer RWC Img South African Anglo-American Corporation, De Beers Consolidated Mine anglican
Frank Oppenheimer RWF Img American physicist, atheist
Harry Oppenheimer RW5 Img South African-born Anglo-American Corporation, De Beers Consolidated Mine, MP 1948-57, anglican
Nicky Oppenheimer RWC Img South African-born Anglo-American Corporation, De Beers Consolidated Mine (Jewish father) anglican
Robert Oppenheimer RWF HW Img American physicist, administrator, atomic bomb, agnostic, atheist
Jerry Orbach RWF HW Img American actor, (Jewish father) catholic
Uri Orbach RWF HW Img Israeli politician, columnist, orthodox
Zevulun Orlev RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Leader of Mafdal - National Religious Party orthodox
Uzzi Ornan RW5 HW Img Israeli linguist, social activist,    atheist
Yitzhak Orpaz-Auerbach RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli writer,   atheist
Garcia de Orta RWF Img Portuguese-born Indian botanist, pharmacologist, physician, (converso) christian
Eli Ostreicher RW5 Img British-born American entrepreneur, orthodox
Jacob Ostreicher RW5 Img American entrepreneur, flooring contractor, orthodox
Elinor Ostrom RWF HW Img American political scientist, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences (2009), (Jewish father) protestant
Abraham Ostrzega HW Img Polish sculptor, orthodox
Sir Otto Jaffe RW5 Img Irish Belfast Lord Mayor 1899-1900 1904-05, orthodox
Sir Otto Kahn-Freund RW5 Img German-born British lawyer, agnostic
Amos Oz RWF HW Img Israeli writer, journalist, intellectual, atheist
Frederic Ozanam Img Italian-born French literary critic, historian, christian
Jacques Ozanam RWC Img French mathematician,  catholic
Toni Packer Img German-born American buddhist writer, buddhist
Pearl Padamsee RW5 Img Indian stage actress, director, producer, (Jewish mother) christian
David Pakman RW5 Img Argentine-born American journalist, radio personality, agnostic
Sir Francis Palgrave RWF Img British historian, critic, poet, anglican
Mark Paredes American mormon missionary, mormon
Sophia Parnok RWF Img Russian poet, translator, easternorthodox
Louella Parsons RW5 HW Img American gossip columnist, screenwriter, catholic
Julia Pascal RW5 Img British playwright, theater director, atheist
Dave Pasch HW Img American sportscaster, christian
Emin Pasha RWC HW Img German-born Egyptian province governor, muslim
Midhat Pasha RWC Img Grand Vizier of Ottoman Empire 1872 1876-77, (Donmeh ???) muslim
Laszlo Paskai Img Hungarian cardinal, archbishop of Estzergom 1987-2002 catholic
Agata Passent RW5 Img Polish journalist, writer, (Jewish father) atheist
Daniel Passent RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Polish journalist, atheist
Boris Pasternak RWF HW Img Russian poet, writer, translator, Nobel Prize (1958) eastern orthodox
Mandy Patinkin RWF HW Img American actor, singer, tenor, buddhist
Anna Pauker RWC HW Img Minister of Foreign Affairs Deputy Premier atheist
Apostole Paul Img Christian missionary, ND
Sean Paul Img Jamaican reggae, hip hop singer, (Jewish paternal great-grandfather) catholic
MC Paul Barman RWB HW Img American rapper, atheist
David Paul Drach Italian librarian, catholic
C.W.H. Pauli German hebraist, anglican
Wolfgang Pauli RWF Img Austrian-born American Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize (1945), (not Jewish maternal grandmother)
Corey Pavin RW5 Img American professional golfer, christian
Pawel Pawlikowski RWF Img Polish-born British film/television director, (Jewish paternal grandmother) christian
Peaches RWF Img Canadian electrothrash artist, singer/songwriter, record producer,    atheist
Judea Pearl RWF HW Img Israeli-born American scientist, philosopher, artifical intelligence, atheist
Phyllis Pearsall RW5 Img British painter, writer, cartographer, (Jewish father) catholic
Kira Peikoff RW5 Img American novelist, journalist, atheist
Leonard Peikoff RW5 Img American philosopher, writer, atheist
Tadeusz Peiper RWF Img Polish poet, art critic, literary scholar, catholic
Chris Penn RWF HW Img American actor, (Jewish father) catholic
Leo Penn RWF Img American director, actor, atheist
Sean Penn RWF HW Img American actor, director, screenwriter, (Jewish father) catholic
Sean Penn RWF HW Img American actor, director, screenwriter, (Jewish father) agnostic
Calel Perechodnik Img Polish writer, resistance fighter, atheist
Baron Heinrich von Pereira Austrian banker, catholic
Baroness Henriette von Pereira-Arnstein Img Austrian pianist, salon holder, catholic
Ronald Perelman RW5 Img American businessman, orthodox
Shimon Peres RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born prime minister of Israel  1986-88 1995-96, Nobel Prize (1994) atheist
Yair Peretz RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, haredi
Yitzhak Peretz RWF HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, haredi
Ossip Pergament Russian politician, easternorthodox
Gisella Perl RW5 Img Romanian-born Hungarian gynecologist, orthodox
Ed Perlmutter RW5 Img American representative, 2007- , (Jewish father) christian
Saul Perlmutter RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, Nobel Prize (2011), agnostic, atheist
Sam Perrin Img American screenwriter, atheist
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, Nobel Prize (1962), atheist
Zinovy Peshkov RWC Img Russian-born French general, diplomat, easternorthodox
Baron Peter Haden-Guest RW5 British diplomat, dancer, choreographer, atheist
Esther Petrack Img Israeli-born American fashion model, orthodox
Johannes Pfefferkorn Img German theologian, non-fiction writer, catholic
Friedrich Adolf Philippi Img German theologian, lutheran
Anton Philips RW5 Img Dutch co-founder 1891/CEO 1922-39 of Royal Philips Electronics N. V. (Jewish father) atheist
Frits Philips Img Dutch fourth chairman of Dutch corporation Philips, (Jewish paternal grandfather) atheist
Gerard Philips RWC Img Dutch co-founder 1891/CEO 1922-39 of Royal Philips Electronics N. V. (Jewish father) atheist
Howard Phillips Img American politician, christian
Joaquin Phoenix RWF HW Img Puetro Rican-born American actor, (Jewish mother) atheist
Julia Phillips RWF Img American producer, author, atheist
Gino Piccio Img Italian priest, activist, catholic
Chris Pine RWF HW Img American actor, (Jewish maternal grandfather) agnostic
Rafael Pinhasi RWC HW Img Afganistanian-born Israeli politician,  Minister of Communications 1990-92, haredi
David-Zvi Pinkas RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli politician, Minister of Transportsation, orthodox
Steven Pinker RWF HW Img Canadian American cognitive evolutionary psychologist, linguist, atheist
Jada Pinkett Smith RWF Img American actress, producer, director, singer/songwriter, (Jewish descent) christian
Drew Pinsky HW Img American radio talk show, writer, internist, atheist
Harold Pinter RWF HW Img British American playwright, theater director, actor, Nobel Prize (2005) atheist
Shai Piron RWF HW Img Israeli politician, educator, Minister of Education 2013- , orthodox
Jeremy Piven RWC HW Img American actor, buddhist
Valerie Plame Img American CIA operation officer, (Jewish paternal grandfather) agnostic
Ronald Plasterk RWC Img Dutch politician, Minister of Interior 2012- ,
Gunther Plaut RW5 Img German-born president of Canadian Jewish Congress reform
Carel Polak RWC Img Dutch jurist, politician, senator, Minister of Justice of Netherlands 1967-71, atheist
Roman Polanski RWF HW Img Polish/French director, screenwriter, producer, actor, (Jewish father; half Jewish mother) catholic
Roman Polanski RWF HW Img Polish/French director, screenwriter, producer, actor, (Jewish father; half Jewish mother) atheist
Michael Polanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British chemist, philosopher, polymath, catholic
Jared Polis RWF Img American representative, 2009- , reform
Yehoshua Pollack HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Jonathan Pollard RWE HW Img American spy for Israel against USA, orthodox
Friedrich Pollock RWF Img German social scientist, philosopher, atheist
Geza Polonyi RWC Img Hungarian politician, Minister of Justice 1906-07, MP, christian
Pinchas Polonsky Img Russian-born Israeli religious philosopher, orthodox
Vladimir Polonsky RWF Img Russian-born revolutionery, first secretary of Azerbajan communist party, atheist
George Polya RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, combinatorics, agnostic
James Poniewozik Img American journalist, literary critic, (Jewish mother) atheist
Hanan Porat RWF HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Meir Porush RWF HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Menachem Porush RWF HW Img Israeli politician, rabbi, journalist, haredi
Bill Posey Img American politician, representative 2013- , (Jewish mother) methodist
Ernst Posner RWF Img German-born American archivist, historian, president of Society of American Archivists, 1955-56, christian
Vladimir Posner RWF Img French-born Russian journalist, (Jewish father) atheist
Felix Pratensis Italian biblical scholar, catholic
Jenna Presley RWF Img American pornogaphic actress, christian
Katharina Pringsheim RW5 HW Img German-born wife of Thomas Mann, lutheran
Freddie Prinze RWF Img American actor, comedian, (Jewish father) catholic
Freddie Prinze, Jr RWF Img American film/television actor, (Jewish paternal grandfather) catholic
Linda Pritzker RW5 Img American billionaire, buddhist
Scott Probasco, Jr Img American businessman, philanthropist, heir, (spanish Jewish descent) christian
Scott Probasco, Sr American founder of SunTrust Banks, (spanish Jewish descent) presbyterian
David Prouffe Img American political strategist, Obama, anglican
Marcel Proust RWF HW Img French writer, (Jewish mother) catholic
W.H. Pugmire Img American horror writer, missionery, (Jewish mother) mormon
Hernando del Pulgar RWC Spanish writer, (converso) catholic
Laisenua Qarase Img Fijan politician, Prime Minister of Fiji 2000-06, (Jewish descent), christian
Jacob Querido Egytian-born successor of Sabbatai Zevi, muslim
Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari RW5 Medivieal physician, scholar, psychologist, muslim
Ernst Rabel Img Austrian-born American legal scholar, catholic
Yitzhak Rabin RWF HW Img prime minister of Israel 1974-77 1992-95, Nobel Prize for Piece, atheist
Abraham Rabinovitch Img Moldovan-born Australian property developer, orthodox
Dina Rabinovitch RW5 HW Img British journalist, writer, orthodox
Ilan Rabinovitch HW Img Israeli psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, yotzimBaSheela
Jacob Rabinowitz Img Russian-born American Israeli legal scholar, orthodox
Emanuel Rackman HW Img American-born president 1977-85 of Bar-Ilan University, orthodox
Daniel Radcliffe HW Img British actor, (Jewish mother) atheist
Alvin Radkowsky RWB HW Img American-born Israeli American nuclear engineer, orthodox
Miklos Radnoti RW5 HW Img Hungarian poet, catholic
Henrique Radonski RWC Img Venezuelan politician, Governor of Miranda 2008-12, (Jewish mother) catholic
Charlotte Rae RW5 Img American sctreen/television/stage actress, singer,  dancer, atheist
Robert Rae RWC Img Prime Minister of Ontario 1990-95 (Jewish patrenal grandfather) christian
Saul Rae RW5 Img Canadian Ambassador to United Nations 1972-76, (Jewish father) christian
Yitzhak Rafael RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, Minister of Religions, orthodox
Marc-Andre Raffalovich RWC HW Img French poet, author, catholic
Naomi Ragen HW Img American-born Israel author, columnist, orthodox
Arkady Raikin RWF HW Img Latvian-born Russian comedian, actor, atheist
Konstantin Raikin RWF HW Img Russian stage/film actor, theater director, christian
Konstantin Raikin RWF HW Img Russian stage/film actor, theater director, agnostic
Alexandra Raisman RWC Img American artistic gymnast, reform
Geoffrey Raisman RW5 Img British neuroscientist, atheist
Ludwik Rajchman RWF Img Polish bacteriologist, UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, catholic
Matyas Rakosi RWF HW Img Hungarian Prime Minister of Hungary 1952-53, atheist
Nahum Rakover RW5 HW Img Israeli legal scholar, orthodox
Harold Ramis Img American actor, director, screenwriter, agnostic
Adi Ran RW5 Img Israeli singer, composer, lyricist, haredi
Ayn Rand RWF HW Img Russian-born American novelist, philosopher, playwright, screenwriter, objectivism, atheist
Shuli Rand RW5 Img Israeli film actor, singer, writer, haredi
Faina Ranevskaya RWF HW Img Russian comic actress, agnostic
Samuel Rapoport RWF Img Ukrainian-born physician, biochemist, atheist
Alfred Rappaport Img Austrian diplomat, writer, catholic
Harriet von Rathlef Latvian-born German sculptor, writer, catholic
Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne RWE HW Img French priest, catholic
Marie Theodor Ratisbonne RWE Img French priest, catholic
Herbert Ratner American physician, catholic
Leonte Rautu RWC Img Moldovan-born Romanian politician, Deputy Prime Minister, atheist
Anatoli Ravikovich RWF Img Russian/Soviet actor,   agnostic
Norman Ravitch American historian,  ND
Avraham Ravitz RWF HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Rayhana wife of Muhammad (disputed) muslim
Claire Rayner RW5 Img British nurse, journalist, broadcaster, novelist, atheist
Jay Rayner RW5 Img British journalist, writer, television presenter, food critic, atheist
Elizabeth Reaser RWF HW Img American film/television/stage actress, (Jewish stepfather; mother: Jewish convert) christian
Lady Rebecca Miller RWF Img American screenwriter, actress, director (Jewish father) atheist
Harry Reems RWF Img American pornographic actor, christian
Wilhelm Reich RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, orgonomy, (Jewish father) agnostic, atheist
Albert Reichmann RWF Img Austrian-born Canadian chairman of Olympia & York, orthodox
Paul Reichmann RWF HW Img Canadian owner of Olympia & York, orthodox
Marcel Reich-Ranicki RWF HW Img Polish-born German literary critic, atheist
Adolf Reinach Img German philosopher, phenomenologist, law theorist, protestant
Beatrice Reinach Img French socialite, (Beatrice de Camondo) catholic
Carl Reiner RWF Img American actor, comedian, screenwriter, film director, producer, atheist
Rob Reiner RWF HW Img American actor, director/producer, screenwriter, atheist
George Reisman RWB Img American economist, atheist
Heather Reisman RW5 Img Canadian founder, CEO of Indigo Books, reform
Mike Reiss RWF Img American producer, screenwriter, television comedy writer, atheist
Nicholas Rejchman Polish gastroenterologist, pathologist, calvinist
Nicholas Rejchman Polish gastroenterologist, pathologist, protestant
Meir Rekhavi Img British karaite rabbi, chansellor of Karaite Jewish University, karaite
Leah Remini RW5 HW Img American actress, model, (Jewish mother) scientologist
Astruc Remoch Spanish medieval physician, catholic
Mariana Renata RW5 Img French-born Indonezian actress, model, (Jewish father) catholic
Ira Rennert RW5 HW Img American businessman, Renco Group(lead, coal, steel), orthodox
Annette de la Renta Img American philanthropist, socialite,    catholic
Samuel Reshevsky RWF HW Img Polish-born  American grandmaster, orthodox
John Reuben RWB Img American hip hop musician, christian
Baron Paul Reuter RWF Img German British entrepreneur, founder of Reuters news agency, protestant
Michel Revel RWC HW Img French-born Israeli molecular geneticist, orthodox
Sydor Rey Polish/Ukrainian-born poet, novelist, agnostic
Kazimierz Reychman Polish diplomat,    calvinist
Martin Rhonheimer Img Swiss philosopher, christian
David Ricardo RWF HW Img British co-founder of political economy, MP 1819-23 1832-33 unitarian, atheist
Samson Ricardo MP 1855-57 anglican
Paolo Riccio German physician to Emperor Maximilian I, philosopher, catholic
Linda Rich Img American cantor, conservative
Hyman Rickover RWF HW Img Polish-born American admiral, father of nuclear navy, anglican
Joel Rifkin RWE Img American serial killer, agnostic
Rachel Riley RW5 Img British television presenter, atheist
Gerald Rip Img Chief Justice of Tax Court of Canada, orthodox
Eliyahu Rips RWF HW Img Latvian-born Israeli mathematician, orthodox
Diego Rivera RWN Img Mexican painter, muralist, (Jewish mother/converso descent) catholic
Diego Rivera RWN HW Img Mexican painter, muralist, (Jewish mother/converso descent) atheist
Geraldo Rivera RW5 HW Img American television journalist, (Jewish mother) reform
Joan Rivers RWF HW Img American comedian, actress, director, screenwriter, Morning Radio host, reform
Sefi Rivlin RWF HW Img Israeli entertainer, actor, atheist
Baron Robert Winston RW5 Img British fertility expert, broadcaster, orthodox
Ayelet Robinson HW Img Israeli film/stage actress, singer, screenwriter,  yotzimBaSheela
Susan Roces RW5 Img Filipina film actress, (Jewish mother), christian
Alexander Roda Roda Img Czech-born Austrian Croatian writer, catholic
Richard Rodgers RWF HW Img American composer, songwriter, atheist
Jonathan Romain Img British broadcaster, writer, rabbi, reform
Petre Roman RWC HW Img Prime minister of Romania 1989-91, Minister of Foreign Affairs, (Jewish father)  christian
Jacqueline de Romilly Img French philologist, scholar, writer, catholic
Wayne Allyn Root Img American politician, entrepreneur, television/radio personality, author, political commentator, protestant
Ernestine Rose HW Img Polish-born American feminist, women's rights activist, atheist
Gillian Rose Img British philosopher, sociologist, anglican
Simon Rose Img British screenwriter, journalist, atheist
Michael Rosen RW5 Img British novelist, poet, broadcaster, atheist
Moishe Rosen HW Img American founder, executive director of Jews for Jesus, protestant
Morris Rosenbaum Img German-born American businessman, missionary, mormon
Alfons Rosenberg Img German writer, catholic
Chanie Rosenberg RW5 Img South African-born artist, socialist, atheist
Hans Rosenberg German-born American historian,   protestant
Joel Rosenberg RW5 Img American novelist, communications strategist, christian
Larry Rosenberg Img American buddhist teacher, writer, buddhist
Shmarya Rosenberg Img American blogger, reporter, journalist, yotzimBaSheela
Henry Rosenbloom American cantor, conservative
Marshall Rosenbluth RWF Img American nuclear physicist, atheist
Ben Rosenfield RW5 Img American author, musician, (Jewish father) atheist
Johann Rosenhain RW5 German mathematician, ND
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy RWF Img German-born American social philosopher, historian, (Jewish father) protestant
Joe Rosenthal RWF HW Img American war photographer, catholic
Uri Rosenthal RWF HW Img Swiss-born Dutch politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2010-12, atheist
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Img American politician, representitive 1989- , (Jewish mother) christian
Fred Rosner Img American physician, bioethicist, orthodox
Meg Rosoff RWF Img American writer, novelist, atheist
Tamar Ross RW5 Img American philosopher, feminist, orthodox
Murray Roston HW Img British-born Israeli literary scholar, orthodox
Jacek Rostowski RWC Img British-born Polish economist, politician, Minister of Finance 2007-13, (Jewish grandfather) christian
David Rotem RWF HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Lillian Roth RW5 HW Img American stage actress, singer, catholic
Philip Roth RWF Img American writer, atheist
Murray Rothbard RWF Img American founder of liberatarian party, writer, historian, agnostic
Hans Rothfels RWF Img German-born American historian, lutheran
Duchess Marguerite de Rothschild Img Duchess de Gramont catholic
Baron Victor Rothschild RWF Img British biologist, atheist
Theodore Rothstein RWF Img Lithuanian-born Russian revolutionary,  atheist
Stanislaw Rotwand Polish lawyer, industrialist, financier, philanthropist, lutheran
Joseph Rovan Img German-born French philosopher, politician,    catholic
David Rovics RW5 Img American singer/songwriter, political activist, atheist
Nicola Roxon RWC Img Australian politician, Minister of ealth and Ageing 2007-, atheist
Sharon Royi HW Img Israeli journalist, reporter, orthodox
Johnny Rozsa RWB Img Kenyan-born American British photographer, buddhist
Alma Rubens RW5 Img American film actress, voudevile performer, (Jewish father) catholic
Ben-Zion Rubin RWC HW Img Lybian-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Harold Rubin RW5 Img South African-born Israeli visual artist, free jazz clarinetist, atheist
Vera Rubin RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, orthodox
Anton Rubinstein RWF HW Img Moldovan-born Russian pianist, composer, conductor, easternorthodox
Arthur Rubinstein RWF HW Img Polish-born American pianist, composer, agnostic
Elyakim Rubinstein RWE HW Img Israeli Supreme Court Justice 2004- ,  orthodox
Ida Rubinstein RWC HW Img Ukrainian-born French dancer, actress, catholic
Nikolai Rubinstein RWF HW Img Russian pianist, conductor, easternorthodox
Zdenka Rubinstein RW5 Img Croatian singer, operetic soprano, catholic
Neil Rudenstine RWB Img American ecucator, literary scholar, (Jewish father) episcopalian
Oswald Rufeisen Img Polish priest, catholic
Douglas Rushkoff RW5 Img American writer, columnist,    atheist
Joanna Russ Img American writer, academic, feminist, atheist
David Russell RWC Img American director, screenwriter, (Jewish father) atheist
Eldar Ryazanov RWF HW Img Russian film director, screenwriter, actor, poet, (Jewish mother) agnostic
Alexander Rybak RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Norwegian singer/songwriter, violinist, pianist, "ESC" Winner 2009, ??? easternorthodox
Boris Rybkin Img Ukrainian-born diplomat, NKVD agent, atheist
Daniel Rynhold Img British philosopher, theologian, orthodox
Gad Saad RWF HW Img Lebanese-born Canadian cognitive scientist, evolutionary psychologist, atheist
Umberto Saba RWF Img Italian poet, novelist, (Jewish mother) catholic
Yitzhak Saban RWC HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Oliver Sacks RWF HW Img British-American neurologist, author, atheist
Ze'ev Safrai Img Israeli historian, orthodox
John Safran RW5 Img Australian comedian, documentary filmmaker, radio broadcaster, atheist
Carl Sagan RWF HW Img American astronomer, educator, agnostic, atheist
Nick Sagan RW5 Img American novelist, screenwriter, agnostic
Lazar Saineanu RW5 HW Img Romanian-born philologist, linguist, cultural historian,   easternorthodox
Baron David Sainsbury RW5 Img British businessman, politician, anglican
Saint Andrew Img Christian Apostle christian
Saint Bartholomew Img Christian Apostle Nathaniel christian
Saint James Img Christian Apostle christian
Saint James Img Christian Apostle James the Just christian
Saint John Img Christian Apostle christian
Saint John of Avila Img Spanish mistic, preacher, saint, christian
Saint John of the Cross Img Spanish mistic, friar, priest, (converso) christian
Saint Jude Img Christian Apostle christian
Saint Matthew Img Christian Apostle christian
Saint Paul RWF HW Img Christian Apostle, Saul of Tarsus christian
Saint Peter RWF HW Img Christiane Apostole, first Pope "Simon of Galilee" Saul christian
Saint Philip Img Christian Apostle christian
Saint Simon the Zealot Img Christian Apostle christian
Saint Teresa of Avila RWF Img Spain philosopher, (Jewish father), catholic
Saint Thomas Img Christian Apostle christian
Camille Saint-Saens RWF HW Img French composer, organist, conductor, pianist, (Jewish mother ???) atheist
J.D. Salinger RW5 HW Img American writer, (Jewish father) christian
Pierre Salinger RWF Img Press-secretary 1961-64, Kennedy (Jewish father) catholic
Dmitry Salita RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American boxer, orthodox
Jonas Salk RWF HW Img American physician, medical researcher, atheist
Yitzhak Salkinsohn Belarusian-born Bible translator, protestant
Alice Salomon Img German social reformer, protestant
Leopold Salomons British financier,
Sharon Salzberg Img American author,   buddhist
Hans Samelson RW5 Img German-born American mathematician, (half Jewish) christian
Jorge Sampaio RWC Img President of Portugal 1996-2006 (Jewish maternal grandmother)  catholic
Pete Sampras Img Austrian tennis player,    greekorthodox
Joseph Samuda Img British civil engineer, politician, ND
Adolphe Samuel RWF Img Belgian music critic, conductor, composer, christian
Graeme Samuel Img Commissioner of Australian Football Leage, atheist
Graeme Samuel Img Commissioner of Australian Football Leage, atheist
Lewis Samuel Img British-born Canadian founder 1855 of Samuel Son & Co., merchant, philanthropist, orthodox
Moses Samuel British translator, clockmaker, orthodox
Baron Samuel Montagu RW5 Img British banker, founder of Samuel Montagu & Co, politician MP 1887-90, orthodox
Max Samuel von Mayer Img German legal scholar, lutheran
Michael Samuels RW5 Img British historical linguist, atheist
Francisco Sanches RWF Img Portuguese philosopher, physician, catholic
Gabriel Sanchez RWC Spanish financier, chief treasurer of Aragon, christian
Allan Sandage RWF Img American astronomer, christian
Bernie Sanders RWF HW Img American senator 2006- , atheist
Max Sanger RWF Img German-born gynecologist, lutheran
Tova Sanhadray RWC HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli politician,    orthodox
Henric Sanielevici Img Romanian journalist, literary critic, atheist
Luis de Santangel RWC Img Spanish king's financial advicer, finance minister, catholic
Geronimo de Santa Fe Spanish physician, religious writer, (converso) catholic
Alvar Garcia de Santa Maria Spanish medieval historian, (converso) catholic
David Saperstein RW5 Img American rabbi, writer, columnist, reform
Moritz Saphir RWF Img Austrian satirical writer, journalist, protestant
Robert Sapolsky RWF Img American neuroscientist, endocrinologist, atheist
Sarah-Theodora RWC Img Wife of Tzar Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria, ruled 1931-71, eastern orthodox
Nicolas Sarkozy RWF Img President of France 2007- , Minister of justice interior, 2002-04, (Jewish maternal grandfather) christian
David Sassoon RWN HW Img Iraqi-born Indian businessman, orthodox
Siegfried Sassoon RW5 Img British war poet, author, (Jewish father) catholic
Jeffrey Satinover RW5 Img American psychologist, psychoanalyst, physicist, orthodox
Ben Savage RWF Img American actor, reform
Herschel Savage RWF Img American pornographic actor, director, buddhist
Boris Schatz RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli sculptor, yotzimBaSheela
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img American-born Canadian American physicist, Nobel Prize (1981), (Jewish father) protestant
Pinhas Scheinman Img Polish-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Max Scheler RWF HW Img German philosopher, (Jewish mother), catholic
Paul Schenck Catholic priest, catholic
Paul Schenck Catholic priest, protestant
Zoltan Schenker RW5 Img Hungarian sabre, foil fencer, lutheran
Samuel Schereschewsky RW5 Img Lithuanian-born bishop of Shanghai, China 1877-84, anglican
Jacob Schiff RWC HW Img American executive, founder of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., reform
Eugen Schiffer RWC Img German Minister of Finance 1919 Minister of Justice 1919-20 protestant
David Schizer RW5 Img American legal scholar, administrator, orthodox
Dorothea von Schlegel RWC HW Img German novelist, translator,   catholic
Abdallah Schleifer RWF Img American journalism scholar, muslim
James Schlesinger RWF HW Img American Secretary of Defense Nixon Ford 1973-75, CIA Director, lutheran
Arthur Schlesinger, Sr RWB Img American historian, ND
Joseph Schlessinger RWF HW Img Croatian-born Israeli American biochemist, atheist
Jack Schlossberg Img American grandson of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, (Jewish father) catholic
Helmut Schmidt RWF Img West Germany Chancellor 1974-82 (Jewish paternal grandfather) lutheran
Otniel Schneller RWF HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Alfred Schnittke RWF HW Img Russian/Soviet composer, (Jewish father) christian
Arthur Schnitzler RWF HW Img Austrian author, playwright, novelist, christian
Arnold Schoenberg RWF HW Img Austrian American composer,   christian
Sir Alexander Schomberg RWC Img British Royal Navy officer, (Jewish father) anglican
Meyer Schomberg RWC German-born British physician, anglican
Ralph Schomberg Img British physician,    anglican
Julius Schrader RWN Img Ukrainian-born mathematician, cyberneticist, philosopher, catholic
Franz Schreker RWF HW Img Austrian-German composer, conductor, (Jewish father), catholic
Gerald Schroeder RWB Img American Israeli nuclear physicist, orthodox
Rubin Schron RW5 Img American real estate businessman, founder of Cammeby's International Group, orthodox
Dutch Schultz RWF Img American gangster,  Las Vegas catholic
Maurice Schumann RWF Img French politician, Foreign Minister 1969-73  (Jewish father) catholic
Chuck Schumer RWF HW Img American politician, senator, reform
Friedrich Schur RWC Img German/Polish-born Estonian mathematician,       protestant
Sir Arthur Schuster RWF Img German-born British astrophysicist, christian
Leo Schuster German-born British cotton trader, merchant banker, unitarian
Charles Schusterman RW5 Img Russian-born American businessman, Samson Investment Company, reform
Felix Schwabach Img German politician, MP 1907-18, protestant
Gustav Schwabe Img German-born British merchant, financier,   protestant
Dov Schwartz Img Israel Jewish thought scholar,   orthodox
Gerald Schwartz RW5 Img Canadian co-founder of Onex Corporation, reform
Laurent Schwartz RWF HW Img French mathematician, Fields medal (1950) atheist
Michael Schwartz HW Img Austrian-born Israeli philosopher, islam researcher, orthodox
Stephen Schwartz Img American journalist, author, (Jewish father) (convert to Islam) muslim
Fred Schwarz Img Australian physician, political activist, christian
Rosika Schwimmer RW5 Img Hungarian-born American pacifist, feminist, suffragist, atheist
Dennis Sciama RWF HW Img British physicist, atheist
Harry Scott Probasco American founder of American National Bank, (spanish Jewish descent) presbyterian
Ariadna Scriabina RWF HW Img French resistance member, daughter of composer Alexander Scriabin, (convert to Judaism) orthodox
Steven Seagal RWF HW Img American actor, (Jewish father) buddhist
Morris Seale Israeli-born scholar, theologist, protestant
Al Seckel Img American author, atheist
Sam Seder RW5 Img American writer, producer, director, actor, comedian, talk radio host, agnostic
Amit Segal HW Img Israeli journalist, political commentator, orthodox
Arnon Segal HW Img Israeli journalist, orthodox
Hagi Segal HW Img Israeli journalist, satirist, publicist, orthodox
Israel Segal HW Img Israeli journalist, author, political commentator,   yotzimBaSheela
Jay Sekulow RW5 Img American television host, lawyer, protestant
Daniel Seligman RW5 Img American journalist, writer, editor, atheist
Aron Elias Seligmann Img German financier, catholic
Alan Senauke Img American priest, folk musician, poet, buddhist
Maurice Sendak HW Img American writer, illustrator, designer, atheist
Don Abraham Senior RWC Img Spanish financier, politician, rabbi, catholic
Ernst Philipp von Sensburg RWC Img German politician, Minister Finance of Baden 1814-17, of Inner Affairs 1817- , catholic
Gitta Sereny Img Austrian-born British biographer, historian, journalist, (Jewish mother) protestant
Rod Serling RWF Img American  screenwriter, playwright, producer, author, atheist
Walter Serner Img Czech-born German writer, essayist, catholic
Valentina Serova RWF Img Russian composer, atheist
Shalom Shabazi RW5 HW Img Yemenite poet, orthodox
Gershon Shafat HW Img Austrian-born Israeli politician,    orthodox
Baron Peter Shafirov HW Img Imperial Russian politician, easternorthodox
Avraham-Haim Shag HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Binjamin Shahor RWC HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Ayelet Shaked RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Justice 2015- , Interior 2021- , atheist
Avner Shaki RWC HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Religious Affairs 1990-92, orthodox
Shalom-Avraham Shaki RWC HW Img Yemenite-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Alice Shalvi RW5 HW Img German-born Israeli feminist, activist, Jewish studies scholar, orthodox
Israel Shamir RWF HW Img Russian-born Israeli journalist, translator, christian
Garry Shandling RWF HW Img American comedian, film/television actor, television writer, buddhist
David Shapell Polish-born American co-founder of Shapell Industries, Los Angeles, orthodox
Haim-Moshe Shapira RWF HW Img Belarusian-born 1949-52 1955 1959-70 orthodox
Moses Shapira HW Img Israeli art dealer, anglican
Adam Shapiro Img American co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement, atheist
Ben Shapiro Img American political columnist, author, radio talk show host, orthodox
Helen Shapiro RWC HW Img British singer, actress, fashion designer, protestant
Konstantin Shapiro HW Belarusian-born Soviet/Russian photographer, poet, ND
Moses Shapiro HW Img ND
Hasdai ibn Shaprut RWC HW Img Spanish physician, diplomat, patron of science, muslim
Seraya Shapshal RWC Img Crimean-born Iranian politician, scientist, orientalist, (karaite) karaite JVL
Rafi Sharif-Bay American muslim, muslim
Ariel Sharon RWF HW Img Israeli prime minister of Israel 2001-05, agnostic
Alan Shatter RWC Img Irish MP  1981-2002 2007- Minister for Defence 2011-14, Justice 2011-14, orthodox
Zalman Shazar RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Third President of Israel 1963-73, orthodox
Dan Shechtman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, materials engineering, Nobel Prize (2011) in chemistry, atheist
Doron Shefer HW Img Israeli basketball player, orthodox
Louis Sheldon Img American presbyterian pator, anglican priest, (Jewish mother) anglican
Adrienne Shelly RWC Img American actress, director, screenwriter, agnostic
Lev Shestov RWE HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French philosopher, writer, christian
Semadar Shir HW Img Israeli writer, journalist, yotzimBaSheela
Alexander Shirvindt RWF Img Russian film/stage actor, screenwriter, artistic director, agnostic
Ivan Shishman Img Bulgarian Emperor 1371-95, (Jewish mother) christian
Edwin Shneidman RWB HW Img American suicidologist, tranatologist, atheist
Manya Shochat RWC HW Img Belarusian-born zionist, orthodox
Eliav Shochetman Img Israeli Jewish law researcher, orthodox
David Sholtz RWC Img American governor, 1933-37, Florida episcopian
David Shore RWF Img Canadian screenwriter, producer, orthodox
Ephraim Shore Img Canadian-born Israeli rabbi, orthodox
Raphael Shore RW5 Img Canadian Israeli screenwriter, producer, documentary filmmaker, orthodox
Pavel Shpringfeld Img Russian actor,    atheist
Zalman Shragai RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, mayor of Jerusalem 1951-52, orthodox
Judith Shulevitz Img American journalist, editor, culture critic, conservative
Dov Shurin RW5 Img Israeli singer/songwriter, orthodox
Boris Sidis HW Img Ukrainian-born American psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher of education, atheist
William Sidis RWF Img American mathematician, child prodigy, atheist
Don Siegel HW Img American film producer/director, atheist
Sandor Sik Img Hungarian poet, translator, writer, christian
Toma Sik RW5 Img Hungarian-born Israeli anti-war activist, atheist
Ben Silverman RWC Img American chairman 2007-09 of NBC Entertainment, reform
David Silverman RW5 Img president of American Atheists, atheist
Greg Silverman Img American singer/songwriter, christian
Sarah Silverman RWF HW Img American actress , comedian, writer, agnostic, atheist
Cathy Silvers RW5 Img American television actress, christian
Marilyn Silverstone RW5 Img American photojournalist, buddhist
Georg Simmel RWF HW Img German-born sociologist, philosopher, lutheran
Carly Simon RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, pianist, (Jewish father) catholic
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American psychologist, Nobel Prize (1978) in Economics (not Jewish maternal grandmother) atheist
Ulrich Simon Img German-born British theologian, anglican
Bernhard von Simson German mediaevalist, protestant
Eduard von Simson RWF Img President of Parliament 1848-49, president of Reichstag 1967-73, Leader of Conservative Party protestant
James Sinegal Img co-founder, CEO of Costco, catholic
Peter Singer RWF HW Img Australian-born American philosopher, atheist
Vlado Singer Img Croatian politician, catholic
Joseph Sitruk RWC Img Tunisian-born Chief Rabbi of France orthodox
Sixtus of Siena Italian theologian, catholic
Lilia Skala RWC Img Austrian-born American film/stage/television actress, (Jewish father) christian
Audrey Skirball-Kenis American philanthropist, reform
Baron Rudolf Carl von Slatin RWF Img Austrian-born major-general,  administrator in the Sudan, catholic
Nissan Slomiansky RWC HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Hayim Slonimski RWF Img Polish-born author, astronomer, inventor, publisher, orthodox
Joe Slovo RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born head of South African Communist Party, atheist
Irina Slutskaya RWC Img Russian figure skater, easternorthodox
David Smolansky RWC Img Venezuelan politician, mayor of El-Hatillyo 2014-18,
Lee Smolin RWF Img American physicist, quantum gravity atheist
Bezalel Smotrich RWC HW Img American singer/sondwriter, actor, (Jewish father) orthodox
Dee Snider RWF Img American singer/sondwriter, (Jewish father) christian
Gary Snyder RWF Img American poet, essayist, environmental activist, buddhist
Alan Sokal RWF Img American physicist, atheist
Derek J. de Solla Price RW5 Img British-born physicist, historian of science, information scientist, atheist
Mark de Solla Price RW5 Img American author, journalist, public speaker, civil rights activist, christian
Alice Salomon HW Img German social reformer,  protestant
Benjamin Nehemiah Solomon Polish-born British translator, christian
Lon Solomon Img American clergyman, protestant
Todd Solondz RWF HW Img American film director, screenwriter, atheist
Samuel Soloveichik Belarusian-born American chemist, talmudist, orthodox
Ilya Somin Img Soviet-born American legal scholar, atheist
Haim Sompolinsky RW5 HW Img Danish-born Israeli physicist, neiroscientist, orthodox
Adolf Sonnenfeld Img Polish violinist, conductor, composer, protestant
Baron Joseph von Sonnenfels RWF Img Czech-born Austrian German jurist, novelist, catholic
Giorgio Sonnino Img Egyptian-born Italian senator, anglican
Baron Sidney Sonnino RWF HW Img Italian prime minister 1906 1909-10 (Jewish father) protestant
Simeon Solomon RWF Img British painter, catholic
Ted Sorensen Img special counsel, presidential adviser  Kennedy (Jewish mother) protestant
George Soros RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American financier, agnostic, atheist
Evaristo Sourdis Juliao RWC Img Colombian lawyer, diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs 1950 1953-56, catholic
Dame Muriel Spark RWC Img British novelist, (Jewish father) catholic
Jackie Speier RWC Img American politician, 2008- , (Jewish father) catholic
Dan Sperber RW5 Img French anthropologist, linguist, cognitive scientist, atheist
Daniel Sperber RW5 HW Img British-born Israeli scholar, philosopher, social critic, author, orthodox
Otto Spiegelberg RW5 Img German gynecologist, christian
Alphonso de Spina Spanish bishop, preacher, writer, (converso) catholic
Baruch Spinoza RWF HW Img Dutch philosopher,  atheist
Dan Spitz RWB Img American lead guitarist, christian
Eliot Spitzer RWF HW Img Attorney General of New York, Governor of New York State reform
Robert Spitzer RWF HW Img American psychiatrist, psychologist, atheist
Maurice Spokorny Polish pharmacist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, catholic
Piero Sraffa RWF Img Italian-born British economist, agnostic
Hedi Stadlen RW5 Img Austrian-born British philosopher, political activist, musiocologist, atheist
Friedrich Julius Stahl Img German constitutional lawyer, political philosopher, politician, protestant
Richard Stallman RWF HW Img American developer of GNU,  president of Free Software Foundation, atheist
Sylvester Stallone RWF HW Img American actor, director, producer, screenwriter, (Jewish maternal grandfather) catholic
Solomon Stanwood Menken Img American attorney,  founder of National Security Leage, christian
Werner Stark Austrian/Czech-born sociologist, economist, catholic
Andy Statman RW5 Img American clarinetist, mandolinist, orthodox
Abby Stein Img American transgender activist, atheist
Sir Aurel Stein Img Hungarian-born British archaeologist, geographer, lutheran
Cyril Stein Img British-born bookmaker, businessman, orthodox
Edith Stein RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German philosopher, martyr, catholic
Eduardo Stein RWC Img Guatemalan diplomat, Vice President of Guatemala 2004- , Foreign Minister 1996-2000 catholic
Elias Stein RWF Img Belgian-born American mathematician, atheist
Gordon Stein Img American author, physiologist, atheist, atheist
Jeremy Stein RW5 Img American economist, atheist
Jill Stein Img American activist, feminist, enviromentalist, physician, agnostic
Shimon Stein RWC HW Img Israeli ambassador to Germany,     orthodox
Emil Steinbach RWC Img Austrian Minister of Finance 1891-93, president of Austrian Supreme Court of Justice, catholic
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize (1988), atheist
Gloria Steinem RWF HW Img American writer, journalist, feminist, (Jewish father) atheist
Michael Steinhardt RWC Img American money manager, Steinhardt Partners, atheist
Nicolae Steinhardt RW5 Img Romanian writer, translator, (Jewish father) eastern orthodox
Hugo Steinhaus RWF HW Img Polish mathematician, educator,   atheist
Charles Steinmetz RWF Img German/Polish-born American mathematician, electrical engineer, agnostic
Adin Steinsaltz RWF Img 21st century Israeli Talmud scholar, philosopher, translator, orthodox
Yuri Steklov RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian revolutionery, journalist, historian, christian
Ursula Stenzel Img Austrian politician, MP 2006- , (Jewish mother) catholic
Avraham Stern HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Elazar Stern RWC HW Img Israeli politician, general, orthodox
Fritz Stern Img German/Polish-born American historian, protestant
Gladys Stern RWB Img British journast, literary critic, novelist, playwright, catholic
Henry Stern Img German-born anglican missionary in Ethiopia, anglican
Howard Stern HW Img American television/radio humorist, author, actor, agnostic, atheist
Karl Stern RW5 Img German-born Canadian neurologist, psychiatrist, catholic
Max Stern Img German-born founder Hartz Mauntain Industries, chairman of Yeshiva University 1947-77, orthodox
Sara Stern-Katan RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, public figure, orthodox
Rise Stevens Img American operatic mezzo-soprano, actress, (Jewish mother) anglican
Mark Steyn Img Canadian writer, political commentator, cultural critic,  (Jewish descent) christian
Baron Alexander von Stieglitz RWF Img first governor 1860-66 of State Bank of the Russian Empire easternorthodox
Baron Ludwig von Stieglitz RWF Img founder of Stieglitz & Company easternorthodox
Nikolai von Stieglitz easternorthodox
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001) atheist
Matt Stone RWF HW Img American actor, director, screenwriter, (Jewish mother) agnostic, atheist
Oliver Stone RWF HW Img American film director, screenwriter, (Jewish father) buddhist, atheist
Sean Stone RWF Img American actor, film director/producer, screenwriter, (Jewish paternal grandfather) muslim
John Stossel RWF Img American investigative journalist, agnostic
Dorothy Stowe Img American co-founder of Greenpeace, quaker
Irving Stowe Img American co-founder of Greenpeace, quaker
Mark Strand RW5 HW Img Canadian-born American poet, essayist, translator, atheist
Leon Strasburger Polish judge,farmer, landowner, lutheran
Benno Strauss RWC Img German-born physicist, metallurgist, co-inventor of stainless steel, (contribution) protestant
Oscar Straus RWC HW Img Secretary of Commerce & Labor 1906-1909 Roosevelt reform
Lewis Strauss RWC HW Img Secretary of Commerce 1958-59 (interim apointee) reform
Johann Strauss I RWF HW Img Austrian composer, (Jewish father) (grandfather Johann Michael Strauss converted) catholic
Johann Strauss II RWF HW Img Austrian composer, "king of waltzes" (Jewish paternal great-grandfather) catholic
Jack Straw RWF Img British Foreign Secretary, MP 1979- , (Jewish maternal great grandmother) anglican
Barbara Streisand RWF HW Img American singer, film/television actress, composer, director, producer, christian
Henric Streitman RWF Img Romanian journalist, translator, political figure, easternorthodox
Carlo Strenger RW5 HW Img Swiss Israeli psychologist, atheist
Eric von Stroheim RWF HW Img Austrian-born German actor, director, screenwriter, catholic
Orit Strook RWC HW Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Bethel Henry Strousberg Img Gernan railwail entrepreneur, christian
Hermann Struck RWF HW Img German etcher, lithographer, painter, orthodox
Boris Strugatsky RWF Img Russian science fiction author, (Jewish father) atheist, agnostic
Michael Stuhlbarg RWF HW Img American stage/film/television actor,    reform
David Suchet RWF Img British actor, (not Jewish maternal grandfather) anglican
Jack Suchet RW5 Img South African-born British obstetrician, gynaecologist, venereologist,    atheist
Eli Suissa RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician,   haredi
Zag de Sujurmenza Spanish translator, astronomer, catholic
Eleazar Sukenik RWB HW Img Polish-born Israeli archaeologist, encyclopedist, atheist
Arthur Hays Sulzberger RW5 Img American publisher 1935-61, The New York Times, reform
John Sunderland Polish artist, photographer, art critic, lutheran
Baroness Susan Greenfield RWF Img British neuroscientist, broadcaster, writer (Jewish father) atheist
Leonard Susskind RWF HW Img American physicist, string theory, (Jewish father) atheist
Lev Sverdlin RWF Img Russian actor,   atheist
Yakov Sverdlov RWF HW Img Russian-born First President of USSR, atheist
Italo Svevo RW5 HW Img Italian dramatist, playwright, (Jewish mother) atheist
Abram de Swaan HW Img Dutch essayist, sociologist, ND
Jayadvaita Swami Img ISKCON guru/founder,  hinduist
Radhanath Swami Img American guru, hinduist
Aaron Swartz RWF Img American computer programmer, writer, political organizer, internet activist, atheist
Katrina Swett Img American politician, mormon
Revital Swid RWC HW Img Israeli criminal defense attorney, politician, orthodox
Henry Swieca RW5 Img American businessman, Highbridge Capital Management, orthodox
Miklos Szabados HW Img Hungarian Australian table tennis player, (Jewish mother) christian
Thomas Szasz RW5 Img Hungarian-born American psychologist, psychiatrist, atheist
Kazimiera Szczuka RW5 Img Polish literary historian/critic, television personality, atheist
George Szell RWF HW Img Hungarian American conductor, composer, catholic
Antal Szerb RW5 Img Hungarian novelist, catholic
Leo Szilard RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German American physicist, nuclear fission reactor, agnostic
Istvan Szucs Img Hungarian politician, Deputy State Secretary (maternal grandfather of Jozsef Antall) catholic
Eddie Tabash Img American lawyer, social/political activist, atheist
Memduh Tagmac RWC Img Turkish general, lieutenant general, donmeh, muslim
Alexander Tairov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian/Soviet theater director, actor, (Jewish father) lutheran
David Tal RWC HW Img Tunisian-born Israeli politician, haredi
Adin Talbar Img German-born Israeli diplomat, atheist
Jim Talent Img American senator, 2002-07, (Jewish father) presbyterian
Jacob Talmon RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli historian, orthodox
Jacob Tamarkin RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, karaite
Igor Tamm RWF HW Img Russian/Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize (1958),    atheist
Yevgeny Tarle RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian historian,  ND
Siegbert Tarrasch RWF HW Img German/Polish-born  German chess grandmaster, christian
Alfred Tarski RWF HW Img Polish-born American mathematician, logician,  catholic
Richard Tauber RWF HW Img Austrian-born British opera singer, (Jewish father) catholic
Helen Taussig RWF HW Img American paediatric cardiologist, unitarian
Avraham Taviv RWC HW Img Yemenite-born Israeli politician, orthodox
Shaul Tchernichovsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli poet, translator, atheist
Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Img Dutch-born British journalist, literary critic, publisher, translator, christian
Edward Teller RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist,  hydrogen bomb, agnostic
William Tenn HW Img Brititish-born American science fiction writer,     atheist
Herbert Tenzer RW5 Img American politician, orthodox
Studs Terkel RWF Img American author, historian, actor, broadcaster, agnostic
Lee Terry Img American representative, (Jewish maternal grandmother) christian
Nyanaponika Thera Img German-born budist writer, monk, buddhist
Erica Tietze-Conrat Img Austrian-born American art historian,   protestant
Pavel Tigrid RWC Img Czech-born publicist, publisher, author, Minister of Culture 1994-96 catholic
Heimann Tiktin RW5 HW Img Polish/Czech-born Romanian linguist, translaror, easternorthodox
Annette Tillemann Img Hungarian-born wife of American representative Thomas Lantos, mormon
Charity Tillemann-Dick RWB Img American-born opera singer, composer, presenter, (Jewish mother) mormon
Karen Tintori RWC Img American author, (convert to Judaism) orthodox
Tiny Tim RWF Img American singer/songwriter, (Jewish mother) christian
Olivier Todd Img French writer, journalist, (Jewish father) atheist
Alice Toklas RWF Img American literary figure, writer, catholic
Luis de Torres RWC HW Img Spanish interpreter, (converso) catholic
John Tory Img Canadian politician, mayor of Toronto 2014- , (Jewish maternal grandmother) christian
Wilhelm Traube Img German chemist, lutheran
Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln RW5 HW Img Hungarian-born revolutionary, con-man and Buddhist priest  anglican, buddhist
Immanuel Tremellius Img Italian Bible translator, hebraist, catholic
Leon Trotsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born First Minister of Defense of USSR, atheist
Francois Truffaut RWF Img French director, screenwriter, producer, actor, (Jewish biological father) atheist
Kurt Tucholsky RWF HW Img German journalist, writer, protestant
Baron Christopher Tugendhat Img British politician, businessman, journalist, (Jewish father) MP 1970-77, catholic
Yigal Tumarkin RW5 HW Img German-born Israeli painter, sculptor, (Jewish mother) atheist
Eve Tushnet Img American author, blogger, (Jewish father) catholic
Mark Tushnet Img American legal scholar, atheist
Isadore Twersky HW Img American literary scholar, philosopher,  haredi
Helen Tworkov Img American buddhist writer, buddhist
Mary Tyler Moore RWF catholic
Marcel Tyberg RWF HW Img Austrian composer, conductor, pianist, catholic
Tommy Tycho RW5 Img Hungarian-born Australian pianist, conductor, composer, protestant
Mary Tyler Moore RWF HW Img American actress, comedian, (Jewish paternal grandfather) catholic
Pinhas Tzabari HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Adam Ulam RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American historian, political scientist, agnostic
Stanislaw Ulam RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American mathematician, physicist, hydrogen bomb, agnostic
Lyudmila Ulitskaya RWF Img Russian novelist, short-story author, christian
Samuel Ullman RW5 Img German-born American businessman, poet, humanitarian, reform
Moritz von Ullmann Hungarian banker, catholic
Mauricio Umansky Img Mexican-born American real estate agent, media pesonality, philanthropist, orthodox
Magda Umer RWF Img Polish singer, journalist, author, director, screenwrite, actress, (Jewish father) catholic
Joseph Unger Img Austrian stateman, jurist, MP protestant
Moshe Unna RWC HW Img German-born Israeli politician,    orthodox
Ephraim Urbach RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli talmudic scholar, orthodox
Jerzy Urban RW5 Img Polish journalist, commentator, editor-in-chief, television personality,   atheist
Sir Peter Ustinov RWF HW Img British actor, writer, dramatist (Jewish great grandfather) lutheran
Istvan Vago RWF Img Hungarian television host, atheist
Yitzhak Vaknin RWF HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Armin Vambery RWF HW Img Hungarian orientalist, traveler,    christian
Sarah Vandella Img American pornographic actress, reform
Mordechai Vanunu RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli dissident, exposed Israel's posession of nuclear weapon, anglican
Rahel Varnhagen RWE HW Img German writer, socialite, christian
Avi Vartzman Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Diego de Vega Portugese merchant, Argentine banker, catholic
Ahmed Vefik Pasha RWC Img Grand Vizier of Ottoman Empire 1878 1882, (Jewish mother) muslim
Pyotr Veinberg RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian poet, translator, literature historian, christian
Alan Veingrad RW5 Img American football player, orthodox
Johannes Veit RWB Img German painter, catholic
Philipp Veit RWC Img German painter, catholic
Diego Velazquez RWF HW Img Spanish painter, (Jewish father) catholic
Semyon Vengerov RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian literature historian,  critic, christian
Jean-Baptiste Ventura RWC Img Italian general, catholic
Avraham Verdiger RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician,    orthodox
Geza Vermes RWF Img Hungarian-born British scholar, historian, (convert to Judism) convertJ
Nicolae Vermont RW5 HW Img Romanian painter, graphic artist, muralist, easternorthodox
Yevgeny Vesnik RWF Img Russian/Soviet film/stage actor, theater director, (Jewish father) atheist
Virgin Mary HW Img mother of Jesus Christus christian
Emmanuil Vitorgan RWF Img Russian/Soviet actor, atheist
Francisco de Vitoria Img Spanish catholic philosopher, theologian, jurist, (converso) catholic
Annie Vivanti RWF Img Italian writer, poet, (Jewish mother) catholic
Galina Volchek RWF Img Russian-born Soviet actress, film director, agnostic
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science, agnostic
Albert Vorspan Img American sociologist, reform
Lindsey Vuolo RW5 Img American actress, model, conservative
Joachim Wach Img German religious scholar, sociologist, (Jewish descent) anglican
Claude Wagner RWC Img Canadian politician, judge, Minister of Justice of Quebec, (Jewish father) catholic
Richard Wagner RW5 Img Canadian Supreme Court Judge (Jewish paternal grandfather) catholic
George Wald RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1967) in medicine, atheist
Countess Rosie Waldeck RW5 Img German author,    catholic
Eliezer Waldman HW Img Israeli politician, rabbi, orthodox
Moshe Wallach RW5 Img German-born Israeli physician, founder of Shharei Zedek Hospital, haredi
Bruno Walter RWF HW Img German-born conductor, composer, catholic
Michelene Wandor RW5 Img British playwright, critic, broadcaster, poet, musician,   atheist
Irving Wanger Img American representative, 1893-1911, anglican
Otto Heinrich Warburg RWF HW Img German physiologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1931) in medicine, (Jewish father) christian
Zerach Warhaftig RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli religious politician, lawyer, orthodox
Leonard Warren RWF HW Img American opera singer, catholic
Michel Warschawski Img Israeli anti-zionist activist, atheist
Adolf Warski RW5 Img Polish communist theoretician, atheist
Anatoly Wasserman RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Russian journalist, blogger, television personality, atheist
Michal Waszynski RW5 HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born  film director/producer, catholic
Aleksander Wat RW5 Img Polish poet, art critic, translator, catholic
Haim Watzman Img American-born Israeli writer, journalist, translator, orthodox
Joseph Weber RWF Img American physicist, gravitational waves microwave amplifier, atheist
Peggy Wehmeyer Img American journalist, christian
Andre Weil RWF HW Img French mathematician, group theory, algebric geometry, agnostic
Liza Weil RWF HW Img American film/television actress, reform
Simone Weil RWF HW Img French philosopher, social activist, catholic
Kurt Weill RWF HW Img German-born American composer, songwriter:composer, atheist
Lazare Weiller RWF Img French industrialist, inventor, politician,    catholic
Mieczyslaw Weinberg RWF HW Img Polish-born Soviet composer, easternorthodox
Steven Weinberg RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel prize (1979), electroweak force, atheist
Zvi Weinberg HW Img Polish/Slovak-born Israeli politician,   orthodox
Caspar Weinberger RWF HW Img American Secretary of Defense Reagan  81-87 (Jewish father) anglican
Zach Weiner Img American author, illustrator, comics writer, atheist
Otto Weininger RWF HW Img Austrian philosopher, protestant
Avi Weinroth Img Israeli legal scholar,     orthodox
Jacob Weinroth Img German-born Israeli attorney, orthodox
Boaz Weinstein RW5 Img American hedge fund manager, atheist
Marta Weinstock-Rosin RWC HW Img Austrian-born Israeli pharmocologist, orthodox
Friedrich Weisler Img German resistance fighter, lawyer, protestant
David Weiss Img American writer, labor leader, screenwriter, christian, ortodox
Hillel Weiss Img Israeli literary critic, orthodox
John Weiss Ameican author, clergyman, abolitionist, christian
Steven Weiss Img American journalist, blogger, orthodox
David Weiss Halivni RWF HW Img Czech/Ukrainian-born Israeli talmudic scholar, orthodox
Victor Weisskopf RWF Img Austrian-born American physicist, director of CERN atheist
Mel Weitsman Img American buddhist, founder, teacher of Berkeley Zen Center, buddhist
Justin Welby Img British archbishop of Canterbury, (Jewish paternal grandfather) anglican
Bernard Werber RW5 HW Img French science fiction writer, agnostic
David Werdyger RW5 HW Img American cantor, orthodox
Mendy Werdyger RW5 HW Img American singer/songwriter, orthodox
Yeedle Werdyger RW5 HW Img American singer, orthodox
Franz Werfel RWF HW Img Czech-born Austrian novelist, playwright, poet, librettist, catholic
Pete Wernick RWB Img American musician, banjo player, atheist
Julius Wertheim ND
Juliusz Wertheim RW5 Img Polish pianist, composer, conductor,   lutheran
Mozi Wertheim HW Israeli businessman, yotzimBaSheela
Woolf Wess Img Lithuanian-born British anarchist, trade-union organizer, atheist
Mae West RWF HW Img American actress, playwright, screenwriter, (Jewish mother) protestant
Jerry Wexler RWF HW Img American co-founder, partner of Atlantic Records atheist
Alissa White-Gluz RW5 Img Canadian singer/songwriter, The Agonist, atheist
Charles Wiener Img Austrian-born French explorer, linguist, diplomat, catholic
Norbert Wiener RWF HW Img American mathematical logician, founder of cybernetics, agnostic
Henryk Wieniawski RWF HW Img Polish composer, violinist, catholic
Regine Wieniawski Img Belgian-born British composer, (Jewish father) catholic
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born American writer, Nobel Prize (1986) for Peace, agnostic
Eugene Wigner RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, Nobel Prize (1963), atheist, lutheran
David Wijnkoop Img Dutch communist leader, atheist
Meir Wilchek RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, orthodox
Frank Wilczek RWF HW Img American physicist, Nobel Prize (2004)  (Jewish paternal grandfather) agnostic
Gene Wilder RWF HW Img American comic actor, screenwriter, atheist, buddhist
Einat Wilf RWF HW Img Israeli politician, educator,   atheist
Mara Wilson RW5 Img American child stage/television actress, singer, (Jewish mother) atheist
Shimon Wincelberg RWF Img American television writer, playwright, orthodox
Sherwin Wine Img American founder of ''Society for Humanistic Judaism'' agnostic
Lauren Winner Img American journalist, (Jewish father) christian
Stephen Winsten RW5 Img British writer, biographer, quaker
Adolfo Winternitz Img Austrian-born Peruvian painter, catholic
Sir Nicholas Winton RWF HW Img British banker, humanitarian, stochbroker, anglican
Greg Wise Img British actor, producer, ??? anglican
Edward Witten RWF HW Img American mathematician, physicist, Fields Medal (1990), atheist
Karl Wittgenstein RWF Img Austrian entrepreneur, steel tycoon, protestant
Ludwig Wittgenstein RWF HW Img Austrian-born British philosopher, (not Jewish maternal grandmother) catholic, agnostic
Paul Wittgenstein RWF Img Austrian-born pianist, (not Jewish maternal grandmather) protestant
Baron Albert Wodianer Img Hungarian businessman, politician, christian
Samuel Wodianer Czech-born co-founder of Merchant Bank, christian
Louis de Wohl Img Hungarian-born British author, catholic
Jan Wolenski RWB Img Polish philosopher, virtue epistemologist, philosopher of language, atheist
Geralyn Wolf Img American bishop, anglican
Alan Wolfe RWB Img American political scientist, sociologist, atheist
Humbert Wolfe RW5 Img Italian-born British poet, translator, protestant
Michael Wolfe Img American poet, author, (Jewish father) muslim
Gustav Wolff RWF Img German-born Northern Irish MP, founder of  Harland and Wolff, christian
Joseph Wolff RW5 Img Christian missionary, protestant
Maximilian Wolff Polish doctor, calvinist
Tobias Wolff RW5 HW Img American writer, (Jewish father) catholic
Zev Wolfson Img American real estate businessman, philanthropist, haredi
Helena Wolinska-Brus RW5 Img Polish military prosecutor, atheist
Louis Wolowski Img Polish-born French economist, diplomat, politician, catholic
Lewis Wolpert RWF Img South African-born British developmental biologist, broadcaster, author, atheist
Steven Woolfe Img British politician, MEP 2014- , catholic
Baron Henry de Worms Img British politician, MP 1880-95, christian
Avi Wortzman RWF Img Israeli politician, orthodox
Herman Wouk RWF HW Img American writer, playwright, orthodox
Richard Wurmbrand RW5 Img Anglican priest, anglican
Ron Wyden RW5 HW Img American senator 1981-1996, reform
Steve Wynn RW5 Img American singer/songwriter, buddhist
Michael Wyschogrod Img German-born American philosopher, theologian, orthodox
Sir David Ximenes RWC Img British officer, landowner, lieutenant general, anglican
Sir Morris Ximenes British landowner, anglican
Shaul Yahalom RWC HW Img Israeli politician, Minister of Transportsation, orthodox
Leonid Yakubovich RWF Img Russian actor, comedian, television host, ND
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1977) in medicine, orthodox
Zvi Yanai RWF Img Italian-born Israeli civil servant, author, (Jewish mother) atheist
Omer Yankelevich RWC HW Img Israeli politician, haredi
Leonid Yarmolnik RWF Img Russian/Soviet actor, film producer, television host, agnostic
Yemelyan Yaroslavsky RWF Img Russian historian, politician, atheist
Adam Yauch RW5 Img American bassist, rapper, (Jewish mother) buddhist
Zvi Yehezkeli RW5 HW Img Israeli journalist, arab affairs commentator, orthodox
Moshe Yess HW Img Canadian singer/songwriter, composer, entertainer, orthodox
Ivan Yevreinov RWC Polish-born Russian geodesist, explorer, easternorthodox
Matthew Yglesias Img American political blogger/writer, journalist, (not Jewish paternal grandfather) atheist
Milo Yiannopoulos Img Greek-born British journalist, entrepreneur, (Jewish mother) catholic
Eli Yishai RWF HW Img Israeli politician, Deputy Prime Minister, Leader of Shas Party haredi
Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Grossman RW5 HW Img Israeli rabbi, founder of educational institutions, haredi
Levi Yitzhak Yerushalmi HW Img Israeli journalist, yotzimBaSheela
S. Yizhar RWF HW Img Israeli author,   atheist
Moti Yogev RWC HW Img Israeli politician,  orthodox
Ya'akov Yosef HW Img Egyptian-born Israeli politician, rabbi, haredi
Avraham Yosef Shapira HW Img Romanan-born Israeli politician, businessman, orthodox
Yoram Yovel HW Img Israeli psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, yotzimBaSheela
Michael de Young RWF Img American journalist, publisher, catholic
Leonid Yudasin RWF HW Img Russian-born Israeli grandmaster, orthodox
Maria Yudina RWF Img Russian pianist, easternorthodox
Eliezer Yudkowsky Img American artifical intelligence researcher, blogger, atheist
Yakov Yurovsky RWF Img Russian-born Soviet  bolshevik, lutheran
Sergei Yursky RWF Img Russian/Soviet film/stage actor, stage director, screenwriter, (Jewish mother) atheist
Ossip Zadkine RWF HW Img Belarusian-born French artist, sculptor, (Jewish father), easternorthodox
Sergey Zagraevsky RWF Img Russian-born Israeli painter, architectural historian, writer, theologian, christian
Dov Zakheim RWC HW Img non-practicing modern Orthodox rabbi, economic and political leader in US government orthodox
Boris Zakhoder RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian poet, translator, screenwriter, christian
Helen Zaltzman RW5 Img British podcaster, broadcaster, comedy writer,  atheist
Alfonso de Zamora HW Spanish rabbi, catholic
Nosson Zand Img American rapper, orthodox
Tamar Zandberg RWC HW Img Israeli politician, atheist
Israel Zangwill RWF HW Img British writer, playwright,  atheist
Oscar Zariski RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, atheist
George Zarnecki RWB Img Ukrainian-born British art historian, (Jewish father) catholic
Jean Zay RWC Img French Minister of Education 1936-39,  (Jewish father) Leon Blum protestant
Nisim Ze'ev RWF HW Img Israeli politician,   haredi
Moshe Zeev Feldman HW Img Austrian-born Israeli politician,    haredi
Hillel Zeitlin RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Yiddish language writer, orthodox
Vladimir Zeldin RWF Img Russian stage/film actor, (Jewish father) agnostic
Yakov Zeldovich RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, astronomer, atheist
Yitzhak Zelikson HW Img Lithuanian-born Russian translator, ND
Hanna Zemer HW Img Israeli journalist, yotzimBaSheela
Nachum Zev Dessler Img Lithuanian-born American rabbi, educator, orthodox
Sabbatai Zevi RWF HW Img Turkish-born mystic, pseudo-messiah, muslim
Vladimir Zhirinovsky RWF Img Leader of ultra-nationalist Party, (Jewish father) eastern orthodox
Jeffrey Zients RWC Img American Director of Management and Budget Office 2012- Obama reform
Ariel Zilber RWC HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter, orthodox
Helen Zille RWF Img South African politician, MP 2004-06, mayor of Cape Town 2006-09 (Jewish maternal/paternal grandmother) christian
Efrem Zimbalist, Sr RWF HW Img Russian-born American violinist, composer, conductor, anglican
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr RWF Img American producer, actor, christian
Grigory Zinoviev RWF HW Img Soviet Secrete Police Secretary, President of Communist International atheist
Daniel Zion Img Greek-born Bulgarian Israeli rabbi, kabbalist, political activist, christian
Ezra Zion Melamed RW5 HW Img Iranian-born Israeli biblical/talmudic scholar, lexicographer, orthodox
Aharon Zisling RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli politician,  Minister of Agriculture 1948-49 atheist
Claudio Zivic Img Argentine bishop, (Jewish maternal grandmother) mormon
Frija Zoaretz RWC HW Img Libyan-born Israeli politician,   orthodox
Uri Zohar RWF HW Img Israeli film director, actor, comedian, rabbi, orthodox
Gary Zola Img American historian, rabbi, reform
Israel Zolli RW5 HW Italian Chief Rabbi in Rome, catholic
Mark Zuckerberg RWF HW Img American founder, CEO of Facebook, atheist
Emile Zuckerkandl RW5 HW Img Austrian-born French American molecular biologist, atheist
Benedict Zuckermann RW5 Img German/Polish-born mathematician, astronomer, orthodox
Nathan Zuntz RWC HW Img German physiologist, lutheran
Elsa Zylberstein RW5 Img French film/television/stage actress, television personality, (Jewish father) buddhist
Jakub Zysman Img Polish doctor, social worker, lutheran