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American Mayors
Edmond Kalmon Albany, Ga 1920
Henry Jaffe Albuquerque
Michael Mandel Albuquerque
Edward Weil Alexandria, Louisiana 1875-76
Allison Silberberg Img Alexandria, Virginia 2016-19 ,
Henry Strauss Alexandria, Virginia 1886, 1891, 1893
Lewis Stein Alexandria, Virginia 1915
Leroy Bendheim Img Alexandria, Virginia 1957
Nathan Cohen Alma, Georgia 1961
Kel Seliger RW5 Img Amarillo Texas 1993-2001
Ethan Berkowitz RWC Img Anchorage, Alaska 2015- ,
Leopold David RW5 Img Anchorage, Alaska 1920-23,
Zachariah Loussac RW5 Img Russian-born Anchorage, Alaska 1948-51
Robert Harris RW5 Img Ann Aldor, Michigan 1969-73,
Elizabeth Brater Ann Arbor, 1991-93
Noah Hillman Annapolis, Maryland 1979
Joshua Cohen RW5 Img Annapolis, Maryland 1009-13,
Ray Kramer Asbury Park, New Jersey
Clyde Levi Ashland Kentucky 1944-47
David Aronberg Img Ashland Kentucky 1952-55
Heidi Davidson Athens 2002-
Sam Massell RW5 Img Atlanta, Georgia 1970-74
Harry Bacharach RW5 Img Atlantic City, New Jersey 1912 1916-20 1930-35
Bob Levy Img Atlantic City, New Jersey  2006-07,
Joseph Lazarow RW5 Img Atlantic City, New Jersey  1976-82,
Roger Katz Img Augusta, Maine 2006-10,
Ray Kramer Ausbury Park, New Jersey 
Steve Adler RW5 Img Austin 2015
Jeffrey Friedman RW5 Img Austin 1975 1988
Philip Goodman Img Polish-born Baltimore Maryland 1962-63
William Cohen HW Img Bangor 1971-72 Maine Jewish father
Joseph Bloomfield RWC Img Berlington, New Jersy
Bernie Sanders RWF HW Img Berlington, New Jersy 1981-89
Jimmy Delshad RW5 Img Beverly Hills, California 2007-
Barry Brucker Img Beverly Hills, California 2008-09 2011-12,
Nancy Krasne Img Beverly Hills, California 2010-11,
Lili Bosse Img Beverly Hills, California 2014-
Steve Abrams Img Boca Raton, Florida 2001-08,
Moses Alexander RWF HW Img Boise Idaho 1897-99 1901-03
Alexander Moses Boise, 1897-99 1901-03,
Jacob Klein Bridgeport, Conn
Ruben Edelstein Img Brownsville, Texas 1975-79
Benjamin Kowalski Brownsville, Texas 1912-14
Sidney Mathias Img Buffalo Grove
Bernie Sanders RWF HW Img Burlington Vermont 1981-89
Miro Weinberger RW5 Img Burlington Vermont 2012-
Henry Lupin Butte 1885-87,
Morris Guggenheim Charleston 
Michael Singer Img Charlottesville, Virginia 2016-18,
Andy Berke RW5 Img Chattanooga, Tennessee 2013- ,
George Oakes Chattanooga, Tennessee 1892-97
Joseph Wasserman Chattanooga, Tennessee 1899-2001
Joe Pressman Chelsea/Boston Area indicted for corruption
Rahm Emanuel RWF Img Chicago 2011-19,
Julius Fleischmann Img Cincinnati, Ohio 1900-05 ExLink
Frederick Spiegel Cincinnati, Ohio 1914-15
Murray Seasongood Img Cincinnati, Ohio 1926-29 ExLink
Walton Bachrach RW5 Img Cincinnati, Ohio 1960-67
Bill Gradison, Jr RW5 Img Cincinnati, Ohio 1971
Jerry Springer RW5 Img Cincinnati, Ohio 1977-78
H.I. Berman Colorado City, 1950 1960
I.I. Moses Columbus, Georgia
Adlene Harrison RW5 Img Dallas, Texas 1976
Annette Strauss RWC Img Dallas, Texas 1987-91
Laura Miller RWC Img Dallas, Texas 2002-07
Samuel Kushner Danville,
Harris Franklin Deadwood, South Dakota ExLink
Solomon Star Img Deadwood, South Dakota 1884-98
Isidore Bley Demopolis, Alabama
Morris Ely Demopolis, Alabama 1905
Wolfe Londoner Img Denver 1989-91
Alan Schlesinger Img Derby, Connedticut
Arthur Davis Des Moines 1989-90
Vera Winich Dickinson
Adolph Gluck Dodge City
Morris Hoffman Dublin, 1949-59
Emanuel Evans RW5 Img Durham, 1951-63,
Isadore Pesses El Dorado
Solomon Shutz El Paso 1880-81
Adolph Krakauer El Paso 1889
Adolph Solomon El Paso 1893-94
David Naar Elizabeth, 1850-52
Steven Rothman Img Englewood, New Jersey 1983-89
Jonathan Weinzapfel Img Evansville, Indiana 2004-
Abe Spring Russian-born Fairbanks, Alaska
Hershel Lashkiwitz Fargo,
Vicki Barnett Img Farmington Hills, Michigan,
Monroe Evans Fayetteville, North Carolina 1965-69
George Seeligson Galveston 1853
Henry Seeligson Galveston 1855
Isaac Kempner Img Galveston 1917-19
Eddie Schreiber Galveston 1961-71
Barbara Crews Img Galveston 1990-96
Adrian Levy Galveston, Texas
Leon Schneider Img Gastonia, North Carolina
Solomon Cohen Georgetown, South Carolina
Abraham Myers Georgetown, South Carolina
Aaron Lopez RWC Img Georgetown, South Carolina
Solomon Cohen, Jr Georgetown, South Carolina
Louis Ehrlich Georgetown, South Carolina
Sylan Rosen Georgetown, South Carolina, 1948-61,
Julius Houseman RW5 Img Grand Rapids Mich. 1872-73 1874-75
Max Heller Img Austrian-born American Greenville, South Carolina 1971-79,
Dawn Zimmer RWC Img Hoboken, New Jersey 2009- (convert to Judaism)
Meinrad Abrams Hollywood, Florida 1966-69 
Stephen Goldsmith RW5 Img Indianapolis 1992-99
Moses Bloom Img Iowa City, Iowa 1873
Larry Agran Img Irvine, California, 2000-04,  ExLink
Beth Krom Img Irvine, California, 2004-08,
Maurice Heuman Jackson
Morris Dzialynski Jacksonville
Steven Fulop RW5 Img Jersey City, New Jersey 2013- ,
Charles Krieger Img Jersey City, New Jersey 1971
Isaac Tausig Jersey City, New Jersey 1881-83
Samuel Folz Img Kalamazoo, Michigan
Richard Berkley RW5 Img Kanzas City 1979-91
Menashe Miller Img Lakewood Township, New Jersey 2014-
Meir Lichtenstein Img Lakewood Township, New Jersey
Carolyn Goodman RWC Img Las Vegas Nevada 2011- 
Oscar Goodman Img Las Vegas Nevada 1999-2011,
Benjamin L. Berman Lewiston Maine 1926
Jonas Levy Little Rock, 1861-65
Frederick Kramer Little Rock, 1873-75  1881-87
Helen Bloom Lord  1971 first
Bernard Cohn RW5 Img Los Angeles, 1878 acting mayor
Eric Garcetti RWC Img Los Angeles, 2013- Jewish mother
Jerry Abramson RWC Img Louisville, Kentucky 1986-98 2002- 
Dave Ciezlewicz Img Madison, Wiskonsin 2003- ,
Ann van Leeuwen Madison, Wiskonsin 1900-02,
Paul Soglin RW5 Img Madison, Wiskonsin 1973-79 1989-97 2011- ,
Henry Brash Marianna, 1879 ExLink
Linda Lingle RWF HW Img Maui Country Hawaii
Henry Loeb RW5 Img Memphis 1960-63 1968-71
Abe Aronovitz RWC Img Miami 1953-55
Harold Rosen Img Miami 1975
David Dermer Img Miami Beach, Florida
Jay Dermer Img Miami Beach, Florida
Mitchell Wolfson Img Miami Beach, Florida 1943
Jacob Frey RW5 Img Minneapolis, Minesota 2018- ,
Arthur Naftalin RWC Img Minneapolis, Minesota 1961-69
Jerry Motley Missouri City
Leon Schwarz Mobile, Ala 1927-
Henry Faber Montgomery, Alabama 1875
Morris Moses Montgomery, Alabama 1884-88
Bruce Blakeman Img Nassau, New York
Samuel Campner New Haven 1917
Martin Behrman RWC Img New Orleans 1904-20 1925-26
Fiorello LaGuardia RWF HW Img New York 1934-45 (Jewish mother)
Abe Beame RWF Img New York 1974-77
Edward Koch RWF HW Img New York 1978-89
Kenneth Lipper RW5 Img New York  deputy mayor
Michael Bloomberg RWF HW Img New York 2002-13,
Howard Wolfson Img New York 2010-2013 deputy mayor
Stephen Goldsmith RW5 Img New York 2010-2011 deputy mayor
Meyer Ellenstein Img Newark 1933-41
Joe Frank Img Newport News 1996-2010,
David Cohen Newton Mass.
Theodore Mann Img Newton Mass. 1972-94
Bernie Meyers Novato
Joseph Forbes Oak Park, Mich. 1967
David Shepherd Oak Park, Mich. 1971-81
Libby Schaaf RWC Img Oakland, California 2015-
John Rosenblatt Img Omaha, Nebraska, 1954-61
Harry Zimman Omaha, Nebraska 1904-06
Edward Zorinsky RWC Img Omaha Nebraska, 1973-77
Gerald Goldman Passaic, 1971-
Nathan Barnert Paterson NJ, 1883-86 1889-90
Adolph Greenhut Czech-born Pensacola, Florida 1913-15
Max Bear Pensacola, Florida 1936-37
B.Irvin Greenhut Pensacola, Florida 1965-67
Ed Rendell RWF Img Philadelphia, Pensilvania 1992-2000
Bernard Samuel Img Philadelphia 1941-52
Emil Ganz Img German-born Phoenix, Arizona 1885-86 1899-1901 
Phil Gordon RW5 Img Phoenix, Arizona 2004-12,
Greg Stanton RWC Img Phoenix, Arizona 2012-18, (Jewish grandfather)
Sophie Masloff RWC Img Pittsburgh 1988-94
Daniel Englander Pittsfield Massachusetts 1902
Raven Earlygrow Point Arena, California ExLink
Florence Shapiro RWC Img Plano, Texas
David Solis-Cohen Portland, Oregon 1896-98
Joseph Simon RW5 Img Portland, Oregon 1909-11
Neil Goldschmidt RWC Img Portland, Oregon 1974-79
Vera Katz RW5 Img Portland, Oregon 1992-2005
Jim Cohen Img Portland, Maine, 2002-
Morris Goldwater RW5 Img Prescott, Arizona 1879
Michael Goldwater Img Prescott, Arizona 1885 Arizona
Sam Steiger RW5 Img Prescott Arizona 1999-2001
David Cicilline RW5 Img Providence, Rhode Island 2002- , Jewish mother
Katharine Elkus White RWC Img Red Banka, New Jercy
Solomon Jacobs Img Richmond 1818-19
Samuel Dicker Rochester 1939-55
Nathan Jaffa Img American mayor of Roswell and Santa Fe, New Mexico
Albert Elkus Sacramento, 1921-25
Darrell Steinberg RW5 Img Sacramento, 2016- ,
Larry Cohen Img Saint Paul, Minnesota 1972-76
Louis Marcus Img Salt Lake City Utah 1932-36
Ron Nirenberg RWC Img San Antonio 1917
Robert Filner RW5 HW Img San Diego California 2012-13,
Susan Golding RW5 Img San Diego California 1992-2000,
Dianne Feinstein RWF HW Img San Francisco 1976-88
Washington Bartlett RWC HW Img San Francisco 1983-87
Adolph Sutro RWB Img San Fransisco 1894-96
Susan Hammer Img San Jose hub  Silicon Valley 1991-99
Eva Galambos RW5 Img Sandy Springs, Georgia 2005-14
Arthur Seligman RWC Img Santa Fe, New Mexico,
Sam Pick Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1976-78 1986-94
Harold Hoffman RWC Img Saut Amboi, New Jersey
Herman Myers Img Savannah, Georgia 1895-97 1899-1907
Susan Weiner RW5 Img Savannah, Georgia 1992-96
Mordecai Meyers Img Scenectady, 1851-54
Bailey Gatzert RW5 Img Seattle, 1875-76
Benjamin Holtzman Img Shreveport, Louisiana 1900-02
Samuel Levy Shreveport, Louisiana 
Ernest Bernstein Shreveport, Louisiana 
Abraham Adelberg RWC Siderherst, Long Aidland 1928-32
John Gottschalk Img Sidney, Nebraska 1972-75
Lawrence Cohen RW5 Img St.Paul, Minnesota 1972-76
Norm Coleman RW5 HW HW St.Paul, Minnesota 1993-98 
Herman Goldner Img St.Petersburg, Florida 1961-67 1971-73
Rick Kriseman RW5 Img St.Petersburg, Florida 2014-
Steve Effman Sunrise Fla
Herman Glodowski Tampa 1886
Sandra Freedman RW5 Tampa 1986-95
William Kraus Toledo, 1869-70
Guido Marx German-born Toledo, 1875-77
Cornell Schreiber Toledo, 1916-18
Abraham Emanuel Img Tombstone Arizona 1896-1900
Charles Strauss Img Tucson, Arizona
George Miller Img Tucson, Arizona 1991-99
Jonathan Rothschild RW5 Img Tucson, Arizona 2011- ,
Meyera Oberndorf RW5 Img Virginia Beach 1988-2009,
Kent Rubens West Memphis
Lois Frankel RWC Img West Palm Beach, Florida 2003-11
Joseph Mandel Img West Palm Beach, Florida 1923-24
Sy Schulman Img White Planes, New York 1993-97,
Joseph Casdin Img Worcester, Massachusetts 1956-82 1962-62 1967-68
Israel Katz Worcester, Massachusetts 1974-75
Jordan Levy Img Worcester, Massachusetts 1981-82, 1988-93
Betty Marshall Img York, Pennsylvania 1978-82
Argentine Mayors
Jorge Telerman RWC Img Buenos Aires   2006-
Daniel Katz RW5 Img Mar del Plata 2003-
Miguel Lifschitz RWC Img Rosario 2003-11
Monica Fein RWC Img Rosario 2011-
Pavel Yavkin RWC Img Rosario 2019-
Roy Nikisch RWC Img Tres Isletas
Australian Mayors
Walter Bridgland Img Adelaide 1966-68
Sir Lewis Cohen RWC Img Adelaide 1889-1890 1901-04 1909-11 1921-23
Isaac Isaacs Img Adelaide 1915-17
John Lazar Img Adelaide 1855-59,
Henry Ninio RW5 Img Adelaide 1993-97,
Judah Moss Solomon RWC Img British-born Adelaide 1869-71
Margaret Esakoff Img Glen Eira 2005-
Sir Frederick Samson Img Flemantle 1951-72
Michael Samson Img Flemantle 1905-07
Sir William Samson Flemantle 1892-93
Edward Cohen RWC Img Melbourne 1862-63,  ExLink
Sir Benjamin Benjamin RWC Img Melbourne 1887-88  1888-89
Irvin Rockman RWB Img Melbourne 1977-79
Darren Ray Port Phillip 2004-05
Dick Gross Img Port Phillip 1998-2000 2004
Kerryn Phelps RWC Img Sidney Deputy Lord Mayor 2016-17 (convert to Judaism)
Leo Port RW5 Img Sidney Lord Mayor 1975-78
Nathan Cohen Tamworth twice
George Newhouse Waverley 2006-07
Bulgarian  Mayors
Stefan Sofiyanski Img Sofia 1995-2005 Prime Minister of Bulgaria 1997 ???
Brazilian Mayors
Jose Fortunati RWC Img Porto Allegre 2010- ,
Tarso Genro RWC Img Porto Allegre 1993-97 2001-02
Ciro Gomes RWC Img Fortalesa 1989-90
Mario Kertesz Salvador 1979-81 1986-89 wiki.B
Israel Klabin Img Rio de Janeiro ExLink
Jeime Lerner HW Img Curitiba, Governor  Parana  1994
Eliezer Levy Macapa 1932-35 1942-44 1937
Saul Raiz Curitiba
Aidan Ravin Santo Andre 2009-12
British Mayors
Frank Branston Img Bedford 2002-09,
Sir David Davis Img Birmingham 1921-23 Lord Mayor
Sir Bernard Zissman Img Birmingham ExLink
Charles Semon Bradford
Jacob Moser Img Bradford
Joseph Abraham Bristol 1865 first 
Helen Bloom Bristol 1971
Millie Miller Img Comden 1974-79,
Sir Joshua Hassan RWC HW Img Gibraltar 1955-69
Arthur Super Hackney
Michael Waldman Hackney
Sir Mark Henig Leichester Lord Mayor
Louis Cohen Liverpool 1899, Lord Mayor
Sir David Salomons RW5 HW Img London 1855- Lord Mayor
Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips Img London Lord Mayor 1865-66
Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs Img London 1889 
Sir George Faudel-Phillips RWC Img London Lord Mayor 1896-97
Viscount Marcus Samuel RW5 Img London 1902-03
Sir Samuel Joseph Img London 1942-43 Bovis
Sir Bernard Waley-Cohen RW5 Img London 1960
Baron Peter Levene RWF Img London 1998-99 ExLink
Nicky Gavron Img London Deputy Lord Mayor
Ian Luder London 2008-09 Lord Mayor
Sir Michael Bear Img London 2010-11
Boris Johnson RWF Img British politician, mayor of London 2008-16, Foreign Minister 2016- , (Jewish great maternal grandfather)
Frederic Balcombe Manchester  1857-58 Lord Mayor
Baron Leslie Lever Img Manchester  1857-58
Philip Goldschmidt Img Manchester 1883-84 1885-86 Lord Mayor
Bennie Abrahams Newcastle 1981-82 Lord Mayor
Baron Arthur Samuel RW5 Img Norwich 1912-13
Lewis Heymann Img Nottingham 1857
Alfred Instone Paddington 1927-28,
Emanuel Emanuel Portsmouth 1866-, Lord Mayor ExLink
Abraham Emanuel Portsmouth 1894-, Lord Mayor
Michael Fidler Img Prestwich ExLink
John Lewis Levy Rochester
Isidor Frankenburg Img Salford 1905
Sir Joseph Jonas Img Sheffield 1904-05 ExLink
Oscar Tobin Stepney,
Joshua Goldston Stockton-on-Tees 1927- , 
Morris Streimer Austrian-born West Ham, 1927- , 
Baron Herbert Jessel RWC Img Westminster
Dame Shirley Porter RWC Img Westminster 1991-92
Canadian Mayors Canadian House  Commons
Robert Libman RWC Img Cote Saint-Luc Quebek 1998-2005
Gerry Weiner RWC Img Dollard, Quebec
Stephen Mandel RWC Img Edmonton 2004- 2007 2010
Leonard Kitz RW5 Img Halifax 1955-57
Harvey Rosen RWC Img Kingston 2003-10,  
Morley Rosenberg RW5 Img Kitchener, Ontario 1977-82
Anthony Housefather RWC Img Cote Saint-Luc, 2005-15,
Sidney Green Img Manitoba
Martin Dobkin RW5 Img Mississauga, Ontario  1974-76,
Michael Applebaum RWC Img Montreal 2012-13,
Danny Nathanson Img New Waterfold, Nova Scotia 1960-70,
Lorry Greenberg RW5 Ottawa 1975-78
Jacquelin Holzman RWC Img Ottawa 1991-97
Oscar Orenstein Img Ottawa, Ontario 1972
Saul Laskin RW5 Img Port Arthur 1962-69
Thunder Bay 1970-72
Sidney Buckwold RW5 Img Saskatoon 1958-63 1967-71
Robert Mitford Pinder RWC Img Saskatoon 1935-38
Nathan Phillips RWC Img Toronto 1955-65 first
Philip Givens RW5 Img Toronto 1963-66, MP 1968-71
Mel Lastman RWC Img Toronto 1997-2002
Mike Feldman Img Toronto deputy mayor 2003-06
John Tory Img Toronto 2014- , (Jewish maternal grandmother)
David Oppenheimer RWC Img Vancouver 1888-91
Lumley Franklin RW5 Img Victoria, British Columbia 1865-
David Croll RWC Img Winsdor, Ontario 1931-34
Sam Katz RW5 HW Img Winnipeg 2004-
Chilean Mayors
Iraci Hassler Img Santiago, Chili 1921-
Alejandro Meersohn Schajris RWC Img Puetro-Monta, Chili 1963-67
Jorge Kaplan RWC Img Vinya-del-Mara, Chili 2000-04
Colombian Mayors
Paul Bromberg Zilberstein RWC Img Bogota, Colombia 1997
Plunge, Lithuania 1918-31 ExLink
Antanas Mockus Img Bogota, Colombia 1995-97 2001-03  Beatriz Oberlander
Croatian Mayors
Branko Svarc Koprivnica 1932-37
Czech Mayors
Mordecai Maisel Prague
Moses Porges von Portheim RW5 Img Prague
Albert Popper Vimperk
Dutch Mayors Netherlands
Lodewijk Asscher RWC Img Amsterdam 2010
Job Cohen RWC HW Img Amsterdam 2001-10
Femke Halsema RWC Img Amsterdam 2018-
Onno Hoes RWC Img Maastricht 2010-
Wim Polak RWC Img Amsterdam 1977-83
Ivo Samkalden RWC Img Amsterdam 1967-77, (Jewish father)
Ed van Thijn RWC Img Amsterdam 1983-94, 
Jacques Wallage RWC Img Groningen 1998-2009
French Mayors
Benjamin Abram Img Aix-en-Provence 1888-96
Jassuda Bedarrides Img Aix-en-Provence 1848-49
Salomon Bedarrides Img Aix-en-Provence 1877-84
Bernard Debre RWC Img Amboize Jewish paternal grandfather
Michel Debre RWF HW Img Amboize 1966-89 Jewish father
Jack Lang RWC HW Img Blois 1989- Jewish father
Michel de Montaigne RWF HW Img Bordo
Jean-Louis Debre RWC Img Evre Jewish paternal grandfather
Patrick Balkany RW5 Img Levallois-Perrret 1983-95
Alain Calmat RWF HW Img Livry-Gardan 1995-
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet RWC Img Longjumeau 2008-13 Jewish descent
Pierre Mendes France RWF HW Img Louviers 1935-39
Jean-Francois Cope RWC Img Meaux 1995-2002
Pierre Cohen RWC Img Toulouse 2008-  , Jewish father
Adeline Hazan Img Reims 2008-
Michel Durafour RWC Img Saint-Etienne 1965-77
German Mayors
Fritz Elsas RWN Img Berlin 1931-32
Paul Hirsch RWC Img Dortmund 1926-33
Peter Feldmann RWC Img Frankfurt 2012-
Ludwig Landmann RWC Img Frankfurt 1924-33
Ole von Beust RWC Img German mayor of Hamburg 2001-10, Jewish maternal grandparent, descendant of Count Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust
Rudolf Petersen RWC Img  Hamburg 1945-46 (Jewish mother)
Herbert Weichmann RWC Img Hamburg 1965-1971
Gibraaltar Majors
Solomon Levy Img Gibraltarian estate agent, mayor of Gibraltar 2008-09 ,
Abraham Serfaty Img Gibraltar 1979-88 Gibraltarian architect, politician, mayor 1979-88,
Hungarian Mayors
Ferenc Heltai Img Budapest 1913 , Hungary 1913
Zoltan Vas RWC Img Budapest 1945 , Hungary
Bela Linder RWC Img Pecs, Hungary 1920 (Jewish father)
Indian Mayors
Elijah Moses RWC Bombay 1937-38
Irish Mayors
Sir Otto Jaffe RW5 Img Irish Belfast Lord Mayor 1899-1900 1904-05,
Gerald Goldberg RW5 Img Cork Lord Mayor  1977
Lewis Wormser Harris Dublin Lord Mayor
Robert Briscoe RW5 Img Dublin Lord Mayor 1956-62
Ben Briscoe RW5 Img Dublin Lord Mayor 1988-89
William Annyas RWC Img Youghal Cork 1555
Israeli Mayors //mayorIsr
Avner Garin HW Img Ashdod 1968-69
Zvi Zilker HW Img Ashdod 1969-83
Aryeh Azulai HW Img Ashdod 1983-89
Zvi Zilker HW Img Ashdod 1989-2008
Yehiel Lasri RWF HW Img Ashdod 2009-
Eli Dayan RWC Ashkelon 1978-1991
Tomas Glas HW Ashkelon 1917-
Roni Matzri RWC HW Ashkelon 2003-2008
Itamar Shimoni RWC Img Ashkelon 2013-2017
Beni Vaknin RWC HW Img Ashkelon 2008-13
Shabtai Zur RWC HW Img Ashkelon 1991-2003
Ben Zion Mintz Bat Yam 1936-37
Ben Zion Israel HW Bat Yam 1937-39
Israel Rabinovitz Teumim HW Bat Yam 1939-43
Aliav Lewi Bat Yam 1943-50
David Ben Ari HW Bat Yam 1950-64
Menahem Rotchhild HW Bat Yam 1964-73
Yitzhak Volker HW Bat Yam 1974-77
David Musika Bat Yam 1977-78
Menahem Rotchhild HW Bat Yam 1978-83
Ehud Kinamon HW Bat Yam 1983-93
Yehoshua Saguy RWC HW Img Bat Yam 1993-2003
Shlomo Lahiani RWC HW Img Bat Yam 2003-2014
Yosi Bachar HW Img Bat Yam 2014-18
Tzvika Brot Img Bat Yam 2018-
David Tuviyahu HW Img Beersheba 1950-61
Zeev Zerizi HW Img Beersheba 1961-63
Eliyahu Nawi HW Img Beersheba 1963-86
Yitzhak Rager RWC HW Img Beersheba 1989-97
Yaakov Turner RWC HW Img Beersheba 1998-2008
Ruvik Danilovich HW Img Beersheba 2008-
Hiam Kugel RWC HW Img Holon  1950-53
Pinhas Ayalon HW Img Holon  1953-87
Haim Sharon Holon  1987-89
Moshe Rom HW Holon  1989-93
Moti Sasson HW Holon  1993-
Shabtai Levy RWC HW Img Haifa  1940-51
Abba Hushi RWC HW Img Haifa, 1951-69
Moshe Flimann RWC HW Img Haifa, 1969-73
Yosef Almogi RWC HW Img Haifa, 1974-75
Yeruham Zeisel HW Img Haifa, 1975-78
Arie Gurel RWC HW Img Haifa, 1978-93
Amram Mitzna RWF HW Img Haifa, 1993-2003
Giora Fisher HW Img Haifa, 1993
Yona Yahav RWC HW Img Haifa, 2003-
Einat Kalisch-Rotem RWC HW Img Haifa, 2018-
Daniel Auster RWC HW Img Jerusalem 1937-38 1944-45 1949-51
Zalman Shragai RWC HW Img Jerusalem 1951-52
Yitzhak Kariv RWC HW Img Jerusalem 1952-55
Gershon Agron RWC HW Img Jerusalem 1955-59
Mordechai Ish-Shalom RWC HW Img Jerusalem 1959-65
Teddy Kollek RWF HW Img Jerusalem 1965-93 RWN
Ehud Olmert RWF HW Img Jerusalem 1993-2003
Moshe Lion RWC Img Jerusalem 2018-
Uri Lupolianski RWF HW Img Jerusalem  2003-08,
Nir Barkat RWC HW Img Jerusalem  2008-18
Oved Ben-Ami HW Img Netanya 1929-57
Moshe Shaked Netanya 1957-59
David Fuks Netanya 1959-61
Oved Ben-Ami HW Img Netanya 1961-64
Moshe Shaked Netanya 1965-68
Abraham Ben Menahem Netanya 1968-69
Oved Ben-Ami HW Img Netanya 1969-74
Abraham Ben Menahem Netanya 1974-78
Reuven Kligler Netanya 1979-83
Yoel Alroy HW Netanya 1983-93
Zvi Poleg RWC HW Img Netanya 1993-98
Vered Swid HW Netanya 1998 actual
Miriam Feirberg RWC HW Img Netanya 1998-
Shlomo Stampfer RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 1938-40
Yosef Sapir RWF HW Img Petah Tikva 1940-50
Mordechai Krauszman RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 1951
Pinchas Rashish RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 1951-66
Yisrael Feinberg RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 1966-78
Dov Tavori RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 1978-89
Giora Lev RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 1989-99
Yitzhak Ohayon RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 1999-2013
Uri Ohad RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 2013
Itzik Braverman RWC HW Img Petah Tikva 2013-
Avraham Krinitzi HW Img Ramat Gan 1926-69
Yisrael Peled HW Img Ramat Gan 1969-83
Uri Amit RWC HW Img Ramat Gan 1983-1989
Zvi Bar RWC HW Img Ramat Gan 1989-2013
Yisrael Zinger HW Img Ramat Gan 2013-
Baruch Ostrovsky HW Img Raanana 1931-55
Michael Pasvig Raanana 1955-57
Baruch Ostrovsky HW Img Raanana 1957-59
Michael Pasvig Raanana 1959-60
Itzhak Shkolnik HW Img Raanana 1960-69
Benjamin Wolfovitz HW Raanana 1989-89
Zeev Bielski RWF HW Img Raanana 1989-2005
Uzi Cohen HW Img Raanana 2005 actual
Nahum Hofree HW Img Raanana 2005-13
Zeev Bielski RWF HW Img Raanana 2014
Elyakum Ostashinski HW Img Rishon LeZion 1950-51
Aryeh Sheftel RWF HW Img Rishon LeZion 1951
Moshe Gavin Rishon LeZion 1952-55
Gershon Man Rishon LeZion 1955
Hana Levin HW Img Rishon LeZion 1956-60
Aryeh Sheftel HW Img Rishon LeZion 1960-62
Naam Leoner HW Img Rishon LeZion 1962-65
Aryeh Sheftel HW Img Rishon LeZion 1965-69 
Hanania Gibstein HW Rishon LeZion 1969-83 
Meir Nitzan RWF Img Rishon LeZion 1983-2008
Dov Tzur RWF Img Rishon LeZion 2008-
Meir Dizengoff RWC HW Img Tel-Aviv-Jaffa 1921-25  1928-36             founder
David Bloch-Blumenfeld RWC HW Img Tel-Aviv-Jaffa 1925-28
Moshe Chelouche RWC Img Tel-aviv-Jaffa 1936
Israel Rokach RWF HW Img Tel-aviv-Jaffa 1936-53
Chaim Levanon RWC HW Img Tel-Aviv-Jaffa 1953-59
Mordechai Namir RWF HW Img Tel-Aviv-Jaffa 1960-69
Yehoshua Rabinovitz RWF HW Img Tel-aviv-Jaffa 1969-74
Shlomo Lahat RWC HW Img Tel-aviv-Jaffa 1974-93
Roni Milo RWC HW Img Tel-Aviv-Jaffa 1993-98
Ron Huldai RWC HW Img Tel-aviv-Jaffa 1998-
Italian Mayors //mayorIt
Renzo Ravenna RWC Img Ferrara 1926-38 Mussolini
Feruccio Teglio Modena 1920-21
Maurizio Valenzi Img Naples 1975-83
Giacomo Levi-Civita RWC Img Padua 1904-10
Ernesto Nathan RW5 HW Img Rome 1907-13,  British-born  
Luciano Jona Img Turin 1964-65
Baron Elio Morpurgo RW5 Img Udine 1889-
Jamaician Mayors
Eli Matalon RWC Img Kingston 1971-
Kenyan Mayors
Israel Somen RWC Img Nairobi 1955
Luxembourgian Mayors
Xavier Bettel RWC Img Luxembourg 2011-13  City Prime Minister of Luxembourg 2013- , (Jewish grandfather)
Mexican Mayors
Alberto del Cantro RWC Santa Lucio, Mexico 1577  ???
Luis de Carabajal y Cueva RWC Img Monterrey, Nuevo Leon 
Manuel de Medeiros RWC Monterrey, Nuevo Leon 1601-05
Diego de Montemayor RWC Img founder of Monterrey, 1606-10 (converso descent)
Claudia Sheinbaum RWC Img Mexico City 2018-
Jeronimo Siller Img Monterrey, Nuevo Leon 1917-
Eruviel Avila Villegas RWC Img Ecatepec de Morelo, Mexico 2009-11
New Zealand Mayors
Dame Barbara Goodman Img New Zealand mayor of Auckland (Jewish mother)
Phillip Philips RWC Img Auckland 1871-74 first
Henry Isaacs Img Auckland 1874
Sir Arthur Myers RWC Img Auckland 1905-10
Sir Ernest Davis Img Auckland 1935-41
Sir Dove-Myer Robinson RWC Img Auckland 1959-65 68-80
Colin Kay RWC Img Auckland 1980-83
Charles Louisson Img Christchurch 1988-89 1898-99
Hugo Friedlander RW5 Img Ashburtron 1879-81
Abraham Wachner RW5 Img Invercargill 1942-50
Eve Poole RWC Img Invercargill 1980-90
Samuel Edward Shrimski RW5 Img Oamaru
Sir Francis Bell RWF HW Img Wellington 1925 (Jewish mother)
Ian Lawrence RWC Img Wellington 1983-86
Mark Blumsky RWC Img Wellington 1995-2005
Polish Mayors
Richard Witting Img Posnan Lord Mayor 1891-02 1902-10
Boleslaw Drobner RWF Img Wroclaw 1945
Portugese Mayors
Nuno Krus Abecasis RWC Img Lisbon, Portugal 1980-89
Jorge Sampaio RWC Img Lisbon, Portugal 1989-95 (Jewish maternal grandmother)
Count Antonio Jose Antunes Navarro RWC Img Portu, Portugal 1860-67
Rui de Moreira RWC Img Portu, Portugal 2013-
Romanian Mayors
Marian Vanghelie Img Bucharest sector 5 2000- (half Jewish)
Russian Mayors
Vadim Klyuvgant RWF Img Magnitogorsk, 1991-95.  
Sergei Karp RWC Img Minsk
Lev Kamenev RWF HW Img Moskva 1919
Osip Minor RWF Img Moskva 1917
Leonid Pechatnikov RWC Img deputy Mayor of Moskva 2012-18,
Vladimir Resin RWF HW Img Moskva 2010
Alexander Vinnikov RWC Img Birobidzhan 2004-
Solomon Levit RWC Img Novgorod 1917-
Yevgeny Roizman RWF HW Img Yekaterinburg 2013-18
South African Mayors
E Bauman Blumfontein
Abe Bloomberg Cape Town  1945-47
David Bloomberg RWC Img Cape Town  1973-75
Louis Gradner Img Lithuanian-born Cape Town 1933-37
Walter Gradner Img Cape Town 1965-67
Alf Honikman Cape Town 1961-63
Louis Kreiner Cape Town  1979-81
Patricia Sulcas Kreiner Cape Town  1993-95
Solly Kreiner Cape Town  1983-85
Hyman Lieberman Cape Town  1904-07  first
Fritz Sonnenberg Cape Town  1951-53
Richard Friedlander Cape Town  1971-73
Leon Markowitz Cape Town  1985-87
Ted Mauerberger Cape Town  1977-79
Helen Zille RWF Img South African politician, MP 2004-06, mayor of Cape Town 2006-09 (Jewish maternal/paternal grandmother)
Sir Harry Graumann Img Johannesburg 1909-10 22 mayors
Maurice Freeman RWC Img Johannesburg 1934-35
Aleck Joffe Johannesburg 1965-66
Les Dishy Johanesburg 1993-94
Solly Rubin Port-Elizabeth
Adolph Schauder Port-Elizabeth 1940-42
Hyman Henry Solomon Port-Elizabeth 1873-75
Barney Joffe Witbank 1925-34
Dr. Markilles Witbank 
Moris Maselle Witbank 
Joe Katz Witbank 
Yokie Shill Witbank 
Spanish Mayors
Francisco Javier Arias Davila RWC Img Madrid, Spain 1864
Inigo Perez Coronel RWC Segovia, Spain 1499, 1501-02
Don Abraham Senior RWC HW Img Segovia, Spain 
Fernando de Rojas RWF Img Talavera de la Reina, Spain
Alvar Gomez de Ciudad Real RWC Toledo, Spain 1467
Swedish Mayors
Hjalmar Mehr Img Stockholm 1958-66 1970-71
Ulf Adelsohn RWC Img Stockholm 1976-79 (Jewish father)
Ukrainian Mayors
David Petrovsky RW5 Img Ukrainan mayor of Berdichiv,
Eduard Reiss Img Czernowitz, 1905-08
Salo von Weisselberger HW Img Czernowitz, 1913-14
Yefim Zvyahilsky RWM Img Donetzk 1992-93
Mykhailo Dobkin RWC Img Kharkiv 2006-10
Gennady Kernes RWC Img Kharkiv 2010-
Yan Gamarnik RWF Img Kiev 1920-23
Leonid Chernovetsky RWC Img Kiev 2006-12 (Jewish father)
Grigory Chudnovsky RWF Img Kiev 1917
Vitali Klitschko RWC Img Kiev 2014- (Jewish grandmother)
Vladimir Saldo Img Kherson
Jose de Ribas RWC Img Odessa 1794-97
Yakov Drobnis RWF Img Odessa 1921
Eduard Gurwits Img Odessa 1994-98 2005-10
Avraam Zelensky RWC Poltava 1850
Sima Kefeli RWC Img Sevastopol i.o.
Dmitri Dvorkis RWC Img Vinnitsa 1992-2000
Volodymyr Groysman RWC Img Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Uruguaian Mayors
Ricardo Ehrlich RWC Img Montevideo 2005-
Benito Stern RWC Img Maldonado 1985-90
Venezuelan Mayors
Ivonne Attas RWC Img Baruta 1995-2000, Syrian-born
Henrique Radonski RWC Img Baruta 2000-08,
David Smolansky RWC Img El-Hatillo 2013-
Yugoslav Mayors
Emerik Blum RWC HW Img Sarajevo 1981-83
Zambian Mayors
Dennis Figov Img Luanshya ExLink
Maurice Rabb Livingstone, 1951 1956 ExLink
Hyan Schulman Ndola, 1937 ExLink
Other Countries Mayors
Sara Duterte RWC Img Davao City, Phillipine 2016- ,  Jewish mother
Herty Lewites RWC Img Managua, Nicaragua 2000- Jewish father
Marcel Laniado RWC Img Machala, Ecuador
Ernesto Muyshondt RWC Img San Salvador, El Salvador 2018-
Marquise Jose Bernardo de Tagle RWC Img Lima, Peru 1811-12