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Leonard Abramson Img founder chairman U.S. Healthcare
Stanley Bergman CEO, Chairman Henry Schein, Inc dental & medical products ExLink1
Dennis Eder CEO CareAmerica
Melvyn Estrin owner American Health Services
Allan Fisher founder 1979 CEO Holmes Place Health Clubs
Sidney Garfield Img co-founder Kaiser Permanente
Adrian Gore Img chairman, CEO Destiny Health Inc
Joe Gold RW5 Img founder 1977 chairman World Gym Gold's Gym
Abraham Gosman Img chairman, CEO Medipex Rehabillitation Centers healthcare ExLink
Deirdre Imus Img president Deirdre Imus Enviromenthal Health Center
Joel Landau RW5 Img AlphaCare
David Lewis HW Holmes Place Health Clubs
Irving Moskowitz HW Img
Lucille Roberts Img founder Luculle Roberts  health clubs
Jack Rosen CEO Infu-Teck healthcare
Jack Rosen CEO president Continental Health Affiliates healthcare
Donald Rubin founder, chairman Multiplan, Inc ExLink
Henry Schein Henry Schein, Inc ExLink1
Alan Solomont Img CEO ADS Group nursing home chain Massachusetts
Ron Zwanziger RW5 Img founder Alere
Eugene Appelbaum founder CEO Arbor Drugs, Inc Detroit
James Block president Block Drug Company
Sidney Dworkin co-founder  1961 Revco D.S.  ???
Martin Gerstel Img co founder Itamar Medical
Alex Grass RW5 Img co-founder 1962 Rite Aid pharmacy chain chain
Martin Grass CEO Rite Aid pharmacy chain chain
Herbert Haft founder 1955 Durt Drug drug stores chain
Daryl Katz RW5 Img chairman Katz Group of Companies. Pharmacy chain (over 1800) Canada
Brian Kerner major shareholder UndeRWFoods PLC retail pharmacy group ExLink
Murray Koffler RW5 Img founder Shoppers Drug Mart 1000 drugstores
Lewis Lehrman Img co-founder Rite Aid pharmacy chain
Daniel Litwin Glenwood Management Co nursary business
Reuben Mark chairman, CEO Colgate-Palmolive ExLink
Israel Matz founder 1906 Ex-Lax drugstore chain
Michael Monus Img founder, president Phar-Mor drugstore chain
Joseph Rahr founder 1944 Kinray Inc wholesale drug destributor
Stewart Rahr RW5 Img president CEO Kinray Inc wholesale drug destributor
Sean Shayan Img Global World Media Corporation Herbal Ecstasy
Bernie Shulman co-founder  1961 Revco D.S.  ???
James M Stein founder Dental Laser Institute ???
Samuel Zell RW5 Img owner Revco D.S.  2500 Drug Stores
Jerry Weinberger CEO, chairman Gray Drug Stores
Pharmaceutical Companies  
Moshe Arkin chairman Agis Industries
Arie Belldegrun RWC CEO  Kite Pharma
Gordon Binder CEO 1988- chairman Amgen  aus
Albert Bourla RWC Img Chairman, CEO Pfizer
James Crapo CEO Incara Pharmaceuticals Corporation ExLink
Fritz Hoffmann RWF Img founder 1896 Hoffman-La Roche Roche
Leslie Dan RW5 Img founder 1965 Novopharm <Teva Canada
Joseph Fischer CEO InClone Systems
Phillip Frost RW5 HW Img chairman Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd
Eli Hurvitz RW5 HW Img chairman Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd
Willy Jacobsohn chairman 1922- Beiersdorf AG ExLink
Isaac Kaye Img founder Norton Healthcare
chairman Ivax Corporation
Arthur Levinson RWF Img CEO chairman Genentech
Irwin Lerner Img CEO, president Hoffman-La Roche ???
Judy Lewent Ececutive VP, CFO Merck & Co. ???
Israel Makov CEO       -2006 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd
Alfred Mann RW5 Img inventor, chairman Mannkind Corporation
Eric Margolis RWB Img majority shareholder  Jamieson Laboratories ExLink
Joseph Nathan RW5 Img founder 1873 GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceuticual & healthcare company
Franz Oppenheim RW5 Img Director General Agfa
Stewart Rahr RW5 Img CEO, president Kinray Corp wholesale drug distributor
Shlomo Rechnitz RW5 Img founder Twinmed LLC Brius Healthcare Services
Alexey Repik RWF Img R-Pharm pharmaceutical company
Alexander Rich RWF Img founder 1987 Alkermes Inc.
Alexander Rich RWF Img co-chairman Repligen Corporation
Richard Roberts RW5 Img CEO, chairman URL Pharma
Jonathan Rothberg RW5 Img founder, chairman CuraGen Corporation
Martine Rothblatt RW5 Img founder, chairman United Theraupeutics
Arthur Sackler RW5 Img co-founder Purdue Products L.P.
Mortimer Sackler RW5 Img chairman, owner Purdue Products L.P.
Raymond Sackler RW5 Img co-founder Purdue Pharma
Leonard Schleifer RW5 founder, CEO Regeneron
Bernard Sherman RW5 Img founder, chairman Apotex Group ExLink
shareholder 25% Barr Laboratories ExLink
Harold Snyder Biocraft Laboratories <Teva
Daniel Straus RW5 Img CareOne LLC
Tony Tabatznik Img Arrow Group ExLink
Oscar Troplowitz RWE Img owner 1890-1918 German owner of Beiersdorf AG, Nivea
Samuel Waksal RW5 founder 1984 InClone Systems
Shlomo Yanai CEO 2006-12 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd
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