Jewish Biologists - JewProm //biologist
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Biologists by Surname
Julian Adams Img American biologist,
Edward Adelberg Img American molecular geneticist,
Julius Adler RWC Img German-born American biochemist,
Saul Adler RWC HW Img Belarusian-born British Israeli parasitologist, microbiologist,
Bruce Alberts RWF Img American biochemist, molecular biology,
Richard Alexander RWC Img American evolutionary biologist, 
Uri Alon RWC Img Israeli systems biologist,
Daniil Alpern RWN Ukrainian-born Russian physiologist,
Carl Alsberg American biochemist,
Sidney Altman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1989)
Bruce Ames RWF Img American biochemist,
Ephraim Anderson RWB Img British microbiologist,
Christian Anfinsen RWF HW Img American chemist, Nobel Prize (1972) (convert to Judaism)
Daniel Arnon RWF Img Polish-born American biochemist, vegetal physiologist, ExLink
Ruth Arnon RWF HW Img Israel biochemist, Copaxone,
Ilya Arshavsky RWN Soviet physiologist,
Selmar Aschheim RWF Img German gynecologist,
Manfred Aschner RWC Img German-born Israeli microbiologist, entomologist,
Charlotte Auerbach RWF Img German-born British geneticist,
Leopold Auerbach Img German/Polish anatomist, neuropathologist,
Gerald Aurbach RWB Img American endocrinologist,
Gad Avigad RWF Img Israeli biochemist,  
Richard Axel RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004),
Julius Axelrod RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1970) in physiology/medicine,
Evgeni Babsky RWC Img Armenian-born Soviet physiologist,
Howard Bachrach RW5 Img American biochemist,    ExLink
David Baltimore RWF Img American biochemist, retroviruses, Nobel Prize (1975)
Robert Barany RWF HW Img Austrian-born Hungarian Swiss physiologist, ear medicine, Nobel Prize (1914)
Zvi Bar-Joseph RW5 Img Israeli comutational biologist,
Amiram Barkai Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist,
Moses Barron HW Img Russian-born American pathologist, insulin,
Jacqueline Barton RWF HW Img American chemist, ExLink
Nir Barzilai Img Israeli geneticist, medical researcher,
Ervin Bauer RWF Img Hungarian-born Soviet theoretical biologist,    ExLink
Dale Bauman Img American nutritinal biochemist, ???
Adolf Beck RWF Img Polish physiologist, neuroscientist,
Jon Beckwith RWC Img American microbiologist, geneticist, biochemist,
Mark Belgovsky Ukrainian-born Russian biologist,    RWJ 1906-59
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-born American biologist,transplant immunology, Nobel Prize (1980),
Carl Benda RW5 Img German microbiologist, pathologist,
Morris Bender RWF Img Ukrainian-born American neuroscientist, neurologist,
Myron Bender Img American biochemist,
Reinhold Benesch RW5 Img Polish-born American biochemist, ExLink
Ruth Benesch RW5 Img French-born German American biochemist, ExLink
Morris Benjaminson Img American microbiologist,
Michael Bennett Img American neuroscientist,
Seymour Benzer RWF Img American  physicist, biologist, geneticist,
Dame Valerie Beral RWC Img Australian-born  British epidemiologist,
Isaac Berenblum RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist,
Lev Berg RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian geographer, biologist, RWN
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry,
Max Bergmann RW5 Img German-born American biochemist,
Hippolyte Bernheim RWC Img French neurologist, hypnosis,
Julius Bernstein RWF Img German physiologist, neuroscientist, ExLink
Nikolai Bernstein RWF Img Russian physiologist,
Solomon Berson RWF Img American physician, endocrinologist, ExLink
Alexandre Besredka RWF Img Ukrainian-born French immunologist, serologist,
Bruce Beutler RWF HW Img American immunologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (2011),
Ernest Beutler RWC Img German-born American hematologist, biomedical scientist, ExLink
Yehudith Birk RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli agricaltural biochemist,
Hugh Blaschko Img German-born British pharmacologist,
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1964) in medicine,
Barry Bloom RW5 Img American immunologist, ExLink
Floyd Bloom RW5 Img American neuroscientist, ExLink
Elkan Blout RWF Img American biochemist, RWJ
Jeffrey Bluestone RWB Img American immunologist,
Samuel Blum RW5 Img American chemist, physicist, inventor, excimer lazer sergury,
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1976),
Anat Blumenfeld RW5 Israeli research biochemist,
Shimon Bodenheimer RW5 HW Img Israeli biologist, zoologist,
David Bodian RWB Img American neuropathologist, vaccinologist, ExLink1
Sir Walter Bodmer RWF Img British geneticist,
Gustav Born RW5 Img German pharmacologist,
David Botstein RWF Img Swiss-born American biologist, geneticist,
Alexander Braunstein RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian biochemist,
Eugene Braunwald RW5 Img Austrian-born American cardiologist, writer,
Michael Brenner Img American immunologist, ???
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South African-born British American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002),
Leslie Brent RW5 Img German/Polish-born British immunologist,
Semion Bresler RWJ Belarisian-born Russian chemical physicist, biologist,
Frank Brink, Jr American biophysicist, ???
Samuel Broder RWB Img American medical researcher, oncologist, 
Bernard Brodie RW5 Img British American biologist, biochemical pharmocology,
Donald Brown Img American embryologist,
Michael Brown RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985),
Manuel Buchwald RWF Img Peruanian-born Canadian geneticist,
Gustav Bucky RW5 Img German American rengenologist,
Leo Buerger Img Austrian pathologist, surgeon, urologist,
Edith Bulbring RWC Img German-born British pharmacologist, (Jewish mother),
Maurice Burg Img American physiologist, pharmacologist,
Sir Arnold Burgen RW5 Img British pharmacologist, President of Academia Europaea 1988-94
Melvin Calvin RWF HW Img American biochemist, photosynthesis, Nobel Prize (1961),
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, Nobel Prize (2007) (Jewish maternal grangfather)
Rivka Carmi RWC HW Img Israeli pediatrician, geneticist,   
Donald Caspar RW5 Img American biophysicist, ExLink
Howard Cedar RWF HW Img American-born Israeli biochemist, geneticist,
Sir Ernst Chain RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, Nobel Prize (1945) in medicine,
Martin Chalfie RWF HW Img American neurobiologist, Nobel Prize (2008) in chemistry ,
Pierre Chambon RWF Img French molecular biologist, geneticist, endocrinologist, (Jewish mother)
Erwin Chargaff RWF Img Austrian-born American biochemist,
Ilan Chet RWC HW Img Israeli microbiologist,
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry,
Manfred Clynes RW5 Img Austrian-born American inventor, musician, neuropsychologist,
Enrico Coen RWF Img British plant biologist,  ???
Carolyn Cohen RW5 Img American biophysicist,
Irun Cohen RW5 Img American-born Israeli immunologist,
Joel Cohen RW5 Img American mathematical biologist,
Sir Philip Cohen RWF Img British biochemist, diabetes insulin,
Seymour Cohen RWB Img American biochemist,
Stanley Cohen RWF HW Img American neurologist, Nobel Prize (1986),
Stanley N. Cohen RWF HW Img American genetisist, genetical engineering, insulin
Sydney Cohen RWC Img South African-born British pathologist,
Anat Cohen-Dayag RW5 Img Israeli biochemist, geneticist, businesswoman,
Edwin Cohn RWF Img American biochemist, ExLink
Eric Cohn RW5 plant biologist ???
Ferdinand Cohn RWF Img German/Polish-born  botanist, microbiologist,
Mildred Cohn RW5 Img American biochemist, ExLink
Zanvil Cohn RWC Img American cell biologist, immunologist,
Julius Cohnheim RWC Img German histologist, pathologist, ExLink
Frank Colton RW5 Img Polish-born American scientist, oral contraceptive, ExLink
Barry Commoner RWF Img American biologist, ecologist, educator,
Jerome Conn RWF Img American endocrinologist, ExLink
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physilogist, Nobel Prize (1947)
Keith Dalziel Img British biochemist,
William Dameshek HW Img American physician, hematologist,
Samuel Danishefsky RWF Img American biochemist,
George de Hevesy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swedish chemist Nobel Prize (1943),
Jared Diamond RWF HW Img American evolutionary biologist, biogeographer,
Carl Djerassi RWF Img Austrian-born American organic chemist, oral contraceptive, novelist, playwright,
Isaac Djerassi Img Bulgarian-born American cancer researcher,
Julius Donath Img Austrian immunologist, ExLink
Deborah Doniach RWF Img Swiss-born British clinical immunologist, (Jewish father) ExLink
Jeffrey Drebin RWB Img American surgeon, physician,
Brian Druker RWF Img American oncologist, hematologist, Jinfo
Yadin Dudai RWC HW Img Israeli neuroscientist, biophysicist,
Raymond Dwek RW5 Img British biochemist,
Harry Eagle RWF Img American microbiologist, cell biology ExLink
Gerald Edelman RWF HW Img American biologist, embyologist, immunologist, neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (1972)
Vladimir Efroimson RWF Img Russian geneticist,   RWN
Paul Ehrlich RWF HW Img German-born physician, immunologist, hematologist, Nobel Prize (1908) in medicine, RWN
Arthur Eichengrun RWC Img German scientist, claim of aspirin discovery,
Alfred Einhorn RWF Img German biochemist, inventor of novocaine, anesthesia,
Lawrence Einhorn Img American oncologist,
Herman Eisen Img American microbiologist, immunology ExLink
David Eisenberg RW5 Img American biochemist, biophysicist,  
Robert Eisenman Img American molecular biologist, geneticist, ???
Thomas Eisner RWF Img German-born American ecologist, entomologist, evolutionary biologist, (Jewish father)
Gertrude Elion RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Price (1988), zovirax,
Walter Elsasser RWF Img German-born American physicist, systems biologist, geodinamo theory
Gustav Embden RWF Img German biochemist,
Donald Engelman RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Ellis Englesberg American geneticist, ???
Boris Ephrussi RWF Img Russian-born French geneticist,
Sir Anthony Epstein RWF Img British biologist, Epstein-Barr virus,
Emanuel Epstein Img plant biologist ???
Joseph Erlanger RWF HW Img American physiologist, Nobel Prize (1944)
Lars Ernster RW5 Img Hungarian-born Swedish biochemist,
Ronald Evans RWF Img American biologist,
Stanley Falkow RWF Img American microbiologist, immunologist,
Isidor Fankuchen RWB HW Img American cristallographer,
Sidney Farber RWF Img American physician, cancer researcher, pathologist,  
Gerald Fasman Img American biochemist,
Paul Fatt RW5 Img British neuroscientist,
David Feingold RWB HW Img American-born Israeli biochemist,   
Alvan Feinstein RWF Img American epidemiologist, clinical researcher,
Wilhelm Feldberg RW5 Img German-born British physiologist, biologist, 
Sir Marc Feldmann RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Australian British immunologist,rheumatologist, rheumatoid arthritis, 
Arthur Felix RW5 Img Polish bacteriologist, serologist,
Gary Felsenfeld Img American molecular biologist,
Joseph Felsenstein RWF Img American evolutionary biologist,
David Ferdman RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian biochemist,
Sir Alan Fersht RW5 Img British chemist, protein folding,
Bernard Fields RW5 Img American microbiologist, virologist,
Gerald Fink RWF Img American geneticist, ExLink
Richard Finkelstein Img American immunologist,
Maxwell Finland RWF Img Ukrainian-born American scientist, ExLink
Andrew Fire RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (2006),
Gerald Fischbach RW5 Img American neurobiologist,
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1992), (Jewish father)
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1992), (Jewish father)
Bernard Fisher RW5 Img American clinical cancer researcher, Jinfo
Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow RW5 Img Austrian physiologist,    JE 
Robert Fleischmann Img American researcher,
Abraham Flexner RW5 Img American reformer of medical education, 
Louis Flexner RW5 Img American biochemist, ExLink
Simon Flexner RWC Img American pathologist, bacteriologist, administrator, 
Judah Folkman RWF Img American scientist, cancer angiogenesis, ExLink
Herbert Fox American chemist, isionazid
Maurice Fox Img American geneticist, molecular biologist,
Sidney Fox Img American biochemist,
Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat RWF Img German/Polish-born British American biochemist,
Sir Otto Frankel RWF Img Austrian-born Australian geneticist,
Edward Franklin RW5 Img German-born American immunologist,
Rosalind Franklin RWF HW Img British biophysicist, stractual viorology, DNA
Samuel Freedman RW5 Canadian clinical immunologist,
Emil Freireich RWB Img American hematologist, oncologist, cancer biologist,
Jules Freund RW5 Img Hungarian-born American immunologist, ExLink1
Leopold Freund RW5 Img Czech-born Austrian radiologist,
Irwin Fridovich RW5 Img American biochemist,
Josef Fried RW5 Img Polish-born German American chemist, inventor,
Jeffrey Friedman RWF Img American molecular geneticist, leptin,
Imre Friedmann RWC Img Hungarian-born American biologist,
Charlotte Friend RWC Img American oncologist, microbiologist, ExLink
Karl von Frisch RWF HW Img Austrian ethologist, (1973), Nobel Prize (1973) (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Irving Fritz American scientist,
Joseph Fruton RWC Img Polish-born American biochemist, historian of science,
Elaine Fuchs RWF Img American cell biologist,
Casimir Funk RWF Img Polish-born American biochemist, discovery of vitamins,
Robert Furchgott RWF Img American pharmacologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1998) 
Merrill Garnett Img American biochemist, cancer researcher,
Stanley Gartler RWF Img American molecular biologist, geneticist,
Ehud Gazit RWF Img Israeli biochemist, biophysicist, nanotechnologist,
Benjamin Geiger Img Israeli cell adhesion researcher,
Charles Gerhardt RWF Img French biochemist,
Sergei Gershenzon RWF Img Russian Ukrainian geneticist,
Richard Gershon RW5 Img American immunologist, pathologist,
Jacob Gershon-Cohen Img American radiologist, mammograms, inventor,
Martin Gibbs Img American biologist, ???  Brandeis
Walter Gilbert RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry,
Alfred Gilman RWF Img American pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1994) in Medicine
Alfred Gilman, Sr RW5 Img American pharmacologist,
Michael Gimbrone Img physiology, metabolism,   ???
David Ginsburg Img American geneticist, ???
Paul Glansdorff Belgian molecular biologist, chemist,
Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch RWC Img German-born American geneticist, co-founder of developmental genetics,
Ian Glynn RW5 Img British biologist, 
Phil Gold RW5 Img Canadian physician, carceoembrionic gen,
Joseph Goldberger RW5 Img Hungarian/Slovak-born American physician, epidemiologist, pellagra
M.W. Goldblatt British scientist, discovered prostaglandins with von Euler
Larry Goldenberg RW5 Img Canadian cancer researcher,
Patricia Goldman-Rakic RWC Img American neurobiologist, ExLink1
Richard Goldschmidt RWF Img German-born American geneticist, zoologist,
Avram Goldstein RW5 Img American molecular pharmacologist,
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985) in Medicine,
Corey Goodman Img American neurobiologist, ExLink
Louis Goodman RW5 HW Img American pharmacologist,
Michael Gottlieb Img American physician, immunologist, early identifier of AIDS,
Stephen Jay Gould RWF HW Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science,
Ernst Grafenberg RW5 Img German-born American gynecologist, sexologist, ExLink1
Sam Granick RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Howard Green RWF Img Canadian-born American developmental biologist,
M.M. Green American geneticist, ???
Philip Green Img American genome scientist, ???
Rachel Green Img American biochemist, ???
Michael Greenberg Img American neuroloscientist,
Peter Greenberg RWF Img American microbiologist,
Baroness Susan Greenfield RWF Img British neuroscientist, broadcaster, writer (Jewish father)
Paul Greengard RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000),
Iva Greenwald Img American genetisist, cell biologist, ???
Clifford Grobstein RW5 Img American biologist,
Angela Gronenborn RWF Img German-born American pharmacologist, ???
Yoram Groner RWC Img Israeli molecular biologist,
Carol Gross RWB Img American microbiologist, geneticist ???
Jerome Gross American developmental biologist, ???
Ludwik Gross RW5 Img Polish-born American cancer researcher, ExLink
Harry Grundfest Img Belarusian-born American neurophysiologist,
Hans Gruneberg RW5 Img German-born British geneticist,
Michael Grunstein RWF Img Romanian-born American molecular biologist,
Andrei Gudkov Img Russian-born American cancer researcher, ExLink
Irwin Gunsalus RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Alexander Gurvich RWC Img Ukrainian-born Russian biologist, medical scientist,   RWJ
Alexander Gutman American rheumatologist,
Sir Ludwig Guttmann RWF HW Img German-born British neurologist,  ExLink
James Haber Img American geneticist, administrator, ???
Waldemar Haffkine RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born French Indian bacteriologist,
Beatrice Hahn RWB Img German-born American microbiologist, ???
Viktor Hamburger RWF Img Polish-born German American biologist, embryologist, ExLink
Gordon Hammes Img American biophysicist, ???
Philip Handler RW5 Img American scientist, President of NAS ExLink
Israel Hanukoglu Img Turkish-born Israeli biochemist, molecular, biologist, 
Sir Henry Harris RW5 Img Russian-born Australian British biologist,
Stephen Harrison RWF Img American biophysicist, ExLink
Michael Hassell RW5 Img Israeli-born British biologist, entomologist,
William Hassid RWC Img Israeli-born Ukrainian American biochemist,
Herbert Hauptman RWF HW Img American mathematician, Nobel Prize (1985) in chemistry
Felix Haurowitz Img Czech-born Turkish American scientist, hemoglobin, ExLink
Rachel Haurwitz RWC Img American biochemist, structual biologist,
David Haussler RW5 Img American biomedical researcher, ???
Georges Hayem Img French physician, hematologist,    ExLink
Leonard Hayflick RWF Img American anatomist,
Selig Hecht RWF Img Austrian-born American biophysicist, physiologist, ExLink
David Heeger RWB Img American psychologist, neuroscientist,
Charles Heidelberger RW5 Img American biochemist,
Michael Heidelberger RWC Img American immunochemist,
Rudolf Heidenhain RWF Img German physiologist, histologist, ExLink
Henry Heimlich RW5 HW Img American biologist, physician, Heimlich maneuver
Stephen Heinemann Img American neurobiologist, administrator, ???
Richard Held Img American psychologist,
David Helinski Img geneticist ???
Tina Henkin Img American microbiologist, ???
Jakob Henle RWF Img German anatomist, pathologist,
Ludimar Hermann RWF Img German physiologist, speach scientist,
Avram Hershko RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli biologist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry,
Ira Herskowitz RWF Img American genetisist,
Roy Hertz Img American physician, cancer researcher,
Leonard Herzenberg RW5 HW Img American immunologist, geneticist,
George Hess RW5 Img Austrian-born American biochemist,
Shlomo Hestrin RWB Img Canadian-born Israeli biochemist,  
Sara Hestrin-Lerner RWC HW Img Canadian-born Israeli physiologist, pathologist,
John Hildebrand Img American neurobiologist,  ???
James Hirsch Img American physician, biologist, ???
Norbert Hirschhorn RW5 Img Austrian-born American physician, oral rehydration therapy,
Basil Hirschowitz RW5 Img South African American researcher, endoscope 1957
Jack Hirsh RW5 Img Australian-born Canadian clinician, trombosis,
Ludwik Hirszfeld RWF Img Polish physician, microbiologist, serologist, immunologist,
Sir Raymond Hoffenberg Img South African-born president of Royal College of Physicians 1983-89 ExLink
Alexander Hollaender Img American biophysisist, biologist, radiation,
Charles Hollenberg RWF Img Canadian physician, educator, researcher,
Ralph Holman RWB Img American biochemist,  ???
Barry Honig Img American biochemist,
Bernard Horecker Img American biochemist, ExLink
Sir Gabriel Horn RW5 Img British biologist, 
Norman Horowitz RWF Img Russian-born American genetisist, space biologist, RWJ
Robert Horvitz RWF HW Img American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002),
Arthur Horwich RWF Img American biologist, ExLink
Jerome Horwitz RW5 Img American chemist, AZT,
Susan Horwitz RWC Img American biochemist,molecular pharmacologist, 
David Housman Img American geneticist, ???
Jerard Hurwitz RW5 Img American biochemist, molecular biologist,
Steven Hyman RW5 Img American neuroscientist,   
Vernon Ingram RWB Img German-born American biologist,
Alick Isaacs RW5 Img British virologist, interferon 1957 ExLink
Ralph Isberg Img American microbiologist,
David Ish-Horowicz RW5 Img British developmental geneticist,
Eva Jablonka RWC Img Polish-born Israeli evolutionary biologist, geneticist,
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965),
Abraham Jacobi RW5 Img German-born American physician, pediatrician,
Patricia Jacobs RWC Img British geneticist,
Dorothea Jameson RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, ???
E. Morton Jellinek RW5 Img American physiologist, biostatistician, alcoholism researcher,
Thomas Jessell RWF Img British-born American biochemist, (one not Jewish paternal grandparent)
Abraham Joffe Israeli biologist, micologist,
Elvin Kabat RWF Img American biochemist, immunologist, founder of immunochemistry, ExLink
Paul Kaesberg Img biochemist ???
Benjamin Kahn Img Israeli marine biologist,
Reuben Kahn Img Lithuanian-born American immunologist,
Ronald Kahn RW5 Img American diabetes researcher, medical physiology,metabolism,
Herman Kalckar RW5 Img Danish-born American biochemist, ExLink
Martin Kamen RWC Img Canadian-born American biochemist, carbon -14,
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psyhiatrist, neuroscientist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2000),
William Kannel HW Img American biochemist,
Moritz Kaposi RWF Img Hungarian-born Austrian dermatologist,
Michael Karin RW5 Img Israeli-born American molecular biologist, ExLink
Jerome Karle RWF HW Img American physical chemist, Nobel Prize (1985),
Arthur Karlin Img American biochemist, ???
George Karpati RWF Img Hungarian-born Canadian neuroscientist,   
Michael Kasha RWF Img American biochemist, ???
Dennis Kasper Img American microbiologist, immunologist,
Daniel Kastner Img American geneticist, ???
Sir Bernard Katz RWF HW Img German-born British biophysicist, Nobel Prize (1970) in medicine,
Aharon Katzir RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, biophysicist,
Ephraim Katzir RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli biophysicist, fourth President of Israel,
Stuart Kauffman HW Img American biologist, biophysicist,
Matthew Kaufman RW5 Img British geneticist,
Seymour Kaufman Img American biochemist,
Lewis Kay Img Canadian cell biologist, biochemist,
Ora Kedem RWC Img Israeli biologist, physical chemist,
David Keilin RWC Img Russian-born British entomologist, parasitologist, ExLink
Arthur Kelman Img American plant pathologist, ???
Yuli Kerkis Ukrainian-born Russian biologist,    1907-77
Eli Keshet RWC Img Israeli systems biologist,   
Leah Keshet HW Img Israeli-born Canadian mathematical biologist,
Seymour Kety RW5 Img American neuroscientist,
Alexander Keynan RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Israeli microbiologist,
David Kipnis Img American physiologist, diabetes, metabolism,
Marc Kirschner RW5 Img American cell biologist,
Richard Klausner RW5 Img American cell biologist, biotechnologist, Director of NCI 1995
Seymour Klebanoff Img American medical scientist, ???
Nancy Kleckner RW5 Img American molecular biologist, ???
Edmund Klein RW5 Img Austrian-born American dermatologist, cancer research,
George Klein RWF Img Hungarian-born Swedish cancer researcher,
Sir David Klenerman RW5 Img British  biochemist,
Israel Kleiner Img American biochemist,
Alexander Klibanov RW5 Img American biochemist, biophysicist, inventor, ???
Emmy Klieneberger-Nobel RWCC Img German-born British microbiologist,
Israel Kliger HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli microbiologist,
Nathan Kline RW5 Img American psychologist, Institute for Psychiatric Research,
Marcus Klingberg RWF Img Polish-born Soviet spy against Israel, biologist,
Judith Klinman RWF Img American biochemist, ExLink
Irving Klotz Img American physical biochemist,  ???
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist Nobel Prize (1982),
Karl Koller RW5 HW Img Chech-born American ophtalmologist, local anesthesia,
Richard Kolodner RW5 Img American geneticist, ExLink
Nancy Kopell RWC Img American mathematician, neuroscientist,
Henry Koplik RW5 Img American physician,
Hilary Koprowski RWF Img Polish-born American virologist, immunologist,
Edward Korn Img American biochemist, ???
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1959) in medicine,
Sir Hans Kornberg RWF Img German-born British biochemist, ExLink
Roger Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2006), Exlink
Alberto Kornblihtt Img Argentine molecular biologist,
Stuart Kornfeld RW5 Img American biochemist, molecular biologist,
Douglas Koshland RW5 Img American biochemist, geneticist, (Jewish father)
Daniel Koshland, Jr RWF HW Img American biochemist, ExLink
Hans Kosterlitz RW5 Img German-born British biologist, endorphins, ExLink
Joseph Kraut Img American biochemist, ???
Edward Kravitz RW5 Img American neurobiologist,
Henry Kravitz American neuroscientist,  ???
Sir Hans Krebs RWF HW Img British biochemist, Nobel Prize (1953) in medicine, 
Baron John Krebs RWF Img British zoologist,
Hugo Kronecker RWF Img German physiologist, ExLink
Saul Krugman RWF Img American pediatrician, medical researcher, vaccinologist,
Stephen Kuffler RWF Img Hungarian-born American neuroscientist,
Moses Kunitz RW5 Img Belarusian-born American chemist, protein,
Sir Peter Lachmann Img German-born British immunologist, ExLink
Eric Lander RWF HW Img American mathematician, biologist, Genome Project,
Eugene Landis RWF Img American physiologist, physician, ???
Karl Landsteiner RWF HW Img Austrian-born American bacteriologist, immunologist, Nobel Prize (1930) in medicine,
Robert Langer RWF Img American biotechnologist,
Philip Leder RWF Img American geneticist, ExLink
Esther Lederberg RWF Img American microbiologist, immunologist,
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1958),
Susan Leeman RWC Img American endocrinologist, phisiologist, pharmocologist,
Robert Lefkowitz RWF HW Img American physiologist, Nobel Prize (2012) in chemistry, ExLink
I. Robert Lehman Img Lithuanian-born American biochemist, ???
Alan Lehmann Img British molecular geneticist, (Jewish father)
Rudi Lemberg Img German-born Australian biochemist,   
Leonard Lerman RWB Img American molecular biolgist, geneticist,
Aaron Lerner RW5 Img American medical researcher, physiology and metabolism,
Michael Lerner RW5 Img Russian American geneticist, evolutionary biologist, ExLink
Richard Lerner RW5 Img American research chemist,
Baron Leslie Turnberg RW5 Img British president of Royal College of Physicians 1992-97,
Jerome Lettvin RW5 Img American neurologist, neuroscientist,
Shulamit Levenberg Img Israeli biotechnologist, ExLink
Phoebus Levene RWF Img Lithuanian-born American biochemist, nuclear acid pioneer,
Giuseppe Levi RWF Img Italian-born American histologist, anotomist, ExLink
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1986) in medicine,
Arnold Levine RWF Img American cancer researcher, molecular biologist, ExLink
Michael Levin RWB HW Img American cellurar/developmental biologist,
Philip Levine RWF Img Russian-born American hematologist, discovered rh factor,
Rachmiel Levine Img Polish-born American scientist, diabetes ExLink
Simon Levin RWF HW Img American evolutionary biologist, ecologist,
Ronald Levinsky RW5 Img South African-born British physician, medical researcher, writer,
Cyrus Levinthal RW5 Img American molecular biologist, geneticist, modeling molecules on computers,
Solomon Levit RWF Img Lithuanian-born Soviet geneticist, RWJ
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British American biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British American biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
Alexander Levitzki RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist,  
Jay Levy Img American AIDS researcher,
Mozes Lewenstein
Harris Lewin RWF Img American geneticist,
Ludwig Lewin Jacobson RWF HW Img Danish surgeon, anatomist,
Richard Lewisohn Img German-born American surgeon, blood transfusions,
Richard Lewontin RWF Img American geneticist, evolutinary biologist,
Oskar Liebreich RWF Img German physician, pharmacologist, ExLink
Richard Lifton RW5 Img American biochemist,
David Lipman Img American biologist, ExLink
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1962), 
Harvey Lodish RW5 Img American cell/molecular  biologist, ExLink
Jacques Loeb RWF HW Img German-born American physiologist, biologist,
Otto Loewi RWF HW Img German-born Austrian American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1936),
Cesare Lombroso RWC HW Img Italian criminologist, pellagra, RWN
Efim London RWC Img Lithuanian-born Russian radiobiologist, pattophysiologist, RWJ
Irving London RWB Img American molecular geneticist,
Richard Losick RWF Img American molecular biologist,
Alfred Lotka RWF Img Ukrainian-born American mathematician, physical chemist, statistician, (Jewish father) ExLink
Alexander Luria RWF Img Russian neuropsychologist, developmental psychologist,
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1969),
Amatus Lusitanus RWC HW Img Portuguese-born physician of Pope Julius III, circuliation of blood, ExLink
Zacutus Lusitanus RWC Img Portuguese-born Dutch physician, medical historian,
Andre Lwoff RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965),
Marcelle Machluf RW5 Img Moroccan-born Israeli physician, biochemist,
Boris Magasanik RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American microbiologist, biochemist, ExLink
Onisim Magidson RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet physician, pharmacologist,   
Adolf Magnus-Levy Img German physiologist,
Rudolf Magnus RWF Img German pharmacologist, physiologist,
Joel Mandelstam RW5 Img South African-born British microbiologist,
Karl Maramorosch RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American viorologist, entomologist, plant pathologist,
Eve Marder RW5 Img American neuroscientist,
Catherine Margaret Shachaf Indian-born Israeli cell biologist,
Emanuel Margoliash RWB Img Egyptian-born American biochemist, molecular biologist,
Lynn Margulis RWF HW Img American microbiologist,
Andrew Marks RWB Img American cardiologist, physiology metabolism,
John Marks RW5 Img chairman of British Medical Association 1984-90 ExLink
Paul Marks RWB Img American cancer researcher, geneticist,
Alexander Marmorek HW Img Ukrainian-born bacteriologist, tuberculosis,
Sir Michael Marmot RW5 Img British epidemiologist,
Moisey Marshak RWC Img Belarusian-born Soviet physiologist, 
Gail Martin RW5 Img American developmental biologist,
Mikhail Mashkovsky RWF Img Soviet physician, pharmacologist,
Siegmund Mayer RWF Img German physiologist, histologist,
Daniel Mazia RW5 HW Img American cell biologist,
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1908), (Jewish mother) RWN
Felix Meerson RWC Img Soviet pathophysiologist,
Alton Meister RW5 Img American molecular biologist, ExLink
Ira Mellman RWB Img American cell biologist,
Lafayette Mendel RW5 Img American biochemist,   
Michael Merzenich RW5 Img American neuroscientist, ???
Matthew Meselson RWF Img American geneticist, molecular biologist,
Robert Metzenberg Img American molecular geneticist,
Henry Metzger Img American immunologist, ???
Karl Meyer RW5 Img German-born American biochemist,
Otto Meyerhof RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1922) in medicine,
Elliot Meyerowitz RWF Img American plant biologist,
Leonor Michaelis RWF Img German-born American biochemist,
Felix Milgrom RW5 Img Polish American immunologist, microbiologist, ExLink
Stanley Miller RWF Img American biochemist,
Irving Millman Img American virologist, microbiologist, viral hepatitis vaccine, ExLink
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, Nobel Prize (1984) in medicine,
Oskar Minkowski RWC Img Lithuanian-born German scientist, diabetes insulin? RWN
Beatrice Mintz RWF Img American embryologist, Answers
Alfred Mirsky RW5 Img American molecular biolgist,
Mortimer Mishkin RW5 Img American neuroscientist,
Sir Salvador Moncada RWF Img Honduran-born British pharmacologist, (Jewish mother) ExLink
Julius Morgenroth Img German scientist, physician,   
Harold Morowitz Img American biophysicist, ExLink
Hermann Muller RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1946), (Jewish mother)
Hermann Munk RWF Img Polish-born German physiologist,
David Nabarro Img British biologist,  
David Nachmansohn RWF Img Ukrainian-born German American biochemist,
Yaakov Nahmias RW5 Img Israeli American research scientist, biologist, tissue engineer,
David Nalin RWB Img American physiologist, oral rehydration therapy,
Yehudit Naot RWC HW Img Israeli politician, microbiologist, Minister of Environment,
David Nathan RW5 Img American pediatrician, hematologist,
Daniel Nathans RWF HW Img American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1978), first genetic map of DNA
Philip Needleman RW5 Img American pharmacologist,
Albert Neisser RWF Img Polish-born German physician, pathologist, bacteriologist, gonorrhoea, (Jewish father)
Nathan Nelson RWC Img Israeli molecular biologist, biochemist,
Carl Neuberg RWF Img German biochemist, ExLink
Albert Neuberger RW5 Img German-born British biochemist,
Michael Neuberger RW5 Img British biochemist, immunologist,
Elizabeth Neufeld RW5 HW Img American geneticist,
Hans Neurath RWF Img Austrian-born American biochemist,
Lotte Newman Img German-born president of Royal College of General Practitioners ExLink
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1968) medicine, breaking of genetic code,
Alfred Nisonoff Img American immunologist,
Sir Gustav Nossal RWF Img Austrian-born Australian biologist, (Jewish father)
Alex Novikoff RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American biologist,
Michel Nussenzweig RW5 Img American immuniologist,
Leslie Orgel RWF Img British chemist,
Gordon Orians RW5 Img American ornithologist, ecologist, ???
Stuart Orkin RWF Img American geneticist, pedeartician,
Garcia de Orta RWF Img Portuguese-born Indian botanist, pharmacologist, physician, (converso) ExLink
John Pappenheimer Img American physiologist, pharmacologist,
Alwin Pappenheimer, Jr RW5 Img American biochemist, immunologist, ExLink
Jakub Parnas RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born biochemist, 
Ira Pastan RWB HW Img American medical researcher,
Laurence Pearl Img British biochemist, structual biologist,
Dana Pe'er RW5 Img Israeli-born American computational biologist,
Sheldon Penman American cell biologist, physicist,
Sir Mark Pepys Img British immunologist,
David Perkins Img American geneticist, ???
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, Nobel Prize (1962),
Sidney Pestka RW5 Img Polish-born American biochemist, geneticist, ExLink
Gregory Petsko RW5 Img Ameican biochemist,
Arnold Pick RW5 HW Img Czech-born German neurologist, psychiatrist, ExLink
Ernst P. Pick Img Austrian physicain, immunologist, pharmacologist,
Gregory Pincus RWF Img American biologist, inventor of the birth-control pill,
Stanley Plotkin RW5 Img American physician, vaccinologist,
Adam Politzer RWF Img Hungarian-born Austrian otologist,
William Pollitzer American anatomist,
Guido Pontecorvo RWF Img Italian-born British  geneticist,
Michael Posner RW5 Img American cognitive scientist, neuroscientist,
Carl Prausnitz RW5 Img German physician, bacteriologist, hygienist, father of clinical allergy, (no Jewish parernal grandfather) ExLink
Karl Pribram RWF Img Austrian-born American cognitive scientist,
Nathanael Pringsheim RWF Img German botanist, ExList
Ernst Pringsheim, Jr RW5 Img German scientist, plant physiologist,
Mikhail Prives RWC Img Russian rentgenoanotomist,    1904-
Stanley Prusiner RWF HW Img American neurologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1997),
Mark Ptashne RWF Img American molecular biologist, violinist, ExList
Theodore Puck RW5 Img American geneticist, ExList
Frank Putnam RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Judah Quastel RW5 Img British-born Canadian biochemist,
Menahem Rabinovich RWF Img Israeli biochemist,
Jesse Rabinowitz Img American biochemist,
Efraim Racker RWF Img Polish-born Austrian American biochemist, ExList
Marcus Raichle RW5 Img American neurologist, physiologist,
Alexander Raikhel Img Russian-born American entomologist,
Natasha Raikhel RWF Img Russian-born American plant biologist,
Geoffrey Raisman RW5 Img British neuroscientist,
Louis Rapkine RW5 Img Belarusian-born French biologist,
Iosif Rapoport RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian geneticist, RWN
Tom Rapoport RW5 Img German American cell biologist,
Henry Rappaport Img American canser researcher, hematopothologist,    
Maurice Rapport HW Img American biochemist, serotonin,
Sarah Ratner RWC HW Img American biochemist, ExList
Oscar Ratnoff Img American geneticist, hematologist,
Jeffrey Ravetch RWF Img American immunologist,
Aharon Razin RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist,
Alfred Redfield Img American biochemist,
Israel Reichart RWF Img Polish-born Israeli biologist, agriculturist,
Tadeus Reichstein RWF HW Img Polish-born Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize (1950) in medicine,
Ernst Remak RW5 HW Img German neurologist,
Robert Remak RWF Img Polish-born German embryologist, physiologist, neurologist,  ExLink
Arnold Rice Rich RW5 Img American physician, pathologist,
Alexander Rich RWF Img American molecular biologist, biophysicist, ExLink
David Rittenberg RW5 Img American biochemist,
John Robbins Img American medical researcher, vaccine against bacterial meningitis,
Martin Rodbell RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1994) in medicine,
Ivan Roitt RW5 Img British biologist, biochemist,
Bernard Roizman RWF Img Moldovan-born American virologist, microbial biologist,
Pamela Roland Img American geneticist,
Herschel Roman HW Img Polish-born American geneticist,
Moritz Romberg RW5 Img German physician, neurologist, ExLink
Michael Rosbash RWF Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (2017) in medicine,
Harry Rose Img American microbiologist, rheumatologist,
Irwin Rose RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry,
Steven Rose RWF Img British biologist,
Saul Roseman Img American biologist,
Alan Rosen Img Israeli-born American neuroscientist,
Robert Rosen Img American theoretical biologist,
Milton Rosenau RWF Img American epidemiologist, ExLink
Leon Rosenberg RWB Img American geneticist, ???
Mel Rosenberg RW5 Img Canadian-born Israeli microbiologist, jazz singer,
Saul Rosenberg Img American oncologist,    
Steven Rosenberg RWC Img American cancer researcher, surgeon,    Jinfo
Walter Rosenblith RW5 Img Austrian-born American biophysicist, administrator,
Gastao Rosenfeld RW5 Img Hungarian-born Brazilian biochemist,
Michael Rosenfeld Img American physiologist, metabolism, 
Otto Rosenheim German-born British chemist, biochemist,
Michael Rossmann RWF Img German-born British American microbiologist, crystallographer, (Jewish mother)
Jesse Roth RWB Img American diabetes researcher,     ExLink
James Rothman RWF HW Img American biochemist, biophysicist, research administrator, Nobel Prize (2013) in medicine,
Dame Miriam Rothschild RWF Img British entomologist, zoologist,
Baron Victor Rothschild RWF Img British biologist,
Aser Rothstein Img Canadian physiologist,
Sam Ruben RW5 Img American biochemist, discovery of Carbon 14 ExLink
Benjamin Rubin RWC Img American inventor, bifurcated vaccination needle, microbiologist,
Gerald Rubin RW5 Img American geneticist,
Harry Rubin Img American molecular biologist,
Joan Ruderman RWB Img American molecular biologist, embryologist, ???
Pablo Rudomin Zevnovaty RW5 Img Mexican neuroscientist,
Liane Russell RW5 Img Austrian-born American geneticist, conservationist,
Gary Ruvkun RWF Img American molecular biologist,  geneticist, Nobel Prize 2024,
Albert Sabin RWF HW Img Polish-born American medical researcher, oral polio vaccine,
Florence Sabin RWF Img American medical scientist,
David Sachar RW5 Img American gastroenterologist,
Bernard Sachs RW5 Img American neurologist, tay-sachs desease, ExLink
Hans Sachs HW Img Polish-born German serologist,
Julius von Sachs RWF Img German botanist, founder of experemental plant physiology,   
Leo Sachs RWC HW Img German-born Israeli molecular biologist, cancer researcher,    
Oliver Sacks RWF HW Img British-American neurologist, author,
Peter Safar RWB Img Austrian scientist, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation technique, (Jewish maternal grand grand mother)
Ruth Sager RW5 Img American geneticist, ExLink
Manfred Sakel RW5 Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian American neuroscientist, psychiatrist,
Redcliffe Salaman RW5 Img British biologist, physician,
Jonas Salk RWF HW Img American physician, medical researcher,
Albert Salomon RWB Img German surgeon,
Carl Salomonsen Img Danish bactereologist, physician,
Steven Salzberg RW5 Img American biologist, computer scientist,
Viscount David Samuel RWB Img British Israeli physical chemist, neurobiologist,
Robert Sapolsky RWF Img American neuroscientist, endocrinologist,
Robert Sauer Img American biochemist, ???
Howard Schachman RW5 Img American biochemist,
Matthew Scharff Img American cell biologist, 
Gerald Schatten Img American stem cell researcher,
Albert Schatz RWC Img American microbiologist, co-discoverer of streptomycin 1943, (Jewish father)
Randy Schekman RWF HW Img American cell biologist, geneticist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (2013) in medicine,
Leopold Schenk RWC Img Hungarian-born Austrian embryologist, historian of medicine, JE
Bela Schick RWF Img Hungarian-born American pediatrician, Schick Test diphtheria, ExLink
Moritz Schiff RWF Img German-born Swiss physiologist,
Joseph Schlessinger RWF HW Img Croatian-born Israeli American biochemist, ExLink
Stuart Schlossman Img American immunologist, ExLink
Rudi Schmid Img Swiss American gastroentologist ??? 1974
Carl Schmidt Img Latvian-born American biochemist, (Jewish father) ???
Rachel Schneerson RW5 Img Poilish-born American immunologist,
Howard Schneiderman Img American developmental biologist,
Rudolph Schoenheimer RWC Img German-born American biochemist, radioactive traces,
Vern Schramm RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Robert Schulman Img American biophysicist, ???
Edward Scolnick RW5 Img American scientist, president of Merck Research Laboratories 1985- ExLink
Anthony Segal RWF Img South African British biochemist,
Eran Segal RW5 Img Israeli comutational biologist,
Jonathan Seidman RW5 Img American geneticist, ???
Michael Sela RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli immunologist, ExLink
Zvi Selinger HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli biochemist,   
Eric Selker Img American biologist,  ???
Hans Selye Img Austrian-born Canadian endocrinologist, physician,
Michael Servetus RWC Img Spanish theologian, physician, humanist, (Jewish mother) ExLink1
Richard Setlow Img American biophysicist, radiation biophysics, DNA repair,
Ascher Shapiro RW5 Img American biomedical engineering pioneer, 
James Shapiro Img American biologist, biochemist,
Lucy Shapiro RWC Img American developmental biologist,
Shepard Shapiro American medical researcher, Coumadin
Nathan Sharon RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Israeli biochemist,   
Aaron Shatkin Img American biochemist, ExLink
Carla Shatz RWF Img American neuroscientist,
Alan Sher Img American immunologist, ExLink
Fred Sherman RW5 Img American geneticist,
Charles Sherr RWB HW Img American medical geneticist, hemotology
Neil Shubin RWF Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist,
David Shugar RW5 Img Polish-born Canadian physicist,
Alexander Shulgin RW5 HW Img American pharmacologist, chemist, drug developer, ecstasy
Richard Sidman Img American neuroscientist, ???
Philip Siekevitz Img American cell biologist,
Irving Sigal American research biologist, development of AZT,
Paul Sigler RW5 Img American molecular biologist, biochemist, biophysicist,
Michael Silverman Img American microbiologist, (Jewish father)
Saul Silverstein
Louis Siminovitch RWF Img Canadian molecular biologist,
Sir Stanley Simmons Img British president of Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1990-93,
Maxine Singer RWF Img American biochemist, DNA chip, ExLink2
Robert Sinsheimer Img American molecular biologist, initiator of Human Genome Project 1985 ExLink
Allan Snyder RW5 Img American-born Australian neuroscientist,
Solomon Snyder RWF Img American neuroscientist, endorphins ExLink
Alfred Sommer RW5 HW Img American ophthamologist, epidemiologist,
Nahum Sonenberg RWF HW Img German-born Israeli Canadian microbiologist, biochemist,
Tracy Sonneborn RWF Img American biologist, microbiologist, protistologist,
Hermona Soreq RWB Img Israeli neuroscientist, biochemist,
Sol Spiegelman RWF Img American microbiologist,
Michael Sporn Img American cancer researcher, ExLink
Thressa Stadtman Img American biochemist, ???
Elvin Stakman RW5 Img American mycologist, research administrator, ???
Meir Stampfer Img American researcher,
George Stark Img American biochemist, ???
William Stein RWF HW Img American biochemist Nobel Prize (1972),
Daniel Steinberg Img American researcher, medicine heart ???
Donald Steiner Img American biochemist,
Ralph Steinman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American cell biologist, Nobel Prize (2011), ExLink
Gunther Stent RWF Img German-born American molecular biologist, ExLink
Curt Stern RWF Img German-born American geneticist,
Lina Stern RWF HW Img Latvian-born Russian physiologist, biochemist, RWN
Leo Sternbach RWF Img Croatian-born American chemist, inventor of Valium/Librium,
Benedict Stilling RWC Img German-born Swiss physiologist, surgeon,  ExLink
Gilbert Stork RWF Img Belgian-born American organic chemist, ExLink
Thomas Stossel RW5 Img American hematologist,
Salomon Stricker RWF Img Austrian pathologist, histologist, founder of microtomy,
Jack Strominger RW5 Img American biochemist, immunologist,
Lubert Stryer RW5 Img Chinese-born American biochemist,
Max Summers Img American microbiologist,  ???
Clifford Tabin RW5 Img American geneticist,
Herbert Tabor Img American biochemist, research administrator, ???
Emmanuel David Tannenbaum RW5 Img Israeli-born American biophysicist, applied mathematician,
Howard Temin RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1975) in medicine, retroviruses
Sarah Tishkoff RWF Img American geneticist,
Max Tishler RWF Img American scientist, poultry desease, antibiotic synthesizing of B2 ExLink
Isidor Traube RWF Img German physical chemist, capillary chemistry
Ludwig Traube RWF HW Img German physician, founder of experimental pathology,
Sidney Udenfriend RWB Img American biochemist, pharmacologist,
Leslie Ungerleider RWB Img American neuroscientist, psychologist, ???
Gabriel Valentin RWF Img German-born Swiss  physiologist,    
Isaac Van Deen Img Dutch physiologist,
Sir John Vane RWF Img British pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1982) in medicine (Jewish father)
Harold Varmus RWF Img American microbiologist, virologist, Nobel Prize (1989) in Medicine
Alexander Varshavsky RWF Img Russian-born American biochemist, ExLink
Jan Vilcek Img Slovak-born American biomedical scientist, inventor, philanthropist,
Jerome Vinograd RW5 Img American biochemist, research scientist, ???
Bert Vogelstein RWF Img American cancer researcher,
Benjamin Volcani RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American biologist,
Mikhail Volkenshtein RWF Img Russian biophysicist,
Sir Vito Volterra RWF HW Img Italian-born mathematician, physicist, mathematical biology,
Andrei Vorobyov RWF Img Soviet/Russian biologist, (Jewish mother)
Serge Voronoff RWF Img Russian-born French surgeon, xenotransplant pioneer,
Paul Waggoner Img American plant pathologist, research administrator, ???
Mark Wainberg RWF Img Canadian AIDS researcher,
Gabriel Waksman Img British biochemist,
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1952) in medicine, streptomycin,
George Wald RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1967) in medicine,
George Waldbott RWB Img German American physician; allergy/fluoride research pioneer, RWJ
Thomas Waldmann RWF Img American immunologist, ???
Sir Mark Walport RWF Img British immunologist, rheumatologist, administrator,
Otto Heinrich Warburg RWF HW Img German physiologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1931) in medicine, (Jewish father)
Arieh Warshel RWF HW Img Israeli-born American biochemist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
Arieh Warshel RWF HW Img Israeli-born American biochemist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
August von Wassermann RWF Img German bacteriologist, blood-serum test for syphilis,
Carl Weigert RWF Img German pathologist, ExLink
Andrew Weil RWF Img American author, physician, ExLink
Richard Weil Img American phisician, cancer researcher,
Robert Weinberg RWF Img American molecular biologist, 1st oncogen, ExLink
Wilhelm Weinberg RWF Img German physician, geneticist,
Sidney Weinhouse Img American biochemist, 
Harold Weintraub HW Img American geneticist, 
Joel Weisman Img American early identifier of AIDS,
Arthur Weiss RW5 Img American immunologist, ???,
Paul Weiss RW5 Img Austrian-born American biologist,
Samuel Weiss RWB Img Canadian neurobiologist, biochemist,
Herbert Weissbach Img American biochemist, ???
Drew Weissman RWF Img American physician-scientist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (2023) (Jewish father)
Irving Weissman RWC Img American biologist, embrionic stem cells,
Sherman Weissman Img American geneticist, hematologist,
Charles Weissmann RWC Img Hungarian-born Swiss British molecular biologist, ExLink
Susan Wessler RWC Img American plant molecular biologist, geneticist,
William Wickner Img American biochemist,   
Georges-Fernand Widal RWC Img Algerian-born French physician, bacteriologist,    ExLink
Alexander Wiener RWC Img American hematologist, geneticist, immunologist, zoologist, co-discovery of factor in rhesus,
Michael Wigler HW Img American geneticist, first human oncogen, research institution administrator,
Meir Wilchek RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, ExLink
Richard Willstatter RWF HW Img German-born Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize (1915),
Baron Robert Winston RW5 Img British fertility expert, broadcaster,
Oskar Wintersteiner Img Austrian-born American biologist, proved insulin = protein
Maxwell Wintrobe RW5 Img Austrian-born American physician, hematologist,
Ernest Witebsky Img German-born American immunologist, ExLink
Evelyn Witkin RWF Img American geneticist, ExLink
Ralph Wolfe RW5 Img American microbiologist, ???
Jon Wolff Img American geneticist,
Elie Wollman RW5 Img French bacterial geneticist,
Abel Wolman RWF Img American engineer, environmental engineering,
Lewis Wolpert RWF Img South African-born British developmental biologist, broadcaster, author,
Richard Wurtman Img American neuroscientist, pharmacologist, 
Robert Wurtz RWF Img American neuroscientist, ???
Ernst Wynder RW5 Img German-born American physician, educator, health researcher, ExLink
Harry Yale Img American chemist, isoniazid, isoniazid
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American medical physicist, Nobel Prize (1977) in medicine,
Charles Yanofsky RWF Img American geneticist,
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist, Nobel Prize (2009) in chemistry,
Amotz Zahavi RWF HW Img Israeli evolutionary biologist,
Anatol Zhabotinsky RWF Img Russian-born American biophysicist,
Norton Zinder RWB Img American microbiologist, virologist,  
Paul Zoll RW5 Img American cardiologist, inventor,
Bernhard Zondek RWC HW Img German/Polish-born Israeli endocrinologist, gynecologist,
Emil Zuckerkandl RWF Img Hungarian-born Austrian anatomist, anthropologist,
Emile Zuckerkandl RW5 HW Img Austrian-born French American molecular biologist,
Baron Solly Zuckerman RWF Img South African-born British anatomist, zoologist, operational research pioneer,
George Zuelzer Img German physician,
Charles Zuker RWB Img Chilean-born American molecular geneticist, neurobiologist, 
Nathan Zuntz RWC HW Img German physiologist,
American Biologists
Edward Adelberg Img American molecular geneticist,
Julius Adler RWC Img German-born American biochemist,
Bruce Alberts RWF Img American biochemist, molecular biology,
Richard Alexander RWC Img American evolutionary biologist, 
Carl Alsberg American biochemist,
Sidney Altman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1989)
Bruce Ames RWF Img American biochemist,
Christian Anfinsen RWF HW Img American chemist, Nobel Prize (1972) (convert to Judaism)
Daniel Arnon RWF Img Polish-born American biochemist, vegetal physiologist, ExLink
Gerald Aurbach RWB Img American endocrinologist,
Richard Axel RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004),
Julius Axelrod RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1970) in physiology/medicine,
Howard Bachrach RW5 Img American biochemist,    ExLink
David Baltimore RWF Img American biochemist, retroviruses, Nobel Prize (1975)
Moses Barron HW Img Russian-born American pathologist, insulin, ExLink
Jacqueline Barton RWF HW Img American chemist, ExLink
Dale Bauman Img American nutritinal biochemist, ???
Jon Beckwith RWC Img American microbiologist, geneticist, biochemist,
Baruj Benacerraf RWF HW Img Venezuelan-born American biologist,transplant immunology, Nobel Prize (1980),
Morris Bender RWF Img Ukrainian-born American neuroscientist, neurologist,
Myron Bender Img American biochemist,
Raymond Benesch RW5 Img American biochemist, ExLink
Ruth Benesch RW5 Img French-born German American biochemist, ExLink
Morris Benjaminson Img American microbiologist,
Michael Bennett Img American neuroscientist,
Seymour Benzer RWF Img American  physicist, biologist, geneticist,
Paul Berg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry,
Max Bergmann RW5 Img German-born American biochemist,
Solomon Berson RWF Img American physician, endocrinologist, ExLink
Bruce Beutler RWF HW Img American immunologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (2011),
Ernest Beutler RWC Img German-born American hematologist, biomedical scientist, ExLink
Elkan Blout RWF Img American biochemist, RWJ
Konrad Bloch RWF HW Img German-American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1964) in medicine,
Barry Bloom RW5 Img American immunologist, ExLink
Floyd Bloom RW5 Img American neuroscientist, ExLink
Elkan Blout RWF Img American biochemist,
Jeffrey Bluestone RWB Img American immunologist, ExLink
Samuel Blum RW5 Img American chemist, physicist, inventor, excimer lazer sergury,
Baruch Blumberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1976),
David Bodian RWB Img American neuropathologist, vaccinologist, ExLink1 ExLink2
David Botstein RWF Img Swiss-born American biologist, geneticist,
Michael Brenner Img American immunologist, ???
Sydney Brenner RWF HW Img South African-born British American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002),
Frank Brink, Jr American biophysicist, ???
Samuel Broder RWB Img American medical researcher, oncologist, 
Bernard Brodie RW5 Img British American biologist, biochemical pharmocology,
Michael Brown RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985),
Leo Buerger Img Austrian pathologist, surgeon, urologist,
Maurice Burg Img American physiologist, pharmacologist,
Melvin Calvin RWF HW Img American biochemist, photosynthesis, Nobel Prize (1961),
Mario Capecchi RWF HW Img Italian-born American molecular geneticist, Nobel Prize (2007) (Jewish maternal grangfather)
Donald Caspar RW5 Img American biophysicist, ExLink
Martin Chalfie RWF HW Img American neurobiologist, Nobel Prize (2008) in chemistry ,
Erwin Chargaff RWF Img Austrian-born American biochemist,
Carolyn Cohen RW5 Img American biophysicist,
Joel Cohen RW5 Img American mathematical biologist,
Sir Philip Cohen RWF Img British biochemist, diabetes insulin,
Seymour Cohen RWB Img American biochemist,
Stanley Cohen RWF HW Img American neurologist, Nobel Prize (1986),
Stanley N. Cohen RWF HW Img American genetisist, genetical engineering, insulin
Edwin Cohn RWF Img American biochemist, ExLink
Mildred Cohn RW5 Img American biochemist, ExLink
Zanvil Cohn RWC Img American cell biologist, immunologist,
Frank Colton RW5 Img Polish-born American scientist, oral contraceptive, ExLink
Barry Commoner RWF Img American biologist, ecologist, educator,
Jerome Conn RWF Img American endocrinologist, ExLink
Gerty Cori RWF HW Img Czech-born American biochemist, physilogist, Nobel Prize (1947)
William Dameshek HW Img American physician, hematologist,
Samuel Danishefsky RWF Img American biochemist,
Jared Diamond RWF HW Img American evolutionary biologist, biogeographer,
Carl Djerassi RWF Img Austrian-born American organic chemist, oral contraceptive, novelist, playwright,
Isaac Djerassi Img Bulgarian-born American cancer researcher,
Julius Donath Img Austrian immunologist, ExLink
Jeffrey Drebin RWB Img American surgeon, physician,
Brian Druker RWF Img American oncologist, hematologist, Jinfo
Harry Eagle RWF Img American microbiologist, cell biology ExLink
Gerald Edelman RWF HW Img American biologist, embyologist, immunologist, neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (1972)
Lawrence Einhorn Img American oncologist,
Herman Eisen Img American microbiologist, immunology ExLink
David Eisenberg RW5 Img American biochemist, biophysicist,  
Robert Eisenman Img American molecular biologist, geneticist, ???
Thomas Eisner RWF Img German-born American ecologist, entomologist, evolutionary biologist, (Jewish father)
Gertrude Elion RWF HW Img American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Price (1988), zovirax,
Walter Elsasser RWF Img German-born American physicist, systems biologist, geodinamo theory
Donald Engelman RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Ellis Englesberg American geneticist, ???
Joseph Erlanger RWF HW Img American physiologist, Nobel Prize (1944)
Ronald Evans RWF Img American biologist,
Stanley Falkow RWF Img American microbiologist, immunologist,
Isidor Fankuchen RWB HW Img American cristallographer,
Sidney Farber RWF Img American physician, cancer researcher, pathologist,  
Gerald Fasman Img American biochemist,
Alvan Feinstein RWF Img American epidemiologist, clinical researcher,
Gary Felsenfeld Img American molecular biologist,
Joseph Felsenstein RWF Img American evolutionary biologist,
Bernard Fields RW5 Img American microbiologist, virologist,
Gerald Fink RWF Img American geneticist, ExLink
Richard Finkelstein Img American immunologist,
Maxwell Finland RWF Img Ukrainian-born American scientist, ExLink
Andrew Fire RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (2006),
Gerald Fischbach RW5 Img American neurobiologist,
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1992), (Jewish father)
Bernard Fisher RW5 Img American clinical cancer researcher, Jinfo
Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow RW5 Img Austrian physiologist,    JE 
Robert Fleischmann Img American researcher,
Abraham Flexner Img American reformer of medical education, 
Louis Flexner RW5 Img American biochemist, ExLink
Simon Flexner RWC Img American pathologist, bacteriologist, administrator, 
Judah Folkman RWF Img American scientist, cancer angiogenesis, ExLink
Herbert Fox American chemist, isionazid
Maurice Fox Img American geneticist, molecular biologist,
Sidney Fox Img American biochemist,
Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat RWF Img German/Polish-born British American biochemist,
Edward Franklin RW5 Img German-born American immunologist,
Jules Freund RW5 Img Hungarian-born American immunologist, ExLink1 ExLinl2
Imre Friedmann RWC Img Hungarian-born American biologist,
Irwin Fridovich RW5 Img American biochemist,
Jeffrey Friedman RWF Img American molecular geneticist, leptin, ExLink
Charlotte Friend RWC Img American oncologist, microbiologist, ExLink
Irving Fritz American scientist,
Joseph Fruton RWC Img Polish-born American biochemist, historian of science,
Elaine Fuchs RWF Img American cell biologist,
Casimir Funk RWF Img Polish-born American biochemist, discovery of vitamins,
Robert Furchgott RWF Img American pharmacologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1998) 
Merrill Garnett Img American biochemist, cancer researcher,
Stanley Gartler RWF Img American molecular biologist, geneticist,
Richard Gershon RW5 Img American immunologist, pathologist,
Martin Gibbs Img American biologist, ???  Brandeis
Walter Gilbert RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1980) in chemistry,
Alfred Gilman RWF Img American pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1994) in Medicine
Alfred Gilman, Sr RW5 Img American pharmacologist,
David Ginsburg Img American geneticist, ???
Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch RWC Img German-born American geneticist, co-founder of developmental genetics,
Joseph Goldberger RW5 Img Hungarian/Slovak-born American physician, epidemiologist, pellagra
Patricia Goldman-Rakic RWC Img American neurobiologist, ExLink1 ExLink2
Richard Goldschmidt RWF Img German-born American geneticist, zoologist,
Avram Goldstein RW5 Img American molecular pharmacologist,
Joseph Goldstein RWF HW Img American biologist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985) in Medicine,
Corey Goodman Img American neurobiologist, ExLink
Louis Goodman RW5 HW Img American pharmacologist,
Michael Gottlieb Img American physician, immunologist, early identifier of AIDS,
Stephen Jay Gould RWF HW Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science,
Ernst Grafenberg RW5 Img German-born American gynecologist, sexologist, ExLink1 G Spot
Sam Granick RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Howard Green RWF Img Canadian-born American developmental biologist,
M. M. Green American geneticist, ???
Philip Green Img American genome scientist, ???
Rachel Green Img American biochemist, ???
Michael Greenberg Img American neuroloscientist,
Paul Greengard RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000),
Iva Greenwald Img American genetisist, cell biologist, ???
Clifford Grobstein RW5 Img American biologist,
Angela Gronenborn RWF Img German-born American pharmacologist, ???
Carol Gross RWB Img American microbiologist, geneticist ???
Jerome Gross American developmental biologist, ???
Ludwik Gross RW5 Img Polish-born American cancer researcher, ExLink
Harry Grundfest Img Belarusian-born American neurophysiologist,
Michael Grunstein RWF Img Romanian-born American molecular biologist,
Andrei Gudkov Img Russian-born American cancer researcher, ExLink
Irwin Gunsalus RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Alexander Gutman American rheumatologist,
James Haber Img American geneticist, administrator, ???
Beatrice Hahn RWB Img German-born American microbiologist, ???
Viktor Hamburger RWF Img Polish-born German American biologist, embryologist, ExLink
Gordon Hammes Img American biophysicist, ???
Philip Handler RW5 Img American scientist, President of NAS ExLink
Sir Henry Harris RW5 Img Russian-born Australian British biologist,
Stephen Harrison RWF Img American biophysicist, ExLink
William Hassid RWC Img Israeli-born Ukrainian American biochemist,
Herbert Hauptman RWF HW Img American mathematician, Nobel Prize (1985) in chemistry
Felix Haurowitz Img Czech-born Turkish American scientist, hemoglobin, ExLink
David Haussler RW5 Img American biomedical researcher, ???
Leonard Hayflick RWF Img American anatomist,
Selig Hecht RWF Img Austrian-born American biophysicist, physiologist, ExLink
David Heeger RWB Img American psychologist, neuroscientist,
Charles Heidelberger RW5 Img American biochemist,
Michael Heidelberger RWC Img American immunochemist,
Henry Heimlich RW5 HW Img American biologist, physician, Heimlich maneuver
Stephen Heinemann Img American neurobiologist, administrator, ???
Tina Henkin Img American microbiologist, ???
Ira Herskowitz RWF Img American genetisist,
Roy Hertz Img American physician, cancer researcher,
Leonard Herzenberg RW5 HW Img American immunologist, geneticist,
George Hess RW5 Img Austrian-born American biochemist,
John Hildebrand Img American neurobiologist,  ???
Basil Hirschowitz RW5 Img South African American researcher, endoscope 1957
James Hirsch Img American physician, biologist, ???
Alexander Hollaender Img American biophysisist, biologist, radiation,
Ralph Holman RWB Img American biochemist,  ???
Barry Honig Img American biochemist,
Bernard Horecker Img American biochemist, ExLink
Norman Horowitz RWF Img Russian-born American genetisist, space biologist, RWJ
Robert Horvitz RWF HW Img American biologist, Nobel Prize (2002),
Arthur Horwich RWF Img American biologist, ExLink
Jerome Horwitz RW5 Img American chemist, AZT,
Susan Horwitz RWC Img American biochemist,molecular pharmacologist, 
David Housman Img American geneticist, ???
Jerard Hurwitz RW5 Img American biochemist, molecular biologist,
Steven Hyman RW5 Img American neuroscientist,   
Ralph Isberg Img American microbiologist,
Abraham Jacobi RW5 Img German-born American physician, pediatrician,
Dorothea Jameson RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, ???
E. Morton Jellinek RW5 Img American physiologist, biostatistician, alcoholism researcher,
Thomas Jessell RWF Img British-born American biochemist, (one not Jewish paternal grandparent)
Elvin Kabat RWF Img American biochemist, immunologist, founder of immunochemistry, ExLink
Reuben Kahn Img Lithuanian-born American immunologist,
Ronald Kahn RW5 Img American diabetes researcher, medical physiology,metabolism,
Herman Kalckar RW5 Img Danish-born American biochemist, ExLink
Martin Kamen RWC Img Canadian-born American biochemist, carbon -14,
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img Austrian-born American psyhiatrist, neuroscientist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2000),
William Kannel HW Img American biochemist,
Nathan Kaplan RWB Img American biochemist,
Michael Karin RW5 Img Israeli-born American molecular biologist, ExLink
Jerome Karle RWF HW Img American physical chemist, Nobel Prize (1985),
Arthur Karlin Img American biochemist, ???
Michael Kasha RWF Img American biochemist, ???
Daniel Kastner Img American geneticist, ???
Stuart Kauffman HW Img American biologist, biophysicist,
Seymour Kaufman Img American biochemist,
Arthur Kelman Img American plant pathologist, ???
Seymour Kety RW5 Img American neuroscientist,
David Kipnis Img American physiologist, diabetes, metabolism,
Marc Kirschner RW5 Img American cell biologist,
Richard Klausner RW5 Img American cell biologist, biotechnologist, Director of NCI 1995
Nancy Kleckner RW5 Img American molecular biologist, ???
Edmund Klein RW5 Img Austrian-born American dermatologist, cancer research,
Alexander Klibanov RW5 Img American biochemist, biophysicist, inventor, ???
Emmy Klieneberger-Nobel RWC Img German-born British microbiologist,
Judith Klinman RWF Img American biochemist, ExLink
Irving Klotz Img American physical biochemist,  ???
Karl Koller RW5 HW Img Chech-born American ophtalmologist, local anesthesia, Anesthesia
Richard Kolodner RW5 Img American geneticist, ExLink
Nancy Kopell RWC Img American mathematician, neuroscientist,
Hilary Koprowski RWF Img Polish-born American virologist, immunologist,
Edward Korn Img American biochemist, ???
Arthur Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1959) in medicine,
Sir Hans Kornberg RWF Img German-born British biochemist, ExLink
Roger Kornberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2006), Exlink
Stuart Kornfeld RW5 Img American biochemist, molecular biologist,
Douglas Koshland RW5 Img American biochemist, geneticist,
Daniel Koshland, Jr RWF HW Img American biochemist, ExLink
Joseph Kraut Img American biochemist, ???
Edward Kravitz RW5 Img American neurobiologist,
Henry Kravitz American neuroscientist,  ???
Saul Krugman RWF Img American pediatrician, medical researcher, vaccinologist,
Stephen Kuffler RWF Img Hungarian-born American neuroscientist,
Moses Kunitz RW5 Img Belarusian-born American chemist, protein,
Eric Lander RWF HW Img American mathematician, biologist, Genome Project,
Eugene Landis RWF Img American physiologist, physician, ???
Karl Landsteiner RWF HW Img Austrian-born American bacteriologist, immunologist, Nobel Prize (1930) in medicine,
Robert Langer RWF Img American biotechnologist,
Philip Leder RWF Img American geneticist, ExLink
Esther Lederberg RWF Img American microbiologist, immunologist,
Susan Leeman RWC Img American endocrinologist, phisiologist, pharmocologist,
Joshua Lederberg RWF HW Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (1958),
Robert Lefkowitz RWF HW Img American physiologist, Nobel Prize (2012) in chemistry, ExLink
I. Robert Lehman Img Lithuanian-born American biochemist, ???
Rudi Lemberg Img German-born Australian biochemist,   
Leonard Lerman RWB Img American molecular biolgist, geneticist,
Aaron Lerner RW5 Img American medical researcher, physiology and metabolism,
Michael Lerner RW5 Img Russian American geneticist, evolutionary biologist, ExLink
Richard Lerner RW5 Img American research chemist,
Jerome Lettvin RW5 Img American neurologist, neuroscientist,
Phoebus Levene RWF Img Lithuanian-born American biochemist, nuclear acid pioneer,
Giuseppe Levi RWF Img Italian-born American histologist, anotomist, ExLink
Rita Levi-Montalcini RWF HW Img Italian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1986) in medicine,
Philip Levine RWF Img Russian-born American hematologist, discovered rh factor,
Arnold Levine RWF Img American cancer researcher, molecular biologist, ExLink
Michael Levin RWB HW Img American cellurar/developmental biologist,
Philip Levine RWF Img Russian-born American hematologist, discovered rh factor,
Rachmiel Levine Img Polish-born American scientist, diabetes ExLink
Cyrus Levinthal RW5 Img American molecular biologist, geneticist, modeling molecules on computers,
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British American biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
Jay Levy Img American AIDS researcher,
Harris Lewin RWF Img American geneticist,
Richard Lewisohn Img German-born American surgeon, blood transfusions,
Richard Lewontin RWF Img American geneticist, evolutinary biologist,
Richard Lifton RW5 Img American biochemist,
David Lipman Img American biologist, ExLink
Fritz Lipmann RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1962), 
Harvey Lodish RW5 Img American cell/molecular  biologist, ExLink
Jacques Loeb RWF HW Img German-born American physiologist, biologist,
Otto Loewi RWF HW Img German-born Austrian American biochemist, pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1936),
Irving London RWB Img American molecular geneticist,
Alfred Lotka RWF Img Ukrainian-born American mathematician, physical chemist, statistician, (Jewish father) ExLink
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img Italian-born American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1969),
Boris Magasanik RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American microbiologist, biochemist, ExLink
Karl Maramorosch RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born American viorologist, entomologist, plant pathologist,
Eve Marder RW5 Img American neuroscientist,
Emanuel Margoliash RWB Img Egyptian-born American biochemist, molecular biologist,
Lynn Margulis RWF HW Img American microbiologist,
Andrew Marks RWB Img American cardiologist, physiology metabolism,
Paul Marks RWB Img American cancer researcher, geneticist,
Gail Martin RW5 Img American developmental biologist,
Daniel Mazia RW5 HW Img American cell biologist,
Alton Meister RW5 Img American molecular biologist, ExLink
Ira Mellman RWB Img American cell biologist,
Lafayette Mendel RW5 Img American biochemist,   
Michael Merzenich RW5 Img American neuroscientist, ???
Matthew Meselson RWF Img American geneticist, molecular biologist,
Robert Metzenberg Img American molecular geneticist,
Henry Metzger Img American immunologist, ???
Karl Meyer RW5 Img German-born American biochemist,
Otto Meyerhof RWF HW Img German-born American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1922) in medicine,
Elliot Meyerowitz RWF Img American plant biologist,
Leonor Michaelis RWF Img German-born American biochemist,
Stanley Miller RWF Img American biochemist,
Irving Millman Img American virologist, microbiologist, viral hepatitis vaccine, ExLink
Beatrice Mintz RWF Img American embryologist, Answers
Alfred Mirsky RW5 Img American molecular biolgist,
Mortimer Mishkin RW5 Img American neuroscientist,
Harold Morowitz Img American biophysicist, ExLink
Hermann Muller RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1946), (Jewish mother)
David Nachmansohn RWF Img Ukrainian-born German American biochemist,
David Nathan RW5 Img American pediatrician, hematologist,
Daniel Nathans RWF HW Img American microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1978), first genetic map of DNA
Philip Needleman RW5 Img American pharmacologist,
Elizabeth Neufeld RW5 HW Img American geneticist,
Hans Neurath RWF Img Austrian-born American biochemist,
Marshall Nirenberg RWF HW Img American biochemist, geneticist, Nobel Prize (1968) medicine, breaking of genetic code,
Alfred Nisonoff Img American immunologist,
Sir Gustav Nossal RWF Img Austrian-born Australian biologist, (Jewish father)
Alex Novikoff RW5 Img Ukrainian-born American biologist,
Michel Nussenzweig RW5 Img American immuniologist,
Gordon Orians RW5 Img American ornithologist, ecologist, ???
Stuart Orkin RWF Img American geneticist, pedeartician,
Alwin Pappenheimer, Jr RW5 Img American biochemist, immunologist, ExLink
John Pappenheimer Img American physiologist, pharmacologist,
Ira Pastan RWB HW Img American medical researcher,
Sheldon Penman American cell biologist, physicist,
David Perkins Img American geneticist, ???
Sidney Pestka RW5 Img Polish-born American biochemist, geneticist, ExLink
Gregory Petsko RW5 Img Ameican biochemist,
Gregory Pincus RWF Img American biologist, inventor of the birth-control pill,
Stanley Plotkin RW5 Img American physician, vaccinologist,
William Pollitzer American anatomist,
Michael Posner RW5 Img American cognitive scientist, neuroscientist,
Karl Pribram RWF Img Austrian-born American cognitive scientist,
Stanley Prusiner RWF HW Img American neurologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1997),
Mark Ptashne RWF Img American molecular biologist, violinist, ExList
Theodore Puck RW5 Img American geneticist, ExList
Jesse Rabinowitz Img American biochemist,
Efraim Racker RWF Img Polish-born Austrian American biochemist, ExList
Marcus Raichle RW5 Img American neurologist, physiologist,
Alexander Raikhel Img Russian-born American entomologist,
Natasha Raikhel RWF Img Russian-born American plant biologist,
Geoffrey Raisman RW5 Img British neuroscientist,
Tom Rapoport RW5 Img German American cell biologist,
Henry Rappaport Img American canser researcher, hematopothologist,    
Maurice Rapport HW Img American biochemist, serotonin,
Sarah Ratner RWC HW Img American biochemist, ExList
Oscar Ratnoff Img American geneticist, hematologist,
Jeffrey Ravetch RWF Img American immunologist,
Alfred Redfield Img American biochemist,
Alexander Rich RWF Img American molecular biologist, biophysicist, ExLink
Arnold Rice Rich RW5 Img American physician, pathologist,
David Rittenberg RW5 Img American biochemist,
Martin Rodbell RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1994) in medicine,
Bernard Roizman RWF Img Moldovan-born American virologist, microbial biologist,
Pamela Roland Img American geneticist,
Herschel Roman HW Img Polish-born American geneticist,
Michael Rosbash RWF Img American molecular biologist, Nobel Prize (2017) in medicine,
Harry Rose Img American microbiologist, rheumatologist,
Irwin Rose RWF HW Img American biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry,
Saul Roseman Img American biologist,
Alan Rosen Img Israeli-born American neuroscientist,
Robert Rosen Img American theoretical biologist,
Milton Rosenau RWF Img American epidemiologist, ExLink
Leon Rosenberg RWB Img American geneticist, ???
Saul Rosenberg Img American oncologist,    
Steven Rosenberg RWC Img American cancer researcher, surgeon,    Jinfo
Walter Rosenblith RW5 Img Austrian-born American biophysicist, administrator,
Michael Rosenfeld Img American physiologist, metabolism, 
Michael Rossmann RWF Img German-born British American microbiologist, crystallographer, (Jewish mother)
Jesse Roth RWB Img American diabetes researcher,     ExLink
James Rothman RWF HW Img American biochemist, biophysicist, research administrator, Nobel Prize (2013) in medicine,
Sam Ruben RW5 Img American biochemist, discovery of Carbon 14 ExLink
Gerald Rubin RW5 Img American geneticist,
Harry Rubin Img American molecular biologist,
Joan Ruderman RWB Img American molecular biologist, embryologist, ???
Liane Russell RW5 Img Austrian-born American geneticist, conservationist,
Gary Ruvkun RWF Img American molecular biologist,  geneticist, Nobel Prize 2024,
Albert Sabin RWF HW Img Polish-born American medical researcher, oral polio vaccine,
Florence Sabin RWF Img American medical scientist,
Bernard Sachs RW5 Img American neurologist, tay-sachs desease, ExLink Tay-Sachs
Ruth Sager RW5 Img American geneticist, ExLink ExLink2
Manfred Sakel RW5 Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian American neuroscientist, psychiatrist,
Albert Salomon RWB Img German surgeon,
Jonas Salk RWF HW Img American physician, medical researcher,
Steven Salzberg RW5 Img American biologist, computer scientist,
Robert Sapolsky RWF Img American neuroscientist, endocrinologist,
Robert Sauer Img American biochemist, ???
Howard Schachman RW5 Img American biochemist,
Matthew Scharff Img American cell biologist, 
Gerald Schatten Img American stem cell researcher,
Albert Schatz RWC Img American microbiologist, co-discoverer of streptomycin 1943, (Jewish father)
Randy Schekman RWF HW Img American cell biologist, geneticist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (2013) in medicine,
Bela Schick RWF Img Hungarian-born American pediatrician, Schick Test diphtheria, ExLink diphtheria
Joseph Schlessinger RWF HW Img Croatian-born Israeli American biochemist, ExLink
Stuart Schlossman Img American immunologist, ExLink
Rudi Schmid Img Swiss American gastroentologist ??? 1974
Carl Schmidt Img Latvian-born American biochemist, (Jewish father) ???
Rachel Schneerson RW5 Img Poilish-born American immunologist,
Howard Schneiderman Img American developmental biologist,
Rudolph Schoenheimer RWC Img German-born American biochemist, radioactive traces,
Vern Schramm RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Edward Scolnick RW5 Img American scientist, president of Merck Research Laboratories 1985- ExLink
Jonathan Seidman RW5 Img American geneticist, ???
Eric Selker Img American biologist,  ???
Richard Setlow Img American biophysicist, radiation biophysics, DNA repair,
Ascher Shapiro RW5 Img American biomedical engineering pioneer, 
James Shapiro Img American biologist, biochemist,
Lucy Shapiro RWC Img American developmental biologist,
Shepard Shapiro American medical researcher, Coumadin
Aaron Shatkin Img American biochemist, ExLink
Carla Shatz RWF Img American neuroscientist,
Alan Sher Img American immunologist, ExLink
Fred Sherman RW5 Img American geneticist,
Charles Sherr RWB HW Img American medical geneticist, hemotology
Neil Shubin RWF Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist,
David Shugar RW5 Img Polish-born Canadian physicist,
Alexander Shulgin RW5 HW Img American pharmacologist, chemist, drug developer, ecstasy
Robert Schulman Img American biophysicist, ???
Richard Sidman Img American neuroscientist, ???
Philip Siekevitz Img American cell biologist,
Irving Sigal American research biologist, development of AZT,
Paul Sigler RW5 Img American molecular biologist, biochemist, biophysicist,
Maxine Singer RWF Img American biochemist, DNA chip ExLink2 Answers
Robert Sinsheimer Img American molecular biologist, initiator of Human Genome Project 1985 ExLink
Allan Snyder RW5 Img American-born Australian neuroscientist,
Solomon Snyder RWF Img American neuroscientist, endorphins ExLink
Tracy Sonneborn RWF Img American biologist, microbiologist, protistologist,
Sol Spiegelman RWF Img American microbiologist,
Michael Sporn Img American cancer researcher, ExLink
Thressa Stadtman Img American biochemist, ???
Elvin Stakman RW5 Img American mycologist, research administrator, ???
Meir Stampfer Img American researcher,
George Stark Img American biochemist, ???
William Stein RWF HW Img American biochemist Nobel Prize (1972),
Daniel Steinberg Img American researcher, medicine heart ???
Edward A. Steinhaus Img American biologist,  ???
Ralph Steinman RWF HW Img Canadian-born American cell biologist, Nobel Prize (2011), ExLink
Gunther Stent RWF Img German-born American molecular biologist, ExLink ExLink2
Curt Stern RWF Img German-born American geneticist,
Leo Sternbach RWF Img Croatian-born American chemist, inventor of Valium/Librium,
Gilbert Stork RWF Img Belgian-born American organic chemist, ExLink
Thomas Stossel RW5 Img American hematologist,
Jack Strominger RW5 Img American biochemist, immunologist,
Lubert Stryer RW5 Img Chinese-born American biochemist,
Max Summers Img American microbiologist,  ???
Herbert Tabor Img American biochemist, research administrator, ???
Howard Temin RWF HW Img American geneticist, Nobel Prize (1975) in medicine, retroviruses
Max Tishler RWF Img American scientist, poultry desease, antibiotic synthesizing of B2 ExLink
Sidney Udenfriend RWB Img American biochemist, pharmacologist,
Leslie Ungerleider RWB Img American neuroscientist, psychologist, ???
Gabriel Valentin RWF Img German-born Swiss  physiologist,    
Harold Varmus RWF Img American microbiologist, virologist, Nobel Prize (1989) in Medicine
Alexander Varshavsky RWF Img Russian-born American biochemist, ExLink
Jan Vilcek Img Slovak-born American biomedical scientist, inventor, philanthropist,
Jerome Vinograd RW5 Img American biochemist, research scientist, ???
Bert Vogelstein RWF Img American cancer researcher,
Benjamin Volcani RW5 HW Img Israeli-born American biologist,
Paul Waggoner Img American plant pathologist, research administrator, ???
Selman Waksman RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1952) in medicine, streptomycin,
George Wald RWF HW Img American neuroscientist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1967) in medicine,
Thomas Waldmann RWF Img American immunologist, ???
George Waldbott RWB Img German American physician; allergy/fluoride research pioneer, RWJ
Arieh Warshel RWF HW Img Israeli-born American biochemist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
Andrew Weil RWF Img American author, physician, ExLink
Richard Weil Img American phisician, cancer researcher,
Robert Weinberg RWF Img American molecular biologist, 1st oncogen, ExLink
Sidney Weinhouse Img American biochemist, 
Bret Weinstein RW5 Img American evolution biologist,
Harold Weintraub HW Img American geneticist, 
Joel Weisman Img American early identifier of AIDS,
Arthur Weiss RW5 Img American immunologist, ???,
Paul Weiss RW5 Img Austrian-born American biologist,
Herbert Weissbach Img American biochemist, ???
Irving Weissman RWC Img American biologist, embrionic stem cells, ExLink3
Sherman Weissman Img American geneticist, hematologist,
Susan Wessler RWC Img American plant molecular biologist, geneticist,
William Wickner Img American biochemist,   
Alexander Wiener RWC Img American hematologist, geneticist, immunologist, zoologist, co-discovery of factor in rhesus,
Michael Wigler HW Img American geneticist, first human oncogen, research institution administrator, ExLink
Oskar Wintersteiner Img Austrian-born American biologist, proved insulin = protein
Maxwell Wintrobe RW5 Img Austrian-born American physician, hematologist,
Ernest Witebsky Img German-born American immunologist, ExLink
Evelyn Witkin RWF Img American geneticist, ExLink
Ralph Wolfe RW5 Img American microbiologist, ???
Jon Wolff Img American geneticist,
Abel Wolman RWF Img American engineer, environmental engineering,
Richard Wurtman Img American neuroscientist, pharmacologist, 
Robert Wurtz RWF Img American neuroscientist, ???
Ernst Wynder RW5 Img German-born American physician, educator, health researcher, ExLink
Harry Yale Img American chemist, isoniazid, isoniazid
Rosalyn Yalow RWF HW Img American medical physicist, Nobel Prize (1977) in medicine,
Charles Yanofsky RWF Img American geneticist,
Anatol Zhabotinsky RWF Img Russian-born American biophysicist,
Norton Zinder RWB Img American microbiologist, virologist,  
Paul Zoll RW5 Img American cardiologist, inventor,
Emile Zuckerkandl RW5 HW Img Austrian-born French American molecular biologist,
Charles Zuker RWB Img Chilean-born American molecular geneticist, neurobiologist, 
Israeli biologists //bioIsr
Uri Alon RWC Img Israeli systems biologist,
Ruth Arnon RWF HW Img Israel biochemist, Copaxone,
Manfred Aschner RWC Img German-born Israeli microbiologist, entomologist,
Gad Avigad RWF Img Israeli biochemist,  
Zvi Bar-Joseph RW5 Img Israeli comutational biologist,
Amiram Barkai Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist,
Nir Barzilai Img Israeli geneticist, medical researcher,
Isaac Berenblum RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist,
Yehudith Birk RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli agricaltural biochemist,
Anat Blumenfeld RW5 Israeli research biochemist,
Shimon Bodenheimer RW5 HW Img Israeli biologist, zoologist,
Rivka Carmi RWC HW Img Israeli pediatrician, geneticist,   
Howard Cedar RWF HW Img American-born Israeli biochemist, geneticist,
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry,
Ilan Chet RWC HW Img Israeli microbiologist,
Irun Cohen RW5 Img American-born Israeli immunologist,
Anat Cohen-Dayag RW5 Img Israeli biochemist, geneticist, businesswoman,
Yadin Dudai RWC HW Img Israeli neuroscientist, biophysicist,
David Feingold RWB HW Img American-born Israeli biochemist,   
Ehud Gazit RWF Img Israeli biochemist, biophysicist, nanotechnologist,
Benjamin Geiger Img Israeli cell adhesion researcher,
Yoram Groner RWC Img Israeli molecular biologist,
Israel Hanukoglu Img Turkish-born Israeli biochemist, molecular, biologist, 
Avram Hershko RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Israeli biologist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry,
Shlomo Hestrin RWB Img Canadian-born Israeli biochemist,  
Sara Hestrin-Lerner RWC HW Img Canadian-born Israeli physiologist, pathologist,
Eva Jablonka RWC Img Polish-born Israeli evolutionary biologist, geneticist,
Abraham Joffe Israeli biologist, micologist,
Benjamin Kahn Img Israeli marine biologist,
Aharon Katzir RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, biophysicist,
Ephraim Katzir RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli biophysicist, fourth President of Israel,
Ora Kedem RWC Img Israeli biologist, physical chemist,
Eli Keshet RWC Img Israeli systems biologist,   
Alexander Keynan RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Israeli microbiologist,
Israel Kliger HW Img Ukrainian-born Israeli microbiologist,
Marcus Klingberg RWF Img Polish-born Soviet spy against Israel, biologist,
Shulamit Levenberg Img Israeli biotechnologist, ExLink
Alexander Levitzki RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist,  
Michael Levitt RWF HW Img South Africa-born British American biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
Marcelle Machluf RW5 Img Moroccan-born Israeli physician, biochemist,
Yaakov Nahmias RW5 Img Israeli American research scientist, biologist, tissue engineer,
Yehudit Naot RWC HW Img Israeli politician, microbiologist, Minister of Environment,
Nathan Nelson RWC Img Israeli molecular biologist, biochemist,
Dana Pe'er RW5 Img Israeli-born American computational biologist,
Menahem Rabinovich RWF Img Israeli biochemist,
Aharon Razin RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist,
Israel Reichart RWF Img Polish-born Israeli biologist, agriculturist,
Mel Rosenberg RW5 Img Canadian-born Israeli microbiologist, jazz singer,
Leo Sachs RWC HW Img German-born Israeli molecular biologist, cancer researcher,    
Viscount David Samuel RWB Img British Israeli physical chemist, neurobiologist,
Joseph Schlessinger RWF Img Croatian-born Israeli American biochemist,
Catherine Margaret Shachaf Indian-born Israeli cell biologist,
Eran Segal RW5 Img Israeli comutational biologist,
Michael Sela RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli immunologist, ExLink
Zvi Selinger HW Img Lithuanian-born Israeli biochemist,   
Nathan Sharon RWF HW Img Polish/Belarusian-born Israeli biochemist,   
Hermona Soreq RWB Img Israeli neuroscientist, biochemist,
Emmanuel David Tannenbaum RW5 Img Israeli-born American biophysicist, applied mathematician,
Arieh Warshel RWF HW Img Israeli-born American biochemist, biophysicist, Nobel Prize (2013) in chemistry,
Meir Wilchek RWC HW Img Polish-born Israeli biochemist, ExLink
Ada Yonath RWF HW Img Israeli cristallographer, structural biologist, Nobel Prize (2009) in chemistry,
Amotz Zahavi RWF HW Img Israeli evolutionary biologist,
Bernhard Zondek RWC HW Img German/Polish-born Israeli endocrinologist, gynecologist,
Other countries biologists
Saul Adler RWC HW Img Belarusian-born British Israeli parasitologist, microbiologist,
Daniil Alpern RWN Ukrainian-born Russian physiologist,
Ephraim Anderson RWB Img British microbiologist,
Ilya Arshavsky RWN Soviet physiologist,
Selmar Aschheim RWF Img German gynecologist,
Charlotte Auerbach RWF Img German-born British geneticist,
Leopold Auerbach Img German/Polish anatomist, neuropathologist,
Evgeni Babsky RWC Img Armenian-born Soviet physiologist,
Robert Barany RWF HW Img Austrian-born Hungarian Swiss physiologist, ear medicine, Nobel Prize (1914)
Ervin Bauer RWF Img Hungarian-born Soviet theoretical biologist,    ExLink
Adolf Beck RWF Img Polish physiologist, neuroscientist,
Mark Belgovsky Ukrainian-born Russian biologist,    RWJ
Carl Benda RW5 Img German microbiologist, pathologist,
Lev Berg RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian geographer, biologist, RWN
Hippolyte Bernheim RWC Img French neurologist, hypnosis,
Julius Bernstein RWF Img German physiologist, neuroscientist, ExLink
Nikolai Bernstein RWF Img Russian physiologist,
Alexandre Besredka RWF Img Ukrainian-born French immunologist, serologist,
Hugh Blaschko Img German-born British pharmacologist,
Sir Walter Bodmer RWF Img British geneticist,
Gustav Born RW5 Img German pharmacologist,
Alexander Braunstein RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian biochemist,
Leslie Brent RW5 Img German/Polish-born British immunologist,
Semion Bresler RWJ Belarisian-born Russian chemical physicist, biologist,
Manuel Buchwald RWF Img Peruanian-born Canadian geneticist,
Edith Bulbring RWC Img German-born British pharmacologist, (Jewish mother),
Sir Arnold Burgen RW5 Img British pharmacologist, President of Academia Europaea 1988-94
Sir Ernst Chain RWF HW Img German-born British biochemist, Nobel Prize (1945) in medicine,
Aaron Ciechanover RWF HW Img Israeli biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in chemistry,
Enrico Coen RWF Img British plant biologist,  ???
Sir Philip Cohen RWF Img British biochemist, diabetes insulin,
Eric Cohn plant biologist ???
Ferdinand Cohn RWF Img German/Polish-born  botanist, microbiologist,
Julius Cohnheim RWC Img German histologist, pathologist, ExLink
Keith Dalziel Img British biochemist,
Isaac Van Deen Img Dutch physiologist,
Deborah Doniach RWF Img Swiss-born British clinical immunologist, (Jewish father) ExLink
Raymond Dwek RW5 Img British biochemist,
Vladimir Efroimson RWF Img Russian geneticist,   RWN
Paul Ehrlich RWF HW Img German-born physician, immunologist, hematologist, Nobel Prize (1908) in medicine, RWN
Arthur Eichengrun RWC Img German scientist, claim of aspirin discovery,
Alfred Einhorn RWF Img German biochemist, inventor of novocaine, anesthesia,
Gustav Embden RWF Img German biochemist,
Boris Ephrussi RWF Img Russian-born French geneticist,
Sir Anthony Epstein RWF Img British biologist, Epstein-Barr virus,
Emanuel Epstein Img plant biologist ???
Lars Ernster RW5 Img Hungarian-born Swedish biochemist,
Paul Fatt RW5 Img British neuroscientist,
Wilhelm Feldberg RW5 Img German-born British physiologist, biologist, 
Sir Marc Feldmann RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Australian British immunologist,rheumatologist, rheumatoid arthritis, 
Arthur Felix RW5 Img Polish bacteriologist, serologist,
David Ferdman RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian biochemist, Ferdman David 
Sir Alan Fersht RW5 Img British chemist, protein folding,
Edmond Fischer RWF Img Chinese-born Swiss American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1992), (Jewish father)
Lev Fontalin RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet biologist, immunologist,
Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat RWF Img German/Polish-born British American biochemist,
Sir Otto Frankel RWF Img Austrian-born Australian geneticist,
Rosalind Franklin RWF HW Img British biophysicist, stractual viorology, DNA
Samuel Freedman RW5 Canadian clinical immunologist,
Leopold Freund RW5 Img Czech-born Austrian radiologist,
Karl von Frisch RWF HW Img Austrian ethologist, (1973), Nobel Prize (1973) (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Charles Gerhardt RWF Img French biochemist,
Sergei Gershenzon RWF Img Russian Ukrainian geneticist,
Michael Gimbrone Img physiology, metabolism,   ???
Paul Glansdorff Belgian molecular biologist, chemist,
Ian Glynn RW5 Img British biologist, 
Phil Gold RW5 Img Canadian physician, carceoembrionic gen,
Larry Goldenberg RW5 Img Canadian cancer researcher,
M.W. Goldblatt British scientist, discovered prostaglandins with von Euler
Baroness Susan Greenfield RWF Img British neuroscientist, broadcaster, writer (Jewish father)
Hans Gruneberg RW5 Img German-born British geneticist,
Alexander Gurvich RWC Img Ukrainian-born Russian biologist, medical scientist,  
Sir Ludwig Guttmann RWF HW Img German-born British neurologist,  ExLink
Waldemar Haffkine RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born French Indian bacteriologist,
Michael Hassell RW5 Img Israeli-born British biologist, entomologist,
Rudolf Heidenhain RWF Img German physiologist, histologist, ExLink
David Helinski Img geneticist ???
Jakob Henle RWF Img German anatomist, pathologist,
Georges Hayem Img French physician, hematologist,    ExLink
George de Hevesy RWF HW Img Hungarian-born Swedish chemist Nobel Prize (1943),
Jack Hirsh RW5 Img Australian-born Canadian clinician, trombosis,
Ludwik Hirszfeld RWF Img Polish physician, microbiologist, serologist, immunologist,
Sir Raymond Hoffenberg Img South African-born president of Royal College of Physicians 1983-89 ExLink
Charles Hollenberg RWF Img Canadian physician, educator, researcher,
Sir Gabriel Horn RW5 Img British biologist, 
Alick Isaacs RW5 Img British virologist, interferon 1957 ExLink
David Ish-Horowicz RW5 Img British developmental geneticist,
Francois Jacob RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965),
Patricia Jacobs RWC Img British geneticist,
Paul Kaesberg Img biochemist ???
Leah Keshet HW Img Israeli-born Canadian mathematical biologist,
George Karpati RWF Img Hungarian-born Canadian neuroscientist,   
Sir Bernard Katz RWF HW Img German-born British biophysicist, Nobel Prize (1970) in medicine,
Matthew Kaufman RW5 Img British geneticist,
David Keilin RWC Img Russian-born British entomologist, parasitologist, ExLink
Yuli Kerkis Ukrainian-born Russian biologist,    xxx
Seymour Klebanoff Img American medical scientist, ???
George Klein RWF Img Hungarian-born Swedish cancer researcher,
Sir Aaron Klug RWF HW Img Lithuanain-born South African British chemist Nobel Prize (1982),
A. Kogan Russian biologist
Alberto Kornblihtt Img Argentine molecular biologist,
Hans Kosterlitz RW5 Img German-born British biologist, endorphins, ExLink
Sir Hans Krebs RWF HW Img British biochemist, Nobel Prize (1953) in medicine, 
Baron John Krebs RWF Img British zoologist,
Hugo Kronecker RWF Img German physiologist, ExLink
Sir Peter Lachmann Img German-born British immunologist, ExLink
Alan Lehmann Img British molecular geneticist, (Jewish father)
Ronald Levinsky RW5 Img South African-born British physician, medical researcher, writer,
Solomon Levit RWF Img Lithuanian-born Soviet geneticist, RWJ
Ludwig Lewin Jacobson RWF HW Img Danish surgeon, anatomist,
Oskar Liebreich RWF Img German physician, pharmacologist, ExLink
L. Liozner Russian biologist
Cesare Lombroso RWC HW Img Italian criminologist, pellagra, RWN
Efim London RWC Img Lithuanian-born Russian radiobiologist, pattophysiologist, RWJ
Alexander Luria RWF Img Russian neuropsychologist, developmental psychologist,
Amatus Lusitanus RWC HW Img Portuguese-born physician of Pope Julius III, circuliation of blood, ExLink
Zacutus Lusitanus RWC Img Portuguese-born Dutch physician, medical historian,
Andre Lwoff RWF HW Img French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965),
Onisim Magidson RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet physician, pharmacologist,   
Adolf Magnus-Levy Img German physiologist,
Joel Mandelstam RW5 Img South African-born British microbiologist,
John Marks RW5 Img chairman of British Medical Association 1984-90 ExLink
Alexander Marmorek Img Ukrainian-born bacteriologist, tuberculosis,
Sir Michael Marmot RW5 Img British epidemiologist,
Moisey Marshak RWC Img Belarusian-born Soviet physiologist, 
Mikhail Mashkovsky RWF Img Soviet physician, pharmacologist,
Siegmund Mayer RWF Img German physiologist, histologist,
Ilya Mechnikov RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born Russian French microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1908), (Jewish mother) RWN
Felix Meerson RWC Img Soviet pathophysiologist,
Felix Milgrom RW5 Img Polish American immunologist, microbiologist, ExLink
Cesar Milstein RWF HW Img Argentine-born British biochemist, immunologist, Nobel Prize (1984) in medicine,
Oskar Minkowski RWC Img Lithuanian-born German scientist, diabetes insulin? RWN
Sir Salvador Moncada RWF Img Honduran-born British pharmacologist, (Jewish mother) ExLink
Julius Morgenroth Img German scientist, physician,   
Hermann Munk RWF Img Polish-born German physiologist,
David Nabarro Img British biologist,  
Albert Neisser RWF Img Polish-born German physician, pathologist, bacteriologist, gonorrhoea, (Jewish father)
Carl Neuberg RWF Img German biochemist, ExLink
Albert Neuberger RW5 Img German-born British biochemist,
Michael Neuberger RW5 Img British biochemist, immunologist,
Lotte Newman Img German-born president of Royal College of General Practitioners ExLink
Leslie Orgel RWF Img British chemist,
Garcia de Orta RWF Img Portuguese-born Indian botanist, pharmacologist, physician, (converso) ExLink
Jakub Parnas RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born biochemist, 
Sir Mark Pepys Img British immunologist,
Laurence Pearl Img British biochemist, structual biologist,
Sir Max Perutz RWF HW Img Austrian-born British chemist, Nobel Prize (1962),
Arnold Pick RW5 HW Img Czech-born German neurologist, psychiatrist, ExLink
Ernst P. Pick Img Austrian physicain, immunologist, pharmacologist,
Guido Pontecorvo RWF Img Italian-born British  geneticist,
Carl Prausnitz RW5 Img German physician, bacteriologist, hygienist, father of clinical allergy, (no Jewish parernal grandfather) ExLink
Ernst Pringsheim, Jr RW5 Img German scientist, plant physiologist,
Nathanael Pringsheim RWF Img German botanist, ExList
Mikhail Prives RWC Img Russian rentgenoanotomist,   
Frank Putnam RW5 Img American biochemist, ???
Judah Quastel RW5 Img British-born Canadian biochemist,
Louis Rapkine RW5 Img Belarusian-born French biologist,
Iosif Rapoport RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian geneticist, RWN
Tadeus Reichstein RWF HW Img Polish-born Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize (1950) in medicine,
Ernst Remak RW5 HW Img German neurologist,
Robert Remak RWF Img Polish-born German embryologist, physiologist, neurologist,  ExLink
Ivan Roitt RW5 Img British biologist, biochemist,
Moritz Romberg RW5 Img German physician, neurologist, ExLink
Steven Rose RWF Img British biologist,
Gastao Rosenfeld RW5 Img Hungarian-born Brazilian biochemist,
Otto Rosenheim German-born British chemist, biochemist,
Michael Rossmann RWF Img German-born British American microbiologist, crystallographer, (Jewish mother)
Dame Miriam Rothschild RWF Img British entomologist, zoologist,
Baron Victor Rothschild RWF Img British biologist,
Aser Rothstein Img Canadian physiologist,
Pablo Rudomin Zevnovaty RW5 Img Mexican neuroscientist,
Hans Sachs HW Img Polish-born German serologist,
Julius von Sachs RWF Img German botanist, founder of experemental plant physiology,   
Oliver Sacks RWF HW Img British-American neurologist, author,
Peter Safar RWB Img Austrian scientist, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation technique, (Jewish maternal grand grand mother)
Manfred Sakel RW5 Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian American neuroscientist, psychiatrist,
Redcliffe Salaman RW5 Img British biologist, physician,
Carl Salomonsen Img Danish bactereologist, physician,
Leopold Schenk RWC Img Hungarian-born Austrian embryologist, historian of medicine, JE
Moritz Schiff RWF Img German-born Swiss physiologist,
Anthony Segal RWF Img South African British biochemist,
Michael Servetus RWC Img Spanish theologian, physician, humanist, (Jewish mother) ExLink1 ExLink2
Louis Siminovitch RWF Img Canadian molecular biologist,
Sir Stanley Simmons Img British president of Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1990-93,
Nahum Sonenberg RWF HW Img German-born Israeli Canadian microbiologist, biochemist,
Lina Stern RWF HW Img Latvian-born Russian physiologist, biochemist, RWN
Benedict Stilling RWC Img German-born Swiss physiologist, surgeon,  ExLink
Salomon Stricker RWF Img Austrian pathologist, histologist, founder of microtomy,
Ludwig Traube RWF HW Img German physician, founder of experimental pathology,
Baron Leslie Turnberg RW5 Img British president of Royal College of Physicians 1992-97,
Gabriel Valentin RWF Img German-born Swiss  physiologist,    
Sir John Vane RWF Img British pharmacologist, Nobel Prize (1982) in medicine (Jewish father)
Mikhail Volkenshtein RWF Img Russian biophysicist,
Sir Vito Volterra RWF HW Img Italian-born mathematician, physicist, mathematical biology,
Andrei Vorobyov RWF Img Soviet/Russian biologist, (Jewish mother)
Serge Voronoff RWF Img Russian-born French surgeon, xenotransplant pioneer,
Mark Wainberg RWF Img Canadian AIDS researcher,
Gabriel Waksman Img British biochemist,
Sir Mark Walport RWF Img British immunologist, rheumatologist, administrator,
Otto Heinrich Warburg RWF HW Img German physiologist, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1931) in medicine, (Jewish father)
August von Wassermann RWF Img German bacteriologist, blood-serum test for syphilis,
Carl Weigert RWF Img German pathologist, ExLink
Wilhelm Weinberg RWF Img German physician, geneticist,
Samuel Weiss RWB Img Canadian neurobiologist, biochemist,
Charles Weissmann RWC Img Hungarian-born Swiss British molecular biologist, ExLink
Georges-Fernand Widal RWC Img Algerian-born French physician, bacteriologist,    ExLink
Richard Willstatter RWF HW Img German-born Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize (1915),
Baron Robert Winston RW5 Img British fertility expert, broadcaster,
Elie Wollman RW5 Img French bacterial geneticist,
Lewis Wolpert RWF Img South African-born British developmental biologist, broadcaster, author,
Emil Zuckerkandl RWF Img Hungarian-born Austrian anatomist, anthropologist,
Emile Zuckerkandl RW5 HW Img Austrian-born French American molecular biologist,
Baron Solly Zuckerman RWF Img South African-born British anatomist, zoologist, operational research pioneer,
Nathan Zuntz RWC HW Img German physiologist,
Heads of Biological Societies/Associations
Sir George Alberti RW5 Img president of International Diabetes Federation  2000-03,
Bruce Alberts RWF president of American Society for Cell Biology 2007,
David Epel RW5 Img president of American Society of Cell Biology 1972,
David Bodian RWB Img president of American Association of Anatomists 1971-72
Sir Philip Cohen RWF Img president of British Biochemical Society 2006-
William Dameshek HW Img president of American Society of Hematology 1964
president of International Society of Hematology 1954-56,
co-founder of American Society of Human Genetics 1948
Harry Eagle RWF Img president of the American Society of Microbiology 
Stanley Falkow RWF Img president of the American Society of Microbiology 1997-98
Sidney Farber RWF Img president of American Society of Pathologists and Bacteriologists 1958
Simon Flexner RWC Img president of American Society of Pathologists and Bacteriologists 1905
Elaine Fuchs RWF Img president of American Society of Cell Biology 2001,
Alfred Fishman Img president of American Physiological Society 1983-84
Werner Henle RW5 Img president of American Association of Imunologists 1962-63, (Jewish paternal grandfather)
Alexander Hollaender Img president of Radiation Research Society 1954-56
president of International Association for Radiation Research  1962-66
Morris Karnovsky Img president of American Society of Cell Biology 1984,
Louis Katz RW5 Img president of American Physiological Society 1957-58
president of American Heart Association,
Leah Keshet HW Img president of Society of Mathematical Biology 1995-
Marc Kirschner Img president of American Society of Cell Biology 1991,
Rudi Lemberg Img president of Australian Biomedical Society  1955-
Simon Levin RWF HW Img president of Ecological Society of America
president of Society of Mathematical Biology
Salvador Luria RWF HW Img president of American Society of Microbiology 1968-69
David Lubin Polish-born American founder of International Institute of Agriculture ExLink
Daniel Mazia RW5 HW Img president of American Society for Cell Biology 1972,
Alton Meister RW5 Img president of American Society of Biological Chemistry 1977
Samuel Meltzer RWF Img president of Association of Americam Physiologists 1915
president of Association for the Advancement of Clinical Research 1909
Raphael Meldola RWC HW Img president of Entomological Society 1895-97
David Nathan RW5 Img president of American Society of Hematology 1986
Alex Novikoff RW5 Img president of American Society for Cell Biology 1963,
John Pappenheimer Img president of American Physiological Society 1964-65
Nahum Peckar president of British Society of Allergic and Clinical Immunology
David Perkins Img president of Genetic Society 1977 ???
Guido Pontecorvo RWF Img president of Genetic Society 1964-66
Herschel Roman HW Img president of the Genetics Society of America 1968
Randy Schekman RWF HW Img president of American Society for Cell Biology 1999,
Neena Schwartz RWB Img president of Endocrine Society 1982-83,
Tracy Sonneborn Img president of the Genetics Society of America
Jonathan Sprent RWB Img president of the American Association of Immuniology, ???
Lewis Stadler RWB Img president of the Genetics Society of America 1938
president of American Society of Naturalists 1953
Curt Stern RWF Img president of Genetic Society
Thomas Stossel RW5 Img president of American Society of Hematology  
Ronald Vale RW5 Img president of American Society of Cell Biology 2012,
Irving Weissman RWC Img president of International Society for Stem Cell Research ISSCR
Zena Werb RWF Img president of American Society for Cell Biology 2004,
Simeon Burt Wolbach RWF Img president of American Society of Pathologists and Bacteriologists 1936
president of American Society of Experemental Pathology
Ernst Wynder RW5 Img founder of American Health Foundation 1969
Charles Yanofsky RWF Img American geneticist, president of the Genetics Society of America
Society for Neuroscience
Ira Black Img President of Society for Neurocience 1992-93
Floyd Bloom RW5 Img President of Society for Neurocience 1976-77
David Cohen President of Society for Neurocience 1981-82
Gerald Fischbach RW5 Img President of Society for Neurocience 1983-84 ???
Mickey Goldberg Img President of Society for Neurocience 2009-10
Patricia Goldman-Rakic RWC Img President of Society for Neurocience 1989-90
Bernice Grafstein Img President of Society for Neurocience 1985-86
Stephen Heinemann Img President of Society for Neurocience 2005-06 ???
Eric Kandel RWF HW Img President of Society for Neurocience 1980-81
Mortimer Mishkin RW5 Img President of Society for Neurocience 1986-87
Edward Perl Img President of Society for Neurocience 1969-70 ???
Carla Shatz RWF Img President of Society for Neurocience 1994-95
Solomon Snyder RWF Img President of Society for Neurocience 1979-80
Robert Wurtz RWF Img President of Society for Neurocience  1990-91 ???
Society for Neuroscience
Biology Societies/wiki
Heads of Medical Associations/Societies
Sir George Alberti RW5 Img British president of Royal College of Physicians  1997-2002,
Bernard Alpers president of American Neurological Association, ExLink
Rubim Azulay founder of Brazilian Society of Dermatology
Yoram Blachar chairman of World Medical Association WMA
Baron Henry Cohen RW5 Img president of British Medical Association 1951- 
president of Royal Society of Medicine 1964-
Sydney Cohen RWC Img chairman of World Health Organization 1976-81
Fritz E. Dreifuss president of American Epilepsy Society 1978
Eva Feldman RWB Img American physician, president of American Neurological Association,
Samuel David Gross president of American Medical Association  1867
Horace Hodes Img president of American pediatric society 1974-75,
Sir Raymond Hoffenberg Img president of Royal College of Physicians 1983-89
Abraham Jacobi RW5 Img president of American Medical Association  1867
John Lantos Img president of American Society of Bioetnics and Humanities,
John Marks RW5 Img Chairman of British Medical Association 1984-90 British Medical Association
Lotte Newman Img president of Royal College of General Practitioners ExLink
Saul Krugman RWF Img president of American Pediatric Society 1972
Sir Peter Lachmann Img president of the Academy of Medical Sciences 1998-2002
Louis Loewenstein president of American Society of Hematology 1960,
Arnall Patz RW5 Img president of American Academy of Opthalmology,   ExLink
Leo Rigler RW5 Img president of American Radiologic Society
Bernard Sachs RW5 Img president of American Neurological Association 1894-1932
Ernest Sachs RW5 Img president of American Neurological Association 1943
president of The Society of Neurological Surgeons 1925-27
Sir Stanley Simmons Img British president of Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1990-93,
Tom Stiris Img president of European Society for Pediatric Research,
Helen Taussig RWF HW Img president of American Heart Association 1966
Baron Leslie Turnberg RW5 Img president of Royal College of Physicians 1992-97
Myron Weisfeldt Img American president of American Heart Association,
Medical Scientists/Doctors ==>
Biologists/Awards ==>