Jewish Secrete Service Officers, Agents, Spies  -  JewProm //secret //security
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1. Israeli   Mossad //mosad
Nahum Admoni RWF HW Img Head of Mossad  1982-89 6
Meir Amit RWF HW Img Head of Mossad  1963-68 3 ExLink
Jossi Cohen Img Head of Mossad  2015- 12
Meir Dagan RWF HW Img Polish-born Israeli Head of Mossad  2002-10, 10
Ephraim HaLevy RWC HW Img British-born Head of Mossad   1998-2002 9
Isser Harel RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Head of Mossad  1952-1963 2 ExLink
Yitzhak Hofi RWF HW Img Head of Mossad  1974-82 5
Tamir Pardo RWF HW Img Head of Mossad  2010-15 11
Reuven Shiloah RWF HW Img Head of Mossad   1949-52 1
Shabtai Shavit HW Img Head of Mossad  1989-96 7
Danny Yatom RWF HW Img Head of Mossad  Israel 1996-98 8
Zvi Zamir RWF HW Img Head of Mossad  1968-74 4
Shin Bet
Avraham Ahituv RWF HW Img Head of the Shin Bet 1964-74 5
Nadav Argaman Img Head of the Shin Bet 2016- 14
Ami Ayalon RWF HW Img Head of the Shin Bet  1996-2000 10
Yoram Cohen RWF HW Img Afganistan-born Israeli Head of the Shin Bet 2011-16, 13
Avi Dichter RWF HW Img Head of the Shin Bet 2000-2004 11
Yuval Diskin RWF HW Img Head of the Shin Bet 2005-11 12
Izi Dorot HW Img Polish-born Head of the Shin Bet  1952-53 3
Carmi Gillon RWC HW Img Head of the Shin Bet 1995-96 9 ExLink
Isser Harel RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Head of Shin Bet 1948-52 1
Yossef Harmelin RWC HW Img Austrian-born Head of the Shin Bet  1964-74 1986-88 4,7
Amos Manor RWF HW Img Head of the Shin Bet  1953-63 2
Yaakov Peri RWF HW Img Head of the Shin Bet 1988-94 8
Avraham Shalom HW Img Austrian-born Head of the Shin Bet 1981-86 6
IDF Intelligence
Meir Amit RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1962-63 6
Ehud Barak RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1983-85 11
Isser Be'eri RWF HW Img German-born Head of A'man 1948-49 1
Shlomo Gazit RWC HW Img Turkish-born Head of A'man 1974-78, President of Ben-Gurion University, 9
Binyamin Gibli RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1950-55 3
Herzli Halevi RWF HW Img Head of A'man  2014- 18
Yehoshafat Harkabi RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1955-59 4
Chaim Herzog RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1949-50 1959-62 2,5
Aviv Kochavi RWF HW Img Head of A'man  2010-14 17
Amnon Lipkin-Shahak RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1986-91 12
Amos Malka RWC HW Img Head of A'man 1998-2002 14
Yehoshua Saguy RWC HW Img Head of A'man 1979-83 15
Uri Sagi RWC HW Img Head of A'man 1991-95 10
Moshe Ya'alon RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1995-98 13
Amos Yadlin RWF HW Img Head of A'man  2006-10 16
Aharon Yariv RWF HW Img Head of A'man 1964-72 7
Eli Zeira RWC HW Img Head of A'man 1972-74 8
Aharon Ze'evi Farkash RWC HW Img Romanian-born Israeli Head of A'man 2002-06, 15
Israeli Operatives, Spies
Sarah  Aaronsohn RW5 Img British spy against Turkey,   
Israel Bar Soviet spy against Israel,  
Cheryl Bentov Img Israeli Mossad agent,
Eli Cohen Img Israeli intelligence officer  against Suria,
Avshalom Feinberg Img Israeli spy against Turkey,
Ben-ami Kadish Img Israeli spy in USA,
Fritz Katz RW5 Img Polish-born Israeli surgeon, spy for Israel, general,
Jacob Kedmi RWF Img Russian-born Israeli head of "Nativ" 1992-99,
David Kimche HW Img British-born Israeli diplomat, spymaster,
Marcus Klingberg RWF Img Polish-born Soviet spy against Israel, biologist,
Wolfgang Lotz Img German-born Israeli spy against Egypt, (Jewish mother)
Peter Malkin RWN Img Polish-born Israeli secret agent,   
Moshe Marzouk RW5 Img Israeli spy against Egypt,  karaite
Victor Ostrovsky Img Canadian-born Israeli agent, defector,
Jonathan Pollard RWE HW Img American spy for Israel against USA,
Sylvia Rafael Img South African-born Israeli Mosad operative, assassin, (Jewish father)
Mordechai Vanunu RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli dissident, exposed Israel's posession of nuclear weapon,
2. Soviet/Russian Secrete Services Officers, Agents, Spies //secretRu //securRu Video
Arthur Adams RWM Img Swedish-born Soviet intelligence officer,  (Jewish mother)
Solomon Adler RW5 Img British-born Soviet spy against USA,
Yuri Andropov RWF HW Img Soviet chairman of KGB 1967-82
Alexander Abramov-Mirov RWF Img Soviet GRU officer,
Veniamin Agas RWF Img Ukrainian-born NKVD officer, lieutenant general,
Yakov Agranov RWF Img Belarusian-born NKVD officer, general of army,
Moisey Akselrod RWF Soviet spy,
Yefim Antselovich RWF Soviet NKVD officer, 
Leonid Anulov
Isai Babich RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD commissar, lieutenant general, RWM
Boris Bak RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general,
Solomon Bak RWF Img Russian/Soviet NKVD officer, kombrig,
Joel Barr RWF Img Soviet spy against USA,   
Abram Belenky RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet NKVD officer,
Mikhail Belkin RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general, RWM
Lev Belsky RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet NKVD officer, Deputy Commissar NKVD 1936-38, colonel general,
Marion Berdecio Soviet spy against USA
Lazar Berenzon RWF Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Yakov Berezin RWF Img Moldovan-born Soviet revolutionery, NKVD officer, engineer, building constructor,
Boris Berman RWF Img Soviet intelligence officer, lieutenant general,
Matvei Berman RWF Img Soviet intteligence officer, head of the Gulag prison camp, lieutenant general,
George Blake RWF Img Dutch British spy for the Soviet Union, (Jewish father)
Iosif Blat RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer,
Vladimir Blinderman RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet engineer, security colonel,
Denise Bloch RW5 Img French-born special operations agent against Germany,
Yakov Blumkin RWF Img Ukrainian-born assassin of  German Ambassador Count Mirbach RWN
Grigory Bolotin RWC Img Soviet secrete service officer, major general,
Norman Borodin RWC Img American-born Soviet NKVD officer,
Timofei Borschev RWC Img Georgian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general,
Yakob Broverman RWC Img Soviet NKVD officer, colonel,
Muriel Byck Img British Special Operations executive,
David Bykov RWM Img Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Vera Chalbur Ukrainian-born Soviet spy against Germany, JVL
Yan Chernyak RWM Img Moldovan-born Soviet intelligence officer, RWN
Vladimir Chesarsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv,
Frank Coe Img American spy for Soviet Union,
Lona Cohen RWF Img American-born  spy for Soviet Union,
Morris Cohen RWF Img American-born Russian spy against USA,
Judith Coplon Soviet spy against USA,
Israel Dagin RWF Img Soviet NKVD commissar 3d rank, lieutenant general,
Yakov Deitch RWF Img Soviet state security commissar 3d rank, komkor, lieutenant general, 
Vladimir Dekanozov Img Estonian-born Soviet NKVD officer, ambassador, (Jewish mother)
Arnold Deutsch RWF Img Austrian-born Soviet security officer,
Dmitry Dmitriev RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general,
Yakov Drabkin RWC Img Russian political/state figure,
Rachel Dubendorfer RWF Polish-born Soviet spy, RWN Sisi
Misu Dulgheru RW5 Img Romanian communist activist, spy,
Semyon Dukelsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet People's Commissar of flot 1939-42, head of cinematography,
Sergei Efron RWN Img Russian poet, officer of White Army, NKVD agent, (Jewish father)
Nahum Eitingon RWM Img Belarusian-born officer of State Security (KGB), major general,
Vladimir Feldman RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv,
William Mark Felt FBI Associate Director Deep Throat in Watergate affair
Semyon Firin RWF Img Lithuanian-born Soviet NKVD officer, intelligence oficer, komdiv,
Yakob Fishman RWF Img Ukrainian-born military engineer, intelligence officer, major general,
Charles Flato American writer, Soviet agent,
Naftaly Frenkel RWF Img Turkish-born Chief of Construction of the White See Baltic Canal,  NKVD lieutenant general,
Litzi Friedman RW5 Img Austrian-born spy for Soviet Union, communist, wife of Kim Filby,
Mark Gai RWF Img Ukrainian-born NKVD commissar 2nd rank, colonel general,
Mark Gayn Img Chinese-born American journalist, Soviet spy,
Semyon Gendin RWF Img Latvian-born Soviet GRU commander,
Yakov Genkin RWF Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv,
Arcady Gertsovsky RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Jean Gilbert Soviet agent against Germany,
Harold Glasser Soviet spy against USA,
Harry Gold RW5 Img Swiss-born Soviet spy against USA,
Jacob Golos RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Soviet spy against USA,
David Greenglass RWF Img Soviet spy against USA,
Iosif Grigulevich RWF Img Lithuanian-born Argentine Soviet agent, (karaite) RWN
Leo Grossvogel RWF Img Polish-born Soviet spy 
Veniamin Gulst RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Anatoly Gurevich RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet military intelligence officer, RWN Kent
Theodore Hall RWF HW Img American physicist, Soviet atomic spy against USA,
Yolande Harmer Img Egyptian-born Israeli spy,
Mildred Harnack American-born German spy against Germany,
Kitty Harris Img British-born Soviet secrete agent,
Ernst Henry RWN Img Belarusian-born Soviet intelligence oficer, author, journalist, Ernst Genri ExLink
Rudolf Herrnstadt RWF Img German journalist, politician,
Ilya Ilyushin-Edleman RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Lev Inzhir Chief accountant of Gulag
Herman Izbutsky RWF Img Belgian-born Soviet spy,
Idel Jakobson RW5 Img Latvian-born Estonian NKVD investigator,
Albert Kahn American journalist, spy,
Shabtai Kalmanovich RWN Img Lithuanian-born Russian KGB spy, businessman, promoter, basketball sponsor,
David Kami RWF Soviet spy,
Haim Karasik RWM Img Belarusian-born Soviet military executive, major general,
Fyodor Karin RWC Img Soviet NKVD officer, general leutenant,
Vasily Karutsky RWM Img Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general,
Joseph Katz Soviet spy against USA, 
Zinovy Katsnelson RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet NKVD commissar 2nd rank, colonel general,
Joseph Katz Soviet spy against USA, 
Aleksandr Kaul RWF Img Russian-born Soviet NKVD officer,
Aleksandr Khazan RWC Ukrainian-born NKVD officer,
Gregory Kheifetz atomic espionage operative
Karl Koecher spy against USA penetrated to CIA
Lazar Kogan RWF Img Soviet security officer, Deputy People's Commissar of Timber Industry 1936-37,
Georgy Korsakov RWC Img Soviet security officer, major general,
George Koval RWM HW Img Soviet atomic spy against USA,   
Charles Kramer American economist, spy against USA,
Walter Krivitsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet military intelligence officer, Spar
Robert Kuczynski RWF Img Soviet spy against USA,   
Ruth Kuczynski RWF Img Soviet spy against USA,    Ruth Werner
Vladimir Kursky RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet security officer, lieutenant general, Deputy People's Commissar for Internal Affairs,
Naum Lekhtman RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv, Raisky
Israel Leplevsky RWF Img Belarusian-born head of GPU in Ukrainian Soviet Republic, colonel general, People's Commissar for Internal Affairs of Ukraine,
Ilya Lindov-Lifschits RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet military commander, colonel, 
Mikhail Litvin RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general, RWM
Iosif Lorkish RWM Img Ukrainian-born Soviet intelligence officer, major general,
Genrikh Lyushkov RWC Img Russian/Soviet  NKVD officer, detector,
Mikhail Maklyarsky RWM Img Ukrainian-born Soviet screenwriter, NKVD officer, colonel,
Lev Manevich RWF Img Belarusian-born Russian spy, colonel
Solomon Mazo RWE Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD commissar 3rd rank, lieutenant general,
Stanislaw Messing RWF Img Polish-born Soviet revolutionary, deputy chairman of Cheka 1929-32,
Mark Michurin-Raver RWC Img Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Isidor Milgram RWF Img Polish-born Soviet inteligence officer,
Mikhail Milshtein RWM Img Soviet GRU officer, lieutenant general, RWN
Solomon Milshtein RWF Img Lithuanian-born Soviet NKVD lieutenant general,
Aleksandr Minaev-Cikanovsky RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general, Deputy People's Commissar for Heavy Industry,
Lev Mironov RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet security officer, NKVD commissar 2nd rank, colonel general,
Sergey Mironov RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general,
Solomon Mogilevsky RWF Img Head of soviet foreign intelligence service,
Boris Morros Soviet spy against USA,   
Stanley Moskowitz American top official in Central Intelligence Agency
Mikhail Mukasei RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet spy,
Lev Novobratsky RWM Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Stewart Nozette Img American spy against USA,
Isaiah Oggins Img American-born spy for the Soviet Union,
Alexander Orlov RWF Img Belarusian-born detected to USA general in KGB USSR ExLink
Iosif Ostrovsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv,
Aron Palkin RWC Img Belarusian-born Soviet NKVD officer, colonel,
Zelman Passov RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer,
Karl Pauker RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, colonel general,
Semyon Pavlov RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet security officer, major general,
William Perl Img Soviet spy against USA,   
Victor Perlo Img American author, economist, spy for USSR,
J. Peters Img Hungarian-born American spymaster for USSR,
Yevgeny Pitovranov RWC Img Soviet security officer, lieutenant general,
Israel Pliner RWC Img Lithuanian-born Soviet NKVD officer, head of Gulag, lieutenant general,
Matvei Pogrebinsky Russian revolutionery, NKVD officer,
Maria Polykova RWM Img Soviet spy against Germany ExLink Gizela
Zofia Poznanska RWF Img Polsh-born Soviet spy,
Vladimir Pozner Img Soviet spy against USA,    Dora
Matvei Potashnik RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Alexander Rado RWF Img Hungarian-born Soviet spy,
Mikhail Raev RWC Img Soviet  People's Commissar for Internal Affairs 1938 of Azerbajan,
Naum Raisky RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet Commissar of Internal Affairs in Uzbek Republic, 1934,
Grigory Rapoport RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenat general,
Yakov Rapoport RWF Img Latvian-born NKVD officer, major general,
Leonid Reichman RWF Img Soviet NKVD general, lieutenant general,
Ignace Reiss RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet military intelligence officer, defected to USA, (Jewish mother) Exlink2
Ilya Ressin RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer,
Boris Rodos RWC Img Soviet NKVD officer,
Allen Rosenberg Soviet spy against USA,   
Ethel Rosenberg RWF Img Soviet spy against USA
Julius Rosenberg RWF Img Soviet spy against USA
Lev Rosenthal RWF Img Soviet intelligence officer,
Jozef Rozanski RWF Img Polish communist, NKVD officer, interrogator of communist security apparatus,
Pyotr Rud RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Boris Rybkin RWM Img Ukrainian-born Soviet intelligence officer,
Maria Sakhnovskaya RWF Img Lithuanian-born Soviet intelligence officer, major general, RWN
Elizabeth Schumacher Img German-born resistance fighter, (Jewish father)
Lev Schwartzman RWC Img Soviet NKVD officer, colonel,
Semyon Semyonov RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet intelligence officer,
Yakov Serebriansky RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet intelligence officer, RWN
Isaak Shapiro RWF Img Belarusian-born Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv,
Nikolay Sharov RWF Img Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv,
Sholom Shlyuger RWC Img Soviet NKVD officer, colonel,
Mikhail Shreider RWM Img Lithuanian-born Soviet NKVD officer, intelligence oficer,
Matus Shteinberg RWF Moldovan/Ukrainian-born Soviet intelligence officer,
Isaak Shvarts RWF Img Ukrainian NKVD officer, public figure, Chairman of Ukrainian NKVD 1918-19,
Moisey Sladkevich RWM Belarusian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenat general,
Manfred Stern RWF Img Ukrainian-born member of Soviet military intelligence, general, 
George Silverman Img Soviet spy against USA, mathematician, statistician,
Greg Silvermaster Img Ukrainian-born Soviet spy against USA
Abram Slutsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born head of Soviet foreign intelligence service, colonel general,
Helen Sobell Img American spy for Soviet Union,
Morton Sobell RWF Img American spy for Soviet Union,
Jack Soble HW Img Lithuanian-born Soviet spy against USA,
Robert Soblen Img Soviet spy, psychologist against USA
David Sokolinsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, komdiv,
Naum Sorkin RWM Img Ukrainian-born Soviet military intelligence officer, major general,
Sergey Spigelglas RWF Img Belarusian-born head of Soviet foreign intelligence service,
Artur Stashevsky RWC NKVD operative,
Joseph Stenbuck Soviet spy against USA, 
Manfred Stern RWF Img Ukrainian-born member of Soviet military intelligence, general,  Emilio Kleber
Jozef Swiatlo RWC Img Polish intelligence officer, defected in 1953 head of Secton 1 Poland
Andrey Sverdlov
Leopold Trepper RWF Img Polish-born Soviet spy, head of 'Red Orchestra" RWN
Mikhail Trilisser RWF Img Soviet head of Soviet foreign intelligence service,
Vladimir Tsesarsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer,
Edith Tudor-Hart RW5 Img Austrian-born British photographer, Soviet spy,
Alexander Ulanovsky RW5 Img Moldovan-born Soviet spy, GPU officer,
Jozef Unszlicht RWF Img Polish-born Soviet revolutionary, Cheka
Moisei Uritsky RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born head of Cheka in Petrograd,
Semyon Uritsky RWM Img Ukrainian-born GRU head, leutienant general,
Branko Vukelic Img Croatian military officer, Soviet spy against Japan, (Jewish mother)
Aleksei Vul RWM Img Soviet NKVD officer, major general,
Leonid Vul RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, komandarm,
Alexander Vurgaft RWM Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general of intendant service,
Harold Ware Img Soviet spy against USA,
William Weisband, Sr Img Ukrainian-born American cryptoanalyst, NKVD agent,
Ruth Werner RWF Img Soviet spy against USA,    Ruth Kuczynski
Harry Dexter White RWF Img founder of International Monetary Fund & World Bank
Enos Wicher Soviet spy against USA,
Flora Wovschin Soviet spy against USA,
Genrikh Yagoda RWF HW Img Russian-born People's Commissar for Internal Affairs 1934-36 (Jewish father)
Lev Zadov RWF Img Soviet Cheka operative,
Lev Zalin RWM Img Polish/Lithuanian born Soviet NKVD commissar 2nd rank, colonel general,
Semyon Zapadny RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, lieutenant general,
Elizabeth Zarubina RWF Img Moldovan-born Soviet Intelligence Officer,
Mark Zborowski RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Soviet Intelligence Officer,
Semion Zhukovsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet NKVD officer, Deputy Commissar of Internal Affairs 1938,
Soviet atomic spies
Lona Cohen RWF Img American-born  spy for Soviet Union, RWN
Morris Cohen RWF Img American-born Russian spy agains USA, RWN
Harry Gold RW5 Img Swiss-born Soviet spy against USA,
David Greenglass RWF Img Soviet spy against USA,
Theodore Hall RWF HW Img American physicist, Soviet atomic spy against USA,
George Koval RWM HW Img Soviet atomic spy against USA,   
Semion Kremer Soviet spy against USA,   
Saville Sax Img American-born Soviet spy aganst USA,
Morton Sobell RWF Img American spy for Soviet Union,
Elizabeth Zarubina RWF Img Moldovan-born Soviet Intelligence Officer,
Red Orchestra Red Orchestra
Rachel Dubendorfer RWF Polish-born Soviet spy, RWN Sisi
Jean Gilbert Soviet agent against Germany,
Anatoly Gurevich RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet military intelligence officer, Kent RWN
Mildred Harnack American-born German spy against Germany,
Rudolf Herrnstadt RWF Img German journalist, politician,
Herman Izbutsky RWF Img Belgian-born Soviet spy,
David Kami RWF Soviet spy,
Rachel Gopner Polish-born 
Zofia Poznanska RWF Img Polsh-born Soviet spy,
Alexander Rado RWF Img Hungarian-born Soviet spy,
Matus Shteinberg RWF Moldovan/Ukrainian-born Soviet intelligence officer,
Elizabeth Schumacher Img German-born resistance fighter, (Jewish father)
Hersh Sokol RWE Img Polish-born
Leopold Trepper RWF Img Polish-born Soviet spy, head of 'Red Orchestra" RWN
3. Other Countries Secrete Services Officers, Agents, Spies
Vera Atkins Img Romanian-born British intelligence officer,
Mikhail Boico RWC Img Romanian military, security general lieutenant,
Tamara Bunke RWC Img Argentine-born East German revolutionary, spy, (Jewish mother)
John Deutch RWF Img Belgian-born American chemist, civil cervant, Director of CIA
Vladimir Farkas RWC Img Hungarian security officer,
Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe Img Austrian-born German spy, socialite,
Rita Katz RWC Img Iraqi-born Israeli American scholar, anti-terrorist activist,
Sir Stephen Lander Img British head of MI5 UK 1996-2002,     ??? ExLink
Ivar Lissner RWF Img German journalist, author, spy, (Jewish father)
Ludwig Lore Img American socialist, newspaper editor, politician,
Frederick Mayer German-born agent for the United States,
Alexandru Nicolschi Img Moldovan-born Romanian General Secretary in the Interior Ministry, lieutenant general,
Gabor Peter Img Hungarian politician, head of Hungarian Secrete Police 1945-52,
J. Peters Img Hungarian-born American spymaster for USSR,
Oreste Pinto Img Dutch contrintelligence officer,
Valerie Plame Img American CIA operation officer, (Jewish paternal grandfather)
Bernard Redmont Img American journalist,
Sidney Reilly RWF HW Img Ukrainian-born British spy against Russia (Jewish father) RWN Rilley
Roman Romkowski RWC Img Polish intelligence officer, deputy minister in ministry of Public Security,
Eduardo Rozsa-Flores Img Bolivian-born mercenary, journalist, actor, secret agent, (Jewish father)
James Schlesinger RWF HW Img American CIA Director, 1973, 
Krystyna Skarbek RW5 Img Special Operations agent (Jewish mother)
Suzanne Spaak Belgian-born French resistance fighter,
Erno Szucs RWC Img Hungarian security officer,
Frank Wisner American Head of Directorate of Plans of the Central Intelligence Agency ExLink
Markus Wolf RWF HW Img head of East German Police, colonel general, (Jewish father)
Gustav Zerffi Hungarian journalist, revolutionist, spy,