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Roberta Achtenberg RW5 Img United States Department of Housing and Urban Development|HUD assistant secretary
Cecilia Alvarez-Correa Glen RWC Img Colombian Minister of Transport 2012- ,
Sheldon Andelson University of California Regent
Gabriel Attal RWF HW Img Prime Minisrer of France 2024- , (Jewish father)
Becca Balint Img German-born American [plotician, MP 2023- ,
Baron John Browne RW5 Img German-born British politician, businessman, science writer, (Jewish mother)
Xavier Bettel RWC Img Prme Minister of Luxembourg 2013- , (Jewish grandfather)
Ole von Beust RWC Img German mayor of Hamburg 2001-10, Jewish maternal grandparent, descendant of Count Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust
Kelly Cassidy Img American politician,
David Cicilline RW5 Img Providence mayor (Jewish mother)
Roy Cohn RW5 HW Img American prosecutor and assistant to Sen. Joe McCarthy 
Bevan Dufty Img American politician,
Adam Ebbin Img American politician,
Michal Eden Israeli, Tel-Aviv city councillor,
Steve Elmendorf Img American lobbist,
Uzi Even RWC HW Img Israeli physical chemist, MP
Sir Michael Fabricant Img British Conservative MP 1992- ,
Art Feltman Img American politician,
Arthur Finkelstein Img American political consultant,
Barney Frank RW5 HW Img American representative,
Marcia Freedman RWC HW Img American-born Israeli politician,  
Ron Galperin RW5 Img American politician,
Eitan Ginzburg RWC HW Img Argentine-born Israeli politician,
Deborah Glick Img American politician, NY State Assembly
Hazel Gluck Img American politician, NY State Assembly,
Jackie Goldberg Img American politician, California State Assembly,
Philip Goldberg
Samuel HaNagid RWC Img Spanish talmudic scholar, grammarian, philologist, soldier, politician, poet, patron of arts, Samuel ibn
Evan Harris Img British Liberal MP 1997-
Onno Hoes RWC Img Dutch politician, (Jewish mother), mayor of Maastricht 2010- ,
Brad Hoylman Img American politician,
Roger Karoutchi RWC Img Moroccan-born Secretary of State for relaitions with Parliament 2007-09
Yorai Lahav-Hertzano RWC HW Img Israeli politician,
Mark Leno RW5 Img American politician, 
Rachel Levine RWC Img Asistant to Secretary of Health, Admiral,
Allard Lowenstein RW5 Img American representative,
Baron Peter Mandelson RWF Img British politician (Jewish father),
Ken Mehlman Img American chairman of  Republican National Comittee 2005- ,
Carole Migden RW5 Img American politician, California State Assembly,
Harvey Milk RWF HW Img American gay rights activist,
Baron Michael Montague British bisinessman, politician,  
Jutta Oesterle-Schwerin RWC Img Israeli-born German MP 1987-90 Green Party
Amir Ohana RWC Img Israeli politician, lawyer,
Jared Polis RWF Img American representative, 2009-
Walther Rathenau RWF HW Img German industrialist, Foreign Minister 1922 - Weimar Repuplic
Frederick Richmond RW5 Img American politician, representative,
Idan Roll RWC HW Img Israeli politician,
Stan Rosenberg RW5 Img American politician,
George Santos Img Brazilian-bor Anmerican politician, MP 2023- , (Jewish mother)
Sir Philip Sassoon RWC Img British politician, collector, social host, MP 1912-39
Rose Schneiderman RWC Img American president of National women's Trade Union League of America 1926-50
Itzik Shmuli RWC HW Img Israeli politician,
Amanda Simpson RWC Img American politician, Deputy Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy  2015-17,
Allan Spear Img American politician, 
Joel Wachs Img American president of Andy Warhol Foundation,
Scott Wiener Img American politician,
Suzy Wizowaty Img American politician,
Bernard Whitman Img American political consultant, pollster,  
Bob Basker Img American civil rights activist,
Miriam Ben-Shalom Img founder of American Veterans for Equal Rights AVER
Linda Bellos Img Brirish poitician, businessman, gay rights activist, (Jewish mother)
Faygele Ben-Miriam Img American LGBT rights activist,
Wayne Bessen American gay rights activist, writer,
Leslie Cagan Img American anti-war activist,
Niek Engelschman gay rights activist
Adolph Fischer Img German-born American anarchist,
Alice Franklin British feminist,
Nick Henderson British LGBT rights activist,
Kurt Hiller RWE HW Img German lawyer, pacifist, gay rights activist, author,
Brenda Howard RW5 Img American bisexual activist,
Frank Kameny RW5 Img American astronomer, LGBT rights activist,
Arnie Kantrowitz co-founder of GLAAD
Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz Img American essayist, poet, activist,
Irena Klepfisz Img Polish-born author, activist,
Anne Kronenberg RW5 Img American political administrator,
Rodrigo Lehtinen Img Cuban-American LGBT rights advocate, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Marvin Liebman Img American conservative activist, gays rights advocate,
Aldo Mieli gay rights activist
Mario Mieli Img Italian gay rights activist, anarchist,
Ezra Nawi RW5 Img Israeli human rights activist,
Dana Olmert RWC Img Israeli left-wing activist, literary theorist, editor,
Judith Plaskow RW5 Img American scholar,
Abby Rubenfeld Img American civil rights attorney,
Igal Roodenko Img American civil rights activist,
Rosely Roth Img Brazilian LGBT rights activist,  
Cheryl Spector Img American LBGT activist,
Abby Stein Img American transgender activist,
David Thorstad Img American political activist, historian,
Sherry Wolf Img American socialist, anti-zionist, journalist, author,
Evan Wolfson Img American gay marriage activist, lawyer,
Allen Young Img American journalist, author, editor, publisher, social/politicak/enviromental activist,
Religious figures
Rabbi Allen Bennett first openly gay rabbi
Lionel Blue RW5 HW Img British rabbi, writer, broadcaster,
Rabbi Steven Greenberg first openly gay Orthodox rabbi
Rabbi Peter Kessler first openly gay rabbi to be ordained
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum rabbi of world's largest LGBT synagogue
Rabbi Stacy Offner Img American rabbi, first openly lesbian rabbi
Rabbi Sheila Shulman RW5 Img first openly lesbian rabbi in the UK
Jalda Rebling Img Dutch-born German cantor,
Toba Spitzer Img American reconstructionist rabbi,
Deborah Waxman Img American reconstructionist rabbi,
Sherwin Wine Img American founder of ''Society for Humanistic Judaism''
Reuben Zellman Img American first openly transgender rabbinical student (not yet obtained)
Sabbatai Zevi RWF HW Img Turkish-born mystic, pseudo-messiah,
Dennis Altman Img Australian academic, gay rights activist,
Jean-Paul Aron French writer, intellectual,
Tobias Barrington Wolff Img American legal scholar,
Sanford Berman Img American sociologist, radical librarian,
Mark Blechner Img American psychologist, psychoanalyst,
Allan Bloom RW5 HW Img American philosopher, essayist,
Judith Butler RWF HW Img American sociologist, philosopher, queer theorist, literary critic,
Martin Duberman RW5 Img American historian,
Steven Epstein American sociologist, ???
Lillian Faderman RWC Img Latvian-born American historian, writer,
Hillary Farber Img American legal scholar,
Chai Feldblum Img American legal scholar, activist,
Estelle Freedman feminist historian
Benedict Friedlaender RW5 HW Img German sexologist, sociologist, economist, volconologist, physicist,
Marjorie Garber HW Img American cultural critic,
Jonathan Goldberg American literary theorist, ???
Herbert Hart RWF HW Img British legal philosopher, administrator,
Magnus Hirschfeld RWF HW Img German physician, sexologist,
Prue Hyman feminist economist
Richard Isay Img American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst,
Karla Jay Img American feminist writer, scholar,
Jonathan D. Katz American queer theorist,
Jonathan Ned Katz Img American historian of hyman sexuality,
Pamela Karlan Img American legal scholar,
Fritz Klein RWF Img Austrian-born American sex researcher, psychiatrist,
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick RWF Img American author, essayist, poet, literary critic, social theorist,
Golo Mann RWF HW Img German-born American historian, essayist , writer, (Jewish mother)
Aldo Mieli Italian science historian, activist,   
George Mosse RWF HW Img German-born American social/cultural historian,
Susie Orbach RW5 HW Img British psychoanalyst, social critic,
James Pollack RWC Img American astrophysicist,
B. Ruby Rich American cultural theorist, film critic,
Gayle Rubin RWF Img American cultural anthropologist,
Joanna Russ Img American writer, academic, feminist,
Edward Sagarin Img American novelist, criminologist, sociologist,
Tobias Schneebaum Img American anthropologist, artist,
Charles Silverstein American psychotherapist, author,
Abe Smith Img American legal scholar, criminal defense atorney,
Dean Spade Img American legal scholar, 
George Weinberg RWB Img American clinical psychologist, columnist, writer,
Randi Weingarten RW5 Img American president of United Federation of Teachers
Otto Weininger RWF HW Img Austrian philosopher,
Ludwig Wittgenstein RWF HW Img Austrian-born British philosopher, (not Jewish maternal grandmother) ExLink
Charlotte Wolff German-born psychiatrist,
Show Business
Katarzyna Adamik Img Polish film director, visual arts artist, (Jewish maternal grandfather)
Aderet RWC HW Img Israeli singer,
Allison Adler RWC Img Canadian-born American producer, television writer,
Chantal Akerman RWF Img Belgian French film director, screenwriter,
Corinne Allal RWC HW Img Tunisian-born Israeli singer/songwriter,
Tamar Amit-Joseph RWC Img Israeli actress,
Simon Amstell RW5 Img British comedian, television presenter, screenwriter, actor,
Jacques d'Ancona Dutch journalist, television media critic, (Jewish father)
Steve Antin RWC Img American actor, screenwriter, producer, director,  
Lawrence Aronovitch RW5 Img Canadian playwright, actor,
Alexis Arquette RWF Img American actror, (Jewish mother),
Lior Ashkenazi RWC HW Img Israeli film/stage actor,
Paulette Attie Img American actor, singer, songwriter,
Neal Baer RW5 Img American pediatrician, television writer, producer,
Jon Robin Baitz RW5 Img American playwright, screenwriter, television producer, actor,
Joe Balass Img Iraqi-born Canadian documentary filmmaker,
Orna Banai RWC HW Img Israeli stage/television actress, comedian, entertainer,
Barbara Barend Dutch sports journalist, television presenter, (Jewish father)
Ariela Barer RW5 Img American actress,
Daniel Barnz RWB Img American director, screenwriter,
Daniel Michael Barrett Img American screenwriter, film producer,
Julian Beck RW5 Img American actor, theater director, poet, painter, 
Jill Bennett RW5 Img American actress,  (convert to Judaism)
Michael Bennett RW5 Img American musical theather director, choreographer, dancer, (Jewish mother)
Josh Berman HW Img American television writer/producer, 
Sandra Bernhard RWF HW Img American actress, entertainer, comedian,
Sarah Bernhardt RWF Img French film/stage actress, (Jewish mother)
Lani Billard RW5 Img Canadian television actress, singer,
Richard Blackwell RWF Img American fashion critic, jourmalist, radio/television personality, fashion designer,
Maddie Blaustein RWF Img American voice actress,
Remy Blumenfeld Img French-born British television executive,
Carrie Brownstein RW5 Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, actress, screenwriter, Sleater-Kinney
Dan Bucatinsky RWF Img American film actor, producer, writer,
Charles Busch RW5 Img American actor, writer, playwright,
Mya Byrne RW5 Img American singer/songwriter,
Christian Calson RW5 Img Romanian-born American film director, (Jewish mother)
Nell Carter RWF HW Img American actress, singer, (convert to Judaism)
Ilene Chaiken RWF Img American producer, screenwriter,  The L Word
Isaac Chokron Img Venezuelan economist, playwright, translator,
Lisa Cholodenko RWF Img Ukrainian-born American screenwriter, television writer, film director,
Bruce Cohen RWC Img American film producer,
Eliad Cohen HW Img Israeli producer, actor, model, entrepreneur,
Itzhak Cohen RWC Img Israeli actor,
Tanner Cohen RWF Img American stage/sctreen/television actor, singer,
Allan Corduner RWF HW Img British film/television actor,
David Crane RWC Img American  producer, screenwriter, paywright,
George Cukor RWF HW Img American film director,
Jason Danino-Holt RW5 Img Israeli television presenter,
Clive Davis RW5 Img American president 1967-72 of Columbia Records, Arista Records, Sony Music Entertainment,
Barbara Dare RWF Img American pornographic actress, bisexual
Bella Darvi RWF Img Polish-born American French actress,
Paul Dehn RW5 Img British screenwriter,
Donna Deitch RW5 Img American film director,
Barry Diller RWF Img American businessman, executive,
Asia Kate Dillon RWC Img American actress,
Tommy Dorfman Img American actress,
Mike Dreyden Img American pornographic actor,
James Dreyfus RWF Img British actor,
Rebecca Drysdale RW5 HW Img American comedian,
Sandi DuBowski RW5 Img American director, producer,
Grace Dunham RW5 Img American actress, poet, (Jewish mother)
Gaby Dunn RW5 Img American actor, comedian, screenwriter, blogger, journalist,
Billy Eichner RWF HW Img American comedian, film/television actor, writer, television personality,
Hannah Einbinger Img American comedian, actress, writer,
Sergei Eisenstein RWF HW Img Latvian-born Soviet director, screenwriter, (Jewish paternal grandfather)
Megan Ellison RWC Img American film producer, founder of Annapurna Pictures, (Jewish paternal grandmother)
Roland Emmerich RWF HW Img German filn diector/producer, screenwriter, ???
Daniel Emilfork RW5 Img Chilean-born French actor,
Evan Rachel Wood RWF HW Img American actress, singer, (converted to Judaism mother)
Liz Feldman Img American comedian, actress, producer, writer,
Danny Fields RWB Img American music journalist, record producer,
Harvey Fierstein RWF HW Img American actor, comedian, playwright, librettist, screenwriter, gay
Lois Fine Img Canadian playwright,  
Larry Fineberg Canadian playwright,
Brandon Flynn RW5 Img American actor, (Jewish mother)
Barrett Foa RWC Img American actor, (Jewish paternal grandfather)
Eytan Fox RWF Img American-born Israeli film director, screenwriter,
Leonard Frey Img American stage/film/television actor,
Debbie Friedman RW5 HW Img American composer, singer,
Stephen Fry RWF HW Img British actor, comedian, fim director, screenwriter, (Jewish mother),
Barbara Gaines Img American television producer,
Victor Garber RWF HW Img Canadian-born American film/stage/television actor, singer,
Yehonathan Gatro RWF Img Israeli singer, actor,
David Geffen RWF HW Img American film producer, gay
Therese Giehse RWF HW Img German stage/film actress, 
Ronnie Gilbert RWB Img Ameican folk singer/songwriter, actress,
Sara Gilbert RWF HW Img American actress,
Jamie Gillis RWF Img American pornographic actor, director,
Sherry Glaser RW5 Img American actress, performance artist, activist,
Todd Glass RW5 Img American stand-up comedian, actor,
Jeremy Glazer RW5 Img American fim/television actor,
Gideon Glick RW5 Img American stage/film actor,
Judy Gold RW5 Img American stand-up comedian, actress,
Brett Goldin RW5 Img South African actor,
Julie Goldman RW5 Img American actress, comedian, musician,
Gila Goldstein RWC Img Italian-born Israeli actress, singer,
Noam Gonick Img Canadian film director, screenwriter,
Jason Gould RWF Img American actor, writer, director,
Brian Graden Img American president of MTV Entertainment,
Todd Graff RW5 Img American actor, writer, director,
Earl Greenburg Img American television producer, headf of NBC Daytime,
Countess Francesca Gregorini RW5 Img Italian-born American singer/songwriter, film director, (Jewish maternal grandfather)
Joel Grey RWF HW Img American stage/film actor, singer, dancer,
Amos Guttman RW5 Img Romanian-born Israeli film director,  
Hannah Hart HW Img American television personality, comedian, author, actress, (Jewish father)
Nina Hartley RW5 Img American porn actress, (Jewish mother)
Laurence Harvey RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born South African British actor,
Todd Haynes RWC Img American film director/producer, screenwriter, (Jewish mother)
Edith Head RWF Img Amrican costume designer,
Allan Heinberg RWC Img American comic books writer, screenwriter, producer,
Tomer Heymann RWB Img Israeli filmmaker,
Lora Hirschberg Img American sound engineer, sound mixing Oscar
Judy Holliday RWN Img American actress, comedian, singer,
Ross Hunter RW5 Img American film/television producer, actor,
Tab Hunter RWF Img American actor, singer (Jewish father),
Nicholas Hytner RW5 Img British theater/opera producer/director,
Abbi Jacobson RWC Img American comedian, television writer, film/television actress, illustrator,
Nina Jacobson RW5 Img American film producer, executive,
Peter M. Jacobson RWF Img American television writer, director, producer, actor,
Jazz Jennings RW5 Img American television personality,
Rona Kenan RWC Img Israeli singer/songwriter,
Larry Kert Img American stage actor, singer, dancer,
King Princess RWC Img American singer/songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist,
Lincoln Kirstein RWF Img American writer, dance impresario,
Eyal Kitzis RW5 Img Israeli actor, comedian, television host,
Florence Klotz Img American costume designer,
Harmony Korine RWF Img American director, producer, screenwriter,
Stuart Krasnow reality television producer
John Krokidas RW5 Img American film director, screenwriter, producer, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Lisa Kron RW5 Img American stage actress, playwright, lyricist, librettist,
Elvira Kurt RW5 Img Canadian comedian,
Adam Lambert RW5 HW Img American singer/songwriter, actor, (Jewish mother)
Kathryn Lang RWF Img Canadian pop/country singer/songwriter, actress, (Jewish descent)
Lynn Lavner RW5 Img American comedian, pop music singer,
Carol Leifer RW5 Img American stand-up comedian, television actress, television writer,
Mitchell Leisen RWF Img American film director, art director, costume designer,
Lotte Lenya RWF HW Img Austrian-born American  singer, actress, (convert to Judaism)
Asi Levi RW5 Img Israeli film/television actress,  
Harvey Levin RW5 Img American producer, lawyer, television personality,
Mitchell Lichtenstein RW5 Img American film actor, writer, producer, director,
Sebastien Lifshitz RWF Img French screenwriter, film director,
Jennie Livingston RWF Img American film director,
Rob Lotterstein RW5 Img Amerivan television writer, producer,
Shy Love RWF Img German-born American pornographic actress, (convert to Judaism)
Jon Lovett RWF Img American screenwriter, speechwriter, television producer, podcaster,
Jonathan Lovitz HW Img American stage actor, singer, dancer, model,
Matt Lucas RWC HW Img British comedian, screenwriter, actor, television presenter,
Michael Lucas RWF Img Russian-born American pornographic actor, film director,   
Kenneth MacKenna RWB HW Img American actor, film director, (Jewish father)
Chella Man
Miriam Margolyes RWF HW Img British-born Australian  character actress,
Michael Mayer HW Img American stage/film director,
Sanford Meisner RW5 Img American actor, acting teacher,
Inge Meysel RWC Img German  actress, (Jewish father),
Ezra Miller RWF HW Img American film/television actor, singer, musician, model,(Jewish father)
Boris Moiseev RWF Img Belarusian-born Russian dancer, choreographer, singer,
Dario Moreno RWF Img Turkish-born singer, composer, lyricist, guitarist, actor, (Jewish mother)
Dee Mosbacher RWB Img American documentary filmmaker, psychiatrist, activist, (Jewish father)
Max Mutchnick RWF HW Img American television producer, screenwriter, (Jewish mother)
Bernard Natan RW5 Img Romanian-born French film director, producer, screenwriter,
Shakina Nayfack RWB HW Img American actress, transgender activist,
Alla Nazimova RWF Img Ukrainian-born American film/stage actress, screenwriter, producer,
Laura Nyro RWC Img American singer/songwriter, composer, pianist, (not Jewish paternal grandfather)
Suze Orman HW Img American financial advicer, writer, television personality,
Ido Ostrowsky RW5 Img Israeli-born American film producer,   
Jan Oxenberg Img American film producer, director, editor, screenwriter,
John Palmer Img Canadia theater/film director, playwright,
Stacie Passon RWC Img American screnwiter, director, producer,
Peaches RWF Img British journalist, television presenter, model, (Jewish paternal great-grandmother)
Kimberly Peirce Img American film  director (half-Jewish),
Ben Platt RW5 Img American actor, singer,  
Mimi Pollak RWF Img Swedish actress, theater director,  
Léa Pool Canadian director, screenwriter (Jewish father),
Princess Donna RWF Img American pornogaphic actress, erotic dancer,
Irving Rapper RW5 Img British-born American film director,
Yvonne Rainer RWF Img American dancer, choreographer, filmmaker, (Jewish mother)
Monica Raymund RWF Img American film/television/stage actress, (Jewish father)
Roger Rees RWF Img British-American stage/film/television actor, (convert to Judaism)
Paul Reubens RW5 Img American actor, writer, comedian, film producer, game show host,
Max Rhyser RW5 Img Dutch-born American model, stage/television/film actor, (Jewish mother)
Jeffrey Richman RW5 Img American writer, producer, actor,
Jerome Robbins RWF HW Img American dancer, choreographer, director,
Howard Roffman RWC Img American lawyer, marketing executive, photographer, Lucasfilm,
Daphne Rosen RWF Img Israeli-born American adult film actress, model,   
Moran Rosenblatt RWC Img Israeli actress,
Howard Rosenman RW5 Img American producer, motion picture executive,
Don Roos RW5 Img American screenwriter, film director,
Rich Ross RW5 Img chairman of Walt Disney Studios,
Jordan Roth RW5 Img American theater manager/producer,
Steve Rubell Img American businessman, co-founder of Studio 54 Studio 54
Dave Rubin RW5 Img American stand-up comedian, talk show host, television personality,
Ida Rubinstein RWC HW Img Ukrainian-born French dancer, actress,
Sylvin Rubinstein Img Russian dancer,
Scott Rudin RWF Img American film/theatrical producer, 
Joshua Rush RWC Img American film/television actor,
Leontine Sagan RWF Img Hungarian-born Austrian film/stage actress, theater director,
Rachael Sage RWC Img American singer/songwriter, poet, pianist,
JD Samson RW5 Img American musician,   Le Tigre
Elizabeth Sarnoff RWF Img American screenwriter, television producer,   
Will Scheffer HW Img American playwright,
Erika Scheimer RW5 Img American voice actress,
John Schlesinger RWF HW Img British film/stage director, actor,
Fred Schneider RW5 Img American rock singer, (Jewish father)
Maria Schneider RWF HW Img French actress, (Jewish biological father)
Joel Schumacher RWF HW Img American film director, screenwriter, producer, (Jewish mother)
David Secter RWB HW Img Canadian film director,
Adam Shankman RWF Img American film director, producer, dancer, actor, choreographer,
Sarah Gertrude Shapiro RW5 HW Img American documentary filmmaker, television director, writer, (Jewish father)
Omar Sharif, Jr RW5 Img Canadian actor, model, gay activist, (Jewish mother)
Paul Shenar RWF Img American stage/film/television actor,
Sir Antony Sher RW5 HW Img South African-born British stage actor, novelist, painter,
Kate Siegel RW5 Img American televison actress,
Bryan Singer RWF HW Img American film director/producer, screenwriter,
Troye Sivan RWF HW Img South African-born Australian actor, singer/songwriter,
Ione Skye RWF Img American actress, (Jewish mother)
Jonathan Slavin RW5 Img American actor,
Todd Solondz RWF HW Img American writer, director,
Jill Soloway RWF Img American playwright, screenwriter, television writer, actor, director, producer,
Peter Spears RW5 Img American actor, screenwriter, director,
Kevin Spirtas RWF Img American film/television actor,
Annie Sprinkle RW5 Img American adult-film actress,   
Darren Star RWF HW Img Canadian screenwriter, producer, director,
Nicole Stephane RW5 Img French actress, producer, director,
Sandy Stern Img American film producer,
Marc Stevens RWF Img American pornographic actor, erotic dancer,
Mauritz Stiller RWF Img Finnish-born Swedish actor, screenwriter, film director,
Stav Strashko RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Israeli model, actress,
Jason Stuart RWB Img American film/television actor, comedian,
Rebecca Sugar RWF Img American animator, director, screenwriter, producer, songwriter,
Svetlana Surganova RWF Img Russian singer, poet,
Jacqueline Susann RWF HW Img American novelist, film/telvision actress, playwright,
Lilyan Tashman RWF Img American actress, model,
Bex Taylor-Klaus RWF Img American film-television actress,
Robin Tyler Img American comedian, musician,
Gal Uchovsky RW5 Img Israeli screenwriter, producer, journalist, TV personality,
Pieter-Dirk Uys Img South African satirist, playwright, (Jewish mother)
Salka Viertel RWB HW Img Ukrainian-born American actress, screenwriter,
Bruce Vilanch RW5 Img American comedy writer, songwriter, actor,
Andrew Wachowski RWF Img American film director/producer, writer,
Laurence Wachowski RWF Img American film director/producer, writer,
Anton Walbrook RWF Img Austrian-born British actor, (Jewish mother)
Michal Waszynski RW5 HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born  film director/producer,
Naomi Westerman Img British actress, writer,
Carole Ita White RW5 Img American television/film actress,
Mara Wilson RW5 Img American child stage/television actress, singer, (Jewish mother)
Amy Winehouse RWF HW Img British jazz singer, songwriter,
Dale Winton RW5 Img British television presenter, radio DJ,
Scott Wittman RW5 Img American musical theater director, lyricist, playwright,
Rikard Wolff RW5 Img Swedish stage/film actor, singer, (Jewish descent)
James Woolf RWF Img British film producer, 
Steve Yuhas Img American radio/television personality,    
Arnie Zane Img American photographer, choreographer, dancer, ExLink
Aderet HW Img Israeli singer,
Howard Ashman RW5 Img American lyricist, playwright,
Babydaddy RW5 Img American bass guitarist, keyboardist,
Jean-Pierre Barda RW5 Img French-born Swedish pop star, actor, (Jewish father)
Lionel Bart RWF Img British musical writer, composer, lyricist, songwriter,
Frieda Belinfante RWF Img Dutch cellist, conductor, (Jewish father)
Arthur Benjamin RW5 HW Img Australian composer, pianist, conductor,
Leonard Bernstein RWF HW Img American conductor, composer, author, music lecturer, pianist,
Marc Blitzstein RW5 HW Img American composer, songwriter:lyricist,
Henriette Bosmans RWC Img Dutch composer,
Pete Burns RWC Img British singer/songwriter, (Jewish maternal grandfather) Dead or Alive
Tanner Cohen RWF Img American stage/sctreen/television actor, singer,
Aaron Copland RWF HW Img American composer, conductor,
John Corigliano RWF HW Img American composer, (Jewish mother)
Dana International RWF HW Img Israeli singer, "ESC" Winner 1998,
Ran Danker RWB HW Img American-born Israeli singer, actor, model,
Vaginal Davis American performance artist, (Jewish father)
Joel Derfner RW5 Img American writer, composer, songwriter, (Jewish father) (convert to Judaism)
David Diamond RWF Img American classical composer,
Ani DiFranco RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, (Jewish mother ???)
Alix Dobkin HW Img American singer/songwriter,
Fred Ebb RWF HW Img American composer:lyricist, songwriter:lyricist,
Brian Epstein RWF HW Img British agent/manager of The Beatles,
Perry Farrell RWF Img American singer/songwriter, musician, Jane's Addiction
Frances Faye RW5 Img American jazz singer, pianist,
Michael Feinstein RW5 Img American singer, pianist,
Maxine Feldman RW5 Img American singer/songwriter,
William Finn RW5 Img American composer, lyricist, librettist,
Dan Fishback Img American performance artist, playwright, singer/songwriter,
Skott Freedman RW5 Img American singer/songwriter,
Brian Friedman RW5 Img American choreographer, dancer,
Amir Fryszer Guttman RW5 Img Israeli singer, choeographer, theater director,
Ezra Furman RW5 Img Ameerican singer/songwriter, guitarist,
Sandy Gallin Img American manager, talent agent, producer,
Ari Gold RW5 Img American singer/songwriter,
Lesley Gore RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, actress,
Howard Greenfield RW5 Img American lyricist, composer, songwriter:lyricist,
Reynaldo Hahn RWF HW Img Venezuelan-born French composer, conductor, music critic, diarist, (Jewish father)
Grant Hart RWF Img American drummer, songwriter,  
Lorenz Hart RWF HW Img American songwriter:lyricist, playwright, lyricist, librettist,
Moss Hart RW5 HW Img American playwright, librettist, screenwriter, theater director,
Jerry Herman RWF HW Img American composer, songwriter:lyricist,
Ohad Hitman HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter,
Libby Holman RWC Img American singer, stage actress,
Vladimir Horowitz RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American pianist,
Janis Ian RW5 HW Img American singer/songwriter, columnist,
Jeremy Joseph promoter, organiser of G-A-Y, ??? G-A-Y
John Kander RWF HW Img American film scores/musicals composer, songwriter:composer,
Candye Kane Img American singer/songwriter, adult model, (convert to Judaism)
Dave Koz RW5 Img American jazz saxophonist, radio host,
Wanda Landowska RWF HW Img Polish-born harpsicordist,
Nomy Lamm RWB Img American singer/songwriter, political activist,
Jack Lawrence RWF Img American composer, songwriter:lyricist,   
Marilyn Lerner Canadian-born jazz pianist, composer,
Ian Levine RW5 Img British songwriter, record producer, DJ,
Ivri Lider RW5 HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter,
Lowell Liebermann RWF Img American composer, pianist, conductor,
Frederick Loewe RWF HW Img German-born American composer, songwriter:composer, (Jewish father),
Lydia Lunch RWF Img American singer, poet, writer, actress, Teenage Jesus & the Jerks
Barry Manilow RWF HW Img American singer/songwriter, arranger, producer, conductor, actor, (not Jewish paternal grandfather)
Doron Medalie RWC Img Israeli singer/sonwriter,
Stephin Merritt RW5 Img American singer/sondwriter, multi-instrumentalist, The Magnetic Fields
George Michael RWF Img British singer/songwriter, record producer, philanthropist, (Jewish maternal grandmother) 
Meredith Monk RWF Img American vocalist, composer, dancer, choreographer,
Jon Moss RW5 Img British drummer, Culture Club
Ze'ev Nehama HW Img Israeli singer/songwriter,
Laura Nyro RWC Img American singer/songwriter, composer, pianist, (not Jewish paternal grandfather)
Peaches RWF Img Canadian electrothrash artist, singer/songwriter, record producer,    Merrill Nisker
Phranc RW5 Img American singer/songwriter,
Tobias Picker RWB HW Img American composer,
Yehuda Poliker RW5 Img Israeli singer,
Jerry Ragovoy RWC Img American songwriter, record producer,  
Yehudit Ravitz RWC HW Img Israeli rock musician,
Lou Reed RWF HW Img American rock singer/songwriter, guitarist,
Rod Riffler Img Croatian dance teacher, choreographer,
Samantha Ronson RWF Img British DJ, rock singer,   
Hilary Rosen former head of the RIAA
Kate Schellenbach American drummer, member of Luscious Jackson
Marc Shaiman RW5 Img American film score composer, lyricist, arranger,
Shorty Rogers RWB HW Img Israeli singer, television presenter,
Gil Shohat RW5 Img Israeli composer, conductor, pianist,
Harel Skaat RWF HW Img Israeli singer,
Lorin Sklamberg Img American accordeon player, ExLink
Alexander Smallens RW5 Img Russian-born American conductor, music director,  
Jill Sobule RWC Img American singer/songewiter,
Faith Soloway Img American folk-rock composer, songwriter,
Hovi Star RW5 Img Israeli singer,
Alicia Svigals RW5 Img American violinist, composer,
Socalled RW5 Img Canadian rapper, record producer,
Soce, the elemental wizard Img American rapper,
Stephen Sondheim RWF HW Img American composer, lyricist, songwriter,
Michael Tilson Thomas RWF HW Img American conductor, pianist, composer,
Sir Michael Tippett RW5 Img British composer, conductor, ??? ExLink
Brandon Uranowitz RW5 Img American actor, dancer, singer,
Mirah Zeitlyn Img American musician, singer/songwriter,
Josh Zuckerman RWF Img American singer/songwriter, film/television actor,
Natalia Zukerman RW5 Img American singer/songwriter, guitarist, composer, artist,
Writers, Poets, Journalists
Leroy Aarons RW5 Img American journalist, founder of National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association ExLink
Kathy Acker RW5 Img American novelist, playwright, essayist,
Jacob Appelbaum RWC Img American journalist, hacker, computer security researcher,
Bettina Aptheker Img American author, educator, lesbian activist,
Yossi Avni-Levy RWC HW Img Israeli spokesman, writer, ambassador to Lithuania 2011-16,
Jon Baitz RW5 Img American playwright, screenwriter, television producer, actor
Fabrice Barbier French journalist, photographer,
Jennifer Baumgardner Img American author,
Bruce Benderson Img American author,
Scott Berg RW5 Img American biographer, journalist,  
Steve Berman RW5 Img American editor, novelist, short story author,
Natalie Clifford Barney Img poet, salon runner (Jewish maternal grandfather)
Wayne Bessen American writer, activist,   
Anthony Blond Img British author, publisher,
Kate Bornstein RW5 HW Img American author, playwright, artist, gender theotist,
Jane Bowles RW5 Img American writer, playwright,
Susie Bright American writer, speaker, audio show host,
Myron Brinig Img American author,
David Brock RWB Img American journalist, author, media critic,   
Harold Brodkey RWF Img American author,
David Brudnoy RWB Img American talk radio host, journalist, film critic,
Bryher British novelist, (Jewish father) ???
Charles Busch RW5 Img American actor, writer, playwright,
Helene Cixous RW5 HW Img Algerian-born French writer, playwright, literary critic, philosopher,
Michael Chabon RWF HW Img American writer,
Kim Chernin Img American fiction/non-fiction writer, poet, feminist,
Marc Cherry RWF Img American television writer/producer,
Alfred Chester RW5 Img American writer, literary critic, ExLink
Benjamin Cohen RW5 Img British journalist, television presenter,
Steven Cojocaru Img Canadian-born American fashion critic, television personality,
Elise Cowen Img American poet, 
Nick Denton RW5 Img British-born journalist, editor,internet entrepreneur, (Jewish mother) Gawker
Malka Drucker Img American author, biographer,
Thomas von der Dunk RWB HW Img Dutch cultural historian, writer, columnist, (Jewish descent)
Guillaume Dustan RW5 Img French writer, journalist,
Andrea Dworkin RW5 HW Img American feminist writer, Img
David Ehrenstein RWB Img American film critic, (Jewish father)
Eve Ensler RWF Img American playwright, (Jewish father), The Vagina Monologues
Gyorgy Faludy RWF Img Hungarian poet, writer, translator,
Ronan Farrow RW5 Img American human rights activist, journalist, (Jewish father)
Leslie Feinberg RW5 HW Img American author, activist,
Hubert Fichte RW5 Img German novelist, (Jewish father)
Edward Field RW5 Img American poet, editor,
Diane Flacks RW5 Img Canadian actress, screenwriter, playwright,
Giovanni Forti Italian journalist, writer and activist,
Eytan Fox RWF Img American-born Israeli film director, screenwriter,
Helen Fremont American author,
Robert Friend RW5 Img American-born Israeli poet, translator,
Kenny Fries Img American memorist, poet,
Ellen Galford American-born Scottish writer,
David Gerrold RWF Img American science fiction author, television writer,
Masha Gessen RWF HW Img Russian-born American journalist, author,
Allen Ginsberg RWF HW Img American poet, 
Paul Goodman RWF Img American novelist, playwright, sociologist, poet, 
Richard Greenberg RW5 Img American playwright,
Glenn Greenwald RWF Img American political/legal blogger, columnist, author,  
Jacob de Haan RW5 Img Dutch lawer, journalist, poet,
Marilyn Hacker RW5 Img American poet, critic, reviewer,
Richard Hall American writer, literary critic, ExLink
Yuval Harari RW5 Img Israeli historian, medievalist,
Ravit Hecht HW Img Israeli journalist, editor,
Aaron Hamburger RW5 Img American writer,
Matan Hodorov RW5 HW Img Israeli economic commentator,
William Hoffman RW5 Img American playwright,
Nitzan Horowitz RWC HW Img Israeli journalist, foreign affairs television commentator, politician,
Brian Howard Img British poet,
Richard Howard Img American poet, literary critic, essayist, translator,
Max Jacob RWF Img French poet, painter, writer, critic,
Micah Jesse Img American television personality, blogger,
Chester Kallman RW5 Img American poet, librettist, translator,
Moises Kaufman RW5 Img Venezuelan-born American playwright, director,
Sally Kohn RW5 Img American political commentator, community organizer,
Larry Kramer RW5 Img American dramatist, playwright, screenwriter, novelist, co-founder of  GMHC
Rachel Kramer Bussel RW5 Img American author, columnist, editor,
Ellen Kushner RWF Img American fantasy writer, radio personality,
Tony Kushner RWF HW Img American playwright, screenwriter,
Vera Lachmann Img German-born American poet, classisist, educator,
Joy Ladin RW5 Img American poet,
Christopher Landon RWF American screenwriter, director, producer, (Jewish paternal grandfather)
Stephen Laughton RW5 Img British playwright, screenwriter,
Arthur Laurents RWC Img American playwright, novelist, screenwriter, libbretist, stage director,
David Leavitt RW5 Img American novelist,
Fran Lebowitz RW5 Img American essayist, humorist, 
Isaac Lee HW Img Colombian journalist, magazine editor, businessman,
Leo Lerman RW5 Img American writer, editor,
Ron Leshem Img Israeli writer, journalist,
Boleslaw Lesmian RWF Img Polish poet, artist, translator,
Stan Leventhal Img American writer, magazine editor,
David Leviathan Img American author, editor,  
Steve Levicoff Img American legal writer, educator,
Jenifer Levin Img American fiction writer,
Mark Levine Img American journalist, television talk show host, radio personality,
Amy Levy RW5 Img British novelist, poet,
Ariel Levy RW5 Img American journalist, author, editor,
Sue-Ann Levy RW5 Img Canadian columnist,
Jesse Liberty American writer, programmer, bisexual
Mathieu Lindon RW5 Img French journalist, writer,
Michael Lowenthal RW5 Img American fiction writer,
Erika Mann RWF HW Img German actress, writer, (Jewish mother)
Klaus Mann RWF HW Img German writer, (Jewish mother)
Daniel Mendelsohn RWF HW Img American author, journalist, critic,
Charlotte Mendelson Img British novelst, editor,   
Hans Mayer Img German literary critic, writer,
Jay Michaelson RW5 Img American writer, professor, rabbi, podcast host,
Donna Minkowitz Img American journalist, writer,
Gabriela Mistral RWF Img Chilean poet, educator, diplomat, (Jewish paternal grandmother), Nobel Prize 
Robin Morgan RW5 Img American child actress, activist, radical feminist,
Benjamin Moser Img American writer, translator, biographer,
Herbert Muschamp RW5 Img American architecture critic,
Adam Nagourney RW5 Img American journalist,    
Joan Nestle American writer, archivist,
Joachim Neugroschel Img Austrian-born American translator, poet,
Leslea Newman RW5 Img American author, editor,
Harold Norse RW5 Img American poet,
Dana Olmert RWC Img Israeli left-wing activist, literary theorist, editor,
Sophia Parnok RWF Img Russian poet, translator,
Sue Perkins RWF Img British radio/television presenter, actress, comedian, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Marge Piercy RW5 HW Img American poet, author, social activist,
Alejandra Pizarnik RWF Img Argentine poet,
Rachel Pollack RW5 Img American science fiction author, comic book writer,
Marcel Proust RWF HW Img French writer, (Jewish mother)
Yair Qedar RWF Img Israeli filmmaker, civil rights activist, cultural critic,
Richard Quest RW5 Img British journalist, news anchor,
Gideon Raff RWF Img Israeli director, screenwriter, producer,
Marc-Andre Raffalovich RWC HW Img French poet, author,
Randy Rainbow Img American blogger, internet celebrity,
David Rakoff RW5 Img Canadian-born American journalist, essayist, actor, comedian,
Ellen Ratner RW5 Img American news analyst, talk show host,
Jonathan Rauch Img American author, journalist, activist,
Sydor Rey Polish/Ukrainian-born poet, novelist,
Adrienne Rich RWF HW Img American feminist, poet, writer, (Jewish father)
Maer Roshan Iranian-born American magazine editor,
Seth Rudetsky RWB Img American journalist, actor, television personality, screenwriter,
Paul Rudnick RW5 Img American screenwriter, playwright,
Muriel Rukeyser RW5 Img American poet, political activist,
Umberto Saba RWF Img Italian poet and novelist, (Jewish mother)
Maurice Sachs RWF Img French writer,
Oliver Sacks RWF HW Img British-American neurologist, author,
Siegfried Sassoon RW5 Img British war poet, author, (Jewish father)
Lawrence Schimel Img American science fiction/fantasy writer, translator, anthologist,
Sarah Schulman RW5 Img American novelist, historian, playwright,
Mark Segal American journalist, founder/piblisher of Philadelphia Gay News,
Joel Siegel RW5 Img American film critic, television journalist,
Ari Shapiro RW5 Img American radio journalist, 
Martha Shelley Img American lesbian activist, feminist, writer, poet,
Delia Sherman Japan-born fantasy writer, ???
Martin Sherman RW5 HW Img American screenwriter, playwright,
Nate Silver RW5 Img American statistician, journalist, writer, (Jewish father)
Marcus Solis Img American news reporter,
Andrew Solomon RW5 Img American writer,
Susan Sontag RWF HW Img American novelist, essayist, literary theorist, film director,
Sir Stephen Spender RWF HW Img British poet, novelist, essayist, (Jewish maternal grandmother, Jewish father)
Gertrude Stein RWF Img American French writer, lyricist, playwright,
Julian Stryjkowski RW5 Img Polish/Ukrainian-born journalist, writer,
Jacqueline Susann HW Img American novelist, film/telvision actress, playwright,
Elliot Tiber Img American artist, screenwriter,
Alice Toklas RWF Img American literary figure, writer,
Karen Tulchinsky RW5 Img Canadian novelist, screenwriter, anthologist,
Eve Tushnet Img American author, blogger, (Jewish father)
Rachel Wahba Img Indian-born American therapist, author,
Rebecca Walker RW5 HW Img American feminist writer, (Jewish father)
Yona Wallach RWF HW Img Israeli poet,
Jann Wenner RW5 Img American founder, edititor of Rolling Stones,
Max Wolf Valerio RWB Img American poet, essayist, actor, (converso descent)
Jenna Wolfe RWF Img Jamaican-born American television journalist, anchor,
Paula Vogel RWF Img American playwright,  (Jewish father)
Milo Yiannopoulos Img Greek-born British journalist, entrepreneur, (Jewish mother)
Richard Zimler RW5 Img American Portugese author,
Rachel Zolf RW5 Img Canadian poet,   
Gilbert Adrian RWF Img Hollywood costume designer,
Oreet Ashery RW5 Img Israeli artist,
Yael Bartana RW5 Img Israeli video artist,
Nate Berkus RW5 HW Img American interior designer, decorator, television personality,
Felix Bernstein Img American performance artist, cultural critic,
Ross Bleckner RWB HW Img American painter,
Gregg Bordowitz American artist,
Brad Braverman American photographer, video artist,
Roberto Burle Marx RWB HW Img Brazilian landscape architect, garden designer, painter, (Jewish father) 
Claude Cahun RW5 Img French writer, artist, photographer,
Robert Denning RW5 Img American interior designer,
Laurie Toby Edison American photographer,
Alber Elbaz RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli fashion designer,  
Louis Fishman American abstract painter,
Ara Gallant RW5 Img American hairstylist, fashion photographer,
Henry Geldzahler Img American art historian/critic, curator of Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Rudi Gernreich RW5 Img Austrian-born American fashion designer,
Uri Gershuni RW5 Img Israeli photographer, educator,
Hannah Gluckstein RW5 Img British painter,
Nan Goldin RWF HW Img American fine-art/documentary photographer,
Noam Gonick Img Canadian filmaker, artist,
Austin Goodchild painter, drawer (part-Jewish)
Alexandre Herchcovitch RW5 Img Brazilian fashion designer,
Elmyr de Hory Img Hungarian painter, art forger,
Franklin David Israel American architect, ExLink
Marc Jacobs RWF Img American fashion designer,
Michael Kors RWF Img American fashion designer, (Jewish mother)
Alejandro Kuropatwa RW5 Img Argentine photographer,
Annie Leibovitz RWF HW Img American photographer,
Tamara de Lempicka RWF HW Img Polish-born French painter, (Jewish father),
Corrado Levi Italian architect, activist,
Herbert List RW5 Img German  photographer, (Jewish descent)
Lyrik RW5 Img Israeli record producer, singer/songwriter,
Isaac Mizrahi RWF Img American fashion designer, TV presenter,
Adi Nes RW5 Img Israeli photographer,
Nina Paley RWC HW Img American cartoonist, animator, anarchist, diector, screenwriter,
Zac Posen RW5 HW Img American fashion designer,
Benno Premsela American designer, activist
Santino Rice RW5 Img American fasshion designer, television personality, (Jewish descent)
Herb Ritts RWF Img American fashion photographer,
Tom Rubnitz RW5 Img American video artist,  
Arnold Scaasi RW5 Img Canadian-born fashion designer,
Trina Schart Hyman Img American illustrator of children's books,
Ariel Schrag RW5 Img American cartoonist,
Maurice Sendak RWF HW Img American writer, illustrator, designer,
Simeon Solomon RWF Img British painter,
Sandy Stone RW5 Img American media theorist, performance artist,
Michael Turchin Img American painter, film actor,
Wilhelm Uhde RWF Img Polish-born German French art collector/critic,
Alex Westerman Img American creative/art director,
Penny Wolin RW5 Img American portrait photographer, visual anthropologist,  
Jorge Zontal Canadian artist, member of General Idea
Sportsmen, Sports figures
Rodney Berman Img British boxing promoter,
Sue Bird RWC Img American basketball player, (Jewish father)
Robert Dover RW5 Img American equestrian,
Sidney Franklin American bullfighter,
Andrew Goldstein Img American lacrosse player, 
Eric Hall Img British showbiz/sports agent,
Ilana Kloss RW5 Img South African-born tennis player,
Renee Richards RW5 HW Img American tennis player,
Sheldon Andelson American higher education administrator, political fund-raiser,
Assi Azar RW5 Img Israeli broadcaster, television personality,
Ron Ben-Israel RW5 Img Israeli-born American  pastry chef, dancer,
Wendell Brown RWC Img American computer scientist, inventor, entrepreneur,
Andy Cohen RW5 Img American television host, executive,
Caroline Cossey RWF Img British model, (convert to Judaism)
Bonnie Dumanis Img American district attorney,
Cara Delevingne RWC Img British actress, model, (Jewish maternal great great grandfather),
Denise Eger Img American reform rabbi,
Sir Terence Etherton Img British Master of the Rolls of England and Wales,
Susan Feniger RW5 Img American chef, restaurateur, cookbook author, radio/telvision personality,
Josh Flagg RW5 Img American real estate agent, media pesonality,
Benjamin Friedlander Img German sexologist, sociologist, economist, physicist,
Baron Nicolas de Gunzburg RW5 Img French-born magazine editor, socialite (Jewish father)
Baron David Gold Img British lawyer,
Fred Hochberg Img Director of the Export-Import Bank of the United States 2009- ,
Xaviera Hollander RW5 HW Img Indonezian-born Dutch author, prostitute, (Jewish father)
David Huebner Img American ambassador to New Zealand, Samoa 2009- ,
Jenna Jameson RWF Img American porn star, model, (convert to Judaism)
Waldemar Januszczak RWB Img British art critic, journalist,
Michael Kaiser Img American impresario,
Kalonymus ben Kalonymus RW5 HW Img French philosopher, translator,
Anne Kronenberg RW5 Img American political administrator, LGBT rights activist,
Marc Kushner RW5 Img American architect,
Barbara Lenk Img American associate Justice,
Leopold and Loeb HW Img American personal trainer, busnesswoman, television personality, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Jillian Michaels Img American personal trainer, busnesswoman, television personality, (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Yotam Ottolenghi RW5 Img Israeli-born British chef, cookery writer, restaurant owner,
Larry Parnes Img British pop maneger, impresario,
Jennifer Pritzker RW5 Img American billionaire, filmmaker, philanthropist, Pritzker Family,
Robert Rinder Img British criminal law barrister, television judge,
Baron Alexis von Rosenberg-Rede RW5 Img Swiss-born French art collector, aesthete, socialite,
Martine Rothblatt RW5 Img American lawyer, writer, entrepreneur, co-founder of Sirius XM Radio,
Felice Schragenheim RW5 Img German resistance fighter,
Ed Savitz RW5 Img American businessman, 
Leo Frank Schuster German-born British patron of arts,
Vanessa Selbst Img American poker player,
Joel Spolsky RWC Img American software engineer, Program Manager of Microsoft Excell 1991-94
Oscar Swartz Img Swedish entrepreneur,  writer, blogger, Bahnhof,
Joel Weisman Img American early identifier of AIDS,
Baroness Helene van Zuylen Img French socialite, author,
Related figures 'Persons of debated sexual orientation:''
Sam Altman RWC Img American enterpreneur, investor, OpenAI,
King David & Jonathan biblical characters (see David and Jonathan)
Maya Deren RWF Img Ukrainian-born American filmmaker, choreographer, ethnographer,
Anna Freud RWF HW Img Austrian-born British psychoanalyst,
Emma Goldman RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born anarchist feminist, philosoper,
Herschel Grynszpan RWF HW Img German-born, assassinated Ernst von Rath ambassodor 1938
Calvin Klein RWF HW Img American fashion designer,
Edward Koch RWF HW Img American New York Mayor, representative 1969-77,
Nancy Lieberman RW5 HW Img American basketball player, analyst, coach,
Witold Walczak Img Swedish-born American legal director of Civil Liberties Union,
Lillian Wald Img American nurse, social worker,