Jewish Nobel Prize Winners  -  JewProm
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elected bo-de
Nobel Prize Winners by Surname   2003 1928-
Alexei Abrikosov RWF HW Img Russian American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 1966 1888-1970
Shmuel Agnon RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli writer, 2001 1940-
George Akerlof RWF HW Img American economist, (Jewish mother) 2020 1935-
Harvey Alter RWF Img American medical researcher, virologist, 2000 1930-
Zhores Alferov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, (Jewish mother) 1989 1939-
Sidney Altman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American molecular biologist, 1972 1916-95
Christian Anfinsen RWF HW Img American chemist, (convert to Judaism) 2021 1960-
Joshua Angrist RWC Img American-born Israeli American economist, 1972 1921-
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, 2018 1922-
Arthur Ashkin RWF Img American physicist, optical tweezers, 1911 1838-1913
Tobias Asser RWF HW Img Dutch jurist,  2005 1930-
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born American Israeli mathematician, game theory, 2004 1946-
Richard Axel RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1970 1912-2004
Julius Axelrod RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1975 1938-
David Baltimore RWF Img American biologist, retroviruses, 1914 1876-1936
Robert Barany RWF HW Img Austrian-born Hungarian physiologist, 2017 1936-
Barry Barish RWF HW Img American experimental physicist, 1978 1902-91
Isaac Bashevis Singer RWF HW Img Polish-born American writer, 1992 1930-2014
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, 1978 1913-92
Menachem Begin RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Israeli Prime Minister 1977-83,   1976 1915-2005
Saul Bellow RWF HW Img Canadian-born American writer,  1980 1920-2011
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-American immunologist, 1980 1926-
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1958 1859-1941
Henri Bergson RWF HW Img French philosopher,  1967 1906-2005
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14, 2022 1953-
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img German-born British American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 2011 1957-
Bruce Beutler RWF HW Img American immunologist, geneticist, 1905 1835-1917
Adolf von Baeyer RWF HW Img German chemist, (Jewish mother), 1952 1905-83
Felix Bloch RWF HW Img Swiss-born American physicist, NMR 1964 1912-2000
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, 1976 1925-2011
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist,  1975 1922-2009
Aage Bohr RWF Img Danish physicist, (Jewish paternal grandmother) 1922 1885-1962
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, (Jewish mother) 1954 1882-1970
Max Born RWF HW Img German-born British physicist, 1920 1851-1925
Leon Bourgeois RWF HW Img Prime Minister of France 1895-96, 2002 1927-
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South Africa-born British biologist, 1987 1940-96
Joseph Brodsky RWF HW Img Russian American writer, poet,  1979 1912-2004
Herbert Brown RWF HW Img British-born American chemist, 1985 1941-
Michael Brown RWF HW Img American geneticist, 1961 1911-97
Melvin Calvin RWF HW Img American biochemist photosynthesis, 1981 1905-94
Elias Canetti RWF HW Img Bulgarian-born British-Austrian novelist,  2007 1937-
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, (Jewish maternal grangfather) 1968 1887-1976
Rene Cassin RWF HW Img French jurist, 1945 1906-79
Sir Ernst Chain RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, 2008 1947-
Martin Chalfie RWF HW Img American neurobiologist, 1992 1924-2010
Georges Charpak RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born French physicist, 2004 1947-
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, 1986 1922-
Stanley Cohen RWF HW Img American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors, 1997 1933-
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji RWF HW Img Algerian-born French physicist, 1972 1930-
Leon Cooper RWF HW Img American physicist,  1947 1896-1957
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physiologist, 1943 1885-1966
George de Hevesy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swedish chemist, 2010 1940-
Douglas Diamond RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father), 2022 1953-
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, 2016 1941-
Bob Dylan RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, 1972 1929-2014
Gerald Edelman RWF HW Img American biologist, embyologist, immunologist, neuroscientist,  1908 1854-1915
Paul Ehrlich RWF HW Img German physician, immunologist, hematologist,  1921 1879-1955
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist,  1924 1860-1927
Willem Einthoven RWF Img Dutch doctor, physiologist, (Jewish paternal grandfather)  1988 1918-99
Gertrude Elion RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, 2013 1932-
Baron Francois Englert RWF HW Img Belgian theoretical physicist, 1944 1874-1965
Joseph Erlanger RWF HW Img American physiologist, 1965 1918-88
Richard Feynman RWF HW Img American quantum physicist, 2006 1959-
Andrew Fire RWF HW Img American geneticist, 1992 1920-
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, (Jewish father) 1993 1926-2013
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economist, 1925 1882-1964
James Franck RWF HW Img German-born American physicist,  1958 1908-90
Ilya Frank RWF HW Img Russian physicist, (Jewish father) 1911 1864-1921
Alfred Fried RWF HW Img Austrian pacifist, journalist, co-founder of German peace movement,  1990 1930-
Jerome Friedman RWF HW Img American physicist,  1976 1912-2006
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, 1973 1886-1982
Karl von Frisch RWF HW Img Austrian ethologist, (1973),   (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1998 1916-2009
Robert Furchgott RWF Img American pharmacologist, biochemist, 1971 1900-79
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, 2010 1958-
Sir Andre Geim RWF HW Img Russian-born British physicist, graphene, (Jewish maternal great grandmother) 1969 1929-
Murray Gell-Mann RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 1980 1932-
Walter Gilbert RWF HW Img American biochemist, physicist,     1994 1941-
Alfred Gilman RWF Img American pharmacologist, 2003 1916-2009
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist,  1960 1926-2013
Donald Glaser RWF HW Img American physicist, neurobiologist, bubble chamber, 1979 1932-
Sheldon Glashow RWF HW Img American physicist, 2005 1932-
Roy Glauber RWF HW Img American physicist, quantum theory of optical cohearance, 2020 1943-
Louise Gluck RWF Img American poet, (Jewish father) 1963 1906-72
Maria Goeppert-Mayer RWF Img Polish-born German American physicist, (Jewish grandfather) 1985 1940-
Claudia Goldin RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2023) 2023 1946-
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist,  1991 1923-2014
Nadine Gordimer RWF HW Img South African novelist, 2000 1925-
Paul Greengard RWF HW Img American neuroscientist,  2004 1941-
David Gross RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 1918 1868-1934
Fritz Haber RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German chemist, ammonia, 1910 1830-1914
Paul von Heyse RWF HW Img German writer, translator, (Jewish mother),  1953 1900-81
Sir Hans Krebs RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist,  2012 1944-
Serge Haroche RWF HW Img Moroccan-born French theoretical physicist, quantum engineering, 1996 1939-
Sir Harold Kroto RWF HW Img British chemist, (Jewish father), 1994 1920-2000
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, 2016 1948-
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, 1985 1917-2011
Herbert Hauptman RWF HW Img American mathematician, 2000 1936-
Alan Heeger RWF HW Img American physicist, discovery and development of conductive polymers, 2004 1937-
Avram Hershko RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli biologist, 1925 1887-1975
Gustav Hertz RWF HW Img German physicist, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1981 1937-
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American theoretical chemist, electronic structures, 1961 1915-90
Robert Hofstadter RWF HW Img American physicist, 2002 1947-
Robert Horvitz RWF HW Img American biologist, 2007 1917-2008
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, 1965 1920-2013
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, 2004 1946-
Elfriede Jelinek RWF HW Img Austrian American playwright, novelist, (Jewish father),  1973 1940-
Sir Brian Josephson RWF HW Img British physicist,  2021 1955-
David Julius RWF Img American sense physiologist, 2002 1934-
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli-born French American psychologist, 2000 1929-
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psychiatrist, neuroscientist, 1975 1912-86
Leonid Kantorovich RWF HW Img Russian mathematician, linear programming, 1985 1918-2013
Jerome Karle RWF HW Img American physical chemist, 2013 1930-
Martin Karplus RWF HW Img Austrian-born American chemist, 1970 1911-2003
Sir Bernard Katz RWF HW Img German-born British biophysicist, 2002 1929-2016
Imre Kertesz RWF HW Img Hungarian author,  1973 1923-
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img German-born American Secretary of State (1973-77), 1980 1920-2023
Lawrence Klein RWF Img American economist, 1982 1926-
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist, 1998 1923-
Walter Kohn RWF HW Img Austrian-born Canadian American chemist,  1959 1918-2007
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist,  2006 1947-
Roger Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, 2016 1942-
Michael Kosterlitz RWF Img British-born American physicist, 2019 1964-
Michael Kremer RWF Img American economist, 2008 1953-
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, 1971 1901-85
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American economist, 1962 1908-68
Lev Landau RWF HW Img Azerbaijani-born Ukrainian Russian theoretical physicist,  1930 1868-1943
Karl Landsteiner RWF HW Img Austrian bacteriologist, immunologist, 1958 1925-2008
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, 1988 1922-
Leon Lederman RWF HW Img American physicist,  1996 1931-
David Lee RWF HW Img American physicist, superfluidity, 2012 1943-
Robert Lefkowitz RWF HW Img American physiologist, 1973 1906-99
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, (Jewish mother) 1986 1909-2012
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born  American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors, 2013 1947-
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British Israeli American biophysicist, computational biology, 1962 1899-1986
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, 1908 1845-1921
Gabriel Lippmann RWF HW Img Luxembourgian-born French physicist, 1936 1873-1961
Otto Loewi RWF HW Img German-born Austrian American biochemist, pharmacologist,  1969 1912-91
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist,  1965 1902-94
Andre Lwoff RWF HW Img French microbiologist, 1992 1923-
Rudolph Marcus RWF HW Img Canadian-born American physical chemist, 1990 1927-
Harry Markowitz RWF HW Img American economist, 2007 1950-
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img American economist, 1908 1845-1916
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, (Jewish mother), 1997 1944-
Robert Merton RWF HW Img American economist, (Jewish father), 1922 1884-1951
Otto Meyerhof RWF HW Img German-born American physician, biochemist, 1907 1852-1931
Albert Michelson RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, optical precision instruments, 2020 1948-
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  1990 1923-2000
Merton Miller RWF HW Img American economist, 1984 1927-2002
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, 1945 1889-1957
Gabriela Mistral RWF Img Chilean poet, educator, diplomat, (Jewish paternal grandmother) 2014 1945-
Patrick Modiano RWF HW Img French writer, (Jewish father) 1985 1918-2003
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born American economist, 1906 1852-1907
Henri Moissan RWF HW Img French chemist, artificle diamond, (Jewish mother), 1975 1926-
Benjamin Mottelson RWF HW Img American-born Danish physicist,  1987 1927-
Alexander Muller RWF HW Img Swiss physicist, (Jewish mother) 1946 1890-1967
Hermann Muller RWF HW Img American geneticist, (Jewish mother) 2007 1951-
Roger Myerson RWF HW Img American economist, 1978 1928-99
Daniel Nathans RWF HW Img American microbiologist, 1968 1927-2010
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist,  2018 1941-
William Nordhaus RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father), 1994 1927-
George Olah RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American chemist,  1996 1945-
Douglas Osheroff RWF HW Img American physicist, superfluidity in Hellium-3, (Jewish father) `` 1933-2012
Elinor Ostrom RWF HW Img American political scientist, (Jewish father) 1958 1890-1960
Boris Pasternak RWF HW Img Russian poet, writer, translator, 1945 1900-58
Wolfgang Pauli RWF Img Austrian-born American Swiss physicist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother), 1978 1933-
Arno Penzias RWF HW Img German-born American physicist,  1994 1923-2016
Shimon Peres RWF HW Img Prime Minister of Israel  1986-88 1995-96, President of Israel 2007-14, 1995 1927-2014
Martin Perl RWF HW Img American physicist, Tau Lepton, 2011 1959-
Saul Perlmutter RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 1962 1914-2002
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, 2005 1930-2008
Harold Pinter RWF HW Img British American playwright, theater director, actor, 1986 1929-
John Polanyi RWF HW Img German-born British Canadian chemist, (1986), (Jewish father), 2004 1949-
Hugh Politzer RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 1977 1917-2003
Viscount Ilya Prigogine RWF HW Img Russian-born Belgian chemist, 1997 1942-
Stanley Prusiner RWF HW Img American neurologist, biochemist, 1944 1898-1988
Isidor Rabi RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, nuclear magnetic resonance, 1994 1922-95
Yitzhak Rabin RWF HW Img Israeli Prime Minister (1974-77 1992-95), 1950 1897-1996
Tadeus Reichstein RWF HW Img Polish-born Swiss chemist, 1995 1918-98
Frederick Reines RWF HW Img American physicist, detection of the neutrino, 1976 1931-
Burton Richter RWF HW Img American physicist, 2011 1969-
Adam Riess RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 1994 1925-98
Martin Rodbell RWF HW Img American biochemist, 2004 1926-2015
Irwin Rose RWF HW Img American biologist,  1995 1908-2005
Sir Joseph Rotblat RWF HW Img Polish-born British physicist, 2012 1951-
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img American economist, 2013 1950-
James Rothman RWF HW Img American biochemist, biophysicist, research administrator,  1966 1891-1970
Nelly Sachs RWF HW Img German-born Swedish  poet, dramatist,  1970 1915-2009
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, 1981 1921-99
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img American-born Canadian American physicist,  (Jewish father) 2013 1948-
Randy Schekman RWF HW Img American cell biologist, geneticist, biochemist, 1997 1941-
Myron Scholes RWF HW Img Canadian-born American economist, 1988 1932-2006
Melvin Schwartz RWF HW Img American physicist,  1965 1918-94
Julian Schwinger RWF HW Img American theoretical physicist, 1959 1905-89
Emilio Segre RWF HW Img Italian  American physicist, discovery of antiproton, 1994 1930-
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, (Jewish father), 2011 1941-
Dan Shechtman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, materials engineering, 1985 1916-2001
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American economist, psychologist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother) 2011 1942-
Christopher Sims RWF HW Img American econometrician, macroeconomist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1987 1924-
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, 1972 1911-80
William Stein RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1988 1921-
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist,  2011 1943-2011
Ralph Steinman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American immunologist, cell biologist, 1943 1888-1969
Otto Stern RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist,  2001 1943-
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, 1958 1895-1971
Igor Tamm RWF HW Img Russian physicist, 1975 1934-94
Howard Temin RWF HW Img American geneticist,  1982 1927-2004
Sir John Vane RWF Img British pharmacologist, (Jewish father) 1989 1939-
Harold Varmus RWF Img American microbiolgist, virologist,  1952 1888-1973
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American biochemist, discovery of streptomycin,  1967 1906-97
George Wald RWF HW Img American neuroscientist,  1910 1847-1931
Otto Wallach RWF HW Img German organical chemist, (Jewish father) 1931 1883-1970
Otto Heinrich Warburg RWF HW Img German physiologist, biochemist, medical doctor, (Jewish father) 2013 1940-
Arieh Warshel RWF HW Img Israeli-born American biochemist, biophysicist, 1979 1933-
Steven Weinberg RWF HW Img American physicist, electroweak force, 2017 1932-
Drew Weissman RWF Img American physician-scientist, biochemist, (Jewish father) 1923 1959-
Rainer Weiss RWF Img German-born American astrophysicist, founder of LIGO project, (Jewish father) Nobel Prize (2017) 1986 1928-2016
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born French American writer, 1963 1902-95
Eugene Wigner RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, Nuclear Engineering, 2004 1951-
Frank Wilczek RWF HW Img American physicist, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1976 1943-
Betty Williams RWF HW Img Irish-born British peace activist, (Jewish maternal grandfather) 1915 1872-1942
Richard Willstatter RWF HW Img German-born Swiss organical chemist,  2017 1932-
Rainer Weiss RWF Img German-born American astrophysicist, founder of LIGO project, (Jewish father) Nobel Prize (2017) 1977 1921-2011
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American medical physicist,  2009 1939-
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist,
elected bo-de
Physics 2003 1928-
Alexei Abrikosov RWF HW Img Russian American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 2000 1930-
Zhores Alferov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, (Jewish mother) 2018 1922-
Arthur Ashkin RWF Img American physicist, optical tweezers, 2017 1936-
Barry Barish RWF HW Img American experimental physicist, 1967 1906-2005
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img German-born British American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 1952 1905-83
Felix Bloch RWF HW Img Swiss-born American physicist, NMR 1922 1885-1962
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, (Jewish mother) 1954 1882-1970
Max Born RWF HW Img German-born British physicist, 1992 1924-2010
Georges Charpak RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born French physicist, 1997 1933-
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji RWF HW Img Algerian-born French physicist, 1972 1930-
Leon Cooper RWF HW Img American physicist,  1921 1879-1955
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist,  1965 1918-88
Richard Feynman RWF HW Img American quantum physicist, 2013 1932-
Baron Francois Englert RWF HW Img Belgian theoretical physicist, 1925 1882-1964
James Franck RWF HW Img German-born American physicist,  1958 1908-90
Ilya Frank RWF HW Img Russian physicist, (Jewish father) 1990 1930-
Jerome Friedman RWF HW Img American physicist,  1971 1900-79
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, 1969 1929-
Murray Gell-Mann RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 2020 1965-
Andrea Ghez RWF Img American astronomer, (Jewish father) 2003 1916-2009
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist,  1960 1926-2013
Donald Glaser RWF HW Img American physicist, neurobiologist, bubble chamber, 1979 1932-
Sheldon Glashow RWF HW Img American physicist, 2005 1932-
Roy Glauber RWF HW Img American physicist, quantum theory of optical cohearance, 2004 1941-
David Gross RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 2012 1944-
Serge Haroche RWF HW Img Moroccan-born French theoretical physicist, quantum engineering, 1961 1915-90
Robert Hofstadter RWF HW Img American physicist, 1973 1940-
Sir Brian Josephson RWF HW Img British physicist,  2016 1942-
Michael Kosterlitz RWF Img British-born American physicist, 1962 1908-68
Lev Landau RWF HW Img Azerbaijani-born Ukrainian Russian theoretical physicist,  1988 1922-
Leon Lederman RWF HW Img American physicist,  1996 1931-
David Lee RWF HW Img American physicist, superfluidity, 1908 1845-1921
Gabriel Lippmann RWF HW Img Luxembourgian-born French physicist, 1907 1852-1931
Albert Michelson RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, optical precision instruments, 1975 1926-
Benjamin Mottelson RWF HW Img American-born Danish physicist,  1987 1927-
Alexander Muller RWF HW Img Swiss physicist, (Jewish mother) 1996 1945-
Douglas Osheroff RWF HW Img American physicist, superfluidity in Hellium-3, (Jewish father) 1945 1900-58
Wolfgang Pauli RWF Img Austrian-born American Swiss physicist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother), 1978 1933-
Arno Penzias RWF HW Img German-born American physicist,  1995 1927-2014
Martin Perl RWF HW Img American physicist, Tau Lepton, 2011 1959-
Saul Perlmutter RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 2004 1949-
Hugh Politzer RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 1944 1898-1988
Isidor Rabi RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, nuclear magnetic resonance, 1995 1918-98
Frederick Reines RWF HW Img American physicist, detection of the neutrino, 1976 1931-
Burton Richter RWF HW Img American physicist, 2011 1969-
Adam Riess RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 2017 1944-
Michael Rosbash RWF Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (2017) in medicine, 1981 1921-99
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img American-born Canadian American physicist,  (Jewish father) 1988 1932-2006
Melvin Schwartz RWF HW Img American physicist,  1965 1918-94
Julian Schwinger RWF HW Img American theoretical physicist, 1959 1905-89
Emilio Segre RWF HW Img Italian  American physicist, discovery of antiproton, 1988 1921-
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist,  1943 1888-1969
Otto Stern RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist,  1958 1895-1971
Igor Tamm RWF HW Img Russian physicist, 2013 1940-
Arieh Warshel RWF HW Img Israeli-born American biochemist, biophysicist, 1979 1933-
Steven Weinberg RWF HW Img American physicist, electroweak force, 2017 1932-
Rainer Weiss RWF Img German-born American astrophysicist, founder of LIGO project, (Jewish father)  1963 1902-95
Eugene Wigner RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, Nuclear Engineering,
Chemistry elected bo-de
Sidney Altman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American molecular biologist, 1989 1939-
Christian Anfinsen RWF HW Img American chemist, (convert to Judaism) 1972 1916-95
Adolf von Baeyer RWF HW Img German chemist, (Jewish mother), 1905 1835-1917
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1980 1926-
Herbert Brown RWF HW Img British-born American chemist, 1979 1912-2004
Melvin Calvin RWF HW Img American biochemist photosynthesis, 1961 1911-97
Martin Chalfie RWF HW Img American neurobiologist, 2008 1947-
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, 2004 1947-
Walter Gilbert RWF HW Img American biochemist, physicist,     1980 1932-
Fritz Haber RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German chemist, ammonia, 1918 1868-1934
Herbert Hauptman RWF HW Img American mathematician, 1985 1917-2011
Alan Heeger RWF HW Img American physicist, discovery and development of conductive polymers, 2000 1936-
Avram Hershko RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli biologist, 2004 1937-
George de Hevesy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swedish chemist, 1943 1885-1966
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American theoretical chemist, electronic structures, 1981 1937-
Jerome Karle RWF HW Img American physical chemist, 1985 1918-2013
Martin Karplus RWF HW Img Austrian-born American chemist, 2013 1930-
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist, 1982 1926-
Walter Kohn RWF HW Img Austrian-born Canadian American chemist,  1998 1923-
Roger Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, 2006 1947-
Sir Harold Kroto RWF HW Img British chemist, (Jewish father), 1996 1939-
Robert Lefkowitz RWF HW Img American physiologist, 2012 1943-
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British Israeli American biophysicist, computational biology, 2013 1947-
Rudolph Marcus RWF HW Img Canadian-born American physical chemist, 1992 1923-
Henri Moissan RWF HW Img French chemist, artificle diamond, (Jewish mother), 1906 1852-1907
George Olah RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American chemist,  1994 1927-
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, 1962 1914-2002
John Polanyi RWF HW Img German-born British Canadian chemist, (1986), (Jewish father), 1986 1929-
Viscount Ilya Prigogine RWF HW Img Russian-born Belgian chemist, 1977 1917-2003
Irwin Rose RWF HW Img American biologist,  2004 1926-2015
Dan Shechtman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, materials engineering, 2011 1941-
William Stein RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1972 1911-80
Otto Wallach RWF HW Img German organical chemist, (Jewish father) 1910 1847-1931
Richard Willstatter RWF HW Img German-born Swiss organical chemist,  1915 1872-1942
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist, 2009 1939-
Physiology and Medicine elected bo-de
Harvey Alter RWF Img American medical researcher, virologist, 2020 1935-
Richard Axel RWF HW Img American biochemist, 2004 1946-
Julius Axelrod RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1970 1912-2004
David Baltimore RWF Img American biologist, retroviruses, 1975 1938-
Robert Barany RWF HW Img Austrian-born Hungarian physiologist, 1914 1876-1936
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-American immunologist, 1980 1920-2011
Bruce Beutler RWF HW Img American immunologist, geneticist, 2011 1957-
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, 1964 1912-2000
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist,  1976 1925-2011
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South Africa-born British biologist, 2002 1927-
Michael Brown RWF HW Img American geneticist, 1985 1941-
Sir Ernst Chain RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, 1945 1906-79
Stanley Cohen RWF HW Img American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors, 1986 1922-
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physiologist, 1947 1896-1957
Gerald Edelman RWF HW Img American biologist, embyologist, immunologist, neuroscientist,  1972 1929-2014
Paul Ehrlich RWF HW Img German physician, immunologist, hematologist,  1908 1854-1915
Gertrude Elion RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, 1988 1918-99
Joseph Erlanger RWF HW Img American physiologist, 1944 1874-1965
Andrew Fire RWF HW Img American geneticist, 2006 1959-
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, (Jewish father) 1992 1920-
Robert Furchgott RWF Img American pharmacologist, biochemist, 1998 1916-2009
Alfred Gilman RWF Img American pharmacologist, 1994 1941-
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist,  1985 1940-
Paul Greengard RWF HW Img American neuroscientist,  2000 1925-
Robert Horvitz RWF HW Img American biologist, 2002 1947-
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, 1965 1920-2013
David Julius RWF Img American sense physiologist, 2021 1955-
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psychiatrist, neuroscientist, 2000 1929-
Sir Bernard Katz RWF HW Img German-born British biophysicist, 1970 1911-2003
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist,  1959 1918-2007
Sir Hans Krebs RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist,  1953 1900-81
Karl Landsteiner RWF HW Img Austrian bacteriologist, immunologist, 1930 1868-1943
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, 1958 1925-2008
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born  American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors, 1986 1909-2012
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, 1962 1899-1986
Otto Loewi RWF HW Img German-born Austrian American biochemist, pharmacologist,  1936 1873-1961
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist,  1969 1912-91
Andre Lwoff RWF HW Img French microbiologist, 1965 1902-94
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, (Jewish mother), 1908 1845-1916
Otto Meyerhof RWF HW Img German-born American physician, biochemist, 1922 1884-1951
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, 1984 1927-2002
Hermann Muller RWF HW Img American geneticist, (Jewish mother) 1946 1890-1967
Daniel Nathans RWF HW Img American microbiologist, 1978 1928-99
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist,  1968 1927-2010
Stanley Prusiner RWF HW Img American neurologist, biochemist, 1997 1942-
Tadeus Reichstein RWF HW Img Polish-born Swiss chemist, 1950 1897-1996
Martin Rodbell RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1994 1925-98
Michael Rosbash RWF Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (2017) in medicine, 2017 1944-
James Rothman RWF HW Img American biochemist, biophysicist, research administrator,  2013 1950-
Randy Schekman RWF HW Img American cell biologist, geneticist, biochemist, 2013 1948-
Ralph Steinman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American immunologist, cell biologist, 2011 1943-2011
Howard Temin RWF HW Img American geneticist,  1975 1934-94
Sir John Vane RWF Img British pharmacologist, (Jewish father) 1982 1927-2004
Harold Varmus RWF Img American microbiolgist, virologist,  1989 1939-
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American biochemist, discovery of streptomycin,  1952 1888-1973
George Wald RWF HW Img American neuroscientist,  1967 1906-97
Otto Heinrich Warburg RWF HW Img German physiologist, biochemist, medical doctor, (Jewish father) 1931 1883-1970
Drew Weissman RWF Img American physician-scientist, biochemist, (Jewish father) 1923 1959-
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American medical physicist,  1977 1921-2011
Economics elected bo-de
George Akerlof RWF HW Img American economist, (Jewish mother) 2001 1940-
Joshua Angrist RWC Img American-born Israeli American economist, 2021 1960-
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, 1972 1921-
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born American Israeli mathematician, game theory, 2005 1930-
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, 1992 1930-2014
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14, 2022 1953-
Douglas Diamond RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father), 2022 1953-
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, 2010 1940-
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economist, 1993 1926-2013
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, 1976 1912-2006
Claudia Goldin RWF Img American economist, 2023 1946-
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, 1994 1920-2000
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, 2016 1948-
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, 2007 1917-2008
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli-born French American psychologist, 2002 1934-
Leonid Kantorovich RWF HW Img Russian mathematician, linear programming, 1975 1912-86
Lawrence Klein RWF Img American economist, 1980 1920-2013
Michael Kremer RWF Img American economist, 2019 1964-
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, 2008 1953-
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American economist, 1971 1901-85
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, (Jewish mother) 1973 1906-99
Harry Markowitz RWF HW Img American economist, 1990 1927-
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img American economist, 2007 1950-
Robert Merton RWF HW Img American economist, (Jewish father), 1997 1944-
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  2020 1948-
Merton Miller RWF HW Img American economist, 1990 1923-2000
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born American economist, 1985 1918-2003
Roger Myerson RWF HW Img American economist, 2007 1951-
William Nordhaus RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father), 2018 1941-
Elinor Ostrom RWF HW Img American political scientist, (Jewish father) 2009 1933-2012
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img American economist, 2012 1951-
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, 1970 1915-2009
Myron Scholes RWF HW Img Canadian-born American economist, 1997 1941-
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, (Jewish father), 1994 1930-
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American economist, psychologist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother) 1985 1916-2001
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, 1987 1924-
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, 2001 1943-
Richard Thaler RWF Img American economist, 2017 1945-
Literature elected bo-de
Shmuel Agnon RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli writer, 1966 1888-1970
Isaac Bashevis Singer RWF HW Img Polish-born American writer, 1978 1902-91
Saul Bellow RWF HW Img Canadian-born American writer,  1976 1915-2005
Henri Bergson RWF HW Img French philosopher,  1958 1859-1941
Joseph Brodsky RWF HW Img Russian American writer, poet,  1987 1940-96
Elias Canetti RWF HW Img Bulgarian-born British-Austrian novelist,  1981 1905-94
Bob Dylan RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, 2016 1941-
Louise Gluck RWF Img American poet, (Jewish father) 2020 1943-
Nadine Gordimer RWF HW Img South African novelist, 1991 1923-2014
Paul von Heyse RWF HW Img German writer, translator, (Jewish mother),  1910 1830-1914
Elfriede Jelinek RWF HW Img Austrian American playwright, novelist, (Jewish father),  2004 1946-
Imre Kertesz RWF HW Img Hungarian author,  2002 1929-2016
Patrick Modiano RWF HW Img French writer, (Jewish father) 2014 1945-
Boris Pasternak RWF HW Img Russian poet, writer, translator, 1958 1890-1960
Harold Pinter RWF HW Img British American playwright, theater director, actor, 2005 1930-2008
Nelly Sachs RWF HW Img German-born Swedish  poet, dramatist,  1966 1891-1970
Peace elected bo-de
Tobias Asser RWF HW Img Dutch jurist,  1911 1838-1913
Menachem Begin RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Israeli Prime Minister 1977-83,   1978 1913-92
Leon Bourgeois RWF HW Img Prime Minister of France 1895-96, 1920 1851-1925
Rene Cassin RWF HW Img French jurist, 1968 1887-1976
Alfred Fried RWF HW Img Austrian pacifist, journalist, co-founder of German peace movement,  1911 1864-1921
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img German-born American Secretary of State (1973-77), 1973 1923-
Shimon Peres RWF HW Img Prime Minister of Israel  1986-88 1995-96, President of Israel 2007-14, 1994 1923-2016
Yitzhak Rabin RWF HW Img Israeli Prime Minister (1974-77 1992-95), 1994 1922-95
Sir Joseph Rotblat RWF HW Img Polish-born British physicist, 1995 1908-2005
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born French American writer, 1986 1928-2016
Nobel Prize for Organizations  
Peter Benenson RWF HW Img British founder/president  of Amnesty International,  (convert to Roman Catholisism),  1977 Amnesty International
Jack Geiger Img American founding member of Physicians for Human Rights, 1997 Physicians for Human Rights
Carola Eisenberg RW5 Img Argentine-born American founding member of Physicians for Human Rights, 1997 Physicians for Human Rights
Richard Goldstone RWF Img South African judge, international war crimes prosecutor, founding member of Physicians for Human Rights, 1997 Physicians for Human Rights
Bernard Kouchner RWF HW Img co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières 1961-66,  (Jewish father) 1999 Medecins Sans Frontiers
Bernard Lown RWF Img Lithuanian-born American founder of IPPNW, 1985 IPPNW
Michael Mann RWF Img American climatologist, 2007 IPCC
Ludwik Rajchman RWF Img Polish bacteriologist, UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, 1965 UNICEF
Sir Joseph Rotblat RWF HW Img Polish-born British physicist, 1995 Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Stephen Schneider RWF Img American climatologist, 2007 IPCC
Claudia Sheinbaum RWC Img Mexican politician, ecologist, mayor of Mexico City, Intergoverment Panelof Climate Change, 2007 IPCC
Nobel Prize winners with one Jewish grandparent elected bo-de
Aage Bohr RWF Img Danish physicist, (Jewish paternal grandmother) 1975 1922-2009
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, (Jewish maternal grangfather) 2007 1937-
Willem Einthoven RWF Img Dutch doctor, physiologist, (Jewish paternal grandfather)  1924 1860-1927
Karl von Frisch RWF HW Img Austrian ethologist, (1973),   (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1973 1886-1982
Sir Andre Geim RWF HW Img Russian-born British physicist, graphene, (Jewish maternal great grandmother) 2010 1958-
Maria Goeppert-Mayer RWF Img Polish-born German American physicist, (Jewish grandfather) 1963 1906-72
Gustav Hertz RWF HW Img German physicist, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1925 1887-1975
Gabriela Mistral RWF Img Chilean poet, educator, diplomat, (Jewish paternal grandmother) 1945 1889-1957
Sir Roger Penrose RWF Img British mathematician, physicist, cosmologist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 2020 1931-
Christopher Sims RWF HW Img American econometrician, macroeconomist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 2011 1942-
Frank Wilczek RWF HW Img American physicist, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 2004 1951-
Betty Williams RWF HW Img Irish-born British peace activist, (Jewish maternal grandfather) 1976 1943-
Nobel Prize winners by Countries  
America (USA)
Alexei Abrikosov RWF HW Img Russian American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 2003 1928-
George Akerlof RWF HW Img American economist, (Jewish mother) 2001 1940-
Harvey Alter RWF Img American medical researcher, virologist, 2020 1935-
Sidney Altman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American chemist, 1989 1939-
Christian Anfinsen RWF HW Img American chemist, (convert to Judaism) 1972 1916-95
Joshua Angrist RWC Img American-born Israeli American economist, 2021 1960-
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, 1972 1921-
Arthur Ashkin RWF Img American physicist, optical tweezers, 2018 1922-
Richard Axel RWF HW Img American biochemist, 2004 1946-
Julius Axelrod RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1970 1912-2004
David Baltimore RWF Img American biologist, retroviruses, 1975 1938-
Robert Barany RWF HW Img Austrian-born Hungarian physiologist, 1914 1876-1936
Barry Barish RWF HW Img American experimental physicist, 2017 1936-
Isaac Bashevis Singer RWF HW Img Polish-born American writer, 1978 1902-91
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, 1992 1930-2014
Saul Bellow RWF HW Img Canadian-born American writer,  1976 1915-2005
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-American immunologist, 1980 1920-2011
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1980 1926-
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14, 2022 1953-
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img German-born British American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 1967 1906-2005
Bruce Beutler RWF HW Img American immunologist, geneticist, 2011 1957-
Felix Bloch RWF HW Img Swiss-born American physicist, NMR 1952 1905-83
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, 1964 1912-2000
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist,  1976 1925-2011
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, (Jewish mother) 1922 1885-1962
Joseph Brodsky RWF HW Img Russian American writer, poet,  1987 1940-96
Herbert Brown RWF HW Img British-born American chemist, 1979 1912-2004
Michael Brown RWF HW Img American geneticist, 1985 1941-
Melvin Calvin RWF HW Img American biochemist photosynthesis, 1961 1911-97
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, (Jewish maternal grangfather) 2007 1937-
Martin Chalfie RWF HW Img American neurobiologist, 2008 1947-
Stanley Cohen RWF HW Img American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors, 1986 1922-
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji RWF HW Img Algerian-born French physicist, 1997 1933-
Leon Cooper RWF HW Img American physicist,  1972 1930-
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physiologist, 1947 1896-1957
George de Hevesy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swedish chemist, 1943 1885-1966
Douglas Diamond RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father), 2022 1953-
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, 2010 1940-
Gerald Edelman RWF HW Img American biologist, embyologist, immunologist, neuroscientist,  1972 1929-2014
Paul Ehrlich RWF HW Img German physician, immunologist, hematologist,  1908 1854-1915
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist,  1921 1879-1955
Gertrude Elion RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, 1988 1918-99
Baron Francois Englert RWF HW Img Belgian theoretical physicist, 2013 1932-
Joseph Erlanger RWF HW Img American physiologist, 1944 1874-1965
Richard Feynman RWF HW Img American quantum physicist, 1965 1918-88
Andrew Fire RWF HW Img American geneticist, 2006 1959-
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, (Jewish father) 1992 1920-
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economist, 1993 1926-2013
James Franck RWF HW Img German-born American physicist,  1925 1882-1964
Ilya Frank RWF HW Img Russian physicist, (Jewish father) 1958 1908-90
Alfred Fried RWF HW Img Austrian pacifist, journalist, co-founder of German peace movement,  1911 1864-1921
Jerome Friedman RWF HW Img American physicist,  1990 1930-
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, 1976 1912-2006
Robert Furchgott RWF Img American pharmacologist, biochemist, 1998 1916-2009
Sir Andre Geim RWF HW Img Russian-born British physicist, graphene, (Jewish maternal great grandmother) 2010 1958-
Murray Gell-Mann RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 1969 1929-
Walter Gilbert RWF HW Img American biochemist, physicist,     1980 1932-
Alfred Gilman RWF Img American pharmacologist, 1994 1941-
Donald Glaser RWF HW Img American physicist, neurobiologist, bubble chamber, 1960 1926-2013
Sheldon Glashow RWF HW Img American physicist, 1979 1932-
Roy Glauber RWF HW Img American physicist, quantum theory of optical cohearance, 2005 1932-
Maria Goeppert-Mayer RWF Img Polish-born German American physicist, (Jewish grandfather) 1963 1906-72
Claudia Goldin
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist,  1985 1940-
Paul Greengard RWF HW Img American neuroscientist,  2000 1925-
David Gross RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 2004 1941-
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, 1994 1920-2000
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, 2016 1948-
Herbert Hauptman RWF HW Img American mathematician, 1985 1917-2011
Alan Heeger RWF HW Img American physicist, discovery and development of conductive polymers, 2000 1936-
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American theoretical chemist, electronic structures, 1981 1937-
Robert Hofstadter RWF HW Img American physicist, 1961 1915-90
Robert Horvitz RWF HW Img American biologist, 2002 1947-
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, 2007 1917-2008
Elfriede Jelinek RWF HW Img Austrian American playwright, novelist, (Jewish father),  2004 1946-
David Julius RWF Img American sense physiologist, 2021 1955-
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli-born French American psychologist, 2002 1934-
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psychiatrist, neuroscientist, 2000 1929-
Jerome Karle RWF HW Img American physical chemist, 1985 1918-2013
Martin Karplus RWF HW Img Austrian-born American chemist, 2013 1930-
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img German-born American Secretary of State (1973-77), 1973 1923-
Lawrence Klein RWF Img American economist, 1980 1920-2013
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist, 1982 1926-
Walter Kohn RWF HW Img Austrian-born Canadian American chemist,  1998 1923-
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist,  1959 1918-2007
Roger Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, 2006 1947-
Michael Kremer RWF Img American economist, 2019 1964-
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, 2008 1953-
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American economist, 1971 1901-85
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, 1958 1925-2008
Leon Lederman RWF HW Img American physicist,  1988 1922-
David Lee RWF HW Img American physicist, superfluidity, 1996 1931-
Robert Lefkowitz RWF HW Img American physiologist, 2012 1943-
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, (Jewish mother) 1973 1906-99
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born  American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors, 1986 1909-2012
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British Israeli American biophysicist, computational biology, 2013 1947-
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, 1962 1899-1986
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist,  1969 1912-91
Rudolph Marcus RWF HW Img Canadian-born American physical chemist, 1992 1923-
Harry Markowitz RWF HW Img American economist, 1990 1927-
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img American economist, 2007 1950-
Robert Merton RWF HW Img American economist, (Jewish father), 1997 1944-
Otto Meyerhof RWF HW Img German-born American physician, biochemist, 1922 1884-1951
Albert Michelson RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, optical precision instruments, 1907 1852-1931
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  2020 1948-
Merton Miller RWF HW Img American economist, 1990 1923-2000
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, 1984 1927-2002
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born American economist, 1985 1918-2003
Hermann Muller RWF HW Img American geneticist, (Jewish mother) 1946 1890-1967
Roger Myerson RWF HW Img American economist, 2007 1951-
Daniel Nathans RWF HW Img American microbiologist, 1978 1928-99
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist,  1968 1927-2010
William Nordhaus RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father), 2018 1941-
George Olah RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American chemist,  1994 1927-
Douglas Osheroff RWF HW Img American physicist, superfluidity in Hellium-3, (Jewish father) 1996 1945-
Elinor Ostrom RWF HW Img American political scientist, (Jewish father) 2009 1933-2012
Wolfgang Pauli RWF Img Austrian-born American Swiss physicist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother), 1945 1900-58
Sir Roger Penrose RWF Img British mathematician, physicist, cosmologist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 2020 1931-
Arno Penzias RWF HW Img German-born American physicist,  1978 1933-
Martin Perl RWF HW Img American physicist, Tau Lepton, 1995 1927-2014
Saul Perlmutter RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 2011 1959-
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, 1962 1914-2002
Harold Pinter RWF HW Img British American playwright, theater director, actor, 2005 1930-2008
Hugh Politzer RWF HW Img American physicist, quarks, 2004 1949-
Stanley Prusiner RWF HW Img American neurologist, biochemist, 1997 1942-
Isidor Rabi RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, nuclear magnetic resonance, 1944 1898-1988
Frederick Reines RWF HW Img American physicist, detection of the neutrino, 1995 1918-98
Burton Richter RWF HW Img American physicist, 1976 1931-
Adam Riess RWF HW Img American astrophysicist, 2011 1969-
Martin Rodbell RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1994 1925-98
Michael Rosbash RWF Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (2017) in medicine, 2017 1944-
Irwin Rose RWF HW Img American biologist,  2004 1926-2015
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img American economist, 2012 1951-
James Rothman RWF HW Img American biochemist, biophysicist, research administrator,  2013 1950-
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, 1970 1915-2009
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img American-born Canadian American physicist,  (Jewish father) 1981 1921-99
Randy Schekman RWF HW Img American cell biologist, geneticist, biochemist, 2013 1948-
Myron Scholes RWF HW Img Canadian-born American economist, 1997 1941-
Melvin Schwartz RWF HW Img American physicist,  1988 1932-2006
Julian Schwinger RWF HW Img American theoretical physicist, 1965 1918-94
Emilio Segre RWF HW Img Italian  American physicist, discovery of antiproton, 1959 1905-89
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American economist, psychologist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother) 1985 1916-2001
Christopher Sims RWF HW Img American econometrician, macroeconomist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 2011 1942-
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, 1987 1924-
William Stein RWF HW Img American biochemist, 1972 1911-80
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist,  1988 1921-
Ralph Steinman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American immunologist, cell biologist, 2011 1943-2011
Otto Stern RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist,  1943 1888-1969
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, 2001 1943-
Howard Temin RWF HW Img American geneticist,  1975 1934-94
Richard Thaler RWF Img American economist, 2017 1945-
Harold Varmus RWF Img American microbiolgist, virologist,  1989 1939-
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American biochemist, discovery of streptomycin,  1952 1888-1973
George Wald RWF HW Img American neuroscientist,  1967 1906-97
Steven Weinberg RWF HW Img American physicist, electroweak force, 1979 1933-
Drew Weissman RWF Img American physician-scientist, biochemist, (Jewish father) 1923 1959-
Rainer Weiss RWF Img German-born American astrophysicist, founder of LIGO project, (Jewish father) Nobel Prize (2017) 2017 1932-
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born French American writer, 1986 1928-2016
Frank Wilczek RWF HW Img American physicist, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 2004 1951-
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American medical physicist,  1977 1921-2011
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, 1984 1927-2002
Robert Barany RWF HW Img Austrian-born Hungarian physiologist, 1914 1876-1936
Elias Canetti RWF HW Img Bulgarian-born British-Austrian novelist,  1981 1905-94
Alfred Fried RWF HW Img Austrian pacifist, journalist, co-founder of German peace movement,  1911 1864-1921
Karl von Frisch RWF HW Img Austrian ethologist, (1973),   (Jewish maternal grandmother) 1973 1886-1982
Elfriede Jelinek RWF HW Img Austrian American playwright, novelist, (Jewish father),  2004 1946-
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psychiatrist, neuroscientist, 2000 1929-
Martin Karplus RWF HW Img Austrian-born American chemist, 2013 1930-
Walter Kohn RWF HW Img Austrian-born Canadian American chemist,  1998 1923-
Karl Landsteiner RWF HW Img Austrian bacteriologist, immunologist, 1930 1868-1943
Wolfgang Pauli RWF Img Austrian-born American Swiss physicist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother), 1945 1900-58
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, 1962 1914-2002
Viscount Ilya Prigogine RWF HW Img Russian-born Belgian chemist, 1977 1917-2003
Bulgaria 1981 1905-94
Elias Canetti RWF HW Img Bulgarian-born British-Austrian novelist, 
Sidney Altman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American molecular biologist, 1989 1939-
Saul Bellow RWF HW Img Canadian-born American writer,  1976 1915-2005
Walter Kohn RWF HW Img Austrian-born Canadian American chemist,  1998 1923-
Rudolph Marcus RWF HW Img Canadian-born American physical chemist, 1992 1923-
John Polanyi RWF HW Img German-born British Canadian chemist, (1986), (Jewish father), 1986 1929-
Myron Scholes RWF HW Img Canadian-born American economist, 1997 1941-
Arthur Schawlow RWF HW Img American-born Canadian American physicist,  (Jewish father) 1981 1921-99
Ralph Steinman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American immunologist, cell biologist, 2011 1943-2011
Chili 1945 1889-1957
Gabriela Mistral RWF Img Chilean poet, educator, diplomat, (Jewish paternal grandmother)
Czech Republic 1947 1896-1957
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physiologist,
Denmark 1975 1922-2009
Aage Bohr RWF Img Danish physicist, (Jewish paternal grandmother) 1922 1885-1962
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, (Jewish mother) 1975 1926-
Benjamin Mottelson RWF HW Img American-born Danish physicist, 
Henri Bergson RWF HW Img French philosopher,  1958 1859-1941
Leon Bourgeois RWF HW Img Prime Minister of France 1895-96, 1920 1851-1925
Rene Cassin RWF HW Img French jurist, 1968 1887-1976
Georges Charpak RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born  French physicist, 1992 1924-2010
Serge Haroche RWF HW Img Moroccan-born French theoretical physicist, quantum engineering, 2012 1944-
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, 1965 1920-2013
Gabriel Lippmann RWF HW Img Luxembourgian-born French physicist, 1908 1845-1921
Andre Lwoff RWF HW Img French microbiologist, 1965 1902-94
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, (Jewish mother), 1908 1845-1916
Henri Moissan RWF HW Img French chemist, artificle diamond, (Jewish mother), 1906 1852-1907
Patrick Modiano RWF HW Img French writer, (Jewish father) 2014 1945-
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born French American writer, 1986 1928-2016
Adolf von Baeyer RWF HW Img German chemist, (Jewish mother), 1905 1835-1917
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img German-born British American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 1967 1906-2005
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, 1964 1912-2000
Max Born RWF HW Img German-born British physicist, 1954 1882-1970
Sir Ernst Chain RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, 1945 1906-79
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist,  1921 1879-1955
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, 1971 1900-79
Maria Goeppert-Mayer RWF Img Polish-born German American physicist, (Jewish grandfather) 1963 1906-72
Fritz Haber RWF HW Img German/Polish-born German chemist, ammonia, 1918 1868-1934
Paul von Heyse RWF HW Img German writer, translator, (Jewish mother),  1910 1830-1914
Gustav Hertz RWF HW Img German physicist, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1925 1887-1975
Sir Bernard Katz RWF HW Img German-born British biophysicist, 1970 1911-2003
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img German-born American Secretary of State (1973-77), 1973 1923-
Sir Hans Krebs RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist,  1953 1900-81
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, 1962 1899-1986
Otto Loewi RWF HW Img German-born Austrian American biochemist, pharmacologist,  1936 1873-1961
Otto Meyerhof RWF HW Img German-born American physician, biochemist, 1922 1884-1951
Arno Penzias RWF HW Img German-born American physicist,  1978 1933-
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, (Jewish father), 1994 1930-
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist,  1988 1921-
Otto Wallach RWF HW Img German organical chemist, (Jewish father) 1910 1847-1931
Otto Heinrich Warburg RWF HW Img German physiologist, biochemist, medical doctor, (Jewish father) 1931 1883-1970
Robert Barany RWF HW Img Austrian-born Hungarian physiologist, 1914 1876-1936
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, 1971 1900-79
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, 1994 1920-2000
Avram Hershko RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli biologist, 2004 1937-
Imre Kertesz RWF HW Img Hungarian author,  2002 1929-2016
George Olah RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American chemist,  1994 1927-
Eugene Wigner RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American physicist, Nuclear Engineering, 1963 1902-95
Shmuel Agnon RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli writer, 1966 1888-1970
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born American Israeli mathematician, game theory, 2005 1930-
Menachem Begin RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Israeli Prime Minister 1977-83,   1978 1913-92
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, 2004 1947-
Avram Hershko RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli biologist, 2004 1937-
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli-born French American psychologist, 2002 1934-
Shimon Peres RWF HW Img Prime Minister of Israel  1986-88 1995-96, President of Israel 2007-14, 1994 1923-2016
Yitzhak Rabin RWF HW Img Israeli Prime Minister (1974-77 1992-95), 1994 1922-95
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British Israeli American biophysicist, computational biology, 2013 1947-
Dan Shechtman RWF HW Img Israeli physicist, materials engineering, 2011 1941-
Arieh Warshel RWF HW Img Israeli-born American biochemist, biophysicist, 2013 1940-
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist, 2009 1939-
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, (Jewish maternal grangfather) 2007 1937-
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born  American neurologist, discoveries of growth factors, 1986 1909-2012
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist,  1969 1912-91
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born American economist, 1985 1918-2003
Emilio Segre RWF HW Img Italian  American physicist, discovery of antiproton, 1959 1905-89
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist, 1982 1926-2018
Gabriel Lippmann RWF HW Img Luxembourgian-born French physicist, 1908 1845-1921
Tobias Asser RWF HW Img Dutch jurist,  1911 1838-1913
Willem Einthoven RWF Img Dutch doctor, physiologist, (Jewish paternal grandfather)  1924 1860-1927
Isaac Bashevis Singer RWF HW Img Polish-born American writer, 1978 1902-91
Georges Charpak RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born French physicist, 1992 1924-2010
Maria Goeppert-Mayer RWF Img Polish-born German American physicist, (Jewish grandfather) 1963 1906-72
Roald Hoffmann RWF HW Img Polish-born American theoretical chemist, electronic structures, 1981 1937-
Isidor Rabi RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, nuclear magnetic resonance, 1944 1898-1988
Albert Michelson RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist, optical precision instruments, 1907 1852-1931
Otto Stern RWF HW Img Polish-born American physicist,  1943 1888-1969
Elie Wiesel RWF HW Img Romanian-born French American writer, 1986 1928-2016
Alexei Abrikosov RWF HW Img Russian American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 2003 1928-
Zhores Alferov RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Russian physicist, (Jewish mother) 2000 1930-
Joseph Brodsky RWF HW Img Russian American writer, poet,  1987 1940-96
Sir Andre Geim RWF HW Img Russian-born British physicist, graphene, (Jewish maternal great grandmother) 2010 1958-
Vitaly Ginzburg RWF HW Img Russian physicist, astrophysicist,  2003 1916-2009
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, 2007 1917-2008
Leonid Kantorovich RWF HW Img Russian mathematician, linear programming, 1975 1912-86
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American economist, 1971 1901-85
Lev Landau RWF HW Img Azerbaijani-born Ukrainian Russian theoretical physicist,  1962 1908-68
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, (Jewish mother) 1973 1906-99
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, (Jewish mother), 1908 1845-1916
Boris Pasternak RWF HW Img Russian poet, writer, translator, 1958 1890-1960
Viscount Ilya Prigogine RWF HW Img Russian-born Belgian chemist, 1977 1917-2003
Igor Tamm RWF HW Img Russian physicist, 1958 1895-1971
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American biochemist, discovery of streptomycin,  1952 1888-1973
South Africa
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South Africa-born British biologist, 2002 1923-2014
Nadine Gordimer RWF HW Img South African novelist, 1991 1926-
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist, 1982 1891-1970
Nelly Sachs RWF HW Img German-born Swedish  poet, dramatist,  1966 1891-1970
Felix Bloch RWF HW Img Swiss-born American physicist, NMR 1952 1905-83
Albert Einstein RWF HW Img German-born Swiss American physicist,  1921 1879-1955
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, (Jewish father) 1992 1920-
Alexander Muller RWF HW Img Swiss physicist, (Jewish mother) 1987 1927-
Wolfgang Pauli RWF Img Austrian-born American Swiss physicist, (not Jewish maternal grandmother), 1945 1900-58
Tadeus Reichstein RWF HW Img Polish-born Swiss chemist, 1950 1897-1996
Jack Steinberger RWF HW Img German-born American Swiss physicist,  1988 1921-
Richard Willstatter RWF HW Img German-born Swiss organical chemist,  1915 1872-1942
United Kingdom
Hans Bethe RWF HW Img German-born British American physicist,  (Jewish mother) 1967 1906-2005
Niels Bohr RWF HW Img Danish-born British American physicist, (Jewish mother) 1922 1885-1962
Max Born RWF HW Img German-born British physicist, 1954 1882-1970
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South Africa-born British biologist, 2002 1927-
Herbert Brown RWF HW Img British-born American chemist, 1979 1912-2004
Elias Canetti RWF HW Img Bulgarian-born British-Austrian novelist,  1981 1905-94
Sir Ernst Chain RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, 1945 1906-79
Dennis Gabor RWF HW Img Hungarian-born German British physicist, 1971 1900-79
Sir Andre Geim RWF HW Img Russian-born British physicist, graphene, (Jewish maternal great grandmother) 2010 1958-
Sir Brian Josephson RWF HW Img British physicist,  1973 1940-
Sir Bernard Katz RWF HW Img German-born British biophysicist, 1970 1911-2003
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist, 1982 1926-
Michael Kosterlitz RWF Img British-born American physicist, 2016 1942-
Sir Hans Krebs RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist,  1953 1900-81
Sir Harold Kroto RWF HW Img British chemist, (Jewish father), 1996 1939-2016
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British Israeli American biophysicist, computational biology, 2013 1947-
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, 1984 1927-2002
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, 1962 1914-2002
Harold Pinter RWF HW Img British American playwright, theater director, actor, 2005 1930-2008
Sir Joseph Rotblat RWF HW Img Polish-born British physicist, 1995 1908-2005
Sir John Vane RWF Img British pharmacologist, (Jewish father) 1982 1927-2004
Betty Williams RWF HW Img Irish-born British peace activist, (Jewish maternal grandfather) 1976 1943-2020
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-American immunologist, 1980 1920-2011