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Economists by Surname
Andrew Abel RWB Img American economist,
Moses Abramovitz RWF Img American economist,
Irma Adelman RWF Img Romanian-born American economist,
Morris Adelman Img American economist, 
Albert Aftalion RWF Img Bulgarian-born French economist, ExLink
Philippe Aghion RWF Img French economist,
George Akerlof RWF HW Img American economist Nobel Prize (1901), (Jewish mother)
Gar Alperovitz RWF Img American political economist, historian,
Edward Altman RWF Img American finance scholar,
Stuart Altman Img American economist, 
Joshua Angrist RWC Img American-born Israeli  American economist, Nobel Prize (2021)
Abram Anikst RWF Img Moldovan-born Soviet politician, economist, anarchist,
Persio Arida RW5 Img Brazilian economist, chairman of Central Bank of Brazi 1995,
Dan Ariely RWF Img American-born Israeli economist,
Ya'akov Arnon Img Dutch-born Israeli economist, anti-war activist,
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1972)
Orley Ashenfelter RWF Img American economist, ???
Jacques Attali RWC Img Algerian-born French economist, president of European Bank for Development and Reconstruction, 1991-93
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born Israeli American mathematician, Nobel Prize (2005) in economics, theory of games
Robert Axelrod RW5 HW Img American economist, political scientist,
Baron Thomas Balogh RWF Img Hungarian-born British Minister of State for Energy 1974-77,
Paul Baran RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, ExList
William Barnett RWB Img American economist,
Robert Barro RWF Img American economist,
Otto Bauer RWF HW Img Austrian-born Czech French economist, Minister of Foreign Affairs 1919-20,
Baron Peter Bauer RW5 Img Hungarian-born British economist,
William Baumol RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1992)
Samuel Benchimol RW5 Img Brazilian economist,
Dov Ben-Meir HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, economist,
Refael Benvenisti RW5 Img Israeli economist,
Eitan Berglas RWF Img Israeli economist,
Barbara Bergmann RWF Img American economist,
Abram Bergson RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Eli Berman RWB Img American economist, expert on terrorism,
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel (2022), Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14,
Eduard Bernstein RWF HW Img German economist, Secretary of State of Economy And Finance,
Jared Bernstein RWC Img American economist, columnist,
Sergey Bernstein-Kogan RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian/Soviet economist, geographer,
Charles Bettelheim RWF Img French economist, historian,
Olivier Blanchard RWF Img  French-born American  economist, (Jewish mother),
Mark Blaug RWF Img Dutch-born British economist,
Mario Blejer HW Img Argentine economist, President of Argentine Central Bank 2002,
Alan Blinder RWF Img American economist, vice chairman of FRB 1994 ExLink
Ivan Bloch RWF Img Polish-born Russian economist, financier,
Maurice Block RWC Img German-born French economist, statistician, mathematician,  
Walter Block RW5 Img American economist,
Sarah Bloom Raskin RWC Img American economist, lawyer, Governor of US Federal Reserve 2010-
Michael Boskin RWF Img American economist,
Jacques Braunstein RW5 Img Romanian-born Venezuelan economist, publicist, musician,
Avishay Braverman RWF HW Img Israeli economist, politician,
Reuven Brenner RW5 Img Romanian-born Israeli Canadian economist.
Elise Brezis RWF Img Israeli economist,
Sir Samuel Brittan RW5 Img British journalist, author, economist,
Martin Bronfenbrenner RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Michael Bruno RWF HW Img German-born Israeli economist,
Arthur Burns RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve 1970-78
Graciela Chichilnsky RWC Img Argentine-born American mathematical economist,
Michel Chossudovsky RW5 Img Canadian economist, author, (Jewish father)
Alden Clausen RW5 Img American President of World Bank, 1981-86
Benjamin Cohen RWF Img American economist,
Randolph Cohen RWB Img American financial economist,
Alfred Conrad RW5 Img American economist,
George Dantzig RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, linear programming,   
Richard Darman RW5 Img American economist, government administrator,
Paul Davidson Img American macroeconomist,
Harold Demsetz RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2010) ExLink
Aaron Director RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, Law and Economics,
Evsey Domar RWF Img Polish-born Russian American economist, ExLink
Joseph Dorfman Img American economist, historian of economic thought
Robert Dorfman RWF Img American economist,
Peter Drucker RWF Img Austrian-born American management consultant,
Otto Eckstein RWF Img German-born American economist,
Aaron Edlin Img American economist, law scholar, ???
Richard Ehrenberg RW5 Img German economist,
Barry Eichengreen RWF Img American economist,
Robert Eisner RWF Img American economist,
Stanley Engerman RWF Img American economist, economic historian,
Abraham Epstein Img Belarusian-born American sociologist, economist,
Richard Allen Epstein RW5 Img American legal scholar,
Mordecai Ezekiel RW5 Img American agrarian economist,
Solomon Fabricant RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Emmanuel Farhi RWB Img French economist,
Martin Feldstein RWF HW Img American economist, 
William Fellner RWF Img Hungarian-born American economist,
Amy Finkelstein RWF Img American economist,
Stanley Fischer RWF HW Img Zambian-born American Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2005-13
Franklin Fisher RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Jean-Paul Fitoussi RWC HW Img Tunisian-born French economist,
Harry Flam RW5 Img Swedish economist,
Karnit Flug RWF Img Israeli economist, governor of Bank of Israel 2013- ,
Noah Flug Img Polish-born Israeli economist, diplomat, human rights activist,
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1993)
Jacob Frenkel RWF Img Israeli American economist, Governor of Bank of Israel, 1991-2000 ExLink
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1976), RWN
Heshel Frumkin RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli politician, economist, 
Victor Fuchs RWF HW Img American health economist,
David Gale RWF Img American mathematician, economist,
Oded Galor RWF Img Israeli economist,  
Alexander Gerschenkron RWF Img Russian-born American economic historian, (Jewish father)
Mark Gertler RWF Img American economist,
Francesco Giavazzi RW5 Img Italian economist,
Itzhak Gilboa RWF Img Israeli economist,  
Eli Ginzberg RWB Img American economist, 
Ralph Glasser RW5 Img British economist, psychologist, 
Ury Gneezy RWF Img Israeli-born American economist,
Arthur Goldberger RW5 Img American economist, econometrics statistics
Emanuel Goldenweiser RWF Img American economist, supervised the details of Federal Reserves Board
Claudia Goldin RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2023) ExLink
Ian Goldin Img South African-born British economist,
Eliyahu Goldratt RWF Img Israeli physicist, economist, quality expert, industrial engineer,
Charles Goodhart RWF Img British economist,
Austan Goolsbee RWF Img American economist, economics writer,
Robert Gordon RWF Img American economist, jinfo
Mark Granovetter RWF HW Img American sociologist,
Augusto Graziani RWC Img Italian economist, politician,
Alan Greenspan RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board 1988-2005,
Bruce Greenwald RWB Img American economist, investment guru,
Zvi Griliches RWF Img Lithuanian-born American statistician, economist,
Gene Grossman RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Herschel Grossman RW5 Img American economist, ExLink
Sanford Grossman RWF Img American statistican, economics of information, Federal Reserve Board of Gavernors,
Jonathan Gruber RW5 Img American economist,
Fred Gruen Img Austrian-born Australian economist,
Yehuda Grunfeld RWF Img German-born Israeli economist, first Governor of Bank of Israel
Frank Hahn RWF Img German-born British economist, ExLink
Arnold Harberger RWF Img American economist, ???
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1994), game theorist
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2006)
Sergiu Hart RWC HW Img Romanian-born Israeli mathematician, economist,
Joseph Haslag Img American economist,
Avi Hasson RW5 Img Israeli economist, Chief Scientist of Ministry of Economy,
Jerry Hausman RWF Img American econometrist,
Ricardo Hausmann RWC Img Venezuelan-born American economist,
Eli Heckscher RW5 Img Swedish political economist, economic historian,  
Robert Heilbroner RWF Img American economist, historian of economic thought, 
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img Kyrgizian-born Israeli American economist,
Zvi Hercowitz Img Argentine-born Israeli economist,
Noreena Hertz RW5 Img American economist, journalist, author,
Rudolf Hilferding RWF Img Austrian-born German Minister of Finance of Germany 1923 1928-29
Arye Hillman RWB Img German-born Israeli economist,
Albert Hirschman RWF Img German-born American economist,
David Hirshleifer RWB Img American economist,
Jack Hirshleifer RW5 Img American economist,
Jacob Hollander RWF Img American economist,
Samuel Hollander RW5 Img British-born Canadian Israeli economist,
David Horowitz RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Israeli economist, first Governor of Bank of Israel 1954-71,
Branko Horvat RW5 Img Croatian economist, politician,
Steven Horwitz RW5 Img American economist,
Isaac Hourwich RW5 Img Lithuanian-born American economist, statisician, lawyer, political activist,
Hendrik Houthakker RWF Img Dutch-born American economist, ExLink
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2007)
Eliot Janeway RWB HW Img American economist, journalist, author,
Paul Joskow Img American economist,
Alexandre Kafka RW5 Img Czech-born Brazilian American economist,
Alfred Kahn Img American economist, chairman of Civil Aueronautics Board, ExLink
Baron Richard Kahn RWF Img British economist,
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli American psychologist, Nobel Prize in Economy (1902)
Ehud Kalai Img Israeli-born American economist,
Baron Nicholas Kaldor RWF Img Hungarian-born British economist,
Michal Kalecki RWF Img Polish economist,
Leonid Kantorovich RWF HW Img Russian mathematician, Nobel Prize in Economy (1975) linear programming,
Robert Kaplan RWF Img American accounting scholar,    
Zakhariy Katzenelenbaum RWE Img Belarusian-born Soviet economist, jurist,
Henry Kaufman RWB Img German-born American economist, 
Carl Kaysen RW5 Img American economist, 
Irwin Kellner Img American economist, 
Leon Keyserling RW5 Img American economist, lawyer,    ExLink
Mikhail Khazin RWF Img Russian economist,
Axel Kicillof RWC Img Argentine economist, Minister of Economy of Argentina 2013-15,
Israel Kirzner RWF Img British-born South African American economist, rabbi,
David Klein Img Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2000-05,
Lawrence Klein RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1980)
Paul Klemperer RWF Img British economist,  ExLink1
Doron Kliger RW5 Img Israeli economist,  
Bernardo Kliksberg Img Argentine economist,
Donald Kohn RWB Img American Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System
Janos Kornai RWF Img Hungarian economist, ExLink
Laurence Kotlikoff RWF Img American economist,
Irving Kravis RW5 Img American economist, ExLink
Michael Kremer RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2019) in Economics,
David Kreps RWF Img American economist,
Randall Kroszner RWB Img American economist, Federal Reserve Governor 2006-
Alan Krueger RWF Img American economist,
Anne Krueger RWF Img American economist,
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, Nobel Prize (2008) 
Robert Kuczynski RWF Img German economist, demographer, Soviet spy against USA,
Robert Kuttner RW5 Img American economist, journalist, founder co-editor of The American Prospect ExLink
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1971)
Ludwig Lachmann RWF Img German-born economist, ExLink
Jeffrey Lacker RWB Img American economist, banker,
Wolf Ladejinsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born American agricaltural economist,
David Laibson RWF Img American economist,
David Landes RWF HW Img American economic historian,
Jeffrey Lasker RWF Img American economist,
Harold Laski RWF Img British economist,
Kaszimierz Laski RWF Img Polish-born Austrian economist,
James Laxer RW5 Img Canadian political economist, author,  (Jewish father)
Edward Lazear RWF Img American economist, jinfo
Emil Lederer RWF Img Czech-born German economist, sociologist, (Jewish father)
Harvey Leibenstein RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist,
Robert Lekachman RW5 Img German-born economist,
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1973) (Jewish mother)
Abba Lerner RWF HW Img Moldovan-born British American economist, ExLink
Leone Levi RW5 Img Italian-born British statistician, jurist,   
Jonathan Levin RW5 Img American economist,
Richard Levin Img American economist, administrator, 
Ross Levine RW5 Img American econmist, ???
Steven Levitt RWF Img American economist,
Arthur Levitt, Jr Img American economist, chairman of Security and Exchange Commission 1993-2001, SEC
Evsei Liberman RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet economist,
Jeffrey Liebman Img American economist,
John Lipsky HW Img American economist, First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Adolph Lowe RWF Img German-born British American economist, sociologist,  
Fritz Machlup RWF Img Austrian-born American economist,
Harry Magdoff RWB Img American commentator, economist,
Burton Malkiel RWF Img American economist,
Ernest Mandel RW5 HW Img German-born Belgian marxist economist,
Charles Manski RWF Img American economist,
Alexander del Mar Img American political economist, historian, author,
Stephen Marglin RW5 Img American economist, socialist,
Harry Markowitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1990),
Jacob Marschak RWF Img Ukrainian-born British American economist, ExLink1
Karl Marx RWF HW Img German-born philosopher, political economist, historian, sociologist, RWN
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img Amerian economist, Nobel Prize (2007)
Pierre Masse Img French economist,  
Rudolf Meidner RW5 Img German/Polish-born Swedish economist,
Seymour Melman Img American economist, engineer, operation research scholar,
Allan Meltzer RWF Img Amerian economist, historian,    ExLink
Robert Mendelsohn RWB Img American enviromental economist,
Robert Merton RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1997) (Jewish father)
Eugene Meyer RWC Img American economist, chairman of Federal Reserve 1930-33 ExLink
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  Nobel Prize (1990)
Ed Miliband RWF HW Img British Chairman of Treasury's Council of Economic Advisers
Merton Miller RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1990)
Jacob Mincer RWF Img Polish-born American economist,
Hyman Minsky RWF Img American economist,
Ludwig von Mises RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian economist, philosopher, RWN
Frederic Mishkin RWF Img American economist, Governor of Federal Reserve System 2006-08,
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1985)
Aharon Mor Img Polish-born Israeli civil cervant, economist,
Oskar Morgenstern RWF Img German-born Austrian economist, ???
Toby Moskowitz RW5 Img American economist, 
Roger Myerson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2007)
Marc Nerlove RWF Img American economist, econometrics
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science, ExLink
Joseph Newhouse Img American economist, health policy scholar,
Bernardino Nogara RWB Img Italian economist, fonancial adviser to the Vatican 1929-54, (convert to catholiism)
William Nordhaus RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2018) (Jewish father)
Alexander Nove RWF Img Russian-born British economic historian,
Maurice Obstfeld RWF Img American economist,
Arthur Okun RWF Img American economist,
Mollie Orshansky RW5 Img American economist, statistician,
Peter Orszag RWC HW Img American economist, Director of Management and Budget Office 2009- Obama
Elinor Ostrom RWF HW Img American political scientist, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences (2009), (Jewish father)
Jonathan Ostry RW5 Img Canadiaqn-born international economist,
Sylvia Ostry RWC Img Canadian economist, chairman of Economic Council of Canada 1978-79
Ariel Pakes RWF Img Canadian-born American economist,
Sir Inglis Palgrave RWF Img Brirish economist, (Jewish father)
Don Patinkin RWF HW Img American-born Israeli economist, ExLink
Joseph Pechman Img American economist,  administrator,
Sam Peltzman RWF Img American economist, 
Motty Perry RW5 Img Israeli economist,
Baron Maurice Peston RW5 Img British economist, politician,   
Isaac de Pinto RW5 HW Img Dutch-born philosopher, investor,
Steven Plaut Img American-born Israeli economist,
Karl Polanyi RWF Img Austrian-born Hungarian British economic historian, anthropologist, philosopher,
Robert Pollak RWB Img American economist, ExLink
Adam Posen RWB Img American economist,
Richard Posner RWF HW Img American lawyer, appeals judge,
Bernard van Praag RW5 Img Dutch economist,
Sigbert Prais RWB Img German-born British economist,
Clyde Prestowitz, Jr Img American economist, counsellor to the Secretary of Commerce,
Karl Pribram Img Austrian-born American economist,
Matthew Rabin RWF HW Img American economist,
Roy Radner RW5 Img American economist, ExLink
Howard Raiffa RW5 Img American economist,
Louis Rasminsky RW5 Img Governor of the Bank of Canada 1961-73, Bank of Canada
Robert Reischauer RWB HW Img American economist, (Jewish father)
George Reisman RWB Img American economist,
David Ricardo RWF HW Img British co-founder of political economy, 
Baron Richard Kahn RWF Img British economist,
Jeremy Rifkin RWF Img American economist,
Alice Rivlin RWF HW Img American economist, 
Rafael Robb RWB Img American economist,
Russell Roberts Img American economist,
Dani Rodrik RWB Img Turkish-born American economist,
Kenneth Rogoff RWF Img American economist, chess grandmaster,
David Romer RWF Img American economist,
Harvey Rosen RW5 Img American economist, chairman of CEA 2005 ExLink
Sherwin Rosen RWF Img American labor economist,
Nathan Rosenberg RW5 Img American economist, 
Paul Rosenstein-Rodan RWF Img Polish-born Austrian economist, ExLink
Henry Rosovsky RWF Img Polish-born American economist, administrator,    ExLink
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2012), ExLink
Murray Rothbard RWF Img American founder of liberatarian party, writer, historian,
Michael Rothschild RWF Img American economist,
Nouriel Roubini RWF HW Img Turkish-born American economist, Roubini Global Economics
Ariel Rubinstein RWF HW Img Israeli economist, game theory,
Jacques Rueff RWF Img French American economist, ExLink
Murray Sabrin RW5 Img German-born American economist, columnist, political writer,
Ignacy Sachs RW5 Img Polish-born French economist,
Jeffrey Sachs RWF Img American economist, economic shock therapy,
Arthur Salz RWB Img Czech-born German American economist,
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1970)
Moshe Sanbar RWF Img Hungarian-born Israeli economist,
Herbert Scarf RW5 HW Img American economist, mathematician,
Morton Schapiro RW5 HW Img American economist, administrator,
Jose Scheinkman HW Img Brazilian-born  American economist,
David Schmeidler RWC Img Israeli mathematician, economist, 
Myron Scholes RWF HW Img Canadian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1997)
Henry Schultz RWF Img Polish/Belarusian-born American economist, statistician,
Anna Schwartz RWF Img American economist,
L. William Seidman RWB Img American economist, presidential adviser 1974-77
Arthur Seldon RWF Img British economist, Institute of Economic Affairs
Edwin Seligman RWF Img American economist, historian of economic thought, 
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, Nobel Prize (1994) (Jewish father)
Nassau Senior RWF Img British economist, ExLink
Carl Shapiro RW5 Img American economist,
Jesse Shapiro Img American economist,
Andrei Shleifer RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist,
Martin Shubik RW5 Img American Canadian economist, ExLink
Bernard Siegan RWB Img American lawyer, economist,
Jeremy Siegel RWB Img American economist,
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American psychologist, Nobel Prize (1978) in Economics (not Jewish maternal grandmother)
Julian Simon RW5 Img American economist, author,
Sir Hans Singer RWF Img German-born British economist,
Baron Robert Skidelsky RWF Img Chinese-born British economist, author, (Jewish father)
Ezra Solomon RW5 Img Burmese-born American economist,
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1987),
Hugo Sonnenschein RWF Img American economist, president of University of Chicago 1993-00 ExLink
Piero Sraffa RWF Img Italian-born British economist, ExLink
Herbert Stein RW5 Img American economist,
Jeremy Stein RW5 Img American economist,
Baron Nicholas Stern RWF Img British economist, Chief Economist of the World Bank 2000-03, ExLink
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001)
Wolfgang Stolper RWF Img Austrian-born American economist,
Lawrence Summers RWF HW Img American economist, Secretary of Treasury 1999-2001,
Robert Summers Img American economist, ExLink
Meir Tamari RWB Img South African-born Israeli economist,
Yair Tauman RW5 Img Israeli-born American economist,
Frank Taussig RWF Img American economist, historian, sociologist, (Jewish father)
Peter Temin RW5 HW Img American economist, economic historian,  
Moshe Tery Img Israeli economist, commissioner of Israel Security Authority,
Richard Thaler RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2017) in economics,
Manuel Trajtenberg RWF HW Img Argentine-born Israeli economist, politician, 2015-
Amos Tversky RWF HW Img Israel American psychologist, Prospect Theory,
Laura Tyson RWF Img American economist,
Yosef Vanunu RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, economist,  
Evgeny Varga RWF Img Hungarian-born Russian economist,  
Jacob Viner RWF Img Canadian-born American economist, ExLink
Paul Volcker RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board 1979-87
Abraham Wald RWF Img Hungarian/Romanian-born Austrian American mathematician, statistician, ExLink
Henry Wallich Img German-born American Fed Governor, (Jewish father) ExLink
Paul Warburg RWF HW Img German-born American founder of Federal Reserve Banking System
Kevin Warsh RWB Img American economist, Federal Reserve System Governor 2006-11
Murray Weidenbaum RWF Img American economist,
Roy Weintraub RWB HW Img American economist, mathematician,
Sidney Weintraub RWF Img American economist, born 1922
Martin Weitzman RWF Img American economist,
Nathaniel Weyl RW5 Img American journalist, economist, author,
Harry Dexter White RWF Img American founder of International Monetary Fund & World Bank,
Walt Whitman Rostow RWF HW Img American economist, political theorist,
James Wolfensohn RWF HW Img Australian-born American President of World Bank,
Jacob Wolfowitz RW5 Img Polish-born American statistican, economist, information theory,
Leo Wolman RW5 Img American economist,
Basil Yamey RWF Img South African-born British economist,
Janet Yellen RWF HW Img American economist, chairman of Federal Reserv System 2013-
Gabriel Zucman RWF Img French economist, (Jewish father)
Roberto Zahler RWC Img Chilean economist, president of the Cenrtal Bank of Chile 1991-96,
Yaron Zelicha RW5 Img Israeli economist,
Arnold Zellner RWF Img American economist, statistician, 
American economists
Moses Abramovitz RWF Img American economist,
Irma Adelman RWF Img Romanian-born American economist, ExLink
Morris Adelman Img American economist, 
George Akerlof RWF HW Img American economist Nobel Prize (1901), (Jewish mother)
Gar Alperovitz RWF Img American political economist, historian,
Edward Altman RWF Img American finance scholar,
Stuart Altman RW5 Img American economist, 
Persio Arida RW5 Img Brazilian economist, chairman of Central Bank of Brazi 1995,
Joshua Angrist RWC Img American-born Israeli  American economist, Nobel Prize (2021)
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1972)
Orley Ashenfelter RWF Img American economist, ???
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born Israeli American mathematician, Nobel Prize (2005) in economics, theory of games
Robert Axelrod RW5 HW Img American economist, political scientist,
Paul Baran RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, ExList
William Barnett RWB Img American economist,
Robert Barro RWF Img American economist,
William Baumol RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1992)
Barbara Bergmann RWF Img American economist,
Abram Bergson RWF Img American economist, ExLink RWJ
Eli Berman RWB Img American economist, expert on terrorism,
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14,
Jared Bernstein RWC Img American economist, columnist,
Alan Blinder RWF Img American economist, vice chairman of FRB 1994 ExLink  
Walter Block RW5 Img American economist,
Sarah Bloom Raskin RWC Img American economist, lawyer, Governor of US Federal Reserve 2010-
Michael Boskin RWF Img American economist,
Martin Bronfenbrenner RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Arthur Burns RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve 1970-78
Graciela Chichilnsky RWC Img Argentine-born American mathematical economist,
Alden Clausen RW5 Img American President of World Bank, 1981-86
Benjamin Cohen RWF Img American economist,
Randolph Cohen RWB Img American financial economist,
Alfred Conrad RW5 Img American economist,
George Dantzig RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, linear programming,   
Richard Darman RW5 Img American economist, government administrator,
Alexander del Mar Img American political economist, historian, author,
Paul Davidson Img American macroeconomist,
Harold Demsetz RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2010) ExLink
Aaron Director RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, Law and Economics,
Evsey Domar RWF Img Polish-born Russian American economist, ExLink
Joseph Dorfman Img American economist, historian of economic thought
Robert Dorfman RWF Img American economist,
Peter Drucker RWF Img Austrian-born American management consultant,
Otto Eckstein RWF Img German-born American economist,
Aaron Edlin Img American economist, law scholar, ???
Barry Eichengreen RWF Img American economist,
Robert Eisner RWF Img American economist,
Stanley Engerman RWF Img American economist, economic historian,
Abraham Epstein Img Belarusian-born American sociologist, economist,
Mordecai Ezekiel RW5 Img American agrarian economist,
Solomon Fabricant RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Martin Feldstein RWF HW Img American economist, 
William Fellner RWF Img Hungarian-born American economist,
Murray Feshbach Img American economist, 
Amy Finkelstein RWF Img American economist,
Stanley Fischer RWF HW Img Zambian-born American Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2005-13
Franklin Fisher RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1993)
Jacob Frenkel RWF Img Israeli American economist, Governor of Bank of Israel, 1991-2000 ExLink
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1976), RWN
Victor Fuchs RWF HW Img American health economist,
David Gale RWF Img American mathematician, economist,
Alexander Gerschenkron RWF Img Russian-born American economic historian, (Jewish father)
Mark Gertler RWF Img American economist,
Eli Ginzberg RWB Img American economist, 
Arthur Goldberger RW5 Img American economist, econometrics statistics
Emanuel Goldenweiser RWF Img American economist, supervised the details of Federal Reserves Board
Claudia Goldin RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2023) ExLink
Austan Goolsbee RWF Img American economist, economics writer,
Robert A. Gordon RWF Img American economist,
Robert Gordon RWF Img American economist, jinfo
Alan Greenspan RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board 1988-2005
Bruce Greenwald RWB Img American economist, investment guru,
Zvi Griliches RWF Img Lithuanian-born American statistician, economist,
Gene Grossman RWF Img American economist, ExLink
Herschel Grossman RW5 Img American economist, ExLink
Sanford Grossman RWF Img American statistican, economics of information, Federal Reserve Board of Gavernors,
Jonathan Gruber RW5 Img American economist,
Arnold Harberger RWF Img American economist, ???
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1994), game theorist
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2006)
Joseph Haslag Img American economist,
Jerry Hausman RWF Img American econometrist,
Ricardo Hausmann RWC Img Venezuelan-born American economist,
Robert Heilbroner RWF Img American economist, historian of economic thought, 
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img Kyrgizian-born Israeli American economist,
Noreena Hertz RW5 Img American economist, journalist, author,
Albert Hirschman RWF Img German-born American economist,
David Hirshleifer RWB Img American economist,
Jack Hirshleifer RW5 Img American economist,
Jacob Hollander RWF Img American economist,
Samuel Hollander RW5 Img British-born Canadian Israeli economist,
Steven Horwitz RW5 Img American economist,
Isaac Hourwich RW5 Img Lithuanian-born American economist, statisician, lawyer, political activist,
Hendrik Houthakker RWF Img Dutch-born American economist, ExLink
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2007)
Eliot Janeway RWB HW Img American economist, journalist, author,
Paul Joskow Img American economist,
Alexandre Kafka RW5 Img Czech-born Brazilian American economist,
Alfred Kahn Img American economist, chairman of Civil Aueronautics Board, ExLink
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli American psychologist, Nobel Prize in Economy (1902)
Ehud Kalai Img Israeli-born American economist,
Robert Kaplan RWF Img American accounting scholar,    
Henry Kaufman RWB Img German-born American economist, 
Carl Kaysen RW5 Img American economist, 
Irwin Kellner Img American economist, 
Leon Keyserling RW5 Img American economist, lawyer,    ExLink
Israel Kirzner RWF Img British-born South African American economist, rabbi,
Lawrence Klein RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1980)
Donald Kohn RWB Img American Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System
Laurence Kotlikoff RWF Img American economist,
Irving Kravis RW5 Img American economist, ExLink
Michael Kremer RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2019) in Economics,
David Kreps RWF Img American economist,
Randall Kroszner RWB Img American economist, Federal Reserve Governor 2006-
Alan Krueger RWF Img American economist,
Anne Krueger RWF Img American economist,
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, Nobel Prize (2008) 
Robert Kuttner RW5 Img American economist, journalist, founder co-editor of The American Prospect ExLink
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img Belarusian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1971)
Jeffrey Lacker RWB Img American economist, banker,
Wolf Ladejinsky RWF Img Ukrainian-born American agricaltural economist,
David Laibson RWF Img American economist,
David Landes RWF HW Img American economic historian,
Jeffrey Lasker RWF Img American economist,
Edward Lazear RWF Img American economist, jinfo
Harvey Leibenstein RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist,
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img German-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1973) (Jewish mother)
Abba Lerner RWF HW Img Moldovan-born British American economist, ExLink
Jonathan Levin RW5 Img American economist,
Richard Levin Img American economist, administrator, 
Ross Levine Img American econmist, ???
Arthur Levitt, Jr Img American economist, chairman of Security and Exchange Commission 1993-2001, SEC
Steven Levitt RWF Img American economist,
Jeffrey Liebman Img American economist,
John Lipsky HW Img American economist, First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Adolph Lowe RWF Img German-born British American economist, sociologist,  
Fritz Machlup RWF Img Austrian-born American economist,
Harry Magdoff RWB Img American commentator, economist,
Burton Malkiel RWF Img American economist,
Charles Manski RWF Img American economist,
Stephen Marglin RW5 Img American economist, socialist,
Harry Markowitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1990),
Jacob Marschak RWF Img Ukrainian-born British American economist, ExLink1
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img Amerian economist, Nobel Prize (2007)
Seymour Melman Img American economist, engineer, operation research scholar,
Allan Meltzer RWF Img Amerian economist, historian,    ExLink
Robert Mendelsohn RWB Img American enviromental economist,
Robert Merton RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1997) (Jewish father)
Eugene Meyer RWC Img American economist, chairman of Federal Reserve 1930-33 ExLink
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  Nobel Prize (1990)
Merton Miller RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1990)
Jacob Mincer RWF Img Polish-born American economist,
Hyman Minsky RWF Img American economist,
Frederic Mishkin RWF Img American economist, Governor of Federal Reserve System 2006-08,
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img Italian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1985)
Toby Moskowitz RW5 Img American economist, 
Roger Myerson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2007)
Marc Nerlove RWF Img American economist, econometrics
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science,
Joseph Newhouse Img American economist, health policy scholar,
Maurice Obstfeld RWF Img American economist,
Arthur Okun RWF Img American economist,
Mollie Orshansky RW5 Img American economist, statistician,
Peter Orszag RWC HW Img American economist, Director of Management and Budget Office 2009- Obama
Elinor Ostrom RWF HW Img American political scientist, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences (2009), (Jewish father)
Ariel Pakes RWF Img Canadian-born American economist,
Don Patinkin RWF HW Img American-born Israeli economist, ExLink
Joseph Pechman Img American economist,  administrator,
Sam Peltzman RWF Img American economist, 
Robert Pollak RWB Img American economist, ExLink
Adam Posen RWB Img American economist,
Clyde Prestowitz, Jr Img American economist, counsellor to the Secretary of Commerce,
Karl Pribram Img Austrian-born American economist,
Matthew Rabin RWF HW Img American economist,
Roy Radner RW5 Img American economist, ExLink
Howard Raiffa RW5 Img American economist,
Robert Reischauer RWB HW Img American economist, (Jewish father)
George Reisman RWB Img American economist,
Jeremy Rifkin RWF Img American economist,
Alice Rivlin RWF HW Img American economist, 
Rafael Robb RWB Img American economist,
Russell Roberts Img American economist,
Dani Rodrik RWB Img Turkish-born American economist,
Kenneth Rogoff RWF Img American economist, chess grandmaster,
David Romer RWF Img American economist,
Harvey Rosen RW5 Img American economist, chairman of CEA 2005 ExLink
Sherwin Rosen RWF Img American labor economist,
Nathan Rosenberg RW5 Img American economist, 
Henry Rosovsky RWF Img Polish-born American economist, administrator,    ExLink
Walt Whitman Rostow RWF HW Img American economist, political theorist,
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2012), ExLink
Murray Rothbard RWF Img American founder of liberatarian party, writer, historian,
Michael Rothschild RWF Img American economist,
Nouriel Roubini RWF HW Img Turkish-born American economist, Roubini Global Economics
Jacques Rueff RWF Img French American economist, ExLink
Murray Sabrin RW5 Img German-born American economist, columnist, political writer,
Jeffrey Sachs RWF Img American economist, economic shock therapy,
Arthur Salz RWB Img Czech-born German American economist,
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1970)
Morton Schapiro RW5 HW Img American economist, administrator,
Herbert Scarf RW5 HW Img American economist, mathematician,
Jose Scheinkman Img Brazilian-born  American economist,
Myron Scholes RWF HW Img Canadian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1997)
Henry Schultz RWF Img Polish/Belarusian-born American economist, statistician,
Anna Schwartz RWF Img American economist,
L. William Seidman RWB Img American economist, presidential adviser 1974-77
Edwin Seligman RWF Img American economist, historian of economic thought, 
Carl Shapiro RW5 Img American economist,
Jesse Shapiro Img American economist,
Andrei Shleifer RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist,
Martin Shubik RW5 Img American Canadian economist, ExLink
Bernard Siegan RWB Img American lawyer, economist,
Jeremy Siegel RWB Img American economist,
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American psychologist, Nobel Prize (1978) in Economics (not Jewish maternal grandmother)
Julian Simon RW5 Img American economist, author,
Ezra Solomon RW5 Img Burmese-born American economist,
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1987),
Hugo Sonnenschein RWF Img American economist, president of University of Chicago 1993-00 ExLink
Herbert Stein RW5 Img American economist,
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001)
Wolfgang Stolper RWF Img Austrian-born American economist,
Lawrence Summers RWF HW Img American economist, Secretary of Treasury 1999-2001,
Robert Summers Img American economist, ExLink
Frank Taussig RWF Img American economist, historian, sociologist, (Jewish father)
Peter Temin RW5 HW Img American economist, economic historian,  
Richard Thaler RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2017) in economics,
Amos Tversky RWF HW Img Israel American psychologist, Prospect Theory,
Laura Tyson RWF Img American economist,
Jacob Viner RWF Img Canadian-born American economist, ExLink
Paul Volcker RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board 1979-87
Abraham Wald RWF Img Hungarian/Romanian-born Austrian American mathematician, statistician, ExLink
Henry Wallich Img German-born American Fed Governor, (Jewish father) ExLink
Paul Warburg RWF HW Img German-born American founder of Federal Reserve Banking System
Kevin Warsh RWB Img American economist, Federal Reserve System Governor 2006-11
Murray Weidenbaum RWF Img American economist,
Roy Weintraub RWB HW Img American economist, mathematician,
Sidney Weintraub RWF Img American economist, born 1922
Martin Weitzman RWF Img American economist,
Nathaniel Weyl RW5 Img American journalist, economist, author,
Harry Dexter White RWF Img American founder of International Monetary Fund & World Bank,
James Wolfensohn RWF HW Img Australian-born American President of World Bank,
Jacob Wolfowitz RW5 Img Polish-born American statistican, economist, information theory,
Leo Wolman RW5 Img American economist,
Janet Yellen RWF HW Img American economist, chairman of Federal Reserv System 2013-
Arnold Zellner RWF Img American economist, statistician, 
David Zilberman Img Israeli-born American economist,
Israeli economists //econIsr
Dan Ariely RWF Img American-born Israeli economist,
Ya'akov Arnon Img Dutch-born Israeli economist, anti-war activist,
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born Israeli American mathematician, Nobel Prize (2005) in economics, theory of games
Dov Ben-Meir HW Img Polish-born Israeli politician, economist,
Refael Benvenisti RW5 Img Israeli economist,
Eitan Berglas RWF Img Israeli economist,
Avishay Braverman RWF HW Img Israeli economist, politician,
Reuven Brenner RW5 Img Romanian-born Israeli Canadian economist.
Elise Brezis RWF Img Israeli economist,
Michael Bruno RWF HW Img German-born Israeli economist,
Stanley Fischer RWF HW Img Zambian-born American Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2005-13
Karnit Flug RWF Img Israeli economist, governor of Bank of Israel 2013- ,
Noah Flug Img Polish-born Israeli economist, diplomat, human rights activist,
Jacob Frenkel RWF Img Israeli American economist, Governor of Bank of Israel, 1991-2000 ExLink
Heshel Frumkin RWF HW Img Belarusian-born Israeli politician, economist, 
Oded Galor RWF Img Israeli economist,  
Itzhak Gilboa RWF Img Israeli economist,  
Ury Gneezy RWF Img Israeli-born American economist,
Eliyahu Goldratt RWF Img Israeli physicist, economist, quality expert, industrial engineer,
Yehuda Grunfeld RWF Img German-born Israeli economist, first Governor of Bank of Israel
Sergiu Hart RWC HW Img Romanian-born Israeli mathematician, economist,
Avi Hasson RW5 Img Israeli economist, Chief Scientist of Ministry of Economy,
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img Kyrgizian-born Israeli American economist,
Zvi Hercowitz Img Argentine-born Israeli economist,
Arye Hillman RWB Img German-born Israeli economist,
Samuel Hollander RW5 Img British-born Canadian Israeli economist,
David Horowitz RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Israeli economist, first Governor of Bank of Israel 1954-71,
Daniel Kahneman RWF HW Img Israeli American psychologist, Nobel Prize in Economy (1902)
Ehud Kalai Img Israeli-born American economist,
David Klein Img Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2000-05,
Doron Kliger RW5 Img Israeli economist,  
Aharon Mor Img Polish-born Israeli civil cervant, economist,
Motty Perry RW5 Img Israeli economist,
Steven Plaut Img American-born Israeli economist,
Ariel Rubinstein RWF HW Img Israeli economist, game theory,
Moshe Sanbar RWF Img Hungarian-born Israeli economist,
David Schmeidler RWC Img Israeli mathematician, economist, 
Meir Tamari RWB Img South African-born Israeli economist,
Yair Tauman RW5 Img Israeli-born American economist,
Moshe Tery Img Israeli economist, commissioner of Israel Security Authority,
Manuel Trajtenberg RWF HW Img Argentine-born Israeli economist, politician, 2015-
Amos Tversky RWF HW Img Israel American psychologist, Prospect Theory
Yosef Vanunu RWC HW Img Moroccan-born Israeli politician, economist,  
Yaron Zelicha RW5 Img Israeli economist,
Other Countries economists
Albert Aftalion RWF Img Bulgarian-born French economist, ExLink
Philippe Aghion RWF Img French economist,
Abram Anikst RWF Img Moldovan-born Soviet politician, economist, anarchist,
Jacques Attali RWC Img Algerian-born French economist, president of European Bank for Development and Reconstruction, 1991-93
Baron Thomas Balogh RWF Img Hungarian-born British Minister of State for Energy 1974-77,  
Otto Bauer RWF HW Img Austrian-born Czech French economist, Minister of Foreign Affairs 1919-20,
Baron Peter Bauer RW5 Img Hungarian-born British economist,
Samuel Benchimol RW5 Img Brazilian economist,
Eduard Bernstein RWF HW Img German economist, Secretary of State of Economy And Finance,
Sergey Bernstein-Kogan RWF Img Moldovan-born Russian/Soviet economist, geographer,
Charles Bettelheim RWF Img French economist, historian,
Olivier Blanchard RWF Img  French-born American  economist, (Jewish mother),
Mark Blaug RWF Img Dutch-born British economist, ExLink  
Mario Blejer HW Img Argentine economist, President of Argentine Central Bank 2002,
Ivan Bloch RWF Img Polish-born Russian economist, financier,
Maurice Block RWC Img German-born French economist, statistician, mathematician,  
Jacques Braunstein RW5 Img Romanian-born Venezuelan economist, publicist, musician,
Sir Samuel Brittan RW5 Img British journalist, author, economist,
Michel Chossudovsky RW5 Img Canadian economist, author, (Jewish father)
Evsey Domar RWF Img Polish-born Russian American economist, ExLink
Richard Ehrenberg RW5 Img German economist,
Emmanuel Farhi RWB Img French economist,
Jean-Paul Fitoussi RWC HW Img Tunisian-born French economist,
Harry Flam RW5 Img Swedish economist,
Francesco Giavazzi RW5 Img Italian economist,
Ralph Glasser RW5 Img British economist, psychologist, 
Ilan Goldfajn Img Israeli-born Brazilian economist, president of Central Bank of Brazil 2016- ,
Ian Goldin Img South African-born British economist,
Charles Goodhart RWF Img British economist,
Augusto Graziani RWC Img Italian economist, politician,
Fred Gruen Img Austrian-born Australian economist,
Frank Hahn RWF Img German-born British economist, ExLink
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2006)
Eli Heckscher RW5 Img Swedish political economist, economic historian,  
Rudolf Hilferding RWF Img Austrian-born German Minister of Finance of Germany 1923 1928-29
Samuel Hollander RW5 Img British-born Canadian Israeli economist,
Branko Horvat RW5 Img Croatian economist, politician,
Alexandre Kafka Img Czech-born Brazilian American economist,
Baron Richard Kahn RWF Img British economist,
Baron Nicholas Kaldor RWF Img Hungarian-born British economist, ExLink
Michal Kalecki RWF Img Polish economist,
Leonid Kantorovich RWF HW Img Russian mathematician, Nobel Prize in Economy (1975) linear programming,
Zakhariy Katzenelenbaum RWE Img Belarusian-born Soviet economist, jurist,
Mikhail Khazin RWF Img Russian economist,
Israel Kirzner Img British-born South African American economist, rabbi,
Axel Kicillof RWC Img Argentine economist, Minister of Economy of Argentina 2013-15,
Paul Klemperer RWF Img British economist,  ExLink1 ExLink2
Bernardo Kliksberg Img Argentine economist,
Janos Kornai RWF Img Hungarian economist,
Ludwig Lachmann RWF Img German-born economist, ExLink
Kaszimierz Laski RWF Img Polish-born Austrian economist,
Harold Laski RWF Img British economist,
James Laxer RW5 Img Canadian political economist, author,  (Jewish father)
Emil Lederer RWF Img Czech-born German economist, sociologist, (Jewish father) ExLink
Robert Lekachman RW5 Img German-born economist,
Abba Lerner RWF HW Img Moldovan-born British American economist, ExLink
Leone Levi RW5 Img Italian-born British statistician, jurist,   
Evsei Liberman RWF Img Ukrainian-born Soviet economist,
Adolph Lowe RWF Img German-born British American economist, sociologist,  
Janos Kornai RWF Img Hungarian economist, ExLink
Ernest Mandel RW5 HW Img German-born Belgian marxist economist,
Karl Marx RWF HW Img German-born philosopher, political economist, historian, sociologist, RWN
Pierre Masse Img French economist,  
Rudolf Meidner RW5 Img German/Polish-born Swedish economist,
Ed Miliband RWF HW Img British Chairman of Treasury's Council of Economic Advisers
Ludwig von Mises RWF Img Polish/Ukrainian-born Austrian economist, philosopher, RWN
Oskar Morgenstern RWF Img German-born Austrian economist, ???
Bernardino Nogara RWB Img Italian economist, fonancial adviser to the Vatican 1929-54, (convert to catholiism)
Alexander Nove RWF Img Russian-born British economic historian,
Sylvia Ostry RWC Img Canadian economist, chairman of Economic Council of Canada 1978-79
Sir Inglis Palgrave RWF Img Brirish economist, (Jewish father)
Baron Maurice Peston RW5 Img British economist, politician,   
Karl Polanyi RWF Img Austrian-born Hungarian British economic historian, anthropologist, philosopher,
Bernard van Praag RW5 Img Dutch economist,
Sigbert Prais RWB Img German-born British economist,
Louis Rasminsky RW5 Img Governor of the Bank of Canada 1961-73, Bank of Canada 1961-73
David Ricardo RWF HW Img British co-founder of political economy, 
Paul Rosenstein-Rodan RWF Img Polish-born Austrian economist, ExLink
Ignacy Sachs RW5 Img Polish-born French economist,
Daniel Moises Sczydlowsky Rosenberg RWC Img Peruvian-born economist,
Arthur Seldon RWF Img British economist, Institute of Economic Affairs
Reinhard Selten RWF HW Img German economist, Nobel Prize (1994) (Jewish father)
Nassau Senior RWF Img British economist, ExLink
Martin Shubik RW5 Img American Canadian economist, ExLink
Sir Hans Singer RWF Img German-born British economist,
Baron Robert Skidelsky RWF Img Chinese-born British economist, author, (Jewish father)
Piero Sraffa RWF Img Italian-born British economist, ExLink
Jeremy Stein RW5 Img American economist,
Baron Nicholas Stern RWF Img British economist, Chief Economist of the World Bank 2000-03, ExLink
Evgeny Varga RWF Img Hungarian-born Russian economist,  
Basil Yamey RWF Img South African-born British economist,
Roberto Zahler RWC Img Chilean economist, president of the Cenrtal Bank of Chile 1991-96,
Heads of Economic Associations/Societies
Moses Abramovitz RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1980
Morris Adelman Img President of International Association of Energy Economists, 
George Akerlof RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 2001
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1973
William Baumol RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1981
Gary Becker RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1987
Olivier Blanchard RWF Img  French-born American  economist, president of American Economic Association 2018 (Jewish mother),
Martin Bronfenbrenner RWF Img President of History of Economics Society
Vice President of American Economic Association
Michael Bruno RWF HW Img President of Econometric Society 1986-87
Arthur Burns RWF Img President of National Bureau of  Economic Research 1957-67
President of American Economic Association 1959
Douglas Diamond RWF Img President of American Finance Association
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 2010- ,
President of National Academy of Social Insurance co-founder 1994-97
President of Econometric Society
Robert Dorfman RWF Img Vice President of American Economic Association
Robert Eisner RWF President of American Economic Association 1988
Abraham Epstein Img American Association for Social Security   founder 1927
Martin Feldstein RWF HW Img President, CEO of National Beureu of Economic Research
President of American Economic Association 2004
William Fellner RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1969
Franklin Fisher RWF Img President of Econometric Society 1979 ExLink
Robert Fogel RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1998
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1967
Victor Fuchs RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1995
Robert Glauber Img Chairman, CEO of National Association of Security Dealers
Emanuel Goldenweiser RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1946
Claudia Goldin RWF Img President of Economic History Association 1999-2000
President of American Economic Association 2013,
Myron Gordon Img President of American Finance Association 1975-76
Robert A. Gordon RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1975
Robert Greifeld https://www.google.com/search?q=robert+greifeld&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjc7OvC1q72AhVbiv0HHbbmA0MQ_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1170&bih=628&dpr=1.56 President, CEO of NASDAQ stock market,
Zvi Griliches RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1993
Sanford Grossman RWF Img President of American Finance Association 1994,
Arnold Harberger RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1997, ???
Oliver Hart RWF Img President of International Economic Association , 2016- ,
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img President of Econometric Society
Robert Herz Img Chairman of Financial Accounting Standards Board
Jacob Hollander RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1924, 
Leonid Hurwicz RWF HW Img President of Econometric Society,  Noble Prize (2007)
Alfred Kahn Img Vice President of American Economic Association
Lawrence Klein RWF Img President of Econometric Society
President of American Economic Association 1977
Janos Kornai RWF Img President of Econometric Society, 1978
President of European Economic Association, 1987
President of International Economic Association , 2002-05
Anne Krueger RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1996
Simon Kuznets RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1954
Wassily Leontief RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1970
President of Econometric Society 1954, Nobel Prize (    ) (Jewish mother)
Fritz Machlup RWF Img President of Econometric Society 1966
Burton Malkiel RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1978
Jacob Marschak RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1978
Director of Oxford Institute of Statistics 1935-39
President of Econometric Society 1947
Rosa Matzkin Img American economist, president of Econometric Society
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img President of Econometric Society 2003
Seymour Melman Img President of Association for Evolutionary Economics
Robert Merton RWF HW Img President of American Finance Association 1986  Jewish father
Roger Myerson RWF HW Img President of Econometric Society,
Merton Miller RWF HW Img President of American Finance Association 1976
Franco Modigliani RWF HW Img President of International Economic Association
President of Econometric Society
President of American Economic Association 1976
President of American Finance Association
Don Patinkin RWF HW Img President of Econometric Society
Joseph Pechman Img President of American Economic Association 1989
Robert Pollak RWB Img President of Midwest Economic Association 2002-03,
President of the Society of Laboue Economics 2009-10,
Roy Radner RW5 Img President of Econometric Society
Alice Rivlin RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1986
William Nordhaus RWF Img President of American Economic Association 2014-15 (Jewish father)
Sherwin Rosen RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1999
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 2012
Ariel Rubinstein RWF HW Img President of Econometric Society
Mark Rubinstein Img President of American Finance Association
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img President of International Economic Association 1965
President of American Economic Association 1961
President of Econometric Society 1951
Anna Schwartz RWF Img President of Western Economic Association International 1988,
Eduardo Schwartz Img President of American Finance Association 1996,
Edwin Seligman RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1902-03
Isaiah Sharfman RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1945
Christopher Sims RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1902-03
Robert Solow RWF HW Img President of American Economic Association 1979
Hugo Sonnenschein RWF Img president of Econometric Society
Jeremy Stein RW5 Img President of American Finance Association
Frank Taussig RWF Img President of American Finance Association 1904-05, (Jewish father)
Richard Thaler RWF Img President of American Economic Association 2015
Jacob Viner RWF Img President of American Economic Association 1939
Top World Economic Executives   Politicians C ==>
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel (2022), Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14,
Arthur Burns RWF Img chairman of the Federal Reserve 1970-78
Alden Clausen RW5 Img president of World Bank, 1981-86
Barber Conable, Jr RWF Img Polish-born American president of World Bank, 1986-91 wiki
Camille Gutt RWC Img Belgian-born Finance Minister 1934-35 1939-40 1940-45 First Manaqing Director of IMF,
Alan Greenspan RWF HW Img chairman of the Federal Reserve 1987-2006
Charles Hamlin Img chairman of the Federal Reserve 1914-16
David Malpass RWC Img Deputy Secretary of Finance for Intrnational Affairs, president of the World Bank (2019- )
Eugene Meyer RWC Img chairman of the Federal Reserve 1930-33, president of the World Bank (1946)
Dominique Strauss-Kahn RWC HW Img Managing  Director of International Monetary Fund 2007-11
Jean-Claude Trichet RWF Img French-born President of European Central Bank 2003-11
Paul Volcker RWF HW Img chairman of the Federal Reserve 1979-87
Paul Warburg RWF HW Img founder of Federal Reserve Banking System
James Wolfensohn RWF HW Img president of the World Bank (1995-2005)
Paul Wolfowitz RWF HW Img president of the World Bank 2005-07 (Jewish father)
Janet Yellen RWF HW Img Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2013-
US Federal Reserve Governors, FRB Presidents,
Lee Bollinger RWB Img Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2010- ,
Sarah Bloom Raskin RWC Img American economist, lawyer, Governor of US Federal Reserve 2010-
James Bullard Img President, CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
William Dudley RWF Img President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, ???
Stanley Fischer RWF HW Img Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2014-
Richard Fisher Img President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2005- , (Jewish father)
Thomas Hoenig Img President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kanzas City, ???
Jeffrey Lasker RWF Img President, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, wiki
Donald Kohn RWB Img American Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System
Randall Kroszner RWB Img American economist, Federal Reserve Governor 2006-
Irving Mathews RW5 Img Chairman Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 1972-73,
Frederic Mishkin RWF Img American economist, Governor of Federal Reserve System 2006-08,
Charles Plosser RWF Img President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia,
Eric Rosengren RWB Img President, CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, ExLink
Douglas Shorenstein Img Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Lawrence Summers RWF HW Img American economist, Secretary of Treasury 1999-2001,
Jeremy Stein RW5 Img American economist, Federal Reserve Governor 2012-14
Gary Stern Img President, CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis   -2009,
Henry Wallich Img German-born American Fed Governor, (Jewish father) ExLink
Kevin Warsh RWB Img American economist, Federal Reserve System Governor 2006-11
Janet Yellen RWF HW Img President, CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Sun Francisco,
Central Banks Governors
Persio Arida RW5 Img Brazilian economist, chairman of Central Bank of Brazi 1995,
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel (2022), Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14,
Arthur Burns RWF Img Ukrainian-born American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve 1970-78
Mario Blejer HW Img Argentine economist, President of Argentine Central Bank 2002,
Stanley Fischer RWF HW Img Zambian-born American Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2005-13
Karnit Flug RWF Img Israeli economist, governor of Bank of Israel 2013- ,
Jacob Frenkel RWF Img Israeli American economist, Governor of Bank of Israel, 1991-2000
Alan Greenspan RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve Board 1988-2005,
Yehuda Grunfeld RWF Img German-born Israeli economist, first Governor of Bank of Israel
David Horowitz RW5 Img Ukrainian-born Israeli economist, first Governor of Bank of Israel 1954-71,
Baron Frigyes Koranyi, Jr RWC Img Hungarian politician, Minister of Finance 1919-20 1924 1931-32 (Jewish father)
David Klein Img Israeli economist, Governor of Bank of Israel 2000-05,
Ruth de Krivoy RWC Img president of Central Bank of Venezuela
Louis Rasminsky RW5 Img Governor of the Bank of Canada 1961-73,
Guido Sandleris RW5 Img Argentine econmist, president of Central Bank of Argentina 2018- ,
Roberto Zahler RWC Img Chilean economist, president of the Cenrtal Bank of Chile 1991-96,
John Bates Clark Medal in Economics   AMS
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist Nobel Prize in Economics (1972) 1957
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1992) 1967
Martin Feldstein RWF HW Img American economist, 1977
Amy Finkelstein RWF Img American economist, 2012
Franklin Fisher RWF Img American economist, 1973
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1976), 1951
Zvi Griliches RWF Img Lithuanian-born American statistician, economist, 1965
Sanford Grossman RWF Img American statistican, economics of information, 1987
Jerry Hausman RWF Img American econometrist, 1985
Hendrik Houthakker RWF Img Dutch-born American economist, 1963
Lawrence Klein RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1980) 1959
David Kreps RWF Img American economist, 1989
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, Nobel Prize (2008)  1991
Jonathan Levin RW5 Img American economist, 2011
Steven Levitt RWF Img American economist, 2003
Marc Nerlove RWF Img American economist, econometrics 1969
Matthew Rabin RWF HW Img American economist, 2001
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1970) 1947
Andrei Shleifer RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, 1999
Robert Solow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1987), 1961
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001) 1979
Lawrence Summers RWF HW Img American economist, Secretary of Treasury 1999-2001, 1993
Gabriel Zucman RWF Img French economist, (Jewish father) 2023
Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics
Robert Aumann RWF HW Img German-born Israeli American mathematician, Nobel Prize (2005) in Economics 1998
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2010) 1994
Claudia Goldin RWF Img American economist, 2020
Jeffrey Gordon
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img Kyrgizian-born Israeli American economist, 2010
David Kreps RWF Img American economist, 2018
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  Nobel Prize (1990) 2008
Ariel Pakes RWF Img Canadian-born American economist, 2022
Ariel Rubinstein RWF HW Img Israeli economist, game theory, 2004
John von Neumann Award in the Exact social sciences
Philippe Aghion RWF Img French economist, 2009
Joshua Angrist RWC Img American-born Israeli  American economist, Nobel Prize (2021) 2011
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist Nobel Prize in Economics (1972) 2013
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1992) 2004
Olivier Blanchard RWF Img  French-born American  economist, (Jewish mother), 2012
John Harsanyi RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1994), game theorist, 1995
Janos Kornai RWF Img Hungarian economist, 1997
Maurice Obstfeld RWF Img American economist, 2003
Matthew Rabin RWF HW Img American economist, 2006
Dani Rodrik RWB Img Turkish-born American economist, 2018
Alvin Roth RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2012), 2016
Richard Thaler RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2017) in economics, 2017
John von Neumann Award in the Exact social sciences\jinfo
RePEc Rankings Rank
Joshua Aizenman Img American economist, 67 ExLink
George Akerlof RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001), (Jewish mother) 68
Alan Auerbach Img American economist, ??? 69
Robert Barro RWF Img American economist, 3
Gary Becker RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize in Economics (1992) 33
Allen Berger Img American economist, ??? 100
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img American economist, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve  2006-14, 37
Alan Blinder RWF Img American economist, vice chairman of FRB 1994 105
David Cutler RW5 Img American economy scholar, ??? 137
Douglas Diamond RWF Img American economist, (Jewish father),Nobel Prize in Economics (2022) 148
Peter Diamond RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2010) 55
Martin Eichenbaum RWB Img American economist, ??? 47
Barry Eichengreen RWF Img American economist, 24
Stephan Epstein Img British economic historian,  ??? 121
Martin Feldstein RWF HW Img American economist, 9
Jeffrey Frankel Img American economist, ??? 43
Kenneth French RWF Img American economist, 92
Drew Fudenberg RWF Img American economist, ??? 94
Oded Galor RWF Img Israeli economist,   158
Mark Gertler RWF Img American economist, 15
Edward Glaeser RWF Img American economist, ??? 44
Zvi Griliches RWF Img Lithuanian-born American statistician, economist, 76
Gene Grossman RWF Img American economist, 78
Sanford Grossman RWF Img American statistican, economics of information, 130
Jonathan Gruber RW5 Img American economist, 161
Oliver Hart RWF Img British-born American economist, Nobel Prize (2006) 70
Elhanan Helpman RWF HW Img Kyrgizian-born Israeli American economist, 30
Lawrence Katz RW5 Img American economist, 78
Laurence Kotlikoff RWF Img American economist, 125
Alan Krueger RWF Img American economist, 32
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, Nobel Prize (2008)  13
Edward Lazear RWF Img American economist, 103
Ross Levine Img American econmist, ??? 26
Steven Levitt RWF Img American economist, 152
Charles Manski RWF Img American economist, 150
Eric Maskin RWF HW Img Amerian economist, Nobel Prize (2007) 86
Robert Merton RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1997) (Jewish father) 84
Paul Milgrom RWF Img American economist,  Nobel Prize (1990) 57
Frederic Mishkin RWF Img American economist, Governor of Federal Reserve System 2006-08, 46
David Neumark HW Img American economist, 124
Maurice Obstfeld RWF Img American economist, 19
Assaf Razin Img Israeli economist,   123
Dani Rodrik RWB Img Turkish-born American economist, 59
Kenneth Rogoff RWF Img American economist, chess grandmaster, 29
David Romer RWF Img American economist, 93
Sherwin Rosen RWF Img American labor economist, 104
Julio Rotemberg Img American economist, ??? 106
Paul Samuelson RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1970) 111
Jose Scheinkman Img Brazilian-born  American economist, 156
Andrei Shleifer RWF HW Img Russian-born American economist, 2
Martin Shubik RW5 Img American Canadian economist, 99
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2001) 1
Lawrence Summers RWF HW Img American economist, Secretary of Treasury 1999-2001, 12
Richard Thaler RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2017) in economics, 112
Martin Weitzman RWF Img American economist, 139
Richard Zeckhauser Img American economist, ??? 160
American Treasury Department Top Oficials
Lewis Alexander Img Counselor to the Secretary of US Treasury,
Roger Altman Img Deputy of Secretary of the Treasury Clinton
Michael Barr Img Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions
Sarah Bloom Raskin RWC Img Deputy of Secretary of the Treasury 2014-17,
Lael Brainard Img Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs 2010- ??? 
David Cohen RWC Img Under Secretary for Terrorist Financing 2015-17,
Stuart Eizenstat RWC Img domestic policy adviser  Carter, Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury 
Daniel Glaser Img Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing,
Jeffrey Goldstein RWC Img Under Secretary for Domestc Finance 2010-11
Richard Gregg Img Fiscal Assistant Secretary
Leslie Ireland Img Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis ??? 
Matthew Kabaker Img Deputy Assistan Secretary, Counselor of the Secretary
Alan Krueger RWF Img Chairman of Council of Evonomic Advicers 2001-13,
Stuart Levey RWC HW Img Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intteligence 2004-09
David Malpass RWC Img Deputy Secretary of Finance for Intrnational Affairs, president of the World Bank (2019- )
Sigal Mandelker RWC Img American Under Secretary of the Tresuary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence 2017-19,
Timothy Massad RW5 Img Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability ??? 
Mary Miller RWC Img Deputy of Secretary of the Treasury 2013-14,
Justin Muzinich RWC Img Deputy of Secretary of the Treasury 2018 ,
 Steven Rattner   RW5   Img   Counselor of the Secretary 2009 
Lewis Sachs Img counsellor to the Secretary of the Treasury 1999-2001,
Richard Siewert Img Counselor to the Secretary
Anthony Solomon Img American Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs,
Gene Sperling RWC Img Counselor to the Secretary
Mark Weinberger Img Assistant Secretary of the Tresuary
Neal Wolin RWC Img American Deputy Secretary of Treasury 2009-13 Obama
Members of CEA to president   Council of Economic Advicers  (USA)
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist, Nobel Prize (1972), Kennedy
Arthur Burns RWF Img chairman  1953-56 Eizenhower
Ben Bernanke RWF HW Img chairman  2005-06 Bush
Jared Bernstein RWC Img chairman  2023- Biden
Alan Blinder RWF Img member Clinton
Michael Boskin RWF Img chairman 1989-93
Gary Cohn RWC Img director     2017- Trump
Otto Eckstein RWF Img member  1964-66
Aaron Edlin Img chairman ??? 1997-98
Douglas Elmendorf RWB Img director, Congressional Budget Office 2009-15 Reagan
Martin Feldstein RWF HW Img chairman 1982-84 Reagan 
Milton Friedman RWF HW Img member 1981 Reagan
Stephen Friedman RWC Img member 2002-05 Bush
Jason Furman RWF Img chairman 2013- Obama
Stephen Goldfeld American economist, ???
Austan Goolsbee RWF Img member Obama
Alan Greenspan RWF HW Img chairman 1974-77
Michael Greenstone Img Ameican economist,
Joseph Grundfest RW5 Img commisioner of US Securities & Exchange Commission 1985-90 
Hendrik Houthakker RWF Img member 1969-71 Nixon
Sally Katzen Img member 1998-99
Leon Keyserling RW5 Img chairman 1946-49 1949-50 1950-53 1949-53 Truman
Lawrence Klein RWF Img member Nixon Ford
Laurence Kotlikoff RWF Img member
Randall Kroszner RWB Img American economist, Federal Reserve Governor 2001-03 2006- 2001-03
Alan Krueger RWF Img chairman 20011-13
Paul Krugman RWF HW Img American economist, columnist, Nobel Prize (2008) in Economics  1982-83  
Larry Kudlow RWC Img director 1947- Trump
Edward Lazear RWF Img chairman 2006-09 Bush
Burton Malkiel RWF Img member 1975-77  
Allan Meltzer RWF Img member Kennedy
William Nordhaus RWF Img American economist, Nobel Prize (2018) (Jewish father) 1977-79 Carter
Arthur Okun RWF Img chairman 1968 Johnson
Alice Rivlin RWF HW Img
Harvey Rosen RW5 Img chairman 2005 Bush
Nouriel Roubini RWF HW Img Senior Economist for International Affairs (1998-99) 1998-99 Clinton
Ezra Solomon RW5 Img member 1971-73 Nixon
Robert Solow RWF HW Img member 1961-62 1961-62 Kennedy
Herbert Stein RW5 Img chairman  1972-74 Nixon Ford
Joseph Stiglitz RWF HW Img chairman  1995-97 Clinton
Frank Taussig RWF Img member   (Jewish father) 1917-19 Woodrow Wilson
Laura Tyson RWF Img chairman  1993-95 Clinton
Murray Weidenbaum RWF Img chairman  1981-82 Reagan
Marina von Neumann Whitman RWF Img member 1972-73 1973/74 Nixon
Janet Yellen RWF HW Img chairman  1997-99 Clinton
Directors National Economic Council 1993-
Lael Brainard Img
Gary Cohn RWC Img 2023- Joe Biden
Stephen Friedman RWC Img Assistant to the President for Economic Policy 2002-04 Bush  2002-05 Bush
Larry Kudlow RWC Img
Robert Rubin RWF HW Img Secretary of Treasury 1995-99 Clinton 1993-95 Clinton
Gene Sperling RWC Img American economist,   Clinton 1996-2000 Clinton
2011-2014 Obama
Lawrence Summers RWF HW Img Secretary of Treasury   Clinton 2009- Clinton
Laura Tyson RWF Img American economist, 1995-96 Clinton
Paul Volcker RWF HW Img Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board 2009- Obama
Jeffrey Zients RWC Img American Director of Management and Budget Office 2014-17 Obama 2014-17 Obama
Hall of Fame of the International Federation of Operation Research Societies
Russell Ackoff RWF Img American operation research scientist,  
Kenneth Arrow RWF HW Img American economist Nobel Prize in Economics (1972)
Egon Balas RW5 Img Romanian-born operation research scientist,
Richard Bellman RWF HW Img American mathematician, dynamic programming,
Abraham Charnes RWF Img American management/information systems scientist,
William Cooper RW5 Img American economist, operations researcher, (Jewish mother)
George Dantzig RWF Img Polish-born American mathematician, linear programming,
Ralph Gomory RWF Img American mathematician,
Leonid Kantorovich RWF HW Img Russian-born mathematician, Nobel Prize (1975) in economics,
John von Neumann RWF HW Img Hungarian-born American mathematician, game theory, linear programming,computer science,
Howard Raiffa RW5 Img American economist,
Herbert Simon RWF HW Img American psychologist, Nobel Prize (1978) in Economics (not Jewish maternal grandmother)
Hall of Fame of the International Federation of Operation Research Societies\jinfo