Jewish Historians:Awards/Types  - JewProm
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Pulitzer Prize for History
Herbert Agar RW5 Img The People's Choice 1934 ExLink
Bernard Bailyn RWF HW Img The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution 1968
Voyages to the West: The Passaages in the Peopling of America on the Eve of the Revolution 1987
Daniel Boorstin RWF Img The Americans: The Democratic Expierence 1974
Lawrence Cremin RW5 Img American Education: The National Expierence, 1786-1876 1981
David Brion Davis RWF Img The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture 1967 convert to Judaism
Herbert Feis RWF Img Between War and Peace: The Potsdam Conference 1961 ExLink
David Fischer RW5 Img Washington's Crossing 2005
Eric Foner RWF Img The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery 2011
Steven Hahn RW5 Img A Natuion Under Our Feet 2004 ???
Oscar Handlin RW5 Img The Uprooted 1952
Richard Hofstadter RW5 Img The Age of Reform 1956 Jewish father
Stanley Karnow RW5 Img In Our Image: America empire in Philippines 1990
Hank Klibanoff RW5 Img The Race Beat: The Press, The Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation 2007
Leonard Levy RW5 Img Origins of the Fifth Amendment 1969 ExLink
Leon Litwack RW5 Img Been in Storm so Long: The Aftermath of Slavery 1980 ExLink
Michael Kammen RW5 Img People of Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning The Origins of American Civilization 1973
David Oshinsky RW5 Img Polio: An American Story 2006
Jack Rakove RW5 Img Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of Constitution 1997 ExLink
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr RWF Img The Age of Jackson 1945 Jewish paternal grandfather
Irwin Unger RW5 Img The Greenback Era 1965 ExLink
Pulitzer Prize for History/wiki
National Book Award: History History
Bernard Bailyn RWF HW Img The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson 1975
Peter Gay RW5 HW Img The Enlightment, Vol. I, An Interpretation the Rise of Modern Paganism 1967
Irving Howe RWF Img World of Our Fathers 1977
Henry Kissinger RWF HW Img The White House (Kissinger) 1980
Leon Litwack RW5 Img Been in Storm so Long: The Aftermath of Slavery 1981
Isaiah Trunk RWB HW Img Judenrat: The Jewish counsil in Eastern Europe under Nazi Occupation 1973
Barbara Tuchman RWF HW Img A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century 1980
National Book AwardHistory/wiki
Economic Historians
Marc Bloch RWC HW Img French historian of medieval France, economic historian,   
Stanley Engerman RWF Img American economist, economic historian,
Stephan Epstein Img British economic historian,  ???
David Fischer RW5 Img American economic historian,  Brandeis
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economic historian., Nobel Prize (1993)
Alexander Gerschenkron RWF Img Russian-born American economic historian, (Jewish father)
Eli Heckscher RW5 Img Swedish political economist, economic historian,  
Robert Heilbroner RWF Img American economist, historian of economic thought, 
Charles Kindleberger Img American economic historian, author, ExLink
John Komlos Img Hungarian-born American economic historian,  
Ephraim Lipson RW5 British economic historian,
Karl Marx RWF HW Img German-born philosopher, political economist, historian, sociologist,
Alexander Nove RWF Img Russian-born British economic historian,
Avner Offer Img Israeli-born British economic historian,  
Karl Polanyi RWF Img Austrian-born Hungarian British economic historian, anthropologist, philosopher,
Emma Rothschild RWF Img British economic historian, (Jewish father)
Robert Sobel Img American economical historian,
Barry Supple RW5 Img British-born American  economic historian,
Peter Temin RW5 HW Img American economist, economic historian,  
Leonard Woolf RWF Img British political theorist, author, economic historian,
Historians of Science
John Bernal RWF HW Img Irish-born British physicist, historian of science, (Jewish father)
Michael Bernstein Img American medical historian, ???
Jacob Bronowski RWF HW Img Polish-born British mathematician, broadcaster,
Egon Brunswik RW5 Img Hungarian-born Austrian American mathematical psychologist, history of psychology,
Geoffrey Cantor Img British scholar, historian of science, ExLink
Moritz Cantor RWF HW Img German mathematician, historian of mathematics,
Arturo Castiglioni Img Italian-born American medical historian,
Bernard Cohen RWF Img American historian,
Floris Cohen HW Img Dutch historian of science,
Kurt Danziger RW5 Img German-born Canadian historian of psychology, 
Ludwig Darmstaedter Img German chemist, historian of science,
Bern Dibner RWC Img Ukrainian-born American science/technology historian, electrical engineer, industrialist,
Samuel Dickstein RWF Img Polish mathematician, historian of science,
Henri Ellenberger RWF Img Rhodesian-born Swiss Canadian psychiatrist, medical historian, criminologist,
Ludwik Fleck RWF HW Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Israeli biologist, sociologist, historian of science, philosopher,
Paul Forman Img American historian of science, ???
Harry Friedenwald Img American opthalmolodist, otologist, medical historian,
Joseph Fruton RWC Img Polish-born American biochemist, historian of science,
Solomon Gandz Austrian-born Polish historian of science,
Thomas Goldstein American historian of science, uncofirmed
Stephen Jay Gould RWF HW Img American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science,
John Heilbron RWF Img American science historian, ???   
Boris Hessen RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian physicist, philosopher, science historian,
August Hirsch RWF Img German physician, medical historian, epidemiologist,  (convert to Judaism)
Julius Hirschberg RWF Img German ophthalmologist, medical historian,   
Naum Idelson RWF Img Soviet astronomer, history of physics and mathematics,
Abraham Hartog Israels Dutch medical historian,    Jency
Saul Jarcho Img American hisorian of cardeology,
August Kanitz RWF Img Romanian-born Hungarian botanist, mycologist, historian of science,
Evelyn Keller RWB Img American science, gender theorist,
Daniel Kevles Img American historian of science, ???
Aaron Klein American author of science, history of science books,  
Martin Klein RWF Img American physicist, science historian, ???
Morris Kline RWF Img American mathematician, historian of science,
Robert Kohler Img American historian of science, ???
Leo Konigsberger RWF Img Polish-born German mathematician, historian of science,
Alexandre Koyre RWF Img Russian-born French philosopher, historian of science,
Thomas Kuhn RWF Img American philosopher of science, historian,
Edmund Oscar von Lippmann RWC Img Austrian-born German chemist, natural science historian,
Gino Loria RWF Img Italian mathematician, historian of mathematics,
Eli Maor RW5 Img Israeli mathematician, historian,
Karl Friedrich Heinrich Marx German physician, medical historian,
Robert K Merton RWF HW Img American sociologist, historian of science,
Max Neuburger RWF Img Austrian-born medical historian,
Otto Neugebauer RWF Img Austrian-born American mathematician, historian of science,
Abraham Pais RWF Img Dutch-born American physicist, science historian,
Ilya Polyakov RWC Img Ukrainian-born Soviet historian of science, biology, 
Victor Robinson Img Ukrainian-born American physician, medical journalist,
Charles Rosenberg RW5 Img American scholar of history of science/medicine,
Barbara Rosenkrantz Img American historian, history of science,
Simon Schaffer Img British historian, philosopher of science,  ExLink
Silvan Schweber RWF Img American physicist, historian of science,
Franz Romeo Seligmann Czech-born Austrian medical historian,  physician, Jency
Charles Singer RW5 Img British science/medical historian, ExLink
Samuil Sobol RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet science historian, biology
Derek J. de Solla Price RW5 Img British-born physicist, historian of science, information scientist,
Max Speter HW Romanian-born German chemist, science historian,
Noel Swerdlow Img American historian of science, ???
Owsei Temkin RW5 HW Img Belarusian-born American historian of medicine, research administrator, Exlink
Judith Walzer Leavitt Img American historian of medicine,
Rudolf Wolf RWF Img Swiss astronomer, mathematician, historian of science,
Harry Woolf RWB Img American historian of science,  ExLink
Sofya Yanovskaya RWC Img Belarusian-born Russian historian of science, mathematician,
Adolph Yushkevich RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian/Soviet historian of mathematics,
Edgar Zilsel Img Austrian historian/philosopher of science,
Gregory Zilboorg RWB Img Ukrainian-born American psychoanalyst, historian of psychiatry,
George Sarton Medal History of Science Society
Marie Boas Hall RW5 American historian, educator, 1981
Bernard Cohen RWF Img American historian, 1974
Bern Dibner RWC Img Ukrainian-born American science/technology historian, electrical engineer, industrialist, 1976
John Heilbron RWF Img American science historian, ???    1993
Daniel Kevles RW5 Img American historian of science, ??? 2001
Robert Kohler Img American historian of science, ??? 2004
Alexandre Koyre RWF Img Russian-born French philosopher, historian of science, 1961
Thomas Kuhn RWF Img American philosopher of science, historian, 1982
Walter Pagel RW5 Img German pathologist, medical historian, 1970
Charles Rosenberg RW5 Img American scholar of history of science/medicine, 1995 ExLink
Charles Singer RW5 Img British science/medical historian, 1956
Owsei Temkin RW5 HW Img Belarusian-born American historian of medicine, research administrator, 1960 Exlink
Adolph Yushkevich RWF Img Ukrainian-born Russian/Soviet historian of mathematics, 1978
Art Historians //arthistorians
James Ackerman RW5 Img American art/archtectural historian, ExLink
Bruno Adler German-born British art histoian, writer,
Svetlana Alpers RWF Img American art historian,  
Keith Andrews Img British art historian,
Gannit Ankori Img Israeli art historian,
Frederick Antal Img Hungarian art historian,
Avigdor Arikha RWF Img Romanian-born Israeli French art historian, painter,
Erna Auerbach RWB Img German-born artist, art historian,
Bernard Berenson RWF HW Img Lithuanian-born American art historian,
Maurice Berger RW5 Img American cultural/art historian, curator, art critic,
Margarete Bieber RWC Img German/Polish-born Ameican archaeologist, art historian,
Lotte Brand Philip Img German art historian,
Felix Braun RWF Img Austrian art historian, playwright, literary critic, journalist,  
Anita Brookner RWF HW Img British novelist, art historian,
Hugo Buchtal Img German-born American art historian,
Noah Charney Img American art historian, novelist, ???
Carol Duncan American art scholar,    ExLink
Carl Einstein RW5 Img German art historian/critic, anarchist,
Colin Eisler Img Austrian-born British art historian, biblical scholar,
Robert Eisler Img Austrian-born British art historian, biblical scholar,
Charles Ephrussi RW5 Img Ukrainian-born French art critic, art historian, art collector,
Isabelle Errera Belgian art historian,
Richard Ettinghausen RW5 Img German-born American art historian,
Philipp Fehl RW5 Img Austrian-born American art historian, artist,
Paul Frankl RW5 Img Czech-born German American art historian,
Sydney Freedberg RW5 Img American art historian, curator, ExLink
Michael Fried RW5 Img American art historian/critic, ExLink
Max Friedlander RWF Img German art historian, art expert, ExLink
Walter Friedlander RW5 Img German-born American art historian,
Tamar Garb RW5 Img British art historian,
Henry Geldzahler Img American art historian/critic, curator of Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Ludwig Goldscheider Img Austrian-born British art historian, translator, co-founder 1923 of Phaidon Press,
Adolph Goldschmidt RW5 Img German art historian,
Robert Goldwater RW5 Img American art historian, curator,  ExLink
Sir Ernst Gombrich RWF HW Img Austrian-born British art historian.
Botho Graef RWF Img German archaeolgist, art historian, (Jewish mother)
Fritz Grossmann Ukrainian-born British art historian,
Francis Haskell Img British art historian, ???
Arnold Hauser RWF Img Romanian-born Hungarian art historian, sociologist, 
Steven Heller RW5 Img American art director, journalist, critic, author, editor,
Ernst Herzfeld RWF HW Img German archaeologist, art historian, ExLink
Martha Hollander Img American poet, art historian,
Paul Jacobsthal RW5 Img German-born art historian,
Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler Img German-born French art dealer, art historian, art collector,
Aleksandr Kamensky RWF Img Soviet art critic, art historian,
Herbert Kessler RW5 Img American art historian, 
Ernst Kitzinger RWF HW Img German-born American art historian,
Joseph Koerner RWF Img American art historian,  ExLink
Richard Krautheimer RWF Img German-born American baroque scholar, archirectural historian,
Rosalind Krauss RWF Img American art critic, theorist,
Ernst Kris RW5 Img Austrian-born American psychoanalyst, art historian,   
Franz Kristeller
Eli Lancman Img Israeli art historian,
Peter Lasko RWB Img German-born American art historian, ExLink
Irving Lavin RW5 Img American art historian, ExLink
Karl Lehmann American art historian,
Max Lehrs Img German art historian,
Julius Lessing RW5 Img German art historian, curator,
Eunice Lipton Img American art historian, ExLink
Harold Marcuse HW Img American art historian,
Boris Marshak RWF Img Russian archaeologist, art historian,  orientalist,
George Mosse RWF HW Img German-born American social/cultural historian,
Alexander Nemerov RW5 Img American art historian,
Linda Nochlin RWF HW Img American art historian,
Daniella Ohad Smith Img American historian,
Otto Pacht Img Austrian art historian,
Erwin Panofsky RWF Img German-born American art historian,
Hugo Perls Img German-born art dealer, art historian, philosopher,  
Sir Nikolaus Pevsner RWF Img German-born British art historian,
Michael Podro RWB Img British art historian,
Max Raphael Img German-born American art historian,
John Rewald RWF Img German-born American art historian, ExLink
Jacob Rosenberg American art historian, 
Leonce Rosenberg Img French American art historian/collector/dealer, publisher,
Pierre Rosenberg RWF Img French art historian, essayist, curator,
Robert Rosenblum RWB Img American art historian, curator, ExLink
John Rosenfield RW5 Img American art historian, japanologist,
Sir Norman Rosenthal RWB Img British curator, art historian,
Sir John Rothenstein RWF Img British art historian,
Anda Rottenberg RWB Img Polish art historian, critic, curator, publicist, (Jewish father)
Paul Sachs RW5 Img American curator, art critic, banker,
Alfred Salmony Img German-born American art historian,
Fritz Saxl RW5 Img Austrian art historian,   
Simon Schama RW5 Img British American historian, television presenter,
Rosa Schapire Img Polish-born German British art historian,
Meyer Schapiro RWF Img Lithuanian-born American art historian,
Arturo Schwarz HW Img Egyptian-born Italian art historian, curator, art collector,   
Guido Schoenberger art historian
Linda Seidel Img American art historian, ExLink
Charles Seltman Img British art historian, writer,   
Johannes Sievers Img German art/architectual historian, ???
Kaja Silverman RW5 Img American film theorist, art historian,
Seymour Slive RW5 Img American art historian,  
Leo Steinberg RWF Img Russian-born American art historian, art critic,
Igino Benvenuto Supino RWB Img Italian painter, art critic, historian,
Georg Swarzenski Img German American art historian, curator,
Hanns Swarzenski Img German-born American art historian, museum curator,
Erica Tietze-Conrat Img Austrian-born American art historian,  
Aby Warburg RWF HW Img German art historian,
Martin Weinberger German-born American art historian,  
Georges Wildenstein RW5 HW Img French gallery owner, art collector, editor, art historian,
Edgar Wind RWF Img German-born British art historian,
Rachel Wischnitzer RW5 HW Img Belarusian-born American architect, art historian,  
Margot Wittkower RW5 Img German-born American interior designer, art historian,
Rudolf Wittkower RW5 Img German-born art/architectual historian,
George Zarnecki RWB Img Ukrainian-born British art historian, (Jewish father)
Irit Ziffer RWC Img Israeli archaeologist, art historian,
Paul Zucker RWB Img German-born American architect, art historian/critic, author, ExLink
Architectural historians //architectualhistorian
James Ackerman RW5 Img American archtectural historian,  art historian,
Eleonora Bergman Polish historian of architecture,
Aaron Betsky RWF Img American architect, critic, curator, educator, architecture/design writer,
Jean-Louis Cohen RWF Img French architect, historian of architecture,
Paul Frankl RW5 Img Czech-born German American art historian,
Sigfried Giedion Img Czech-born Swiss architectual historian,  ExLink
Samuel Gruber Img American art/architectural historian,
Richard Krautheimer RWF Img German-born American baroque scholar, archirectural historian,
Sarah Landau American archtectural historian,  ???
Iosif Notkin RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet architect, historian of architecture,
Sir Nikolaus Pevsner RWF Img German-born British historian of arts,
Julius Posener Img German architectual historian,
Harmen Thies Img German architectual historian, publisher,
Rudolf Wittkower RW5 Img German-born art/architectual historian,
Sergey Zagraevsky RWF Img Russian-born Israeli painter, architectural historian, writer, theologian,
Bruno Zevi RWF Img Italian architect, historian, curator,
Alis David Hitchcock Award   Society of Architectural Historians (SAH)
Isabelle Hyman Marcel Breuer, Architect 2002 ???
Richard Krautheimer RWF Img Early Christian and Vysantine Architecture 1966
Rome: Profile of a City, 312-1308 1980
Marvin Trachtenberg Img Dominition of the Eye: Urbanism, Art & Power in Early Modern Florence 1999 ???
Rudolf Wittkower RW5 Img Gothic vs. Classic, Architectural projects in Seventeenth-Century, Italy 1975
Bancroft Prize
Bernard Bailyn RWF HW Img American historian, 1968
Ira Berlin RWB HW Img American historian, 1999
James Brooks RWF HW Img American producer, film director, writer, 2003
Lizabeth Cohen RW5 Img American historian, 1991 ExLink
Lawrence Cremin RW5 Img American historian, 1962
David Brion Davis RWF Img American historian, (convert to Judaism) 1976
Martin Duberman RW5 Img American historian, playwright, 1962
Stanley Elkins RWF Img American writer, historian, 1994
Melvin Ely Img American historian, 2005
Stanley Engerman RWF Img American economist, economic historian, 1975
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economic historian., Nobel Prize (1993) 1975
Eric Foner RWF Img American marxist historian, 2011
Felix Gilbert Img German-born American historian, 1962
Eric Goldman RW5 Img American historian,  1953
Linda Gordon RWF Img American historian,  2000
Robert Gross RW5 Img American historian,  1977
Steven Hahn RW5 Img American historian, ??? 1984
Andy Horowitz Img American historian, author, 2021
Morton Horwitz Img American legal historian, law scholar,   1978
Alice Kessler-Harris Img American labor historian,    2002 ExLink
Michael Klarman RWB Img American legal scholar, legal historian,  2005
William Leuchtenburg Img American historian,  1964
Gordon Levin, Jr Img American historian,  1969
Richard Morris American legal historian, 1966
David Nasaw Img American author, biographer, historian, 2001
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr RWF Img American historian, social critic, (Jewish paternal grandfather) 1958
Peter Silver Img American historian, ??? 2008
Kenneth Silverman Img American language/literary scholar,  biographer, 1985
Paul Starr Img American political writer, 1984
Ronald Steel Img American writer, historian, journalist, ??? 1981
John Stoessinger Img Austrian-born author, 1963
Jean Strouse Img American biographer, editor, critic,  ??? 1981
Historians ==>